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Differs creamy. How to find real butter

Probably every housewife has ever faced such a situation: a sandwich hopelessly spoiled by "butter" from a freshly opened pack. It's summer now, in stores, the products sold if stored improperly quickly deteriorate. Especially when it comes to perishable foods, the category of which includes butter. will tell you how to choose butter and how to determine its quality at home. Let's see what this natural dairy product should be like.

Solar oil

Butter is in high consumer demand in our country. Not surprisingly, this product is on our table every day. Everyone knows the saying: "You can't spoil porridge with butter" is fully justified. What kind of porridge, if it is not seasoned with oil, what kind of sandwich is without it, it is an obligatory ingredient in many recipes for preparing dough, various creams, it is an excellent addition to some soups.

Butter is a very useful dairy product, it is rich in vitamins A, E and K, contains proteins and carbohydrates, milk fat, minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, copper, zinc, manganese). That is, almost all the beneficial substances that are contained in cow's milk are also present in butter, since it is made by separating or churning cream collected from cow's milk. That is why nutritionists recommend including this valuable product for human health in your diet every day.

Of course, you need to eat butter in moderation, since it is a high-calorie product (748 kcal per 100 g), which is easily absorbed by the body (by 91%). In addition, butter has a fairly high percentage of cholesterol (200 mg per 100 g of product, with an allowable rate of 300 mg). As you know, an increase in the level leads to the development of heart problems, negatively affects the blood vessels of a person.

The recommended norm without harm to health is 10 - 20 g of butter per day. That is, you can put a piece of butter in the porridge that you cooked for yourself, or spread a couple of sandwiches (but not with sausage, but, for example, with cheese). This amount will not harm your figure, but it will bring tremendous health and beauty benefits. It is especially useful to eat oil in the cold season of the season, it will give your body additional energy.

Rules for buying butter in a store

Going to the store, it is important to buy a high-quality, natural product that carries all the benefits for the body. How to choose the right butter? What should you pay attention to first of all?

1. Title. The packaging should say, for example, "peasant oil" or "traditional oil", etc. If the word OIL is not written on the packaging, then, according to the law, this product is no longer butter, but is a kind of analogue, but simply a surrogate or spread. A spread is just a fatty product made from vegetable fats. The percentage of milk fat in them is less than in natural butter, or it may not be at all (then it is pure margarine). Whether you should take a cheap and low-quality product, of course you decide. But there is no benefit in such a product, most likely only harm.

2. Fat content. Real butter must have a fat percentage of at least 72.5%. It is the milk fat of cow's milk contained in a natural product that has the most useful and nutritious properties.

Butter, according to the percentage of milk fat in it, is divided in Russia into:

  • traditional, it has the largest percentage of fat mass fraction - 82.5%;
  • amateur, also has a high percentage of fat mass fraction - 80.0%;
  • peasant, the mass fraction of fat is 72.5%;
  • sandwich with fat mass fraction - 61.0%;
  • tea, has the lowest percentage of fat mass fraction - 50.0%.

If you see a package with the name "sandwich butter", then you need to understand that with only 61% fat content, this product can no longer be real butter. Therefore, sandwich and tea oils contain, in addition to milk fat: flavorings, food colors, emulsifiers, consistency stabilizers.

In addition to the name of the product itself, you can also read the inscription: sweet and sour, which means that the butter was made from fresh (sweet) pasteurized cream. If, in addition to the word butter, the pack also says "sour-butter", this means that the butter is also made from pasteurized cream, but using sour-milk cultures (it is allowed to add sourdough to such butter). Sour butter is considered to be healthier, as it is produced using lactic acid microorganisms, and it also tastes better.

Also oil (traditional, amateur, peasant) is divided into salted and unsalted, which the label can also tell you about.

