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Pizzeria concept. How much to spend on starting a business

Pizza... This is the favorite dish of millions of people around the world. Lush dough, delicious filling melts in your mouth, it is impossible to resist! Many people ask the question: is pizza fast food or not, is it harmful or healthy?

Today, this dish can be ordered from a restaurant with home delivery, bought in a store as a semi-finished product, or cooked by yourself. When buying pizza in a store, you cannot be sure that it is harmless to health. It is not known how long she remained frozen. A semi-finished product, indeed, can be considered fast food, because. just thaw it and warm it up in the microwave. Pizza - prepared according to Italian recipes, will not bring harm, unless, of course, you eat tons of it. Italians use fresh products, top quality flour.

Benefit or harm

According to scientists, Italian pizza is healthy. Any pizza recipe contains tomatoes, tomato paste, ketchup. Tomatoes contain useful substances that prevent problems with the heart and blood vessels. Flour can be coarse grinding with the addition of bran. Meat products are a valuable source of protein. This is good for the digestive tract.
For pizza to be healthy, you need to cook it correctly. Add cheese with less fat content, do not use mayonnaise, replace sunflower oil with olive oil. Today, vegetarian pizzas are very popular for those who do not eat meat products or watch their figure. This dish is no less delicious. The filling is based on vegetables, olives, spices, and even vegetarian cheese.

How often can you eat pizza

This question interests many. In everything, moderation is important. It is best to enjoy this dish not every day. In pizza, even if it is made from quality products, there are a lot of calories that can negatively affect your figure. Therefore, it is imperative to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, drink 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water every day to assimilate food.

pizzeria is considered to be one of the most democratic and widespread concepts in the restaurant market. It adapts well to work in food courts and is highly profitable. And the popularity of pizza - tasty and quick to prepare a dish - allows such establishments to actively develop. Pizzerias can be divided into three types: restaurants of Italian cuisine, actually pizzerias and fast food.

The largest number of catering establishments specializing in pizza preparation operate in the fast service format. Such pizzerias most often located in autotonars and light pavilions. Such enterprises are oriented, first of all, to consumers with low incomes. The basis of their assortment is pizza itself, it is complemented by drinks and a small selection of salads. There is no production at the point of sale, and often there are no seats for customers. Ready-made pizza is warmed up, as a rule, in a microwave oven, and ready-portioned salads are stored in a refrigerated display case.

Actually pizzerias- These are enterprises offering a wider range of ready-made dishes. Pizza continues to be the main product, but at the same time they offer a wide range of popular salads, appetizers and hot dishes, not always Italian. An example of fast food restaurants with excellent quality of Italian cuisine is a chain offering pastas, appetizers, pizza, salads, desserts, hot first and second courses, drinks.

Italian restaurants operate mainly in the middle, democratic price segment and can position themselves as both pizzerias and Italian restaurants. Pizza they are not the basis of the menu. A wide range includes popular Italian dishes, as well as dishes from other cuisines, primarily Russian. Often the range of low-price enterprises differs little from the assortment of self-service enterprises. These establishments are located near popular places of recreation for citizens, in residential areas and in business parts of the city. In all these places they can be equally successful.


Pizza a very convenient product for replication, so a significant share of the market for catering establishments specializing in Italian cuisine is occupied by chain enterprises, where pizza is the key dish.

Main difference pizzerias from any other catering point consists in the use of specialized equipment, without which you will not get an appetizing pizza. The choice of equipment depends on the range and volume of pizza produced. The smaller the production, the more manual labor needs to be involved in it. In accordance with the requirements of the SES, separate refrigeration units are required for the storage of vegetables, meat, seafood, and fish.

Pizza base You can order from bakeries or make your own. The dough for it is prepared manually or in dough mixers. It is generally accepted that “handmade” dough is obtained “with soul”, but in machines it does not overheat from hands and comes out more uniform. The finished dough is weighed and shaped by hand or using specialized equipment, then placed in a proofer. You can do without a cabinet, but if the dough “reaches” on the tables, it will take up a lot of space and wind up.

