Home / Pancakes, fritters / What can replace chicken meat in a salad. How to replace chicken if you doubt its quality

What can replace chicken meat in a salad. How to replace chicken if you doubt its quality

Chicken salad is one of the most popular meat salads. Many people love chicken salad due to the fact that chicken meat cooks quickly, it is very affordable, and also goes well with many products. For this reason, a chicken salad recipe will always be desirable and relevant. And many delicious salads with chicken, among other things, cause minimal damage to the female figure. Light salad with chicken in this sense is simply irreplaceable.

It’s hard to say what you can’t make chicken salad from. A chicken salad recipe in the list of ingredients may contain vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, bread, croutons, various dressings and sauces. For example, from chicken you can cook such fruit salads, how

chicken and pineapple salad, prunes and chicken salad, grape and chicken salad, chicken and orange salad, avocado and chicken salad, chicken and apple salad. Chicken salad with pineapple is a recipe that can already be considered a classic of the genre. Chicken salad with pineapple, chicken salad with pineapple, pineapple salad with chicken - whatever you call it, it will still be delicious. Recipes for salads from chicken and vegetables are no less numerous: salad with chicken and cucumber, salad with chicken and beans, salad with chicken pepper, salad with chicken with Korean carrot, salad with arugula and chicken, salad with chicken and celery, salad with chicken and cabbage, salad with chicken and tomatoes, salad with chicken and corn. Chicken salad may contain mushrooms. Mushroom salad with chicken is made with various mushrooms. If you love mushrooms, be sure to make a salad with chicken and mushrooms, for example, a salad with chicken and champignons, a recipe for salad from chicken breasts and marinated mushrooms.

In order to prepare chicken salads, chicken recipes use various types of chicken meat, chicken offal. So you really have a wide choice of what to make chicken salad from - chicken breast salad recipe, chicken liver salad, chicken salad chicken hearts, chicken fillet salad, chicken gizzard salad. Salads from chicken fillet and chicken breast salads are the most requested recipes. Chicken salads also allow you to show your imagination, originality, even a sense of humor. As they say, to win the heart of a loved one, make a chicken heart salad! Also, before preparing the chicken salad, the recipe must be chosen depending on whether you prefer a warm chicken salad or a cold one. chicken salad. If warm, you can make a warm salad with chicken liver, some warm salad chicken fillet, salad chicken hearts, chicken breast salad. Meat for chicken salad prepared in almost any way. Very often they make a salad with boiled chicken. Boiled chicken salad is not the only one, chicken meat can be grilled. In addition, salad with smoked chicken. The smoked chicken salad recipe is also captivating because the chicken meat is already cooked for it. Therefore, you can quickly prepare a salad with smoked chicken breast, a salad with smoked chicken with prunes, a salad of smoked chicken and pineapples, a salad with smoked chicken breasts and mushrooms, a sunflower salad with smoked chicken.

There are simple salads with chicken, such as salad with boiled chicken, salad with kirieshki and chicken, salad with chicken and croutons, salad with chicken and cheese, chicken salad with prunes. The recipe for chicken salad can be more complex, this is a layered salad with chicken, salad mushroom meadow with chicken, puff salad with smoked chicken, pancake salad with chicken, tenderness chicken salad or tender chicken salad, turtle salad with chicken, glutton salad with chicken. A complex chicken salad is best prepared using recipes tagged as chicken salad recipes with photos or chicken salad with photos.

The non-profit organization "Roskontrol" again frightened lovers of dietary protein. According to the examination results chicken thighs six popular brands, none of the samples are recommended to be bought, let alone eaten. Laboratory analyzes revealed that:

  • the protein content in chicken meat from the supermarket turned out to be lower than stated on the package;
  • some samples contain disease-causing bacteria that can cause food poisoning;
  • in chicken legs brine was contained - apparently, in this way the manufacturers tried to increase the volume and mass of the product.

In general, there were many complaints about chicken meat produced in large factories.

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What should a simple consumer do with this knowledge? If life without a chicken is not at all sweet, you will have to seriously look for quality product. It's a long and winding road where you need to find a manufacturer and supplier whose claims you trust, or buy only meat produced according to "organic" standards (fake for such products is almost impossible - control is too strict), or become the happy owner of your own farm . And, of course, carefully process the meat thermally so that not a single salmonella or E. coli enters your body.

