Home / Khachapuri / What does carbonara look like? Pasta carbonara: a delicious recipe with bacon and cream

What does carbonara look like? Pasta carbonara: a delicious recipe with bacon and cream

Once upon a time in my childhood, I thought that carbonara pasta is something like a coral-colored sauce that robbers and pirates eat - such are the children's associations.

Pasta Italians call their national treasure - pasta. As well as the “material” from which these pasta are prepared (the language does not dare to call it “dough”), and their many varieties: all these spaghetti, linguine, tagliatelle, fettuccine, buccatini, pappardelle, penne, orecchiette, farfalle, fusilli, conchiglie , pipe rigate (do you think what is this? these are horns)) and others.

As for the "carbonara", it's more interesting here. Carbonar is not a robber at all (a play on words: "carbonari" - "troublemaker, revolutionary"). He's a spaghetti sauce featuring the spaghetti themselves. Probably the most famous sauce served with Italian pasta.

You will find many recipes for pasta carbonara. All recipes are united by the composition: it includes pasta, cheese, bacon and eggs. But there are still more differences: in some there is cream in the sauce, in others the pasta must be in the form of bows (farfalle), in others the whole egg is used.

All carbonara recipes include pasta (most often spaghetti), cheese, bacon, and egg.

The essence of Carbonara is that cheese, bacon and eggs are mixed with hot (from the fire) spaghetti, and as a result, the interpenetration of the ingredients reaches a peak.

Pasta Carbonara: The Secret Ingredients

In general, you can argue about the ingredients for a long time: Carbonara pasta in different regions slightly different in composition, and hence taste. Let the nuances, but nonetheless.

In one area of ​​Italy, they insist that you can only use guanciale(salted unsmoked pork cheek). In another preference is given pancetta- traditional Italian bacon, which is a fatty piece pork belly dried in salt, sage and rosemary.

Another essential ingredient is right cheese pecorino romano- a vigorous product from sheep's milk. But this is if according to all the rules.

Is it possible to replace them with something? Use high quality cured bacon and parmesan cheese. Spaghetti can be substituted for linguine or penne.

The Carbonara recipe you see on this page is a pasta from Rome, Lazio region. Roman pasta carbonara is considered basic, basic, authentic, although the debate about where Carbonara appeared has not subsided so far.

It is only known for certain that the recipe was first published in 1954 in the UK in the Italian Food cookbook (by Elizabeth David). Everything else is delicious Italian myths.


For 2 servings. Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • spaghetti - 120 grams
  • bacon - 50 grams
  • parmesan - 30 grams
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • yolk - 1
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • freshly ground black pepper and salt


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    Put a pot of water on the fire. Dip the spaghetti into boiling and salted water - do not break, but gently, introducing gradually, lower into the water.

    Cook until al dente - see package for cooking times. On average, it's 10 minutes. Do not overcook!!!

    While the pasta is cooking, you need to fry the bacon until crispy and prepare the sauce, because once the pasta is cooked, you have to do everything very quickly. Start by grating the cheese finely.

    Then mince the garlic.

    Cut the bacon pieces into strips.

    Pour olive oil into a frying pan, put garlic and bacon, fry. Thin bacon will fry fairly quickly. The main thing is not to overcook the garlic, otherwise a bitter taste and an unpleasant smell will appear.

    Now the sauce. Put the yolk in a bowl and beat it with a whisk until slightly white.

    Add cheese while continuing to stir. Salt and pepper the sauce.

    Pour in a couple of tablespoons hot water in which the pasta is cooked. Pour in carefully so as not to boil the yolk, stirring all the time.

    At this point, the spaghetti should be ready. Lay them out on a warmed plate. No need to drain into a colander, just scoop them out with two forks.

    Top spaghetti with garlic bacon.

    Mix quickly and vigorously. At this point, the sauce will "reach" and combine with the rest of the ingredients.

