Home / Khachapuri / Recipes from cottage cheese cottage cheese 1 kg. The most delicious cottage cheese pancakes with semolina

Recipes from cottage cheese cottage cheese 1 kg. The most delicious cottage cheese pancakes with semolina

Cottage cheese is a tasty, healthy, nutritious product, which is not prepared from it, one of the most common and most appetizing dishes is cheesecakes. Cooking cheesecakes is not difficult, but not so easy either, if you do not follow the proportions of the products, then the result can be disastrous. The portal for moms Questionsmoms tells how to make cheesecakes from cottage cheese and gives recipes for cheesecakes.

Cheesecakes classic:
1 kg cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 2 cups flour, sugar (4 tablespoons), salt.
The eggs are beaten separately and added to the curd mixed with sugar. To curd was the desired consistency, wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Despite the fact that syrniki is a sweet dish, it must be salted, it will shade taste qualities cottage cheese. Gradually, flour, sifted through a sieve, is introduced into the dough. You can add a little fat (vegetable or butter), this will facilitate the process of frying cheesecakes. To make cheesecakes more fragrant, you can add vanillin.

Cakes are formed from the resulting dough (with hands, a spoon, a knife) and fried (you can also bake). Some cheesecake lovers who avoid in their diet fried foods, boil cheesecakes in boiling water. The cooking technology is the same, only instead of a frying pan with oil, the cakes are thrown into boiling water and removed with a slotted spoon.

Needless to say, what scope for culinary fantasy opens the cooking of cheesecakes. Raisins, nuts are added to the dough (hazelnuts or walnuts are best, peanuts can spoil the taste of cheesecakes). Also, grated carrots, apples, dried apricots, prunes, pears and even oranges become good "companions" of cottage cheese.

If sweet cottage cheese you do not like it, add more salt and herbs (dill, parsley). excellent piquant taste syrniki with cumin will please. The dough is kneaded without sugar, cumin washed in water (3 g per 1 kg of cottage cheese) is added to it.

First of all, cottage cheese is suitable for baking. But we will not dwell on syrniki, since only the lazy one cannot cook them, but buns from curd dough turn out very tasty.

Required for about 16 pieces: 400 g of cottage cheese, an egg, 2 tbsp each. honey, semolina, sour cream and vegetable oil, 1/2 tsp. soda, a little more than 250 g of flour.

1. Rub the cottage cheese with the egg in a bowl. Add honey, semolina, vegetable oil and mix.

2. Pour soda into sour cream, stir and send to the prepared curd mixture. Then add the sifted flour and knead a stiff dough: first in a bowl and then on a cutting board.

3. Divide the dough into 16 equal parts. Form round donuts and place them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper (grease it with oil).

4. Bake in the oven at 180°C until browned.

Miracle donuts

Required: 1 tbsp. dry yeast, half a cup of warm water, the same amount of sugar, 1 egg, 3 cups of butter, the same amount of flour, vegetable oil for frying.

1. Hold the yeast in warm water with sugar for about 15 minutes. Beat the egg separately with a third cup of sugar, salt. Then pour the yeast here.

2. Warm up milk with butter. From all the ingredients obtained, adding flour, knead the dough. Give it time to rise (it will increase by about half), after that mix it again and let it brew, but you can cook it right away.

3. Roll out the dough with a thin layer and cut circles with a glass. Roll them into balls, cutting a round hole in the center.

4. Let rise slightly, and then fry until golden brown. Once donuts are done, place on paper towels to soak up the grease. Can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

cottage cheese house

Required: 200 g of cottage cheese, a pack of butter, 3-4 tbsp. cocoa powder, 12 cookies, 2-3 tbsp. sugar, 6-8 pieces of dried apricots, prunes and a handful of raisins (you can do without them), a plastic bag or cling film.

1. Add cocoa powder and sugar to the softened butter, mix until homogeneous mass chocolate color.

2. Add pre-soaked and finely chopped dried fruits to the cottage cheese, mix.

3. Put the chocolate mass on a bag or a piece of film, spreading it evenly. Lay cookies on it: wide - 3, long - 4.

4. Put the cottage cheese on the middle row, press the extreme rows of cookies on the sides to make a triangle-house (these cookies can be slightly moistened in milk, but not to soften). Wrap tightly in a bag and refrigerate for 6-8 hours to soak.

5. Then remove and cut.

Cookies "Macaroni"

A Hungarian appetizer called kerezet is a very convenient thing - you can spread it on bread, and then you get a very satisfying sandwich. And you can stuff with such a filler bell pepper and eggs.

Required: 300 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of butter, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. dry paprika, 1/2 tsp a mixture of peppers (black, white, allspice), 1/2 tsp ground cumin (can be replaced with basil), 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 tbsp. mustard, 1/3 blue onion (if not, replace with regular).

1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, and then beat until smooth with softened butter and sour cream.

2. Add the onion and garlic passed through the garlic press and the rest of the ingredients, salt to taste, mix thoroughly. Leave in the refrigerator for two hours.

