Home / Buns / Diet buckwheat muffins. Buckwheat muffins

Diet buckwheat muffins. Buckwheat muffins

Recipe home baking you can't imagine a simpler category. Today I propose to try cupcakes with buckwheat flour - fragrant, tender, soft, moderately crumbly and very tasty. It does not take much time to prepare, so if you wish, you can treat your family to fresh pastries right for breakfast. The main thing is to have buckwheat flour on hand - now you can buy it without any problems in almost any supermarket.

From the indicated amount of ingredients used, exactly 6 buckwheat muffins are obtained. You can bake them smaller (in the form of muffins - 10-12 pieces) or pour them into one mold - there will be a large cupcake. I advise you to choose high-quality cocoa powder, and adjust the amount of granulated sugar to your liking. But for us personally, buckwheat muffins are the perfect sweetness.


(100 grams) (100 grams) (2 pieces ) (50 milliliters) (3 tablespoons) (1 tablespoon ) (0.75 teaspoon)

Cooking step by step with photos:

Gently break two into a bowl. chicken eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. We put the egg yolks in a bowl where we will prepare the dough for muffins, and put the whites in the refrigerator for now. Add 100 grams of sugar to the yolks and beat everything well with a mixer or whisk so that the sugar is almost completely dissolved.

As a result, you will get a homogeneous egg mass with foam. Add to it a good tablespoon of cocoa powder, 50 milliliters of vegetable oil and 3 tablespoons drinking water room temperature. Mix everything thoroughly - you can use a mixer or just a spoon / spatula.

Mix the dough with a spoon or spatula so that the dry ingredients are combined with the liquid. In general, cake dough does not like long mixing, so you do not need to achieve smoothness, otherwise finished goods will be tight. But in this case, buckwheat flour instantly absorbs liquid without forming lumps.

It remains only to whip the chilled egg whites. Beat for 3-4 minutes with a mixer at high speeds. For better whipping, you can add a pinch of salt to the proteins.

In parts, we introduce whipped proteins into the buckwheat dough - best of all in 3-4 doses. Mix the whites with a spoon or spatula with folding movements, as for a biscuit.

As a result, the cake batter should be completely homogeneous and smooth, without being too thick. The consistency of this dough resembles sour cream 20% fat.

Why "Experiment"? Everything is extremely simple: I wanted some healthy baking! A search on the Internet for a recipe suitable for my requests did not bring the desired result, since either the products are specific, or it takes a lot of time to cook, then ...

In short, I began to experiment myself. So to speak, “cook porridge from an ax”, using the products available in my refrigerator.

Buckwheat flour made from buckwheat. How? I ground the cereal in a coffee grinder to a more or less powdery state, sifted it through a sieve several times, then again the help of a coffee grinder, sifting again and voila - homemade buckwheat flour. Very simple, fast and without much effort. Yes, and much cheaper than ready-made industrial, which, in addition, is not sold in all outlets in the post-Soviet space.

The dough for buckwheat muffins was kneaded by hand. The mixer was reluctant to disturb, and therefore managed with an ordinary whisk. Well, what is the result? Personally, for my taste - the experiment was a success! The cupcakes turned out to be very interesting. Loose, moist, moderately airy, with a slightly specific aroma, but not at all repulsive aftertaste of buckwheat, with subtle notes of cheese and broccoli ...

In other words, let's get down to business!

To prepare these delicious buckwheat muffins - very dietary, it is worth noting - you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • buckwheat flour - 150 grams;
  • rye flour - 50 grams;
  • Wheat flour(first grade) - 50 grams;
  • salt - ¼ tablespoon (2 grams);
  • sugar - ½ tablespoon (5 grams);
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon (5 grams);
  • eggs - 130 grams (2 large eggs, category DV);
  • vegetable oil (odorless, for example, wheat germ oil) - 100 ml;
  • kefir (fat content 2%) - 200 ml.

And to taste optional additives. In my case, I used these:

  • smoked sausage cheese - 50 grams;
  • chicken ham - 30 grams;
  • broccoli - 100 grams.