    Pasta carbonara is served immediately, hot. Sprinkle the finished dish with parsley. And don't let the pasta get cold! Enjoy!

P.S. Read about how to eat spaghetti. Buon appetito!

Pasta carbonara is perhaps one of the most famous Italian dishes. If you have not yet learned how to cook pasta in a delicate creamy sauce, with bacon and cheese, then it's time to correct this annoying misunderstanding! Especially for you - a classic recipe with a photo of how to cook spaghetti carbonara at home.

In modern cooking, there are dozens of options for carbonara. Even in Italy there is no single standard, pasta is prepared with and without cream, they use different types pasta, add the whole egg or use only the yolks. In some restaurants, for example, the egg is completely added to the plate when serving, it turns out home-style carbonara pasta, when the guest must mix the pasta himself and thus bring it to readiness. But there is something in common in all these variations. All recipes, without exception, include: pasta (most often thin spaghetti), as well as bacon, egg and cheese.

Main Products

  • For carbonara, take spaghetti durum varieties wheat, high grade. The thinner will be pasta the better the sauce spreads over them. You need to cook them in a large amount of salt water, and to the state of "al dente", that is, "by the tooth", slightly undercooked.
  • It is ideal to use pancetta - traditional Italian bacon. It is essentially a fatty piece of pork belly cured in salt, sage and rosemary. Guanciale is also suitable - salted unsmoked pork cheek. Well, if you couldn’t find them, feel free to take a piece of dried bacon or smoked brisket.
  • Pecorino Romano cheese will do. If you do not like its harsh taste, you can replace it with parmesan, which goes well with this dish.
  • Cream can be added to pasta or carbonara can be prepared without it. Fresh will do milk product, fat content 10-15%.
  • Eggs form the basis of the sauce, they connect all the ingredients together and come to readiness from the heat of freshly cooked pasta. They must be fresh! For perfect sauce for every 0.5 kg of spaghetti, 3 eggs and 1 glass of cheese are taken.

Cooking technique

The most important thing in cooking pasta carbonara is to introduce the sauce in such a way that it does not curdle when it comes into contact with hot pasta. To prevent the egg from curdling, chefs go to different tricks: let the pasta cool for a few seconds, combine the pasta and slightly cooled sauce, etc. But in general, the technique remains unchanged:

Need to fry the bacon;
- prepare a raw fill of cheese and eggs;
- boil pasta;
- add spaghetti filling and bacon;
- Sprinkle with grated cheese and season with freshly ground black pepper.

If you properly prepare all the products and add the sauce, then there should not be any difficulties with the uniform distribution of the egg-cheese mixture. Strictly follow all the recommendations in the recipe with a photo, and you will surely succeed!


  • spaghetti 150-170 g
  • bacon 100 g
  • 15% cream 150 ml
  • pecorino or parmesan 50 g
  • egg yolk 1 pc.
  • salt to taste
  • black peppercorns 5 pcs.

How to cook spaghetti carbonara

  1. First I put water on the spaghetti. While it was boiling, I meanwhile cut the bacon into thin slices (without the skin).

  2. I put it in a preheated pan and fried it for 5-7 minutes over medium heat so that the fat melts, and the bacon itself acquires a beautiful blush.

  3. Then pour the cream into the pan. Warmed up, but did not boil.

  4. Prepared the dressing. To do this, in a small bowl, I combined raw egg yolk and grated cheese (left a little for serving). Mixed with a fork.

  5. I crushed a few black peppercorns in a mortar.

  6. Meanwhile, the water has already boiled. I salted it and boiled spaghetti - 1 minute less than indicated on the package. I combined the slightly undercooked pasta with bacon and cream (at that time they will still be warm, but they will have time to cool to room temperature). Mixed with a spatula.

