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Colored cookies title. Macarons

Cookies "Macaron" is a homemade dessert made from egg whites, powdered sugar and almond crumbs, and is also filled with a special cream. Such an unusual delicacy is especially popular in France. Its history of origin dates back to the Middle Ages. Then the inhabitants of the mentioned state began to make a very tasty and sweet soup with almonds, as well as small pieces of dough, called "macaroni". In the future, the recipe for this first dish was transformed into cookies. "Macaron" - that's what it is called today. We will present several options for preparing this delicacy. Which one to choose is up to you.

Making "Macaron" (cookies): recipe and photo of a French dessert

To make this French delicacy, we need:

  • almonds, peeled from brown films - about 130 g;
  • powdered sugar - about 220 g;
  • egg whites - from 4 large village eggs;
  • sugar sand, not too large - about 60 g;
  • cocoa powder - about 20 g (use at will and taste).

Preparation of the air base

In order for Macaron cookies to turn out the way the French make them, the base should be thoroughly kneaded. To do this, the almonds, peeled from brown films, must be rinsed and dried in microwave oven. Next, the nut should be ground to a powder state using a coffee grinder. After that, the resulting must be sifted through a sieve along with powdered sugar. If desired, you can add a little cocoa to this mixture. Thanks to this, you can get not white, but chocolate French Macaron cookies.

After the bulk mass is ready, you need to beat strongly egg whites until stable peaks are formed. Next, add regular sugar to them and beat again a little.

Having received a persistent sweet foam, you need to mix it with almond flour so that in the end you get an airy and tender mass.

Forming and heat treatment in the oven

To make amazingly beautiful and no less delicious cookies"Macaroni", the resulting base must be put into a culinary syringe, and then squeezed onto baking paper in the form of circles. Next, the products must be placed in the oven and baked for about ¼ hour at a temperature of up to 165-180 degrees. Finally, French macarons must be carefully removed from the sheet and cooled completely.

Necessary products for the filling

What needs to be done so that you get a real French delicacy "Macaron"? Cookies, the recipe of which was invented by the French, will be as they should, only in combination with a special cream. To prepare it, we need:

  • cream as fat and thick as possible - about 80 ml;
  • bitter chocolate - a large bar (100 g).

Making cream

To make ganache for delicious and tender French cookies, fatty and heavy cream should be put in a bowl, and then heated in a water bath. After milk product becomes hot, you need to add the broken one to it. Mixing the components with a large spoon, you need to achieve a uniform mass. Next, the cream should be removed from the water bath and cool completely. It is better to do this in the refrigerator during the day.

We form a tasty and beautiful French delicacy

After the cream has cooled and become viscous, it should be put into a culinary syringe, and then gently squeezed onto one of the baked treats. Next, the dessert with the filling needs to be covered with a second cookie and pressed lightly. It is necessary to carry out the described actions with all the remaining products.

Serve ready macaroons"Macaroni" preferably with a cappuccino or some other hot drink. Enjoy your meal!

Another French Dessert

The basis for such a delicacy is always prepared in the same way. However, if desired, it can still be changed, especially if this dessert is prepared for children. So, some housewives add not cocoa powder to the almond-protein mass, but some kind of bright food coloring. Thanks to this, Macaron cookies, the photo of which you can see in this article, turn out to be incredibly beautiful and appetizing.

After the bright base is mixed, it should be divided into two parts and poured into different not too deep forms. Thus, after baking, you should get two identical layers that need to be cooled in cold air.

Cooking stuffing

If you decide to make non-standard and bright French cookies, then it is recommended to fill it not with dark chocolate ganache, but with milk. For this we need:

  • cream as fat and thick as possible - about 70 ml;
  • White chocolate- large tile (90 g).

Cooking method

White cream for dessert "Macaron" is prepared in the same way as chocolate. To do this, heavy cream must be heated in a water bath, and then melt a white sweet bar in them and mix everything thoroughly. Next, the ganache should be cooled in the refrigerator.

We form a bright delicacy and serve it to the table

Milk ganache should be spread over one of the baked almond sheets, and then immediately covered with a second layer. Pressing the products against each other, keep them in the refrigerator for seventeen minutes, and then remove and cut into neat diamonds. After that, bright French cookies must be laid out on a plate and presented to the household along with freshly brewed unsweetened tea or hot chocolate. Enjoy your meal!

