Home / Buns / Technology for the preparation of biscuit cakes and pastries. Technology for making biscuit cakes

Technology for the preparation of biscuit cakes and pastries. Technology for making biscuit cakes

The technological process of making biscuit cakes and pastries.



1.Technological part …………………………………………….4

1.1.Characteristics of raw materials…………………………………………....4

1.2. Preparation of raw materials for production……………………………....6

1.3.Organization of the work of the confectionery shop……..……...12

biscuit cakes and pastries……..………………………….….16

1.5. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the preparation of raw materials

and production of semi-finished products…………………………………………18

2.Practical part………………………………………………...21

2.1.Technology of preparation of biscuit cakes and pastries………………………………………………………..………21


4. Applications………………………………………………………...25

5. List of used literature………………………….….30


Confectionery products are high-calorie and digestible foodstuffs that have a pleasant taste, delicate fragrance, attractive appearance. These properties are inherent in confectionery products due to the use of many types of natural high-quality raw materials for their production. The calorie content of confectionery products ranges from 3.5-6.0 thousand kcal/kg of the product. These properties are inherent in them due to the use for their production of raw materials of various chemical composition and properties: sugar, starch syrup, fruits and berries, cocoa beans, oil-containing kernels, dairy and egg products, flour, fats, etc. The initial prescription mixture can be quite complex. composition of various components, which allows to develop a wide range of products, which includes more than 3000 items.

Depending on the raw materials used, the technology of its processing and the final product, all confectionery products produced at Russian enterprises are divided into two large groups: sugar and flour.

Currently, in terms of production, flour products occupy the second place after sugar. They are produced by specialized and universal confectionery factories, confectionery shops of bakeries, restaurants, etc. Along with automated production lines for the production of biscuits, crackers, wafers with a capacity of more than 1000 kg/h, flour confectionery products are produced in small sections in quantities from 100 to 300 kg/h. At the same time, the production of cakes and pastries remains less mechanized. last decade general state health of Russians has negative trends. The average life expectancy continues to decrease, the general morbidity of the population is growing, to a large extent associated with a violation of normal nutrition. These violations in the nutrition of the population are due to a sharp deterioration in the economic condition of the majority of the population.

1.Technological part.

1.1.Characteristics of raw materials.

According to the complexity of preparation, cakes are divided into mass-produced, lettered, figured, branded cakes.

Mass production cakes are produced according to approved recipes. Their mass is from 150 gr. up to 1.5 kg, most often - 0.5 and 1 kg.

Cakes can be square, rectangular, round, oval.

Letter cakes are biscuit-cream cakes weighing 2-3 kg with a more complex surface finish than mass-produced cakes. The sides are trimmed with biscuit chips.

Figured cakes - prepared with a mass of at least 1.5 kg with a complex artistic surface finish in the form of a contour-embossed or three-dimensional pattern, with decorations in the form of baked or poured bas-reliefs or whole chocolate figures, or other semi-finished products.

Branded cakes - are made at specific enterprises, the technology of preparation is developed by the confectioners of this enterprise.

Sizes of cakes (in mm): square weighing 0.5 kg - 120x120 or 130x130; 1 kg - 200x200; diameter round weighing 0.5 kg - 160, 1 kg -200mm.

The height of the cakes ranges from 40 to 100 mm.

The preparation of cakes consists of the following operations: preparation of baked semi-finished products from dough, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, cutting and gluing layers, spreading the surface and sides, finishing the sides, finishing the surface of the cake. Ready-made cakes placed in cardboard boxes lined with parchment.

By organoleptic indicators cakes, as well as cakes, must comply with the requirements specified in OST 10 - 060 - 95. Physical and chemical indicators of cakes are determined only in semi-finished products, they must comply with the above G OST.

Deviations in the net weight of cakes are allowed (in%, not more than): with a mass of more than 250 to 500 gr. inclusive - 2.5; with a mass of over 500 to 1000 gr. inclusive - 1.5; with a mass over 1000 gr. - one.

Cakes must be made and sold in compliance with sanitary rules.

Depending on the semi-finished product baked from dough, cakes are divided into the following groups: biscuit, puff, shortbread, nut, air, custard, crumb.

Cakes are also prepared from two or more types of dough. In this case, butter cream can be replaced with Charlotte or Glace cream. Tiny semi-finished products are also interchangeable.

Quality requirements: cakes must comply with the requirements of OST 18-102-72, have a clear pattern with a pattern of a finished character and with a beautiful combination of colors on the surface, sprinkle the sides evenly while maintaining clear edges of the cake.

Depending on the type of finishing semi-finished products used for the layer, biscuit cakes are divided into biscuit-fondant, biscuit-cream, biscuit-fruit and biscuit-cream-fruit. Biscuit cakes are produced cut and piece of various shapes (rectangular, square, round, triangular, etc.).

1.2.Preparation of raw materials for production

For the preparation of confectionery products, various main and auxiliary products are used, which, depending on their type, structure, and purpose, are subjected to preliminary preparation and processing.

The main types of raw materials in confectionery production are: flour, sugar, butter, eggs. Along with them, dairy products, fruits, berries, nuts, wine, essences, baking powder, etc. are used.

The quality of raw materials entering production must meet the requirements established by state standards and specifications, and dyes must meet the requirements of current sanitary rules. In this regard, it is very important to properly organize the storage of raw materials and products.

In the pantry for storing dry products (flour, sugar, starch), a temperature of about 15 ° C and a relative humidity of 60--65% should be maintained. In a room where perishable products are stored, the temperature should not exceed 5 ° C. Raw materials received in frozen form are stored at sub-zero temperatures. Aromatic substances, as well as wines and compotes, are stored in a separate room to avoid the spread of their smells to other products.

Flour. Wheat flour is a powdered product that is obtained by grinding wheat grain.

In confectionery products, flour of the highest, 1 and 2 grades is used, it is included in all types of dough.

The quality of flour is usually determined by a laboratory method, but the confectioner must know the simplest organoleptic features of good-quality flour (smell, taste, moisture, etc.) and methods for determining its baking properties.

The most important component of flour are proteins - gliadin and glutenin. During dough formation, they swell and form an elastic, elastic and sticky mass - gluten, which affects the structure of the dough. Depending on the gluten content, flour is divided into three groups: the first contains up to 28% gluten, the second - 28-36% and the third - up to 40% gluten.

Starch . Starch in flour contains up to 70%. When kneading the dough, the starch swells, and gelatinizes during baking. The most common starch is potato and corn. It gives the dough (sand, biscuit) friability. Starch has a white color with a crystalline sheen, when rubbed between the fingers it crunches. It does not dissolve in cold water, forms a paste at 65-70°C. Humidity of potato starch - 20%, corn starch - 13%.

Starch is sifted like flour before use. Starch, like flour, absorbs odors, so it must be stored in dry rooms. When damp, the starch acquires a bitter taste and becomes unsuitable for the preparation of confectionery.

Sugar is a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beets.

Granulated sugar contains 99.7% sucrose and 0.14% moisture, dissolves completely in water, has no foreign taste and smell, tastes sweet, and feels dry to the touch.

Due to the strong hygroscopicity of sugar, it is stored in a dry, ventilated room at a relative humidity of no higher than 70%, otherwise it becomes damp, sticky, and lumps form.

Sugar gives taste to flour confectionery products, increases their calorie content and changes the structure of the dough. Sugar limits the swelling of the gluten, thereby reducing the water absorption capacity of the flour and reducing the elasticity of the dough. An increased amount of sugar thins the dough, the products are glassy. Before use, sugar is sifted through a sieve with cells of no more than 3 mm, you can use a flour sifter. Sugar syrups should be colorless and transparent. The solubility of sugar in water depends on temperature. A maximum of 2 kg of sugar dissolves in 1 liter of cold water, and up to 5 kg in hot water. Before use, syrups are filtered through sieves with cells of no more than 1.5 mm.

Powdered sugar is used in the manufacture of creams, waffles, cookies, etc. It should be finely ground and sifted through a sieve before use to eliminate larger particles. In the absence of powdered sugar, it is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding. From 1003 kg of granulated sugar, 1000 kg of powdered sugar are obtained.

Eggs is a high-calorie product widely used in the manufacture of confectionery products, contains proteins, fats, minerals and other substances. Eggs improve the taste of products, give them porosity.

Egg white has binding properties, is a good foaming agent, retains sugar. Therefore, it is used in the production of creams, marshmallows, air and some other types of dough. The volume of protein during whipping increases by 7 times, when sugar is added, the volume decreases by 1.5 times.

The yolk of an egg is rich in proteins, fat and vitamins (A, D, E, B, B2 and PP). Thanks to lecithin, the yolk is a good emulsifier. A large number of yolks makes it possible to obtain a stable emulsion of water and fat in the batter, which is used in the manufacture of waffles and cookies. Yolks improve the structure of the dough, give delicate taste products.

In the confectionery industry, only chicken eggs and products of their processing. Depending on the mass and shelf life, eggs are divided into categories I and II and dietary. Diet egg considered within 7 days after demolition. Poured out of the shell fresh egg blurs less. At long-term storage eggs, the yolk shell becomes fragile and breaks easily. Store eggs in a clean and cool room at a relative humidity of 80% for no more than 6 days.

Melange is a mixture of proteins and yolks (either yolks or proteins alone), frozen in cans at a temperature of -18 to 25 ° C. Melange is thawed immediately before use, the jar is pre-disinfected. Rectangular cans are opened with a special knife - a “triangle”, round ones with an oval knife. Banks with melange are kept for 2.5-3 hours on a food warmer at 40-50°C for thawing. The prepared melange is filtered through a sieve and immediately used, as it quickly deteriorates during storage. The shelf life of thawed melange is 3-4 hours.

Egg powder is made from a mixture of proteins and yolks or from protein and yolk separately. The moisture content of the powder is 9%, it recovers well. Store egg powder at a temperature of -2 to -10 ° C for no more than a year (preferably in an airtight container). Before use, the powder is sieved and then dissolved in water (0.35 l of water per 100 g of powder). To dissolve the egg powder, first pour a little warm water (40--50 ° C) into it, mix thoroughly and, continuing to stir, pour in the rest of the water. After 30-40 minutes, the powder swells and, having previously filtered it, can be used; 10 g of egg powder and 30 g of water correspond to the mass of one medium-sized egg.

Milk consists of water and solids, or solids, which include milk fat, proteins, milk sugar and other substances. Milk is a valuable nutritious product, it has a pleasant taste and contains almost all the nutrients necessary for the body. For the preparation of confectionery products, fresh milk and canned products are used. They improve the taste of products and increase their nutritional value.

Whole milk contains fats, proteins, milk sugar and vitamins. It should be white with a yellowish tint, without foreign tastes and odors.

Sweetened condensed milk is obtained by evaporating up to "/3 of the volume of whole or skimmed milk with the addition of sugar syrup. It is stored in a hermetically sealed container in a room with uncontrolled temperature. Condensed milk used for the preparation of confectionery products is preheated to 40 ° C, and then filter through a 0.5 mm sieve.

Milk products. Cream is available in 10, 20 and 35% fat. Their taste is pleasant, slightly sweet, white color with a yellowish tinge. In the confectionery industry, cream is used to make cream and as a substitute for milk.

Sour cream is produced from pasteurized cream by fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. For confectionery products, sour cream of 40- and 30% fat content is used, it can be whipped like cream. Sour cream is used in the manufacture of rich unleavened dough and creams.

Cottage cheese is produced from raw pasteurized milk - whole or skimmed - by fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. Cottage cheese contains 65-80% water, valuable proteins, calcium, phosphorus and iron salts, vitamins. The quality is of the highest and 1 grades. In the confectionery industry, they are used for making fillings. For long-term storage, the cottage cheese is frozen. When frozen curd is defrosted, its structure and consistency are restored. Store at a temperature of 4-8 ° C for no more than 36 hours.

Butter is produced from cream, it contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. The butter should be free of foreign odors and tastes, with a uniform color (from white to cream). If the surface of the oil is dirty or covered with mold, then the oil is cleaned. Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough. Butter increases the calorie content of products, improves taste, enhances their aroma.

Unsalted butter can be replaced with salted butter, but taking into account the salt it contains (salted butter cannot be used to make cream). In the manufacture of all confectionery products, except for puff, butter biscuit and cream, butter can be replaced with melted butter (1 kg of butter corresponds to 840 g of melted butter).

Margarine is obtained from animal and vegetable fats with the addition of cream, milk or water. It tastes and smells like butter. In the confectionery industry, milk and cream margarine is used. Store under the same conditions as oil.

1.3.Organization of the work of the confectionery shop.

The machine consists of a plate, a body, a drive installed in the machine body, a bowl on a three-wheeled trolley and a kneading arm with a blade.

