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Chopped puff pastry with a knife. Chopped dough

Glaze is an important ingredient in sweets. She not only decorates cakes, pastries, homemade cookies, but also adds an additional exquisite taste to these products. However, not all housewives know how to make chocolate icing.

This process is not that complicated and provides an opportunity for the pastry chef to show all his culinary imagination ..

Which chocolate to choose

You need to clearly understand which version of chocolate is not suitable for the manufacture of glaze:

  • with various fillers: nuts, pieces of fruit, etc., since the mass for the glaze must be homogeneous;
  • porous, because oil is released from it during melting, the delicacy itself is not melted, but is collected in a huge lump of chocolate grains;
  • cheap, since it is heterogeneous in composition and has low quality, which will inevitably affect the final product.

Now about which chocolate you should choose for cooking:

  • dairy is considered an ideal option, after melting nothing needs to be added to it, except a little butter;
  • confectionery is more convenient in the preparation of glaze, it melts faster into a homogeneous mass, but in terms of taste, it is much inferior to food tiles;
  • very interesting use white chocolate, it has a kind of mild taste, and in this case, the glaze can be tinted in different colors using food dyes;
  • do not rush to put aside bitter, the icing made from it contrasts in a very peculiar way with overly sweet cakes or pastries.

If you are not going to use white chocolate, pay attention to the color of the product, it should be dark brown and rich.

The ideal chocolate for melting is couverture.

Glaze preparation rules

So, you've successfully purchased your raw materials. Now you need to proceed with the following steps:

  1. Break the tiles into pieces as small as possible;
  2. The container in which the chocolate will be melted must be greased with butter so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom and walls;
  3. Pick up another vessel, larger in diameter, heat the water in it (you don't have to boil it) to 50–70 degrees;
  4. Put a smaller container in a larger one, while continuing to heat, be sure to make sure that hot water did not splash onto heated chocolate;
  5. Stir the glaze to be prepared constantly, preferably with a wooden spatula;
  6. Do not close the containers with a lid, this will lead to the formation of condensation, which will ruin everything;
  7. Add a few tablespoons of milk, sugar or cream if necessary;
  8. Immediately after completely melting the chocolate until homogeneous mass add butter to the mixture;
  9. If you like to experiment, use other additives, such as honey, sour cream, condensed milk.

Remember that the mixture should be extremely homogeneous and not too thick, otherwise it will harden until the confectionery masterpiece is fully formed, and the glaze will not work in the same color.

It is better to apply melted chocolate in 2 layers: first form the first thin one, and then cover the product completely.

The resulting mixture should not contain a drop of water, as it greatly impairs the appearance of the glaze.

How to make frosting - a step by step recipe with a photo


  • dark chocolate - 120 g;
  • cow's milk - 4 tbsp.
  1. Break the tiles into pieces. Break the chocolate into wedges or even smaller pieces.
  2. Melt until smooth, pour milk into it.
    The chocolate should be melted in a steam bath.
  3. Apply to pastry.
  4. Let the mixture cool.
  5. Decorate the cake with fruits and berries.
    If you use pure chocolate, the icing will be thick.

The given recipe is basic, basic. On this basis, you can give free rein to imagination - add honey, syrup, etc.

The use of condensed milk makes the mixture elastic and can be easily applied to a variety of products anywhere.

Cake surrounded by cakes, cherries and macaroon lids
Glaze and creativity allow you to achieve unprecedented heights of skill even among novice chefs and amateurs

The so-called mirror glaze looks very impressive. It is prepared with the addition of diluted gelatin, frozen, then melted again and applied to the same frozen product.


The prepared mixture with condensed milk can be kept in the freezer for up to 2 weeks. Some confectioners believe that nothing bad will happen to her in a month. And here is the icing cooked on the usual whole milk more than 2 days, it is not recommended to keep in the refrigerator.

Many housewives adhere to the principle - the ingredients of the confectionery should be used immediately, and not stored in reserve. In our age of variety and activity of intestinal infections, such a precaution hardly looks superfluous.


