Home / Buns / Round biscuit butterfly cake. "Butterfly" (cake): cooking features

Round biscuit butterfly cake. "Butterfly" (cake): cooking features

For the base of the cake, in a saucepan, combine the milk with vegetable oil and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool. Beat eggs with vanilla sugar... While whisking, add in small portions icing sugar until the mixture turns light yellow.

Step 2

Sift flour and salt. Add half the flour and half the butter and milk to egg mixture and mix gently. Then gently add the baking powder, the remaining flour, and the remaining milk. Stir well to avoid lumps. You should get a soft foamy mass.

Step 3

Cover a deep baking sheet with a sheet of parchment moistened with water. Pour in biscuit dough and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30 minutes. Cool and transfer to a cutting board.

Step 4

Cut a piece from the short side of the biscuit so wide that the remaining biscuit forms a square. The narrow slice will be the "body" of the butterfly. Cut the square piece diagonally into two identical triangles. Cut from the right angle of each of them in a triangle with a side of 4 cm. At this point, the "wings" of the butterfly will be connected to the "body". Cut out small triangles on the opposite side of the “wings”. Fold the cake in a butterfly shape.

Step 5

To decorate the top, beat the whites until stiff. While whisking, add sugar in portions. Soak gelatin in 1/2 glass of water for 20 minutes. When it swells, heat it, stirring constantly and not boiling. Set aside 2 tbsp. l. gelatin. Gently pour the remaining gelatin into the whites, mix. Coat the cake with the resulting cream and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Step 6

Peel the fruit, cut into thin slices, sprinkle the pears lemon juice... Arrange the fruit plates on the cake, imitating the butterfly wings pattern. Make eyes from 2 grapes, and antennae from thin strips of zest. Brush the top of the cake with the remaining gelatin and refrigerate until serving, at least 1 hour.

In our article we want to talk about the wonderful Butterfly dessert. Cake under this unusual name perfect for any occasion, from weddings to children's parties. In winter, it will amaze everyone with its brightness and uniqueness, in summer it will generally become the most relevant option.

Cake decorations

Butterfly is a cake that will help you unleash your imagination. The first time you make such a delicacy, you can follow the recipe, but in the future, be sure to try experimenting with decorating the dessert. In the summer, a butterfly cake can be decorated with a variety of fruits, as they say, according to the season.

In winter, citrus fruits, kiwi, bananas, canned food... So there will be no problems. "Butterfly" is a cake that can be decorated in principle different ways... It seems to us that the most interesting dessert will be in the shape of a moth. But at the same time, any cake can be made from fruit or chocolate. There is a place for fantasy to roam. According to the reviews of the hostesses who have tried the wonderful cake in practice, it can be argued that it always evokes a storm of positive emotions among the guests. And the preparation is quite simple.

Ingredients for the Butterfly cake

To decorate the top layer, you will need the following products:

  • Three squirrels.
  • Gelatin - 2.5-3 tsp.
  • Grape berries.
  • Two plums.
  • Apricots (fresh or canned).
  • Pear.
  • Several tangerines.
  • Lemon (we'll need juice).

Base ingredients:

  1. Four eggs.
  2. One and a half glasses of milk.
  3. Oil (vegetable only) - ½ cup.
  4. Two glasses of powdered sugar (sugar).
  5. Vanilla.
  6. Flour - 2.5 cups.
  7. Half a teaspoon of salt.
  8. Baking powder - one bag.

Step-by-step recipe for "Butterflies"

Do-it-yourself butterfly cake is quite simple to prepare. So there is no need to be experienced chef for its preparation.

For the base, mix vegetable oil and milk in a saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil. Next, remove it from the heat and let it cool down a bit. Beat eggs with vanilla sugar. It will take some diligence here, because, whipping, you need to gradually add powdered sugar in small portions until the whole mixture acquires a light yellow tint.

Next, you need to sift the flour and salt. Then half the flour and half the milk and butter should be added to the egg mass. We mix all this carefully so that there is not a single lump. The mass should be soft and foamy.

For baking, we need a deep baking sheet. We will cover it with parchment dipped in water. Pour the biscuit dough on top and send it to bake in the oven at one hundred and eighty degrees. It will take about half an hour. Ready cake you need to cool, and only then transfer to the board.

