Home / Bakery / How to make a fluffy omelet in a skillet. Lush omelet with milk in a pan

How to make a fluffy omelet in a skillet. Lush omelet with milk in a pan

Many people prepare an omelet for breakfast. In a frying pan, it rises, but it comes to the plate in the form of a thin egg layer. How to make an omelet lush, the way that kindergarten and school canteens were famous in the past? In this article, we will share the secrets of making a tall, fluffy omelet, and also give several recipes for making it in different variations.

The secret of a fluffy omelet number 1

Many people add flour to the omelet, although in classic recipe this ingredient is not present.

If you are thinking about that. how to make an omelet lush, then never add flour to it. It will make the dish heavy and not so tender.

Second secret

How to make a fluffy omelet with milk? It is necessary to observe the recipe - 50/50. That is, you need to beat eggs with an equal amount of milk. You can take a jar for measurement: break a few eggs into it and, if you have a good eye, pour the same amount of milk.

The main thing is not to overdo it with liquid, it will make the omelet heavy and flattened.

Third secret

Use only thick-walled pans to prepare the omelet. A cast-iron frying pan is ideal - the thicker the walls of the dishes, the better the dish will steamed in it, and it will be more magnificent.

How to make a fluffy omelet in a frying pan? Always use a lid and pour the mixture of eggs and milk into the pan at least a third of the pan's height.

Secret # 4

If you want your omelet to look fluffy on your plates, never place it hot or cold. After cooking, leave the food in the skillet or on the baking sheet if you cooked in the oven. Remove the lid five minutes after readiness so that the excess liquid evaporates, and let the temperature of the dish reach 30-35 degrees, after which it can be laid out - the omelet will be lush on the plates.

And the last, fifth secret

If you are preparing an omelet with a variety of additives - sausage, cheese, vegetables, meat, herbs, and so on, then you run the risk of making a flat pancake. How to make an omelet lush? Do not overdo it with additives: their amount should not exceed half of the total mass. The more additives, the heavier the dish will be, as a result, it will not be able to rise normally and retain its splendor.

So now you know how to make a fluffy omelet. The recipes that we will offer you next will help you prepare this delicious dish... Its consistency will be light and fluffy.

Classic omelet

The recipe for this dish contains only milk, eggs and salt. No need to add baking soda, flour or yeast. It is also necessary to discard various additives and spices in order to get a truly classic dish.

How to make an omelet lush? After cooking, you need to place it in a warm oven for five minutes or keep it covered for five minutes. Next, let it cool to 30-35 degrees, and put it in heated plates.

For cooking classic omelet you will need (one serving):

  • 2 eggs;
  • four tablespoons of milk;
  • salt;
  • a spoonful of vegetable or butter.

The oil must be heated in a frying pan, eggs mixed with milk and salt are poured into it. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for about five minutes. Readiness will be visible immediately - the mixture will thicken and some whey will separate.

How to make an omelet fluffy in a pan?

The recipe for this effect involves baking an omelet in the oven. But if you are cooking in a pan, then just bring the conditions closer to baking. Frying is necessary only under the lid and over low heat, so that the omelet is not fried, but languishes. Thus, it will rise, warming up evenly.

Omelet soufflé with cheese

This is the easiest way to make a lush omelet. The recipe provides for the separate preparation of whipped whites and yolks. The delicate and airy texture of the dish will be obtained thanks to air bubbles that fill the whites when whipping. But there is also a difficulty - the components of this omelet must be mixed very carefully.

For cooking you will need:

  • 6 eggs;
  • one hundred grams of hard cheese;
  • three tablespoons of butter;
  • salt;
  • half a lemon.

Egg yolks must be separated from the whites. Beat the whites with a mixer or blender to get a good strong foam.

Mix the yolks with salt and juice of half a lemon. Then add grated cheese there and mix well again.