Incredibly light, magical and melting... No, it's not about dance, painting or musical direction. Cooking is an art, especially when it comes to desserts. But when it comes to the French pasta pasta, the number of praising epithets increases significantly.

History of appearance

As soon as they are not called in Russia: macaroon, macarons, macaron. And it's not for nothing that there are so many names. These cute and light crumbs deserve special attention.

So what is macarons? it french dessert, consisting of two round cookies, interconnected by jam, cream or jam. The history of the origin of sweets is not entirely clear, as there are several dozen legends of their origin.

According to the first story, the dessert was invented by two nuns Marie-Elisabeth and Marguerite. To outsmart the monastic strict dietary rules They glued cookies together. For this, they received their first name - “Macaron sisters”.

The second legend says that the dessert appeared in the Renaissance in the Italian city of Venice and after some time they were known in France. Acquaintance of the French with delicacy happened thanks to Catherine de Medici. She brought an Italian confectioner to her wedding to King Henry II.

Despite the numerous legends associated with the appearance of macarons, one thing can be said with certainty: cakes gained true popularity in France.

Secrets of cooking and serving

Macaroons with a characteristic "lace skirt" are not so easy to cook. They will turn out only if you strictly follow the recipe and little cooking tricks.

Flour for dessert should be of the finest grinding and dry. Success depends on the quality of this ingredient. If it is impossible to find almond flour in the shops of your city, then this is not a reason to despair, because you can cook it yourself. Of course, preparing almond flour at home will take a lot of time and effort, but believe me, the result is worth it.

Proteins for pasta, according to confectioners, should be aged, but creams and ganaches should be aged. The amount of ingredients is measured to the nearest gram. It is also necessary to carefully monitor temperature regime ovens.

Baking macaroons requires concentration and the maximum contribution of physical and mental strength. If during cooking the recipe or one of the points is violated technological process dessert will not work - checked more than once!

Ideally, French macaroons should be:

  • appetizingly neat, round and even;
  • the surface must be flawless: without "tails" and cracks;
  • the delicacy should be glossy and not stick to the skin when pressed;
  • have a crispy crust;
  • diameter should not exceed 4 - 4.5 mm;
  • under the crisp, there must be a sweet, moist cream with a soft texture;
  • macaroons must show their "lace skirt";
  • The thickness of the filling always matches the thickness of the cookie. Also, it should slightly go beyond the "lace skirt", as if teasing the eyes.

It is considered a special art to properly present this dessert. Designers are developing special coasters, confectioners come up with unusual ideas, and coffee houses “play” on the contrast of dishes and napkins.

If the problem of filing is at home, then best idea will become an unusual dish. Carefully arrange the treat on the plate and give the row a curve or an unusual shape. You can also build a tower out of cookies.

Packaging deserves special attention. If you order the delivery of a dessert from some pastry shop in Paris, then you are guaranteed to enjoy not only baking, but also the design of the box. Numerous ribbons, textured paper, bows - all this is one show called "macaroons".

Cooking french macaroons at home

Today, baking products is based on two basic recipes: French meringue and Italian custard. French has more simple technology cooking, but besides, it is not easy - without cooking experience, there is a chance to spoil the dessert. We offer to cook macaroons according to a simple proven, but at the same time capricious recipe.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Mix the powder and flour, and then sift the ingredients several times through a fine sieve. The recipe indicates the weight of 165 g - this is the output of the finished dry component, so take a little more and sift on the scales to know the exact weight;
  2. Egg whites should initially be beaten at the lowest speed and eventually increased to maximum. Continue the process until characteristic but soft peaks appear;
  3. At the same stage, without stopping the mixer, pour sugar in a thin stream. As a result, all sweet crystals should dissolve, and soft peaks should become stable and hard;