The filling, depending on the volume, is cut manually or on special grinders. Meat for toppings must undergo heat treatment. The filling is laid out on a crust (pizza dough base), the resulting pizza is baked or frozen. The oven can be a tiered, special (pizza only) or conveyor. The latter is recommended for large productions.

Pizza is probably one of the most popular food inventions. Just imagine - all over the world, about 500 million different pizzas are eaten in just one day! But such popularity also has a negative side - there are too many pizzerias. The niche of this business is already simply crowded, and it is becoming more and more difficult to compete. But, for those who have already decided to open a business in this area with minimal investment and at the same time receive consistently high profits, it is worth thinking about making and selling cone pizza. The very concept of cono pizza came to us from Italy and literally means cone pizza. Such fast food is gaining more and more popularity. Unlike the usual pizza, Kono pizza can be eaten on the way to work, university or anywhere else. In addition, everyone is a little fed up with getting pizza that is not quite warm in a sushi bar, pizzeria, when it is crowded, and home delivery is the same ambush.

Kono-pizza is provided to the customer in the form of a dough cone filled with all sorts of yummy things - it can be either the usual pizza toppings, or not quite ordinary ones, for example, salads, or even fruit ones. This type of pizza is also called pizza in a glass or cone pizza.

The main advantage of such a business is that it is not very expensive. And besides, a special room is not required. This type of fast food should be sold at an exit outlet. It is better to place such a point where it is crowded, for example, markets, subways, bus stops, shopping centers would be an ideal place. Also, the ideal location would be close to schools, universities or business centers.

What is Kono Pizza or Pizza in a Cup?

The fact that pizzas in a cup are becoming very popular is easy to explain. With its filling, it looks like a pizza familiar to us, but cone pizza is much more convenient to eat and run somewhere along the way.

As a filling, you can use chicken, sausage, ham, mushrooms, corn, tomatoes, peppers and various sauces. Various salads are also suitable. The filling is placed in a cone-shaped crispy cup of dough. The customer always receives a hot and crispy product. To cook a cone pizza, you only need to purchase a press and an oven, the pizza itself is prepared in front of the buyer, besides, he can choose the toppings at his discretion.

Kono-pizza cooking technology

Cone pizza is prepared in this way:

  1. First, you should buy ready-made sheet dough and all the necessary ingredients for making fillings and sauces. If you like to mess with the dough, then you can cook it yourself.
  2. The dough should be divided into equal parts.
  3. Form and then lightly bake the cones, which are formed using a special press.
  4. Cut the cone in half and brush the inside with the sauce.
  5. Put the stuffing in half of the cones.
  6. Bake pizza in a microwave or convection oven.
  7. Place the pizza in a special showcase where the required temperature is maintained.
  8. When selling, if necessary, sprinkle with grated cheese or pour over sauce, then pack in a paper bag or box.

All kinds of technological maps, recipes for making sauces, fillings can be purchased from people who sell equipment for making such fast food. You should not limit yourself to standard fillings, you should also show your imagination with seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Necessary equipment

To make and then sell pizza in a glass, you need to purchase the following equipment:

  • if you decide to trade at a mobile outlet, then you need to buy a special indoor mobile street kiosk, the cost of which is about 150,000 rubles.
  • a special press that forms and bakes cones. It is better to choose a unit with a capacity of 64 cones per hour. The cost of such equipment is approximately 39,000 rubles.
  • convection or microwave oven. It is worth opting for a convection oven, as it holds much more than a microwave. The cost of such a furnace is about 40 thousand rubles.
  • a special demonstration show-window with maintenance of necessary temperature. The cost of the showcase is 38 thousand rubles.
  • you need to store the filling in a special refrigerated table, the cost of which is 40 thousand rubles
  • coasters or pizza holders - 10,000 rubles.
  • stove - 7-8 thousand rubles.

