Home / Cupcakes / How to fry suluguni in a pan without breading. Fried suluguni is an ideal replacement for a cutlet

How to fry suluguni in a pan without breading. Fried suluguni is an ideal replacement for a cutlet

Fry suluguni in the morning. I promise you will be full and happy even on a November day. After all, one has only to touch the cheese to the frying pan, it becomes covered with a delicious blush and begins to blow bubbles. Fried suluguni has a delicate springy texture and can be eaten like - for breakfast, with some kind of sauce.

Young ones are suitable for frying pickled cheeses... They are more pliable than firm Swiss circles with holes and tougher than tender mozzarella. These cheeses are easy to recognize - they squeak on your teeth like unworn leather boots. In markets and stores, thick discs of brine suluguni are sold, you probably broke it with your hands - it comes off in thin paper layers.

Suluguni is from Georgia, from the Samegrelo region, where the kingdom of Colchis was once located. V Soviet time its recipe was recorded in accordance with GOST and began to be produced at factories of the union republics. Suluguni has turned into a brand, and now it is kept in the assortment of both supermarkets and tiny stores. Buy the one produced according to the gost recipe and cook it for breakfast.

The correct suluguni does not spread over the pan. He does not even need to be rolled in flour and breadcrumbs - he, like an athlete, always keeps his shape. In Georgia, suluguni are fried over a fire, strung like a hump on a freshly cut branch or skewer. This cheese is even smoked, laid out high above the flame, and then it becomes a delicacy. My friends passed it to the capital through guides, and I myself brought a similar one from Abkhazia more than once.

You can also fry other cheeses with a high melting point. Of this family, the popular hallumi is a little harder than its Georgian brother. In Greece, Egypt and throughout the Levantine world, they love to grill and pan. Salads are made from halloumi, where mint is often added in the old fashioned way. Before the era of refrigerators, fresh mint was used to store cheese to keep it from spoiling. Cut the cheese into slices about a centimeter thick and remove from the cabinet.

With cheese, moving around the kitchen should not be organized as in normal cooking, but in the reverse order. First, make the sauces, set the table, wash the children, make coffee, and only then move on to the main course. Suluguni is fried instantly and cools down just as quickly, especially on a November morning.

Fry suluguni in odorless vegetable oil. It is very important to use a good non-stick skillet so that the brown crust remains on the cheese slices and does not stick to the bottom. Keep a thin spatula ready to use to turn the suluguni (I use a silicone one). At what point you need to put the pieces on the other side, look at the video.

Any sauce is suitable for suluguni. If you're not in a rush, grind in a blender walnuts and some cilantro. I add half a cup of pomegranate juice to them, and the sauce is colored with new colors, like a bouquet of autumn asters. With the help or a kitchen processor, almost all sauces are easy to make yourself. I turn on the "start" button and do other things in the kitchen, and the processor deals with nuts and herbs.

You can also cook sweet sauce from dry figs and fresh sour apple... Add a little ginger to it and everyone will definitely wake up from a tickling nose. Or submit fried cheese with good jam... It harmonizes wonderfully with sour lingonberries and black currants. I also like the combination of suluguni with liquid linden honey. Bon Appetit!

Fried suluguni


Ingredients(for 4 servings, 2 slices per person):

suluguni - 400 g

vegetable oil odorless - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Cut the suluguni into slices about 1 cm thick.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Fry the cheese for 45 seconds to a minute on each side. Serve hot with a sauce or lingonberry jam.

Pomegranate and walnut sauce


Ingredients(3/4 cup outlet):

walnuts - 1/2 cup

cilantro - 1 bunch

pomegranate juice 1/2 cup (can be substituted with a tablespoon of narsharab sauce)

freshly ground black pepper - 1 pinch

salt - 1 pinch


1. Lightly chop nuts and greens with a knife and place in a food processor or bench blender. Add pomegranate juice, salt, pepper and chop. Add some juice or water if needed (if using narsharab, dilute with half a cup of water). This sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Fig and sour apple sauce



dried figs - 1/3 cup

sour apple - 1 pc

paprika - 1/2 tsp

grated fresh ginger - 1/2 tsp

honey (optional) - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Cut the figs into quarters and cover with a glass of boiling water. Leave it on for 10 minutes.