Omelet soufflé with additives

Let's prepare this dish in a slightly different way than described above. In this case, we suggest using the same pan. The dish will turn out to be tall, fluffy, tender. For let's take the preparation:

  • 6 eggs;
  • six tablespoons of milk;
  • fifty grams of sausage, the same amount of any mushrooms;
  • small onion;
  • salt.

The first step is to fry the finely chopped mushrooms and onions in a small amount of vegetable oil, salt everything a little. When they are fried, add and fry the finely chopped sausage. Remove from heat, cool.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat well until foamy with a blender or mixer. Salt a little and beat again. Mix the yolks with milk, do not add salt.

Pour the yolks mixed with milk into a pan with already cooled mushrooms and sausage. Put the protein "cap" on top, cover with a lid and bring to readiness over low heat.

Instead of mushrooms and sausages, you can use absolutely any ingredients - vegetables, meat, just sausage or mushrooms alone.

Sweet omelet soufflé

This is ideal for children's breakfast... If your baby refuses to take the first meal of the day, so necessary for good health and growth, then prepare this win-win dish - the child will smarter him for both cheeks!

Ingredients for a sweet omelet:

  • three eggs;
  • a quarter glass of cottage cheese;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • some powdered sugar;
  • two tablespoons of jam.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat well to get a strong foam.

Mix the yolks with sugar. Gently mix the yolks with the whites, gradually adding cottage cheese at this time. Immediately pour the mixture into a preheated pan with butter. Cover with a lid and fry for five minutes. After that, we move the pan into an oven preheated to 180 degrees and simmer the omelet for five minutes.

After the time has elapsed, remove the pan, put the cooled omelet on plates, grease it with jam and sprinkle icing sugar.

and greens

How to make an omelet lush and tall if you want to add ham to it? Quite simple if you use our tips, which are spelled out above. This recipe will allow you to cook not only delicious, but also hearty dish suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

We will need:

  • six eggs;
  • milk - measure so that you get the same volume as eggs;
  • one hundred grams of ham;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs.

Beat eggs with a mixer, pouring milk into them. Salt a little, put chopped herbs and sausage. In a frying pan, you need to melt a little butter, pour the mixture there.

As soon as the omelet begins to thicken, mix it well and put the pan in the preheated oven, leave to cook for five minutes.

Boiled omelet in a roasting sleeve

You can use a baking sleeve for cooking or use a thermal bag. It will turn out very tasty, magnificent and tender! The beauty of the dish lies in the absence of any oil. You can cook such an omelet with diets, or you can add absolutely any ingredients to it - sausage, meat, herbs, vegetables, cheese, mushrooms, and so on - all according to your personal preferences.

Pour eggs mixed with salt and milk into a sleeve or bag (we take the amount of milk by the volume of eggs), any chopped or grated ingredients. We tie the bag / sleeve, shake the mixture well in it.

In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil, shake the bag again and put it in this water, cook, holding the "tail" of the bag above the water. When the mixture thickens, turn off the gas, leave the bag in the water for five minutes, and then take it out.

Cool the omelet before removing it from the sleeve. The temperature of the dish should be about 30-35 degrees.

How to make a fluffy omelet in the oven?

We need thick-walled dishes with high sides. It should be sized so that it can be filled by a third. Let's cook a lush tender omelet with blush cheese crust, for this we take:

  • six eggs;
  • milk (measure by the volume of eggs);
  • fifty grams of hard cheese;
  • four sausages;
  • some greens and salt.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat. Mix the yolks with milk and sausages cut into round slices, add salt. Gently mix the yolks and whites, pour into the dishes prepared for baking. We put the mixture in the oven for five minutes, then sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs, bake until golden brown.

Instead of sausages, you can use whatever your heart desires. It could be tomatoes bell pepper, fried mushrooms or boiled meat.

Omelet without milk

This dish should be prepared at least once - for a change. The omelet will turn out to be lush, tender, incredibly satisfying and tasty. To make an omelet without milk, you will need:

  • three eggs;
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise, the same amount of sour cream;
  • salt;
  • fresh herbs.

