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Useful properties and contraindications of acai berries. My light, mirror

There are many different rumors and opinions about acai berries in the world regarding their benefits, unique composition and interesting origin. In the world, this product is called "magic" or "Amazon milk" - the Brazilians themselves call it that way.

In taste, it is comparable to some berries growing on domestic lands (blueberries, blackberries), but in taste it has interesting properties. So, what is it, what are the beneficial properties of berry extract and in what form is it used? The answers to the questions will be given in this article.

In appearance, acai berries resemble large blueberries, as well as grapes, only their stone is larger. Fruits grow on palm trees, near the Amazon River in Brazil. As for the beneficial characteristics and harm that this product carries, it can be noted with confidence that the study of the fetus and its properties has not yet been completed, therefore, specific data has not yet been left without much attention.


An interesting name - "wonder of the world" - this berry received from countless admirers who noticed it more than 20 years ago and since then have literally fallen in love with its extraordinary taste and pronounced aroma. Once it was opened for scientific study, the search for useful properties and constructive criticism. This happened when doctors conducting research on tropical vegetation near the Amazon River showed interest in the way of life of the natives. They were cheerful, cheerful and cheerful. This was attributed precisely to the properties of amazing berries.

Later, a group of scientists noted that local residents consume a plant substance of unknown origin, and in large quantities. Aborigines themselves call it "Asai".

The results of subsequent studies were striking. In 2004, acai berries were included in the list of products recommended by experts.


Berries have gained popularity quite deservedly, their extract can be found in various medicinal and cosmetic preparations. They have excellent properties and, acting as antioxidants, lead in all lists, providing people with excellent health and irresistible appearance.

There are several times more useful substances in such fruits than in proven useful products, for example:

  • in blueberries, the amount of antioxidants is 2-3 times lower than in acai berries;
  • in grapes - 30 times;
  • in cranberries - as much as 4 times.

There is no need to argue about the beneficial properties of this plant, they are simply obvious. In its composition, berries have countless vitamins, minerals, trace elements and nutrients that have proven their effect repeatedly. Again, these amounts are quite large, several times higher than the content of nutrients in traditional products.

The content of healthy fats in fruits is much higher than in fresh milk. They have more protein than a chicken egg. Due to the impressive content of carbohydrates, berries act as the main source of energy. This is a particularly valuable quality of this plant. After all, what are carbohydrates? This is a tool that serves to enrich the cells of the body with essential nutrients. Now we can make an unambiguous conclusion about why the natives in Brazil did not grow old and did not get tired.

Berries and excess weight

Our compatriots and not only they use acai berries for weight loss. Their extract is taken in various ways. Usually inside. It helps to speed up metabolism and remove toxic substances from the body, cholesterol, which create additional fat cells.

Numerous beneficial properties of these fruits contribute to the fact that berries are accepted everywhere and can be used by girls and women who want to lose extra pounds in absolutely any form: as tea, an active food supplement, as a phyto-cocktail, which not only promotes fat burning, but also replaces a whole meal.

Other features of the plant

Useful properties remain without a doubt, they have been proven more than once by both scientists and nature itself. Berry extract, if used everywhere, gives a person a lot. It:

  • Slowing down the aging process of cells and the body.
  • Activation of the immune system.
  • Protection against the inflammatory process.
  • Destruction of cancer cells.
  • Prevention of plaque deposition of cholesterol.
  • Reducing the risk of arrhythmia, high blood pressure, heart disease.
  • Removal of toxins.
  • Energy.
  • Help in coping with stressful situations.
  • Sleep normalization.

In addition, berry extract has a beneficial effect on brain function and memory, as it has excellent properties aimed at stimulating activity. Oil made on the basis of a plant can significantly improve potency and make men's health stronger. Berry extract is widely used in cosmetic products - expensive and budgetary creams, foams, mousses and face serums are made on its basis.

Thus, the beneficial properties remain at their best and contribute to the elimination of various diseases, effectively preventing others.