  7. And immediately, without a moment's hesitation, she sent the egg-cheese mixture into the pan. Mixed quickly. Due to the heat of the spaghetti, the cheese will melt, the egg will reach the desired degree of readiness and will not curdle - firstly, a lot of cheese is used, secondly, only the yolk, and cream with bacon will slightly lower the temperature of too hot spaghetti.

  8. As a result, the sauce will completely envelop the pasta, saturate it and saturate it with the taste of bacon and cheese.

Spaghetti carbonara should be served immediately after cooking, sprinkled with grated cheese and freshly ground black pepper (you can not regret it).

Agree, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive restaurants, even at home it is quite possible to cook carbonara - very tasty, tender and fragrant. The main thing is to buy a piece of bacon, good spaghetti and the right cheese. Bon Appetit!

Pasta with carbonara sauce - a traditional dish Italian cuisine, appeared in the middle of the twentieth century and became extremely popular not only in Italy, but also in many other countries of the world. It was born among Italian coal miners and therefore it is a very high-calorie male dish. What does a man tired of hard work need? That's right - a lot of hearty food and as quickly as possible! simple products that are available on any home kitchen, quick and easy preparation and as a result, a masterpiece worthy of applause is already something that women will like. I will also tell you why you should not order Carbonara in a restaurant.

If you like seafood, then try to cook for yourself and your family, and if you are looking for classic recipes, included in the tradition of Italian cuisine, for you.

You will need: (2 servings)

  • eggs 6 pcs
  • olive oil 30 ml
  • grated Parmesan 2-4 tbsp.
  • garlic 1 clove
  • ground black pepper

pancetta- a kind of bacon, fatty pork belly. Ideally, Carbonara pasta is cooked in the time that spaghetti is cooked - 13-15 minutes, so choose medium thick spaghetti ,

Step-by-step photo recipe for making carbonara pasta:

cut into brisket small cubes.

Heat up in a frying pan olive oil and fry in it.

Discard the garlic, it has flavored the oil and is no longer needed. Fry the brisket cubes.

In boiling water (2.5-3 liters), add 2 tsp salt and 1 tbsp vegetable oil. Place the spaghetti in a saucepan and stir so they don't stick to the bottom.

Whisk the eggs with salt and pepper until smooth.
Advice: if you want to decorate ready meal whole egg yolk, separate two yolks (one per serving) from the whites before whipping and set aside in a separate bowl. Whisk 4 whole eggs and 2 egg whites.

Grate the cheese on a grater
Advice: convenient to use ready grated cheese- it saves time.

Add cheese for eggs, stir.

Hold the bowl of eggs over the simmering spaghetti and continue whisking to the sauce has warmed up a bit..

When the spaghetti is cooked, drain it in a colander and immediately transfer it to the bowl of beaten eggs, stir to coat the spaghetti. egg sauce. Because the spaghetti is hot, the cheese in the sauce will begin to melt and the sauce will thicken before your eyes.

Arrange the spaghetti in portioned plates, put the cubes of the fried brisket on top, pour over the melted fat from the brisket, sprinkle with grated cheese - ready!

Beauty and how simple it is! Now you understand why it is better not to order this dish in a restaurant - if you pay money, then order something more serious, let the chef work hard.

If you tried to follow the recipe, then you will certainly get very tasty, juicy dish with delicate egg sauce and hearty fried brisket - Carbonara pasta. Bon Appetit!

You will need: (2 servings)

  • pasta (spaghetti) 250 gr
  • eggs 6 pcs
  • pancetta (pork belly) 150 gr
  • olive oil 30 ml
  • grated Parmesan 2-4 tbsp.
  • garlic 1 clove
  • ground black pepper

Cut the brisket into small cubes.
Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic in it.
Discard the garlic, it has flavored the oil and is no longer needed. Fry the brisket cubes.
In boiling water (2.5-3 liters), add 2 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Place the spaghetti in a saucepan and stir so they don't stick to the bottom.
Whisk eggs with salt and pepper until smooth.
Add cheese to eggs, stir.
Hold the bowl of eggs over the pot of simmering spaghetti and continue whisking until the sauce warms up a bit.
When spaghetti is cooked, drain them in a colander and immediately transfer to a bowl of beaten eggs, stir to coat spaghetti with egg sauce.
Divide the spaghetti into serving bowls, place the cubes of fried brisket on top, pour over the melted brisket fat, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Pasta Carbonara is one of the most popular dishes modernity. They are nutritious, tasty, and quite unusual. It is quite possible to cook it at home.

