Home / Biscuit / Cherry pies - the best recipes for fresh and rich dough for mouth-watering pastries. Lenten pies with cherries Pies with pitted cherries

Cherry pies - the best recipes for fresh and rich dough for mouth-watering pastries. Lenten pies with cherries Pies with pitted cherries

Choose excellent tried and tested recipes for cherry pies on the website of lovers of boring cuisine. Rate variations from yeast, unleavened, shortbread or puff pastry. Try fresh, frozen or canned cherries. Diversify the taste of the berry with aromatic additives.

The combination of cherries with dough leaves no one indifferent. And it doesn't matter which dough is chosen. Yeast pies will be fluffy and soft, puff pies will be crispy, shortbread pies will be sweet and crumbly. The choice is up to the chef. In order for the baking to turn out really successful, and the cherry juice does not flow out during the cooking process, juicy berry before sculpting, sprinkle with a thickener: starch, milk powder, etc.

The five most commonly used ingredients in cherry pie recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Defrost a package of puff pastry in advance.
2. Pull the pits out of the cherries. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and let them stand for half an hour.
3. Drain the juice into a separate container.
4. Crush the cherries with starch. Stir.
5. Roll out the dough with a thin layer.
6. Cut into squares of the desired size.
7. Put the cherry filling on half of the square.
8. Fold the product into a triangle.
9. Carefully pinch the edges.
10. Place the pies on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
11. Brush with egg.
12. Bake at 200° until golden brown.

Five of the fastest cherry pie recipes:

Helpful Hints:
. Cherry filling can be supplemented with cinnamon, nuts, raisins, cocoa, chocolate and even cognac.
. To lubricate the surface of the pies, it is better to use a mixture of yolk and milk.
. You should always cover the dough to avoid unpleasant weathering.
. In order for the frozen dough not to lose its properties, it must be thawed slowly on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

It's great when in the evening there are delicious homemade pies with cherries for a cup of cool compote. Baking them and then helping yourself is a very exciting and joyful activity for the whole family. Climb a tree and pick ripe, juicy cherries; then knead fluffy, butter dough; stick pies together and look forward to when they are baked ... And then sit in the kitchen or on the veranda of the cottage, enjoying summer pastries and a feeling of home comfort! It's much nicer than buying ready-made buns in the store, right?

The pies according to this recipe are very tasty: rich, fluffy, soft, do not dry out for a long time - although they do not have time to become stale, because they are eaten quickly! This is my favorite recipe, and I am sure that after trying it, you will also make friends with yeast dough. The main thing is to cook with love and good mood, with confidence that the dough will succeed - then everything will work out, and the household will eat and praise your pies.

The dough recipe is universal, and you can bake from it not only pies with cherries, but also with other varieties. different fillings. In summer - with berries and fruits: apricots, peaches, raspberries. It's good to bake in autumn fragrant pies with apples, and in winter - cinnamon and sugar buns, with chocolate, raisins, dried fruits.

Butter dough goes well with different fillings, and every time you will have an original sweet pastries for tea. And if you reduce the amount of sugar, then you can cook unsweetened variations: spring pies with green onions and egg, snack cheesecakes with cottage cheese and dill. Fantasize!

For yeast dough

  • 40-50 g fresh yeast;
  • 0.5 st. milk or water;
  • 75 g of sugar;
  • 3 eggs + 1 for brushing
  • 120 g butter;
  • ¼ st. sunflower oil;
  • ¼ tsp salt;
  • 4-4.5 st. flour (glass volume 200 g, capacity 130 g flour).

For filling

  • 500 g pitted cherries;
  • Sugar.

Cooking cherry pies

I always take fresh yeast: with it, the yeast dough, in my opinion, works out better. If it is difficult to get fresh, you can try with dry yeast, but in this case, you should strictly follow the technology and proportions. Usually dry yeast is required three times more than fresh, that is, in this case, about 15 g (that's 3 teaspoons with a slide).

Take a close look at exactly what type of dry yeast. They are fast-acting (they are instant, granular, fast) and active. If the first, “fast”, can be immediately mixed with flour and other dry ingredients, then the second must first be activated: stir in warm water with the addition of a teaspoon of sugar and leave for 10-15 minutes to foam, and then knead the dough.

With fresh yeast, knead the dough like this: crumble the yeast into a bowl with your hands, pour 1 tablespoon of sugar and rub the yeast with sugar with a spoon until they melt.

Then add water or milk and stir. Milk should not be hot or cold, but warm: the optimum temperature is 37-38 ºС.