Possible harm

In addition to the benefits, it is necessary to take into account the likely harmful properties of berries. You should not abuse them, because the product contains a high content of protein that forms amino acids. They are capable of adversely affecting the state of the nervous system. Due to the excess carbohydrates, the extract may cause an increase in blood glucose levels. This can lead to further fat deposits.

However, by regularly and competently using the extract of these berries, you will save yourself from numerous problems and will certainly evaluate their properties and characteristics.

Acai berries are purple in color, round in shape with a delicate skin, soft flesh and a large stone inside. Palm fruits simply gush in long clusters, falling from the branches, which is why they are called in Brazil the “fountain of youth”. Berry is a perishable product, and this causes problems with transportation and storage, so it comes to us as food additives.

Acai berries are rich in many beneficial properties, they include a large amount of fatty acids and plant steroids that lower blood cholesterol levels, as well as flavonoids and anthocyanins, which successfully fight free radicals that provoke serious cardiac diseases and even cancer.

Palm fruits are an excellent source of energy. The use of fruits helps to get rid of insomnia and fatigue, increase brain activity, berries can completely replace coffee or chocolate. Fruits relieve a person of a depressive state and stress.

In cooking, acai berries are used both fresh and processed. In their homeland, the fruits are used for the manufacture of energy, non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. Desserts, sauces are prepared from them, added to ice cream and as a filling in pastries.

Acai Berry - 8 Health Benefits

  1. Prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease

    Grapes are the main ingredient in wine, and acai berries are similar in many ways, including high levels of anthocyanins, which are a form of plant-based antioxidants. Antioxidants are particles that seek out and eliminate free radicals in our body, which provoke a wide range of diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Anthocyanins again lower blood cholesterol levels and cleanse the walls of the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.

    Palm fruits contain a large amount of plant sterols, which act as vasodilators in the body and relax blood vessels, while lowering blood pressure, preventing the formation of blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks and such dangerous diseases as stroke. Acai fruits help to significantly improve blood circulation, as well as saturate the blood with oxygen.

  2. Help fight excess weight

    Early research has shown that acai berry pulp can help those who want to lose weight. It not only stimulates weight loss, but also helps people maintain a normal healthy weight.

    In recent years, supplements and diet pills have become wildly popular, and although the results are not equally successful, there have been many positive reviews regarding the use of acai berry juice. One authoritative study found that 30 days of acai consumption led to lower insulin and glucose levels, as well as lower total cholesterol. While further research is ongoing, acai berries are believed to have a strong effect on weight loss.

  3. Improves skin health

    The beneficial antioxidant properties of acai berries, as well as the relationship between antioxidants and skin health, have been well studied. Acai oil is often used in modern beauty products because the antioxidants in the oil can soothe irritation and redness of the skin, as well as moisturize the skin. Regular consumption of acai berries can give the skin a healthy, attractive glow. It is not for nothing that the indigenous peoples of Brazil have used the pulp of acai berries for generations to treat or reduce skin diseases and other dangerous diseases.

  4. Help prevent cancer

    Acai is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is well known for its immune-boosting properties, which can increase the body's ability to fight many diseases. In addition, due to the content of vitamin C and ellagic acid in acai berries, they help in the fight against cancer cells. Acai also contains therapeutic polyphenols that fight cancerous growth at the molecular level, they can prevent the formation and development of small cancerous growths that metastasize to lethal amounts of carcinogenic growth.

    Studies have shown that indeed acai berries can stop the growth of cancer cells by up to 80%, they are one of the most successful alternative treatments for this terrible disease. Particular attention is paid to the effect of acai berry treatment of prostate cancer in men.

  5. Great aphrodisiac

    Although the direct effect of acai fruit on sexual stamina and sex is not fully known, it does have the ability to increase overall blood circulation throughout the body. Since lack of blood flow is one of the main causes of sexual dysfunction and lack of sexual stamina, acai fruit is commonly used as an alternative medicine to help patients increase potency.

  6. Prevents premature aging

    One of the most important health benefits of acai berries is their ability to slow down the aging process in humans due to their high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals that cause many of the skin, hair, dental and eye health problems so often associated with premature aging.