The history of Carbonara has two variants of the origin of such an Italian dish. One of the most popular theories is coal. According to this version, the Italian coal miners worked in the mountains for many months in a row and they could not return home every day for all this time.

Naturally, they needed something to eat, so the coal miners gathered food with them in advance. These were products with a rather long shelf life - hard cheese, olive oil, pepper, spaghetti and dry-cured pork. fresh eggs needed to feed the miners were mined in the neighboring village.

The dish, beloved by many, appeared in almost Spartan conditions - all the ingredients were mixed in a pot hanging over a fire.

And today, adherents of real Italian cuisine and classic recipes are sure that such pasta does not require any complicated preparations and ingredients - everything that goes into the dish must comply with the principles of simplicity.

The second version, which, however, is actively criticized by the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula, has an American trace. During the Second World War, the Americans supplied food to the Italians, and among the parcels were found eggs and bacon, of which quick hand and created the first Carbonara. But this version is questioned, including because of the memories of elderly Italians who lived in the country before the hostilities.

The classic Carbonara, despite its simplicity, does not require any complex skills and abilities.

Product set

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • spaghetti - about 200 g;
  • bacon - 100 g;
  • cream 10-15% fat - 150 ml;
  • cheese (parmesan or other options hard cheese) - 50 g;
  • yolk chicken egg- 1 PC.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • black peas - 5 pcs.

It should be borne in mind that for Carbonara it is best to choose spaghetti made on the basis of durum wheat and marked with a high class.

There is a nuance here - the thinner the pasta, the better it will be distributed over them. cream sauce. At the same time, they should not be boiled until cooked, when they become soft, but until al dente, i.e. slightly undercooked to maintain some firmness. There should not be much water, while it should be slightly salted.

As for bacon, ideally you should take pancetta - this is a type of traditional Italian bacon, which in fact is a piece of pork belly, dried in a mixture of salt, sage and rosemary. You can also try using guanciale - dried pork cheeks. If it is not possible to find all this, you can safely take ordinary bacon.

Eggs should be taken only fresh. Moreover, it is worth observing the proportions - for every half a kilogram of spaghetti there are 3 eggs and 1 glass of grated cheese.

Step by step cooking

Step by step preparation is as follows.

  1. First you need to cook the fried bacon - it is cut into squares or strips, and then laid out in a pan. It takes a few minutes to roast.
  2. Then you need to prepare a filling of cheese, cream and eggs.
  3. Boil the pasta in a small amount of water and do not get carried away - make sure that the degree of readiness is ideal.
  4. Gently fold in the filling and bacon into the pasta.
  5. Sprinkle everything with hard cheese and grind black pepper on top in a mill.

It should be understood that the most difficult thing is to correctly introduce the sauce into the product so that it does not curdle when it comes into contact with hot pasta. To avoid this, experts go to tricks - for example, they wait a while for the pasta to cool down, and give the sauce itself an opportunity to cool.

There are many on the web step by step photos and videos that will allow you to study in detail the process of proper mixing of ingredients.

Other dish options

Naturally, the Carbonara recipe has undergone significant interpretations, and pasta with bacon is not the only option in the kitchen today. You can cook various options based on it - it will still turn out quite interesting and unusual.

One of the simple alternatives you can call the recipe for pasta Carbonara with ham.