Hot melted chocolate icing can be applied evenly or to create a beautiful drip or mirror effect. It can be used to decorate cakes, pastries, cookies, ice cream, fresh and candied fruits. It is not consumed in its own form, it almost instantly becomes boring even for children.

How to melt chocolate in a water bath: video

Chocolate frosting is an essential ingredient in confectionery. If you use it once during creation homemade cake, then you will always apply. Moreover, the cooking process is relatively uncomplicated. You just need to adhere to the rules of the recipe.

What is the "purpose" chocolate glaze? It's simple - decorate a cake, cake or other pastries (and not just pastries). The chocolate glaze is the final touch that gives a dish (usually a baked goods or dessert) a sophisticated shine and gloss. Sometimes it is this stroke that allows you to hide small flaws and failures, which absolutely do not affect the taste, but spoil the look. But this is rather an exception to the practice of using glaze. The rule is to set off the taste and give it a look, to make it possible to fix decorative elements, for example, sprinkles or small details.

There are a lot of recipes for chocolate glaze: there are very simple ones, and there are whimsical ones. It is not so easy to choose from this set, especially when you need it here and now, quickly and beautifully. On this page, I offer practical recipes for cocoa, black and white chocolate icing. They always turn out effectively and tasty, quickly and not troublesome.

Cocoa chocolate icing

The universal cocoa frosting is made by simply mixing the ingredients together.


  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • icing sugar - 80 grams
  • milk - 0.5 cups
  • butter - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla


In a bowl, combine dry ingredients: cocoa, icing sugar, vanilla.

Heat the milk, put butter in it and stir. Pour into cocoa in a thin stream.

Rub the glaze thoroughly until shiny.

When it cools down to room temperature, you can use it to cover baked goods.

Pros and cons of a quick chocolate frosting recipe

The undoubted advantage of this method is the speed and simplicity of preparation. Another important plus - the glaze does not quickly freeze, so there is no need to rush to work with it. The chocolate glaze is very thick and lays on the product evenly, forming a beautiful shiny layer.

Minus (or maybe not) - it does not freeze, that is, no matter how much the product is standing, the glaze remains soft.
Ideal for quickly glazing baked goods for home use

Cooked Cocoa Chocolate Frosting Recipe

The easiest icing recipe to cook is chocolate icing with sour cream.

Ingredients for the recipe: cocoa 2 tbsp. spoons, sour cream 70 grams, sugar 2 tbsp. spoons, butter 1 tbsp. spoon with a slide.

How to make boiled chocolate icing. Stir in sugar and cocoa. Put sour cream in a saucepan, add the mixture and mix well. Put on a low heat, stir all the time. When the mixture boils, add the butter. Stir again thoroughly. Keep on fire until the butter is completely melted. Remove from heat, let cool and only then use.

Tips and Secrets... This glaze also becomes very thick, but does not harden.
If you add an egg to the cooled glaze and mix thoroughly, and then bring to a boil, then after hardening, the glaze will be shiny.

Recipe for chocolate icing from cocoa with condensed milk

Another recipe from the "quick and without stove" series.

Ingredients for the recipe: cocoa 3 tbsp. spoons, condensed milk 3 tbsp. spoons, butter 3 tbsp. spoons.

How to make condensed milk frosting. Melt the butter (you can also do this in the microwave). Pour in the condensed milk and stir. Pour in cocoa, rub thoroughly.
After cooling, you can use.

Dark chocolate glaze

If there is no cocoa, but there is a chocolate bar, then make the icing from it. How? There are many recipes. For example, this one.


  • chocolate - 1 bar (100 grams)
  • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • icing sugar - 50 grams


    • Pour icing sugar into a saucepan and pour in milk.

Put on low heat, when it boils, put the pieces of chocolate. Cook until the chocolate dissolves and thickens.

Apply this chocolate glaze warm. By the way, it freezes very quickly. If you didn't have time to use everything, but it froze, slightly warm it up.