    Regular consumption of berry juice or the use of acai oil can reduce the harmful effects of free radicals, reduce itching and hair loss, as well as prevent the formation of wrinkles and slow the manifestations of macular degeneration and cataracts.

    Cellular oxidative damage and various types of inflammation can also be reduced with frequent use of acai berries, although the specific beneficial components of the berries have not been established.

    Acai juice also improves mental function, and regular consumption of the berry product will help keep the body healthy for a long time.

  7. Significantly improves digestion

    Acai fruit pulp has a strong detoxifying effect on the human body, which helps cleanse the body's digestive system and remove some of the dangerous toxins that build up in it. In addition, acai, along with most other types of berries, have high levels of natural fiber, which aids in the digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. The fiber swells and makes the excretory processes more regular, and also reduces the likelihood of constipation and other digestive problems. Also, if people are suffering from loose stools or diarrhea, consuming acai or other fiber-rich foods can greatly reduce the chance of developing diarrhea.

  8. Supports health at the cellular level

    The antioxidant properties of acai berries improve cellular metabolism and their full functioning. Regular consumption of fruits reduces the likelihood of cell death and increases the efficiency of cell absorption of nutrients and their subsequent conversion into usable energy.

Acai berries - contraindications for use

Acai berries can bring both benefits and harm to human health.

  • Berries, of course, can harm people with individual intolerance to the product.
  • It is not recommended to abuse these fruits, since the protein contained in them can disrupt the functioning of the nervous system, kidneys, liver and disrupt the acid-base balance.
  • Uncontrolled consumption of berries can lead to an increase in blood glucose, as well as obesity.

Description of acai berries. Chemical composition and energy value. Beneficial features. Risk of abuse and recommendations for use in food. Recipes for simple and delicious meals.

The content of the article:

Acai is a palm tree of the genus Euterpe, which is common in the tropics of Central and South America. Most often, the plant is found in the mouths of rivers that flow into the Amazon. The tree can reach a height of 20-30 meters. The fruit is a small round blackish-purple berry about 25 mm. In appearance it resembles grapes or currants. Long branches with berries are collected in the so-called panicles, each of which has from 500 to 900 fruits. Dark blue or deep purple color of the skin indicates their maturity. Inside the fruit is a large, very hard bone, surrounded by juicy pulp. The palm tree bears fruit all year round, but the locals never pick berries during the rainy season. Harvesting usually takes place in spring and autumn.

Composition and calorie content of acai berries

The uniqueness of acai is manifested in a balanced composition and the presence of many useful substances. The pulp of the berry contains more antioxidants than bananas and mangoes.