How much to spend on starting a business

By simple mathematical calculations, it turns out that approximately 363,000 rubles are required to purchase the necessary equipment. But that's not all the costs. It is also worth considering the purchase of a sun umbrella (1500 rubles each) and a chair for the seller (about 500 rubles). It is also necessary to take into account the costs for the purchase of ingredients, the execution of all necessary documents and consumables (napkins, paper bags). The total investment in the project will be about 400,000 rubles.

How much can you earn

In order for the business to start making more profit and thereby pay off faster, it is necessary to sell 100 pizzas in cups on average per day. The price for one pizza can vary from 100 to 180 rubles. You also need to think about selling water, juices or other necessary trifles (chewing gum, dragees). Subject to the norms of daily sales, the payback of the business can occur in as little as eight months. On average, you can earn about 200,000 rubles per month.

To reduce investments in opening a pizza business, you can open a franchise outlet. The costs will be about 300 thousand rubles, while you can get basic equipment, as well as assistance in buying a pizza press, a showcase, and an oven.

You can achieve a speedy return on business by expanding the range of pizzas, namely by inventing new toppings, experimenting with flavors. You can also offer customers a frozen pizza or the opportunity to take away.

Having received the first significant profit, it is worth thinking about opening new outlets.

Required documents

To start making pizza in a cup, you must first collect the necessary package of documents. The first step is to register an LLC. Then it is worth drawing up a lease or purchase agreement for a land plot on which trade will be carried out. It is mandatory to issue a sanitary book and certificates for the seller, it is also worth acquiring certificates and quality certificates for products. For equipment, it is worth issuing a certificate of conformity and obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Then you need to inform Rospotrebnadzor and the State Fire Supervision about the start of your work.

Which OKVED is better to choose

For the manufacture and sale of cone pizza, it is best to choose OKVED 56.10.2 - the activity of preparing and / or selling food ready for immediate consumption on the spot, from vehicles or mobile shops.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Every business has its own advantages and disadvantages. The sale of cone pizza was no exception. Let's start with the benefits:

  • the products from which pizza is prepared have an affordable cost.
  • you can prepare a separate pizza for each customer, which will undoubtedly increase demand.
  • The equipment for making Kono Pizza is almost similar to what is used to make regular pizza.
  • products can be sold both indoors and outdoors.

The main disadvantage is fashionable to consider that this type of business is seasonal. The most profitable business in warm times. It is also worth remembering about the observance of sanitary standards, since violation of the preparation or storage of products entails serious fines.

Cytological analysis in gynecology is understood as a microscopic study of the typical cellular composition of samples taken from the vagina and cervical canal.

Such diagnostics gives physicians the opportunity to draw conclusions about the presence of inflammatory processes, precancerous diseases or cancer in the patient's reproductive organs.

Unlike histological examination, the cytological method is non-invasive. That is, when taking biological material, there is no need to perform a biopsy or puncture, and the integrity of the tissue is absolutely not violated.

The analysis is subjected to samples taken using a print or smear. To obtain accurate results, you must carefully follow the rules for preparing for the examination.

It usually takes no more than a day to perform a cytological analysis. If at the same time a precancerous condition or an oncological process was detected, to clarify the diagnosis, they resort to invasive diagnostic methods - biopsies.

Cytology is especially important when biopsy is contraindicated and when examining a large number of patients (when it is necessary to identify women who are at risk for the development of malignant pathology).

A smear for cytology is not taken during menstruation. If you need to assess the presence of atypical cells, you should not analyze during inflammation of the vagina and cervix.

- Do not douche.

- Do not use topical medicines (suppositories, ointments, etc.).

- Wait until your period is over.

- Do not urinate three hours before taking a smear.

- Refrain from sexual intercourse for two days before the study.

If there is an inflammatory process in which a lot of secretion is released, the disease must be treated and a control smear taken to confirm recovery. And only after that it makes sense to perform a cytological analysis.

Taking an oncological smear is performed by a gynecologist when examining a patient. First, using mirrors, the doctor examines the condition of the vagina, examines the entrance to the cervical canal and the mucous membrane of the cervix.