In most cases, glaze is used to obtain an even, shiny surface. Undoubtedly, the product looks amazing with such a coating. But you can deviate a little from the canons and make a relief surface that looks no less good.

White Chocolate Glaze

I must say that white chocolate is more capricious. It is very easy to overheat it and it will turn into insoluble lumps. Therefore, work with it very carefully.

Sometimes it happens that very little glaze is needed, since it covers small products or it is not the main one. The easiest way to make white chocolate frosting is to solve this problem.


  • white chocolate bar - 100 grams
  • butter fat - 100 grams


Place the butter and chocolate pieces in a container, such as a cup, and melt in the microwave or water bath, stirring constantly.

The oil will heat up and melt significantly faster than chocolate... There is no need to wait for the chocolate to melt, "dissolve" it in hot oil - this way you will not overheat it.


In the same way (butter + chocolate) you can make a dark chocolate frosting.

You can use heavy cream instead of butter, but you need to take twice as much chocolate.

Or make from 100 grams of any chocolate, 100 ml of cream and 10 grams. butter. Heat the cream, add butter and chocolate pieces, stir. Remove from heat and stir until smooth. Let cool and apply. You can also pour it hot.

Bonus. .
And try decorating with chocolate icing, for example. Delicious for coffee.

Perhaps every housewife who cooked at least once this or that pastry, thought about how to decorate it or make it even tastier. And one of the most simple options is the chocolate icing for the cake. It is incredibly easy to prepare - even a novice cook will succeed. At the same time, it perfectly decorates almost any sweet dish, making its taste more interesting and brighter. And if in appearance, for example, the cake initially failed, this is easily corrected with the help of ganache.

The chocolate glaze is easy to apply. The main thing is to choose a consistency that is convenient for you: thinner or thicker. It needs to be watered or coated while the glaze is still warm. In addition, it is an excellent bonding substance for all kinds of jewelry. On top of the still warm glaze, you can lay out any decorative elements: fruits, berries, nuts, coconut, sweets or even fresh flowers. A little later, the ganache will harden, securely holding whatever is on top.

As mentioned earlier, chocolate icing is incredibly easy to prepare. The composition may contain only two ingredients or a little more. The main one is usually chocolate or cocoa powder. If you chose the first option, use natural sweetness without any additives. Sugar or icing sugar is also necessarily used. Additionally, you can take milk, sour cream, butter, gelatin, water, cream - all this will not complicate the recipe at all, but it can affect the severity of the taste or the tenderness of the consistency. However, there are some rules to keep in mind when preparing chocolate glaze.

  1. Use only natural and fresh food... Cheap, porous or flavored chocolate will not work.
  2. Powdered ingredients (cocoa and powdered sugar) should preferably be passed through a sieve to avoid possible debris and lumps.
  3. If the icing is too thin, you can add a little powdered sugar to make the mass thicker.
  4. Butter adds a mirror-like shine to the glaze. Moreover, if you use fatty sour cream (at least 20%), you do not need to add it.
  5. Instead of water (or just at will), you can add lemon or orange juice to the icing. It will make the taste even brighter and more intense, and the aroma more pronounced.
  6. For icing buns or cakes, the icing should be thick. If you want to pour over a cupcake or cake, it is better to give preference to a thinner consistency.
  7. When you glaze the cake, it should be done from the center outward.
  8. If you are using liquid frosting, simply pour over the dessert. Also work with mirror glaze... But if the ganache is thick, then it is better to level it with a knife or a culinary spatula.

Chocolate icing is ideal for decorating cakes, muffins, cookies, donuts and rolls. And yet.

Even a novice housewife can make chocolate icing made according to this recipe. Delicious, delicate, moderately viscous - even when frozen, it will not stop shining. This glaze is made from a small amount of simple, inexpensive ingredients, which can significantly reduce the cost of preparing a recipe. At the same time, cocoa glaze is not inferior to chocolate glaze in terms of taste.