Another option is to at least occasionally replace chicken meat with products whose reputation has not yet been so tarnished by checks and which also have proteins and amino acids, for which we appreciate chicks. Here are some ideas.

dietary protein

31 g of protein and only 3.5 g of fat per 100 g is an excellent indicator for meat, which is why chicken breasts have been associated with meat for centuries. healthy eating, weight loss and diet to gain muscle mass. However, a generous portion of protein without extra calories will also be given to you.

Non-ordinary things usually arise from non-ordinary stories. Such a story." The first time I tried this salad was in a wonderful restaurant in Tbilisi. Everything was beautiful and charming. The restaurant is located on a rock above Kura and in the evening you can see the city in lights. Near the tables, the waiter puts lanterns in the late afternoon, which at the same time warm the visitors. A musician plays the piano and everyone dances beautifully.

It was under such beautiful circumstances that I first heard and tasted the famous Caesar. It was delicious. But in Georgian restaurants it doesn't taste good. And I was able to fully appreciate the “beauty” of Caesar salad only when I began to maintain a culinary blog.

The story of Caesar began not in such a beautiful place, but in one of the many restaurants in the Mexican city of Tijuana. Cesar Cardini, the owner of the restaurant, had to feed a group of American filmmakers who had come to Mexico. But it was almost over, and then Caesar Cardini collected everything that was left, added resourcefulness and imagination to this, and brought out to the visitors a dish that has become popular all over the world.

So, Caesar salad ingredients:

  1. garlic. served on a large plate, which is generously rubbed with garlic. It's the plate itself. Thus, garlic conveys its incredible aroma, but does not convey the taste itself.
  2. romaine lettuce leaves. This type of lettuce has dense dark green leaves. You just need to tear them up on a plate with your hands.
  3. egg. It uses a special cooking method, which, as historians say, was told to Cardini by his mother. Eggs are boiled in boiling water for exactly 1 minute. Then they are allowed to cool. It turns out an interesting taste: the yolk does not have time to cook, but at the same time acquires a certain density. Eggs are poured onto the salad.
  4. extra virgin olive oil, which is also poured onto lettuce leaves.
  5. Parmesan cheese (Parmigiano Rigiano) is one of the most hard cheeses. Sprinkle the lettuce leaves with finely grated cheese.
  6. freshly squeezed lemon juice
  7. croutons - a type of very small croutons made from crumb of bread and fried on olive oil, then slightly dried in the oven. The croutons are poured onto a plate.
  8. a few drops of western sauce.

That's all the ingredients. All this Cardini vigorously mixed and laid out on plates. The success of the salad was stunning. Filmmakers advertised it to their friends and all the guests of Tijuana poured into Caesar Cardini's restaurant.

Today, various manipulations are carried out with Caesar's ingredients. They are replaced all the time. Is it bad or not? The taste of course changes and becomes a little like classic salad Caesar, but still some incredible harmony of taste remains and attracts more and more gourmets to cook Caesar salad in their home kitchen.

How to change the ingredients in Caesar salad.

  1. garlic is not rubbed on a plate, but added to the sauce, which is poured over the salad, as well as to the oil, which is poured over the croutons.
  2. romaine lettuce is replaced with regular lettuce or even chinese cabbage
  3. eggs are taken raw. And therefore they are not broken into a plate, but whipped with olive oil.
  4. olive oil is difficult to replace with another oil, so rarely does anyone change.
  5. Parmesan cheese is replaced by the hardest, but affordable cheese.
  6. lemon juice is everywhere - lemon juice. Tolyok, again, they do not pour it into the salad, but add it to the dressing.
  7. croutons are sometimes replaced with ordinary small crackers, to which they are, in principle, very similar.
  8. But Worcestershire sauce cannot be replaced with something else. Someone tries to add anchovies to the sauce, someone tries black pepper. But really replace the sauce consisting of 26 components. And then these are known ingredients, and the rest are simply unknown due to the fact that the sauce recipe is closed by the trademark owners.
  9. just add additional ingredients to the salad: mushrooms, shrimp, ham and much more.