Sift about 1 cup of flour into a bowl and mix until no lumps remain. The resulting not very thick dough - dough - put in heat for 15-20 minutes. It is most convenient to take warm water (also 36-37ºС, not hot) into a bowl of a larger diameter, put a bowl of dough on top of this container and cover with a clean towel.

While the dough is rising, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Let's melt the butter. Beat the eggs with sugar: you can use a mixer to make it more magnificent, but it is permissible and just shake with a spoon or fork.

When the dough rises, bubbles will appear in it, it's time to knead the dough. Add in beaten eggs and melted butter. All ingredients should be at room temperature or warm - do not add hot butter or eggs from the refrigerator to the yeast dough. Yeast loves pleasant warmth!

After mixing, we begin to gradually add the rest of the flour to the dough. Be sure to sift it so that the flour is enriched with oxygen, which the yeast needs for fermentation: then the dough will fit better, and the pastries will turn out more magnificent. And if there are lumps or some impurities in the flour, they will not get into the dough, but will remain in a colander or sieve.

After sifting flour into the dough, mix and look at the consistency. The dough should be soft, not sticky, but not too hard. At the end of the kneading, along with the last portion of flour, add sunflower oil and salt: if you put these ingredients at the beginning, they will prevent the yeast from raising the dough.

Knead the dough for a few minutes, put in a bowl sprinkled with flour or greased vegetable oil, cover with a towel and again put in heat for 15-20 minutes.

While the dough is rising, prepare the cherries for the filling. Rinse them, remove the stones and leave them in a colander to drain the juice.

The baking sheet is covered with confectionery parchment, greased with vegetable oil. You can bake without paper. But, if the pie cracks during baking and the cherry juice gets on the parchment, you don’t have to wash the baking sheet later.

When the dough increases by 1.5-2 times, carefully punch it down and start sculpting pies. Separating small pieces of dough, we form cakes from them and lay them out on a table sprinkled with flour. In the middle of each tortilla we put 3-5 or 7 pitted cherries, depending on what size you are making pies. Try not to get cherry juice on the edges of the cakes - then it will be difficult to seal them.

Sprinkle the cherries with sugar and seal the edges of the cakes well, like dumplings. Slightly flattening the pies, give them an oblong shape and lay them on a baking sheet in rows, seam down.

We put the pies in heat for proofing for 10-15 minutes. You can turn on the oven, open the door, and while it warms up to 160-170ºС, put a baking sheet with pies on top of the stove.

Place the tray in the oven and bake for about 25 minutes. We look: if the pies come up, begin to blush, the dough is dry and baked (we try with a wooden stick), then they are almost ready. We take out a baking sheet and grease the pies with a beaten egg using a silicone brush. Then put back in the oven for another 5-7 minutes, increasing the temperature to 180-200 ºС. Pies will become ruddy, shiny, mouth-watering!

We move the finished pies from the baking sheet to a dish or tray. When it's almost cold, you can break off the pies and help yourself!

Of all the sweet pies, perhaps the most delicious are yeast pies with cherries, and exactly those that are baked in the oven. To make the pastry with cherries airy, and the filling turned out to be thick and not flow out, it is enough to know a couple of little tricks, which I will gladly share with you in this recipe. So, we read carefully, and then we go to cook amazing cherry pies.)))


  • yeast dough:
  • 3 art. premium flour (500 gr.)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 st. water + 1/2 tbsp. milk
  • 3 tsp dry yeast (25 gr fresh yeast)
  • 3 art. l. Sahara
  • 3 tbsp sunflower oil
  • a pinch of salt
  • filling:
  • 600 gr. fresh or frozen cherries
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tbsp starch
  • decoration:
  • 1 egg

    Cherry pie filling

  • Before making the dough, prepare the cherries. First of all, we need ripe cherries. These can be fresh cherries or frozen. fresh cherries we sort, wash, if desired, remove the bones. Defrost frozen cherries, remove the seeds if desired.
  • But the preparation of the filling does not end with this alone, the cherries should be boiled. Yes, I would like everything to be simpler and faster, but if you put fresh cherries in pies, then it is likely that the filling will be sour, while Cherry juice will certainly flow out, and the dough itself will remain wet inside. Therefore, my friendly advice, do not skip the next step, it will save your nerves and guarantee an excellent result)))))
  • So, we fall asleep cherries with sugar, cherries release juice very quickly. Literally half an hour later, put the bowl with cherries on the fire, cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  • Be sure to try, if the cherry is sour, more sugar may be required. We turn off the fire. Let the cherry cool down. By the way, the filling for pies can be made in advance, you can also use ready-made cherry jam.
  • Drain the boiled cherries in a colander. Understandably, cherry syrup do not pour out, this is an excellent impregnation for cakes, and you can simply make cherry jelly or a drink from cherry syrup.
  • Yeast dough for pies with cherries

