Home / Dumplings / How to make ice cream at home: secrets, recipes, taste trends. Ice cream VkusVill Salted caramel For the dish you need

How to make ice cream at home: secrets, recipes, taste trends. Ice cream VkusVill Salted caramel For the dish you need


Previously, I did not know at all about VkusVille, about Izbenka. I came across a review about ice cream, looked at what it was ... Miraculously, I found out that we have an Izbenka in our city. Then another one was opened. I could not resist and bought "Salted Caramel". A very unusual and attractive name.

Description from the site:

Ice cream is made from cream and milk with sugar, egg yolk, butter and sea salt.
The ice cream is handmade entirely from natural ingredients, without the use of milk powder, vegetable fats, gum and carrageenan.
The manufacturer makes all the ingredients for ice cream himself. Caramel sauce is cooked according to a French recipe.
Sea salt gives this ice cream an unusual flavor. Salt is added, of course, very little, just to make the taste more expressive.

In the composition, I really just have nothing to fight, he is perfect.

Farm cream and milk, sugar, egg yolks, butter, tapioca starch and sea salt.
Tapioca starch is the most harmless, natural starch. Well, unlike completely chemical thickeners, all starch is more or less normal.

Taste is good but too sweet in my opinion. I won’t say that it’s sugary, but it’s a bit too much caramel. But I did not feel the salt at all, only a slight aftertaste, very barely noticeable. The consistency is pleasant, but sometimes lumps of butter come across, this is due to the fact that the ice cream is mixed by hand. Cream color, very soft. The smell is sweet. milky, unrealistically pleasant.

I recommend trying it, but I won't take it again. I didn’t particularly like this ice cream, but I would really like to try other types. Also impressed with the price for a tiny jar. It weighs 70-80 grams, that is, 130 ml, and costs 67 rubles.

  • 1 We will pour chocolate into such paper cups, and we will use spoons instead of wooden sticks. Cups of 200 grams.
  • 2 We take any chocolate. Chop the chocolate and melt it in the microwave or in a water bath.
  • 3 Pour the melted chocolate into paper cups, then drain the rest of the chocolate and turn the cup over onto the foil to drain the excess chocolate. Then put the cups in the refrigerator.
  • 4 We begin to whip the chilled cream at low speed, gradually increasing the speed, whip until soft stable peaks.
  • 5 Add condensed milk 3-4 times, whisking at low speed.
  • 6 Beat at medium speed until a smooth velvety emulsion.
  • 7 You can take any berries for ice cream, I took red currants and blueberries. Sort currants, rinse, dry. I made ice cream with currants in 3 cups. From the total amount of ice cream, I took 500 grams, added currants and stirred.
  • 8 She put ice cream with red currant into cups, stuck spoons in the middle and put them in the freezer.
  • 9 Ice cream with blueberries, I will also lay out in three cups. We take 500 grams of ice cream, add 100 grams of blueberries, stir.
  • 10 Arrange ice cream with blueberries in cups, stick spoons in the middle, put in the freezer.
  • 11 Transfer the rest of the ice cream to a bowl in which the chocolate was melted, stir, and here we get chocolate ice cream. Ice cream can be transferred to paper cups, but I closed the bowl with a lid and put it in the freezer. You can put ice cream in a container. We are waiting for the ice cream to harden, it is not necessary to additionally stir the ice cream in a bowl or container.
  • 12 After 3-4 hours, the ice cream in the cups froze. We carefully cut off paper cups and as a result we have such beauty, chocolate cups. Transfer chocolate ice cream to bowls.
  • 13 And this ice cream in a section in a chocolate cup with blueberries. But roses from the daughter-in-law and son, in gratitude for the delicious ice cream. Flowers for me, and ice cream for the children.))))

Everyone loves it - both adults and children. Ice cream is a product that will probably never cease to be in demand. But the question arises: is it possible to cook your favorite delicacy at home? Let's figure it out.

History of ice cream

This delicious, beloved by almost everyone delicacy, is already more than 5 thousand years old. Yes, back in 3,000 BC, the Chinese elite treated themselves to a dessert made from a mixture of snow, ice, lemon, orange, and pomegranate seeds. And the recipe for this delicacy and another, simpler one, made from milk and ice, was kept secret for several millennia, and was revealed only in the 11th century AD.

In antiquity, there are also many references to ice cream - both in Greece and in Rome. Hippocrates spoke about its benefits. And during the reign of Alexander the Great, they loved to feast on frozen berries and fruits.