3. GOST. You need to choose butter on which GOST 37-91 is indicated, first or highest grade (this is the main GOST, there are also other GOSTs that do not cancel the requirements of the main one, but expand the assortment names). Be careful: according to the law of the Russian Federation, which was released in 2004, GOST R 52100-2003 can now be indicated on the spread. That is why you need to be especially careful when choosing, because the packaging with natural oil also has GOST. They produced such a low-grade product, in order to sell it, they write on it slogans calling for action: "light", "dietary", "natural aroma", "creamy taste". As you can imagine, both the taste and the fabulous aroma of such a product can be due to only one thing - the presence of synthetic flavors and flavorings in it.

Only butter produced in accordance with GOST 37-91 contains everything you need to distinguish butter - vitamins, as well as natural milk fat. These important components help our eyesight, beauty of skin, hair, nails.

GOST butter is of two types: first or premium. The best quality oil is considered to be of the highest grade. At the same time, experts evaluate such organoleptic indicators as: smell, color, taste, consistency, packaging, etc. The product is rated on a 20-point scale. If the butter of this manufacturer, as a result of such an assessment, gains 11-16 points, then it is assigned the first grade. Upon receipt of 17-20 points - the highest grade.

In addition to the variety, an important indicator characterizing butter is the percentage of fat. For a natural product, as mentioned above, it cannot be lower than 72.5%.

Butter can also be made according to TU, in this case, you need to carefully study the composition on the label.

4. Composition. The composition of real butter should be written: cream and whole milk. This means that a natural product cannot contain vegetable fats at all, which are present in spreads. Spreads are of two types: vegetable-creamy, this is when the content of vegetable fats prevails in them over milk. And vice versa, butter-vegetable, in this case milk fat prevails in the product over vegetable fats. The name spread itself, translated from English, means smearing or stretching, i.e. soft butter. Due to the content of vegetable fats in them (and their share is at least 39%), the spread is easily smeared, even when chilled in the refrigerator. Despite the fact that spreads can be enriched with various vitamins, phytosterols and other beneficial substances, they are less fatty than butter, but the presence of vegetable fats in them cannot make this product beneficial to health. In addition, flavor enhancers, artificial flavors can be added to them. The most alarming factor is that all spreads contain trans fatty acids, which can cause the risk of developing tumors, cardiovascular diseases, infertility, and Alzheimer's disease. Whether you need to take such a risk, using a spread instead of a natural product, is up to you, of course, since no one will be more responsible for your health than you yourself.

5. Price. Butter should have a price of less than 80 - 100 rubles per pack. This is an average figure, a pack can also be of different weight - less than 200 grams. But you need to understand that when the purchase price of milk is 20-23 rubles, in order to make 1 kg of butter, more than 20 liters of milk must be processed. Therefore, real butter cannot be too cheap.

6. Date of manufacture. It will not be superfluous to look at the date of manufacture if the price of a pack of oil is suspiciously low. Stores often run promotions at the end of the product's shelf life, lowering its price. In this case, it is doubtful to talk about the quality of the product, because by the end of its shelf life, it already begins to accumulate harmful substances, oxidation products, and if the proper storage rules in the store are not followed, harmful microorganisms. The longer the butter has been stored in the store, the more likely it is to buy a low-quality product.

The shelf life indicated on the packaging can vary from 1 month to several months. GOST clearly prescribes a shelf life of 30-35 days. But on packages of imported oils, you can see a much longer period. Such a deviation from the standard is allowed if the manufacturer receives the appropriate permission from Rospotrebnadzor. However, in this case, there is a high probability that there are additives that are not beneficial to human health in the oil to increase the shelf life. Personally, I buy oil from domestic producers with a one-month shelf life.

7. Packaging. In the store, you need to choose butter packed in foil or opaque parchment, then the product will be less susceptible to destruction by light, and therefore to oxidation. The packaging should not be deformed, if this is observed, then most likely the oil was thawed and re-frozen, which will negatively affect its quality.

What else can you pay attention to?