You can use regular cocoa powder or cocoa powder for baking. The latter has a brighter aroma and dark saturated color, taste qualities they are identical. When you cool the finished icing, the main thing is not to overexpose it, otherwise it is unlikely that you will be able to beautifully cover the cake or other dessert.

You will need:

  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • milk - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • refined vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps.

1. First, in a small saucepan, combine all the bulk ingredients - cocoa and sugar.

2. Continuing to knead, gradually add milk and then vegetable oil. As a result, the mixture should acquire a uniform shade.

3. Then send the pan over medium heat and, stirring constantly, let the future glaze simmer.

4. Without stopping stirring, wait for the mixture to thicken and immediately remove from heat.

Now you need to let the glaze cool slightly. And after that you can pour the cake or any other dessert of your choice with chocolate icing.

In this no less simple recipe chocolate icing instead of vegetable oil creamy is used. It is this that gives the delicate creamy enveloping taste of chocolate fondant, so if you are not fasting or on a diet and you have butter in the fridge, give preference to it. You need to use a softened thawed product, so remove it from the refrigerator beforehand. The milk should be slightly hot.

As stated earlier, you can use regular cocoa powder or baker's. The difference in color and aroma - in bakery, it is more intense, but with ordinary cocoa, the glaze will turn out to be very tasty.

You will need:

  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • butter - 40 gr.;
  • milk - 50 ml.

Cooking steps.

1. First, take a saucepan with a thick bottom, add dry ingredients and stir everything well.

2. Then add milk while stirring sugar and cocoa.

3. Set the saucepan to low heat and, stirring constantly, cook for 5 minutes. Make sure there are no lumps.

4. Add butter and stir again - the mixture will immediately become shiny.

When the butter is melted, you can remove the chocolate frosting from the heat and cover any dessert with it. This must be done quickly, while the frosting is still warm and not frozen.

According to this recipe, the chocolate glaze turns out to be amazingly tasty and really very shiny and mirror-like. It seems a little more, and you will see your reflection in it. At first glance, it may seem that it is quite difficult to prepare it, but this is not so - all the actions are very simple. The only condition- you need to start cooking in advance, since the glaze must stand in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours before you start applying it to the cake.

The products for this type of chocolate glaze are very simple: most likely they can be found in the refrigerator of every housewife. The glaze prepared according to this recipe is suitable for decorating any cakes, rolls and pastries, including mousse ones. Please note that the optimum temperature for using this glaze is 28-30 degrees - measured with a special thermometer. If for some reason you want to reduce the amount of gelatin, then the minimum acceptable option is 10 grams. With this amount of gelatin, you will need 60 grams of cold water.

You will need:

  • sugar - 180 gr.;
  • cream with a fat content of 33% - 120 gr.;
  • cold water for gelatin - 84 gr.;
  • water - 60 gr.;
  • cocoa powder - 55 gr.;
  • gelatin - 14 gr.

Cooking steps.

1. In a separate bowl, soak the gelatin in cold water, stir and leave to swell.

2. In a small saucepan or saucepan, combine the sugar and water and stir very thoroughly. Boil the syrup over a fire until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Put the cream in a separate small bowl and put on fire. Bring to a boil, stirring, but never let them boil. Set aside to cool slightly.

4. Ready sugar syrup sift the cocoa and stir well.

5. Into the cream add the swollen gelatin and stir until it dissolves.

6. Gently add the cream into the chocolate base, stirring constantly with a whisk. Then pass the mixture through a sieve so that any air bubbles, if formed, disappear.

7. Cover the future chocolate icing cling film or a plastic bag in contact and put in the refrigerator for at least 8-9 hours.

8. Before use, the glaze should be warmed up in a water bath, stirring constantly, or in microwave oven time intervals of 10 seconds, stirring each time to completely dissolve the jelly.

9. If there are lumps of jelly, you can call the hand blender for help. Inject it into the glaze at an angle, shake it slightly, and without lifting, smooth the mixture.