It will require:

  • pasta (preferably spaghetti) - 300 g;
  • ham (if possible, you should pay attention to Parma) - 70 g;
  • vegetable oil (olive) - 40 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese (parmesan) - 70 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground pepper - 0.5 tsp

This amount of ingredients is enough for 2 servings.

Ham should be cut into small squares, then fry it in a small amount of oil. Next, grate the cheese. After the sauce time - for it you should beat the eggs mixed with parmesan and add a little pepper there. Boil the spaghetti and pour in the sauce, then put the ham on top and mix everything. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Pasta with mushrooms

You can complement the taste of Carbonara and the addition of mushrooms.

To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • spaghetti - 250 g;
  • bacon - 150 g;
  • mushrooms (need champignons) - 150 g;
  • cream 20% fat - 200 ml;
  • hard cheese (mainly parmesan) - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil (usually olive oil) - 1 tbsp;
  • basil - a pinch.

With this amount of products, 4 servings of the dish come out.

Spaghetti should be boiled. The same recommendation applies here - until half cooked. Cut the bacon into thin strips, cut the mushrooms in the same place and place everything in a frying pan for further frying. After the components of the dish are browned, pour the cream into them, mix everything, reduce the heat and wait for the thickening.

Mix the resulting sauce with pasta, sprinkle with chopped basil and put on a plate. Top with parmesan.

If the dish is prepared for vegetarians, you can remove the bacon.

To prepare this kind of dish, take:

  • spaghetti - 300 g;
  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
  • bacon - 50 g (you can do without it);
  • cream with a high percentage of fat content - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese (parmesan) - 50 g;
  • fresh basil - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil (it is worth taking olive oil) - 2 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

To prepare pasta in such a device, you should take:

  • spaghetti - 200 g is enough;
  • brisket - 200 g;
  • cream 15% - 250 ml;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • basil (you can choose both dried and green) - to taste;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • water - 550 ml;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The meat should be chopped in the form of straws, then finely chop the onion and add it there too. Vegetable oil in a small amount it is necessary to pour on the bottom and put meat with onions on it. Select the "Baking" mode and put everything for 10 minutes. Garlic should be finely chopped - you can grate it, you can use a garlic press, you can use a knife, add it to the meat.

Then pour the cream into the container and mix everything well, wait until the mixture boils, and cook until the cream is thick. Then break the spaghetti in half and load them into the filling, then pour in the water and mix everything - this is necessary to prevent the spaghetti from sticking together. Then you will have to cook in the “Pilaf” or “Rice” mode.

At this time, grate the parmesan, separate the yolk from the protein and add it to the cheese. A couple of minutes before the end of the regime, pour yolks and cheese into pasta and meat, sprinkle everything with basil. Stir again to evenly distribute the sauce. Then arrange on plates, sprinkle with cheese, pour the sauce from the bowl and pick the greens on top. The taste will be amazing.

To get even more gastronomic pleasure from such a dish, you should heed the advice of experienced chefs. So, for example, in Rome it is advised to shade the dish with red wine, naturally, we are talking about quality product. It only takes a couple of drops during the process of roasting meat to make the taste interesting and unique.

For a richer taste of the dish, you should use two types of cheese, or even more.

Pasta should be chosen with a rounder cross section - these usually have the number 12. If there are no corresponding marks, try to opt for thin pasta. But at the same time they must be highest quality. Otherwise, the pasta will simply turn into noodles, and well, if not boiled into a lump.

All this will help to make the dish even more refined and unusual. And, of course, do not rush into the process of its preparation. Carefully follow the cooking of pasta, do not rush to fry the meat and do not overexpose it on fire - it is enough that it is only slightly touched by the heat and has an appetizing color. Also, be careful with spices. You can add black pepper with white - so the taste will turn out even more piquant and interesting.


Pasta Carbonara is a dish that every housewife should master. After all, it is quite simple to prepare, while it can significantly diversify the diet and satisfy even the most demanding tastes. Such a guest on the table will definitely not go unnoticed.