8. Hardness test. Try pressing your finger down on the butter stick. If it is firm, then this is a good sign. Since oil containing vegetable fats (palm, coke, rapeseed, sunflower oil) cannot completely freeze even in the freezer.

9. Test for a trace. In addition to hardness, you can also check if the butter leaves traces. You need to bend the edge of the package and see if there are traces of oil left on it. Natural creamy little has a high fat content and cannot leave marks on the foil or other packaging in which it is located.

Home examination: how to determine the quality of butter

Even if you were able to choose the right butter in the store, according to the above points, there is no full guarantee that you bought a quality product. Cases of detection of low-quality dairy products on sale, unfortunately, are not uncommon in our time. If you are still in doubt whether you brought real butter home, there are “home” tests. So how to determine the quality of butter at home?

Having opened a pack of butter, housewives can quite often find a bloom of a dark yellow hue on it. This is due to long storage, the oil becomes covered with staff and its surface becomes dark yellow. This is not considered a product defect, the staff can be easily removed with a knife. The oil itself should not be too yellow or too white in color. If the color of butter is rich yellow, this can only mean one thing, a large amount of food coloring - beta-carotene was added to it.

But it happens otherwise, if the butter was stored incorrectly in the store - at temperatures above plus 4 ° C or in the light, then product damage is inevitable. Under the influence of oxygen, the fats that make up butter are oxidized, harmful chemical compounds are formed: aldehydes, ketones, keto acids.

The same can happen if the necessary storage conditions for this product are observed, but with a violation of its shelf life. After the expiration of the sale period of the oil, oxidation processes will also inevitably begin, leading to the accumulation of substances harmful to the human body. That is why it is important for buyers to carefully look not only at the% fat content of a given product (for a high-quality oil, this indicator should not be less than 72.5%). But also at the expiration date - is it close to the end of the implementation period. You need to be especially careful when a store holds promotions with a discount on butter, in which case the price reduction may be due to this very factor.

Good quality oil:

  • whitish or light yellow;
  • the cut surface must be shiny, dry;
  • the taste and smell are clean, characteristic of the product.

How to check falsification at home

The most common way to falsify oil is by adding hydrogenated vegetable fats or completely replacing the product with them. Unfortunately, in order to determine their presence in butter at home, you will have to rely on your own sense of smell and taste. Since only laboratory analysis is able to determine the exact composition of the purchased product. There are other ways of falsification: cottage cheese or cheese is mixed into the butter.

However, at home, you can also try to determine the quality of the butter if you have doubts about it.

1 way. The easiest one is to taste it. Take a small piece and taste it, as mentioned above, the taste should be clean - with a delicate milky-sweet aftertaste. It should not contain the taste of bitterness, fish, or be too salty (the exception is salted butter, which is specially added with salt, thereby increasing its shelf life). Real butter is also virtually odorless and melts quickly in your mouth, unlike a spread.

Method 2. Mix a tablespoon of oil in a glass of hot water. When it is completely melted, stir the liquid and let stand. Pure butter should not leave sediment, it should be stirred evenly, and not disintegrated into "constituents".

Method 3. Place a lump of butter in the freezer for an hour; this should be enough time for it to harden if made with cream. Try to cut a frozen piece with a knife, if it begins to crumble into pieces (and not cut with a knife), while the chipped surface will be clean and uniform, then you have a really natural product without any additives. In counterfeit vegetable fats do not allow the oil to completely harden even in the freezer, it will still be soft and easy to cut with a knife.

Method 4. Heat a frying pan, put a piece of butter in it. It heats up, begins to melt, and a foam appears that smells good. The spread will either melt with an unpleasant odor or no odor at all.

However, frying anything in butter is not recommended, since harmful carcinogenic substances are formed in it with strong heating. For frying, it is better to use olive oil or refined sunflower oil.

