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How to cut salmon at home. How to cut salmon - step by step recommendations

Yesterday I bought a wonderful fish, which I love very much, salmon! Frozen, of course. In general, you need to very carefully choose a seller, not everything that is offered is tasty and healthy, but more about that next time. And now, melted overnight, is waiting for further processing. In general, once upon a time I didn't really think about it how to cut salmon on the fillet correctly, just cut it and that's it. My attitude to this changed after my mother-in-law once showed a master class on how to properly cut salmon.

How to cut

Surprisingly, there must be a certain system here as well. I do not claim that I am the standard and know best how to fillet, but I really like this method for its simplicity and low amount of waste. Let's get started:

First, the fish must be defrosted. For this I use a food grade aluminum basin. It is certainly not very presentable, but lightweight and very convenient. After the ice has melted, do not cut it right away, let it stand for a few more hours until the excess blood drains along with the water. Then rinse in plain water, better of course cold. The fish will cease to be uncomfortable and slippery, which will help us in the future.

Removing the scales

Now we clean off the scales from it. This can be done with an ordinary knife, but you can also use any device, of which there are already enough offered in stores. For convenience, I recommend wrapping it in a paper napkin, then the hand does not slip off the tail and the scales are cleaned conveniently and quickly. In general, such little things help well in working with fish and you don't have to think again how to cut salmon.

And again we rinse in running water. This is necessary in order to wash off the remnants of scales and mucus. The skin becomes clean and shiny.

We butcher

Now let's mentally divide into two parts. The first one, with ribs, will go for the second course, and the second, tail one, will go for preparing a snack. But don't cut it in half at once, this is a mistake. Then it will be inconvenient to cut smaller pieces. We start from the front, cut across the body, with a sharp knife, into slices about 2 - 2.5 centimeters thick. These will be the steaks we use for cooking. As a rule, I get 6 - 8 pieces, depending on the size of the fish. This is how you can cut salmon into fillets.

Rear split

We will cut the rest of the rear part differently. Now we will divide it into two parts, but cut it along, parallel to the ridge. Here, too, you do not need to save much, let a small part of the pulp remain on it. We send the freed ridge to the bowl to the head and tail. And the ones that remain, I usually salt, which I recommend to you to do.

It will take about one day. But I really want to try a mouth-watering bite quickly. It is quite possible. Carefully cut the skin off one of the pieces and cut into small slices. Place them in a suitable sized glass dish, sprinkle with salt and spices to taste. Delicate salmon will be ready in a couple of hours.

So let's summarize. From one fish we get the preparation for all the dishes of a complete dinner.

- head, tail, ridge and fins

- steaks can either be fried in a pan or over charcoal, if some kind of holiday is expected, this is a completely unusual dish.

Here is the answer to the question of how to properly cut salmon. ENJOY YOUR MEAL!

It's no secret that many people hesitate to buy whole fish, because they simply don't know how to cut it properly. In fact, it is not at all as difficult as it seems. There are many chopping options, and over time we plan to talk about most of them. And today we will show you how to quickly cut salmon into fillets using this small sockeye salmon weighing about one and a half kilograms as an example.

You will need the fish itself, a sharp flexible knife, and tweezers to remove the bones. The knife should be really very sharp so as not to damage the tender salmon meat. A dull knife will crush and tear the flesh, and the fillet will not turn out too neat (if at all). Some people prefer to work with frozen (not completely thawed) fish - it's easier to cut it this way. But if you are confident in your knife, there is no need for this.

If you are going to cook fillets on the skin, remove the scales first. If you still remove the fillets from the skin, then, bypassing this step, quickly wash off the mucus from the fish under the stream cold water, pat the fish dry with paper towels and place on a cutting board.

So, let's get down to cutting. Place the knife behind the pectoral fin and make an oblique cut to the ridge.

Flip the salmon over and repeat the operation. Remove the head. To make it easier to fix the fish on the table, hold it by the gill cover.

Now, keeping the knife parallel to the table, make an incision over the ridge. It is imperative at this stage that the fish does not slip, so it is okay to use kitchen towels.

It is possible to pre-cut the pelvic fins together with the tesha (abdominal part), but it is not necessary. With a confident, but not abrupt movement, slide the knife over the spine towards the tail. The crunching sound of the cut bones indicates that you are moving in the right direction. The main thing is to keep the knife always parallel to the ridge so as not to cut it.

Remove the top fillet and flip the salmon upside down and skin side up. Try the operation again. As a result, you will have two fillets and a ridge with a tail with leftover meat on it.

Gently pick up the ribs with the knife. They go in one piece at the bottom of the fillet.

Cut off the ribs along with the tesha.

Use tweezers to remove the remaining bones from the fillet. You can feel them by sliding your hand over the fillets. The bones must be removed carefully, taking into account their direction. Pulling the bones against the grain leaves untidy holes in the fillet.