The first step is to beat the eggs well with salt. You can do this with a fork, whisk, but ideally with a mixer. Beat, add mayonnaise and sour cream, beat again with high quality. Finally, we introduce finely chopped greens.

Grease the pan with butter. Pour the mixture, cover with a lid. As soon as the omelet grasps a little, we mix it with quick movements, it is a whisk that will help in this case. Cover with a lid again and leave on fire until tender, it will take a little time - about five minutes.

Serve like this fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

We told you how to make a fluffy omelet in a frying pan. The photos that can be seen in the article confirm that it turns out to be really voluminous. We also posted several recipes for making an omelet in the oven and talked about how you can even cook it.

There are several recipes for how to make an omelet with milk in a skillet. Observing the cooking technique and knowing a few secrets from famous chefs, can be created from simple products a real masterpiece. This wonderful dish of eggs and milk can be an excellent traditional breakfast for the whole family - delicious, aromatic, very nutritious.

The most simple recipe cooking omelet is classic. It is with him that you can begin your acquaintance with this wonderful culinary masterpiece.

To prepare food, you should stock up on:

  • chicken eggs - 4-5 pieces;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • oils - butter and vegetable;
  • black pepper and salt.

Eggs should be driven into the container. It is more convenient to use a mixer, you can use a fork or whisk, but the process will take longer. Add salt to the egg mass, pour in milk and beat everything for a few more minutes.

The longer the whipping process takes, the more airy the dish will turn out.

In the meantime, grease the pan with butter or ghee and add a little sunflower so that there is no smoke when the container is heated. When the butter heats up, pour the whipped egg-milk mixture into a bowl and cook over low heat, covered with a lid. During the cooking process, the container with the mixture should be shaken periodically - this will determine the splendor of the dish.

Decorate the finished product with green dill sprigs and serve, dividing it into portioned pieces. You can add salad from fresh vegetables... This light, nutritious breakfast will saturate your body until your next full meal.

Diet protein meal

You can cook an omelet with milk for those who follow their figure and are afraid to gain extra pounds. Replacing natural milk with less fatty milk and completely eliminating high-calorie yolks will help make the dish dietary. Otherwise, the same products are used as for making an omelet according to the classic recipe.

Ingredients for a dietary omelet:

  • proteins - 4 pieces;
  • skim milk - a glass;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

First you need to carefully divide the egg into its main components, using a special device or on your own. Then add the dairy product to the proteins and beat everything thoroughly until fluffy. Add seasoning, whisking for another 1-2 minutes. After that, finely chopped parsley with dill is added to the protein-milk mixture (you can use any greens according to your preferences) and everything is gently mixed.

Grease a deep frying pan with oil, warm it up and pour the preparation for the meal. After the container is closed with a lid (preferably transparent). The dish is cooked in 12 minutes. After this time, the diet puffed omelet is served in a frying pan. The calorie content of the meal will eventually be 110 kcal.

Lush omelet in a pan

In order to prepare the most lush omelette, you should adhere to certain rules.

Components used:

  • quail eggs - 8 pieces;
  • sifted flour - 2 tablespoons (adding this component it is important to remember that the dish will turn out to be a little more caloric);
  • a glass of milk;
  • sunflower oil must be taken so that it covers the bottom of the container;
  • salt pepper.

To obtain a lush milk-protein dish, you need to beat the whites and yolks separately. In this case, it is better to put the proteins in the refrigerator for 8 minutes, then beat. The yellow part of the egg is cooked separately, salt and spices are added first, then milk.

In the milk-yolk mixture, it is necessary to introduce the whipped white part, mix everything carefully and pour into a container with a preheated vegetable oil... Can be replaced sunflower oil animal product, such as ghee - this is how it tastes ready meal will be more tender and rich.

The dish is prepared for 7-8 minutes over low heat. Then cover the container with a lid and hold for another 3-4 minutes. Turn off the fire and invite household members to the table, decorating with vegetables and herbs.