A vertical housing with a drive is assembled on a cast-iron foundation plate. Inside the housing there is a gearbox, an electric motor, a chain drive and a crank connected to the mixing lever. The machine control buttons are located on the side wall of the case.

The bowl is a conical tank, and is attached to the shaft with a profile connection. The working body is a kneading lever, which is curved and has a blade at the end.

Operating principle. Rotations from the electric motor through two gearboxes and a chain drive are simultaneously received by the dough mixing lever and the bowl. Due to the simultaneous rotation of the bowl and the dough mixing arm in the opposite direction, the loaded product is intensively mixed and forms a homogeneous mass saturated with air.

Operation of the dough mixing machine. The bowl is rolled onto a cast-iron stove with the kneading lever and protective shields raised. Check the fastening of the bowl with the drive. Release the kneading lever and guards. I comply with the rules of safety and labor protection. Load the machine with products and get to work. While the machine is running, do not bend over the bowl, as well as take a sample. Respect the workload: liquid dough 80-90%, steep 50% and its capacity. Failure to comply with these conditions leads to an overload of the engine, rapid wear and damage to the machine. After finishing work, stop the machine, raise the kneading lever and protective shields, press the pedal, roll the bowl off the cast-iron stove. Then carry out a thorough sanitization of the machine. They clean with a brush, wash all the working parts of the machine with warm water, wipe the surface of the machine with a damp and then dry cloth.

Whipping machine MV-35M. (Appendix No. 1)

It is intended for mechanization of the process of whipping various confectionery mixtures (protein, egg-sugar, creams) and liquid dough in the confectionery shops of public catering establishments. This machine consists of a body, a tank lifting mechanism and a drive mechanism.

A removable tank is mounted on the movable bracket, which can move it in the vertical direction using the handle of the lifting mechanism. The drive of the machine is mounted inside the housing, which consists of a motor, gears and a planetary gearbox. Replaceable beater mechanisms are attached to the working shaft with a pin. On the side wall is a switch to start and stop the engine.

Rules for the operation of the machine. The employee who is assigned to it has the right to work on the machine. Before starting work, he must correctly follow the safety requirements and strictly follow the safety rules when working on the machine. The tank is installed and fixed on the bracket of the whipping mechanism, and with the help of a coupling, the desired beater is installed on the working shaft. To connect the replaceable beater with the output shaft of the planetary mechanism, the shaft lock is lifted up to the stop, and the tail of the beater is inserted into the cutout of the shaft, after which the lock is lowered. At the same time, with its sleeve, it tightly wraps around the shaft and tail of the beater.

Then products are loaded into the tank and by rotating the handle of the lifting mechanism, it is set at such a level that the gap between the beater and the bottom of the tank is less than 5 mm.

After turning on the engine of the machine, by rotating the flywheel, the variator sets the desired beater speed, observing the arrow on the scale. Speed ​​adjustment may only be made while the machine is running, with the engine running.

At the end of work, turn off the machine, lower the bracket with the tank down and remove it from the machine. Then the beater is removed, all parts of the machine are sanitized.

Machine for sifting flour MPM-800. (Appendix No. 2)

It consists of a cast-iron platform on which a drive, a loading hopper, a pipe with an auger and a screening head are installed. The drive consists of an explosion-proof electric motor and two V-belt drives that drive the auger with a sieve.

The loading hopper has a safety grate that prevents foreign objects from falling into the flour, which feeds flour to a vertical pipe and a lifting mechanism for feeding bags of flour.

Inside the vertical tube there is an auger that feeds the flour from the sieving head of the machine. The screening mechanism consists of a cylindrical body with an unloading tray, a sieve with fixed blades and an unloading window. A cover with a rubber gasket and a hinged fixing bolt is installed on top. The discharge tray of the sieving head has a magnetic trap to remove magnetic impurities from the flour.

To turn on the machine, a magnetic starter, an automatic switch and control buttons are installed.

Operating principle. Flour from the loading hopper is fed by an impeller to the auger of a vertical pipe, through which it enters the sieving head. Here, under the action of centrifugal force, the flour loosens up, passes through the sieve into the space between the body and the sieve, sinks to the bottom and enters the discharge tray with the help of blades. Wholemeal remains at the bottom of the sieve and is removed when the machine is stopped.

Operating rules. Before starting work, check the sanitary and technical condition and the presence of grounding. A sieve of the required size is installed in the working chamber of the screening head housing. Close the top with a lid and secure with a hinged bolt. A container is placed under the unloading tray. Check the car at idle.

A bag of flour is placed on the lifting mechanism, then it is lifted and fixed at the required height, after which part of the flour is poured out of the bag into the hopper and the "Start" button is pressed, the machine is put into operation. After turning on the machine, the flour from the hopper is fed by the impeller to the window of the vertical pipe. There, the flour is picked up by the auger and fed upwards, where it enters the installed sieve. After passing through the cells of the sieve, the flour is directed by the blades to the discharge window, having passed through the installed magnetic trap, it is directed through the fabric sleeve into the substituted container.

During the operation of the machine, it is necessary to ensure that the hopper is constantly filled with flour. During the operation of the machine, it is forbidden to open the cover of the screening head and leave the machine unattended. Sanitization of the machine is carried out after the end of work and the stop of the machine. First remove the remaining flour, then remove the sieve, wipe all parts of the machine with a damp clean cloth and leave to dry.

1.4. Equipment, inventory, cooking tools


Pots of various capacities are used for kneading dough, mixing products, beating eggs, cooking cream, syrups and other operations. It is better to use stainless steel pans.

Enamelled and stainless steel bowls are useful for washing vegetables and fruits, kneading and cooking jam.

Meat grinders are necessary for the preparation of minced meat, squeezing juices from berries using a special attachment.

Metal baking sheets with three and four sides are needed for baking biscuits, pies, rolls. Metal sheets with one side are used for baking cookies, pies, gingerbread, layers of dough.

In pans of different sizes with high and low sides, pies, pancakes, pancakes are fried, and minced meat is also prepared.

Tin molds are used for baking piece products, as well as for stamping cookies of various shapes. They can be smooth and corrugated.

Wooden boards, large and small, are used for cutting pies, rolls, kneading and rolling dough and molding confectionery.

Rolling pins roll out the dough into a layer. For drawing a pattern on the dough, rolling pins with patterns on the surface are used. Wooden spatulas are convenient for kneading liquid consistency dough, creams and syrup in a bowl, when cooking lipstick.

Beaters, whisks and spirals are convenient for whipping egg whites, cream, cocktails and mousses into foam. The simplest whip can be a fork. In addition, electric beaters of various sizes and designs are used.

A colander is used for washing berries, fruits and vegetables.

Graters ordinary and combined are used for peeling citrus fruits, chopping food, spices, vegetables and fruits.

Sieves large and small are used for sifting flour, powdering finished products and filtering various liquids. Sieves can be hair, silk, metal, with a cell of various sizes.

Confectionery combs (Appendix No. 3) with various teeth are cut out of tin or thick cardboard; with their help, straight or wavy lines are applied on cream or lipstick when decorating cakes and pastries.

A confectionery bag with straws (Appendix No. 4) is necessary for jigging liquid types dough and for decorating cakes and pastries, it can be made from thick paper or fabric. Cut a triangle out of parchment and glue it together. egg white in the form of a cone. The narrow end is given any shape with scissors: the cut can be straight, oblique, oblique on both sides, teeth, etc.

Brushes are used to brush confectionery with eggs, butter or margarine.

1.5. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the preparation of raw materials and the production of semi-finished products.

Control over the quality of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, as well as over the correct conduct technological process and compliance with recipes is carried out by technological food laboratories.
If the capacity of the enterprise and the composition of the warehouse allow, the products are stored separately. The following food groups must be stored in isolation: bread and dry foods, vegetables and potatoes, perishable foods (necessarily at a low temperature). Raw materials and ready-to-eat products should be stored separately. When storing perishable products in one chamber, the places for storing meat, fish, dairy and gastronomic products must be strictly distinguished with the obligatory allocation of special shelves and racks.
The processing of raw materials and the preparation of culinary products is carried out in special production facilities: procurement workshops for cold processing of products (primary processing of raw materials and preparation of semi-finished products) and pre-cooking workshops for the preparation of cold and hot dishes.

Raw materials supplied for the preparation of confectionery products must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, be accompanied by quality certificates and have a label on each container.The products necessary for the preparation of products are supplied to the pantry of the daily supply. Perishable products (butter, eggs, etc.) are stored in a refrigerator at 2-4°C. The main products (flour, eggs) are pre-prepared. For confectionery products, fresh, clean chicken eggs, without defects, with an intact shell, not lower than the 2nd category, should be used. The eggs must be sorted.

Unpacking of boxes with eggs, sanitization and obtaining of egg mass is carried out under strict flow. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to use waterfowl eggs, chicken eggs with a notch, eggs and fight, mirage eggs, eggs from farms that are unfavorable for tuberculosis, salmonellosis, and also use melange instead of eggs for the manufacture of any cream. Waterfowl eggs may only be used for baking small bakery and flour confectionery products. Egg shells after breaking eggs of waterfowl are collected in separate tanks and must be immediately burned. Tanks after emptying should be cleaned, rinsed with warm water and disinfected.Workers preparing egg mass from waterfowl eggs should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and disinfect them with any approved disinfectant.Products that have fallen on the floor (sanitary marriage) must be placed in a special container with the designation "Sanitary marriage". The use of sanitary defects in the production of confectionery products is strictly prohibited.In the production of confectionery products with cream (cakes, pastries, rolls, etc.), each shift must start working with clean, sterilized jigging bags, tips for them and small inventory.

Issuance and delivery of bags, tips and small inventory is carried out in each shift according to the account by special persons with registration in the journal. Replacement of jigging bags should be carried out at least 2 times per shift. The manufacture of creams must be carried out in strict accordance with the current recipes and technological instructions. The cream is produced only in the required quantity for the production of one shift, the transfer of the remaining cream for finishing cakes and pastries to another shift is strictly prohibited. All cream residues can be used in the same shift only for baking semi-finished products and flour products with a high heat treatment. Transferring the cream from one container to another is done with a special tool. It is not allowed to shift the cream directly by hand.

It is not allowed to store cakes, pastries and rolls together with non-food materials, as well as products with a specific smell. At the same time, it is important that the refrigerators are provided with thermometers.

The shelf life of cold desserts is from 6 to 48 hours from the moment of preparation. To store cold desserts, the temperature should be from +2 to +6 °C and the relative humidity should not exceed 75%. The shelf life of desserts depends on the content of fat in it. Mousse with biscuit can be stored for 6 hours. The shelf life of a dessert with a fat content of 10-20% is 1 day, if there is more than 20% fat, then it can be stored up to 48 hours. flour product should be kept away from sunlight.

Sanitary clothing - protects products from contamination that can get into them from the body. The kit includes: a dressing gown or a tunic with buttons, an apron, a cap, specials. Shoes, towel. Hair must be hidden under a cap, shoes with rubber soles without heels. Earrings, rings, bracelets, chains, etc. are not allowed.

2.Practical part

2.1.Technology for the preparation of biscuit cakes and pastries.

Biscuit has a light and fluffy structure, easy to handle. To prepare a biscuit, take flour with a low gluten content, otherwise it will turn out to be long, with poor rise.

A biscuit is prepared by whipping, in which a large amount of air is introduced into the mass, and the dough greatly increases in volume. Due to the splendor and elasticity of the biscuit, a variety of pastries and cakes are prepared.

Depending on the method of preparation and the recipe, a biscuit is prepared basic (heated), round (boucher, cold). Biscuit is also prepared with various fillings (with cocoa nuts, butter, vegetables).

Basic biscuit (heated)

Flour 281, starch 69.4, granulated sugar 347, melange 578.5, essence 3.5. Exit 1000.

25% flour can be replaced with starch to reduce gluten. In addition, thanks to starch, the biscuit turns out to be drier, the products have even pores and do not crumble so much when cut.

The preparation of a biscuit consists of the following operations: combining eggs with sugar, heating and beating them, mixing the egg-sugar mass with flour. The egg-sugar mixture is beaten until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times and until a stable pattern appears on the surface (when drawn over the surface, the trace does not flow). During whipping, the mass is cooled to 20°C. Flour is combined with starch and quickly (but not sharply) with a whipped egg-sugar mass so that the dough does not drag out and does not settle. If the batch is produced in a beater, then it should last no more than 15 seconds. Essence is recommended to use vanilla or rum. Add it at the end of beating the egg-sugar mass.

Finished biscuit dough immediately baked in capsules, cake molds and on sheets, as it settles during storage. Capsules, molds and sheets are lined with paper, but you can also grease them with margarine or confectionery fat.

Biscuit dough is placed in molds at 3/4 of their height, since during baking it increases in volume and may leak out.