Then, material is taken from three areas (vagina, cervical canal, cervical inlet) using a special brush for analysis. The procedure takes very little time and does not cause any pain to the patients.

The collected material is placed on a glass slide, evenly distributed and, after drying, transferred to a medical laboratory. There, the smear is stained with special substances and examined under a microscope.

— Sizes of cells and their structure.

- The number of cells (per unit area).

- Mutual arrangement.

- The shape of the epithelium.

- The presence of pathological changes in the cells.

Structures of the stratified squamous epithelium of the cervix

Structures of the stratified squamous epithelium of the vaginal mucosa

A - basal layer (a - basal cells, b - parabasal cells)
B - intermediate layer, C - surface layer; on the right, individual cells of the corresponding layers of the vaginal epithelium are shown.

After the sampling procedure, the patient can immediately return to her normal activities. There should not be any discomfort normally, since the brush cannot injure tissues.

True, there is a possibility that a small blood vessel will be affected. Then, within 1-2 days after the analysis, slight spotting (streaks) will be observed. This phenomenon should not cause concern in a woman.

The cervix of a healthy woman is covered with a cylindrical epithelium, and the vagina is flat. As for the vaginal microflora, it is not cocci, but sticks.

Some indicators depend on the phase of the cycle - karyopyknotic and acidophilic indices, basal and parabasal cells, the number of leukocytes. They provide information about the work of the ovaries.

Class 1. Absence of pathological changes in the examined material. Cells are of normal size and shape, correctly arranged.

Class 2. The morphological norm of some cellular elements is reduced, which is a sign of inflammation or infection. Such a result may be a sign of vaginosis.

Class 3. The material contains single cells with disorders in the structure of the nucleus and cytoplasm (dysplasia or hyperplasia). The number of such pathological cells is small. The patient is sent for re-cytology.

Class 4. In the examined smear, cells with malignant changes in the nucleus, chromatin and cytoplasm are found. These pathological changes indicate that the patient has a precancerous condition.

Class 5. The presence in the smear of a large number of atypical cells (they are much more than normal). In this case, the initial stage of cancer is diagnosed.

— Norma. The absence of pathology does not have any special designation.

- Vaginosis, koilocytosis - HPV.

- Cervical dysplasia, depending on the degree - CIN I, CIN II or CIN III.

- Cancer of the cervix - Carcinoma (pax).

- CBO. Normal parameters, no pathological changes.

Cytogram of inflammation. Indicators that indicate the development of the inflammatory process (cervicitis).

- Leukocyte infiltration - an increased number of leukocytes. This is a sign of vaginosis, exocervitis or endocervitis.

- Koilocytes - the presence of cells that speak of HPV.

- Proliferation - acceleration of cell division. This condition is characteristic of the inflammatory process in the uterus. With strong proliferation, advanced inflammation occurs.

- Leukoplakia - pathologically altered (but not cancerous) cells are present in the smear.

- Metaplasia - one type of cell is replaced by another. It is considered the norm for patients who have been treated for non-oncological pathologies of the uterus in menopause.

- Dysplasia is a precancerous pathology.

- ASC-US - the presence of altered squamous cells with unknown etiology. It occurs more often in patients older than 45 when estrogen production decreases.

- AGC - changes in cylindrical cells that may indicate vaginosis or any other diseases. This result requires additional clarifying diagnostics.

- L-SIL - the presence of a small number of atypical non-cancerous cells. In this case, the patient is referred for further examination (biopsy and colposcopy).

- ASC-H - pathological changes in cells that indicate a precancerous pathology or an incipient oncological process.

- HSIL is oncocytology (altered squamous cells are present). Such patients undergo urgent therapeutic measures to prevent degeneration into a malignant tumor.

- AIS - This abbreviation indicates that cylindrical malignant cells have been identified. These results require urgent treatment.

If pathologically altered cells are detected in the smear, the laboratory assistant will definitely indicate this in a written opinion specifying the type of changes. If there are no special designations in the decoding of the analysis, then, in all likelihood, the smear corresponds to the norm.