  4. Picking up a shovel (culinary), gently mix the meringue and prepared sugar-almond mass. For confectioners, this stage is called “maccaroniage”. At this point, you need to find a moment to stop the mixing process: the mixture should become homogeneous, but not become liquid; proteins connect with flour, but have a sufficient amount of bubbles. Cooks indicate a different number of movements with a shoulder blade - 10-50. Do not focus on this moment, and rely on intuition, but rather carefully follow the process;
  5. The dough should be transferred to a pastry bag and placed on a baking sheet with parchment circles with a diameter of 2-3 cm. The distance between the almond delicacy should not be less than two centimeters. Plant only vertically and be sure to “cut” the dough to the side with a sharp movement. If the kneading of the dough was correct, then the resulting tail will disappear in a few minutes;
  6. In this form, leave the products for a certain period of time, during which the surface of future macarons will wind up. A crust forms, which during the baking process will not allow air to escape. After about 20 minutes, touch the surface of the dessert with your finger - if the finger is clean, then you can safely send it to bake. Otherwise, wait another 15 minutes;
  7. Bake macaroons for strictly 14 minutes at 150C. upon readiness, the products are removed from the oven, cool down on their own and only then are removed from the parchment.

Italian dessert recipe

Italian meringue, compared to French, it takes much longer to prepare, and the process itself has many nuances. But with the resulting test, it is much easier to work.

List of recipe ingredients:

  • almond flour - 300 g;
  • sugar - 50 g + 250 g;
  • proteins - 110 g + 110 g;
  • powder - 300 g;
  • water - 75 ml.

Cooking time: a little over an hour.

Number of calories: 270 kcal.


  1. Sift flour and powder so that the output is a dry mixture weighing 600 g. Pour in the first 110 g of proteins and mix. No subtleties, the main thing is to monitor the weight of the components, since half the success depends on compliance with this item;
  2. From 250 g of sugar and water, boil the syrup to 120C. If your kitchen does not have a culinary thermometer, then you will have to focus on a string of syrup - it should stretch well between your fingers, but not tear (not overcooked syrup) and not break (overcooked syrup);
  3. Simultaneously with the second point, you need to start whipping the remaining 110 g of proteins and sugar. As soon as soft peaks begin to form on the mass, pour hot syrup in a thin stream. At first, the proteins will increase in volume, subsequently they will become smooth and shiny;
  4. The next step will be macro-ronage. In the Italian version, the mass should have a glossy finish, and when the blade is raised, it should fall in an even ribbon. After that, transfer the mixture into a pastry bag and do the same manipulations as in the French version;
  5. And here is a little trick - take a baking sheet from both sides and knock it on the edges of the table several times;
  6. Leave the products for half an hour for winding and also bake for 14 minutes at 150C

Recipes for cream and other toppings

Now it's time to talk a little about fillings. There are no creams, Kurds and ganaches, but confectioners do not stop and create new and interesting combinations. Try it and you experiment in the kitchen, suddenly your creation will be unique.

classic ganache

List of recipe ingredients:

  • cream 33% - 100 ml;
  • dark chocolate - 100 g.

Number of calories: 430 kcal.

Pour the melted cream over the chocolate broken into small pieces. Mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 10 hours.

lemon curd

List of recipe ingredients:

  • egg mixture - 110 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 80 ml;
  • oil - 125 g;
  • zest of one lemon.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Number of calories: 363 kcal.

Mix juice with sugar, egg mixture and grated zest. Boil in a water bath for 15 to 30 minutes until thickened. After cooling and mixing with softened butter. Beat until fluffy, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Raspberry cream

List of recipe ingredients:

  • rubbed raspberry puree- 300 g;
  • starch "with a slide" - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Number of calories: 150 kcal.

Pour gelatin with water. While the component swells, mix the berry puree with sugar and starch. Bring the mass to a boil, but in no case boil. Wait until thickened, add swollen gelatin and mix. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours.

  1. French with Italian roots. As you understand from the legends, the origin of pasta is associated with Italy. Interestingly, confectioners called it a close relative of macaroni soup, since in both cases the main ingredient is almonds;
  2. The most famous Parisian macaroon in the world called gerbet was coined by Pierre Defontaine;
  3. World Day of this dessert - March 20;
  4. Any confectioner will assure you: that making an almond cake at home is a real sacrilege, since the perfect dessert can only be prepared in a professional kitchen;
  5. The main thing is the form! The unique shape is what distinguishes macaroons from other sweets.

And finally, I want to say: baking these little cookies is not an easy task. But once you try it, you will want to achieve the very ideality that professionals talk about. Who knows, maybe you are destined to cook the perfect pasta at home.

French President Macron, macarons, macaroons….sometimes it seems to me that all French words are very similar. But let's make it clear: macaroons are still cookies, and macarons are the same cakes of two crispy halves with cream filling that we will bake today and that you see in the main photo.