Cooking French with cheese

An omelet is considered traditional dish French. At home, they learned to cook it in different variations, adding different products. Traditional French dish omelet with cheese is considered - it is often served for breakfast at home and is offered to try in famous restaurants.

A meal is being prepared from:

  • 4 eggs;
  • cheese - 60-70 grams;
  • butter - 35 grams;
  • milk - 10 ml;
  • pepper, salt to taste.

Separately or together in a container, beat the yolks with the whites, pour in the milk. Pour the egg-milk mixture into butter, heated in a pan, filling the container evenly. The dish is cooked over low heat for 5 minutes, covered.

When the dish is almost ready, it is necessary to thoroughly cover one part of it with grated hard cheese. After cooking, the omelet in a frying pan is cut into 2 equal parts and the one that does not have cheese, you need to cover the second one. After insisting for one minute, you can divide the food in portions and serve.

You should purchase in advance:

  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • natural fat milk - 0.2 liters;
  • flour - 40 grams;
  • ham - 110 grams;
  • cheese hard varieties- 120 grams;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • dill and seasoning.

Fry chopped onions in a preheated dish, add chopped tomatoes and ham to it. Lightly brown everything, reduce heat and leave to simmer under a closed lid. Meanwhile, in a bowl of a suitable size, beat the rest of the ingredients in stages, starting with eggs, milk, etc. Spread the mixture over the pan and cook over low heat until half cooked. After add grated cheese, cover and cook until melted dairy product a couple more minutes. It is recommended to cut the prepared dish into portions, decorate with vegetables, herbs or olives if desired.

How to make lush tall omelet: advice and recipe. It often happens that during the preparation of an omelet, it rises in the pan and looks tall, fluffy, thick, but turns into a flat pancake on the plate.

How to make an omelet lush, like grandma's or at lunch in kindergarten or school cafeteria?

In this article, we'll share the secrets to making a tall, luxurious omelet, along with a proven recipe for making it.

Ideally, to get a tall omelet, it should be baked in the oven or cooked on a steam bath. But this effect can be achieved using a regular frying pan. The main thing is to know the cooking technology, listen to the advice of experienced chefs.

The secret of high omelet number 1

Many people add flour to an omelet, although this ingredient is not in the classic recipe.

If you want your omelet to be fluffy, tender, and tall, never add flour to it. The flour will make the dish heavy and not tender.

The second secret of a fluffy omelet

How to make a tall omelette with milk? You must follow a 50/50 ratio. This means that you must beat the eggs with an equal amount of milk. You can take a measuring jar: break several eggs into it and, if you have a good eye, pour in the same amount of milk.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the liquid, this will make the omelet heavy and it will inevitably fall off.

Delicious, thick omelet: the third secret

Use only thick-walled pans to prepare the omelet. A cast iron skillet is ideal - the thicker the walls, the better. In thick-walled dishes, moisture evaporates faster, which is beneficial to the omelet.

Always use a lid and make sure that the egg and milk mass initially occupies at least one third of the height of the pan.

Secret # 4 of Tall Omelet

If you want the omelet not to fall off the plates, keep it under the lid throughout the cooking process. Remove the lid five minutes after cooking so that the excess liquid evaporates and allows the temperature of the omelet to reach 30-35 degrees, and then the dish can be laid out on plates - it will remain fluffy.

If you cook omelets with various additives - sausage, cheese, vegetables, meat, etc., then you run the risk of making a flat pancake.

How to make a tall baked omelet? Do not overdo it: the amount of filling should not exceed half of the total mass. The more additives, the heavier the omelet will be, as a result it will not be able to rise normally and maintain its splendor.

So now you know how to make a tall omelette. It's time to find out the exact recipe and cook it!

How to make a tall omelette: recipe

For 6 servings you will need:
-ten chicken eggs;
- half a liter of milk;
- one teaspoon of salt;
- one tablespoon of butter for lubricating the mold;
A baking dish or frying pan with deep sides;

Let's start cooking:

First step.