On sheets, biscuit dough is baked for rolls and some types of cakes and cakes. The dough is poured onto a sheet lined with paper, with a layer of no more than 10 mm and leveled with a knife.

Biscuit dough is baked at a temperature of 200-210°C. The baking time depends on the volume and thickness of the dough. So, in capsules, a biscuit is baked for 50-60 minutes, in cake forms for 35-40 minutes, on sheets for 10-15 minutes. In the first 10 minutes, the biscuit semi-finished product cannot be touched, since it settles from shaking (the fragile walls of air bubbles burst).

The end of the baking process is set by the light brown color of the crust and elasticity. If the hole quickly recovers when pressed with a finger, the biscuit is ready.

During baking at a high temperature, a dark thickened crust is formed, and at a low temperature, the biscuit semi-finished product has a pale crust. If the baking time is not enough, compacted areas of the crumb (“hardening”) are formed.


In the successful solution of the problems of the economic development of our country and the improvement of the well-being of the people, a significant role is given to increasing production food products, improving their quality, biological value and taste. Public catering plays an important role in providing the country's population with high-grade food. A well-organized public catering contributes to the rational use of social labor and to an increase in its productivity, saving material resources, and increasing the working people's free time. In the matter of increasing the production of confectionery products and improving the supply of them to the population, small catering enterprises should play a certain role. A necessary condition for their work should be the production of high-quality products of high nutritional value and guaranteed security. The successful fulfillment of the tasks facing public catering largely depends on the professional preparedness of the industry's employees. Good knowledge of the properties and advantages of food products, the features of their technological processing - important condition high-quality preparation of culinary dishes and products. Therefore, a catering chef must know food merchandising. Commodity assessment of products allows the cook to draw up a diet, choose a rational way of processing and cooking food, preserve valuable nutrients, understand the essence of the changes that occur during the culinary processing of raw materials and food storage. The central place in the catering establishment belongs to the cook. Much depends on his qualifications, professional skills, education and spiritual qualities, including the quality of the prepared dishes. This is achieved not only by a properly conducted, scientifically substantiated technological process, but also by the ability to use the natural features of raw materials, the possession of a fine and well-developed taste, and artistic abilities.
Thus, a high-quality dish, tasty, healthy and beautiful, is a combination of the qualities of the products from which it is prepared, with the skill of a professional chef who meets modern requirements.


Application No. 1

Application No. 2

Application No. 3

Application No. 4

List of used literature

1. Baranova T. A. Organization of public catering. Directory. – M.: Rosagropromizdat, 2015

2. Beloborodov V.V., Gordon L.I. Thermal equipment of catering establishments. - M.: Economics, 2014

3. Anfimova N.A. Cooking: for the beginning. prof. education, 2017

4. Kovalev N.I., Kutkina M.N. Cooking technology. - M .: Publishing house "Business literature", 2013

5. Gaevskaya L.Ya. A book about tasty and healthy food. – M.: Olma-press, 2015

6. Kozlova S.N. Culinary characteristics of dishes. – M.: Academy, 2014

7. Myachikova N.I. Technology of catering products. – Belgorod, 2015

8. Novozhenov M.Yu. culinary characteristics of dishes. - M .: Higher School, 2015

9. Poskrebysheva G. Encyclopedia of culinary products. - M. : Olma-press, 2013

10. Bogachenko V.M. Confectionery. – M.: Phoenix, 2015

Probably not a single gourmet will refuse a piece of biscuit cake or a roll for a cup of fragrant tea! Currently, biscuit dough is used extremely widely. Rolls with various fillings, cakes, cookies are prepared from it. What is worth only one famous "Drunken Cherry"!

And, meanwhile, few people know that biscuit has its history from the depths of centuries. Who was the first to prepare biscuit dough, and how it happened, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to find out. Only its name can lead to reflections. Biscuit - a word of French origin, from "bis" - twice and cuit "- oven, bake, that is, baked twice. However, some argue that the word is Italian and sounds like "biscotte", which, however, means the same thing.

The first mention of a biscuit dates back to the 15th century. It is mentioned in the ship's logs of English sailors. Before a long-distance voyage, the ship's cook always loaded into the hold of the ship a sufficient amount of slightly dried biscuit, which was called "ship biscuit", and, sometimes, for some reason, "sea biscuits". The fact is that the biscuit did not contain butter at all. This feature allowed it not to mold for a long time in sufficiently damp sea conditions, remaining suitable for consumption for the entire duration of the voyage. In addition, the biscuit had a high nutritional value and, at the same time, a relatively small volume, which made it really useful product for travelers.

But the biscuit was not only useful, but also very delicious product. And this could not be ignored by secular gourmets. Obviously, one of them, during the voyage, out of necessity or out of curiosity, tried this dish from the sailor's menu and concluded that his place was not in the galley, but in the royal palace. So the biscuit got its new "noble" birth at the court of the English Queen Victoria. It was no longer a dried piece of dough. The biscuit has become a fresh and tender cake with jam layers. Over time, "Victorian" cakes left the royal palace "to the people" and began to travel around the world. In England they are ubiquitous. Then, in the 17th century, they crossed the English Channel and settled in France. Further more. Biscuits crossed the ocean, and the English colonies could no longer imagine themselves without them.

Most of all, they fell in love with the Australians. Surely, many have heard the name of such an Australian confectionery company - "Arnott". It opened in 1865 and was then a small tent. Now Arnott is the world's largest manufacturer of biscuits, supplying its products to forty different countries around the world. And Australians consider the biscuit to be part of their culture.

Currently, the biscuit has become a welcome guest of any table in any country, regardless of nationality, language and religion.

Human health largely depends on the proper organization of nutrition from the first days of life. Indeed, the normal growth and development of an organism is possible only when it receives sufficient nutrients of good quality.

Proper nutrition helps to increase a person's ability to work, ensures his longevity and protects against diseases. Nutrition is rational when the body perceives food well, easily digests it, gets tired and, thus, satisfies the need for food as much as possible according to the conditions of life. To ensure a balanced diet, it is necessary that the body receives the nutrients it needs from easily digestible and appetizing food under the most favorable conditions.

It is worth changing the nature of nutrition, reducing or, conversely, increasing the amount of necessary carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, deteriorating the quality of food or disrupting the diet, as the body will certainly give an appropriate reaction. It can manifest itself in the form of various painful abnormalities in the activity of the nervous or vascular, digestive or endocrine systems and lead to exhaustion or obesity.

All food products according to their calorie content can be divided into: high-calorie, low-calorie and high-calorie. Confectionery, along with products such as vegetable and animal fats, are high-calorie foods. Moreover, the calorie content of confectionery significantly exceeds the calorie content of many other foods.

Confectionery products are of great nutritional value due to the content of sugar, fats and proteins. They are significant sources of low molecular weight, easily digestible carbohydrates, which, when consumed in excess, turn into fats. Some confectionery products can serve as significant suppliers of fats. The combination of low molecular weight carbohydrates and fats in such confectionery products creates especially favorable conditions for the deposition of fats in an organism suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, enterocolitis). Observations have shown that poor nutrition contributes to the development of gastritis with secretory insufficiency. So, in 41.5% of inpatients suffering from gastritis, nutrition for a long time was predominantly carbohydrate in nature. At the same time, many people abused sweets and flour products.

A sharp deterioration in the state of blood vessels, as well as a variety of disorders in the activity of many organs, primarily the heart and brain, associated with deposition large number cholesterol, are the main signs of atherosclerosis.

Proper nutrition, of course, can favorably influence the course of atherosclerosis.

Limiting the intake of carbohydrates with food (and, above all, at the expense of sweets, flour and confectionery products) is necessary for people prone to obesity.

A good tradition of ending dinner with sweets is often broken by the unsystematic intake of sweets on the go, sometimes shortly before the main meals. Sweets, if they are eaten haphazardly, disrupt the mode of activity of the digestive glands. Excessive intake of sugar in the body leads to a decrease in food excitability and lack of appetite.

But the positive role of confectionery in human nutrition is also undoubted. These high-calorie, nutritious foods do not require cooking before eating and can maintain high quality for a long time.

The preparation of the main baked semi-finished products consists in preparing the dough, shaping it, baking and aging and cooling.

Biscuit semi-finished product is a lush, finely porous semi-finished product with a soft elastic crumb. It is obtained by churning egg melange with granulated sugar, followed by mixing the churned mass with flour and baking the resulting dough.

The basis for the preparation of biscuit cakes is a biscuit semi-finished product, which should be lush, porous, without traces of unmixed. Combining a variety of finishing semi-finished products with a biscuit, they get a variety of biscuit cakes: biscuit-cream, biscuit-fondant, biscuit-fruit.

However, such a division is not strictly defined, since one cake is produced using two or more different finishing semi-finished products. For example, a cake glazed with fondant may have fruit layer and a top decorated with cream and sprinkles. Such combinations give the products an original look, a variety of taste qualities. biscuit confectionery cake

Biscuit cakes are produced in rectangular, round, oval, diamond-shaped, triangular; in the form of bridges, barrels, rolls, sandwiches; weight and piece.

Biscuit cake with protein cream

Biscuit: flour - 136; potato starch - 34; granulated sugar - 168; melange - 280; exit - 484

Syrup for turning: granulated sugar - 95; rum essence - 0.4; cognac or dessert wine - 8.9; output - 185 g.

Protein cream on sour cream.

Ingredients: protein 4 pcs., sugar 10 tablespoons, sour cream 1 cup

Prepare a protein cream: beat the chilled egg whites into a fluffy foam, then gradually, while continuing to beat, add sugar and carefully mix in the sour cream.

Cut the biscuit cake into two layers of the same thickness.

Soak the first layer with flavored syrup, then cover with the second layer, soak it with syrup and spread with cream.

Mark the layer with a knife on the cakes and, using a cornet, apply a cream pattern to each.

Carefully cut the glued and finished layers into individual cakes and put them in the oven on a baking sheet for 1/2 minute, until the cream turns slightly pink. Transfer the finished cakes to a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cake "Biscuit" with butter cream


Biscuit 1998, soak syrup 756, cream 1633, fruit filling IZ.

Cut the layer into cakes with a thin hot knife (dipped in hot water and shaken off). For the “Strip” cake, they use the main biscuit (heated), bake it in rectangular capsules lined with paper. After baking and cooling, the biscuit is removed from the capsule and left for 8-10 hours to strengthen the structure. Then the paper is removed from the layer, the burnt places are cleaned and cut horizontally into two layers of the same thickness. The bottom layer is soaked with syrup, but not much, since it is the base of the cake. Then this layer is smeared with cream. A second layer is placed on it with a crust down and soaked more abundantly with a flat brush or a special watering can. A layer of cream is applied to the surface. Each cake is decorated with cream and fruit filling. Cake can be prepared in different shapes: square, diamond-shaped, triangular.

The cream, when applied to the biscuit, should not mix with the crumbs. Therefore, a thin layer of cream is first applied and smoothed (primed) with a knife so that the crumbs stick to the biscuit. Then a second layer of cream is applied and a pattern in the form of straight or wavy lines with a confectionery comb. This is done so that the cake looks more elegant and the pattern on the surface stands out more prominently.

Output 100 pcs. 45 g each

Cake "Biscuit" fruit and jelly


Biscuit 1895, fruit filling 1804, fruit 713, jelly 551, soak syrup 437.

The main biscuit is baked in capsules. Prepare the biscuit in the same way as described above.

The layer is cut horizontally into two equal parts, the bottom is slightly soaked with syrup and smeared with a layer of fruit filling. The second layer is placed crust down, soaked and smeared with fruit filling. With the blunt side of the knife, the layer is drawn on cakes, decorated with fresh or canned fruits, candied fruits and poured with unhardened jelly at a temperature of 60C at first a little so as not to spoil the pattern, and then all the jelly is poured.

When the jelly hardens, the layer is cut into cakes along the contours outlined earlier with a hot knife.

Output 100 pcs. to 54

Cake "Biscuit" with protein cream


Biscuit 2323, fruit filling 1056, soaking syrup 888, protein cream 499, powdered sugar 34.

The main biscuit is baked in capsules. After baking and holding for 8-10 hours, it is cut horizontally into two layers. The lower layer is slightly soaked with syrup, smeared with a layer of fruit filling. A second layer is placed on top with a spiked crust, soaked more abundantly and smeared with a thin layer of fruit filling. Then a layer is applied on top protein cream.

The layer is cut into cakes with a hot knife. Each cake is decorated with a protein cream, and then the surface is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Output 100 pcs. by 48

Cake "Biscuit", glazed with fondant with protein cream


Biscuit 1415, protein cream 1157, lipstick 801, Charlotte cream 641, fruit filling 486.