More about Worcestershire sauce. Most of its ingredients are added in very small amounts. That is why it is still very difficult to recreate it at home. For example, for 10 kg of sauce goes:

  • 4 g allspice
  • 1 g ginger
  • 4 g celery
  • 1 g chili pepper
  • 4 g nutmeg
  • 10 g of tarragon ....

And in this video - the preparation of Caesar salad directly in the Caesar Cardini restaurant in Tijuana. The look of the waiter is very mysterious and meaningful. And he cooks in an interesting way: first he prepares the sauce, then rolls the Romaine lettuce leaves in this sauce, then sprinkles with Parmesan and puts 1 small crouton on top .... And note: no chicken in the salad!

Chicken meat is rich in protein and at the same time contains little fat. It's perfect diet dish. But if you cook one chicken, such food will quickly get bored - there is a risk of becoming addicted to chips and hamburgers again. But there are many worthy substitutes for chicken.


Rabbit meat is tender and lean, while it tastes juicy (unlike chicken fillet). Bake it in herbs and carrots and you will be surprised how tasty the dish can be, while remaining dietary.


Inexpensive and delicious fish high in protein and low in calories. Absolutely not greasy. Pangasius is quick and easy to prepare: just simmer it in lemon juice in a skillet for about 20 minutes, or bake in the oven with herbs.

Cottage cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5% fat) consists entirely of protein. It is one of the main products of sports and diet food on par with chicken. Curd can be diluted big amount fruit and then you get a dessert.



Beef is another lean meat that nutritionists often forget about. The fact is that beef meat can also be fatty, which will not benefit the diet.

Choose the neck, fillet and tenderloin. Refrain from thigh, sternum and flank - and that's it, you are an expert in choosing diet beef!


The most useful fish for those who want to lose weight and maintain weight. It contains the maximum amount of protein, and there are quite a few calories. Tuna is not only a good substitute for chicken. This fish is better than chicken.

If you buy canned tuna, make sure they are oil-free.


Not only animal food can replace the high-protein and low-calorie diet for which chicken is loved. Mushrooms are a storehouse of proteins, they have few calories. They can not only replace chicken, but also supplement it.

A great option for those who, for some reason, can’t eat cape and fish at all.


Turkey fillet is much tastier and healthier than chicken, and it contains less protein and calories. Of course, eating a turkey every day is not cheap, but it great option festive, but dietary dinner.

Poultry meat has been eaten by humans since time immemorial. It's valuable dietary product useful to everyone without exception. Doctors advise serving chicken or turkey dishes more often, as poultry meat is rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The low content of fat, and hence cholesterol, makes it possible to recommend poultry meat to people with cardiovascular problems, and to children, and to those who simply watch their weight.

If you regularly replace the usual pork chops with poultry meat or beef cutlets, this will help maintain harmony, become lighter and more mobile, get rid of shortness of breath and rapid fatigue.

By the amount of protein, poultry meat is not inferior to beef and lean pork, while the fat content in it is much less. Chicken meat protein contains more than 90% of all amino acids necessary for a person, is easily digestible and does not cause allergies. Unlike "red meat", and even more so - unlike sausages, hams and pates - the amount of fat in chicken breasts or wings does not exceed 10%.

Only fresh poultry meat that is environmentally friendly and meets sanitary standards is good for health. From freezing, the structure of the fibers is disturbed, the meat loses integrity, becomes watery. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the date of production of poultry meat, the conditions and terms of its storage. It is worth purchasing only products from well-known and reliable manufacturers that supply high-quality meat in bulk without antibiotics or steroids.

Chickens, chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks, ducklings, guinea fowls are classified as poultry. Feathered game is divided into steppe, swamp, forest and waterfowl. The waterfowl include geese, ducks; to the forest - black grouse, capercaillie, pheasants, hazel grouses; to the steppe - gray and red partridges, quails; to the marsh - snipes, waders, great snipes, woodcocks. Compared to poultry meat, game meat has a dark color and a denser texture, and also contains more protein and extractives, but less fat. It has a specific aroma and taste. Mostly game is used for frying. This is due to the fact that during cooking, bitter substances that are contained in the vertebral bones of game pass into the broth.