Grease a mold with a drain. oil. Shake eggs with milk and salt (do not beat, just stir well).

Second step.

Pour the resulting mixture into a greased form and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Note: keep in mind that the omelet will rise when baking, and do not fill the form more than two-thirds.
Sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Third step.

Bake for exactly 30 minutes. Try not to open the oven, especially for the first 15-20 minutes.

Last step.

Cut the finished omelet into portions. Place a slice of butter on top of the hot omelet (to taste).

Multicooker - baking for 40 minutes.

Enjoy everyone !!

How to make a vyosky omelet in the oven: video

Hello hostesses!

An ordinary omelet can be prepared with a dozen different ways... And the taste will be different!

This article is your helper for creating original breakfast... We've put together some great recipes to try!

To quickly switch between recipes, use the links in the blue frame:

Classic fluffy omelet with milk and egg in a pan

We cannot ignore the source of all of the following amazing recipes. Of course it all started with him, the classic omelet!

There are only two main ingredients: eggs and milk, and what a taste and benefit!


  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Milk - 120 ml
  • Salt / pepper to taste


Break the eggs into a bowl, pour milk, salt, pepper to them and beat well together until smooth.

At this time, warm up a greased frying pan. Pour the omelet into the pan and cover with a lid - this is a prerequisite for splendor.

Fry over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes, the bottom will be more ruddy, and the top will be steamed under the lid and will be more tender.

Lush omelette in the oven like in kindergarten

Tall and lush omelette from our childhood.

It is prepared in the oven, which is most useful not only for kids, but also for adults. And no one can forget its taste, it is especially delicate, milky!


  • 6 eggs
  • 300 ml milk
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 20 g butter (soft, room temperature)


Break the eggs into a bowl.

Stir them, but do not whisk.

Pour in milk and stir again.

For baking, choose a dish with high sides. Lubricate it with butter.

Pour the egg liquid into the mold.

Place in oven for 35-40 minutes at 200 degrees. Do not open the oven during cooking.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, brush the surface with butter.

The oil will help it brown beautifully and give it a familiar aroma from childhood.

You can eat! It turns out a very delicate brass omelet, lush, beautiful and very tasty!

Crispy omelet with cheese in a pan

Wonderful crispy cheese crust recipe!

A quick and easy breakfast, and very, very tasty!


  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g grated cheese
  • 50 g milk
  • salt / pepper / herbs to taste


Prepare all the ingredients. Shake eggs with milk, add spices.

Put the cheese in a skillet and fry until melted.

Top with the egg mixture.

Cover and fry until pretty golden brown.

Then fold the egg pancake in half in the skillet.

Can be served on the table. Wonderful breakfast!

Delicious omelet with vegetables - French recipe

Very interesting, tasty and healthy recipe for those who love vegetables.

See the nuances of cooking in this video.

Pamper your family with such a wonderful vitamin breakfast.

Omelet roll with tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese

So smart omelet roll can be prepared not only for breakfast, but also for festive table, as a warm or even cold snack.


  • 6 eggs
  • 50 g canned mushrooms
  • 1 tomato
  • 30 g cheese
  • fresh herbs to taste


For a better understanding of the entire cooking technique, watch this video.

Omelet with bacon, cheese and potatoes

Hearty bachelor breakfast! He's not so fat and harmful as they say.

We will fry it without oil, in that small amount pork fat which will release the bacon during frying.


  • Bacon (sausage) - 250 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Milk - 50 ml


Cut the bacon into strips and place in the skillet.

Fry until golden brown. And place the cooked bacon on a paper towel to remove the excess fat. Then it will be crispy.

Cut the potatoes into small slices. Fry until tender.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and put in a pan on the finished potatoes.

When the cheese is melted, place the bacon on top of it.

Beat the eggs into a bowl, add milk there, salt and shake well until the composition is homogeneous.

Pour the omelet over the bacon and potatoes, cover. Fry the eggs until cooked, it should brown on the bottom and harden on the top.