Output 100 pcs. by 45

The biscuit is baked in capsules, after cooling it is cut horizontally into two layers. The layers, without turning over, are glued with fruit filling, glazed with lipstick on top. After hardening, cut with a hot knife into cakes. Each cake is decorated with protein cream, "Charlotte" or "Chocolate Charlotte".

Cake "Biscuit", glazed, cream (boucher)


Biscuit round 1470, cream cream 1080, lipstick 900, soak syrup 730, cocoa powder in lipstick 23.

Output 100 pcs. by 42

For this cake, a biscuit is prepared in a cold way (bouche). The finished dough is laid out in a pastry bag with a smooth tube with a diameter of IX mm and round or oval blanks are deposited on sheets lined with paper. Round cakes should have a diameter of 45 mm, and oval - a size of 50-70 mm.

Bake at a temperature of 200 * C for about 20 minutes, cool after baking. The cooled blanks are glued in pairs (bottoms) with cream and put in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled. This is done so that the workpieces stick to each other better and do not lag behind when glazing products.

After cooling, the upper workpiece is moistened with syrup, glazed with chocolate fondant. When the nomad hardens, decorate the cake with cream. The cake can be prepared with creamy chocolate cream, Charlotte, Glace.

Cake "Nocturne"

Biscuit 1870, chocolate cream 680, chocolate fondant 1100. For finishing chocolate 160.

Output 100 pcs. by 38

A basic biscuit is prepared with the addition of cocoa powder and butter. Bake, cool, cut horizontally into three layers, which are glued with creamy chocolate cream. Surfaces are lazed with chocolate fondant. After the lipstick hardens, the layer is cut into cakes, decorated with chocolate and colored lipstick.

Cake "Stafetka"

Biscuit 2615, coffee cream 1515, chocolate icing 693, roasted nuts 177. For the cream: butter 913, powdered sugar 457, roasted coffee 36, liquor 46, roasted nuts 137 (some of the nuts are left for decoration). Output 100 pcs. 50 g.

Prepare a biscuit in the main way. Spread on a confectionery sheet lined with paper, with a layer of 5-7 mm. Bake at a temperature of 200-220lC for 10 minutes, cool and transfer to the table paper up. The paper is removed, and the layer is smeared with cream, rolled up and put in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled. Then the surface of the roll is covered with chocolate icing and sprinkled with nuts. When the icing has hardened, cut the roll into cakes at an acute angle.

To prepare the cream, the butter is cleaned, cut into pieces and beaten together with powdered sugar. While whipping, coffee extract, finely chopped roasted nuts, liquor are added. Beat 10-15 min.

Cake "Czech Roll"

Biscuit 1957, Czech chocolate cream 2500, chocolate icing 543. For Czech chocolate cream: butter 1471, granulated sugar 643, whole milk 643, potato starch 92, cocoa powder 37, cognac or wine 37.

Output 100 pcs. 50 g.

For this cake, a biscuit is prepared with cocoa powder. Bake in the same way as for the Shtafstka cake.

The surface of the biscuit layer is smeared with Czech chocolate cream and wrapped in a roll, put in the refrigerator until the cream has completely cooled, the surface is covered with chocolate icing and a pattern is applied with a comb in the form of wavy lines. When the chocolate hardens, the roll is cut into cakes at an acute angle.

For cream, part of the milk is combined with starch and stirred. The rest of the milk with sugar is brought to a boil and the starch diluted with milk is poured in a thin stream. Bring to a boil, cool. Beat the butter until fluffy, add the prepared mass, cocoa powder, cognac or wine.

Cake "Chocolate and fruit roll"

For the dough: flour 562, granulated sugar 562, melange 907.

For soaking: pear syrup 200, cognac 65, canned pear 800. For cream: butter 1000 (including 200 for tea leaves), condensed milk 400, starch 80, granulated sugar 190, water 330, cocoa powder 20.

For glazing: chocolate 450, cocoa butter 50.

Output 400 pcs. 50 g.

Biscuit dough is prepared in a cold way without the addition of potato starch. The finished dough is applied in a thin layer on a confectionery sheet, lightly oiled or covered with paper, and baked at 230-240 "C. The baked dough is cooled, removed from the sheet and slightly moistened with canned pear syrup with the addition of cognac. Cream is applied evenly, on it put canned pears, cut into slices.

The roll is rolled up and put in the cold for 10-12 hours. After that, glaze with chocolate and cut into portions. To prepare the cream, butter, condensed milk and granulated sugar are thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil. Introduced into the boiling mass potato starch, divorced cold water, and brew it. The cooled mass is whipped in a cream beater, adding the remaining butter and cocoa powder.


The basis for the preparation of biscuit cakes is a biscuit semi-finished product, which should be lush, porous, without traces of unmixed. Combining a variety of finishing semi-finished products with a biscuit, they get a variety of biscuit cakes: biscuit-cream, biscuit-fondant, biscuit-fruit.

However, such a division is not strictly defined, since one cake is produced using two or more different finishing semi-finished products. For example, a cake glazed with fondant may have a layer of fruit and a top decorated with cream and sprinkles. Such combinations give the products an original look, a variety of taste qualities.

Biscuit cakes are produced in rectangular, round, oval, diamond-shaped, triangular; in the form of bridges, barrels, rolls, sandwiches; weight and piece.

Biscuit cake with protein cream (sliced)

Biscuit: flour - 136; potato starch - 34; granulated sugar - 168; melange - 280; exit - 484

Syrup for turning: granulated sugar - 95; rum essence - 0.4; cognac or dessert wine - 8.9; output - 185 g.

Protein cream on sour cream.

Ingredients: protein 4 pcs., sugar 10 tablespoons, sour cream 1 cup

Prepare a protein cream: beat the chilled egg whites into a fluffy foam, then gradually, while continuing to beat, add sugar and carefully mix in the sour cream.


Name of the dish: biscuit cake with protein cream



Gross 10 servings



Potato starch


Syrup for soaking

Rum essence


Protein cream on sour cream

Output (10 pcs.)

Output (1pc)

Brief technology:

Cut the biscuit cake into two layers of the same thickness.

Soak the first layer with flavored syrup, then cover with the second layer, soak it with syrup and spread with cream.

Mark the layer with a knife on the cakes and, using a cornet, apply a cream pattern to each.

Carefully cut the glued and finished layers into individual cakes and put them in the oven on a baking sheet for 1/2 minute, until the cream turns slightly pink. Transfer the finished cakes to a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Characteristics of the equipment used

Kneading - whipping machine brand BM-3534

Purpose: The machine is designed for kneading biscuit or sand dough, and for churning foam-containing masses such as "Bird's milk", pastille, marshmallow, etc.


Capacity of the loading bunker, m.cub.

Number of working blades, pcs.

Number of blade shapes

Blade rotation frequency, rpm:

geared motor S67DV100L4 (Nm=3.0kW; na=140 rpm; Ma=188 Nm)

three-phase alternating current

voltage, V

frequency Hz


length, mm

width, mm

height, mm

Weight, kg

no more than 270

service life, years

Device and principle of operation:

The kneading-churning machine consists of the following main parts: trough-shaped hopper pos.1 on two supports pos.2 with bearing assemblies; shaft pos.3 with working blades passing inside the bunker; downcomer pos.4 for unloading the liquid product from the hopper pos.1; tipping mechanism pos.5 for overturning the bunker and unloading a viscous product; poz.6 drive and chain transmission located inside the right support of the machine; control panel with frequency converter pos.7.

On the bunker pos.1 the cover is hinged pos.8. The bunker has jackets for heating or cooling the mixed product.

Shaft with working blades pos.3 receives rotation from the drive pos.6 through a chain drive. The direction of rotation of the shaft is in the direction of arrow A.

Mixing or churning in the machine of various types of food masses is achieved in the following ways:

Installation of blades of different shapes on the working shaft pos.3;

Changing the speed of rotation of the working shaft with blades using a frequency converter;

Changing the speed of the working shaft with blades by moving the chain to another pair of sprockets on the drive and working shafts.

Quick-detachable blades are attached to the working shaft, position 3. The shape of the blades is selected depending on the type of mixed mass.

To tilt the bunker, there is a tilting mechanism pos.5, consisting of a worm, a worm sector and a handle.

Baking oven tiered HPE-750/500.41

Baking oven tiered HPE-750/500.41 designed for baking shaped wheat and rye bread, as well as hearth (long loaves, rolls) and confectionery in mini-bakeries. The furnace consists of four unified sections (tiers) of baking chambers. The baking chamber is a welded box, one side of which is open and forms a landing mouth, closed by a door with a screen. For heating in the baking chamber, the lower and upper groups of electric heaters are installed, covered with metal screens. In the chamber (near the back wall) there is a bath-steamer, where water is supplied through a pipeline from a funnel with a valve that goes to the front of the furnace.

Each camera works independently of the others. The temperature regime in the chamber is set and maintained automatically by a relay sensor, there is a switch for the upper group of heating elements (in the "after-baking" mode) and indicator lights for the operation of the upper and lower groups of heating elements. Each chamber and furnace around the perimeter have effective thermal insulation.

The oven is equipped with a time relay. The controls are moved to the right on a special panel. Furnace cladding made of stainless steel or with enamel coating, chambers are covered with heat-resistant enamel. Ease of maintenance, reliability, versatility, cost-effectiveness determine the widespread use of deck electric ovens as part of mini-bakeries with a capacity of 350 to 1500 kg per shift. To double the area of ​​the hearth when baking small-piece and confectionery products, the oven can be equipped with additional inserts in the baking chambers and hearth sheets. The oven can also be equipped with the required number of bread forms, proofing cabinet.


Electric proofing cabinet ShRE-2.1

It is used in low-power bakeries in conjunction with HPE ovens and others. The cabinet is available in two versions: with glass or metal doors. The cabinet is equipped with a simple steam humidification system and step temperature control.


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of cooking technology
1.1. Assortment of dishes on the topic: "modern technologies for the preparation of biscuit cakes"
1.2. Commodity characteristics of raw materials
1.3. Recipes, design options and serving dishes on the topic: "modern technologies for the preparation of biscuit cakes"
1.4. Quality requirements and shelf life of dishes
Chapter 2
2.1. Development of recipes and cooking technology for "Smart" cake
Chapter 3 Labor protection rules and safe use of equipment in catering establishments
List of sources used


Human health largely depends on the proper organization of nutrition from the first days of life. Indeed, the normal growth and development of an organism is possible only when it receives sufficient nutrients of good quality.

Proper nutrition helps to increase a person's ability to work, ensures his longevity and protects against diseases. Nutrition is rational when the body perceives food well, easily digests it, gets tired and, thus, satisfies the need for food as much as possible according to the conditions of life. To ensure a balanced diet, it is necessary that the body receives the nutrients it needs from easily digestible and appetizing food under the most favorable conditions.

It is worth changing the nature of nutrition, reducing or, conversely, increasing the amount of necessary carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, deteriorating the quality of food or disrupting the diet, as the body will certainly give an appropriate reaction. It can manifest itself in the form of various painful abnormalities in the activity of the nervous or vascular, digestive or endocrine systems and lead to exhaustion or obesity.

Confectionery products are of great nutritional value due to the content of sugar, fats and proteins. They are significant sources of low molecular weight, easily digestible carbohydrates, which, when consumed in excess, turn into fats. Some confectionery products can serve as significant suppliers of fats. The combination of low molecular weight carbohydrates and fats in such confectionery products creates especially favorable conditions for the deposition of fats in an organism suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, enterocolitis). Observations have shown that poor nutrition contributes to the development of gastritis with secretory insufficiency. So, in 41.5% of inpatients suffering from gastritis, nutrition for a long time was predominantly carbohydrate in nature. At the same time, many people abused sweets and flour products.

Proper nutrition, of course, can favorably influence the course of atherosclerosis.

Limiting the intake of carbohydrates with food (and, above all, at the expense of sweets, flour and confectionery products) is necessary for people prone to obesity.

But the positive role of confectionery in human nutrition is also undoubted. These high-calorie, nutritious foods do not require cooking before eating and can maintain high quality for a long time.

The purpose of this work is to consider modern technologies for the preparation of biscuit cakes.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set before the work:

  1. Consider the theoretical foundations of the technology for making biscuit cakes.
  2. To develop a recipe and technology for making smart biscuit cake.

3. To study the rules of labor protection and safety, the use of equipment in catering establishments.

Research methods: theoretical: analysis of special literature, comparison, generalizations.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of cooking technology

1.1. Assortment of dishes on the topic: "Modern technologies for the preparation of biscuit cakes"

The most common way to make biscuit cakes is to use candied fruits, nuts, jams, jams, berries that you like. The only thing left for you to do is decorate. It is not necessary to be a professional or a chef, it is enough to include fantasy and a drop of love and you will get a truly fabulous masterpiece. The child will be surprised, the adult will be amazed by your professionalism and skill.