This is a small French pastry that consists of egg white, sugar, powdered sugar, almond flour and often food coloring. The lids of the cake are baked separately, and then assembled according to the “sandwich” principle with the help of ganache or cream.

I ask you not to be afraid of the difficulties that are written about on the Internet. The complexity of making pasta is greatly exaggerated! What they don’t offer: sift the almond flour two hundred times, and then dry it with a thin layer in the oven, age the proteins (or freeze them), and it’s generally scary to read about the kneading process: undermixed - bad, mixed - even worse ... Today I will tell you about my how to make these cakes, see step by step recipe with a photo and see everything is much easier than it seems at first.

Ingredients for the filling (we will cook it first, because it needs to brew and thicken):

  • Berry puree - 80 g (I used red currant, you can have absolutely any)
  • Fatty cream - 80 ml (I have 30%) What to replace? Fatty fresh sour cream without sourness.
  • White chocolate - 180 g (I used two chocolate bars without additives)

Lids Ingredients:

  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Almond flour - 150 g (I grinded almonds myself, I talk about the process in detail)
  • Proteins - 50 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Proteins - 50 g (these are two proteins from small eggs or 1.5 proteins from eggs of category C O)
  • Gel thick dye (optional) - 0.5 tsp. You can make a replacement for dry dye, but it is forbidden to use liquid dye, since it gives a lot of excess moisture.

We use a total of 4 egg whites in this recipe for macaroons (two for the almond flour and two for the Italian meringue).

How to cook pasta filling (recipe with photo step by step):

If you have ready-made berry puree, feel free to use it and skip my explanations. I use frozen redcurrants to make a smooth puree. I spread the berries (by weight, about 200 grams of frozen berries) in a saucepan with a thick bottom and turn on medium heat.

Frozen berries release moisture and juice, turning into gruel. It will take approximately 10-12 minutes. Stir the mixture from time to time so that the berries do not burn.

If you use fresh currants (or other berries), you should add a little water (about 2 tablespoons), otherwise they may burn.

Puree is heterogeneous, so it is better to pass it through a metal sieve. Then measure out 80 g for the recipe.

In a bowl with berry puree add pieces of white chocolate (180 g) as well as 80 ml. fat cream.

Mix all ingredients until completely combined. The chocolate will quickly melt into the hot puree.

It turns out a berry cream based on white chocolate. You can wait until it cools to room temperature, and then transfer it to a pastry bag and put it in the refrigerator. The filling should become thick.

How to make pasta hats

Sift into a bowl powdered sugar(150 g) to get rid of lumps.

In the same bowl, add almond flour (150 g). If you buy it in a store and you have a choice, give preference to fine flour. If grinding almonds yourself, try to make the flour as fine as possible. The surface of pasta cakes depends on how small the almond grains are. The smaller, the smoother the hats.

Mix the almond flour with powdered sugar (if desired, you can sift them together).

Now add 50 g of proteins at room temperature. Mix again.

It turns out a thick viscous porridge, which is called "marzipan". If you try to lift part of the mixture on the spatula, it will fall off in pieces (that is, the density is such that the mixture does not flow). Many recipes recommend adding coloring at this point. But I do it differently: I add it when cooking syrup. In my opinion, it is easier to dissolve and mix it. In thick marzipan, this is much more difficult to do.

Italian meringue for pasta

These coveted cakes can be made with both French meringue and Italian meringue. I love the second option for the stability of the result. And, it seems to me, Italian meringue cakes are more tender and airy. Italian meringue (in which proteins are brewed with sugar syrup) is easy to make, the most important thing is to have a candy thermometer on hand. For those who do not have a thermometer, I will tell you how to determine the readiness of the syrup without one.

Combine sugar (150 g) and water (100 ml) in a saucepan and put on fire.

Stir the mixture and add food coloring. I use Ameri Color super red gel color. It is necessary that the syrup turns bright red, after combining with marzipan, the color will not be so intense. It takes me 0.5 tsp. dye. Stir it into the syrup and continue to cook.

Periodically insert a thermometer to check the temperature of the syrup. After waiting for 114 C, we begin to beat the whites in a separate bowl into a lush foam. When the syrup reaches 118-120 C, we will pour it into whipped proteins.