Placindas are Moldovan everything

For the dough you will need: 3 cups flour, 200 g butter, egg, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. vinegar, a pinch of salt. For the filling: 500 g of cottage cheese, a bunch of dill and green onion, 2 eggs, salt to taste.

1. Cool the butter in the refrigerator and cut into small cubes. Break an egg into a 200-gram glass, add vegetable oil and vinegar. Add water from the refrigerator to a full glass. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

2. Rub the flour with your hands butter to make a crumb, and add the contents of the glass. Knead the dough, divide it into 6-8 parts. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for an hour. Add finely chopped greens, eggs, salt to the cottage cheese. Mix well.

3. Sprinkle the table with flour. It is better not to get the dough all at once from the refrigerator, take a couple of balls. Make a cake with your hands. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin from the middle to the edges into a thin cake. If the edges of the cake are uneven, it's okay. Roll out as thin as possible!

4. Put 3-4 tbsp in the middle of the cake. fillings, leaving free edges of the dough. Then, with a sharp knife, cut the dough into 6 segments. Taking 2 opposite segments, in turn close the filling with them from the edges to the center. When done, use the palm of your hand to lightly press the entire placenta in a circle so that the dough sticks together.

5. Heat the pan with vegetable oil, put the placinta seam side down and fry over low heat for about 5 minutes. Then turn over to the other side and also fry until a pleasant ruddy color.

If desired, you can bake small pies, for one "bite". In this case:

1. Apply the filling to the entire surface of the cake. Carefully roll it up. Cut into pieces 5-6 cm long. Pinch the edges of the rolls and turn to the butt.

2. With your hands, gently press and form a cake. Fry on both sides.

Making homemade curd

From 3 liters of milk you will get about 1 kg of cottage cheese (or a little less, it depends on the fat content and quality of the milk). Making it is easy:

1. Pour a liter of raw fresh milk into a saucepan, close the lid and put in a dark place, it will turn sour in about a day.

2. Place the saucepan with sour milk in a large one and put it on small fire. Watch: when the curdled milk moves away from the edges of the pan, a yellowish whey and characteristic curd clots appear (after about 25-30 minutes), remove the pan from the stove and leave to cool.

3. Throw the cooled cottage cheese into a colander, covering it with a clean gauze cloth, and let it drain.

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Sweet recipe vanilla cottage cheese pancakes - cheese dessert.

Great option for both breakfast and dinner. It is known that cottage cheese does not lose its useful properties, during heat treatment.

Therefore, let's use it not only in its original form.

I propose a very simple, almost classic version curd cheesecakes. Cottage cheese is very useful for a growing child's body, as it contains calcium, which is indispensable in the formation of teeth and bones. And for adults, cottage cheese is indispensable for maintaining immunity, it contains many vitamins, such as A, C, D and B vitamins. And for absolutely healthy people, doctors advise using cottage cheese to prevent various diseases.

For the preparation of cheesecakes, dryish cottage cheese is better, less liquid is released from it during frying, and the cheesecake does not blur in the pan.

Look! A selection of delicious recipes:

  • 1 kilogram of cottage cheese 9%;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 15 grams of vanilla sugar;
  • vegetable oil for frying;

Sweet cottage cheese pancakes recipe includes these ingredients!

2. You should get a homogeneous, grainy curd mass.

We introduce 4-5 tablespoons of flour and vanilla sugar. We mix everything again.

3. We form a small ball. We wrap it in flour.

4. Slightly flattening the ball, put it in a pan with hot vegetable oil.

Any oil can be used. In our case, sunflower vegetable oil.

5. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

We take out and fold on a thick paper towel to remove excess oil from the cheesecake.

6. Our recipe for cottage cheese pancakes is ready.

Can be served both cold and warm. Very tasty with sour cream or condensed milk.

Very tasty with sour cream or condensed milk. From drinks to cheesecakes, black or fruit tea, cocoa are very in harmony.

Cottage cheese is a product obtained by fermenting milk and further removing whey. Promote in Northern and Eastern Europe. General data on how much cottage cheese costs are presented below:

  • Average cost of cottage cheese 289 rubles per kilogram;
  • Country house stamps: 54 rub for 0.2 kg;
  • Prostokvashino: 66 rub for 180 gr;
  • Thanks: 88 rub for 0.18 kg;
  • Auchan: 64 rub for 220 gr;
  • Homemade (real): 301 rub/kg;
  • Goat: 354 rub/kg.

To fully understand the picture, you need to consider:

  • Brands-manufacturers;
  • Purchase locations.