Public catering establishments produce a wide range of biscuit cakes: with icing, soufflé, with protein-butter and butter creams.

1.2. Commodity characteristics of raw materials

Wheat flour the main type of raw material in the production of flour confectionery products. Wheat flour is produced in the following varieties: grain, premium, 1st and 2nd grades, wallpaper.

For the production of flour confectionery products, flour of the highest and 1st grade is used. Flour of the 2nd grade is used for the manufacture of certain varieties of cookies, gingerbread, biscuits.

The higher the grade of flour, the less it contains fiber, ash, protein, fat, i.e. substances that are rich in the shell, embryo, aleurone layer. The lower the grade of flour, the closer the flour approaches the chemical composition of the grain. Wholemeal flour mainly consists of crushed grain without removal of shells, aleurone layer and germ.

Flour is characterized by smell, crunch, taste, color, coarseness of grinding, humidity, content of proteins, carbohydrates, ash, minerals, vitamins, enzymes.

Humidity b flour should be 14 ... 15%. In recipes for confectionery products, the calculated moisture content is 14.5%. If the humidity is different, then adjust the consumption by recalculation of the dry matter of the flour.

Flour is delivered to the enterprises in bags weighing 50 and 70 kg or in bulk (flour trucks).

Sugar is a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beets. It is a disaccharide, sucrose, which contains 98% sugar and 2% moisture. Sugar is very hydroscopic (absorbs moisture well), soluble in water. Sift the sugar before use. Store in a dry, ventilated room at a relative humidity of not more than 70%, otherwise it becomes damp, sticky and forms lumps, at t 18 C.

Starch- a food product belonging to the group of high molecular weight polysaccharide carbohydrates. Starch is deposited in bulbs, tubers, fruits, berries, as well as in leaves and stems.

Starch makes up the bulk of the most important food products: flour - 75-80%, potatoes - 25%. It is also found in rice, sago, etc. It is easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the body, starch is hydrolyzed to glucose, which is used as an energy material.

White starch powder has no taste. It has an excellent property to dissolve in water. Usually cold is used, as lumps form in hot, which are difficult to grind.

When heated, it takes the form of a paste, therefore it is widely used in cooking for the preparation of dough, put on milk, fruit and berry kissels, followed by sweetening and acidification, sweet sauces, blamange, etc.

In fairness, it should be noted that starch obtained from different natural sources differs in its properties.

The densest mass is obtained from rice starch, the most tender from corn starch.

Melange- is a mixture of proteins and yolks (either yolks alone or proteins alone), frozen in cans at a temperature of -18 0 to -25 0 C. The melange is thawed immediately before use, the jar is pre-disinfected. Banks with melange are kept for 2.5 - 3 hours at 40-50 0 C, for settling.

1.3. Recipes, design options and serving dishes on the topic: "Modern technologies for the preparation of biscuit cakes"

Biscuit cake with orange soufflé.

Cooking technology:

Gelatin is soaked in 150 ml of cold water, and left for 1 hour. To prepare a biscuit, we need to beat the eggs. Now add flour. and mix everything well. Now pour the dough into the prepared baking dish, and bake for 30-35 minutes. Now we squeeze the juice from oranges, we need about 250 ml of juice. Now bring the gelatin to a boil, but do not boil, and let it cool. Whip cream with sugar. Now add gelatin to the cream, and after everything is mixed, put the mass in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. After that, spread the mass on top of the biscuit, and put it in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.

Innings: Cut the prepared soufflé into cubes and place on a serving plate and garnish with orange slices
Cake "biscuit" fruit and jelly.

Recipe No. 643

Output: - 54 - 5400

Cooking technology:

The main biscuit is baked in capsules. Prepare the biscuit in the same way as described above.

The layer is cut horizontally into two equal parts, the bottom is slightly soaked with syrup and smeared with a layer of fruit filling. The second layer is placed crust down, soaked and smeared with fruit filling. With the blunt side of the knife, the layer is drawn on cakes, decorated with fresh or canned fruits, candied fruits and poured with unhardened jelly at a temperature of 60 * C at first a little so as not to spoil the pattern, and then all the jelly is poured.

When the jelly hardens, the layer is cut into cakes along the contours outlined earlier with a hot knife.

Innings: Placed on a serving plate, decorated with fruits and candied fruits and served at the table.

Biscuit cake with protein cream

Recipe No. 758

Output: - 48 - 4800

Cooking technology:

The main biscuit is baked in capsules. After baking and holding for 8-10 hours, it is cut horizontally into two layers. The lower layer is slightly soaked with syrup, smeared with a layer of fruit filling. A second layer is placed on top with a spiked crust, soaked more abundantly and smeared with a thin layer of fruit filling. Then a layer of protein cream is applied on top.

Innings: The layer is cut into cakes with a hot knife. Each cake is decorated with a protein cream, and then the surface is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Cake "biscuit" fruit (bouche)

Recipe No. 23

Output: - 48 - 4800

Cooking technology:

For this cake, they are prepared in a cold way (bouche). Round-shaped blanks are baked, cooled, glued together in pairs with fruit filling. The top billet is soaked in syrup, covered with fruit filling. The sides are sprinkled with powdered sugar. The surface is decorated with fruits and candied fruits.


Boucher cake glazed with chocolate fudge.

Recipe No. 56

Output: - 38 - 3810

Cooking technology:

The cake is prepared in the same way as "Bush" fruit. But round blanks are not moistened in pairs with cream from cream. The surface is glazed with chocolate lipstick, and a spiral pattern is applied with white lipstick.

Innings: Arrange on serving plate and garnish with fruit.

Cake "shtafetka".

Recipe No. 87

Output: - 50 - 6629

Cooking technology:

Prepare a biscuit in the main way. Spread on a confectionery sheet lined with paper, with a layer of 5-7 mm. Bake at a temperature of 200-220lC for 10 minutes, cool and transfer to the table paper up. The paper is removed, and the layer is smeared with cream, rolled up and put in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled. Then the surface of the roll is covered with chocolate icing and sprinkled with nuts. When the icing has hardened, cut the roll into cakes at an acute angle.

To prepare the cream, the butter is cleaned, cut into pieces and beaten together with powdered sugar. While whipping, coffee extract, finely chopped roasted nuts, liquor are added. Beat 10-15 min.

Innings: Put on a serving plate and decorate with chocolate.

Biscuit cakes with cottage cheese and raspberries.

Recipe No. 66

Output: - 100 - 10000

Cooking technology:

Preheat oven to 170 degrees. Separate whites from yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar until smooth, and beat the whites into a strong foam. Gradually introduce into protein mass yolks, flour and starch. Soak gelatin sheets. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and grease butter. Spread the dough on a baking sheet - you should get 10 thin cakes. Bake cakes until done. Beat cottage cheese with 150 g of raspberries and add gelatin to it. Distribute the cottage cheese on the cooled cakes, spread the raspberries on top. Decorate with chocolate chips. Put the cakes in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Innings: When serving, arrange on serving plates, sprinkle with chocolate and garnish with raspberries.

Biscuit cake with butter cream and raspberry jelly.

Recipe No. 98

Output: - 110 - 11000

Cooking technology:

For the biscuit, separate the eggs into yolks and whites. Beat separately with sugar. Then combine and sift flour and starch. Mix. Bake. For cream, whip cream, add powdered sugar, beat. Pour in the dissolved gelatin. For jelly, berries (you can freeze) are covered with sugar and poured with water (I got 800 g in total in a saucepan), boil for 10 minutes. Wipe through a sieve. Add swollen gelatin. Heat until gelatin is completely dissolved. Cool. To impregnate 50 g of whiskey, mix with 1 tablespoon of condensed milk. Soak the biscuit, put a frame around it. Spread cream. Cool down. Pour cold jelly over cream and cool again. The last layer, thin, lay out the remaining cream. Cool down. Pour mirror glaze. For glaze, pour cream and 150 g of water, sugar into a small saucepan with a thick bottom. Mix well. Bring to a boil for strong fire. Add cocoa and mix well with a whisk, remove from heat. Stir very slowly to remove all air. Pour gelatin with water (30 g per 2 tablespoons), wait until it absorbs water and swells. Place the chocolate icing in a water bath and dissolve the gelatin. It must completely disengage. Cool the mixture to 24 degrees.

1.4. Quality requirements and shelf life of dishes

Biscuit: homogeneous, fluffy, oily mass of white color, keeps its shape well, W 22+. 2%. The cream is stable during storage. The knocked down cream is used immediately after knocking down, because. after 20 - 30 minutes, the cream will need to be additionally knocked down. All oil creams, including the “New” cream, must be used up within 5 hours, the cream remaining after the change goes only to products undergoing heat treatment (into dough), the shelf life of cream products is not more than 36 hours, and when sarbic acid is added, the cream (which dissolves in boiling water), the shelf life increases to 6 days. To finish the cream, you can tint it any color using food coloring.

Cakes must have the correct shape, without kinks and dents, the side surfaces are completely covered with finishing semi-finished products. The taste and smell are clean, characteristic of this product, without foreign tastes and smells. The dough is well baked, without traces of non-mixing, the layer is uniform. In accordance with the recipes of cakes, the content of sugar, fat, moisture, as well as microbiological indicators are normalized. Cakes that have a taste of poor-quality raw materials or other foreign smells and tastes, deformed are not allowed for sale; smeared or blurred finish pattern, with hardening, not blending, foreign inclusions and soiled.

Cakes are placed in one row on wooden trays lined with wrapping paper. Sets of cakes (at least five types) are packed in cardboard boxes. Cakes are stored in refrigerators at a temperature of O-5°C. Guaranteed shelf life: biscuits with cream - 36 hours; with custard - 3 hours; with fruit filling -5 days; without finishing - 10 days; waffle - 1 month.

Chapter 2

2.1. Development of recipes and cooking technology

A distinctive feature of biscuit cakes is their freshness. This means that the products from which they are made must only be fresh and meet hygienic standards.

A smart cake is called because during the baking process it is divided into 3-4 layers, it turns out a cake with a filling, despite the fact that when preparing the dough, all the ingredients are mixed.

Recipe No. 75 Cake "Smart"

Table 1.

Output: - 140 - 14000

Technology for making cake:

  1. Melt butter and set aside to cool.
  2. Separate whites from yolks. Remove the whites from the refrigerator.
  3. Beat egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and water until white. Then, while continuing to beat, add the melted butter.
  4. In small portions, add the sifted flour three times, stirring at low speed, and gradually add the milk (in 2 stages).
  5. Beat egg whites to peaks. Pour into the batter and mix gently from top to bottom with a spatula.
  6. The dough turns out liquid, but at the same time airy. Don't let the protein lumps fool you. Pour the dough into a non-removable baking dish greased with oil. We put in an oven preheated to 175 ° C for 1.5 hours (if the oven is gas). Let cool completely in the oven and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Cut and decorate to your liking

Quality requirement for biscuit cake "Smart":

Table 2.

Chapter 3. Labor protection rules and safe use of equipment at catering establishments

Labor protection includes a set of measures for labor safety, industrial sanitation and hygiene, and fire fighting equipment. In labor safety, they study technological processes and equipment used in production, analyze the causes that give rise to accidents and occupational diseases, and develop specific measures to prevent and eliminate them. Fire fighting equipment prevents and eliminates fires that have arisen. Industrial sanitation studies the influence of the external environment and working conditions on the human body and its performance. Production activity confectionery shop depends on how correctly it is designed, provided with appropriate premises, how the necessary equipment is selected and arranged in it, ensuring a normal technological process. The layout of the public catering enterprise as a whole, as well as the dimensions of the premises of all production workshops, including the confectionery workshop, are determined in accordance with current standards that ensure safe and optimal working conditions for confectioners. Correct and sufficient lighting plays an important role. The most favorable for vision is natural light.

All employees who first come to work undergo introductory training. According to the safety instructions, all equipment operating on electric current must be grounded, that is, the metal parts of the equipment are connected to grounding conductors laid in the ground.

Before starting work:

  1. Put your work clothes in order: fasten or clasp the cuffs of the sleeves with a wide elastic band; fill the clothes so that there are no fluttering ends of the clothes: remove the ends of a tie, scarf or scarf; put on a tight-fitting headdress and tuck your hair under it.
  2. Wear work shoes. Work in light shoes (slippers, sandals, sandals) is prohibited due to the possibility of injuring the legs with sharp and hot metal shavings.
  3. Carefully inspect the workplace, put it in order, remove all clutter and interfere with the work of objects. Arrange tools, fixtures, necessary material and parts for work in a convenient and safe order for use. Make sure that the working tools and fixtures are in good condition. Make sure that the workplace is sufficiently lit and the light does not blind your eyes.
  4. Make sure that the floor at the workplace is in perfect working order, without potholes, without slippery surfaces, etc., that there are no exposed electrical wires nearby and all dangerous places are fenced off.
  5. Before installing large-sized parts on a plate or on an assembly table, pre-select mounting and fastening devices (supports, dimensional spacers, squares, jacks, clamping bars, bolts, etc.).
  6. When installing heavy parts, choose a position that allows you to process it with one or fewer installations. Choose in advance the scheme and method of processing, take into account the convenience of changing tools and making measurements.