In the last step, pass the chocolate frosting through a sieve again. Now you can decorate your chocolate cake.

This recipe makes chocolate icing incredibly easy. Just 2 ingredients, a few minutes of your time and a real chocolate with a pronounced rich taste. Choosing good chocolate is very important here. Do not save, as the quality of your glaze depends on its qualities. Of course, the cream should also be up to par. And the fresher the better.

The thickness of the chocolate glaze can be controlled by the amount of chocolate - the more, the thicker. If you want nice smudges around the edges of the cake, you can reduce its volume by 10-15 grams. Now read this shortest recipe and cook it yourself.

You will need:

  • chocolate - 100 gr.;
  • cream with a fat content of 33% - 50 ml.

Cooking steps.

1. Pour the cream into a small saucepan and heat over medium heat. Without stopping stirring, bring to a boil, but do not let them boil - this is extremely important.

2. Remove the cream from the heat. Break the chocolate into small pieces and put in the still hot cream. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Bon Appetit!

Just four simple ingredient, a few minutes of your time and you have a delicious, aromatic chocolate icing. The taste of the resulting delicacy largely depends on the chocolate you are making from, so you shouldn't skimp on it. You can choose any to your taste: dark or milky, but it is better if it does not contain additional ingredients, such as raisins or nuts. It is also not recommended to use aerated chocolate.

If you take the proportions indicated in the recipe, the glaze turns out to be quite thick. You can add a little more milk to make it thinner. But do not overdo it so that it does not spread throughout the dessert.

You need to prepare the glaze in a water bath. Don't worry if you don't have special utensils - just use a large saucepan and a smaller saucepan. Don't pick a pot that is too small so that it doesn't touch the bottom of a large pot when you place them in each other. V a large pot you need to pour a little water, and when it practically boils, the top one will heat up and cook from it, while not having direct contact with the fire.

You will need:

  • chocolate - 100 gr.;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • sugar - st. l .;
  • butter - dessert spoon.

Cooking steps.

1. Send the pans to the fire, shaping water bath... Place the hand-chopped chocolate and sugar in the top saucepan. When they begin to melt, stir the food quickly.

2. When the chocolate and sugar have melted, pour in the milk. In principle, you can replace it with water and even pour in a little liquor for flavor. Continue stirring quickly.

3. In the last step, add softened butter to add shine to your glaze. Mix everything thoroughly and you can remove from heat and cover any dessert.

If you have nothing against gelatin, then the chocolate icing for this recipe is great option... Due to the jelly-like substance, it turns out to be more glossy and mirror-like in appearance and smoother in structure on an already finished confectionery product.

Chocolate is used for cooking. You can choose dark or milky according to your taste, the main thing is natural and without additional additives - they are superfluous in homemade chocolate glaze. If you don't have chocolate on hand, you can replace it with cocoa. In this case, 50 grams of powder will be required. The frosting comes out pretty runny - keep this in mind when pouring over a cake or other dish. Strictly follow the recipe and you will definitely succeed tasty decoration for dessert.

You will need:

  • chocolate - 100 gr.;
  • sugar - 100 gr.;
  • milk, sour cream or cream - 100 gr.;
  • butter - 100 gr.;
  • gelatin - 2 tsp;
  • water - 6 tsp.

Cooking steps.

1. Dilute the gelatin first. To do this, pour the powder with water, stir and leave to swell for at least 20 minutes.

2. While the gelatin is fine, use the frosting. It is prepared in a water bath. Put the pan on the fire - make sure that the water in the bottom does not boil. Combine all ingredients in the upper bowl and knead until completely homogeneous.

3. When all the products are mixed, which means that the icing is cooked, let it cool to about 50 degrees - checked with a cooking thermometer. When it cools, add the gelatin and stir well until the jelly pieces are completely dissolved.

You can water the finished dessert, and use cream and a toothpick to make stains on the surface.

This recipe makes an incredibly light and delicate chocolate coating. It is perfect for coating any pastry. The ingredients are the simplest, and cooking does not require any special skills.