Method 5. If you accidentally forgot to put the oil in the refrigerator and moisture appeared on its surface in the form of water droplets - such oil cannot be real. In this case, natural butter will slightly melt, become plastic, it can be easily spread on a piece of bread.

Now you know how to determine the quality of butter at home.

Oil belongs to the category of perishable food. Therefore, upon discovering that you have purchased a low-quality product, do not hesitate to return it to the store: even if you have a receipt after a day, it will be difficult for you to prove that the product was not damaged due to improper storage at home.
I suggest watching a video from the Test Purchase program cycle from which you will learn how to choose butter, the manufacturer of which “traditional butter” company was recognized as the best, and you will also see how deliciously cook chicken Kiev cutlets from chicken breast and butter.

How to store butter

And at the very end, a few tips on how to properly store butter, which has a short shelf life. Of course, everyone knows that this perishable product should be stored in. However, when purchasing it for a long time, it is better to place it in the freezer so that it does not deteriorate. If for a few days, put it in a plastic container with a lid, a china or glass oiler. It is best to keep butter, like all dairy products that are perishable, on the uppermost shelf of the refrigerator - where the temperature is coldest. Although in some models of refrigerators such a shelf is located, on the contrary, at the bottom. The oil must be closed with a lid or placed in a plastic bag, otherwise it will quickly absorb foreign odors.

Yesterday I bought butter at the market, my husband attacked me with reproaches, they say I’m a kettle, I don’t understand butter, and they slipped me margarine!

I felt hurt, because I am 160 rubles. I gave it for a piece, about 400 grams and, today I decided to rummage through and-no and interview experienced relatives and friends in butter / margarine matters, and this is what I found:

Butter is a natural product made from cow's milk or cream.
Margarine is an artificially created product from animal and vegetable fats.

Differences - butter / margarine:

1. The words "natural", "environmentally friendly" are not yet an indicator that you have oil in front of you. "Light Butter", "Sandwich Butter" ... are essentially margarine. The phrase "Butter" must be written. Also, words like “Cow's Butter” or “Made from Cream” will be a plus in favor of butter.

2. If the pack contains GOST number R 52969-2008, this is butter. However, here too you need to be careful and pay attention to the price of such oil. If a 200-gram pack costs 19 rubles, it is most likely a fake. Real oil should cost at least 30-40 rubles per package.

3. On the package, examine the composition of the product. Butter is made only from milk or cream. If the composition contains vegetable fats (peanut, coconut, palm oil or, in general, "milk fat substitute"), in front of you - margarine!

4. It is possible to distinguish butter from margarine empirically, but only at home: leave the purchased pack for one hour on the kitchen table. If there are drops of water “fogging up” on it, it is margarine. The same conclusion will be if the piece from the pack immersed in water does not dissolve evenly, but stratifies into particles.

5. The color of the oil can range from whitish to pale yellow, but the oil from one batch should have a uniform color.
The color of margarine is more intense yellow, but modern margarine manufacturers have learned to lighten margarine by adding a certain percentage of milk to it.

6. Butter practically does not smell. And you certainly shouldn't smell any smell when sniffing the selected product through the paper packaging.

7. Salt is allowed in butter.

National differences - butter / margarine:

1. The butter should be applied to the bread and the margarine should be spread.
2. Melt butter and margarine separately at home. While solidifying, the butter will solidify into a uniform mass - ghee, and the margarine will be divided into a fatty part and a layer of milk water.
3. Standing at the refrigerator counter, slide your finger along the edge of the package, pressing lightly: the chilled butter will be harder and the edge of the packed bar will feel firm under your finger. For chilled margarine or spread, it is much softer, the edge of the package will crumble under the finger.
4. Frozen butter splits and breaks, while margarine remains plastic, easy to cut and spread.
5. From the refrigerator, the oil should not crack and crumble. When cut in a thin layer, the oil should curl:

