Home / Recipes / How to make green buckwheat flour. Dishes with green buckwheat flour, buckwheat flour

How to make green buckwheat flour. Dishes with green buckwheat flour, buckwheat flour

Green buckwheat flour is Altai's living products.

The benefits of green buckwheat flour have long been proven, it's time to try!

Our green buckwheat flour is produced without heat treatment- heating! This flour (green) is much healthier than top grade, since all the constituent grains remain in it, which are used for grinding the whole. The vitamin and mineral composition of buckwheat delights with its diversity - vitamins PP, B2, B9, B1, B6, E; compounds of cobalt, molybdenum, iodine, potassium, fluorine, iron. It also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, zinc, iodine, cobalt, molybdenum and a lot of copper.

Green buckwheat flour is excellent for baking pancakes, it must be added to your flour from which you are used to baking pancakes. Green buckwheat grains contain up to 13-15% proteins, up to 75% carbohydrates and 3% fat. The calorie content of 100 g of "live" buckwheat is 290-310 Kcal. The calorie content of sprouted buckwheat, due to the breakdown of complex substances into simple ones, is reduced to 127.5 Kcal.

Buckwheat grains contain up to 16% of easily digestible proteins, up to 30% carbohydrates and 3% fats. 100 g of buckwheat kernel contains 14 g of water, 12.5 g of proteins, 2.6 g of fat and 68.0 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content of 100 g of product: buckwheat - 329 Kcal; buckwheat flour light - 347 Kcal; dark buckwheat flour - 333 Kcal; boiled buckwheat - 103 Kcal; steamed buckwheat - 298 Kcal.

The benefits of green buckwheat flour have been proven! To date, the benefits of buckwheat have been repeatedly proven - porridges from it are the most useful of all. This cereal is gluten-free, nutritious and a great source of protein. In addition, it contains a lot of carbohydrates, amino acids and B vitamins. It is especially useful for those who have intestinal problems, as it prevents constipation and the appearance of osteoarthritis. Few people know that there is not only buckwheat, but also green buckwheat flour, which is considered dietary and more useful. In European countries, it is not so popular, but in vain, because it is able to help the sick. diabetes mellitus... With diabetes, green buckwheat is able to control blood sugar levels, significantly reduce glucose levels, because it does not undergo heat treatment, it retains all the most valuable properties of buckwheat grain. If we talk about history, then in Russia such flour was called mulberry. The homeland of buckwheat is South Asia, where it was grown for thousands of years. It is interesting that green buckwheat flour has a delicate nutty taste, it is easily digested and absorbed by the body, and most importantly, it brings great benefits to it. If we compare buckwheat flour with wheat flour, then it is a unique source of protein, so do not underestimate its properties. Green buckwheat helps not only fight diabetes. It has a positive effect on the vascular system, significantly strengthens the capillaries, as well as the smallest blood vessels, therefore it is advisable to eat it for patients with rheumatic diseases, as well as vascular diseases. In addition, its use will contribute to the proper functioning of the liver, toxins will be eliminated and blood circulation will improve. Green buckwheat flour, the benefits of which are enormous, helps to remove cholesterol from the body, thereby contributing to weight loss. Those who often suffer from mood swings should definitely include dishes made from such flour in the diet, in which case depression will happen much less often. This is due to the content of the hormone dopamine in green buckwheat. Doctors recommend eating green buckwheat elderly and mature people, since it contains a small amount of carbohydrates, but a lot of fiber, so it is able to shed life, but only if a person leads a healthy lifestyle. Those who want to understand how to eat green buckwheat should know that it needs to be boiled in the usual way and used as a side dish. Buckwheat flour produces delicious pancakes which are considered traditional dish Russia. As for baking, since it contains minimal amount gluten, then it is advisable to combine it with wheat flour, then the buns will not decay. Also, from such flour incredible delicious dumplings, tortillas, dumplings and other dishes of this kind. It is worth noting that buckwheat flour dishes have their own original, unique taste, and the pastries are very healthy and aromatic. Vegetarians also often resort to green buckwheat flour, as it makes excellent tortillas and breads, as well as raw cakes... If you dilute flour with water or milk, you get an interesting and nutritious drink with a unique taste. In addition, buckwheat flour produces delicious jelly, which will be appreciated by little gourmets - kids. As you can see, the benefits of green buckwheat flour are enormous. You should not replace green buckwheat with brown, fried, because it, passing technical processing, loses a lot useful properties, which the body needs so much.