An accurate diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of this test alone. To determine the nature of the pathology, the gynecologist needs to compare the results of different examinations.

There are several reasons that can affect the condition of the tissues of the cervix and cause a change in its cells.

The most common cause of a "poor" smear result is an infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) or other infections (particularly chlamydia).

In postmenopausal women, an ASC-US type result may be associated with physiological (i.e., natural) atrophy of the cervix (see also Menopause. A detailed guide for women).

Depending on the specific Pap test result, as well as the results of the HPV test, either a repeat test (or both tests) after 1 year or a colposcopy and cervical biopsy may be recommended.

A detailed algorithm of actions is presented in the chapter Cytological analysis (Pap test) and the decision-making algorithm depending on its results, in women who passed or did not pass the HPV test from the article Pap smear for cytology. A detailed guide for women.

By itself, a cytology smear is not an accurate diagnostic test for detecting genital infections. However, signs of some genital infections (in particular, trichomoniasis) can be seen with this analysis. In the case of trichomoniasis, treatment of both partners is strictly necessary.

In most cases, poor cytology results are associated with HPV infection. This infection is sexually transmitted, but at the moment there is no possibility of its treatment.

In this regard, in cases where HPV infection (of any type) is detected in a woman, a man does not need to undergo any examination or treatment.

What can be seen in a smear?

Regular smear analysis for cytology will allow you to notice pathological changes in the female microflora at the earliest possible time. If the laboratory sees that the standard indicators have changed, then the doctor will be able to start treating the patient on time.

In general, such a study provides two possible answers. Either the analysis is positive, which means that some kind of inflammatory process has begun in the uterus, which led to the entry of pathological cells into the sample.

Doctors recommend taking a cytological test for all women about once every 1-2 years. This is a kind of prevention of oncological diseases, since a smear will reveal them at a very early stage. Rapid diagnosis is the key to possible successful cancer treatment.

Contraindications for cytological examination

- Inflammation in the cervical canal, cervix, especially if they are chronic.

- Violations of the menstrual cycle.

- Problems of a reproductive nature.

— Preparation for surgical interventions and other medical manipulations.

- Planning for pregnancy.

— Preparation for the installation of the spiral.

- Taking hormonal drugs.

— Diabetes.

- 2nd and 3rd degree of obesity.

- The presence in the body of certain viruses (human papillomavirus, genital herpes).

- Frequent change of sexual partners.

How many days is a smear analysis done for cytology

To be sure of your health, you need to take a smear for flora and cytology regularly, but not every woman can force herself to do this.

There are a number of indications in which a trip to the gynecologist for analysis becomes almost mandatory:

  • One of the most important criteria that determine the state of women's health is the cyclical nature of the menstrual cycle. If it is broken, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Any infections in this organ system, especially those of a chronic nature, are a reason to take a smear for cytology. This also applies to cervical erosion.
  • Just planning to conceive a child, or if infertility is suspected, it is worth checking.
  • Sometimes a test is given before an operation or other complex procedure.
  • The intrauterine device is placed only after receiving the results.

If the patient uses hormonal contraceptives, has many sexual partners, or simply has weak immunity, then she also needs to think about the test.

When examining a sample under a microscope, the laboratory assistant will pay attention to the following indicators:

  • The shape, structure and size of cells,
  • condition of the epithelium
  • The location of the particles
  • The number of certain elements
  • Pathological structural changes.

Many are interested in how many days it takes for research. As a rule, they pass in a day, but it also takes time for the results to be delivered. After that, the doctor will be able to tell the patient what the cytology smear shows.