The calorie content of acai berries is 247 kcal per 100 grams of the edible part, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.7 g;
  • Fats - 0.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 36.4 g;
  • Organic acids - 0.9 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.7 g;
  • Water - 65.1 g;
  • Ash - 0.3 g.
Vitamins in the composition of acai berries per 100 grams:
  • Vitamin A - 6 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 3.6 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin B3 - 0.6 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 1.04 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.08 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 5 mcg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 4 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol - 0.6 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 0.8 mg;
  • Vitamin H, biotin - 1.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP - 0.5 mg;
  • Niacin - 0.7 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 grams:
  • Potassium, K - 118 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 30 mg;
  • Silicon, Si - 12 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 15 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 28 mg;
  • Sulfur, S - 4 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 6 mg;
  • Chlorine, Cl - 0.03 mg.
Trace elements per 100 grams:
  • Aluminum, Al - 380 mcg;
  • Boron, B - 321 mcg;
  • Iron, Fe - 11.2 mg;
  • Iodine, I - 8 mcg;
  • Cobalt, Co - 2 mcg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.09 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 83 mcg;
  • Rubidium, Rb - 112 mcg;
  • Fluorine, F - 15 mcg;
  • Chromium, Cr - 6 mcg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.04 mg.
Digestible carbohydrates per 100 grams:
  • Mono- and disaccharides (sugar) - 16.4 g;
  • Glucose (dextrose) - 5.3 g;
  • Sucrose - 0.7 g;
  • Fructose - 8.2 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 grams:
  • Arginine - 0.9 g;
  • Valine - 0.01 g;
  • Histidine - 0.03 g;
  • Leucine - 0.014 g;
  • Lysine - 0.016 g;
  • Methionine - 0.02 g;
  • Threonine - 0.03 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.04 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.02 g.
Non-essential amino acids per 100 grams:
  • Alanine - 0.015 g;
  • Aspartic acid - 0.082 g;
  • Glycine - 0.009 g;
  • Glutamic acid - 0.06 g;
  • Proline - 0.2 g;
  • Serine - 0.05 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.09 g;
  • Cysteine ​​- 0.018 g.
Consider the action of the most important components of acai berries:
  1. Vitamin C. Accelerates the synthesis of collagen fibers, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Vitamin A. Helps accelerate the process of cell regeneration, improves the quality of newly formed tissue at the site of damage, takes part in redox processes, nourishes the skin.
  3. Vitamin E. Reduces the healing period of lesions on the skin, accelerates the process of lightening age spots.
  4. Vitamin B3 (niacin). An indispensable vitamin for the metabolism of amino acids, expands and strengthens small vessels, stimulates the formation of digestive enzymes in the liver and pancreas.
  5. Omega acids. They assist in the transportation and absorption of vitamins A, E, D and K by the body, thanks to which the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is reduced.
  6. Potassium. An important component of cells and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
  7. Manganese. A powerful antioxidant, stabilizes the level of glucose in the body, improves digestion, and helps restore cartilage tissue.
  8. Zinc. The most important element in the prevention of viral and infectious diseases, is involved in the synthesis of anabolic hormones, including insulin.
  9. Phosphorus. Improves muscle and brain activity, strengthens bone tissue and fights colds.
  10. Calcium. It normalizes the acid-base and water balance, is indispensable in the child's diet to strengthen the unformed skeletal system.

Benefits of acai berries

Acai fruits have a positive effect on the general condition of the skin. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. With moderate and balanced use, berries will fit perfectly into any diet.

Useful properties of acai are:

  • Activation of brain activity. Due to the accelerated blood circulation, memory improves, concentration of attention and working capacity increase.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system. Oleic and linoleic acids do not allow blood vessels to clog, antioxidants lower cholesterol levels, and have a protective effect on the heart.
  • Normalization of the organs of vision. Vitamin C and anthocyanins contained in acai prevent the development of glaucoma, night blindness, and slow down the process of vision loss.
  • Sleep improvement. The amino acids and vitamins in acai pulp affect the process associated with the production of serotonin and dopamine. And, as you know, they are responsible for good sleep. They help to relax the muscles of the body after a long day of work or intense training.
  • Cosmetic properties. Protection against the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation, berry extract relieves the skin of rashes, and the collagen produced makes it supple and smooth.
  • Stabilization of hormone levels. The acceleration of the metabolic process in the human body does not allow the accumulation of fat deposits.
  • Protection during pregnancy. Regular dosed consumption of berries has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother, and antioxidants protect the embryo from mutation.
  • Normalization of digestion. Berries have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins from the body and other substances that are decay products.
  • Cholesterol Reduction. Due to the action of steroids and fatty acids, the activity of the heart and blood vessels is improved. This prevents the development of coronary disease and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Energy supply. Berries act on the human body better than coffee and chocolate, stimulating the brain, help get rid of stress and depression, reduce fatigue, and have a positive effect on the psyche.
  • Recovery of the body. Wounded areas of the epithelium are disinfected, the regeneration process after operations and serious illnesses is accelerated, and an analgesic effect is manifested.
  • Anti-inflammatory action. With the use of acai, immunity is strengthened, and bacterial infections are cured.

Contraindications for acai berries

Acai berries should be introduced into your diet gradually and only in limited quantities. Overeating leads to serious disorders in the body and causes malaise.

