Home / Dumplings / How to make delicious water pancakes. Yeast pancakes on water without eggs

How to make delicious water pancakes. Yeast pancakes on water without eggs

Pancakes are a wonderful dish, often served for breakfast or dinner, and often as a second course for lunch. Learning to cook this dish is not difficult at all. The culinary specialists invented the most different recipes pancakes. If there is a desire to pamper family members with a dietary version of such a dish, you should try to cook pancakes in water, they turn out to be very tasty, they are made quickly and easily. Below are some of the most successful recipes that can interest many housewives.

Inexpensive dietary meal

Prepared using kefir or sour cream. Some culinary experts may even be surprised: how can you make pancakes on the water at the same time delicious and fluffy? Very simple! The main thing is to learn the secrets of cooking dough for frying. The only caveat is that the calorie content of such baked goods will be lower in comparison with classic ones, but this is unlikely to be a significant disadvantage for fans of dietary cuisine.

Before you start cooking pancakes in water, you should read the recommendations of the chefs.

  • Priority to use wheat flour as the basis of the test. If desired, another variety can be added to it (corn, buckwheat, rice). Before hanging the pancake dough, it is advisable to sift the flour to get fluffy products at the exit.
  • The water used for the dough must be warm. This requirement is especially important if baked goods are prepared according to a yeast recipe.

  • It is necessary to knead a moderately thick, elastic dough that does not spread over the surface of the pan when frying.
  • The presence of raisins, nuts, fruit pieces in the mass of pancakes is allowed.
  • In order for the pancakes to bake evenly in water, a golden crust forms on their surface, the use of a lid is allowed during frying. It covers the frying pan when the products are turned over with the fried side down.
  • Frying pancakes in a skillet with a thick bottom (ideally, cast iron) has proven itself well. This will exclude burning, will become the key to the acquisition of baked goods of a uniform color.
  • If time permits, it is worth letting the dough brew (half an hour). Its further mixing is not encouraged.

Advice! To ensure that the dough separates well when laid out in the pan, and the pancakes have smooth edges, the spoon used for the layout is periodically dipped in refined oil.

Egg-free recipe

This recipe is considered the simplest. It will certainly be approved by lovers of lean breakfast. Ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 200 ml of sparkling water;
  • 0.5 tsp of soda;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • honey (to taste);
  • refined oil (for frying).

A thin stream of warm carbonated water is poured into a saucepan with sifted flour (while stirring). Salt, soda, sugar, honey are added to the mass. The consistency of the dough should be uniform with characteristic air bubbles. The pancakes are fried in oil on both sides. The readiness is evidenced by the golden crust that appears on the products. It is advisable to put the baked goods on a plate covered with a paper towel - it will help to collect excess fat.

Important! The pancakes should be eaten while they are still warm. When cold, baked goods become firm and lose their softness.

Egg recipe

This method will make it possible to offer a hearty, mouth-watering breakfast to household members. Pancakes can be fried immediately after making the dough. List of ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp soda (slaked with vinegar);
  • vegetable oil (for frying).

In a deep container, the flour is mixed with water (the liquid is poured in gradually). The resulting mass is combined with eggs, previously beaten with sugar. Salt, soda, slaked with vinegar are added to the mixture. The dough must be mixed thoroughly - lumps in its structure are unacceptable. The pancakes are fried in sunflower oil until golden crust on a surface.

Attention! Water can be used both ordinary and mineral, but always warm. It is allowed to replace soda with citric acid.

Yeast recipe

To prepare lush pancakes on water, you can knead the dough with yeast. In this case, it is enough to put just a pinch of soda or refuse it altogether. List of ingredients:

  • 450 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp. warm water;
  • 10-12 g yeast (dry);
  • 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • salt, soda (pinch);
  • vanillin to taste;
  • sunflower oil (for frying).

Yeast and sugar dissolve in a container with water. The mass should be infused for 15-30 minutes. The mixture with added a small amount of flour is mixed. Combines with salt, vanilla, flour, soda. Stir the dough well, put it to fit, in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. A tablespoon is used to lay out the finished mass on a hot skillet with oil. The pancakes are fried until a blush appears.

