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Grape and apple compote tchen. Apple and grape compote

August, September is the ideal time for homemade preparations from seasonal berries and fruits. One of the most delicious and healthy cocktails is a compote made from apples and grapes. Two simple ingredients grow in every summer cottage, and they differ at an affordable price. Sealing compote will not take much time, because preparing a drink is a sheer pleasure even for a novice cook.

Recommendations before starting the preparation of apple-grape compote

Before proceeding with the procurement, take into account simple recommendations:

  1. Many fruit and berry varieties are known. Therefore, experimenting, choosing different grapes and apples, you can get a new taste of the decoction.
  2. A drink is prepared from berry tassels and whole apples, cut into slices of fruits and grapes, both with seeds and without.
  3. Non-aromatic species are complemented with rich berries, fruits, aromatic herbs.
  4. Preparation of a cocktail requires compliance with the rules of conservation and sterility of raw materials. The container is treated with a soda solution, washed off and sterilized over steam, in a microwave oven, brazier. Metal lids are heat treated in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Fruits are washed in soapy water, soda.
  5. Some recipes require mandatory sterilization. The process consists in steaming the workpieces in a saucepan. The bottom of the vessel is covered with a cloth folded in several layers, or a wooden plank is installed. Pour water into a container and bring to a boil. Maintain conservation at a minimum boil for 30-50 minutes, depending on the size of the cans. And only after that the bottles are sealed with a special key.

How to choose apples for compote

When choosing fruits for compote, it is worth considering:

  1. Apples of any kind are suitable for a drink. But it is better to give preference to the types:
  • Pepin is saffron;
  • Antonovka;
  • Aport;
  • Lemon;
  • Boyken.
  1. Only juicy, ripe apples are good. A drink made from unripe fruits will be sour, with an unpleasant taste. Overripe fruits, when prepared, will boil, and the broth will turn out cloudy.
  2. Crumpled, soft, wormy specimens are best not used in compote, but left in jam.

Preparatory process

Having decided on the suitable fruits, they need to be properly processed:

  1. Remove only tough skins from apples. Do not peel young fruits.
  2. Cut out the core with seeds, "tail", attachment point.
  3. Use whole small apples in compote, large ones - cut in half, chop into slices, slices, plates.
  4. Blanch the fruit by dipping it in hot water at a temperature of 85-90 degrees, and then throwing it into a cold liquid with ice cubes.
  5. To prevent the fruits from darkening, immerse them in a salted solution for 15-20 minutes (for 1 liter of water - 10 grams of salt).
  6. The more acidic the apples, the less they will have to be sterilized.

Grape preparation

Choose only ripe grapes for harvesting. Berries should not be subject to rotting, spoilage. Remove spoiled grapes from the bunches.

Before conservation, the grapes are prepared as follows:

  1. Soak whole clusters with small berries for 30-40 minutes in cold water.
  2. Place the berries in a colander, rinse with a stream of water.
  3. Immediately pour over large fruits with water and separate from the branches.
  4. If the branches are covered with cobwebs, inspect each berry, sort it out, wash it repeatedly with running water.

Cooking recipes

There are many recipes for preparing a fragrant, rich drink. When choosing a preservation method, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of preparation, taste preferences and preparation technique.

A simple recipe for the winter


  1. Water - 2.2 liters.
  2. Apples - 0.54 kilograms.
  3. Berries - 0.34 kilograms.
  4. Sugar - 0.22 kilograms.


  1. Boil filtered water in a saucepan.
  2. Separate the berries in parallel, rinse.
  3. Chop the apples peeled from the seed box into slices.
  4. Immerse apples and grapes in a three-liter vessel.

For extra flavor, you can add a few slices of pitted lemon, cloves, or cinnamon.

  1. Pour boiling solution over the fruit. Cover the container with a lid. Allow the workpiece to cool for 10-12 minutes.
  2. After the time has elapsed, pour the water from the bottles into a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes with the addition of granulated sugar.
  3. Fill the contents of the jars with sweet marinade.
  4. Seal containers with twists, overturn the lid down, wrap with a warm blanket.

Without sterilization


  1. Water - 1 liter.
  2. Sugar - 200 grams.
  3. Apples - 500 grams.
  4. Grapes - 500 grams.

You can prepare the broth as follows:

  1. Cut the fruits into large slices, removing the seed boxes.
  2. Pour over the grapes with water, separate from the twigs.
  3. In a saucepan, boil water with the addition of granulated sugar.
  4. After 3 minutes from the beginning of the boil, dip the apple pieces and grapes into the brine. Boil the mass and transfer to sterilized bottles using a slotted spoon.
  5. Boil the sugar marinade, pour into a container with fruit.
  6. Cork the vessels with twists, place them under a warm blanket and fold them upside down for a day.

With the addition of lemon

An incredibly tasty drink is made from apples and grapes if you boil it with lemon wedges.


  1. Apples - 0.45 kilograms.
  2. Berries - 0.45 kilograms.
  3. Lemon - 0.25 kilograms.
  4. Sugar - 0.25 kilograms.
  5. Water - 2.2 liters.

Procurement plan:

  1. Prepare berries and fruits according to the recommendations. Remove the core and stalks from the apples, chop into 4-8 pieces.
  2. Wash the citruses in soapy water, pour over boiling water, cut into slices, getting rid of the seeds.
  3. Put prepared berries, fruits and lemons into clean containers for preservation.
  4. Pour boiling water into the bottles and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour water from cans into a saucepan. Add sugar to the fruit and berry platter.
  6. Boil the liquid for 2 minutes, pour into the jar to the top.
  7. Seal the container and leave for self-sterilization and gradual cooling under a warm blanket, placing it upside down.