Buckwheat flour is considered a healthy alternative to wheat flour, which is why it is often chosen by people looking for a healthy diet. The abundance of nutrients, the absence of gluten and the variety of uses explain why this product is deservedly popular.

Composition and calorie content

The calorie content of buckwheat flour ranges from 340 to 353 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. In addition, this same amount accounts for 13.6 grams of protein, 71.9 grams of carbohydrates and 1.2 grams of fat. Since buckwheat flour is a derivative of buckwheat, which itself is rich in various vitamins and other important elements, its composition is also very useful. The product contains B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin PP.

In addition, iodine, calcium, potassium, copper, sodium, sulfur, eight essential amino acids and many other important components are available.

Glycemic index

The glycemic index of buckwheat flour is 54, which means that adding this ingredient to the diet is not only safe, but also highly recommended for people suffering from diabetes. The buckwheat derivative is believed to have a long-lasting feeling of fullness, which is due to the slow drop in blood sugar levels. In addition, buckwheat is rich in chiro-inositol, which is used to treat type 2 diabetes.

Benefit and harm

First, it is important to clarify that the buckwheat flour that is made by yourself is much better. The fact is that at the factory, before grinding, the product is always peeled from the husk, saturated useful substances... At home, this procedure simply will not be possible, which means that the composition will be richer. Regular use of buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system - it will be possible not only to normalize the brain, but also to begin to suffer less from stress and recover faster after difficult situations. In addition, the product helps to cope with cholesterol and improve the functioning of the circulatory system.

The buckwheat derivative is useful for the intestines and for the pancreas, since its components for the better modify the process of digestion and assimilation of food. Finally, the immune system is strengthened and the skin, hair and nails are improved. The last point, by the way, explains why buckwheat flour is so often used to make masks, tinctures and scrubs. Despite the average calorie content, this product is also used for weight loss. The bottom line is that a significant part of the calories are proteins, not carbohydrates, which means that the use of flour does not harm the figure.

It's important to mention that the lack of gluten makes the product safe for those who cannot tolerate it.

When using buckwheat, blood circulation accelerates, the blood is filled with oxygen, and the heart begins to work more steadily. Calcium is better absorbed, which strengthens bones. Toxins and slags come out in the same way as excess water. Puffiness under the eyes disappears, hair begins to grow better, and the skin is cleansed due to the beneficial effect on the intestines. In addition, the contained vitamin E slows down the aging process.

As for the negative consequences, of course, buckwheat flour is not recommended for people suffering from individual intolerance to the product, manifested in allergic reactions. In addition, sometimes the use of buckwheat leads to increased flatulence and the occurrence of spasms in the intestines - therefore, it is strictly prohibited for irritable bowel syndrome. The same is true for Crohn's disease.

How to do it at home?

Cooking buckwheat at home with your own hands is not difficult. In addition, cooking from green buckwheat, that is, unpeeled, you can guarantee the maximum benefit of the product. First, you will have to sort out all the grains with a high quality, rid them of debris, pebbles and blackened samples. Then the cereals will have to be rinsed - it is more convenient to do this in a sieve under a flowing tap. If this is not possible, then water is poured into a container with cereals, which will need to be changed due to contamination. Thus, it is poured and merged several times until it is completely transparent. Then, after drying on a paper towel, the grains are placed in a food processor, blender or coffee grinder, which grinds them to a flour consistency.

By the way, in the case of buying flour, preference should be given to the dark variety containing large quantity nutrients. However, both home and finished products has an extremely short shelf life.

In addition, high temperatures and improper storage contribute to the fact that it can turn rancid. Therefore, you should always remove buckwheat flour in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container. But even in cold storage, storage is limited to one to three months, and it is important to consume the product before it expires.