The most commonly sold brands are:

  • Prostokvashino (2%). Manufacturer Danone Russia, which produces a low-fat product with a calorie content of 103 kcal per 100 g. The composition contains milk and sourdough. Among the nutrients stand out potassium, phosphorus, vitamin D and amino acids. Easily absorbed by the body, and also suitable for any age group. Meets in Pyaterochka 62 rub for 0.18 kg;
  • Svalya (0.5%). Producer from Lithuania. Fat-free with a calorie content of 87 kcal per 100g. It comes in packs of 450 ml, for which you will have to pay in Magnet 74 rub. Has a uniform consistency with white color. The taste is sour-milk with a cottage cheese smell;
  • Savushkin farm (1%). Imported from Belarus. Low-calorie cottage cheese with crumbly structure and price 264 rub for 1 kg. The taste is similar to homemade, as it is prepared from natural products according to GOST. In cooking, it is used for casseroles, fillings and as an independent dish;
  • Vkusnoteevo (0.5%). A plant from Voronezh that produces a fat-free version (only 90 kcal). It is used to create cow's milk and leaven. It has a uniform white structure and a sour taste. Exhibited on the shelves of Lenta 67 rub for 220 gr;
  • Vilvi (0.5%). The product is manufactured according to European standards. Outwardly, it is a crumbly white mass. hallmark is the lack of sourness, as well as a mild taste. Average cost at the Crossroads 321 rub/kg;
  • Auchan (0%). The country of origin is France. It differs from competitors in a liquid consistency and is more similar to yogurt and also has a sweetish aftertaste. Contains no preservatives. Implemented in Auchan by 297 rub/kg;

The information provided will help you choose the right brand for yourself and understand the question of how much cottage cheese costs.

Places of sale and cost

Cottage cheese is sold in almost all grocery stores, including:

  • markets. In the market you can buy a real, rustic product made from home. For this quality in Moscow will have to pay 312 rub/kg. Among the advantages of the purchase is the absence of unnecessary impurities and preservatives, as well as high fat content. Also found in the range goat curd per 362-371 rub/kg which is suitable for dietary nutrition;
  • the shops. In chain stores such as Polushka or Dixie, it is sold with a fat content of 1, 10 and 20%, with average price tags. 186 , 193 and 212 rub for a pack of 500 gr (Prostokvashino brand). An additional discount can be obtained by presenting a customer's discount card;
  • farmers. They are engaged in the production of this product and have all the necessary permits for this. Delivered as small batches of 500 gr or 1 kg (for 342-348 rub/kg), but for large or constant deliveries, you can get a rate of 298-311 rub/kg. Cashless payment and purchase for a legal entity is possible.

Having considered all the possible places of purchase, you can more accurately find out the price of cottage cheese and understand its varieties.

The most tender, juicy inside and with a crispy crust cheesecakes, with a taste, as in kindergarten, will turn out if you cook them from cottage cheese with semolina, fried in a pan. That's what they talk about, remembering childhood. I offer a simple classic version of cooking at home delicious lush syrniki without pain.

I often cook cheesecakes for dinner, I know a lot a variety of recipes. But I always consider the taste of these as the starting point. I compare, often thinking that it's time to finish the experiments. And stop at the option tested by time and family.

How to cook cottage cheese pancakes with semolina (step by step)

Here is the easiest recipe for making lush and tender syrniki, considered the most successful, classic. The correct ratio of components made them the most delicious. with others interesting options meet on another page of the site.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Eggs - a couple of pieces.
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 3-4 tablespoons (determine to taste).
  • Salt - a couple of pinches.
  • Vanillin - a pinch.
  • Semolina - 2 large spoons (if the cottage cheese is too wet, add one more).
  • Sunflower refined oil - 50 ml.

For 1 kg. double the amount of cottage cheese.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Place curd in a bowl. For cheesecakes, it is advisable to take not very dry and rather oily. Mash with a fork.

Add sugar, vanillin, or any other flavorings. Beat in an egg. Continue kneading and stirring the contents with a fork.

Pour in the mango. Stir well. Leave for 10 minutes. If there is time left, then hold it for up to half an hour.

Sprinkle a little flour on the work surface, shift the curd mass.

Slowly adding flour so that it does not stick, form a sausage.

Carefully cut into small pieces.

Roll each slice in flour. Form a round or oval cheesecake blank with your hands.

The size and thickness is up to you. Keep in mind that if the meatball is thick, then it will take more time to fry.

Heat oil in a frying pan, lay out the blanks. There should not be a lot of oil so that the products do not float in it.

Fry on one side first, reducing the heat to medium. Then turn over and bring to readiness.

Lush cottage cheese pancakes with semolina and sour cream in a frying pan

The taste of classic cottage cheese can be improved if you make them in sour cream filling. Recommend. Love raisins, do not deny yourself the pleasure, put it. Just steam for a quarter of an hour, pouring boiling water. You can find other recipes on another page of the site.

You will need:

  • Homemade cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 3 large spoons.
  • Manka - the same.
  • Water - 1/2 cup.
  • Potato starch - 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt, sugar - to taste.

How to do:

  1. Alternately combine cottage cheese, salt, granulated sugar, starch, semolina in a bowl. Stir with a fork. Do not put too much sugar, then add more.
  2. Beat in the eggs, mix well again.
  3. Blind cheesecakes of the same size. Fry in oil in a pan until tender.
  4. Put the curds in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Specify the quantity as you wish.
  5. Dilute sour cream with water. Pour into a saucepan.
  6. Cover with a lid. Simmer on the smallest fire for 5-10 minutes, no more.
Have you ever tried inside? If you want to know the recipe, go to the page with the story and photos.

Going to another page, you can get acquainted with .

Video with a story about the preparation of delicious, lush curds without flour, with semolina. May you always be delicious!