With margarine, this effect will not work. If the oil splits and crumbles, it means that it contains artificial additives.
6. There is always cholesterol in oil!
7. A piece of butter in the mouth - it will melt evenly without a trace, and the margarine in the mouth is smeared and sticks to the palate.
8. Butter leaves behind a pleasant creamy aftertaste, and margarine - a nasty, unnatural aftertaste.
9. In the cold, margarine does not harden, like butter, and at room temperature, margarine holds its shape worse than butter.
10. Buy homemade butter from someone in the village, then buy store-bought butter and margarine from the store. Then try option 1, after options 2 and 3, and draw conclusions))

So, what I bought from my granny meets all the requirements for butter, and its “butter” just looks like margarine ...
When he comes, I'll teach him ... let's see which of us is a teapot ...

What is the difference between butter 72.5% and 82.5%?

Yes, now it has become a difficult question. Earlier, according to GOST, 82.5% oil was called traditional, 72.5% - peasant. And it was believed that it was oil with a fat content of 72.5% that was more useful, because it seemed to preserve all biological substances. It is now widely believed that anything below 82.5% is not oil! Because trans fats are added. And trans fats are vegetable oils that have hardened as a result of the passage of hydrogen through them. Trans fats are very harmful to humans, very poorly excreted from the body. Personally, I buy 82.5% local oil. I found it by testing, focusing exclusively on taste. If you choose an oil with a fat content of 82.5%, read the packaging carefully, because the manufacturers are cunning
... I once bought 82.5% butter, tried margarine. Then on the package I found an inscription in small print (in the picture), poorly readable, that it was a spread, with the addition of vegetable fats.

Therefore, be careful when choosing.

Based on personal experience, I would advise you to choose an oil with a higher fat content.

However, and this is not a guarantee of the correct choice, it is necessary to read the composition. It is very important that the purchased oil does not contain vegetable fats. This, unfortunately, is often the case for manufacturers.

Well, it is quite obvious that cheap butter will largely contain components that are far from butter, which, in fact, makes it cheaper.

If you directly answer the question, then the oil differs in fat content, i.e. different percentage of fat.

And real oil can be 72.5% and 82.5% fat. This is not what determines the "realness" of butter.

It is necessary to look at the packaging of the composition of this oil (if, of course, you believe the manufacturer). If the butter is made from natural cream, then this is butter. Now, herbal ingredients are often included in the composition. This is actually not oil, but a spread.

It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer / brand itself that you trust. Vologda oil has always been famous. Only the real one, made in Vologda, and not just having this name. Or Finnish.

The fat content of butter, like other dairy products - sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc., can be different. The consumer himself will be able to choose the fat content he needs.
I try to buy butter (and kefir / fermented baked milk) with a lower fat content.

Although now I no longer meet such quality butter as in Soviet times. It became hard in the refrigerator and almost crumbled when sliced, but now any butter is somehow soft, "creeps away".


How to choose quality butter.

I agree that the fat content and quality mentioned in the question are not directly related.
Reading the label and orienting to taste is also not an indicator. Once I got into a mess by buying 2 packs of butter: one deliberate spread for baked goods, the other made only of cream for breakfast. The first pack was very tasty, albeit soft, and the second was pure margarine to taste.

Apparently, real butter can be more likely to be bought from a private owner on the market - it is unlikely that the farmer has worked out the process of mixing vegetable and animal fats, and they are fighting for the client.

The fact that 72% fat is not butter

Dear, you do not understand what you are writing about. Real butter CANNOT, IN PRINCIPLE, have a fat content below 80%. In no country in the world, except ours, there is the concept of "Butter 72%", because it is NOT butter. If the fat content is below 80%, the oil a priori contains vegetable fats, WHAT IS WRITTEN ON THE PACKAGE. Well, you at least google before answering people

Butter is 82% butter and nothing else

It is believed that oil with a higher fat content is more natural, and, accordingly, healthier and tastier.