In the successful solution of the problems of the economic development of our country and the improvement of the well-being of the people, a significant role is assigned to increasing the production of food products, improving their quality, biological value and taste.

Public catering plays an important role in providing the country's population with high-grade food. A well-organized public catering contributes to the rational use of social labor and to an increase in its productivity, saving material resources, and increasing the working people's free time.

In the matter of increasing the production of confectionery products and improving the supply of them to the population, small catering enterprises should play a certain role. A necessary condition for their work should be the production of high-quality products of high nutritional value and guaranteed safety.

The successful fulfillment of the tasks facing public catering largely depends on the professional preparedness of the industry's employees. A good knowledge of the properties and advantages of food products, the features of their technological processing is an important condition for the high-quality preparation of culinary dishes and products. Therefore, a catering chef must know food merchandising.

Commodity assessment of products allows the cook to draw up a diet, choose a rational way of processing and cooking food, preserve valuable nutrients, understand the essence of the changes that occur during the culinary processing of raw materials and food storage.

The central place in the catering establishment belongs to the cook. Much depends on his qualifications, professional skills, education and spiritual qualities, including the quality of the prepared dishes. This is achieved not only by a properly conducted, scientifically substantiated technological process, but also by the ability to use the natural features of raw materials, the possession of a fine and well-developed taste, and artistic abilities.

Thus, a high-quality dish, tasty, healthy and beautiful, is a combination of the qualities of the products from which it is prepared, with the skill of a professional chef who meets modern requirements.

In the course of work on the topic: "Modern technologies for the preparation of biscuit cakes" the following tasks were performed:

  1. The theoretical foundations of modern technologies for the preparation of biscuit cakes are considered.
  2. A recipe and technology for the preparation of biscuit cake "Smart" has been developed
  3. Study the rules of labor protection and safety, the use of equipment in catering establishments.

Research methods: theoretical: analysis of special literature, comparison, generalizations

List of sources used

  1. Anna Golunova, Marina Labzina. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for POP, 4th ed., Rev. And additional - M .: Publishing Center "Profi" - 2011 - 776 pages - pp. 25,28,65.
  2. V. Nikolaev, D. Katkov. Magic dough: cake, biscuits, cookies, etc. 3rd ed., rev. And additional - M .: Publishing Center "Zaviar" - 2000. -224 pp. - p.23,33,45,78.
  3. D.P. Matyukhin. Merchandising of food products. 5th ed., rev. And additional - M .: Publishing Center "Academy". 2012. 352 p. - p. 54
  4. Mikhail Magilny, Svetlana Agilerovna. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products of Russian cuisines for POP 1st ed., Corrected. And additional - M .: Publishing Center "Dashkov and Co" -2012 year.212 p.-p.49
  5. Nikolai Suvorov, Evgeny Sadkin. Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) on POP - 4th ed., Rev. And additional - M .: Publishing Center "Omega-l" 2012 - 160 pages - pp. 11,18,26,45.
  6. E.P. Korolkova, Z.P. Matyukhin. Merchandising of food products. 4th ed., And additional - M .: Publishing Center "Academy" 2000, - 272 pages - p.66,75,85,132

Depending on the type of baked semi-finished products, cakes are divided into the following main groups: biscuit, sand, puff, almond-nut, crumb, airy, custard and sugar.

The process of making cakes consists of several technological operations (Fig. 13): dough preparation, shaping, baking and cooling, release from molds, semi-finished product standing, cleaning blanks, layer-by-layer cutting, soaking, spreading with cream and other fillings, picking blanks, finishing the upper surface , cutting the layer on the product, artistic finishing. The number of operations depends on the type of product.

biscuit cakes

Depending on the type of finishing semi-finished products used for the layer, biscuit cakes are divided into biscuit-fondant, biscuit-cream, biscuit-fruit and biscuit-cream-fruit. Biscuit cakes are produced cut and piece of various shapes (rectangular, square, round, triangular, etc.).

Preparation of biscuit-cream and biscuit-fruit cakes

The baked biscuit semi-finished product, after being released from the molds and standing, is cleaned from burnt places with a knife or grater, its surface is leveled to give the correct vertical shape and cut into the required number of layers depending on the type of cake. When cutting the semi-finished product into layers manually, the biscuit blank is pressed lightly against the table and cut with a long knife, starting from the corner, into layers of equal thickness.

However, at a number of enterprises this operation is mechanized. At the Odessa bakery No. 3, a machine was developed and implemented in which the workpiece is captured by two disk

Fig, 13. Technological scheme for the preparation of biscuit cakes

With knives and due to their rotation in different directions, it is cut into two parts.

A similar design of the cutting machine was created by the innovators of the Kiev bakery No. 7. However, unlike the first machine in the design under consideration, the table and knives are installed at an angle of 30 ° relative to the horizons so that the workpieces move towards the knives without any external influence.

The XK-531 biscuit-cutting machine performs layer-by-layer cutting with horizontal sawtooth knives into 2 or more layers. When cutting a semi-finished product into 2 layers, one knife is raised. The thickness of the layers is regulated by the position of the knives, which receive a reciprocating oscillatory motion from the eccentric.

The XK-531 machine is mass-produced by an experimental mechanical plant of the bakery industry department of the Moscow Regional Executive Committee.

To flavor products and give them juiciness in the production of biscuit-cream cakes, the first layer of the biscuit semi-finished product is soaked with sugar syrup (lobe). This operation is performed mainly by hand using brushes or a watering can.

Innovators of a number of enterprises have developed various devices for soaking biscuits in a semi-mechanized way. The device installed at the Moscow plant of flour confectionery products and the Cheryomushki experimental confectionery and bakery plant is equipped with a container and a hose, at the end of which there is a valve and a distribution grid. When the valve lever is pressed, the syrup passes through the valve and the distributor opening and begins to evenly disperse throughout the biscuit. At the end of soaking, the lever is released and the valve closes.

In the manufacture of biscuit-fruit cakes, the first layer of the semi-finished product is soaked very slightly or not soaked at all.

The subsequent technological operations are identical both for the production of biscuit-cream and biscuit-fruit cakes. A uniform layer of cream or fruit filling is applied to the prepared first lower baked semi-finished product and leveled with a knife. Completion of blanks is carried out by applying the second layer of semi-finished biscuit, soaking it and finishing the upper surface with cream or filling. Finished blanks are cut with a knife using a measuring ruler into rectangular cakes. A more efficient way of cutting cakes is a device, which is a shaft with a set of circular knives arranged with a step equal to the size of the cakes both in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

The artistic decoration of cakes consists in applying decorations and patterns from cream, fruit filling, chopped nuts, etc. to the layered and soaked biscuit blank. In some cases, artistic finishing is first carried out, and then the blank is cut into individual cakes.

Artistic finishing is mainly done by hand using a jigging bag, in the lower conical part of which a syringe tube is inserted. Different diameters and different styles of cuts at the end of the tubes allow you to get a variety of patterns and various figures from the cream.

Changing the pattern can be achieved by a set of techniques carried out with the jigging bag, the completeness of filling with cream, changing the pressure force and the angle of inclination with respect to the product, the way the bag moves (wavy, zigzag), changing the distance of the syringe tube from the product.

To obtain various patterns, paper capsules are also used, most often without tubes. The capsules are made from parchment paper or tracing paper, from which a right-angled triangle is cut out, then rolled into a conical tube and, depending on the desired pattern, a cut is made at the sharp end with scissors. Capsules are used to perform the most complex drawings.

Cake type "Rigoletto". For Rigoletto-type cakes, a biscuit baked in an oval shape in the form of a narrow loaf is used, which is cut horizontally into two layers, the bottom layer is impregnated with flavored syrup and a layer of cream is applied. Then the top layer of the biscuit is applied, the sides are sprinkled with crumbs, on which a thin layer of cream is first applied. A layer of cream from the bag is applied to the upper surface using a wide flat tube. Next, the semi-finished product in the form of a loaf prepared for finishing is cut into individual cakes. The surface of each cake is decorated with cream, pieces of jelly or fruit.

From the same semi-finished product, cakes such as "Sandwiches" are prepared. The semi-finished product is cut with a knife into separate cakes, laid on a flat side, soaked with a lobe, applied with a pattern of butter cream and finished with pieces of jelly.

Cake "Bush". Made from pre-baked round biscuit blanks. After cooling, they are cleaned with a knife or a grater and, if necessary, the edges are leveled with a metal notch. A cream or fruit filling is deposited on the lower surface of one workpiece and covered with a second workpiece. The upper workpiece is soaked with a lobe.

The Boucher cake is produced with different finishes of the upper surface: glazed with fondant, with nuts, fruity, airy, with protein cream.

Boucher cake glazed with milk fondant and cream . The surface of the upper workpiece is covered with a layer of fondant, provided for each type of cake, by immersing the cake in fondant heated to 45-50 °C. Before the lipstick cools, the surface is decorated with fruits or candied fruits, or after the lipstick has hardened, a cream pattern is applied using a syringe bag and finished with a fruit filling.

Cake "Bush" with nuts . The surface of the upper workpiece is covered with marmalade, sprinkled with chopped nuts and cocoa powder.

Cake "Bush" fruit . The surface of the upper blank is covered with a layer of fruit filling, then sprinkled with biscuit crumbs and powdered sugar and decorated with fruits or candied fruits.

Cake "Bush" is airy. It consists of two blanks (the lower one is biscuit, the upper one is made of airy semi-finished product), layered with fruit filling. The surface of the upper workpiece is lubricated apricot marmalade and sprinkle with walnuts.

Cake "Bush" with protein cream. A fruit filling is deposited on the middle of the lower surface of the workpiece using a syringe bag, then the entire surface of the workpiece is covered with a protein cream in the form of a cap, the cream is covered with a layer of fondant by immersing the cake in fondant heated to 45-50 °C. After the lipstick has hardened, a cream pattern is applied to the surface of the lipstick and trimmed with fruits or candied fruits.

When preparing cakes with cream from cream, the top blank is first glazed with fondant, then the cream is deposited on the lower blank and the upper blank is applied.

Boucher cakes are placed in paper capsules.

Oval cakes type "Rolls". Cakes of this type are prepared from a thin biscuit semi-finished product. The baked semi-finished product, freed from paper, is placed with the top crust down on the sheet, soaked with a lobe and a layer of cream or other filling is applied. Roll the semi-finished product into a roll, cool and cover the surface with cream, sprinkle with biscuit crumbs, and then cut with a knife into individual cakes.

Cake "Biscuit with protein cream ». On the surface of the semi-finished product soaked and layered with fruit filling, a uniform

A layer of fruit filling, then a layer of protein-whipped cream and mark with a stencil for cutting into individual cakes. Then, a protein whipping cream in the form of a pattern is deposited on each marked part, and the finished semi-finished product is dried in an oven for 5-7 minutes at a temperature of 205-225°C. After cooling, the surface of the semi-finished product is sprinkled with powdered sugar through a sieve and cut with a knife into individual cakes.

Preparation of biscuit glazed cakes

To give products an attractive appearance, good taste and protecting them from drying out and moistening, baked semi-finished products are covered with glaze. For glazing products, chocolate and protein icing is used. In addition, products are glazed with lipstick.

Cake "Biscuit", glazed with fondant. On the surface of the semi-finished product soaked and layered with cream or fruit filling, a uniform layer of lipstick, heated to 45-50 ° C, is applied with a knife. When glazing with lipstick, the biscuit semi-finished product should be soaked with syrup moderately, since lipstick can fade and become spongy from a large amount of syrup. After the lipstick has hardened, the layer is cut with a knife along the markings into separate products, which are then finished with cream from a syringe bag or cornet.

Some types of cakes are finished only with lipstick. Another method of glazing cakes with fondant is also used. The soaked and layered biscuit semi-finished product is cut according to the markup into separate cakes, each of which is pricked with a three-horned fork and dipped in heated fondant to about half the thickness of the entire upper layer of the biscuit, then the cake is quickly turned over with the glazed part up and placed on a sheet to set the fondant, after which trim the surface with cream.

Lipstick glazing is also carried out on the surface of a biscuit semi-finished product with protein-whipped cream. In this case, a fruit filling is applied to the surface of the soaked and layered semi-finished product with a knife, and an even layer of protein-whipped cream is applied on top. Then the semi-finished product is cut into separate cakes, each of which is glazed with fondant.

Cakes glazed with fondant are made cut and from separately baked piece biscuit semi-finished products.