The scope of use of buckwheat is very extensive: from ordinary cooking to the treatment of various diseases. Reviews suggest that the product is an effective choleretic agent. To do this, a tablespoon of the powder is diluted in a glass of kefir, cooled during the night and consumed in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before meals. With atherosclerosis, buckwheat is used to make jelly.

In glass cold water two and a half tablespoons of powder are diluted. A liter of water is boiled separately, into which buckwheat liquid is poured immediately after boiling. You need to bring the jelly to readiness for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. When only a couple of minutes remain before the process is completed, you can add honey, nuts and dried fruits to the drink.

In the event that the patient suffers from thyroid disease or pancreatitis, he is advised to combine buckwheat with walnuts. A glass of flour and a glass of chopped nuts are thoroughly mixed, after which everything is poured with honey and put into the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The medicine must be stored at a low temperature, and it must be applied only once every seven days before meals in the amount of one tablespoon. In the case of diabetes, a spoonful of buckwheat flour is diluted in a glass of kefir and used daily thirty minutes before a meal for ninety days.

As for cooking, then most often, buckwheat flour is used in the diet for weight loss. It can be used for baking, baking pancakes and even making pasta. Alternatively, in any recipes requiring wheat flour, you can replace this ingredient with buckwheat. For example, bake bread, make cheese cakes and pancakes, cook porridge, cook dumplings and others delicious dishes... Buckwheat flour will add extra airiness to the dishes and will not spoil the usual taste in the least.

Often a buckwheat derivative is used for cooking porridge, which is suitable not only for adults, but even for babies. Pediatricians recommend choosing it for the first feeding. A teaspoon of powder is mixed with 100 grams of water or milk and placed on the stove. While the mixture is boiling, you need to stir it all the time.

The cooking time after boiling depends on the required consistency - the more liquid the porridge should be, the less it will have to be cooked.

Reduced hemoglobin requires the use of a mixture of buckwheat, nuts and dried fruits. A glass jar is prepared, in which walnuts, prunes, raisins and dried apricots processed in a blender are placed in equal quantities. Next, a few tablespoons of buckwheat flour are added there, and everything is filled with honey. After standing for two to three hours in the cold, the product is ready for use. Every day after a meal, you will need to eat one tablespoon.

The flour itself fights heartburn without any impurities - it is enough to use one quarter of a teaspoon three times a day. In case of anemia, it is necessary to increase the dose - three times a day before meals, use two tablespoons of the powder. Swelling of the legs and cramps are normalized with a tablespoon per day. In each case, the flour should be washed down with clean water. Problems with the pancreas are solved in a two-step technique. First, a tablespoon of powder is poured overnight with a glass of kefir. In the morning before a meal, you will need to consume a glass of water, and after a quarter of an hour - already flour kefir. In all situations, it is a good idea to add buckwheat honey to the medicine - this will increase the benefits and change the taste for the better.

If the food is intended for older children, then at the end you can add sugar, dried fruits, butter or a little salt. Porridge for adults is cooked in a similar way, only more ingredients are taken.

It is traditional to prepare pancakes with buckwheat flour, which can be both yeast and yeast-free. In the first case, 10 grams of dry yeast is mixed with a small amount of warmed milk, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of flour. The dough that came up is later combined with four beaten eggs, a liter of warm milk, two glasses of buckwheat flour and two glasses of wheat flour, 100 grams of melted butter and a pinch of salt. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, you can start baking the pancakes.

In the second case, 125 grams of wheat flour, 125 grams of buckwheat flour, half a liter of milk, half a glass of warm drinking water, two eggs, 50 grams of melted butter and sugar and salt are used. Cooking takes place in a similar manner.

How to cook lean pie with buckwheat flour and cocoa, see the next video.


Steaming and frying, which buckwheat is usually exposed to, deprive it of its natural benefits, give Brown color and a pungent smell. However, people have learned to carefully peel buckwheat, getting the most valuable cereal of a light green hue. Such buckwheat has a light and delicate taste, and chefs around the world prepare amazingly delicious dishes from it.