2. Cut the apple into cubes and place it in the kitchen processor. Send the figs and the rest of the ingredients there. Punch for 3-5 minutes, adding the water in which the figs were soaked. The sauce should have the consistency of thick sour cream. If necessary, add some boiled water. The sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Suluguni is a rather expensive cheese. If you buy it not in an ordinary grocery store, but in a special section of cheeses with their great variety and the "correct" country of origin.

Fried suluguni, if you haven't tried it yet, is delicious. It seems that this cheese is specially made for frying: no other cheese will be able to melt and spread like that on a hot sandwich. Therefore, if you want to eat melted (but not "flowing" cheese in your hands!), You should take action.

To fry suluguni, you need to make a crust on its surface, which will not allow the cheese to spread. This crust can be made with flour, bread crumbs, beaten egg, or lonaise.
It will not only be delicious, it will be incredibly delicious. Although high in calories.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.
Caloric value: about 290 kcal


  • suluguni cheese - 200 grams
  • egg - 1
  • flour - 70 grams
  • sesame seeds - 50 grams
  • vegetable oil for frying


    Cut the cheese into pieces of any size and shape.

    Prepare ingredients for dipping and rolling. A plate of flour. A plate of sesame seeds.

    In a bowl, beat the egg into a homogeneous mixture.

    Now we will “put on” all the pieces in a shirt, and then immediately fry one piece after another. Dip the cheese in flour.

    We immerse in egg mixture.

    We roll in sesame seeds.

    And again we dip it into the egg.

    We finish with sesame seeds.

    When all the pieces are done, pour the vegetable oil into the skillet, heat it, and fry the pieces of cheese over medium heat on both sides. The oil should only be hot, not hot, otherwise the breading will immediately burn out.

Serve fried suluguni immediately: it tastes better while melted and viscous.

On a note

1. If you want not only salted, but also spicy cheese, add a little adjika or your favorite ones to the beaten egg spicy spices, sweet paprika, for example.

2. Even if you are frying suluguni in breadcrumbs, dip twice in an egg and twice in breadcrumbs.

3. Fried suluguni is good with fresh herbs: cilantro, basil, thyme, mint.

4. Stunning hot sandwich if you wrap thinly sliced ​​cheese in thin Armenian lavash and cook it this way (in a frying pan, in the oven or in the microwave). It's even more fun if you stuff this sandwich with tomato slices.

5. You can fry suluguni and pour over it with an egg - then you get a great omelet, almost "Benedict". Then it will spread, of course, but maybe that's what you intended?

6. Fried suluguni is hardly suitable for treating guests, as it is served immediately, but making a few bites for friends who suddenly dropped in for a cup of coffee is a great idea!

7. This type of cheese is quite high-calorie (about 290 kcal), so fresh vegetables are well suited to it. And also dips (for example, from fresh tomatoes) and sauces (for example).

8. You will be surprised, but Georgians cook fried suluguni just like that. No fancy. Melt the ghee in a frying pan, cut the cheese into layers of 1-1.5 cm and fry. It turns out "soft rubber", which can be sprinkled with finely chopped or dry mint, put on a piece fresh lavash and eat. Immediately and immediately.

reference... Suluguni is one of the many varieties of cheese. The real suluguni comes from Georgia (the Samegrelo region is considered the homeland). This is a cheese with a very delicate, soft, sour-milk, salty taste. Brine, white or slightly yellowish, without a crust, with a layered surface.

In our stores, branded Georgian suluguni is sold, and it is not cheaper than Italian and French cheeses for gourmets. Quite popular is its pseudo-slope - "economy version", which is not as harmonious as the original, but quite nice taste.

Among the many types of cheese, Suluguni is especially popular. This variety has an elastic texture and a pleasant salty taste. It can be added to a variety of salads and other dishes for a spicy flavor. One of the mouth-watering variations is grilled cheese. This article will tell you about the intricacies of its preparation.

What it is?

Suluguni is very popular in many Caucasian countries. Each region has its own special recipe for its preparation.

Suluguni is milk product white or cream color. Often, several types of milk are used to make such cheese. It happens that this type of cheese is smoked, which makes it especially tasty. As a rule, in the Caucasus, this cheese is eaten with national bread and herbs. It happens that it is also served fried. There are several interesting recipes with fried Suluguni.