The most promising are continuous production lines, in which the execution of all operations is synchronized.

puff pastries

Puff pastries are baked semi-finished products made of puff pastry, layered or filled with cream or fruit filling, with a surface finish.

They are produced as rifled rectangular and square shapes, as well as piece-shaped in the form of tubes, bows, horns, muffs, balls, shells.

Sliced ​​puff pastries. Cream puff . A layer of puff semi-finished product is placed on an aluminum sheet with the bubble side up and covered with an even layer of cream (2-3 mm). A second layer is applied to it with the bubble side down and lightly pressed with a plywood sheet. The surface of the glued layers is covered with cream and sprinkled with crumbs obtained from scraps of a puff semi-finished product, after which, using a measuring ruler, it is cut with a knife according to the marking into separate rectangular cakes and sprinkled with powdered sugar through a sieve.

Puff with apple filling. A layer of a puff semi-finished product is smeared with an even layer of apple filling (1-2 mm) and covered with a second layer. The layers glued with the filling are cut with a knife using a measuring ruler into square cakes.

Piece cakes. Cooked baked semi-finished products in the form of tubes, muffs, horns are filled with cream from a syringe bag, and the open edges are covered with crumbs made from a puff semi-finished product.

The surface of semi-finished products in the form of bows, rolls, pies is finished with cream, and rolls, in addition, are sprinkled with powdered sugar. Sprinkle the surface of the envelopes and triangles with powdered sugar.

A layer of cream is deposited on the surface of the semi-finished product, covered with puff crumbs on top and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Choux cakes

Custard cakes are produced in the form of tubes and rings. The process of obtaining cakes consists in filling the inner cavity of the baked blank with cream or other semi-finished product and finishing its upper surface.

Preparation of custard semi-finished product for finishing. With manual finishing, the semi-finished product is filled with cream using a syringe bag.

On many confectionery factories to fill the cake blanks with cream "Eclair" pneumatic dispensers are used, which consist of a cream tank installed on the stove and an air compressor connected to the tank through a non-return valve with an easily removable hose. In the lower part, the tank is a truncated cone, from the side surface of which a branch pipe with a plug cock extends, ending with a sharp tip. The cream is manually loaded into the tank and sealed hermetically.

Lid. With the help of an electronic pressure gauge in the tank, the working pressure is automatically maintained within the range of 0.15-0.2 MPa. Baked blanks are manually placed on the tip, the tap is opened, and the cream enters the inner cavity of the blanks. However, due to the change in the amount of cream in the tank and the impossibility of manually ensuring the same duration of opening the valve for dispensing the cream, the accuracy of dosing of these cream fillers is low.

In order to ensure the necessary accuracy of cream dosing, VNIIKP has developed a plunger cream filler, which consists of a funnel connected to a cylinder. The plunger located in it receives movement through a gearbox from an individual electric motor. A spool is also mounted in the cylinder, which acts as valves.

The cream filler works as follows. The cream is fed into the funnel. When the piston moves to the left, a hole opens, which connects the funnel with the cylinder, as a result of which the cream is sucked into the cylinder. During the working stroke, the spool inside the cylinder turns and an opening opens, connecting the cylinder to the nozzle, on which the brewing tube should already be put on. When the piston moves to the left, the cream is squeezed out of the cylinder and injected through the nozzle into the hollow part of the tube, which must be removed from the nozzle by the end of the working cycle. This achieves a uniform and complete filling of the custard cake. The amount of cream supplied is controlled by changing the stroke of the plunger. With this cream filler, you can fill 1200 pcs. Cakes per hour. At the same time, all of the above cream fillers, due to the manual supply and removal of blanks, cannot be used in the flow-mechanized production of cakes.

Flow-mechanized line for the production of custard cakes "Eclair". In order to organize the flow-mechanized production of Eclair cakes, VNIIKP developed a BEO brand device for filling blanks from choux pastry with filling and coating their upper surface with a finishing semi-finished product. In the device under consideration, blanks are filled through the end wall. In this case, prior to filling the internal cavity, a preliminary piercing of the partitions inside the blanks occurs. The blanks are pierced in this device by pressing with simultaneous application of a finishing semi-finished product to the upper surface of the blanks, and the filling of the blanks with the filling is carried out using the same needle. When the workpiece is removed from the needle, the finishing semi-finished product is torn off simultaneously and its residue is smoothed out on the upper surface of the workpiece, carried out at the beginning of the workpiece removal from the needle. The combination of these operations has significantly reduced the duration of the process and simplified the design of the device. The use of a needle made it possible to evenly distribute the filling in the workpiece without the use of additional excess pressure. Separation from the nozzle of the finishing semi-finished product and the introduction of the smoothing operation, which is performed at the beginning of the removal of the needle from the blanks, improved the quality of finishing the upper surface of the blanks.

This device has become an integral part of the flow-line mechanized line of the BEO brand designed by VNIIKP for the production of Eclair cakes (see Fig. 3), which is currently mass-produced by the Kievprodmash association and is widely used in industry.

Technical characteristics of the flow-mechanized line for the production of cakes "Eclair"

Productivity, pcs./h 1000
Weight of cakes, g 70
Number of blanks in a row, pcs. 9
Pitch, mm
Between blanks 50,8
between rows165
Furnace chamber length, mm 9600
Power of electric motors, kW 13,0
Overall dimensions, mm
Weight, kg6000

In order to increase the productivity of the line while reducing the overall dimensions, Ukrniiprodmash modernized the line.

Thanks to the use of the radiation-convective baking method, in which the vapor cloud is actively destroyed above the workpieces, the baking process is intensified from 28-32 minutes to 14-15 minutes. Thanks to the new baking method, the length of the baking chamber has been reduced to 5 m.

Due to the increase in the usable area of ​​the furnace hearth with a steel conveyor belt width of 600 mm instead of 500 mm, the line productivity was increased to 1200 pcs/h.

Protein-whipped (airy) cakes

Protein-whipped (airy) cakes are two round or oval airy semi-finished products layered with cream, or one semi-finished product finished with cream, lipstick, fruits, candied fruits. Ready-made cakes are placed in paper capsules.

Currently, the following types of cakes of this group are produced.

Rice. 14. Flow-mechanized line for the production of protein-whipped cakes:

1-mechanism for applying fat to the oven conveyor belt; 2-forming machine for jigging cake blanks; 3 - single belt oven; 4 - cooling device; 5 - removal mechanism; 6 - chain conveyor with cells; 7 - cream dispenser; 8 - mechanism for picking cakes; 9 - clamping device; 10 - mechanism for removing finished cakes

On the flat surface of the semi-finished product, laid with the convex side in a paper capsule, the cream is deposited, on which the second semi-finished product is applied with the flat side.

Protein-whipped (airy) with cream, Single.
On a flat surface of a semi-finished product

The cream lives in the form of a flower or a snake.

"Dahlia". A cream in the form of a dahlia flower is deposited on a flat surface of the semi-finished product. A piece of candied fruit or a berry is placed in the center of the flower, and the edges are bordered with a jelly border.

Protein-whipped (airy) with cream "Fungus".
A semi-finished product baked in the form of a mushroom root is glued with a cream with a semi-finished product of a round shape. The surface of the semi-finished product in the form of a spine is covered with milk fudge and finished round biscuit, cream and candied fruits.

This type of cake is also prepared in a different way. On the flat side of the round semi-finished product, a cream is deposited in the form of a pyramid, on top of which a biscuit hat glazed with milk lipstick is placed. The surface of the cream is decorated with candied fruits, fruits and jelly.

In order to mechanize the production of these types of products, Ukrniiprodmash developed a flow-mechanized line for the production of protein-whipped cakes (Fig. 14).

The whipped protein-sugar mass from the continuous operation station enters the funnel of the forming machine and is deposited on the oven conveyor belt, previously lubricated with grease.

Round blanks for "Meringue" cakes are obtained by matching the speed of the head of the forming machine and the oven conveyor belt.

After baking and cooling on the protruding section of the furnace conveyor, the workpieces enter the mechanism for removing and picking the workpieces.

To ensure the supply of blanks to a perpendicularly located conveyor for subsequent operations (applying cream and picking cakes), the blanks must be oriented in the following order: part of the blanks with rotation (spherical part down), and part - without rotation (spherical part up). The length of the tray was shortened in a step, and the workpiece, under the action of a shooting chain pusher, rolled off the tray, turned over and, sliding along the second (lower) tray, fell on the conveyor inverted (spherical part down). The neighboring workpiece under the action of the pusher continued to move along the tray of the removal mechanism and fell on a perpendicularly located conveyor without turning (spherical part up).

To obtain cakes of the required quality, it is necessary to make the conveyor plates stepwise. On the upper step, the workpiece is placed bottom down. In the lower step, a nest is made for laying the workpiece upside down. To serve the filling on an inverted workpiece I . Cream dispenser included.

For precise orientation of workpieces at the time of picking, the use of conveyor belts with a reciprocating movement of the carriage ensures that the conveyors are quickly removed from under the workpiece, thereby ensuring its exact orientation relative to the bottom.

After the cream dispenser and the folder, a spring-loaded clamp is installed to press the workpieces.

crumb cakes

The group of crumb cakes includes cakes "Potato", "Amateur", etc.

The most common type of cake in this group is the Potato cake. It is distinguished by a significant amount of biscuit crumbs and is produced in the form of potato tubers or rectangular strips.

Cake "Potato" is made from biscuit crumbs mixed with cream. In a kneading machine, crushed biscuit crumbs are mixed with cream and essence until obtaining homogeneous mass. The resulting mass is manually rolled into an elongated loaf, which is divided into pieces and given the shape of a potato tuber, and then cooled in a refrigerator, after which the semi-finished product is rolled in a mixture of cocoa powder with powdered sugar and placed in a buffer.

Rice. 15. Machine-hardware diagram of a flow-mechanized line for the production of cakes "Potato"

massage capsules. The surface of the cake is decorated with butter cream in the form of potato sprouts. This is how they prepare "Potato" sprinkled.

Glazed cakes "Potato" are prepared as follows. After cooling, the semi-finished product in the form of potato tubers is glazed by immersion in heated fondant, placed in paper capsules and decorated with butter cream.

Mechanized production line for the production of cakes "Potato". In order to mechanize the production of these types of cakes, the employees of VZIPP developed a mechanized production line for the production of cakes.

The line (Fig. 15) is designed to produce "Potato" cakes according to two recipes that differ in the type of crumb - biscuit and nut. In addition to crumbs, butter cream is included in the product recipe. The mass of one product, which includes biscuit crumbs, is 110 g, nut crumbs - 90 g. All the main processes are mechanized on the line: mixing the recipe mixture, molding products, seaming, calibrating, surface finishing with lipstick and cream.

The recipe mixture is mixed in machine 1 with 2-shaped blades for 10-15 minutes. The finished mass is sent by the conveyor 2 to the receiving funnel of the forming machine 4, in which one shapeless portion of the mass 5 is deposited on the conveyor belt 3 with the help of injection rolls and a cutting string. presses a portion of the mass to the tape, causing the mass to rotate, as a result of which the workpiece is given a cylindrical shape.

Further molding of the cylindrical shape, as well as the alignment and smoothing of the ends, take place in channel 8,

Located above the conveyor belt 3. The inner surfaces of the channel (side and cover) in contact with the mass are lined with fluoroplastic. The channel cross section is controlled by changing the position of the side walls and the cover. At the beginning of the channel, a hinged cover 7 is installed, which gives a rotational movement to the workpiece in the channel 8. The final calibration of the cylindrical shape occurs during the passage of the workpiece under the bar 9, the height of which above the conveyor belt is adjustable.

The calibrated workpiece rolls into the pocket of the rotor 10, which acts as a cutter-loader. Its> rotation is carried out from the drive of the forming machine 4. Rotating periodically, the rotor reloads the products onto the conveyor belt 11, located perpendicular to the conveyor 3. As a result of the overload, the products are oriented on the conveyor belt 11 in one row along the conveyor axis with a minimum gap between them. For strict fixation of products on the belt along the axis of the conveyor, two vibration plates 12 are installed above it from the sides, gently affecting the moving products. Products moving one after another are fed under. Bunker 13 filled with lipstick at a temperature of 25-30 °C. In the lower part of the hopper, a gear pump-dispenser 14 is installed, which continuously covers the surface of the products with lipstick. Since the gap between the products is minimal, lipstick does not fall on the conveyor belt 11, but covers the ends of the product. The fondant layer is cooled by the air supplied by the fan 15. Cooling the fondant results in the formation of a thin crust on its surface. The temperature of the lipstick after cooling should not exceed 20-22 ° C, so that the cream that is then applied to the lipstick does not melt.