Of course, experienced confectioners can do without a thermometer. It is enough to look at how slowly the bubbles in the syrup inflate. That is, at the very beginning of its preparation, the bubbles burst, practically without inflating, and by the time the syrup is ready, they begin to slowly stretch and inflate, forming round balls. If you have not yet developed such a skill, prepare the syrup before testing for a soft ball (a drop of syrup must be dipped into a glass cold water and roll the ball). If the ball rolls, then the syrup is ready.

By the time the syrup is cooked, the proteins should be whipped into a fluffy white foam. We begin to pour in the syrup in a thin stream, without ceasing to work with a mixer. In the photo I have it stopped, but do not pay attention to this fact - I have not yet learned how to just take pictures while holding the camera in my mouth (although, oh, how convenient it would be)).

After pouring in the syrup, continue to beat the mixture until stable peaks. At first, the mass will be liquid and shiny, then it will begin to thicken before our eyes, leaving more and more clear marks on the surface.

The process can be considered complete if the mixture holds its shape. Build a "snowdrift" on the surface, it should not fall off. Another test for readiness is to turn the bowl with the contents upside down: the mass should not fall off. If the mixer is powerful, it takes 7-10 minutes to whip the mixture after adding the syrup, in a stationary mixer this process is even faster.

Combine marzipan and protein mixture, mix. It turns out "dough" for pasta, which is called "pasta". Don't be careful! Many recipes on the Internet prescribe: you need to mix very carefully, carefully, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, clockwise and other nonsense. But believe me, these actions will not affect the result at all, so mix as you like. The most important thing is that the meringue and almond mass are well connected so that there are no dry lumps.

Consistency ready dough for pasta, it should be viscous, drain from the shoulder blade with an uninterrupted tape.

What to bake pasta on: on a silicone mat, parchment or teflon sheet?

Prefer Teflon. It is perfectly smooth and slippery, thanks to which the hats do not cling to the surface when baking. My experiments with ordinary baking paper and a silicone mat showed that the lids are uneven, crooked. When I got a Teflon mat, the cakes turned out smoother, with a beautiful skirt.

So, we transfer the dough for cakes into a pastry bag with a round nozzle and place the lids in a checkerboard pattern (for better ventilation during baking). Hold the pastry bag perpendicular to the baking sheet, at a 90-degree angle as you pipe (this will make the shape smoother). You can not use nozzles, but simply cut off the corner of the desired size. If you want to make perfect macaroons, you can draw even circles (2.5-3 cm in diameter) on the back side baking paper and extrude the mass along the contour. If using a Teflon sheet, draw them on a sheet of paper and place them under the baking sheet, after squeezing, remove them. I considered this idea superfluous - on the second baking sheet, the hand itself understands how it should be - and the cakes turn out to be approximately the same. In addition, I bake them not for sale, but for home tea parties =)
As you can see, after the lids are deposited, they look uneven (bumpy surface).

The "beaks" are visible on the lids, which remained after being deposited from the bag. In order for the surface to level and the air we do not need come out of the pasta, we take the baking sheet in our hands and hit the table several times (you can put a towel on the table so that there is no rumble). What happens if this is not done? The surface of the cakes in the oven will crack, as excess air will rapidly leave the halves of pasta.

After these actions, the blanks of the cakes turn out to be smoother and spread a little in volume. Keep this fact in mind when dropping off.

Next important point: leave the cakes to dry at room temperature. They should become matte and, when touched with a fingertip, leave no traces. If you touch the surface - it is sticky and “smears”, you cannot send such cakes to the oven, wait more. The time to dry the hats depends on the humidity in your apartment, it took me an hour.

There is such a way of drying for electric ovens: turn on the temperature of 100 C and set the baking sheet with pasta to an average level for 10-15 minutes, constantly checking the surface with your finger so as not to overexpose. As soon as the lids stop shining and sticking to your fingers, take it out of the oven, cool and then proceed according to the recipe.