  • We dilute fresh yeast (or dry baker's) in a warm mixture (1/2 cup milk + 1/2 cup water). The temperature of the mixture is 40°C.
  • Add 1 tbsp. flour and 1 tbsp. Sahara. Stir and put in a warm place for 30 minutes.
  • Thanks to the warm nutrient medium, the yeast begins to divide rapidly, the dough becomes covered with bubbles and begins to increase in volume.
  • After half an hour, add another 2 tbsp to the dough. sugar, 2.5 cups of sifted flour.
  • Add 1 egg to the dough, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil and a pinch of salt.
  • We knead the dough. Then we spread the dough on a table sprinkled with flour, and begin to knead thoroughly. Add flour little by little so that the dough does not turn out too steep. In general, yeast dough should be soft and pliable, but not sticky to the table and hands.
  • We form a bun from the dough, put it in a bowl, cover with a clean napkin and put it again in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.
  • Cooking cherry pies

  • After this time, we take out the dough that has increased in volume. We divide the dough into two parts, and then each part into 6 pieces.
  • From the pieces we form plump cakes. We put a spoonful of cherry filling on each cake. You can, of course, put more, but then you will immediately have to take not 600 gr. cherries, but a little more.
  • Sprinkle a little starch on top of the cherries, about 1/4 teaspoon for each pie. It is the starch that keeps the cherry juice inside the pie, preventing it from leaking out.
  • Carefully pinching the edges, we form a pie.
  • We put the pie with cherries on a baking sheet with the seam down (we first cover the baking sheet with parchment or grease with vegetable oil). If you are a craftswoman to sculpt a beautiful oblique seam, then in this case we put the pies with the seam up. Then we form the second pie, the third, etc.
  • If you want the pies with cherries to turn out to be tall, plump, then place them on a baking sheet quite close to each other, at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. When the dough approaches, the pies will increase in volume and support each other with barrels.
  • We put a baking sheet with pies in a warm place for 30 minutes (closer to a hot oven).
  • Before we put the pies with cherries in the oven, paint them with a beaten egg.
  • We put a baking sheet with cherry pies in a well-heated oven (turn it on in advance). We bake for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 ° C.
  • We place the baking sheet in the center of the oven so that the pies are browned both from below and from above. We follow the baking, because. ovens are different, you may need to adjust the time or temperature.
  • We take out rosy, beautiful, fragrant cherry pies from the oven. We give the pies to cool, we call everyone to the table. True, you don’t have to call especially, everyone will come running anyway.

Bon Appetit!
Delicious and healthy recipes from Alena Khokhlova

When the summer season comes and it's time for berries, cherry pies become one of the most relevant dishes. This option of treats involves the preparation of air dough and thick filling. There are some tricks that will help keep the contents inside juicy and keep it from leaking out.

How to cook pies with cherries?

To make pies with cherries, follow simple rules.

  1. Pies are baked using an oven, a slow cooker, you can cook fried in a pan.
  2. An important component is the filling of cherries for pies. The berries are washed well, and the bones are removed from it.
  3. So that there is no sourness, and the juice does not flow out, sprinkle the cherries with sugar and leave for half an hour.
  4. If cooking is in the oven, then yeast dough is being prepared. Before baking, the blanks are smeared with a beaten egg.

Pies with cherries in a pan on kefir

A very simple cooking recipe with which they make fried pies with cherry. This is due to the fact that you do not need to use yeast, the dough is prepared on kefir. It is necessary to fry immediately, this is necessary so that the cherry juice does not leak out. After frying in a pan, the pies are laid out on a napkin to remove excess fat.


  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 700 g;
  • soda - 2 tsp;
  • cherry - 800 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • salt.


  1. Pour kefir into flour. Add egg, salt, sugar and soda, mix. Make a batch.
  2. Cut the dough into pieces.
  3. Roll out each cake and put a cherry sprinkled with sugar in the center. Fasten the edges.
  4. Fry pies with cherries in a pan on both sides.

Pies with cherries from yeast dough

A very long cooking time is occupied by cherry pies in the oven, made from traditional yeast dough. This is due to the fact that it must rise several times. The last rise occurs when the pastries are laid out on a baking sheet. The result is an appetizing, juicy and ruddy dish.