The consequences of the abuse of berries:

  1. allergic reactions. Without taking into account individual intolerance, you should not add berries to your daily menu, this causes a rash, redness, loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness, fever.
  2. Anaphylactic shock. Weakness, rash on the skin and mucous membranes in the form of blisters, anxiety, discomfort, spasms of the facial muscles, blurred vision.
  3. Intoxication. High body temperature, painful sensations in the muscles, diarrhea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, insomnia, changes in body weight, problems with the intestines.
  4. Muscle pain. Violation and slowdown of metabolic processes in bone tissues and cartilage, inflammation of muscle fibers.
  5. Hormonal disbalance. Sudden changes in body weight, sleep disturbance, increased fatigue, intense hair loss, irritability.
Absolute contraindications to acai berries:
  • stomach ulcer. The combination of vitamins and trace elements contained in acai berries can have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Individual intolerance. Some components in the pulp of berries can cause allergic reactions of a different nature.
  • Hepatitis. Stretching of the liver lining, aches all over the body, slowing down the process of processing bilirubin in the liver.
Before consuming acai berries, you should seek the advice of a specialist to determine if the product will harm your body.

Acai berry recipes

Fresh berries make a great snack. They also make a huge variety of dishes. The fruits will be an excellent filling for baking, an indispensable ingredient for unusual sauces, as well as an additive to cocktails.

Recipes with acai berries

  1. summer jam. Rinse acai berries, currants and plums thoroughly, remove stones and mix with sugar in a large bowl, leaving overnight in a cold place. The next morning, carefully move the berries with sugar and set aside again for 1 hour. After the time has passed, add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice to them and mix. Grind the berries through a sieve into a large bowl and add 500 ml of purified water. Begin to boil the berry mixture over low heat until all the sugar is completely dissolved. Then bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and pour a small amount of jam in a saucer to test. If the chilled jam is not too runny, it is ready. Otherwise, it should continue to boil, it may take another 5-10 minutes. Repeat the jam check in the saucer and set the pan off the heat to cool. Fill pre-sterilized jars with cooled jam. In a dark, cool place, it can be stored from 6 months to a year.
  2. Berry cakes for tea. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl, then add 250 grams of butter and mix the ingredients until the mixture turns into crumbs. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar, a handful of acai berries and a glass of orange juice. Stir gradually until everything is thoroughly combined. If the dough is not elastic enough, add 1-2 more tablespoons of orange juice. When ready, spread it on a baking sheet previously greased with butter. Bake in preheated oven for 30-45 minutes until light brown. After baking, remove the cake from the oven and let it cool without removing it from the aluminum baking dish. For the best taste, cook these berry cakes in the evening to serve with breakfast.
  3. Tartlet with meringue. Preheat oven to 190°C. Pour a handful of acai berries and red currants into a saucepan with sugar and water. Lightly grind the berries with sugar and cook for 5 minutes. Roll out a thin layer of dough to cover the forms for future tartlets. Use molds that are 9 cm wide and 2.5 cm deep. Spread the batter over the surface and pierce the sides and bottom with a fork several times before placing in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes until light golden brown. Remove the pastry molds from the oven and set aside to cool. Reduce oven temperature to 160°C. Meanwhile, make the meringue. Whisk the egg whites in a bowl until they are stiff and then gradually add the powdered sugar to them to make a meringue. Fill the cooled cakes with the berry mixture, evenly distributing the filling. Spoon the meringue onto the top of the tartlet, swirling it around to completely cover the fruit. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the meringue is golden brown. Serve warm or cold.
  4. South American pudding. Place the blueberries, cherries, acai and sugar in a saucepan with 3 tablespoons of water. Heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has melted and the fruit has thickened. Add the currants and carefully cover, simmering for 2 more minutes, until the fruit is completely softened. Remove from heat and let cool. Pour fruit into a colander set over a bowl. Leave for 5 minutes for the juice to accumulate in the container. Cut off the crusts of the bread slices, leaving only the bread pulp. Put slices of bread on the bottom of the mold and pour a small layer of berry syrup on top of them. Repeat these steps so that several layers are formed in the form, well soaked in berry syrup. Pour the remaining syrup over the prepared layers and add 250 ml of orange juice. Top with pieces of fruit that remained in the colander. Cover the form with the semi-finished pudding with cling film and leave overnight, covering the top with another plate. Before serving, remove the film from the mold, and then quickly invert the pudding onto a plate.
  5. mint sorbet. Make syrup by stirring 5-6 tablespoons of sugar in boiling water until completely dissolved, then add a couple of sprigs of mint and continue to boil. Rinse the acai berries thoroughly and remove the pits. Add the peeled pulp to the syrup and cook until completely softened. This may take up to 10 minutes. Strain the resulting mixture into a container through a sieve to get rid of the peel. Add 2 tablespoons lemon juice and cool to room temperature. Then pour the sorbet blank into a container and send it to the freezer for 2-3 hours. Serve the finished sorbet with mint leaves and fresh berries.