Please note that if you take the ingredients strictly in the proportions indicated in the initial data, the glaze will turn out to be very thick: you will need to distribute it throughout the product yourself. Many people prefer this option: it does not spread, and you can cover the dessert with a fairly thick layer of chocolate. In addition, it is easy to make almost any pattern on it. If, for example, your plans are to make a cake with neat drips, be sure to add a little milk or cream during the preparation process.

You will need:

  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • butter - 50 gr.

Cooking steps.

1. In a small saucepan, combine the sour cream and sugar and heat over low heat. Stir the mixture constantly during preparation.

2. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add the cocoa. Mix everything thoroughly again.

3. Now you can add the butter. Stir everything well again. The entire cooking process must be done rather quickly and without stopping. Make sure that the mass does not boil.

4. You can use the glaze as directed.

The most delicious chocolate icing - recipe video

And for those who do not have enough clarity in the recipes, I suggest looking very good video preparation of classic chocolate glaze. It will turn out to be very tender, homogeneous and thick, will not spread too much and will simply harden perfectly on your cake or pastries.

As you can see, the chocolate icing is incredibly easy to prepare, and at the same time plays an essential role in the appearance of the dessert and in its taste. Be sure to try to cook it according to one of the recipes above, and most familiar dish will become a little different.

History is silent about who exactly invented the chocolate icing. But it is known for certain that chocolate itself (in the form of cocoa) came to us from Mexico, where it appeared three thousand years ago, that cocoa was added to confectionery products only in the seventeenth century, and at the beginning of the nineteenth, chocolate took on the well-known slab form. So, about the glaze. Chocolate glaze is one of the youngest confectionery inventions. And given the high (at that time) cost of cocoa, it can be called a product of high culinary fashion. Only the most exquisite and most expensive confectionery products were covered with such glaze.

Over time, cocoa and chocolate ceased to be "food of the gods", safely descended to earth and migrated to the menu of mere mortals. And, nevertheless, they did not become an everyday meal, remaining an affordable but gourmet delicacy. And numerous recipes for chocolate glaze continue to be culinary "haute couture".

Plain chocolate icing

The most simple glaze made on the basis of sugar and water with the addition of cocoa.


  • Cocoa powder (2 tablespoons)
  • Sugar (half a glass)
  • Water (3 tablespoons)


Mix sugar with cocoa powder and add water. Stir well and put on fire. Boil the glaze over low (very slow) heat, stirring constantly. First, the sugar will dissolve, then the syrup will begin to bubble. After the bubbles appear, cook the glaze for another minute and remove from heat. Let the glaze cool and thicken a lot: the hot one will be too liquid, the completely cooled one will be sugared and hardened.


For baby cake or choux pastries in a still warm chocolate icing sugar you can add a little butter and beat it with a mixer. This will soften the taste of the glaze.

Chocolate glaze with sour cream

The most common recipe homemade chocolate glaze. It turns out to be similar to real dark chocolate, has a specific sourness that dilutes the sweetness of sugar. Great for icing a cake.


  • Sour cream (100 g)
  • Sugar (3 tablespoons)


Stir sour cream, sugar and cocoa in a saucepan and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the frosting boils, add the butter and continue cooking until the butter dissolves. Then we remove from heat, cool slightly and put into action: we glaze the cake, cakes or muffin.


The glaze cools quickly, and when it cools, it thickens strongly, but does not harden.

Chocolate glaze with starch

An original way of making chocolate glaze without brewing. It does not require butter or sour cream, it does not harden very quickly and can be applied to both hot and cooled baked goods.


  • Potato starch (tablespoon)
  • Cocoa (3 tablespoons)
  • Powdered sugar (3 tablespoons)
  • Water (3 tablespoons)


Pour the sifted icing sugar, starch and cocoa into a bowl. Add very chilled water and mix well. That's all! The finished glaze can be used to cover baked goods. By the way, the specified amount of products is quite enough for icing, which can be used to cover eight cupcakes (mini-cakes).