The final finishing of the cake ends with the application of a figured flagellum of butter cream on the fondant, which is fed from the 16 hopper by the 18 dispenser. To force the cream to the dispenser, the 17 screw blower is installed in the 16 hopper. After finishing, the products are manually removed from the conveyor, placed in paper rosettes and trays 19, which are then installed on the shelves of the trolley 20.

The line capacity is 715 pcs/h.

Cake "Amateur" consists of two rectangular strips of the semi-finished product "Dachny", layered and trimmed with butter cream.

After curing, the baked semi-finished product is removed from the mold, cut into layers in the longitudinal direction, soaked with a lobe, covered with a uniform layer of cream, the second layer of the semi-finished product, soaked with a lobe and covered with a layer of cream. Then wavy lines are applied to the surface with a comb, cut with a knife along the markings into individual cakes and finished with cream using a syringe bag.

Sand cakes

Shortbread cakes are products obtained from a baked shortbread semi-finished product, layered or filled with a finishing semi-finished product (fruit filling, cream, etc.) “Sand cakes are produced cut or piece in the form of rings, crescents, baskets, etc.

Preparation of sand semi-finished product for finishing. The preparation process consists in cleaning the baked and chilled semi-finished product with a knife or grater and layering it with fruit filling or cream. To do this, a uniform layer of a finishing semi-finished product with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm is applied to the surface of the sand semi-finished product with a knife and covered with a second sand layer.

To prepare sand and fruit cakes, a layer of warm fruit filling is applied to a semi-cooled sand semi-finished product.

To prepare sand-cream cakes, a layer of cream with a thickness of

2 mm and cover it with a second sand semi-finished product.

Finishing sliced ​​shortbread cakes. Lipstick glazing. The surface of the semi-finished product, layered with fruit filling or cream, is covered with an even layer of fruit filling with a knife, and then with fondant heated to a temperature of 50-55 ° C. After the lipstick has cooled, the layer is cut with a knife dipped in hot water into separate cakes. A cream pattern is deposited on the surface of the glazed cakes with a syringe bag.

Fruit trim. The surface of the layered semi-finished product is covered with an even layer of fruit filling, fruits or candied fruits are laid and glazed with hot marmalade or jelly using a brush or watering can. Then the layer is cut with a knife into individual cakes. Fruit cakes are also finished by applying a layer of apricot marmalade (2-3 mm) on the surface of the layered semi-finished product, and then fresh fruits are laid and the layer is cut into individual cakes.

Butter cream finish. The surface of the layered semi-finished products is covered with an even layer of butter cream and wavy lines are applied with a metal comb, after which the semi-finished product is cut into separate cakes, on each of which a cream pattern is deposited and decorated with candied fruits. The surface of the "Fungus" cakes is decorated with a fungus prepared in advance from cream (leg) and biscuit (hat).

White cream finish. The layered semi-finished product is covered with a layer of fruit filling, on which a layer of protein cream is applied, and brought with a comb to give a wavy line. Then the surface of the semi-finished product is marked with a stencil for cutting, the cream is deposited in the form of a pattern on each marked part and placed in an oven heated to a temperature of 215-220 ° C for tinting for 5-7 minutes. After baking and cooling, the layer is sprinkled with powdered sugar and cut with a knife into individual cakes.

Finishing piece shortbread cakes . Surface finishing of some varieties of piece shortcakes is carried out before baking on dough pieces.

Sand rings with nuts. Dough blanks in the form of a ring are cut out from a layer of dough with a thickness of 5-7 mm, the surface is smeared with melange, sprinkled with finely crushed toasted nuts and baked at a temperature of 215-220 ° C for 12-14 minutes.

Strip with fruit filling. A rolled layer 5 mm thick is marked into strips 100 mm wide, and a fruit filling in the form of a tourniquet is deposited on each of them. The surface free from the filling is smeared with melange. Then the layer with the filling is covered with the second layer and pressed lightly. The layered layer is cut into strips according to the marking, the surface is smeared with melange, sprinkled with crumbs from dough scraps with flour and baked.

Sand rings with fruit filling. These products are two baked sand rings glued with fruit filling.

Crescent, star. Baked shortbread semi-finished products of the appropriate shape are layered with cream, and the surface is finished with a pattern of cream, jelly pieces or candied fruit.

Cream tubes. The surface of the tubes, depending on the type of cakes, is covered with a layer of chocolate, immersing the entire tube, with the exception of the bottom surface, in chocolate icing heated to a temperature of 30-31 ° C (“Chocolate-glazed tube”), or covered with fondant (“Point-glazed tube” ) or nut mass (“Tube with nut mass”).

After finishing, the surface of the tube is filled with whipped cream using a syringe bag and placed in paper capsules.

The most common piece of shortbread cakes are baskets (tartlets), which are shortbread semi-finished products in the form of corrugated baskets, filled and decorated with finishing semi-finished products.

Cakes with jelly and fruits. The baked semi-finished product in the form of a basket is filled with fruit filling, pre-mixed with chopped fruits or candied fruits. The surface is decorated with whole candied fruits and covered with hot liquid jelly with a brush or decorated with marmalade and fresh fruit.

When using fruits of dark colors, the jelly is tinted red.

Cakes with jam. Sand basket with a spatula is filled with fruits from jam mixed with fruit filling. The surface is smeared with apricot marmalade and decorated with fresh fruit or compote fruit.

Surface finishing of other types of piece shortbread cakes is carried out after baking.

Cupcakes with cream and fruit filling Oh. The baked semi-finished product is filled with fruit filling, on the surface of which cream is deposited, and sprinkled with biscuit crumbs.

Baskets with cream and fruits. bakedThe first shortbread basket is filled with compote fruit or fresh fruit and topped with hot apricot marmalade with a knife. The surface is decorated with a pattern of cream.

Marshmallow baskets. Fruit filling is placed in a baked sand basket, and then filled with marshmallows so that a lush dome is formed. The surface of marshmallows is finished with candied fruit with a brush and covered with hot tinted jelly or marshmallows are dipped into a layer of jelly.

Cakes with protein cream. The bakedth sand basket is deposited with fruit filling * then filled with protein cream and dried in an oven at a temperature of 215-220 ° C for 5-7 minutes. After cooling, butter cream is deposited on the surface in the form of a pattern, decorated with fruit slices, and then the entire surface is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Baskets with protein-whipped custard and milk fillings Oh. The milk filling is deposited in the sand basket and baked at a temperature of 220 ° C, after cooling, the protein-whipped cream is defended, the surface of the cream is covered with a mass consisting of cream with crumbs and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Cupcakes with whipped cream* Preliminarily, the bottom and inner walls of the shortbread basket are covered with a thin layer of chocolate with a brush * then berries from the jam are placed on the bottom of the basket and filled with protein-whipped cream. The surface is trimmed with fruits from jam or an ornament is applied from a baked custard semi-finished product, and a cream of whipped cream is deposited in the middle and a berry from the jam is placed.

Cupcake basket. Dough pieces in the form of baskets are filled with cake mass and baked at a temperature of 200-210 ° C for 20 minutes. After baking and cooling, the surface is smeared with fruit filling, the edges are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs and finished with candied fruits.

Amateur basket. The baked shortbread basket is filled with biscuit crumbs mixed with cream, rum essence and cognac. The surface of the mass is covered with butter cream, sprinkled with biscuit crumbs along the edges, and the middle is decorated with a pattern of cream and candied fruits.

Basket with nut filling. Dough blanks in the form of baskets are filled with nut mass and baked at a temperature of 200-210 ° C for 20 minutes. After cooling, the surface is covered with a fruit filling with a spatula, decorated with candied fruits and poured with hot jelly. You can also decorate the surface with a pattern of buttercream.

A basket with fruit filling and fondant. A baked shortbread basket is filled with fruit filling and covered with warm fondant. After the fondant has cooled, the surface is decorated with creamy chocolate cream and fruit filling. These cakes are also produced without finishing with cream and fruit filling.

Baskets with jelly and fruits. A baked shortbread basket is filled with a mixture of fruit filling with candied fruits chopped in a meat grinder. Whole fruits and slices are placed on the surface of the filling mixture and poured over with hot jelly.

Jam boxes. The baked sand basket is filled raspberry jam, then buttercream; the surface is finished with butter cream with raspberries, and fried nut kernels are placed on top.

Almond hazelnut cakes

The main semi-finished product for these cakes is protein-almond or protein-nut.

Almond-nut cakes are produced both without finishing and with surface finishing.

Almond cake. It is a large cake with a network of small cracks on the surface. Cakes are produced without surface finishing.

“O walnut with lipstick”, “Nut with fruit filling”. Cakes are two round semi-finished nut cakes, layered with fondant or fruit filling, with small cracks on the surface. Produce cakes without finishing.

Cake "Ideal". Consists of two thin semi-finished almonds layered with butter cream mixed with praline, cocoa powder and vanilla powder. A layer of the same cream is applied to the surface and sprinkled with crumbs from semi-finished almonds.

There is also another way to prepare these cakes. Two thin almond semi-finished products are layered with butter cream. The surface is glazed with heated praline and after cooling, a layer of cream is applied and sprinkled with vanilla powder. The sides of the cake are finished with cream and sprinkled with almond crumbs.

Combined cakes

For the preparation of these cakes, two different baked semi-finished products or baked semi-finished product from different masses are used. The approximate ratio of semi-finished products is given in table. eight.

The cakes of this group include: "Warsaw","Krakovskoe", "Dachnoe", "Leningradskoe".

Cake "Warsaw". Prepared from shortbread and nut-protein semi-finished product of rectangular shape, layered with fruit filling. A fruit filling is applied to a slightly baked shortbread semi-finished product, and on top it is covered with a layer of nut-protein semi-finished product and baked at a temperature of 160°C for 20 minutes. When hot, the layer is cut into separate cakes and the surface is glazed with molasses heated to 70 ° C with a brush.

Cake "Krakow". Prepared from sand and almond semi-finished products of a rectangular shape. Hot (95-100 ° C) almond mass, pre-mixed with protein, is poured onto an underbaked shortbread and smeared with an even layer. After the formation of a brittle crust, the layer is cut into individual cakes and baked at a temperature of 150-160 ° C for 20-25 minutes.

The use of insufficiently heated almond mass will lead to its prolonged drying, as a result, the crust will not have a characteristic gloss.

Cake "Dachnoe". Prepared from sand and custard semi-finished products, layered with fruit filling.

Previously, two sand cakes are sandwiched with fruit filling. A layer of fruit filling is applied to the top cake, and then the baked custard semi-finished product is laid in the form of a grid. The grid is glazed with heated lipstick using a cornet.

Instead of lipstick, surface finishing can be done with powdered sugar or jelly.

Cake "Leningrad", fruit. Prepared from shortbread and biscuit semi-finished products, layered with fruit filling.

A layer of fruit filling is applied to the underbaked shortbread and biscuit dough is poured on top, which

Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products per 1 ton finished products, kg
Raw material and half-finish
"Country" with lipstick "Dachnoye" with powdered sugar "Dachnoye" with jelly"Lenin
city" fructo
gradske with powdered sugar
city" jelly
city" jelly
Noah with cream
noe" with minda
noe" with biscuit
387 450 660 663 660 527 640 584 539 568 568 -
- - - - - 174 230 233 179 - 299 -
- - - 220 221 220 - - - - - 286
puff- - - - - - 129
ny (by prescription tour for cakes "Krakow
- 550 - - - - - - - 299 - -
Nut-protein mass 413 - - - - - __ - -
wai filling
240 - 165 207 165 117 154 118 119 178 178 143
Pomade- - 550 - - - - - - -
Powdered sugar- - - 14 - - 51 - - 30 30 14
Candied fruits- - - - - 140 - - - - - -
cream cream
- - - - - - 119 - 214
Custard cream- - - - - - - - - 214
Jelly- - 55 117 118 119 -
Syrup27 - - - - - - - - -
Sand crumb fried 22 Tshsh*
Total1067 1000 1100 1105 1110 1075 1075 1075 1075 1075 1075 1000
Cake scraps 67 - 100 105 110 75 75 75 75 75 75 -

Level with a 5 mm thick knife. The layer is baked at a temperature of 200 °C for 20-25 minutes. After cooling, the surface is smeared with a thin layer of fruit filling, marked out into separate cakes and fresh or canned fruits are placed on each, and then the entire surface is poured with heated jelly. After the jelly hardens, the layer is cut along the markings.

Cake "Leningrad", jelly. They are prepared in the same way as “Leningradskoye”, fruity, but instead of fruits, the surface is decorated with biscuit or sand crumbs.

For the Leningradsky cake with powdered sugar, a layer of shortbread and biscuit semi-finished products, layered with filling, is prepared in the same way, but the surface is finished with powdered sugar.

"Leningrad" jelly with cream is prepared in the same way as jelly, but instead of crumbs, the surface is trimmed with butter cream.