Indians from the Caboclo tribe eat not only the fruits of the palm tree, but also the core of the tree.

In Brazil, locals call acai berries for their properties "the fountain of youth" and "Amazonian Viagra".

From strong branches and palm leaves, fishermen build special nets and traps for catching fish and animals.

Based on the pulp and juice of acai berries, scientists have created dietary supplements for weight loss, but they should be used with extreme caution.

Oil made from seeds and juice is used in Mexico as a means of preventing malaria. This substance is also used in cosmetology.

Watch a video about acai berries:

Acai berries are considered unique for a reason. Their pulp is rich in vitamins and useful trace elements. When properly used and eaten, acai fruit will not bring any harm to your body.

Acai is a small, round, dark purple berry with amazing nutritional benefits. Its appearance is like a grape. Expert scientists classify this berry as one of the most nutritious and effective foods in the world.

Where does the acai berry grow?

Acai grows in clusters on acai palms (a genus of 25-30 species of palms) found in the tropics of Central and South America. The main source of the berry is in the Amazon Delta region. Brazilians call acai "milk of the Amazon".

Why has acai berries received more attention than other healthy fruits?

While all fruits have unique properties that are good for your body, acai berries have become a staple because they have nutritional value—they have protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. They also have a low glycemic index. Thus, thanks to this exceptional and unparalleled source of food, the inhabitants of the Amazon have been able to survive and maintain amazing vitality and energy.

Does acai have a high ORAC score?

The acai berry is the "star" among well-known antioxidants such as blueberries, grapes , red wine, green tea, cranberry, blueberry and pomegranate. Compared to cranberries, acai has more than 10 times the antioxidant capacity.

Acai berries (aka: acai, acai) are another superfood that has received widespread consumer acceptance. Known as "Amazonian grapes", these sweet black berries have attracted attention from an American TV personality. Oprah Winfrey: on its official website, acai berries (aka: acai, acai) are named the number one superfood, "one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world." Acai berries (aka: acai, acai) delight their admirers with their ability to lower blood cholesterol levels, which cannot but interest people who care about their health. By the way, the popularity of berries was also influenced by their place of growth - the Amazon River basin. Who among the consumers will refuse to try such an exotic?

By the way, for all fruits, in which antioxidants and vitamins are present to one degree or another, a special term has been coined - superfruits.

Along with pomegranate and acai berries (aka: acai, acai), green tea and soy are classified as superfoods. It is no coincidence that in recent years they have become in great demand in the United States. For example, green tea sales increased from $119 million in 2001 to $160 million in 2006, according to Datamonitor. However, this is not surprising: the properties of green tea to positively influence the health of the heart and cancer patients are well known.

Sales of soy also rose, primarily because its use helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Between 2001 and 2006, soybean sales grew by an average of 13 percent per year.

The most amazing thing is that even foods that were previously considered harmful, such as chocolate and alcohol, are gaining superfood status. Employees of the Department of Food Sciences and Technologies Cornell University(Cornell University, USA) found that dark chocolate contains nearly twice as much antioxidants as red wine and three times as much as green tea. And after the publication of a scientific report that claimed that alcohol increased the "antioxidant potential" of superfoods, the vodka company Luctor International released "fire water" with the taste of acai berries (aka: acai, acai) and blueberries. However, the negative impact of vodka on health will certainly negate the beneficial properties of supercomponents.