  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • fresh yeast - 50 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 120 g;
  • flour - 4 cups;
  • cherry - 700 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Add sugar and yeast to warm milk, knead, add half the flour and mix again. Leave the dough for 20 minutes.
  2. Add the remaining sugar, melted butter, margarine and 2 eggs to the dough, mix.
  3. Gradually add the remaining flour and knead the dough. Put in a warm place for 1.5 hours.
  4. Once the dough has risen, knead it and wait for the next rise. Then split it into pieces.
  5. Form pies with cherries.
  6. Lay the patties seam side down on a baking sheet and brush them with the egg. Bake for half an hour.

Puff pies with cherries

If the refrigerator has the necessary blank, you can quickly prepare a rich homemade cakes. Great option pies with cherries from puff pastry will become. They will turn out incredibly tasty, with crispy golden crust. The advantage of this dish is that it takes less time compared to a yeast dish.


  • puff pastry - 500 g;
  • cherry - 200 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Rinse the cherries and mix with sugar and starch.
  2. Roll out puff pastry to a thickness of 3 mm and cut into equal squares. Put the stuffing on them and form triangles.
  3. Cover a baking sheet with paper and lay out the puff pastries with cherries.
  4. Leave in a warm place for 20 minutes, then brush with egg.
  5. Send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to 210 degrees, bake the pies for 5 minutes. After lower the temperature to 180 degrees and continue to bake for 20 minutes.

Fried pies with cherries from yeast dough

Another extremely simple cooking option is pies with cherries in a pan. If you make yeast dough, then they will turn out lush, and the filling will definitely not leak out. The blanks are fried over medium moderate heat until they are browned on both sides. The result is a hearty and nutritious meal.


  • flour - 600 g;
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • margarine - 100 g;
  • vanillin;
  • cherry - 500 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil.


  1. Mix yeast with flour, add salt, sugar and vanillin.
  2. Warm up the milk and pour into the mixture.
  3. Add eggs and softened margarine to the dough, mix. Place it in a warm place for an hour.
  4. Knead the lush dough several times, divide into parts.
  5. Mix sugar with starch.
  6. Form pies. Fry them in a pan on both sides.

Lenten pies with cherries

People who fast will be able to make pies with cherries on the water. This recipe excludes the use of animal products. The amount of sugar can be varied at your discretion, depending on what kind of filling the hostess prefers - sweeter or sourer.


  • flour - 900 g;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt.


  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add sugar and salt, mix.
  2. Pour the liquid mixture into the flour, add the oil, knead the dough and leave for 1 hour.
  3. Form with cherries, send to the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Shortcrust pastry pies with cherries

Truly culinary masterpiece you can call this dish, in this version it is used for pies with cherries. The combination of these two components creates an indescribable taste. It is imperative to adhere to the ratio of the dough and the filling so that the cherry juice does not leak out during the baking process and the food comes out juicy.


  • flour - 400 g;
  • oil - 300 g;
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - 50 g;
  • salt;
  • cherry - 300 g.


  1. Mix flour and salt.
  2. Beat the butter with a blender, add the dry mixture to it. Enter the yolks one at a time.
  3. Pound the dough until smooth.
  4. Form pies, grease them with egg. Bake in the oven for half an hour.

Pies with cherries and cottage cheese

Extremely popular in the summer season are wind pies with cherries, to which cottage cheese is added. This component is selected in accordance with the individual wishes of the hostess, it may differ in the percentage of fat content. When the pies cool down a little, they are sprinkled with powdered sugar.


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • oil - 120 g;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • cherry - 400 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Mix yeast with flour, add yolks, sugar, butter, milk and salt.
  2. Make a batch, put in a warm place for 1 hour.
  3. Add 2 yolks, starch, sugar, half the butter to the cottage cheese, mix.
  4. Wait until the dough rises, divide it into pieces and make pies, leave them in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  5. Bake sweet pies with cherries in the oven for 25 minutes.

Lavash pies with cherries

If the hostess has a desire to please loved ones delicious lunch cooked on hastily, can be done with cherries. This recipe is extremely original, because it includes such an unusual component as pita bread. Another advantage is the availability of products.


  • cherries - 250 g;
  • pita bread - 1 sheet;
  • cinnamon - 0.25 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • starch - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Mix cherries with starch, sugar, cinnamon.
  2. Lavash cut into 4 parts, put the stuffing in them and wrap.
  3. Fry the blanks in a pan on both sides.

Open pies with cherries

Very original is the recipe for cherry pies in the oven, in which the filling is visible at the top of the baking, which is why they are called "open". This cooking method will help you feel in the usual traditional dish new notes, this will be facilitated by the use of a special sour cream filling.