Any cheese is suitable for frying. It can be a product made from cow, goat or buffalo milk. Fried Suluguni can serve as an independent appetizer, be the main ingredient in any salad, or a great addition to a meat dish.


This product is recommended for everyone who adheres to healthy way life, including people who dream of losing weight. Nutritionists are not against this cheese, as it has certain benefits. The product contains many different vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on bone tissue, heart and blood vessels. Suluguni perfectly saturates the body, strengthens the immune system and normalizes metabolism.

The product is very high in calories. Its calorie content per 100 g is two hundred and eighty-six kcal. However, despite this indicator, the product can be safely consumed during diets, since it does not contain carbohydrates. Fat in 100 g of this cheese - 24 g, protein - 20 g. As for the glycemic index, in this case it is zero.

Cooking methods

Interesting dish you can cook from Suluguni at home. For example, it can be fried in a pan with vegetables. Usually, tomatoes and a variety of greens are used to prepare such a dish. The result is an unusual and healthy snack. Eggs are often added during cooking. Then the dish becomes more satisfying.

If you have a ketsi in your house, you can cook cheese on it. This is a special earthenware pan. Usually such dishes are served in restaurants. Georgian cuisine... In this case, Suluguni is cooked with tomatoes or mushrooms. Thanks to the special shape of the frying pan, the dish is especially tasty.

You can also grill or grill cheese. It is permissible to cook smoked Suluguni, only it is worth considering that in this case the calorie content of the dish will significantly increase.

Before choosing a particular recipe, you should familiarize yourself with some general rules cooking fried cheese.

  • Before frying regular Suluguni, you should take care of the breading. As a rule, this is a small amount of flour, eggs, breadcrumbs or sesame seeds. You can add any greens you like to the beaten eggs. It is better to take fresh herbs, since dry ones will burn quickly during frying.
  • The breading should be firm. This will prevent Suluguni from flowing out of her.
  • Cheese is fried in cubes or slices in a frying pan heated and poured with butter. The product is fried on both sides. Do not heat the oil too much, as this can burn the breading. In this case, the cheese inside will not be able to cook properly.
  • If you plan to cook cheese on the grill or grill, then you can pre-wrap it in pita bread. The result is delicious and hearty dish... You can add some greenery if desired.


It's worth starting with traditional version... According to this recipe, Suluguni is cooked in breadcrumbs. Those who want to enjoy delicious fried cheese, but keep an eye on their slimness, can replace the rusks with sesame seeds. Cheese cooked in sesame seeds will special taste and additional benefits.

To begin with, prepare Suluguni himself. Cut it into pieces or blocks no more than half a centimeter thick. Flour is placed in the first bowl, one or two eggs are broken into the second, breadcrumbs or sesame seeds are placed in the third. Each piece should be rolled in flour, then dipped in the egg mixture, then in breading.

It is advisable to repeat this process step by step two times in order to achieve a fairly dense layer.

Each piece is fried in a pan on both sides and served.

You can make Georgian cheese with tomatoes. This dish is perfect for lunch or dinner. Two juicy and ripe tomatoes medium-sized cut into circles and spread on a preheated pan. You can fry them in a vegetable or on butter... The tomatoes should be fried on both sides (about two minutes each). Then the tomatoes are pushed aside to one part of the pan, and slices of Suluguni are spread on the second. For this recipe, you will need about two hundred grams of cheese.

The product is fried for a minute on each side, then covered with tomatoes. A little pepper can be added at this stage. As soon as the pieces of Suluguni begin to melt, the tomatoes should be lightly poured with a spatula, and finely chopped cilantro should be added on top. They wait another minute, and then serve.

Eggs can be added to the tomato recipe. As a result, it will turn out great dish that can be served with breakfast.

Eggs should be added at the stage when Suluguni begins to melt. After adding a few eggs, the dish does not need to be stirred. You just need to cover the pan with a lid and wait until full readiness all ingredients.

Before serving, you can sprinkle the cheese with herbs or black pepper.

This type of cheese can be cooked in batter. Two hundred grams of cheese is cut into cubes. Beat two eggs together with herbs or spices. Add one hundred milligrams of beer and flour to the mixture. The flour should be added gradually, constantly whisking the mixture to get the correct batter consistency. Each piece of cheese is dipped in batter and fried in a large number oils.

You will learn more about how to cook fried Suluguni below.