To remove the fillet from the skin, make an oblique cut in the tail, place the knife under the flesh and slide it parallel to the table along the skin.

The fillet is ready.

From the remaining after cutting the head, ridge, fins and tesha, it makes sense to immediately cook rich broth, or put all this stuff in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer until better times. If the gills have not been removed in the salmon head, then be sure to remove them before cooking - they give bitterness.

In the same way, you can cut any fish of the salmon family, and indeed practically any fish that is round in cross-section. We'll talk about cutting flat fish such as flounder and halibut another time.

Salmon is a very expensive type of fish that has recently become popular with many people. This product is used to make the most various dishes: steaks, casseroles, rolls and more. Many housewives probably wondered how to salt salmon at home so that it turns out to be really tasty and healthy.

As a rule, salmon is salted from the loin of the fish, however, bellies can be very tasty. They are especially best served as a beer snack.

Note! Buy only fresh fish, never risk your health and do not consume a product for which questions may arise regarding its quality.

Many inexperienced chefs are afraid to add a large number of salt, worrying that the fish may be oversalted. As a result, additional salting is produced, which takes a lot of time. However, it is extremely difficult to oversalt this product. Salmon is a very fatty fish, so it absorbs a certain amount of salt, and all excess remains on its surface. Therefore, you can remove excess salt with a knife, and the fish itself will have an unsurpassed taste.

Lightly salted salmon preserves everything useful material and amino acids. Therefore, it has all the same useful substances as steamed or oven-baked fish.

Classic recipe

it classic recipe how to salt salmon at home quickly and tasty. To prepare 500 g of salmon, you should take the following amount of additional ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of salt (it is recommended to use sea salt, but if this is not available, then you can use the usual stone one);
  • ¾ tablespoons of sugar;
  • a small amount of fresh dill.

Experienced cooks also add about 50 ml of vodka, it helps the fish to reveal its taste much better. But this ingredient is no longer included in the classic recipe for how to salt salmon. Therefore, decide for yourself whether to add vodka or not.

How to cook

The salting process itself is very simple. In a small container, you need to mix salt and sugar, then rub the fish thoroughly. Add vodka if necessary. Put half of the dill on the bottom of a small container, put the fish on it and throw the remaining greens on top. Cover the fish and set aside for 3 hours.

If you have absolutely no time and you need salted salmon right now, then you can take the fish and cut it into thin slices, about 1 cm thick. Carry out the same salting procedure, in which case the fish will be ready for consumption in a few minutes. You will need to remove excess salt from the product before use.

How to deliciously salt salmon in brine

This method of processing fish will take longer, but in this case it will be more aromatic and tender. The product is evenly covered with salt, so this method is considered more correct and tasty.

To cook pickled salmon in the marinade, you will first need to prepare the following products:

  • salmon - 1 kg (I mean pure fillet, but as already reported, you can use any other part);
  • 1 liter of water (depending on the weight of the fish, the required amount of water also changes);
  • 4 tablespoons of salt and sugar;
  • 1-2 pcs. bay leaves;
  • a few peas of allspice and black pepper.

If available, you can put a sprig of rosemary and some fresh dill in the brine.

Cooking process

Pour the required amount of liquid into the pan, add all the remaining ingredients (except for the fish itself). Bring water to a boil and simmer over low heat for several minutes. Then turn off the heating and set the brine aside.

Remember! The liquid in the pan must cool completely, its temperature cannot be higher than room temperature, otherwise the fish will turn out to be not slightly salted, but stewed, that is, half ready.

Cut the fish into pieces convenient for you, put in a deep, small container and pour over the brine prepared earlier. All tighten cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours. If you are in no hurry, then the fish can be in the marinade for 1 day, so it is better to let the product marinate completely.

Now you know how to marinate salmon to make it really tasty.

Fish with honey and spices

This recipe for cooking salmon is significantly different from all the others, the final product has a very unusual taste and aroma. This method of salting is often used in home salting of fish; you can hardly find salmon prepared according to this recipe in a store.

List necessary products for salting red fish:

  • fresh salmon - 500 g;
  • a tablespoon of honey (before use, it must be melted in the microwave or in a water bath);
  • 3 tablespoons of sea salt;
  • 10 peas of regular black pepper and the same amount of allspice;
  • various greens;
  • two bay leaves and a teaspoon of vinegar.

When all the ingredients are at your fingertips, you can start pickling. Melt honey in a small cup, add salt and vinegar there, stir everything thoroughly. Grate the main product with the resulting mixture, rub all the ingredients intensively with your hands. Spread a large amount of cling film on the table and place the fish on it.

Sprinkle the fillet of salmon with various types of pepper, put on top a few bay leaves and pounded herbs in your palms. Wrap the product very tightly in foil and refrigerate. After 24 hours, the fish can be taken out, cut into small slices and served. Recommended for everyone who likes to get unusual taste sensations.