Ready-made pancakes are used warm. It is worth serving fruit jam, chocolate sauce, sour cream with the dish - it all depends on the personal preferences of the eaters. Tasty dish will definitely be included in the menu of weekends, weekdays, they should pamper not only family members, but also treat guests.

Do you like water-cooked pancakes?

How to bake pancakes: video

What to cook for breakfast quickly and tasty

If you are on a diet, but still want pancakes, there is a way out - prepare pancakes for yourself in water. This dish will delight you with lightness and taste.

50 minutes

180 kcal

4.06/5 (16)

Among the multitude simple recipes breakfasts, such as, or, it is pancakes prepared on the basis of water, are rightfully considered a dish dietary. Classic ingredients for making pancakes, eggs with flour and milk or water are considered. If milk is suitable as a basis for a meal for children or people who spend a lot of energy, then water is great option for those who want to lose weight or follow a healthy diet.

Oldies on the water - healthy, simple and dietary

Why are unleavened pancakes in water cooked with eggs? Eggs contain many proteins, among which are essential amino acids, vitamins and trace elements... And extra calories do not threaten you if the pancakes are based on water, preferably only, still eat them on breakfast when the body needs a lot of energy the most. Indeed, in addition to eggs, the pancakes contain flour, and this is a source of "light" carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed and remain on the body if they are not wasted. In particular, therefore, pancakes are recommended for use by people who are recovering the body after an illness and those who work hard physically ...

Pancakes cooked in water will "save" gourmets with lactose intolerance... And if you exclude eggs from the recipe, it will turn out altogether diet dish... In addition, you can replace sugar with a sweetener - and your pancakes will become "weightless" for the body.

It is better to use warm water. It can be carbonated, then the pancakes will turn out to be airy and porous. Also, in order to make the dish more fluffy, yeast dissolved in warm water is added to the dough.

What are the tastiest pancakes on water?

Try to make pancakes with citric acid, they are very light and taste unusual.

You will need:


How to cook... Combine eggs, sugar, salt and citric acid(previously diluted with water), beat thoroughly. Add flour gradually, prepare the dough, and beat again thoroughly.

Put the pancakes on a hot frying pan, it is convenient to do this with a tablespoon.

Many of us have probably racked our brains more than once over the fact what would be tasty to eat during the fast(if you stick with it, of course).

An excellent solution for you is a recipe for lean pancakes. They are free of animal products and are very delicious and nutritious.

The recipe can be based on yeast, or you can do without it. You can make them sweet or opt for a salty (vegetable) recipe. The dough for yeast pancakes on water is kneaded from flour, salt, soda and sugar, and the splendor is achieved through the yeast.

Recipe for pancakes in water with yeast

Lean pancakes are prepared based on:

  • flour - 500 grams;
  • yeast - 25 grams;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • sugar 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. spoons,
  • vegetable oil, vanillin.


  1. Sift the flour first.
  2. Then dissolve the sugar and yeast in warm water. Stir your ingredients for 10 minutes until foam appears on the surface, then add salt and vanillin and gradually add flour without stopping stirring.
  3. After you have kneaded it, leave it in a warm place. for 30 minutes, so it doubles in volume.
  4. When the dough is done, preheat the skillet, place the pancakes on top of it and cook on both sides for 3 minutes until golden brown... It is useful to spread fried pancakes on a paper towel, it will collect excess fat.

What to serve pancakes with? Pancakes go well with sweet syrup, any jam, honey or jam. In addition, in order to feast on pancakes, it is not necessary to wait for fasting, they will become great breakfast on any other day.

Yeast-free lean pancakes recipe

Now let's move on to the lean pancakes without yeast. Need to prepare such ingredients:

  • vegetable oil,
  • a glass of flour and water,
  • a teaspoon of baking powder
  • sugar and honey.