We send the cakes to the oven preheated to 160 ° C (Top-Bottom mode) and then we observe the process. The baking time depends on the power of your oven. My pasta takes 16 minutes to bake. At the sixth minute of baking, the skirt begins to grow, then it falls off a little, but not critically. Cakes are ready if they are easily removed from the baking sheet (now I am talking about a Teflon mat). From a silicone surface or from ordinary baking paper, they can only begin to be removed after they have completely cooled. Do not overexpose the pasta in the oven, otherwise they will become too dry, change color, and simply fry.
I recommend baking the hats in small batches to get used to the oven. If you see, for example, that the surface is cracked and the pasta has changed color, then the temperature is too high, for the next 5 pieces, make it smaller. In this way, by experience, you will determine what temperature for baking pasta for your oven is ideal.

Attention! If you have a gas oven, you need to heat it up to 250 C, then turn it off (!) And put a baking sheet with pasta in it. Leave them for 20-25 minutes until done.

We turn over the completely cooled cakes, we find halves that are very similar to each other.

Squeeze the filling from the pastry bag onto one of the halves of the “pair”. We connect them in pairs.

Macarons are ready! It is better to eat them not immediately, but the next day, so that the filling soaks the lids well.

Macarons can be made with the most various fillings, use both white and milk chocolate as the main component of the filling.

What are the perfect pasta?

It is considered that macarons are successful if they have a smooth, shiny, even surface and a characteristic "skirt", the lower porous layer. Macarons should not be cracked, bent to the side, the skirt should match the diameter of the lid. The cream should peek out a little from the cakes, but not flow out in any way.

Store pasta in a container with a tight lid. Store in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. This will keep them fresh and tasty for several days.

Why pasta doesn't work

Sometimes mishaps happen when making pasta. Rarely, but they do happen. This usually happens the very first time pasta is cooked, and only because you can't know in advance what temperature your oven is ideal for baking pasta. But as soon as you make friends with the oven, pasta will not happen.

Let's analyze the frequent failures when baking them:

Why do pasta lids crack?

If you do not dry the pasta before baking, the lids will crack in the oven. This happened with my first pan of cakes. Before you send them to bake, you should let them stand at room temperature until the surface does not stick to your fingers and stops shining. A little higher in the article, I explained how to do drying in the oven.

Another reason for cracking is too high a temperature. If you dried the lids perfectly before sending them to the oven, and you should not worry about this, then the cracks appear due to the high temperature. Try reducing it.

Why doesn't macarons have a skirt or is it too small

This happens if the temperature in the oven is too low. In the recipe I used to cook, the temperature was indicated as 140 C, I set it exactly like that, but the skirts did not appear ((((When I increased the temperature to 160 ° C, the skirts turned out!

Why are pasta inside hollow (empty)

The halves can become hollow inside if there is too much air in the pasta. Therefore, it is important to knock the pan on the table well so that excess air comes out of the halves.

Why did the halves shrink and settle

This usually happens if you make French meringue cakes and not Italian ones. Let me remind you that in French sugar is whipped with whites “dry”, in Italian - we cook sugar syrup and add to beaten egg whites. So, if sugar is added in large portions, it will not have time to disperse: the proteins will whip, and the sugar will float on its own. As a result, in the oven, the sugar begins to caramelize, becomes heavier and pulls the meringue with it, which leads to a heavy bottom and a shriveled hat.

When planting, pasta hats have an uneven shape

Macarons spread on a baking sheet in uneven puddles in cases where the dough is very liquid. You've been tossing pasta with meringue for too long. Therefore, it is important to stop in time, the pasta mixture should flow down in a wide ribbon, if you raise the spatula above the bowl - this is the correct consistency for the dough. In this case, when we put the halves on a baking sheet, they themselves diverge a little, while they have an even round shape.

Macarons are not removed from the pan

If you have any questions about the recipe, ask them in the comments, I'm glad to get feedback!

I have recorded a video recipe for pasta cakes for you, which you can watch on our You Tube channel:

You can attach photos of the resulting cakes to the comments, it's very interesting to see how they turned out for you! Good luck!

If you will post photos on Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the network. Thank you!

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There is nothing difficult in cooking Macaroni at home, but it does not always work out even for experienced confectioners. Therefore, in order for the Macaron dessert to turn out beautiful and tasty, you must strictly follow the recipe for its preparation. This Macaron recipe involves the creation of cookies with 3 types of filling: chocolate, raspberry and pistachio. If you wish, you can choose any one type of filling that you like best.

In order for the cookies to turn out bright, liquid food colorings 2 colors: red and green. Macaron cookies with chocolate filling will be colored by adding cocoa. You can use other colors if you wish.