For snow, slaves were sent to the mountains, who even specially trained in order to be able to run fast. After all, it was necessary to have time to fly from the mountains before the snow melted.

And at the very end of the 13th century, Marco Polo from his travels brought to Europe a new recipe for a delicacy, for which saltpeter was used to freeze. From that moment on, not a single aristocratic and royal dinner could do without ice cream.

The recipes were kept in the strictest confidence. And ice cream makers were the subject of envy and cruel intrigues among the nobility, they were even taken away from each other, tempting them with some tempting promises. And then more - the recipe for ice cream, in general, has become a state secret.

It’s strange to hear about this now, when dessert can be purchased at any grocery store, and, of course, you can cook it yourself. And at home, ice cream is easy to make, even without an ice cream maker. The secret has come true.

Types of ice cream

Let's go back to our time. Modern delicacy can be classified by composition, taste, texture. For example, the composition of ice cream is divided as follows:

  • A delicacy based on animal fat (plombir, milk and cream).
  • Ice cream prepared on the basis of vegetable fat (coke or palm oil).
  • Fruit ice. A hard dessert made from juice, puree, yogurt, etc.
  • Sorbet or sorbet. Soft ice cream. Cream, fats and eggs are very rarely added to the composition. Sometimes the recipe contains weak alcohol. Prepared from fruit and berry juices and puree.

Tastes are very diverse. Cold sweetness can be chocolate, vanilla, coffee, berry, fruit, etc. In general, there are more than seven hundred dessert flavors in the world. Of course, we are all used to the fact that ice cream is a sweet product.

But in fact, whatever it is: with pork cracklings, and garlic, and tomato, and fish. The variety of your favorite dessert is simply amazing.

The division by consistency implies the division of ice cream into hardened (production), soft (public catering) and homemade. How to cook the latter, we will consider in this article.

ice cream calories

The calorie content of the product depends on its type. For example, 100 grams:

  • ice cream - 225 kcal;
  • cream ice cream - 185 kcal;
  • milk treats - 130 kcal;
  • popsicle - 270 kcal.

And also the energy value changes due to additives. Chocolate ice cream will already be 231 kcal. And if milk ice cream is prepared with chocolate, then it will also have a higher nutritional value - 138 kcal. But still, even being on a diet, you can choose the least high-calorie dessert for yourself.

Interesting fact and healing recipe

By the way, it is confirmed that ice cream is an excellent prevention of such a disease as tonsillitis. And there is one prescription recommended by doctors as a cure for colds. For him, you need to take 20 pine needles and raspberry syrup.

  • Thoroughly crush the needles in a mortar, pour them into a bowl with syrup, mix well and strain into an ice cream container.
  • Pour half a glass of natural orange juice onto the mixture, and put a sweet ball on top of it all.

The dessert contains a huge amount of vitamin C. This means that it is an excellent tool for preventing colds.

How to make ice cream at home in an ice cream maker

With a wonderful device called an ice cream maker, you can easily and quickly make delicious ice cream at home. Your attention - 2 simple recipes for the device, the volume of which is 1.2 liters.

Needed: a glass (250 ml) of full-fat milk and cream and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Before loading into the ice cream maker, all components are thoroughly mixed, it is better to use a mixer for this. Pour the mixture into the instrument container and then cook according to the instructions.

Important! The bowl of the device must not be filled more than halfway.

To prepare ice cream, you need: 350 ml of fat cream, a glass of milk, 5 tablespoons of sugar and 3 yolks. Mix milk and cream, pour into a thick-bottomed saucepan and put on the stove (medium fire). The mixture, stirring constantly, must be heated to 80 ° C.

Important! Never bring it to a boil!

Separately, it is necessary to cook the yolks whipped with sugar. Now it is necessary to equalize the temperature of the creamy milk mixture and the yolks. To do this, first add a little hot cream (stirring continuously) to the yolks, and then pour the yolks into the cream.

The mass must be put on fire again and continue to cook until it thickens. In advance, under this mixture, you need to put a bowl for cooling in the refrigerator. Then pour a thick composition into it. Stir vigorously until cold. And only when the mixture reaches room temperature, pour it into an ice cream maker.

These ice cream recipes are basic. They can be supplemented with any flavoring components.

Ice cream at home - step by step photo recipe

Do you know about such a special ice cream as premium ice cream? It is not affordable for an ordinary buyer, it is very expensive. After all, it is made from natural ingredients.