Brownie buckwheat with walnuts
American cuisine

Composition: 120 gr. butter, 80 gr. dark chocolate, 90 gr. sugar, 2 eggs, 120 gr. green buckwheat flour, 80 gr. walnuts, a pinch of salt.
Put butter in a saucepan and melt over very low heat with chocolate. Beat eggs with sugar. Chop the nuts roughly. Grease with butter and flour square shape about 24 cm square. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Cool the chocolate slightly, add the eggs and stir quickly, then add the flour and a pinch of salt. Finally add walnuts, pour everything into a mold and bake for 30 minutes. Let cool and cut into squares.
Sprinkle on top icing sugar or grated dark chocolate.

Bon Appetit!

Canederli cheese with green buckwheat flour
Italian food

Ingredients: 200g stale white bread, 80 g of gorgonzola cheese, 70g hard cheese(Piave, Fontina, etc.), 1 shallots, 1 egg, 6 tbsp. buckwheat flour, 250ml milk, salt to taste, green onions or parsley, a little butter, 50g parmesan cheese if desired.
Cut the bread into cubes or otherwise chop, add the egg and milk, and let stand for 30 minutes. At this time, finely chop the onion and fry in a little oil. Add shallots to bread mixture, add cheeses, chopped small cubes, flour and salt. If the dough is too dry, dilute with a few drops (!) Of milk, if it is too wet, adjust with flour. Sculpt balls. Bring water to a boil and cook the resulting balls for 15-20 minutes. Then fry them in oil with green onions or parsley.
Serve hot with a lump of butter. You can sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.

Bon Appetit!

Pizzokeri traditional
Italian food

Pizzokeri is a kind of real Italian noodles, flat and wide. Usually served with vegetables and cheese. Here we give classic recipe Pizzoccheri della Valtellina.

Ingredients: 250g buckwheat flour, 50g wheat flour, 400g spinach or beet greens, 1 small cabbage, 2 potatoes, 350g cream cheese, preferably bitto casera or fontina, 100g butter, 1 sprig of sage, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper to taste.
Prepare the dough by mixing flour and salt and add water so that the dough is hard and soft at the same time and rolls out well. Roll out to a thickness of 1-2mm. Cut into strips 6-8cm long and 7-8mm wide. Cut the cheese into small pieces or grind. Simultaneously cook potatoes and coarsely chopped vegetables in salted water. Add the resulting noodles to the vegetables and cook for about 10 minutes. Melt butter in a frying pan, add chopped garlic and sage to it and fry lightly, add a little pepper. Strain the boiled noodles and vegetables to remove excess water, mix thoroughly with the cooked butter and chopped herbs, and then put in serving plates in several 3-4 cm layers, sprinkling with plenty of grated cheese.

Bon Appetit!

French apple-buckwheat pie
French cuisine

Ingredients: 5 golden apples, 150 g sugar, a jar of yogurt, 3 eggs, grated peel of one lemon, a pinch of cinnamon, 100 g of wheat flour, 120 g of buckwheat flour, 1 pack of yeast, a handful of raisins soaked in water and then squeezed, a handful of brown sugar for powder.
Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Beat egg yolks and sugar until white and soft foam. Mix with yogurt. Peel the apples, remove the cores and rub on a coarse grater. Add to the mixture along with the grated lemon zest and raisins. Mix well the flour, yeast and cinnamon, mix everything together, whisk well. Pour into a greased and floured cake tin.
Sprinkle with brown sugar and bake for half an hour or more, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out dry.

Bon Appetit!

Soba - Japanese buckwheat noodles.
Japanese food

Soba - national japanese dish in the form of long brown-gray noodles from buckwheat flour... It has been known since the middle of the 16th century. It is most often served chilled without broth, with sauce on a special dish, and sometimes with hot broth as noodle soup. Soba noodles are a versatile food, they can be eaten both in summer and in winter, cold and hot, as a main dish and side dish, in soup, salad, boiled, fried, baked, with or without sauce. Soba noodle dishes are quick and easy to prepare.