The Italians did a good job in the culinary field and gave the world a large number of the most delicious dishes. One pizza is worth something, it is now eaten absolutely everywhere. But other dishes deserve our very close attention, one of these dishes is pasta, that is, various spaghetti and pasta with sauces and additives. There is such a wide variety of them that you can write more than one recipe book. But today the goal of my article will be Italian pasta Carbonara with bacon in two versions: with cream and without cream.

Why these two options? Because they are the most popular and they are known to most people. But since the debate about how to cook Carbonara pasta more correctly and tastier will never subside, I will not choose one of these options. After all, even the Italians themselves make the choice according to their own taste and in different provinces and regions of the country prepare Carbonara in their own way.

Pasta Carbonara with Bacon - Recipe with Cream

Both recipes for preparing a wonderful dish Pasta Carbonara with bacon are very tasty, but one way or another, everyone decides for himself what he likes more. It so happened in our family that we liked the recipe for pasta with cream more. It's all about creamy taste and how it mixes amazingly with smoked bacon. When dinner is Carbonara, we have a real holiday in our house. And there are reasons for this.

This dish is best prepared for one meal, dinner or lunch, and not left for later. Pasta is basically the dish that tastes best piping hot, while the spaghetti is still hot and sticky and the sauce hasn't soaked in. Therefore, calculate the proportions for the number of people. But to tell you the truth, Carbonara pasta is so delicious that hardly anyone can resist and not eat it all.

For this paste, you can take classic spaghetti, capellini (thin and long) or linguini (wide and flat, like noodles). This is the most the best way. But if you suddenly don’t have long ones on hand, then take curly pasta. The taste will still be great, only the appearance will change. The only advice is to use pasta (pasta) made from durum wheat, they are more elastic and do not boil soft. Italians cook just such a pasta.

You will need:

  • spaghetti - 300 gr,
  • bacon (or brisket) - 300 gr,
  • parmesan cheese - 100 gr,
  • yolks - 3 pcs,
  • cream 10-20% - 200 ml,
  • salt, pepper to taste.


1. Put on fire large saucepan with salted water for cooking spaghetti. Remember, there should be a lot of water, because the real Italian pasta never washed with water. Just drain the water through a colander. To keep spaghetti from sticking together and retaining its shape, you need a lot of water.

2. Heat the pan on another burner. Pour one teaspoon olive oil if you don't have fatty brisket instead of bacon. Fatty bacon does not need additional oil. Cut the bacon into medium-sized cubes or squares. Turn on medium fire and fry until browned.

3. As soon as the water boils in the pan, insert the whole spaghetti into it. In no case do not break them, they should remain long. As the bottom of the spaghetti softens from the hot water, lower it with a spoon or fork until the whole spaghetti is submerged. After that, cook them gently stirring for 5-10 minutes. The exact cooking time is indicated on the packaging and depends on the type of wheat from which they are made. Hard boiled longer.

4. While everything is sizzling and gurgling on the stove, prepare the sauce. Place egg yolks in a separate bowl. Proteins use for another dish. Add half of the grated Parmesan cheese to the yolks. Use a fine grater because the cheese is hard enough. Mix egg and cheese.

5. Now in the same place, in a bowl of yolks and cheese, pour the cream. Mix everything well. You can salt and pepper to your taste. The sauce is almost ready, it remains to combine it with the rest of the ingredients.

6. When the bacon is brown and brown, turn off the stove or remove the pan from the heat. This is for a while until the spaghetti is ready.

7. Now back to spaghetti, they need to be pulled out of the water, drained into a colander, at the moment when they are almost ready. Fish out one piece and try it, it should be just a little bit stiff in the middle, so a little elastic. That means it's time to take it out. Spaghetti will reach readiness already in a frying pan along with bacon and sauce from residual heat. If the spaghetti is removed already fully cooked, they will overcook with the sauce and may stick together.