Chocolate with Amazonian borojo berries is a great example, illustrating the “crossing” of a superfood and not the most healthy food. Company Phytobase developed organic dark chocolate candies; the main target audience is women who, on the one hand, love sweets, and on the other hand, care about maintaining a slim figure. American researchers claim that borojo berries act as an aphrodisiac and give strength. In 2004, ChocoLean appeared - a product supposedly helping to control appetite. And then - dark chocolate "Amoriss" with a high content of antioxidants. According to the description, it contains exotic superfruits - acai (aka: acai, acai), mango, goji, pomegranate, rosiola, as well as red wine extract.

Brazilian gastronomic realities: acai
It is a very thick frozen paste, similar in texture to popsicles. As a rule, guarana syrup and sugar are added to this dish, which is called "acai na tijela". From above it can be sprinkled with nuts or muesli. A mixture of two outstanding components of Amazonia, rich in vitamins and stimulants with sugar, creates a powerful energy tonic. Calling it a dessert is not entirely correct, since such a dessert replaces a full meal in effect. The acai fruit is very high in calories and rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, as well as vitamins B1 and B2. It's no wonder that athletes greatly appreciate the energizing acai fruit, and mothers feed this nutritious fruit to their children! Many Brazilians love an acai drink made with water, sugar, and cassava starch. Other useful products can be obtained from the acai palm. Palmito, or palm cabbage, a soft white mass obtained from the apical bud on this tree, is one of the favorite delicacies used in salads.
This berry is mined mainly in the Amazon, although plantations have already appeared in other regions of Brazil. The method of extraction goes back to pre-Columbian times: loops woven from palm fibers are tied to the legs of the collector, covering the trunk. The traditional Amazonian population does not particularly approve of the use of acai as a sweet dessert.
It has traditionally used pulpu berries mixed with cassava or yams as a side dish for everyday meals such as fish and other foods.
The harvested berries are delivered, usually by boat, to the markets of Amazonian cities.

After removing the soft layer from the berries, very strong seeds remain. From time immemorial, Indians have created various decorations from acai seeds. Seeds may take on a different color after using natural dyes.
The acai palm (cabbage palm) is a slender tropical tree that grows well in the humid climate of the lowlands, swamps and especially at the mouth of the Amazon and Tocantins rivers in the state of Para. This palm is found in areas along the Atlantic coast in the Brazilian states of Para and Bahia. If you got to where this palm tree grows, then most likely your feet are in the water, and you have sweat on your forehead. The acai palm trunk is thin but strong, up to 23 meters in height, crowned with a leafy crown.
From August to December, 6-8 clusters of 700-900 cherry-sized fruits can be seen on the acai palm. But how to get these fruits from a palm tree? Some locals weave a belt from the fibers of the shorter acai palms and make a foot loop out of it. Firmly pressing the feet to the trunk, the person holds on to the trunk with his hands and climbs along it, as if on a rope. This is how he gets to the top. Having cut down a bunch of fruits, he does not throw them on the ground, since this can damage the fruits, but descends in the same way as he went up, only with fruits.

foods richest in antioxidants: ORAK level per 100 gr of product: Xoçai Products ORAC level
Raw cocoa powder 26,000 X Power Cookie (cookies) -1pc. 11,115
Acai berries 18,500 X Power Squares (squares) -3 pcs. 10,746
Dark chocolate (processed) 13,120 Omega Squares 8,840
Prunes 5,770 Active (liquid) - 30 ml. 4,275
Raisin 2,830 Protein bar - 1 pc. 4,066
Blueberry 2,400 Bar 11gr -1 piece 3,120
Strawberry 1,540
Spinach, raw 1,260
Red grapes 739

"Magic Berry" That's what they say about her in the world. "Amazon Milk" That's what the Brazilians call it. Those who have tried this berry compare its taste to either blueberries (sometimes blackberries) or grapes. The berry has an unusual aftertaste. It's like eating chocolate with nuts.

This berry looks like a large blueberry or a small dark blue grape, only with a larger seed. It grows mainly on the palm trees of the Brazilian Amazon. And it's called acai. The benefits of harm and the product itself are described repeatedly. But the study of the acai berry is not yet complete. Therefore, the qualities of the berry, which do not have reliable confirmation, are ignored.