Whichever oil you buy, always look at the composition.
Ideally, there should be cream in there without a hint of any vegetable fats.
Often butter with a percentage of 72.5% is made using these - vegetable fats that have nothing to do with milk fat.
And, of course, keep in mind that the present will not cost little cheap. Think about it: to make a kilogram of butter, you need to take twenty liters of milk! It turns out that the price for one kilogram of oil cannot cost less than five hundred rubles.

Be aware that there are a lot of fakes on the butter counters, but 82.5% butter is harder to counterfeit than 72.5% butter.

What is the difference between cream and sour cream? It would seem that these are different products, but many confuse these two concepts. But they have different tastes, manufacturing methods. Therefore, for some recipes, it is cream that is taken, and for others, sour cream. It is believed that it is necessary to eat at least three servings of dairy products a day, as they are good for the human body. Therefore, it is difficult to do without cream and sour cream.

Basic definitions

To understand how sour cream differs from cream, you need to familiarize yourself with the definitions of these products.

So, cream is a product obtained in the process of settling milk, in another way it is called separation. Now, of course, it has been put on stream, it is carried out by special apparatuses. However, in the past, the cream was kept in a cool place. Then, by morning, a layer of heavy cream was removed from the barrel of milk.

Sour cream is a fermented milk product. It is made from cream with various additives.

So what's the difference between cream and sour cream? Cream is a dairy product, and sour cream is sour milk, that is, the result of fermentation. You should immediately decide that there is no vegetable cream. If a product is sold under this name, it means that it has nothing to do with milk, and indeed natural cream in general.

What is the use of cream?

This product contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It contains not only fats, but also proteins with carbohydrates. They contain sodium and magnesium. And also a huge amount of B vitamins. They contain iron and potassium, which help the whole body and heart muscle in particular. It is also worth pairing cream with fruit. They react, as a result of which the fruit is better absorbed, and a person can get the maximum amount of vitamins from both of these ingredients.

Sour cream and butter are made from cream. They are often added in the preparation of sauces or some confectionery. Also, cream goes well with coffee and drinks based on it. This is due to the fact that heavy cream sets off its aroma and makes coffee soft. For this reason, it is recommended to drink coffee with cream or milk to reduce the harm to the stomach.

Contraindications for cream

This product has a high fat content. For this reason, it is prohibited for a number of diseases. Also, cream, especially with a fat content of twenty percent or more, is not recommended for the elderly or those who have had a long illness. The body may simply not be able to cope with such a fatty product.

How is sour cream obtained?

What is the difference between cream and sour cream? In fact, the latter is made from cream. It all starts with milk, which is separated. The skimmed cream is pasteurized and normalized, then a special sourdough is added to the already prepared raw material.

After this action, sour cream stands for another day, cools and settles, while acquiring its own taste and consistency.

Sour cream is used as a salad dressing; sauces are made on its basis. Also add sour cream to the dough. This makes the baked goods tender and soft.

What is the use of sour cream?

What is the difference between cream and sour cream? If the former go well with fruits, then sour cream goes well with vegetables. Both ingredients help the nutrients to be absorbed as much as possible.

There are also many vitamins in this product, for example, vitamin A. It is also often called the vitamin of beauty, since it is difficult to imagine healthy skin and hair without it. Sour cream also contains fatty acids, natural sugar and biotin. It is impossible not to notice the presence of B vitamins, potassium and magnesium, zinc and iodine and, of course, iron. The last element is necessary for proper hematopoiesis, helps to fight anemia and weakness. By the way, the latter also directly affects the appearance, helping to form healthy nails.

Taste and fat content

The cream has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. Sour cream is a pronounced sourness, which depends on the original taste of the milk. This is one of the points that shows how sour cream differs from cream. For the same reason, putting sour cream in coffee, for example, is not a good idea. In addition, sour cream can curl under the influence of temperatures. The conscientiousness of manufacturers also plays a huge role here. Due to a number of additives and preservatives, some sour cream should not be used when making sauces. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to what is written on the label. So, the words "sour cream product" should be alarming.