It turns out very tasty! Other vegetables can be added if desired: green beans, tomatoes, garlic arrows, bell pepper.

Italian omelette - frittata

Gourmet omelette with vegetables according to a real Italian recipe.


  • egg - 4 pieces
  • hard cheese - 50 gr (parmesan)
  • cherry tomatoes - 5 - 6 pieces
  • bulgarian pepper - 0.5 pcs
  • leek - 1 pc
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp spoon
  • thyme - 2 - 3 branches
  • salt, pepper - to taste


Break the eggs and shake them in a bowl.

Parmesan (or other hard cheese to taste) grate on a medium grater.

Cut the tomatoes into slices and let dry for 15 - 20 minutes.

Cut the leeks into thin half rings and fry in a skillet with high sides and a thick bottom, on olive oil... We put it on a plate.

Pour the beaten eggs into a frying pan and begin to fry over low heat.

When the bottom layer of the omelet is fried, add some salt to it and begin to evenly spread the chopped vegetables on top. Fried leeks, cherry tomatoes, thyme and bell pepper strips.

Fry until tender, covered. You can also place the omelet in the oven and bake until golden brown.

Delicious full-bodied and aromatic omelet!

How to make a steamed omelet

A steamed omelet is very healthy. It is prepared without oil, it is dietary, this recipe is recommended for baby food.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sour cream - 20 g
  • milk - 30 g
  • salt and pepper to taste


Shake eggs with milk. Add sour cream and shake everything together again. Salt, pepper if desired.

Take a baking dish, brush it with butter.

Pour the egg into a mold, place it on the steamer rack in the multicooker bowl.

Pour 200-300 ml of water into the bowl, you can hot. Turn on the steamer mode for 20 minutes.

If there is no multicooker, then you can put the grate with the omelet on a pot of water, which will need to be boiled until the omelet is ready.

The finished omelet will be soft, very tender and healthy. You can garnish with herbs and serve with vegetables.

How to make an omelette in a bag

The omelet is prepared in a bag for safety and health reasons.

Cooked without oil, it is very low in calories.

Moreover, it does not contain carcinogens that are formed during frying in oil. Suitable for baby food.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • milk - 150 ml
  • salt to taste


The whole point of this method is that the egg beaten with milk is placed in a bag.

Many people make the mistake of using regular food bags for cooking.

When heated, polyethylene begins to release harmful compounds directly into the cooking dish.

Important: For this recipe, only use special heat-resistant baking bags.

Otherwise, all the usefulness of the recipe will come to naught.

So, having packed our egg product in a baking bag, tie it well and send it to a pot of boiling water.

The package will float there, gradually its contents will be cooked and we will get a very soft, dietary product.

The same method is used when preparing an omelet in a jar.

All ingredients are placed in jars. We are not pouring it to the end, i.e. the content will rise as it solidifies.

Banks goes to water bath... To prevent them from bursting, you can put a textile napkin on the bottom.

Glass is a completely safe material for cooking. And such an omelette will be very useful!

Delicate and airy French omelet

This recipe is amazing!

The top is crispy, and inside is a delicate and airy omelet, so porous that it sways when moving.

Real french omelet, from Provencal chefs.


  • 3 eggs
  • 30 g butter


Beat eggs and separate whites from yolks.

Add whites and whisk separately.

You should get stable peaks.

Only then add the yolks and continue to beat.

Grease a frying pan with oil and pour the foamy mass over it.

Cover and fry for 2-3 minutes. Do not open the cover.

After the mixture is baked and stable, open the lid. Lift the edge of the omelet and place the butter slices on several sides underneath.

We need this to get a golden brown crust.

When the bottom is browned and no liquid remains on the surface, fold the omelette in half. Hold a little to fix this position.

Garnish with herbs and serve. Delicate, airy, light - an amazing omelette!

Omelet with cottage cheese

Useful protein omelet, suitable for a fitness breakfast.