"Fountain of Eternal Youth"

So she was nicknamed by enthusiastic admirers, whose number has been steadily growing for almost 20 years. That is, from the very moment when the acai berry was discovered for science. It happened like this.

A group of doctors who conducted scientific research in the Amazon tropics became interested in the behavior and lifestyle of the local aborigines. All the time they had a minimum of clothing, they were under the burning sun, but they did not have skin burns; they worked tirelessly, but did not get tired; they were cheerful, cheerful and looked very young, despite their different ages.

Paying closer attention to the locals, doctors noticed that they often eat unknown berries growing in clusters on palm trees. The palm trees were called "Asaiseiro". Accordingly, the berries of these palm trees were called "acai" by the natives. Of course, doctors became interested in this berry, which gives vivacity and has a rejuvenating effect. And then scientists became interested.

The effect of their research was stunning. In 2004, the results were published, according to which the acai berry became the first in the list of 10 foods donated by nature and having the most beneficial effect on the human body. The doctors who discovered the acai berry in the Amazon jungle and attributed miraculous properties to it were not mistaken.

Nature miracle

Such a name - "wonder of nature" - the acai berry received quite deservedly. Judge for yourself: the acai berry has the highest antioxidant properties of any plant product known to nature. There are more antioxidants in the acai berry than:

  • in blueberries - 2-3 times;
  • in cranberries - 4 times;
  • in grapes - almost 30 times;
  • in grape wine - 33 times!

The acai berry has about 3 thousand useful and nutritious components, including all known minerals, vitamins and acids. And again, in quantities exceeding the content of these useful components in other products.

There are more healthy fats in the berry than in fresh milk. The acai berry contains more protein (per unit weight, of course) than a chicken egg. There are 36.6-36.8 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of berries! What are carbohydrates for the body? It is the main source of energy and nutritional enrichment of body cells. Now it is clear why the Brazilian Indians never got tired.

Benefits of Acai Berry

The health boom associated with the acai berry is not accidental. Since the benefits of consuming berries are undeniable.
Acai berries:

  • slow down the aging process of cells and the human body as a whole;
  • activate the immune system and have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • destroy cancer cells with the help of the cyanidin contained in them;
  • prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques, which protects a person from diseases such as high blood pressure, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease;
  • remove toxins, toxic substances, toxins from the body;
  • are a source of natural energy;
  • help fight stress and depression;
  • have a positive effect on mental health;
  • promote muscle building and maintain the health of muscles, hair, eyes and skin, being a source of protein, protein, amino acids and minerals;
  • help to restore the body in the postoperative period;
  • normalize sleep;
  • stimulate memory;
  • during high emotional and mental stress, they are quite capable of replacing coffee and chocolate;
  • increase male potency, being called "Amazon Viagra" by a certain group of people.

Acai berry oil is used in cosmetology because it is the safest for making anti-aging cosmetics.

Drinks made from acai berries are also useful. Cocktails and sauces are prepared from these berries, juices, wines and liqueurs are made. But the greatest benefits of acai berries are achieved when they are consumed fresh.

Harm of acai berries

Of course, there are negative phenomena. And even harm from the use of acai. If there is it without measure. This is where excessive ingestion of the protein contained in large quantities in the acai berry becomes harmful. Amino acids, which break down the protein, form ammonia, and it negatively affects the nervous system.

Cholesterol levels can rise, and this is already a problem for the heart. The liver and kidneys also suffer from an excess of protein. And the acid-base balance of the body can also be disturbed.

The excess carbohydrates in the body associated with excessive consumption of acai berries will most likely cause an increase in blood glucose levels. Which will eventually lead to the formation of fatty deposits.

The acai berry can cause an allergic reaction.

In addition, only the first 2 hours are filled with the miraculous power of the acai berry. Then the concentration of useful and nutrients begins to decrease. After a day, the acai berry loses almost all of its properties. And it becomes an ordinary berry that you can eat, or you can put aside.