Glitter chocolate icing

Another recipe for "cold" glaze preparation. It turns out almost real chocolate, only shiny.


  • Milk (half glass)
  • Cocoa (3 tablespoons)
  • Butter (one and a half tablespoons)
  • Vanilla


Mix cocoa with powdered sugar and dilute with warm milk. Put softened butter and a pinch of vanillin there. Rub until a shiny glaze is obtained.


The glaze hardens quickly, so you need to make it after baking.

Professional chocolate icing

Of course, it is difficult to compete with professionals. But everything is in our hands. And if we know the recipe for a real professional chocolate glaze, then why not try to make this delicious, shiny and beautiful “shaving brush”.


  • Butter (tablespoon)
  • Condensed milk (tablespoon)
  • Cocoa powder (tablespoon)


As you can see, it is very easy to remember the composition of this glaze: everything is one to one. And it turns out to be even easier to cook it. It is necessary to melt the butter (the fatter the better), add condensed milk and cocoa to it. We mix everything, grind and cover our confectionery creations with ready-made glaze.

Microwave chocolate icing

Do you like to cook in the microwave? Then this frosting recipe is just for you.


  • Butter (2 tablespoons)
  • Milk (3 tablespoons)
  • Cocoa powder (3 tablespoons)
  • Sugar (half a glass)
  • A third of a bar of dark chocolate


We heat the milk and dissolve the sugar in it. Mix cocoa with butter and add to milk. Then we put chocolate there and put everything in the microwave. After three to four minutes, take out, mix and use the ready-made icing for the intended purpose (to cover the cake, cupcake or pastries).

Dark chocolate icing

Perfect for such a famous cake as "Sacher". Any other cakes can also be successfully coated with this glaze. It also goes well with coconut flakes.


  • Bitter chocolate (2 bars)
  • Powdered sugar (half a glass)
  • Milk (2 tablespoons)


Break the chocolate into pieces and dissolve in a water bath. Mix milk with powdered sugar and add to melted chocolate. Put on fire and cook, stirring occasionally, until the icing turns into a thick paste.

Chocolate-nut glaze

What about chocolate, but only white? It can also be used to make unusual chocolate icing, for example, nut glaze.


  • Butter (one third of a pack)
  • Powdered sugar (half a glass)
  • White chocolate bar
  • Milk (teaspoon)
  • Nuts (any)
  • Vanilla


We take the oil out of the refrigerator and leave it for a while to soften. Put a broken bar of chocolate, butter in a saucepan and melt it all in a water bath. Then add milk, icing sugar, nuts and vanillin. Mix and remove from heat. The glaze is ready.

Little tricks

To make your frosting experiments fruitful, heed the advice of experienced pastry chefs:

  1. The icing on the baked goods should first be applied in a thin layer, and on top put a thicker layer.
  2. It is better not to water the pastry with very hot icing - let it cool slightly.
  3. To correctly determine the readiness of the brewed glaze, use the "finger method": if the finger immersed in the glaze suffers, then it is ready for use.
  4. The icing on the basis of icing sugar, prepared in the “cold” way, is desirable to use immediately, as it hardens quickly.
  5. Do not use hot glaze on butter cream... If this is necessary, then make a layer of jam between the cream and the glaze, or simply sprinkle the cream with cocoa powder or powdered sugar.
  6. Chocolate glaze goes well with coconut, vanilla, rum and cognac.

Such are the little tricks and such different recipes preparation of chocolate glaze - confectionery "haute couture". Shall we join the high culinary fashion?

Discussion 5

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Of course, every confection - be it cookies, muffins or birthday cake- needs an appropriate decoration. After all, cooking is not just cooking, but also a kind of art. How to decorate baked goods? Here a simple and simple one will come to the rescue. quick recipe chocolate glaze.