But it’s worth a little work and at home, without special ice cream makers, you can create real ice cream with berries no worse than the one you looked at without being able to feast on it.

Which berry would be best in this ice cream? Any, choose according to your taste - cherries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries. You can maneuver with taste nuances, shading those that you like. For example, 50 g of your favorite chocolate or the same amount of lemon juice will help you with this.

This ice cream recipe can be slightly adjusted to bring some adulthood into it. To do this, you just need to pour a little liquor into the cooled mass.

Cooking time: 5 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 5 servings


  • Fatty cream: 2 tbsp.
  • Cherries (any other season): 2.5 Art.
  • Milk: 0.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar: 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt: a pinch

Cooking instructions

How to make homemade milk ice cream

In order to make delicious homemade milk ice cream at home, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • a liter of milk;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 100 gr. butter;
  • a small spoonful of starch.


  1. Put the butter in a saucepan, pour the milk into the same place, put it on the stove and, stirring constantly, bring the mass to a boil. And immediately remove the container from the fire.
  2. Beat with a whisk until smooth yolks, sugar and starch.
  3. Add a little bit of milk to the yolk mixture. You need enough liquid so that it (the mixture) turns out to be of the same consistency as liquid sour cream.
  4. Put the dishes with milk and butter on the stove again, pour the yolks with sugar into it. The entire composition must be continuously mixed with a spoon.
  5. When the resulting mass boils, it must be removed from the stove and put the pan for cooling in a pre-prepared container with cold water. The main thing is not to forget the ice cream tirelessly interfere.
  6. After cooling, the cream should be poured into molds or placed directly in the pan in the freezer. However, if you put the future ice cream in a saucepan, then you need to take it out every 3 hours and knead the mass thoroughly. This is necessary so that ice does not form inside the ice cream.

Such a delicacy will bring pleasure to all households without exception.

How to make homemade cream ice cream

With the addition of cream to homemade ice cream, it will become even richer and tastier than ordinary dairy. Here you need to prepare the following components:

  • fat cream (from 30%) - a glass;
  • milk - a glass;
  • yolks - from 4 to 6 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.


  1. Boil the milk, then take it off the stove and let it cool. It must be warm. If you have a special thermometer, you can check the temperature. Need 36–37 °C.
  2. Beat the yolks and ordinary sugar plus vanilla.
  3. Whisking constantly with a whisk, pour the yolk mass into the milk in a thin stream.
  4. Put everything on the stove, on a small fire, continuously stirring with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes thick.
  5. Place the cooling container in a cool place.
  6. Separately, in a bowl, beat the cream until scallops form and add them to the chilled mass. Mix.
  7. Transfer the resulting ice cream to a plastic bowl, close and put in the freezer for 1 hour.
  8. As soon as the frost grabs the composition (in an hour or 40 minutes), it must be taken out and whipped. After another hour, repeat the procedure again. Put the ice cream in the freezer for 2 hours.

Before serving, ice cream should be transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. How to decorate it in cups (bowls) will tell fantasy.

How to cook ice cream at home

There are many recipes for making ice cream. We'll consider two of them.

In this ice cream, only three ingredients are combined: half a liter of 30% cream, 100 grams of powder (you can take fine-grained sugar), a little vanillin. Cream must be chilled first. By the way, the fatter they are, the less ice cream is obtained in ice cream.

All components are whipped for 5 minutes until a stable foam is formed. Transfer the resulting mass to a plastic dish, close the lid or film tightly and send it to the freezer overnight. And in the morning, get it, let the yummy thaw a little and enjoy!

For the second recipe you need:

  • 6 proteins;
  • milk or cream (only low-fat) - a glass;
  • heavy cream (required for whipping) from 30% - 300 ml;
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar;
  • vanillin - optional, quantity - to taste.

Cooking ice cream at home:

  1. In a thick-bottomed bowl, mix cream with milk (or low-fat cream) and sugar (not all, 150 grams). Put the pan on a slow fire and stir constantly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then remove the dishes from the stove, cool and place in the freezer.
  2. Next, you need to carefully separate the proteins. Pour the remaining sugar into a dry deep cup, pour the whites and beat with a mixer with gradual acceleration. You should get such a foam that even when you turn the bowl upside down, the mass remains motionless.
  3. Then you need to get well-chilled cream with sugar and pour whites into it little by little, gently mixing everything. As a result, a homogeneous mass should form. After shifting it into a mold, put it in the freezer for one hour. After this time, take out the ice cream, mix and return to the chamber. Repeat the steps in an hour and a half. And after 2 hours after that, the ice cream is ready!

