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Chicken marinated in lemon. Step by step recipe with photo

Lemon Chicken is a delicious chicken breast baked in a lemon marinade with garlic and spices. Chicken meat marinates well and becomes very soft and juicy. The dish is prepared very quickly and simply, even a novice hostess can handle it. I like this dish because the breast is prepared without the addition of sour cream, mayonnaise or other fatty sauce, which makes the dish light and dietary.


  • Chicken breast - 800 g
  • Lemon - ½ piece (only juice is needed)
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Paprika - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste (about 1 teaspoon)
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Dried basil - to taste (can be replaced with your favorite dried herbs)


Wash the chicken breast, remove excess fat and cut into large pieces. The breast must be cut across into pieces of 2-2.5 cm at a slight angle.

Prepare the marinade. To do this, combine olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper and paprika, passed through a press. Optionally, add your favorite dried herbs, but don't get carried away, so as not to clog the taste of the lemon marinade.

Mix the marinade thoroughly. Pour the chopped chicken breast with the resulting marinade and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Be sure to thoroughly coat each piece of chicken with marinade so that it is soaked evenly.

After 2 hours, when the lemon marinade has soaked the chicken, brush a baking dish with a little olive oil and lay the chicken pieces overlapping each other, brushing the pieces with the remaining marinade.

Sprinkle dried basil on top of the chicken for a special flavor. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send your dish for 40-50 minutes. Chicken with lemon in the oven should release juice, in which it will be stewed, and be covered with a light blush on top due to the oil content in the marinade.

After 40 minutes, the chicken with lemon is ready, you can serve it immediately. Such a chicken will go well with any side dish, but if you want the dish to be completely dietary, then it is better to supplement it with steamed or baked vegetables. This dish is so easy to prepare - tasty, does not mean difficult.

Bon Appetit!

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Chicken marinated with lemon and herbs - the plot, frankly, is quite common. The reason is simple and prosaic - in this marinade you can cook whole chicken, barbecue, and individual pieces, and the result will be wonderful: the meat acquires a unique spicy-lemon taste and aroma, with which the chicken goes surprisingly well. Yes, yes, this is exactly the case when lemon juice is used as a seasoning.

Chicken with lemon and herbs

As I said above, you can cook whole chicken with lemon and herbs, but I like the idea of ​​​​cutting it into portions in advance. When you decide on the size of the pieces, the chicken should be salted: dissolve in water and put the chicken pieces there so that the water covers them completely (it is better to salt the whole chicken in a bag so that the brine does not take very much). This technique will make the meat more juicy and tender (for details, read the article helps to make meat more juicy?). Remove large pieces of chicken from the brine after an hour, a whole chicken - after two, smaller pieces for barbecue - after 30-40 minutes.

For the marinade, combine all of its ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. The good news is that you can experiment with your favorite herbs (due to the tough stems of rosemary, mint, and thyme, it's best to use only their leaves, the rest of the herbs can be put in the blender whole), and also use dried herbs if you have you were not found fresh.

Remove the chicken from the brine, rinse under running water to wash it off the surface of the chicken, dry, pour marinade with lemon and herbs and leave to marinate for another 2 hours (whole chicken - for 3 hours, barbecue - for 1 hour).

Remove the chicken from the marinade and cook on the grill or in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes (whole chicken - a little over an hour, barbecue - on the grill until cooked). Lubricate the chicken periodically during the cooking process, this will prevent the meat from drying out prematurely and will make it taste even more lemony. When the chicken is ready, serve it without any sauce - the juiciness and its own taste of this dish quite allow such foppishness.

Lemon marinated chicken is a traditional American recipe. Differs in simplicity of preparation and surprising gentle fragrant taste of a ready chicken. It is advisable to take chicken parts for this dish along with the skin, which itself turns out to be incredibly tasty, and besides, it does not allow the meat to dry out in the oven. This time I made chicken thighs. Lemon Chicken is obtained with a light lemon flavor, its acidity is practically not felt. At the same time, lemon has a positive effect on chicken fat, adding balance to taste and lightness to this rather high-calorie dish.