Ingredients: green buckwheat flour, wheat flour,
It is necessary to sift buckwheat and wheat flour, in a ratio of 1: 1. In the center of the flour, you need to make a hole and pour a little there, after which, everything must be thoroughly mixed. The dough should not stick to your hands, but at the same time, be soft. Then you need to roll the half-finished dough into a tight ball, and let it stand for about 15 minutes. After that, sprinkle the work surface with flour and roll out the dough on it into a rectangular layer. The thickness of the dough should be no more than 1.5 mm. Sprinkle the resulting layer with flour and fold in three on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut the noodles into thin ribbons and let them rest for a while. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, put the soba there and cook for about 2 minutes, then put the soba in a colander and rinse with cold water.
Soba goes well with a variety of meat and fish dishes.

Bon Appetit!

Buckwheat Almond Muffins
Danish cuisine

Ingredients: 2.5 cups milk, slightly less than 2 cups pitted dates, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 cup olive oil, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla powder, 1.25 cups of green buckwheat flour, 100g. coarsely chopped almonds (set aside for sprinkling).
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Pour milk into a small saucepan, add dates and baking powder and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. At this time, mix and whisk lightly. olive oil, eggs and vanillin. Mix with buckwheat flour and ground almonds. Grind the milk-date "soup" in the combine until homogeneous mass and mix thoroughly with the flour mixture, very evenly. Fill paper muffin cups about 2/3 full of dough, sprinkle with leftover ground almonds and bake for 25 minutes.
These wonderful, healthy muffins are especially nice to eat warm!

Bon Appetit!

Cold sweets
Healthy eating

Ingredients: 1 banana, 1 lemon, 100g almonds, peeled when soaking, or cashews, green buckwheat flour to the desired consistency, 1 conference pear of good ripeness, sesame seeds for sprinkling, possibly: whole almonds.
In a meat grinder, twist a banana, lemon with the skin, nuts, pre-soaked for 30 minutes and peeled. Mix everything thoroughly. Add to the mass whole grain flour from green buckwheat (you can buy, or you can grind green buckwheat yourself on a coffee grinder), to the required consistency. It is better when the mass is rather soft, it is important not to overdo it. Cut the flesh of the conference pear into 1cm by 1cm cubes. Prepare sprinkling: pour a layer of sesame seeds into a flat plate. Take a little mass of dough, it is soft and very sticky to your hands, but it's not scary. Put a pear cube inside, and, forming a ball with a diameter of about 2.5 cm, roll it in a sprinkle. Gradually, it will stop sticking and acquire a neat aesthetic shape. Proceed to the next and so on. For interest, we suggest sticking almond nuts into the finished "sweets" from above, with a sharp nose down, so that the round part remains sticking out over the candy. Nice crystal, and comfortable to hold. If possible, it is advisable to chill the sweets within 2-3 hours. You can keep them in the refrigerator.
The candies are low-fat, with a pleasant fruity taste and aroma, moderately sweet and very tender

Bon Appetit!

Hungarian buns
Hungarian cuisine

Ingredients: 850g soft margarine, 150ml kefir, 1400g cottage cheese, 3 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, 1 bag of dry yeast, 50 g of peeled sunflower seeds, 3 tbsp. l. sesame seeds, 3 tablespoons buckwheat flour, 70 gr. wheat flour, 2 tbsp. warm milk, 1 tsp. ground caraway seeds, 280g. processed cheese. Top: 1 egg, chopped almonds.
Mix the ingredients for the dough in a large bowl, wrap with plastic wrap and leave to rest for 1 hour. Roll out the dough 1.5-2 cm thick on a floured surface. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Cover baking sheets baking paper, form cutlets from the dough and put on a baking sheet, not too close to each other. Coat them with an egg on top, sprinkle with almonds. You can put a piece of cheese on top or smear with sour cream. Let stand for 15 minutes and then bake for 25 to 30 minutes. The cooking time depends on the size of the buns.

Bon Appetit!