A chic video recipe for homemade ice cream - watch and cook!

homemade popsicles recipe

You can make apple ice cream.

For apple cold sweets you need:

  • 1 medium apple;
  • half a teaspoon of gelatin;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 4 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • lemon juice - added to taste.

Cooking homemade popsicles:

  1. Soak gelatin for 30 minutes in 2 tablespoons of chilled boiled water.
  2. Dissolve sugar in boiling water. Mix the swollen gelatin with syrup and cool.
  3. Prepare applesauce.
  4. Mix the cooled syrup with gelatin and puree, add a little lemon juice.
  5. Pour the mixture into special molds that need to be filled only 2/3. Keep in mind that when frozen, the ice cream will become larger in size. Now you can put the ice cream in the freezer.

Everything, apple ice cream is ready!

How to make popsicle at home

In the summer heat, you always want to eat something cold and always very tasty. Eskimo will serve as such a delicacy perfectly. This is the name of ice cream covered with chocolate icing. And you can get double pleasure and make chocolate popsicle.

First we make ice cream. For its preparation you will need:

  • half a liter of milk
  • half a glass of water
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar,
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.


  1. Mix milk and water in a bowl. By the way, water can be replaced with cream.
  2. Add dry ingredients and vanilla and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into popsicle molds or an ice tray, or into some other tall and narrow device.
  4. Insert a stick into the center of each mold.
  5. Leave the mixture in the freezer for at least 3 hours.

And now the frosting:

  1. We take 200 grams of chocolate and butter. We heat the chocolate in a water bath and mix with melted butter. Allow the frosting to cool slightly, but it should still be warm.
  2. Spread parchment paper in the freezer first. We take out the frozen ice cream, dip it into the icing, let it cool a little and put it on parchment.

Such ice cream, especially made on your own, will allow you to easily and with pleasure survive the hot weather.

Easy Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

Ice cream with vanillin according to this recipe turns out - you just lick your fingers!


  • vanillin - 2 teaspoons;
  • cream 20% - a glass;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • 2 eggs.

Cooking homemade vanilla ice cream:

  1. Whisk the eggs in a bowl. We add sugar and work with a mixer until a dense foam. Salt, stir gently.
  2. We boil milk. Carefully, little by little, pour it into the egg mixture, which we still beat. Pour the resulting mass back into the pan where the milk was, and put it on the stove again, making the minimum fire. You need to cook until the composition becomes thick enough. This takes approximately 7 to 10 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add cream and vanilla to the pan.
  3. After the mixture is ready, pour it into molds and cool. Ice cream should be completely chilled in the refrigerator. And then move the molds to the freezer.

There is hardly a person who can refuse such sweetness.

Banana ice cream - a very tasty recipe

Bananas are delicious on their own. And if you cook such a delicacy as banana ice cream from them, then you get such an overeating - “you can’t drag it by the ears”!

For the dish you need:

  • 2 ripe (you can even take overripe) bananas,
  • half a cup of cream
  • a tablespoon of powder and lemon juice.


  1. Put bananas cut into large pieces for 4 hours in the freezer.
  2. Then grind them in a blender until smooth.
  3. Add cream, lemon juice and powder to bananas. Whisk well again.
  4. Put everything in the freezer for 2 hours.
  5. During this time, be sure to take out the mixture at least twice and mix.
  6. Ready. Put ice cream in a bowl, sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Bon Appetit!

How to make chocolate ice cream at home

No store-bought ice cream tastes as good as a home-made ice cream. And the chocolate yummy made at home, even more so. There are many ways to make this ice cream.

Here you can take bitter or milk chocolate as the main ingredient, as well as just cocoa powder. Or combine cocoa and chocolate in one recipe. We will look at how to make ice cream using milk chocolate.

So, Components:

  • milk chocolate - 100 gr.;
  • fine-grained sugar - 150 gr.;
  • 4 eggs;
  • cream (can be replaced with fat sour cream).

Cooking process homemade chocolate ice cream

  1. We take the eggs first and separate the whites and yolks. We melt the chocolate. The yolks should be fluffy. While whipping, add slightly cooled chocolate to them.
  2. Now we need to work on the proteins combined with sugar until the lush foam. In parallel, whip the cream (sour cream).
  3. We combine both egg mixtures into one uniform mass. With continuous stirring, add the cream there. Not all at once, but gradually. We make the composition homogeneous and pour it into containers prepared for ice cream. We put it in the freezer, taking the mixture out every hour (2-3 times in total) for mixing. After the last mixing, we send the ice cream to the freezer for another 3 hours. Everything, a delicacy from the category of "amazingly delicious" is ready!