The biscuit must be cut so that a square and a narrow strip is obtained. From a thin piece, we will form the body of our butterfly. And the square must be cut diagonally, as a result of which we get two completely identical triangles. From them in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe right angle, you will have to cut off another triangle. This will be the junction of the wings with the body. The opposite edges of the wings need to be slightly trimmed, giving them a curly appearance. Next, we form a cake from the prepared parts. In fact, the Butterfly (cake) is ready. Only the most interesting and tasty part remained - the decoration of the dessert.

Cake decoration

Whisk the whites into a very dense foam, then gradually add sugar in small portions. Gelatin should be pre-soaked with water (about half a glass of liquid) for twenty minutes. As soon as it swells, it is necessary to heat it up and at the same time do not forget to stir it, not letting it boil. In a separate bowl, you need to set aside a couple of tablespoons of gelatin. And carefully add the remaining mass to the proteins and mix. Lubricate our cake with the resulting cream and send it to the refrigerator for an hour.

In the meantime, you can do fruit. They should be cut into thin slices. Pears must be sprinkled with lemon juice. Next, it is laid out on the cake itself in the form of a pattern. You can make eyes from grapes, and thin strips of zest will become antennae. Then brush the entire surface of the cake with a brush with gelatin and send it to solidify in the refrigerator. So our "Butterfly" is ready. The cake turns out to be very colorful and bright. It is perfect for those who do not like sugary sweets.

Chocolate butterflies on cake

Any cake made at home can be decorated with voluminous openwork chocolate butterflies. In addition, such a decoration will become the highlight of any dessert, giving it an exquisite and sophisticated look. Let's figure out how to make such butterflies yourself. According to novice culinary experts, the preparation of such jewelry is not particularly difficult. But what an effect the finished masterpiece produces!

We need a drawing of absolutely any beautiful moth, printed on paper. The sheet must be placed in a file, after which you can start preparing the chocolate itself.

In the store, you need to purchase chocolate in advance, then chop it finely, place it in cellophane and send it to the microwave. There it will melt quickly enough. Next, we will draw a butterfly with a liquid mass. To do this, carefully move the chocolate to the corner of the bag, cut off the tip and start drawing on the file. It is advisable to draw the smallest details, then the drawing will turn out to be light and delicate. Please note that only the contours and pattern of the wings should be traced. As soon as the picture is ready, we leave it to dry at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator. Chilled wings are very easy to remove from the file. Put the finished chocolate drawings on parchment.

Melting chocolate in the oven again. Next, we take a small piece of parchment, bend it and draw the body of our butterfly at the very bend. Then we place the sheet in the open book, quickly attaching the wings until the chocolate is frozen. The parts should stick together. To do this, put the book so that the desired degree is obtained, let the butterfly freeze.

Remove the finished moth from the parchment and place in the refrigerator. Decorating the cake with butterflies gives you the opportunity to unfold your imagination. You can place them both on the top and on the side. Such a wonderful decoration will suit any dessert. From one hundred grams of chocolate, from ten to twelve butterflies are obtained. Ready chocolate products can be stored in the refrigerator until they are needed again, unless, of course, children find them earlier. The kids really like the crunchy sweetness.

Instead of an afterword

Cake "Butterfly" is quite simple in execution and at the same time amazes everyone with its beauty and originality. Try to make such a dessert - and you will certainly receive a lot of compliments in your address. Numerous positive reviews about such a dessert are an incentive for new experiments.

Prepare buttered biscuit. Mix milk with vegetable oil, boil, remove from heat and let cool. Beat eggs in a bowl with vanilla sugar. While continuing to beat, add the powdered sugar in small portions until the mixture turns a light yellow color.

Sift flour with salt. Add half the flour and half the milk and butter to the egg mixture, stir gently. Add baking powder, remaining flour and milk. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, until a soft, foamy mass is obtained.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Cover the baking sheet with a sheet of parchment moistened with water, pour the biscuit dough on it, bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven, let cool. Transfer the biscuit to a cutting board.

Cut a piece of such width from the short side of the biscuit so that a square will be obtained from the remaining one - this narrow piece will be the "body" of a butterfly. Cut the square piece diagonally into 2 identical triangles. Cut off a triangle with a side of 4 cm from the right angle of each of them. At this point, the "wings" of the butterfly will connect with the "body". Cut small triangular pieces from the opposite side of the "wings". Give the cake a butterfly shape.

Beat the whites with sugar into a cool foam. Soak gelatin in a little water. When it swells, warm it up, without bringing it to a boil, until it is completely dissolved. Set aside 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, and gently pour the remaining into the proteins, stirring constantly. Grease the cake on all sides with the resulting cream and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Peel the fruit, cut into thin slices. Lay out on the cake, imitating the drawing of butterfly wings. Make eyes from 2 grapes, and tendrils from thin strips of zest. Brush the top of the cake with the delayed gelatin. Put the cake in the refrigerator for another 15 minutes.