8. Transfer all the spaghetti to the pan with the bacon and mix everything well. Then add the whole sauce of cheese, cream and yolks to the same place. Stir in spaghetti, sauce and bacon.

9. Pasta Carbonara with bacon is ready. Now, while it is hot and fragrant, put it on plates and sprinkle with grated parmesan.

Urgently call everyone to the table and try not to swallow tongues from this yummy during the meal. Good appetite!

My own advice. If you want to make the pasta taste brighter, add one clove of finely chopped garlic to the bacon in the pan and fry. It turns out just amazing.

Classic recipe - Carbonara pasta with bacon without cream

The second option for preparing pasta Carbonara (second in order of listing, and not in palatability) is Carbonara without cream. Believe me, many people consider this recipe to be classic Italian. Let's not argue with them, especially since I think that both options are good. You can cook both the first and second and try to decide which one you like best. This will be quite difficult to do.

The basis of the sauce in pasta Carbonara without cream is eggs, parmesan cheese and water in which spaghetti was boiled. There is nothing surprising in this, Italians often use water to make sauces, it is much tastier than diluting sauces with plain water.

To make 2 large servings you will need:

  • spaghetti (kpellini, linguini) - 200 grams,
  • bacon or brisket (raw smoked / dry-cured) - 150 grams,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • egg yolk - 1 pc,
  • parmesan cheese - 50 gr,
  • olive oil,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • salt and pepper op to taste.


1. To make all processes go quickly and in parallel, start by boiling spaghetti. Place water in a large saucepan over heat and bring to a boil. Add a teaspoon of salt. Put spaghetti without breaking them and boil. Stir spaghetti from time to time with a spoon so that they are completely submerged and cooked evenly. Cooking times should be listed on spaghetti packages, but if in doubt, just try them.

2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and pour in some olive oil. Take two cloves of garlic and crush them with a knife, laying it flat on top. Put crushed garlic in a pan in oil and heat well. We will not eat garlic, we need it in order to give the oil a bright aroma, later it will need to be pulled out.

3. Cut the bacon or brisket into cubes. If you have pre-cut bacon strips, just cut them into small squares. Put the bacon in the pan and lightly fry it. Remove the garlic as soon as it starts to fry.

4. Break two whole eggs and one yolk into a bowl. Beat them with a whisk until the protein and yolk are mixed. Then grate on the smallest grater that you have Parmesan cheese. Add about two-thirds to the eggs and mix. Add freshly ground black pepper and a pinch of salt. You don't need much salt because the bacon is already salty.

5. When the bacon gets golden brown you can transfer ready-made spaghetti to it. Drain the water from them or just fish them out with special tongs and put them directly into the pan with bacon. Add a few tablespoons of water from the pot where the spaghetti was cooked. Mix everything a little and remove from the stove.

6. After you have mixed everything and removed the pan from the heat, pour the beaten eggs and cheese into the spaghetti and immediately begin to stir. Due to the fact that the stove is turned off, the eggs will not boil, but will turn into a thick sauce. Stir for a couple of minutes until the sauce coats all the spaghetti evenly. If you see that it turns out too thick and the Carbonara pasta sticks together, splash a couple more tablespoons of water from the pan.

The correct pasta Carbonara should be juicy, spaghetti does not stick together, but slide from the sauce. Pieces of bacon come across frequently.

Now you can set the table and do not forget to sprinkle the pasta generously with grated parmesan, which you have left, and lightly pepper with pepper from the mill before serving. This is a real Italian dinner. Bon Appetit!

How to cook classic Carbonara - video recipe from a real Italian

If the text version of the recipe is not enough for you and you want to know how they cook pasta Carbonara with bacon in Italy, then I suggest you watch this video. Everything here is very clear and understandable. And most importantly, it is so simple that even the most inexperienced cook can handle it. Italian food It's not hard at all, but incredibly delicious. Keep it up and you will definitely succeed.