Three basic recipes for how to salt salmon were presented here, they are all very diverse. Therefore, it is recommended that you try these methods of making lightly salted salmon.

Despite the fact that the fish is salted, it is not recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for a long time. This product can be kept at a temperature of about +4 degrees for no more than 10 days; after this time, the use of salted salmon becomes incredibly dangerous for your health. In the freezer, the fish can be stored for 4-5 months.

Today we will learn how to fillet a whole salmon carcass. It is a wonderful product, ingredient and base for many delicious dishes.
You cannot check the quality of the finished packaged fillet; unscrupulous sellers can take advantage of this. Therefore, I always buy whole fish, cleaned of scales and entrails - and the quality is guaranteed, and it costs less. You just need to cut it right.

Ingredients: fresh salmon - 1 pc., salt - 2 tablespoons, sugar - 1 tablespoon

Let's start. We need a knife - long, thin and very sharp. Separate the head first. Carefully raise the front fin, put a knife under it, cut it at an angle to the center of the head. Turn the fish over, repeat on the other side. That's it, the head is easily detached.
They say that the fish rots from the head, but they clean it from the tail. I'll tell you honestly: professionals don't do that. We, as during the French Revolution, will clean the fish from the head. More precisely, from the place where she had just been.
We put the knife under the ridge, press the carcass with our hand. Carefully cut through all the fish along the ridge. We remove the knife 5-10 centimeters from the tail. We get a layer of excellent fillet. We put it aside and repeat the procedure with the second half of the fish, only we put the knife over the spine. We draw the knife near the tail. We got two layers of fish. A minute is enough for me for this process, but at first you should not rush, it is better to keep your fingers intact.
Now you need to separate the tummy. We start the knife at an angle at the large bones, cut it to the beginning of the abdomen and separate it with one movement along the fish.
We take out the remaining bones with tweezers - there are not many of them, the process will take no more than 30 seconds.
It remains to remove the white stripe that runs in the center. Starting from the tail section, trim it and remove it.
We remove the skin: from the side of the tail, we start a knife between the skin and the pulp. Pressing the fish, we cut along the entire layer.
That's it, our fillet is ready. We wipe it with a napkin.
We got a great fillet; from it you can at any time quickly and efficiently cook whatever you want. Believe me, you cannot buy fillets of this quality in a store. Plus - we have a waste-free production: the head, skin, tummies, a ridge with a tail - we don't throw anything away. All this can be used to prepare wonderful meals.
We make a blank: we separate the narrow tail part, divide the remaining fillet into three equal parts. If you are not going to cook right away, wrap the fillets in cling film to keep the fish fresh. If the fillet stays in the refrigerator for more than a day, you must remove the foil, wipe the fish with a napkin and wrap it again in foil.
We can immediately use our freshly cut salmon.
We mix salt and sugar. We take a piece of fillet - now we will pickle it.
Many people make a mistake when salting - they burn the fish. They apply a mixture of salt and sugar directly to the fish, because of this, the top layer disappears. We will avoid this very simply: a little, literally a drop olive oil smear on the surface of the fish. Carefully apply a mixture of salt and sugar on all sides. The amount of mixture may vary depending on the weight of the fish; the proportion is constant.
We wrap our fillet in parchment paper, put in the refrigerator. The next day, our salmon can already be eaten.
Wonderful fillets, preparations for many dishes, salted salmon - you did it all with your own hands as well as professional chefs. Rejoice!

© Uriel Stern Cooking School. How to properly cut salmon and pickle fillets - recipe (video and text)
From the series "Dinner in the City"

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If we buy salmon from a specialized supplier, then most likely it will be gutted. If we buy a whole carcass on the market, then the question arises: how to cut salmon yourself correctly and quickly? To do this, it is advisable to have a sirloin sharp knife with a long narrow blade and use our recommendations.

Salmon cutting process

First you need to wash the fish, cut the belly from head to fin and take out all the insides. We make an incision from the head to the bone at an angle of 30 degrees on one side, then turn it over and also make an incision under the gills on the other.

In no case do we throw out the head, we leave it for the broth, for the soup. In order to remove the fillet, we need to draw a knife parallel to the ridge from the side of the severed head, along the spine. Salmon have less dense bones, so the knife should be fought like clockwork.

We turn the fish over, put it down with the vertebral bone and do the same operation with the second fillet. From the remaining skeleton, you can cook fish soup, or Norwegian soup, or any fish soup which you like.

We need to remove the lower part from the salmon fillet, which is called tisha - this is the abdomen, the fattest part of the fish that can be salted. Then we cut off all the fins. Now we need to take out the small dorsal bones. They can be removed either by hand, if they work well with us, or using tweezers, tweezers.

Remove the skin from the fillets. To do this, we need to cut the fish meat from the side of the tail to the skin and hold it parallel to the skin, holding it with the other hand. In some cases, it is easy to peel off the skin without using a knife.

So, we have on the board a clean salmon fillet without skin and bones, from which you can make