Why do I need glaze

Cocoa chocolate frosting: a quick recipe

In order to quickly prepare a fondant for a cake (or any other baked goods), you will need the following ingredients:

  • three tablespoons of milk (you can take any fat content);
  • a tablespoon of cocoa powder (it should not be sweet, but it must be of high quality);
  • half a glass of sugar (can be replaced with powdered sugar, it is easier to work with it);
  • 50 grams of butter.

First, put the cocoa powder and sugar in a saucepan or saucepan, pour milk over them and mix thoroughly. Now put the mixture on little fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, keep for 5-7 minutes. But remember that the frosting must be constantly stirred, otherwise most of it will stick to the bottom and sides of the dishes, and the taste of burnt cocoa is completely useless for you. The oil can then be added while continuing to stir, making sure it is completely dissolved. Such a fudge, of course, hardens slightly when cooled, but still remains relatively liquid. What can be decorated with it? Almost everything - cookies, cakes and other pastries. You can even pour this icing over some dessert, such as ice cream or pancakes. It also goes well with fruit. After all, you can simply spread it on a piece of bread.

How to make boiled chocolate icing

The cooked glaze is thicker. However, it does not completely freeze and is great for decorating baked goods. How to cook it? The recipe for chocolate icing for the cake is as follows:

  • First, prepare all the ingredients. You will need two tablespoons of cocoa powder, the same amount of sugar, as well as 70 grams of sour cream and a full (you can and with a slide) tablespoon of butter.
  • First, put sugar and cocoa in a saucepan, add sour cream there and mix everything thoroughly.
  • The mixture should be put on a low heat and stir constantly until it boils.
  • Then add the butter and stir until it is completely dissolved and the mixture boils again. Now you can remove it from the heat - an excellent decoration for baking is ready. Agree, this recipe for chocolate icing is quite simple to prepare and does not require expensive products or special skills.

Homemade dark chocolate fudge

Some people love and know how to enjoy the exquisite and bitter taste of real dark chocolate. And some dishes require just such a decoration. Cooking chocolate glaze will not take much time, since the scheme of actions here is extremely simple. What ingredients are needed for such exquisite delicacies? Here is a list of them: 100 g of dark chocolate (it is advisable to choose a quality bar), two tablespoons of milk, 50 grams of powdered sugar. First, put the icing sugar in a saucepan, pour milk over it, mix thoroughly and put on low heat. While the liquid is heating up, break the chocolate bar into small pieces so it will be easier to melt. Once the milk has boiled, place the chocolate in it. Stir the mixture thoroughly until everything is completely dissolved. This chocolate glaze recipe is as simple as possible. By the way, you need to apply the fondant on the cake while it is still warm, since it hardens very quickly when it cools.

White chocolate frosting: a quick and easy recipe

Every chef, as well as a sweet tooth, knows that white chocolate is much sweeter, and its taste is completely different. How to make chocolate icing from it? It should be noted right away that this product is much more difficult to work with - as soon as it is slightly overheated, it turns into hard lumps. So how do you make a white fondant right? Fortunately, you don't need so many products for cooking - you only need 100 g of butter and 100 g of white chocolate (by the way, it is better to break it into small pieces first). Place the ingredients in a bowl and place in a water bath. Stir the frosting constantly. As soon as the butter is completely dissolved, the mixture can be removed from the bath - the chocolate will melt well in hot oil.

You can see that making a classic fondant for baking is a snap. However, you can always change the recipe for chocolate icing by adding new ingredients to your liking, which will highlight the virtues of your dessert. For example, you can always add chopped, well-roasted nuts to the fondant. Instead of sugar, you can add honey to the icing to give the chocolate an interesting floral aroma and flavor. Some craftswomen add a little cinnamon to the fondant - this recipe is especially good for baking with apples. It goes well with sugar and vanillin - it can be added as a powder or solution, or replaced vanilla sugar(the main thing here is not to overdo it). In fact, there are many more chocolate icing recipes out there. Each culinary specialist prepares it in his own way, adding unique ingredients. Therefore, try, experiment, please your relatives and guests.