  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 250 g;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • live yeast - 70 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 1 kg;
  • cherry - 300 g.

For filling:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • starch - 1 tsp


  1. Mix flour with hot oil.
  2. Mix yeast with 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Dissolve them in warm milk.
  3. Beat the remaining sugar with the eggs.
  4. Combine both mixtures and add flour.
  5. Add oil, knead everything for 15 minutes.
  6. Leave the dough for 1.5 hours. Punch down and let rise again.
  7. Form cakes with folded outer edges, place a cherry in the middle.
  8. Beat the ingredients for filling with a blender, pour it into the cakes.
  9. Bake with cherries in the oven for 20 minutes.

Pies with cherries in a slow cooker

Can cook amazing delicious pies with cherries and at the same time significantly simplify the process if you use a household appliance. The slow cooker will come to the aid of busy housewives, thanks to the gadget, you can not particularly follow the process, the main thing is to set the desired mode correctly. The dish can be made in the form of a solid pie or portioned products.

20-25 servings

2 hours

238.7 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

I offer you two options for making cherry pies. Treat yourself, your loved ones and your guests with delicious pastries.

Cherry filling for pies

Cooking time: 20-30 minutes.
Servings: 20-25 pies.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan or stewpan, sieve, spoon, any device for removing stones from cherries.


Step by step cooking

Such a filling for pies can be prepared from both frozen and canned cherries. We pre-thaw the frozen cherries, remove the bones, if necessary, then cook according to the recipe. FROM canned cherries- even easier. Just add starch and boil until thickened. Also, this cherry filling can be used not only for pies, but also for large open and closed pies from any kind of test.

Video recipe for making cherry filling for pies

Watch a video on how easy it is to get the pits out of cherries with a hairpin or an ordinary match. In this video you will see how the cherry filling is prepared.

Pies with cherries from yeast dough

Cooking time: 1.5-2 hours.
Servings: 20-25 pieces.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: a large bowl, a spoon, a measuring cup, a waffle towel, a baking sheet, parchment, a pastry brush.


How to choose flour for pies

Flour grade "Extra" and premium- the most delicate, airy, it is best suited for baking pies, cake layers, buns, biscuits. This flour contains the largest number starch and a small amount of proteins. Baking from it will have a good volume and splendor. Do not buy flour with an expiration date. It cakes and loses its flowability, microorganisms develop in it.

Step by step cooking

Cooking dough

kneading the dough

Making and baking pies

Video recipe for making yeast pies with cherries

Watch a video with a recipe for making yeast pies with cherries in the oven. Here you will see how to properly knead the dough and how to form pies.

Puff pastry pies with cherries

Cooking time: 45-55 minutes.
Servings: 8-10 pieces.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, baking tray, parchment, colander or slotted spoon, rolling pin, spoon, pastry brush, fork, bowl.


Step by step cooking

  1. In a bowl, defrost 350-400 grams of cherries at room temperature. If you have cherries with seeds, then we get rid of them in any convenient way.

  2. Pour defrosted cherries with 150-170 grams of sugar. Cherries should release juice.

  3. We throw the berries into a colander or take them out with a slotted spoon.

  4. Leftover juice can be used to make delicious sauce to the pies. To do this, you need to add a little sugar to the juice, according to your taste, 1 tablespoon of starch, and boil for small fire 2-3 minutes.

  5. Defrost 500 grams of ready-made puff pastry and roll it into a square layer 0.5 cm thick. Dust your work surface with flour before rolling out to prevent the dough from sticking.

  6. We cut the resulting layer of dough into squares of 8x8 centimeters.

  7. Take one egg and separate the yolk from the protein.

  8. We spread 2 teaspoons of cherries on each square of dough.

  9. Sprinkle corn starch on top of cherries. For all pies you will need 3 teaspoons of starch.

  10. We grease the edges of the squares with protein so that they hold together better and do not fall apart during baking.

  11. Fold each piece of dough in half diagonally. We will get pies in the form of triangles.

  12. Dip the tines of a fork in flour and press down on the edges of the patties to seal them well.

  13. Lay the pies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and put in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 180 degrees. While the cakes are cooling in the refrigerator, the oven will warm up.

  14. We take out our formed chilled pies and grease them on top with yolk using a pastry brush.

  15. We put the pies in the oven and bake for 15-18 minutes until golden brown.

Video recipe for making puff pastry pies with cherries

Watch the video recipe for making simple puff pastries with cherries. The video shows in detail how to form triangular pies and how to fasten them so that they do not fall apart when baking.