In poultry meat, according to nutritional value, white meat (breast) and dark meat (beloved by many legs) are distinguished. It cannot be said that any of these types of meat is healthier: white meat contains less fat, while dark meat contains more iron and other important minerals.

A favorite among other types of poultry meat is chicken. According to scientists, it provides a complete balance of protein in the body and is an indispensable material for growth and vital activity. Chicken meat contains more proteins than any other type of meat, and at the same time the fat content in it does not exceed 10%. For comparison: chicken meat contains 22.5% protein, while turkey meat - 21%, duck - 17%, goose - 15%.

Chicken meat contains up to 240 mg% potassium, up to 298 mg% phosphorus, up to 32 mg% magnesium, up to 20 mg% calcium, 3.0 mg% iron, 7.4 mg% zinc, 1.0 mg% cobalt, except in addition, a certain amount of copper, nickel, manganese, iodine; 0.07 mg% of vitamin A and vitamin B1 to 0.15 mg% of vitamin B2, 3.7 mg% of vitamin PP, up to 0.8 mg% of vitamin B6. However, cholesterol (up to 54 mg%), purine (up to 30 mg%) and extractives containing nitrogen worsen and reduce the value fried chicken and broth from it: the latter contains about 65% of nitrogenous extractives, 75% essential oils and 20% cholesterol. Thus, the most useful is white meat. boiled chicken, in especially severe cases of severe slagging of the body, it is this dietary product that must be used for the intake of animal protein.

Vitamin B6, contained in chicken meat, reduces the risk of heart failure. The daily dose of vitamin B6 for an average person should be about 2 milligrams. This vitamin is rich in peanuts, black beans, broccoli. But chicken meat contains much more vitamin B6 than all these products.

Eating chicken helps prevent heart attacks, strokes and coronary disease, reduces the risk of developing hypertension, normalizes metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

It is best to eat meat of chickens or young chickens, boiled, baked or stewed. The natural taste of fresh chicken meat should not be spoiled too much hot spices, as well as large amounts of fat and salt. In this case, chicken meat can also have a beneficial effect on kidney function without interference.

Very tasty and healthy chicken bouillon, for the preparation of which soup chicken is ideal. Doctors say that with colds, such a broth really helps to recover faster, having a beneficial effect on the immune system. In addition, the broth improves the condition of the heart muscle, and its regular use helps to normalize the heart rhythm. This is due to the peptide - a protein found in poultry meat.

Duck meat contains B vitamins and many useful trace elements. It is even believed that duck meat, due to the balanced composition of amino acids, enhances sexual potency. But fat in duck meat slightly more than in chicken and turkey meat, so duck is hardly suitable for dietary nutrition. In addition, people prone to allergic diseases should take into account that duck meat can provoke the onset of this disease.

Goose meat is tougher than duck meat. Goose meat contains more than 20% fat.

It is better to bake high-fat poultry (goose, duck) stuffed with apples, vegetables or cereals - this makes the dish more dietary.

Turkey meat is the most low-calorie, but very nutritious meat. It has very little cholesterol - 74 mg per 100 g. It is rich in iron, selenium, magnesium and potassium. Phosphorus in it is as much as in fish. Turkey also contains vitamins: PP, B6, B12, B2. It also contains amino acids.

This meat never causes allergies. Therefore, it is recommended to give it to children. It is very tasty and tender. Sausages, sausages and dumplings are made from it.


Poultry meat can be replaced with rabbit meat, which is also dietary and medicinal. Back in 1964, rabbit meat was recognized as the most dietary in the United States. The human body absorbs it by 90%.

Rabbit has a lot of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as minerals: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, fluorine, etc. Rabbit is also useful in vitamins: PP, C, B6, B12. Amino acids are 19.

Like turkey, rabbit meat does not cause allergies. It is even prescribed to patients suffering from diseases of the digestive system, including the liver, gallbladder, etc. It relieves the symptoms of gastritis. And rabbit liver is excellent for kidney diseases. The meat of three-month-old rabbits is offered even to diabetics. It also works at high blood pressure.