  1. Pour loosening powder into the sifted flour, mix, gradually pour in water.
  2. While kneading the dough, add sugar and honey to it. The consistency is equal to not too thick sour cream.
  3. Fry in a pan, like any other pancakes, for a couple of minutes on each side, spreading it into the pan with a tablespoon. To make the pancakes even more fluffy, use mineral water, and the dish will turn out to be softer.

Soy milk pancakes

To prepare them, you will need a couple of glasses of flour, one lemon, one apple, a glass of soy milk, sugar - 4 tablespoons, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, baking powder - a tablespoon, a little salt and vanilla.


  1. Combine flour, baking powder, vanilla, sugar and finely grated lemon zest.
  2. Cut the apples into cubes or grate them too, squeeze half a lemon onto them.
  3. Heat the milk a little, pour it along with the butter into the flour, add the remaining lemon juice, stir, add apples to the dough and stir again.
  4. Fry in a pan until golden brown... In this recipe soy milk can be replaced with coconut, which is in all supermarkets, and you will get very unusual and delicious pancakes.

Now you are convinced that pancakes on water or lean pancakes are a very simple, but at the same time limitless for imagination dish, which takes a few minutes to cook, and charges you with energy and good mood for a long time. For example, my little son loved them very much, and for breakfast he often asks for aladik with jam

The recipe for pancakes in water is suitable for people who are fasting or on a diet.

Making fluffy pancakes in water without yeast is as easy as shelling pears, just mix everything in one container necessary ingredients and stir the dough until smooth. You can add cinnamon, vanillin, or vanilla sugar to the dough to add flavor.

Let's prepare products according to the list.

Put sugar, salt, vanillin in a bowl. Pour in warm water, stir until sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

We extinguish the soda with lemon juice and add to a bowl of water.

Gradually add flour, mix intensively with a whisk so that there are no lumps in the dough.

It turns out a homogeneous thick, like sour cream, dough, smoothly flowing from a spoon. Do not mix the dough any more!

Pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into the pan, heat it well. Scoop up the dough from the edge of the bowl with a tablespoon and put it in the pan. Cover the pan with a lid. Fry the pancakes over medium heat on both sides until browning. Be sure to check the pancakes from the first batch for baked dough. Put the pancakes on paper napkins to remove excess oil.

Pancakes on the water are very tasty treat, despite the fact that for some reason it is generally accepted that baked goods on water are less satisfying and fluffy than those cooked in milk. Today I will share with readers three recipes, having tried any of which you can see for yourself that pancakes in water are a full-fledged sweet dish, which, moreover, stands out with a reduced calorie content. One of the main advantages of such pancakes is the speed of cooking. Due to this, very often such baked goods are included in the breakfast menu, but they are also cooked for an afternoon snack, when you want to taste lukewarm pancakes in the middle of the day right from the frying pan, but there is no desire to stand for a long time in the kitchen.

The whole process of cooking pancakes is pretty simple and straightforward. It is enough just to mix in one container all the products indicated in the list of ingredients and mix them in homogeneous mass using a whisk or mixer. The resulting mass will be perfect test for pancakes on water. The dough most often contains the same products: water, salt, flour, sugar, vegetable oil and eggs. Sometimes hostesses add additional ingredients, such as yeast, which can be replaced with soda (for splendor), vanilla (for smell), aromatic additives (for taste).

The beauty of the pancake recipe is such that by excluding sugar from the composition, you will get unsweetened pancakes in water. Depending on this, you can select the appropriate filling. You can add pieces of berries, fruits, dried apricots or raisins to the dough for sweet pancakes. In unsweetened pancakes, you can put fried vegetables: onions, carrots, sauerkraut etc.

When the pancake dough is ready, it's time to move on to the frying process. The pan is greased with vegetable oil and set to warm up on fire. Put the dough with a tablespoon, cover the pan with a lid and fry the pancakes on both sides until tender. As a rule, 3-4 minutes is sufficient for each barrel.