When I see the photo and the name of the recipe, the first thing that comes to my mind is HOW? And if I'm interested, and I don't have an answer to this question, then I look at the recipe. And this is not a recipe, but a guide to action, after reading which every housewife will understand that she can do it. Moreover, you can become the creators of the taste and decoration of your own cake!

Well, how is that? - you will say. - And what kind of biscuit to take?

And I will answer you: "Round! The one that is most delicious for you!"

And which one is the most delicious? - you ask. And I will tell you that all the biscuits on this site are delicious, and if you bake a new one every day, then you won't have enough to try everything for several years!

And the cream? - you will say.

And what about the cream? Any cream for decoration, oil or protein, or with cream will do. I use jelly cream that holds its shape perfectly! Or you can just take the cream and whip it with powdered sugar or condensed milk, and it will be great to draw too!

The most important thing is that of simple biscuit round shape, you can make a magic beauty without any loss.

So, let's get down to making the Butterfly cake!

The biscuit is round.

Beat eggs for about 5 minutes, then add sugar and vanilla and beat for another 7 minutes. My machine does it in 5 minutes.

Sift flour with baking powder.

Pour flour and baking powder into eggs in portions and stir with a spatula from bottom to top. I do this at "super low" speed. If your machine is not that advanced, then it is better to do it with a spatula. Add oil and boiling water and stir. The dough is ready.

Pour the dough into the prepared mold.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Cool upside down.

For a more proportional look, it is better to make the biscuit not very high, but more than 20 cm in diameter. I have 25 cm. Let it be low, but the butterfly's wings will be larger and more spectacular.

Cut the biscuit into two cakes.

Next, cut the biscuit in half. We measure out about one third of the diameter, cut out a rhombus. This will be both the body of the butterfly and the relief of the wings. If you don't trust your eye, use a measuring tool.

We spread the biscuit like this! The butterfly is almost ready. Peel off the top layer of the biscuit, saturate the cakes and fill the cake with cream of your choice, or maybe fruit and berries. As you wish.

After collecting the cake, cover it with cream for decoration. I have it whipped with condensed milk.

With your eyes closed, imagine your butterfly. I want a bright one, like from a magic forest! So, the colors will be like that.

And we start to create! No matter how you fantasize, a little markup will not hurt. Let's outline the contours of the pattern with a toothpick.

A few more strokes ...

And you're done!

A small addition, and my butterfly flew to her birthday girl.

I used two biscuits in the Butterfly cake in the photo. The height of the cake is 9 cm. Remember: the taller the cake, the more impressive it looks. Flatbread cakes are not in trend now!

Hurry to please your loved ones.

For the base of the cake, combine milk and vegetable oil in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool. Whisk eggs with vanilla sugar. While whisking, add the icing sugar in small portions until the mixture turns light yellow.

Sift flour and salt. Add half the flour and half the butter and milk to the egg mixture and stir gently. Then gently add the baking powder, the remaining flour, and the remaining milk. Stir well to avoid lumps. You should get a soft foamy mass.

Cover a deep baking sheet with a sheet of parchment moistened with water. Pour in the biscuit dough and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30 minutes. Cool and transfer to a cutting board.

Cut a piece from the short side of the biscuit so wide that the remaining biscuit forms a square. The narrow slice will be the "body" of the butterfly. Cut the square piece diagonally into two identical triangles. Cut from the right angle of each of them in a triangle with a side of 4 cm. At this point, the "wings" of the butterfly will be connected to the "body". Cut out small triangles on the opposite side of the “wings”. Fold the cake in a butterfly shape.

To decorate the top, beat the whites until stiff. While whisking, add sugar in portions. Soak gelatin in 1/2 glass of water for 20 minutes. When it swells, heat it, stirring constantly and not boiling. Set aside 2 tbsp. l. gelatin. Gently pour the remaining gelatin into the whites, mix. Coat the cake with the resulting cream and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Peel the fruit, cut into thin slices, sprinkle the pears with lemon juice. Arrange the fruit plates on the cake, imitating the butterfly wings pattern. Make eyes from 2 grapes, and antennae from thin strips of zest. Brush the top of the cake with the remaining gelatin and refrigerate until serving, at least 1 hour.