Important! The more chocolate added to the ice cream, the less sugar you need to take. Otherwise, the product will turn out cloying!

Very easy homemade ice cream recipe in 5 minutes

It turns out that ice cream can be prepared in just 5 minutes. And it doesn't require any special ingredients.

Only 300 grams of frozen (required) berries, chilled cream half or a little more than a third of a glass and 100 grams of granulated sugar. Berries can be taken any, but strawberries, raspberries or blueberries (or all together) are ideal.

So, put everything in a blender and mix intensively for 3-5 minutes. You can add some vanilla to the mixture. That's all!

It is not forbidden to serve this ice cream immediately after preparation. And if you send it to freeze for half an hour, then it will only get better.

The legendary Soviet ice cream is the taste of childhood born in the USSR. And with our recipe it is very easy to feel it again.


  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 100 gr. fine sugar;
  • 4 yolks;
  • a glass of fat milk;
  • cream 38% - 350 ml.

Cooking ice cream according to GOST from the USSR as follows:

  1. 4 yolks and 100 grams of fine sugar are rubbed thoroughly until white.
  2. Carefully remove the seeds from the vanilla.
  3. Boil milk in a saucepan with vanilla added to it.
  4. Pour the milk in a thin stream into the yolks whipped with sugar.
  5. We put the mass back on the fire and warm it up, stirring constantly, to 80 ° C. It is important not to let the composition boil! After that, remove the saucepan from the stove and cool. First to room temperature, then place the mixture for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
  6. Cream, pre-chilled for 12 hours, whip vigorously.
  7. Combine the yolk mixture and cream and also beat for a couple of minutes. The resulting mass is sent to the freezer for 60 minutes. Then we take out, mix or beat, and again into the chamber. So 4 times.
  8. The mixture last taken out will be solid. That's the way it should be. We break it with a spoon, stir intensively, and again in the freezer.
  9. After half an hour, we take it out, mix again and now we put the ice cream in the chamber until it solidifies completely.

Soviet ice cream is ready! You can enjoy it, remembering your happy childhood.

How to make ice cream at home - tips and tricks

Making ice cream at home means surprising your family with your favorite treat and at the same time taking care of the health of your loved ones. Because in this case you will always be sure of the naturalness of the product.

To make ice cream correctly, you need to not only follow the recipes, but also put into practice some recommendations and tips:

  1. Sugar in ice cream can be replaced with honey.
  2. Instead of store bought milk, use homemade milk. As is cream. Then the ice cream will be much tastier.
  3. Chocolate, jam, nuts, coffee and many other products go well as an additive and decoration for a delicacy. Fantasy can not be limited. Sometimes it’s enough just to look in the refrigerator and inspect the kitchen shelves.
  4. Dessert can not be kept in the freezer for a long time. It is prepared entirely from natural products, so the shelf life is low. It must be consumed within a maximum of 3 days. Although it is unlikely that he will be so delayed.
  5. It is not recommended to re-freeze melted ice cream!
  6. Before the dessert is served, it must be kept out of the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Then its taste and aroma will appear much brighter.
  7. When preparing treats without an ice cream maker, it must be constantly stirred during freezing. For the entire cycle - from 3 to 5 times, approximately every half hour or hour.

If you are really craving ice cream and your freezer is empty, you can try making ice cream at home very quickly.

There are many ice cream recipes out there, but did you know that you can make your own ice cream in 5 minutes using a bag?

To prepare this beloved dessert, you need ingredients that you will probably find at home.

Ice cream at home

You will need:

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup salt

2 bags with string lock

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1 tablespoon sugar

topping on request

1. Mix milk, vanilla and sugar in a smaller bag. Close the bag so that as little air as possible remains inside.

2. Place ice and salt in a large bag.

3. Place the small bag inside the larger one and close the large bag leaving as little air as possible. Wrap the bag in a towel or put on gloves and shake and rub the bag so that the ice coats the mixture inside the small bag.

4. It will take you 5 to 8 minutes for the mixture to turn into ice cream.

Salt lowers the freezing point of ice and creates a very cold solution that absorbs the heat of the formula, helping it to freeze faster.


Freezer bags are best, as they are thicker and less likely to tear.