Yet, when it comes to pancakes on water, milk or kefir, sweetness is most often implied. Therefore, before serving, the pancakes can be sprinkled with syrup, condensed milk, honey, or simply sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Simple pancakes on water without eggs

If you have in the fridge minimal set products, it doesn't matter. Even without eggs, you can make delicious pancakes in water, which taste will not be inferior to any others. Also, if you are fasting, then take note of this recipe for pancakes.

  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 300 ml of water
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • Vegetable oil
  1. Sift the flour into a deep container.
  2. Pour into flour in a thin stream drinking water room temperature stirring continuously.
  3. Add dry yeast, sugar and salt to the mass. Knead the dough into pancakes.
  4. Cover the container with the dough with a towel and put it in a warm place for 60 minutes.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and set it to warm up.
  6. With a tablespoon, spread the dough in portions into the pan and cover it with a lid.
  7. Fry the pancakes over medium heat on both sides until cooked through.

Lush pancakes on water with eggs and soda

Lush pancakes can be made not only with yeast, but also with soda. In this case, you will be relieved of the need to wait for the dough to come up, and you will quickly cope with the entire cooking process.

  • 3 tbsp. water
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp soda
  • Vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • Vegetable oil
  1. Pour sugar, salt into the water and beat in the eggs. Beat all ingredients until smooth.
  2. We extinguish the soda with vinegar and add to the dough.
  3. Add flour in small portions and knead the dough.
  4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and spread the dough with a spoon.
  5. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Homemade yeast pancakes on water

This one-to-one recipe corresponds to the one that cooks pancakes in water in schools and kindergartens. Thanks to yeast, they are extremely lush and satisfying, therefore they can pass for a full breakfast for all family members.

  • 500 ml water
  • 14 g fresh yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3 cups flour
  • Vegetable oil
  1. We heat the water in the microwave and add yeast into it. Let them dissolve completely.
  2. Add sugar, salt and an egg to the water with yeast. Using a mixer, mix all the ingredients until smooth.
  3. Then add flour to the mass and knead the dough. Ready dough cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.
  4. After 60 minutes, mix the dough slightly and leave it for another half hour.
  5. We form pancakes from the dough, put them in a frying pan preheated with vegetable oil and fry on both sides until tender.

Now you know how to cook pancakes in water. Bon Appetit!

Pancakes on the water are not a luxury, therefore every novice culinary specialist can effortlessly prepare such a delicacy for himself and his loved ones both for breakfast and just like that. Of course, there are some subtleties of cooking pancakes, but they are not so essential that you cannot cope with them. Finally, as always, I want to give a couple of tips to make your pancakes on the water tasty the first time:

  • Before using, do not forget to sift the flour, this will make your pancakes in water more fluffy;
  • The water you use for the recipe should be warm. In case you are cooking yeast dough for pancakes, this rule must be followed without fail;
  • Feel free to experiment and add to the dough various fillings: fruits, berries, nuts or chocolate pieces;
  • It is best to fry pancakes in water on vegetable oil and under a tightly closed pan lid. From this, they will not only be evenly fried, but will also have an amazingly appetizing color.

There are so many recipes for pancakes that your eyes run wide. I want to cook both of them, but it happens that some milk product there is no choice and the choice falls on pancakes, which can be cooked in water and soda. This recipe will come in handy when you forgot to buy kefir or milk, and you really want pancakes.

To prepare fluffy pancakes in water and soda, prepare the necessary products from the list.

In a deep bowl, combine flour and warm water. The water should be slightly warm, no need to overheat.

Break an egg into a separate bowl, add sugar and salt to it.

Beat the mixture with a whisk until fluffy.

Then mix this mass with the flour mixture, add slaked soda and mix everything thoroughly. The dough will be of medium thickness and will flow smoothly from the spoon.

Preheat a frying pan with sunflower oil... Put the dough in a frying pan with a tablespoon and wait until pores appear on the entire surface.

After that, the pancakes can be turned over and fried on the other side.

Put the finished pancakes on a paper towel to remove excess oil.

You can serve fluffy pancakes in water and soda with any drink with honey, jam or jam.

Bon Appetit!