The process of creating this delicious and healthy snack dish looks like this:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Combine all dry ingredients in one bowl: three types of flour (be sure to sift through a sieve), sugar, salt and baking powder.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk. Especially do not be zealous! The goal is to combine egg whites and yolks until smooth and light foamy.
  4. To egg mixture add kefir and vegetable oil. Mix.
  5. Pour the liquid component onto the dry mixture. Stir until the ingredients are combined (approximately 1-2 minutes). Buckwheat muffin dough turns out to be quite dense, the consistency is similar to classic test for cheesecakes.
  6. Lastly, add broccoli divided into small florets (I used frozen), ham and cheese (both ingredients were chopped on a coarse grater).
  7. Divide into cupcake tins. Send to the oven, on an average level, for 35-40 minutes. The degree of readiness is a dry skewer and an appetizing crust with a slight tan 🙂

Warm, these buckwheat muffins are delicious to the point of insanity! What is their taste like when cold? Honestly? I don’t even guess, because they didn’t live to this state! Therefore, we will bake them again and again, and again, and again ...

And yes! From the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, I got eight pretty well-fed and satisfying cupcakes.

Enjoy your meal! Your Lara

Buckwheat muffins are another one in the slow cooker. First of all, the recipe is addressed to those who are allergic to wheat, and the rest will just be interested in trying new unusual pastries. Preparing cupcakes from buckwheat flour in a slow cooker is very simple, they turn out soft, with a light buckwheat flavor, they taste somewhat like gingerbread. Perhaps they will seem dryish to someone, after all, this unusual pastries, in this case, you can add a few berries or a slice of dark chocolate to each mold before baking, and you will get mouth-watering muffins.


  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 1/3 cup (or to taste)
  • buckwheat flour - 1 incomplete glass (or 110 g)
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin
  • soda - 1/2 tsp (slaked with vinegar or lemon juice)

How to bake cupcakes from buckwheat flour:

Combine sugar, eggs and vanilla in a deep bowl. Beat everything well with a mixer or a hand whisk.

Then add the sifted buckwheat flour, slaked soda and vegetable oil. Knead the dough. If desired, grated apple or chopped banana can be added to this dough. I didn't add anything.

Grease molds vegetable oil and fill 2/3 with dough. Put all the molds in a steaming basket.

Pour 3-4 cups of water into the multicooker bowl, insert a basket with molds. Set the “steaming” mode, cook cupcakes in a slow cooker for a couple of 30 minutes.

After the signal, remove the cupcakes from the molds and cool. If desired, you can pour melted chocolate on the cupcakes or sprinkle powdered sugar. Serve cupcakes with tea or coffee.

Do you know this feeling: when you experiment in the kitchen for a long time in search of that very perfect combination, and then suddenly find it? So it was with this wonderful pie (or cupcake, whichever is closer to anyone) with blueberries made from buckwheat flour.

I tried many combinations (and proportions!) before I found “the same taste”: a delicate buckwheat aroma, a citrus note and berries!

As for the berries, I’ll note: if you don’t have blueberries, you can use others: blackcurrant is also great, lingonberries, cherries (including frozen ones).

In general, if you are still thinking about what to cook from buckwheat flour, then do not waste any more time - get started soon, especially since the cake is made in no time, and the ingredients are the simplest. Yes, and don't forget the huge list useful properties buckwheat - a cake made from buckwheat flour is not deprived of them, being at the same time a dietary product.

Buckwheat Blueberry Cake: Recipe


  • buckwheat flour - 130 g;
  • wheat flour (you can use premium or whole grain) - 130 g;
  • fermented baked milk / natural yogurt / kefir - 400-500 ml;
  • baking powder - 1.5-2 teaspoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • orange peel - 1 tbsp;
  • refined vegetable oil - 85-100 ml;
  • blueberries - 1 cup;
  • cane sugar (or syrups / stevia) - 130 g or to taste;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp (optional);
  • salt - 1/3 tsp


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

In a bowl, combine kefir, sugar (or syrup), eggs. Beat with a mixer.

In another bowl, combine all dry ingredients, mix them.

Combine both mixtures, then add oil there. Oh, and don't forget the orange zest. Mix thoroughly.

Lastly, add berries to the dough (frozen ones can not be thawed) and mix with a spatula.

Put the dough into a mold and bake a buckwheat cake for 40-50 minutes (check with a skewer, it should come out dry).

Cool completely and then remove from the mold.

Buckwheat blueberry muffin is good both warm and cold. It keeps well at room temperature and also in the refrigerator for up to several days.