Today we will learn how to cook light, but at the same time hearty snack, suitable both as a dinner and as an additional dish for a holiday. This is about cheese platter, or rather, about how to fry suluguni in a pan in breadcrumbs and without them, we will reveal all the secrets so that you can get after frying juicy pieces cheese with a crispy crust.

Below you will find several tested simple recipes, according to which housewives have been preparing with pleasure for many decades different countries and cities.

Suluguni in breadcrumbs: a classic recipe


  • Suluguni smoked- 400 g + -
  • Breadcrumbs- 100 g + -
  • - 1-2 pcs. + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • - for frying + -

Cooking fried suluguni with breadcrumbs

First, fry the suluguni in a pan for basic recipe- in breadcrumbs. However, you can fry smoked suluguni without flour and breading! But such cheese is extremely rare and mainly only in its original homeland - in Georgia or Ossetia.

  1. Break the egg into a plate and beat with a fork. Add spices to it and mix again.
  2. We cut the suluguni into bars (2x4), 1 cm thick. This way the pieces will be easier to fry, but at the same time they will remain juicy and soft inside.
  3. Next comes the most important part of cooking - breading. Dip a slice of cheese in an egg, then roll it on all sides in breadcrumbs. From the first time, it will not work to make an even layer, so we dip it again and again sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  4. Place the breaded pieces on a separate plate.

Usually each slice is breaded three times so that the crackers can evenly cover its entire surface.

  1. Heat refined sunflower or corn oil in a deep frying pan, pouring it so that the pieces are immersed, at least by a third.

Do not overheat the butter so that the breading does not burn in the first few seconds. Otherwise, the cheese inside will remain soggy.

  1. Fry suluguni in a pan on both sides, about a minute each. Ready cheese put on a napkin so that excess fat is absorbed, then transfer the cheese pieces to a plate.

In no case do we leave fried suluguni on hot skillet, otherwise the cheese will flow.

Serving gourmet grilled cheese with fresh vegetables(cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce) or sauce (whatever you like). Do not forget to supplement the recipe as well. aromatic spices at will.

So, for example, you can add 1-2 tsp to the egg. adjika or the same tomato paste... Good fit nutmeg, basil, rosemary.

Fried suluguni with spices in flour

For those who prefer a more tender flour breading, our next recipe will come in handy.


  • Suluguni - 300 g
  • Paprika - ½ tsp
  • Wheat flour - 2-3 tbsp. (no slide)
  • A mixture of peppers - ½ tsp.

How to fry suluguni in a pan in flour

  1. Cut the cheese into slices as described above.
  2. Pour 2-3 tbsp into a flat plate. flour without a slide. Add a mixture of peppers and paprika to it, mix everything.
  3. Dip the suluguni in flour (its fine texture will make the breading especially tender) and put it in a frying pan. We hold for 40 seconds on each side and serve immediately.

To make the crust crispy, in no case cover the cheese with a lid, and fry the suluguni in a pan over high heat.

Ready cheese will be good as a standalone dish or as an addition to any vegetable dishes.

Suluguni in a frying pan without breading "The Poet's Dream"

Anyone who follows the figure and does not want to abuse calories, we recommend that you contact following recipe... And although such a dish sounds very unusual, nevertheless, preparing such a cheese is as easy as shelling pears. The main thing in this matter is dexterity and the correct oil temperature.


  • Suluguni cheese - 300-400 g
  • Olive oil - for frying
  • Spices (any) - to taste

How to make spicy cheese in a pan without breading

  1. We cut the suluguni, as described above, and set it aside.
  2. Preheat in a frying pan olive oil, put in it, if any, the whole rosemary and thyme sprigs - this will make the butter more fragrant. If there are no branches, you can add some spices and basil instead.
  3. Now put the cheese bars on a preheated frying pan. We hold them for a few seconds on each side and turn them over.

The fire must be strong so that the cheese outside immediately has time to "grab" and does not start spreading over the pan.

Put the finished suluguni on a plate and serve hot, hot.

Now you know how to fry suluguni in a pan in breadcrumbs, flour and even without them. As you can see, preparing this simple dish will not be difficult. It is only important to accurately calculate the temperature of the oil and the residence time of the cheese in the pan. Otherwise, everything is very, very simple!

Cook, experiment, treat loved ones and enjoy yourself delicious food homemade... Bon Appetit!