Green buckwheat - "live" buckwheat, "queen of groats"!

When I first thought about healthy eating, basically this happened after stress and the darkness of sores, then I realized - the less nasty I use, the better body feels, the more beautiful the hair and skin.

I have certain problems with the body, which are treated only for years, and maybe operations.

Therefore, to support the body, nourishing it with everything useful and valuable - for me suddenly came to the fore.

At first I have eliminated or replaced sugar, for example, with these products:

  • Natural grape sugar Ambrosia is a liquid form of glucose and fructose.
  • Cocugar is a real organic sugar (paste) from Thailand.

Later I began to use healthy seeds and special spices. For example, I drink a turmeric smoothie every morning. I add it periodically to smoothies legendary CHIA seeds , and daily - a few things black cumin seed.

Then I have reduced the amount of wheat flour I eat that contains gluten ... You can laugh and condemn, but my sores are harmful to gluten, as a result of which the intestines can often suffer.

Partially replaced wheat flour with other types of flour, for example Buckwheat brown flour, or on the hero of this review - green buckwheat flour.

To your organic, natural, interesting and wellness order, made in a wonderful Eco-Market "Al-Sihha" I included one of the finest flour foods ever.

Volume: 500 gr.

Price: 99 rubles for a promotion, or 120 rubles. no stock.

Energy value: 329 kcal

Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

Proteins - 12.6 g
Fat - 2.6 g
Carbohydrates - 68.0 g
Dietary fiber - 2.8 g

Buckwheat flour, unlike wheat flour, does not contain gluten at all and is a unique source of vegetable protein.

It contains essential amino acids (buckwheat proteins are the most easily digestible), vitamins E, B1, B2, B9, PP and trace elements - iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine.


Zinc (Zn) - 1.09 mg

Iron (Fe) - 4 mg

Sulfur (- 81 mg

Phosphorus (P) - 250 mg

Potassium (K) - 130 mg

Sodium (Na) - 3 mg

Magnesium (Mg) - 48 mg

Calcium (Ca) - 42 mg

I want to say that buckwheat flour, exactly from green buckwheat, replaced my wheat completely: I make fries with it, pancakes, pancakes, etc., and most importantly - sometimes I make dough with it, after which I make dumplings or dumplings.

Of course, I am still addicted to wheat in the purchased yeast dough, for example, or bread.

To taste, green buckwheat flour does not have the taste of ordinary roasted buckwheat at all. Sometimes there is something nutty in it, but it seems like no one else except me tastes that way.

Generally - the taste of green buckwheat flour is almost identical to that of wheat flour.

Green buckwheat flour lowers glucose levels and keeps blood sugar under control.

Green buckwheat flour is very good for roasting.

For example, I cooked a "breaded" chicken with her (like).

Recently my husband brought a lot of fish from fishing. And there is nothing to do - I decided to fry it, roll it in flour and put it in the pan.

I understand that I am here screaming about healthy food, and suddenly bam! - and a frying pan of butter. Yes Yes. But I'm just in a transitional state. And there is no way to fry the fish anymore. And boiled or baked River fish- just disgusting, it has too many bones.

And as you can see from the photo, I didn't bother too much. It just looks so-so, but the taste is delicious!

In general, it is difficult to make any baked goods from this flour. I mean, baked goods like bread. All the same, gluten is the very glue that acts as a connecting link. But with buckwheat flour, this will not work - there is no glue.

My pastries sometimes disintegrated, they were still fragile.

With the help of buckwheat, you can improve your mood and reduce the risk of developing depression due to the hormone dopamine it contains.

But here I can say that I agree, because the very thought of healthy food raises me to the seventh heaven! This means that the mood rises))

It is very difficult to say about the reaction of my body to the replacement of flour. It doesn't seem to be felt. And how can you see this difference?

I just know what's useful. And that's all, perhaps))

Buckwheat helps to increase the level of hemoglobin and hematopoiesis, remove toxins from the body, normalize weight, increase immunity.

An effective means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders, diabetes.

In general, I highly recommend this flour.

The quality is high!

And we need vitamins now.

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