Buckwheat groats can be prepared in a completely unexpected way - bake buckwheat muffins. In this case, we will get tasty, healthy, homemade, diet pastries, based on a recipe without the use of flour.

What are muffins, their types and difference from muffins

Muffins - small sweet pastry round shape in the form of cupcakes.
Usually they add a variety of fillings: chocolate, fruits, berries, nuts, pumpkin, candied fruits and other products. There are also options for this pastry with salty fillers, such as vegetables, sausage, meat, mushrooms. Usually one muffin fits in the human palm. But if the necessary molds of the appropriate size are not available, then you can bake one large cake in a special form or in a frying pan, only then you will need to increase the cooking time. The principle of making muffins is as follows: more liquid components and less sugar. Products are quickly combined, mixed and baked. These are the main differences between muffins and biscuits.

Buckwheat muffins without flour on yogurt in silicone molds, a diet recipe with a step by step photo

In this recipe, the usual and well-known wheat flour is replaced with buckwheat. But, despite this, baking will still be sweet and tasty, and most importantly, healthy, like. Buckwheat muffins are very soft and tender, not at all like gluten-free pastries. They have a light and unobtrusive buckwheat flavor that you don’t immediately recognize. Such a culinary product simultaneously combines both a second course and a dessert.
By the way, buckwheat can be replaced with boiled oatmeal or oat flour, also perfect corn flour. Raisins are taken as a fruit supplement in this recipe. But instead of it, you can use any of your favorite sweet fillings. And a lot more important point, ready-made pastries i soak alcoholic drinks. But if you are preparing a dessert for small children, then it is better not to do this.


Buckwheat - 1 cup
Wheat bran - 50 g
Walnuts - 50 g
Raisins - 50 g
Yogurt or kefir - 100 ml
Egg - 1 piece
Soda - 1 teaspoon without a slide
Honey - 2 tablespoons or to taste
Refined vegetable oil - for lubricating molds
Cognac - 30 ml for impregnation of finished cupcakes
Salt - a pinch

How to make muffins at home

In order to make muffins at home, we need small silicone molds, or one large form that contains many recesses for baking small cupcakes. Disposable paper molds are also suitable for baking, which are also popular and in demand. Since some housewives doubt environmental friendliness silicone molds and prefer paper. I have been using small silicone molds for a long time, the quality of which I am sure. So, let's start cooking delicious, tender, buckwheat muffins on yogurt with raisins and nuts in the oven.

1. We will sort out buckwheat so that pebbles and vegetable debris do not get into the finished dessert, wash it in running water. Then pour 2 cups of cold drinking water, add a pinch of salt and cook under the lid over low heat for 20 minutes. It can also be cooked in microwave oven, or simply steam it with boiling water, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave it for 8 hours (in the latter version, it is convenient to cook cereals at night).

2. Finished buckwheat porridge using a blender, grind to a homogeneous or semi-homogeneous mass.

3. Wash the raisins, pour boiling water over them and leave them to swell for 10 minutes.

4. Transfer the buckwheat mass to a container for kneading dough. Add bran and walnuts. You can leave the nuts in large kernels, you can break them into smaller pieces, or you can grind them into crumbs - this is a matter of taste. I prefer to feel the nuts in baking in whole small pieces.

5. Add yogurt, honey, soda and steamed raisins to the dough. By the way, instead of yogurt, you can optionally use kefir. If you make muffins, like I did on yogurt, then buy only a natural product without any additives.

6. Mix all the ingredients well so that they are evenly distributed.

7. Separate the yolk from the protein.

8. With a mixer, beat the yolk until white and add it to the dough, which we knead well.

9. Beat the protein (it is better to take it chilled, from the refrigerator) with a small pinch of salt into a fluffy white stable foam, which we put in the dough and mix it in with a few movements (it is important not to overdo it here so that the dough remains fluffy).

10. Lubricate the baking molds with vegetable oil and fill them with 2/3 of the dough.

11. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and send the dessert to bake for 20-25 minutes.

12. When the buckwheat muffins are ready, take them out of the oven and immediately pour cognac without taking them out of the molds. It will be enough for one cupcake 1-2 teaspoons of aromatic filler for impregnation. After we leave them to cool completely and then remove from the molds. Before serving, for beauty, decorate small cupcakes with powdered sugar.