Kitchen: American .

Cooking method: in the oven .

Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Marinating time: 2 hours.
Roasting time: 1 hour.

Ingredients for 5 servings:

  • 5 chicken thighs with skin
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • juice and zest of half a large lemon
  • 1 tsp dried thyme (or a few sprigs of fresh)
  • 1 tsp dry rosemary (or a couple sprigs of fresh)
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • freshly ground black pepper.


  1. In a bowl (preferably non-oxidizing), grate the zest of a lemon and squeeze out the juice. You can marinate the chicken in a bag, but then you must first check it for leaks so that the marinade does not leak out during the process. In this case, all the ingredients for the marinade are placed in a bag, and chicken parts are added there.

  2. Add thyme and rosemary. Coarsely break fresh herbs to make it easier to remove them before baking, just pour dry ones into lemon juice.
  3. Peel and grate the garlic on a fine grater or pass through a press. Add garlic, salt and pepper to the marinade, mix well.

  4. Wash chicken thighs and pat dry with paper towels. Make several punctures with a knife in the thickest parts of the thigh, so that the marinade better soaks the meat.

  5. Put the thighs in a bowl with marinade and mix them well so that they are coated on all sides with lemon marinade.

  6. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for two hours. After an hour of pickling, you can mix again.

  7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Clean the chicken of large pieces of rosemary and thyme. Place the chicken in a baking dish or on a baking sheet, skin side up. Brush with marinade. On top, you can put a few sprigs of aromatic herbs (rosemary and thyme).

  8. Roast for about 60 minutes until chicken is done and crispy and golden. But be sure to focus on the performance of your oven. Half an hour after the start of baking, you need to grease the thighs with the secreted juice. It is advisable to do this a few more times until the chicken acquires an appetizing and crispy crust. If your oven is equipped with a grill, then I recommend using this mode at the end of cooking. Turn on the grill for 2-3 minutes and the chicken skin will almost instantly acquire a decent fried appearance.
  9. Serve chicken in a lemon marinade with lemon wedges. Serve well as a side dish

A new barbecue recipe and a new marinade - highly carbonated mineral water and lemon juice. It not only gives chicken meat an excellent taste, but also makes the meat juicy and soft. For chicken skewers, it is most convenient to use the thighs. But drumsticks (I recommend for those on the Dukan diet) and wings are also great. Only for breast skewers, I would recommend a different marinade.

If you prefer chicken skewers with skin, then it needs to be cut. This will allow the marinade to better penetrate the meat. Don't eat chicken skin, which I think is smart - remove it.

Chicken skewers marinated with lemons and mineral water

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The chicken skewers recipe is easy to make. The chicken is juicy and tasty. Perfect for a picnic on the lake!


(check all are)
  • 1.5 kg chicken thighs
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 sl hmeli-suneli
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Preparation: 20
  • Cooking: 20
  • Servings: 6


  • 1. Marinate the chicken skewers

  • 1.1. If you have chicken thighs for barbecue, then remove the longitudinal bones and cut the meat into pieces of 4-5 centimeters. This is usually achieved by cutting the boneless thigh meat into 4 pieces. The shins will have to be carefully cut. Wings are best divided into parts at the joints.

    1.2. Onion cut into half rings. Pour the onion into a deep saucepan, a three-liter one is perfect. Salt the onion and remember it well with your hands - we need a lot of juice.

    1.3. Lay the meat on top of the onion.

    1.4. Add spices.

    1.5. Cut the lemon in half and cut three slices from one of the halves. Lay the slices on top of the meat. Squeeze the juice from the remaining lemon and mix everything.