Most often, one of five possible outcomes is given:

  1. Negative indicator, or the first change type. This is the norm, that is, no pathological processes were found, the patient is healthy.
  2. Inflammatory type. It becomes the reason for the appointment of additional tests in search of the cause of the infection. Three months later, you will have to re-test.
  3. The presence of abnormal cells. If changes in the structure of the nuclei are detected, then the woman is sent for microbiological and histological examination. The diagnosis can be made no earlier than the results of these tests. As with the inflammatory type, a second procedure will be required after three months.
  4. Suspicion of malignancy. If a fourth type is found in the tests, then a biopsy, colposcopy and other procedures will be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.
  5. oncological type. If the fourth type suggested the onset of a cancerous process, then the fifth one speaks about it with almost complete certainty, although they will still not make a diagnosis only on its basis. Subsequently, additional procedures are performed, including a biopsy, but, as a rule, they only determine the severity of the disease.

In general, it is important to remember that the results of a cervical cytology smear only indicate that certain changes have occurred in the cells. For example, elevated leukocytes (normal - within 15 units.

A wide variety of diseases can lead to type 2, 3 and even type 4. For example, widespread erosion of the cervix or the most common thrush.

In addition, one of the following pathologies is often present:

  • Papillomavirus infection. It manifests itself in the form of warts on the walls of the vagina.
  • Chlamydia, sexually transmitted.
  • Trichomoniasis, which is slightly less common than chlamydia, but still quite common.
  • Gonorrhea. This infection affects the genitourinary system and often causes infertility.

Taking a sample, the doctor can see changes in cells due to diseases like herpes, cervicitis, or parakeratosis. Thus, a positive smear only suggests the development of some kind of pathological process, but additional tests are needed for further treatment.

Cytological analysis of a smear usually takes from 1 to 5 days.

It is important to remember that the oncological process does not occur in a few days. Quite a lot of time passes from the first pathological changes to malignant degeneration.

Therefore, the timely detection of atypical cells in a woman's body makes it possible to prevent the development of cervical cancer. For these purposes, an accessible and simple method for the early diagnosis of malignant cells, a cytological examination of a smear, was introduced everywhere.

procedure during pregnancy

It is believed that the best day to pass the analysis is approximately 13-20 cycles. The most important thing is to wait until the end of the month. However, if other procedures were previously performed, such as colposcopy, then a smear can be prescribed only after two days.

In order for the results to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure. It means that:

  • Two days before the test, you need to stop all sexual contact.
  • A week before the procedure, all antibiotics should be excluded.
  • You can not use various medications that affect the microflora of the vagina, such as suppositories or sprays. It is also forbidden to use lubricants, but in combination with the absence of sexual intercourse, they are not necessary.

Two hours before the tests, you can not go to the toilet. You will have to wait until they are completed. Sometimes tissue sampling is delayed due to severe inflammation, as the procedure can damage the walls of the vagina.

A smear for cytology during pregnancy is usually carried out about three times. In this case, even the identified second type is a fairly good indicator. However, if the results indicate a 3 or higher type, then this may be a danger signal.

During pregnancy, it is important not only what cytology smears show, but also other symptoms. For example, expectant mothers complain of burning or itching, sometimes they notice changes in the discharge.

The PAP test shown to pregnant women does not require any special tools for its implementation. Everything will happen according to the usual technology. However, if there is no serious need for an early test, then it is better to do this after childbirth, when the uterus comes into tone.

How is a smear taken?

The procedure will take place on a regular gynecological chair. For the fence, the doctor uses a mirror, a special spatula and a brush. Three samples will be collected in approximately 15 minutes. These are the following types of smears for cytology:

  • From the walls of the vagina
  • From the cervix
  • From the cervical canal.

It is generally accepted that such a procedure does not cause pain, but it is worth paying attention to two points. Firstly, with the development of the inflammatory process, any mechanical intervention in the vagina will lead to pain.

Secondly, for a complete and reliable result, it is necessary to take not the topmost cells, but those that are much deeper. Simply put, the doctor is obliged not to slightly hold the instrument along the mucous membrane, but to pinch off part of it. Most often, the pain is caused by the cytology of a smear from the cervical canal.

The resulting samples are applied to the glass in an even layer, dried and sent to the laboratory. There they will be Papanicolaou stained and carefully examined under a microscope.