With the addition of honey and spices


  1. Grapes - 1.5 kilograms.
  2. Apples - 1.5 kilograms.
  3. Vinegar - 1 tablespoon.
  4. Honey - 1.5 kilograms.
  5. Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  6. Carnation - 5 umbrellas.

Procurement process:

  1. Rinse the grape twigs, separate the berries.
  2. Chop the apples into slices.
  3. Fill sterilized jars with assorted fruits and berries.
  4. Boil filtered water, drain it into a bottle. Cover the container with lids, leave for 5 minutes.
  5. Drain the water into a saucepan. Add cloves, vinegar and cinnamon to the syrup. Set the container to moderate heat. When boiling, remove the resulting foam.
  6. Add honey to the vessels. Fill bottles with blanks with hot syrup.
  7. Roll up containers hermetically with a key.
  8. Leave the drink upside down until completely cooled.

Storage features

You should also choose a room with an air temperature from +5 to +0 degrees and a humidity of no more than 80%.

In addition, the sun's rays, which cause the fermentation of the drink, should not fall on the seaming.

A fragrant apple and grape compote is a godsend for a festive feast. A refreshing drink with hints of spicy "Isabella" will help out even when guests are on the doorstep. Apple-grape compote perfectly quenches thirst and can replace soda, undesirable for baby food. The healthy and balanced composition of the drink has many advantages. Its versatility is simply amazing. Thanks to the light wine accent, which brings the taste and aroma of grapes, the compote will appeal to even the most sophisticated connoisseurs of jugs and cocktails. It is enough to throw a few ice cubes into a decanter with compote, and you can surprise guests with a velvety, tasty, long-lasting drink. Moreover, not everyone will guess its components, and there will be no end to those who want to find out the recipe for compote.

An apple compote with grapes is prepared for the winter quickly, without sterilization and preservatives - like a compote with cherry plum. Sugar is added exclusively to taste, emphasizing and not drowning out the main components of the drink. The workpiece is stored perfectly until the next harvest of apples and grapes, without changing color and without dropping the sediment, which is often formed during storage of apple juice.


  • apple (autumn variety) - 500-550 g;
  • Isabella grapes - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200-300 g;
  • water - 1.3 liters.

Recipe for compote from apples and grapes for the winter

Rinse fresh, unwashed and dense grapes in cool water. Dry the berries without separating them from the twigs. Wash a hard apple of autumn varieties without obvious dents and damage, cut it into four parts (if the apple is medium) or 8 (large fruit) and peel off the seeds. Put water to boil. Prepare 2 cans of 1.5 liters each (you can use a 3 liter can). Sterilize them in any convenient way, or just spill them with boiling water, doing it slowly so that the glass does not burst. Boil the seaming caps and dry them a little. Place the grapes and apple in jars, after dividing the ingredients into 2 equal parts.

Pour boiling water over the fruit and berry composition of the compote and leave for 15 minutes. Drain the resulting infusion into a saucepan and add sugar to it. Boil the filling again, stirring slightly to completely dissolve the sugar grains. Pour the prepared syrup into the jars and immediately roll up the compote. Turn the prepared cans upside down and wrap until the drink is completely cooled. Store the compote in a cool and dark place. Serve chilled.

suitable for vegans

We have harvested an incredible harvest of unripe grapes this fall. This is such a shitty summer, Marya Ivanovna- the grapes do not have time to ripen. Nevertheless ... there are a lot of grapes, you can't eat it fresh, so you need to adapt it somewhere. They made so much juice for the winter that all the bottles and cans in the house ran out, but the grapes remained. Well ... now we will cook compotes and drink compotes every day.

Today's recipe for compote from apples and grapes is not just from the “Elementaryovatson” series, but even simpler. Anyone will cook it, even the one who does not succeed in scrambled eggs ...

For apple and grape compote, we need:

  • 2 glasses of grapes (I have black, "Isabella");
  • 3 apples;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 4-5 tbsp Sahara.

My grapes and apples. We tear off the grapes from the branches, measure two glasses and send them to the pan. We free the apples from the core, chop coarsely and send them after the grapes.

Add water and just bring the contents of the pot to a boil.

We reduce the heat and leave the compote to simmer for 20 minutes. During this time, a dizzying aroma will spread everywhere, the grapes will lose their color, and the apples will boil until they lose their apple appearance.

Add sugar, stir and bring to a boil for the last time. Almost done. It remains only to let the compote brew for 15-20 minutes, and then strain through a sieve and pour into cups.

Too easy, right? Not serious, you say?

Okay, then I propose to put boiled fruit-berries into action, rub them through a sieve and bake to freshly boiled compote

Homemade grapes so want to feast on all year round. To make this dream come true and enjoy the amazing gift of nature, you can make compote from grapes for the winter.

The first preparation option assumes the apple-grape composition of the drink. The second, on the contrary, is for true connoisseurs of ripe grapes, which does not contain fruit additives. Home preparation includes a sterilization stage. This is a reliable way to keep your drink delicious throughout the year. The sugar in the compote is a must. Its amount depends on the variety and taste of the grapes. As a rule, sour varieties require more sugar, while sweet ones require citric acid. The preservative will prevent the preparation from fermenting. The aromatic and refreshing drink made from homemade grapes will not disappoint you. Grape compote will decorate and complement any feast and will delight the most dear and demanding guests.


  • apples 250 g
  • grapes 700 g
  • sugar 300 g

How to make grape compote