    1.6. Now take a mineral water and fill the barbecue with it.

    1.7. The kebab raged with the aromas of spices, made friends with onion and lemon juice! Fine! Now wrap the pan with shish kebab with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

  • 2. Cooking chicken skewers

  • 2.1. For cooking chicken skewers, it is best to use a grate - grip. Preferably with medium-sized cells, as we cut our kebab very intelligently, into small pieces. Put them on the grill, while making sure that the meat does not stick to the bottom and top of the onion. When cooking, it will burn, but we don’t need it, right?

    2.2. Wait until "gray" coals appear in the grill and quickly fry the meat on them on both sides. And then bring the meat to readiness.

Chicken kebab is perfect with vegetable salads and guacamole sauces, ketchup, sweet chili. Good appetite!

What recipes do you use when cooking chicken skewers? With what sauces do your loved ones prefer barbecue?

We know about national cuisines that French is exquisite, Italian is divine, English is boring, but there is no American cuisine - fast food cannot be considered such! And that American classic recipes are characterized by incomparable simplicity, if not rusticity, so it’s impossible to paint “refined taste”, “elegance of form” and “delicate aroma” - not the right format!

Yes, the culinary tradition of the New World is practical, the dishes are easy to prepare and devoid of “bells and whistles”. But therein lies the charm of tradition! I recommend learning to cook using simple, understandable recipes - they rarely fail, please with the result and help the novice cook become more confident on the path to mastery. American recipes are a good choice.

Chicken in lemon sauce, or “Lemon Chicken” (“Lemon Chicken”) is a dish of “rustic” American cuisine: a rare local housewife does not know how to cook chicken legs with herbs under a lemon marinade. Baked chicken turns out to be so tempting that, looking at it, you begin to sniff the air predatorily and wonder: “What else is a healthy diet when there is such a thing?”

Meanwhile, the recipe is fatty, high-calorie. It is not the fillet that is being prepared, but the thighs, and it is recommended not to remove the skin - on the grounds that the harm of the chicken skin is greatly exaggerated and the cat cried cholesterol in it. In addition, this very “extra” fat content is neutralized by lemon juice and zest.

Provencal herbs are used - rosemary and thyme, 2 cloves of garlic to “seal” the herbal aroma and make it clearer, freshly ground black pepper.

This creates a balanced taste of the dish. It remains to try and, if you want, experiment. Coat chicken meat with Dijon mustard. Or honey. Swap rosemary for parsley or basil. Take paprika instead of black pepper.

Preparation time: 10 minutes + 2 hours + 45 minutes / Yield: 2-4 servings


  • chicken thighs 4 pieces
  • lemon zest from 1-2 lemons
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • fresh thyme several sprigs or dried 3-4 tsp. spoons
  • fresh rosemary 1 sprig or 1 tsp. dried
  • salt 1 tsp
  • freshly ground black pepper ½ tsp
  • melted butter 2 tbsp. l.


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    Make a marinade. To do this, mix herbs (broken fresh or dried in powder), garlic puree (pass the cloves through a press), lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

    Pierce chicken thighs washed and dried with a paper towel in several places so that the meat is well marinated. Try to make punctures in deep places.

    Rub the marinade on both sides of the meat, then cover the bowl containing the chicken with the sauce with cling film and refrigerate for an hour or two. Two hours is preferable, chicken thighs will be more fragrant.

    Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

    Grease a baking sheet with oil and place the marinated chicken thighs in it. Pour the rest of the marinade over the top, but remove the fresh herb fragments - the herbs burn during baking. Top the meat with the remaining oil with a brush (if any). You can also splash fresh lemon juice.

    Let the chicken bake for 40-45 minutes - the time depends on the size of the thigh and the characteristics of the oven, it may take you longer. In the process, pour the thighs twice with their own juice, which forms at the bottom of the baking sheet. This classic method of cooking roasted meat helps in the formation of a beautiful crispy crust.

    Before removing the thighs from the oven, just in case, check them for doneness by piercing the meat with a knife in a thick place: if the knife goes in easily and comes out without icing, the chicken is ready.

    Dip the thighs on paper towels and serve with lemon wedges. Garnish with mashed potatoes or rice.