The combined benefits of cottage cheese and eggs, and at the same time amazing yummy.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • cottage cheese (you can skim) - 200 gr
  • green onions - 30 gr
  • salt / pepper to taste


Beat eggs, add cottage cheese to them.

Chop green onions in the same place.

Pour the mixture into a frying pan and fry under a lid over low heat until the egg hardens.

Delicate, curd omelet is ready!

This is one of those dishes that you can eat even in the evening, it will not hurt your figure.

We hope you enjoyed our selection. Be sure to save it to social networks.

Enjoy cooking and eating! See you in new articles!

It would seem that it is not a great wisdom to know how to cook an omelet in a pan, but there are a couple of secrets that will make it unsurpassed.

Making a lush omelet in a frying pan is easy enough if you know how. And for this, there are several practical tips.

Many people are probably familiar with the picture when a seemingly lush and beautiful omelet turns into a stunted pancake right before our eyes, when laid out on a plate. This is, of course, a serious disappointment, especially if you are cooking for a loved one, or for a child. To prevent this from happening, some advise adding a pinch of baking soda to eggs, but this is still not "our method", although some results can be achieved this way.

First, in many ways, the fluffiness of an omelet depends on the amount of milk you add to the eggs. In order not to miscalculate, the amount of milk should not exceed one tablespoon per egg. otherwise you will inevitably fail. In addition, some advise adding a few pinches of starch to the mixture of eggs and spices, it will help the omelet to maintain its splendor, but it can make it somewhat viscous and heavy. But, as a last resort, this option is also suitable.


For those who like to tinker, but get the desired result, it is useful to do the following. For an omelet, you can beat the whites separately from the yolks, until a fluffy mass is obtained, and only then combine with the rest of the ingredients. The yolks are whipped much better and are able to "hold" volume.

We will present for your judgment a few recipes on how to make an omelet in a frying pan in order to impress the homemade with a seemingly simple dish.

First, you need to pick up a deep bowl in which you will mix all the ingredients of your future. culinary masterpiece... Gently break the eggs into a dry bowl, salt and add spices to taste. Black pepper, basil, dried spices go well with an omelet. In addition, now in stores it is quite possible to pick up specially mixed spices for an omelet. It is best to choose seasonings that are free of colorants, emulsifiers and salt. It is safer for health, and besides, from the "incorrect" constituent omelet can fall.

Add milk to the same container. The choice of milk depends only on you, it can be whole and skimmed, sterilized or pasteurized. If desired, you can even add baked milk, then your dish will have an amazing aroma and a beautiful soft creamy color. All this must be thoroughly mixed by adding one teaspoon of flour for each egg. It is best to mix the mass with a blender, because the mixer foams it unnecessarily. As a result of your efforts, you should get homogeneous mass, without lumps.

A frying pan for an omelet, it is better to immediately heat it by dissolving a piece of butter on it. The splendor of your omelet also largely depends on the choice of frying pan. The thicker and more massive the frying pan, the faster and better the dish will be fried. In addition, the bottom of the pan should be flat. Pour the mixture, starting in the center of the skillet, cover with a suitable lid and, reducing heat to low, leave the omelette for a few minutes.

After a while, look under the lid, when the omelet has thickened on top, feel free to turn off the stove and leave the dish to grill for a few more minutes. Putting it beautifully on a plate and decorating it with herbs, you will get real satisfaction from a job well done.


Instead of milk, you can add mayonnaise or cream to the omelet. This will make the dish extremely tender and savory. In addition, you can add chopped greens, this will give the omelet such an incredible aroma that all households, and maybe neighbors, will certainly come running to the smell. In addition, you can add finely chopped bacon, meat or sausages, tomatoes, Bell pepper or cheese, show your imagination and you will be pleasantly surprised.

The finished omelet must be removed from the pan with extreme caution., just tilt it and, prying it with a spatula, make it slide onto the plate. The plate for the omelet must be warmed up! With a sharp change in temperature, the omelet may well shrink, and all your work will go down the drain.

In the video recipe below, you can get acquainted with the preparation of a great omelet with cheese.