You will also need a mixer to beat the egg whites. In order for Macarons to turn out airy and tasty, it is recommended to use only high-quality store-bought almond flour.

To make Macaron cookies at home, you must follow the step-by-step recipe exactly:

Step 1 - Cooking macaroons:

  1. Cool down hard 5 chicken eggs and then separate 5 proteins into a clean bowl, making sure that the yolk does not accidentally get into the proteins.
  2. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the egg whites.
  3. Beat 5 proteins for 10 minutes at medium speed, when foam begins to appear in the proteins during the beating, gradually pour out 60 grams of sugar without ceasing to beat.
  4. Take 200 grams of store-bought almond flour and add 300 grams of powdered sugar to it, mix well until smooth.
  5. Sift the mixture of almond flour and powdered sugar 2 times.
  6. Pour the mixture of almond flour and powdered sugar into the whipped protein and gently from the bottom up, stroking the dough with a spatula, mix in the almond flour and powdered sugar without breaking the protein.
  7. Divide the dough into 3 parts and place in 3 different clean bowls.
  8. Add a few drops of liquid red dye to the first part of the dough and gently mix it with a spatula so that it evenly turns red.
  9. Add a few drops of green dye to the second part of the dough and gently mix it with a spatula so that it evenly turns green.
  10. Add a teaspoon of cocoa to the second part of the dough and gently mix it with a spatula until a uniform Brown color.
  11. Take baking sheets and line them with parchment paper or silicone mats.
  12. Take a pastry bag with a smooth tube, put the dough of the same color into it and land the dough on a baking sheet of the same diameter, usually 3-4 centimeters, at a distance of several centimeters from each other. Holding the baking sheet strictly horizontally, raise it about a centimeter above the table and release it so that the baking sheet hits. Repeat several times. This procedure will smooth the surface of the cookies and allow air to escape from the dough.
  13. Place dough of other colors on baking sheets in the same way, while remembering to clean the pastry bag or use a new one so that the dough of different colors does not mix.
  14. Leave the dough on the baking sheets at room temperature for 30 minutes until it is covered with a crust. This will prevent the macarons from cracking as they bake.
  15. Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celsius.
  16. Place 1 baking sheet in the oven and bake for 12 minutes. Then take out the pan and leave to cool.
  17. In the same way, alternately bake the Macarons laid out on other baking sheets. And be sure to take them out of the oven in time and let them cool to room temperature. The presence of a skirt along the edge on the inside of the cookie will indicate that the cookie was cooked correctly.

Stage 2 - Cooking raspberry filling for almond cookies:

  1. Sort and gently wash 400 grams of fresh raspberries.
  2. Put 400 grams of raspberries and 250 grams of sugar in layers in an enamel bowl and leave to stand until the raspberries give juice.
  3. Put the raspberries with sugar on a slow fire and bring to a boil.
  4. Dissolve 2 teaspoons cornstarch in 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
  5. Add to boiling raspberries diluted in lemon juice starch and cook for 2 minutes.
  6. Refrigerate raspberry filling.

Step 3 - Preparing the Pistachio Filling for the Macaroons:

  1. Mix 125 grams of almond flour with 125 grams of powdered sugar.
  2. Pour into a saucepan and add 50 milliliters of water to the sugar-almond mixture.
  3. Put the sugar-almond mixture with water on the stove and heat over medium heat until the mixture begins to come together, then remove from heat. Got marzipan.
  4. Mix 80 milliliters of 35% fat cream with 30 grams of pistachio paste.
  5. Put the creamy-pistachio mixture on the fire and bring to a boil.
  6. Pour the boiling cream into the marzipan and mix well.
  7. Refrigerate the pistachio filling.

Stage 4 - Cooking chocolate filling for almond cookies:

  1. Pour 50 milliliters of 35% fat cream into a saucepan, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Gently chop 80 grams of dark chocolate with a knife.
  3. Put the chocolate in a container and pour the hot cream into it, then stir with a spatula until the chocolate is completely dissolved in the cream.

Step 4 - French Macaron Layer:

  1. Take 1 piece of brown biscuit and spread a small layer of chocolate filling on the inner surface. Cover with the 2nd brown slice and press lightly. The filling should be slightly visible on the side of the cookie. Do the same with others chocolate chip cookies Macaron.
  2. Take 1 piece of green biscuit and apply a small layer of pistachio filling on the inside. Cover with the 2nd slice of green and lightly press down. The filling should be slightly visible on the side of the cookie. Do the same with the other pistachio macarons.
  3. Take 1 piece of red biscuit and apply a small layer of raspberry filling on the inside. Cover with the 2nd red slice and press lightly. The filling should be slightly visible on the side of the cookie. Do the same with others raspberry cookies Macaron.
  4. Arrange colorful Macarons beautifully on a saucer or tray and serve.

French macarons are ready. It should be smooth, soft and melt in your mouth. Enjoy your meal!

Hello dear sweet tooth and admirers french pastries! Offered to your attention classic recipe cookies "Macaron" with chocolate filling.

It's incredibly airy and tender cookies will become a favorite delicacy of your household, a crown addition to any tea party. Immediately I ask you to accurately follow the recommendations regarding the technology of cooking pasta.

Additional variations regarding changing the color of pasta will be considered at the end of the recipe. So, let's start cooking.

Ingredients (for 9 pieces):

1. Almond flour - 60 gr.

2. Powdered sugar - 100 gr.

3. Egg white - 60 gr.

4. Vanilla (sugar) - 10 gr.

5. Sugar - 20 gr.

For filling:

1. Milk or white chocolate - 50 gr.

2. Butter - 10 gr.

3. Cream 35% - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. On parchment paper using a pre-prepared template (our inner diameter of the circle is 4 cm, and the outer diameter is 8 cm), we draw a shape for the meringue. Lay the paper on a baking sheet, pattern side down.

2. Sift the almond flour and powdered sugar through a fine sieve. For cooking pasta, it is better to use purchased fresh flour. premium. If for some reason you could not buy almond flour, we will show you how to cook it yourself.

Pour almond nuts with boiling water and set aside for 10 minutes, then remove the skin. We calcine in a pan on minimum heat (or oven). If you are afraid of overcooking the almonds, you can dry them for several days at room temperature on the windowsill.

We put the dried nuts in the freezer for a couple of hours. Grind in small portions in a coffee grinder, avoiding heat and oils from the nuts.

3. Distribute the sugar-flour mixture in a uniform layer over the parchment,

4. Send for 5 minutes in the oven, preheated to 160 C.

5. In a warm state, sift the mixture a couple more times.

6. Add a little salt to the “aged” egg whites (the day before cooking they must be placed in a closed container at room temperature) and bring to a soft foam with a mixer. Without turning off the mixer, add sugar, combined with vanilla, and bring to a strong foam.

7. Pour the sugar-flour mixture into the protein-sugar foam in three approaches, stirring thoroughly with a wooden spatula.

Thoroughly mix the mixture until a smooth consistency, turning the bowl clockwise.

8. Pour the composition into a pastry bag (or syringe).

9. Squeeze out the pasta base onto the marked parchment, without violating the marking border. A couple of times you need to knock the pan on the countertop, remove the bubbles with a toothpick.

10. Set aside the base for 10 minutes at room temperature until a compacted crust forms.
In the oven, preheated to 160 C, we send the base for 10 minutes. We check readiness by pressing (it should be dense and firm).

11. We take out the parchment on the kitchen surface and cool for 15 minutes.

12. Delicately remove the base from the parchment and combine them into pairs.

Filling method:

1. Rub the chocolate on a coarse grater and pour it with warmed cream, mix until smooth.
Pour in butter and mix thoroughly again.

2. Cool the filling, fill the pastry bag.

Assembly of pasta:

1. On one of the halves of the pasta, a filling is applied in a small layer and covered with the second half.

2. We put the dessert in a closed container and send it for a day (a couple) in the refrigerator.

An hour before the arrival of guests, we take out a delicacy from the refrigerator in order to achieve the maximum disclosure of its taste facets.

Video recipe for makaron cakes

Additional Information:

So try and enjoy French cookies pasta you can not only in a prestigious restaurant at a high price, but also in your kitchen.

The chocolate color of the cookies is obtained by adding cocoa powder (8 g) to the sugar-flour mixture at the 4th stage of preparation. To obtain multi-colored pasta, the dye is added in a liquid state (a couple of drops) to whipped proteins with sugar (after stage 5).

Happy tea!