Cream is often offered in several varieties. With a fat content of 10, 20 and 30%. The latter are often whipped with a little granulated sugar to form whipped cream. The first is considered to be drinking. It is difficult to thicken them without certain ingredients, such as starch or gelatin. They are also released and diluted with water, and a drinkable product is obtained. They are stored for a long time.

What is the difference between cream and sour cream, if you take their fat content? Sour cream is most often sold in several types: 10, 15 and 20% fat. There is also the so-called village sour cream. It differs in that it is quite thick without pronounced sourness.

What is the difference between cream and sour cream? A number of factors! So, cream is, in fact, settled milk, or rather its top layer. They have a delicate sweetish taste, with a distinctly milky flavor. Sour cream, in turn, is made from cream. It is more acidic due to fermentation. It is often used for dressing salads, flavored with sour cream dough or delicious soups such as borscht.

It should be clarified right away that not all of these products are completely natural. And although, it would seem, the very name "vegetable-creamy" contains the answer - not everything is so simple. The food industry is working to improve the quality of products, improving the taste and appearance, and increasing the shelf life. It's time to figure it out!

Features of vegetable fats

Manufacturers of cheese and milk dishes create something new almost every year. However, in our case, it was not without rebranding. Making a mixture of fats is far from new. As well as the procedure for obtaining oil from seeds itself, which determines the type of component of non-animal origin. To understand the issue, you need to understand what vegetable fats are.

Production methods

There are three main production methods:

  • Cold spin. The seeds are ground. From the resulting paste, oil is squeezed out by a press.
  • Hot spin. Here the pasta is brought to a high temperature and only then pressed. The warmed up substrate gives off more oil.
  • Extraction. The seeds are poured with a gasoline-like mixture, which washes out the fat from them. The liquid is decanted and evaporated.

Equally important is what type of flora the raw material belongs to. What determines the composition of the oil is the content of certain vitamins and microelements in it. Olives, for example, are rich in a substance that helps to normalize cholesterol status.

Flax contains a large amount of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Corn contains a lot of vitamin E.

Cleaning types

Any oil is purified. On this basis, it is customary to distinguish the following types of product.

  • Unrefined oil- filtered, solid particles and fat-soluble impurities are removed from it. Although, smaller fractions of various parts of the seeds remain, giving it the taste and aroma characteristic of the original plant. An obvious candidate for a salad dressing.
  • Refined oil In addition to filtration, additional purification steps are carried out. This affects its mechanical and culinary properties. It has a longer shelf life and is better for frying.

The benefits and harms of vegetable fats

Any vegetable oil contains a very useful ingredient - polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances are in great demand when creating new cells in our body. Their role is important in the processes that prevent the development of atherosclerosis. In general, their beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system is noted. They help to reduce inflammation, improve the flow of nutrients to tissues.

There are some types of vegetable fat that can be harmful to your health. These are transgenic fats. This method of production is extremely profitable, and a product is created with useful logistic properties, with a long shelf life.

However, its true quality is manifested in the body. Such fat interferes with the work of enzymes, disrupts the work of the cellular ensembles of our body, forcing them to receive less nutrition, inhibiting metabolic processes in general. Prolonged consumption of such products leads to serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, obesity and even reduces immunity. These substances are extremely dangerous for the child's body.

What is vegetable butter?

It is clear that the composition of the mixture is the percentage of animal and vegetable fats. The more herbal supplements, the less creamy. And vice versa. If you are very strict about the classification, you can distinguish certain varieties.

Types of "butter spreads"

If we approach the classification, certain varieties can be distinguished.

  • Vegetable butter is the sweetish equivalent of butter. Palm oil, coconut oil and soybean oil are often found in its composition.
  • Vegetable Fat Spreads are usually made with increased cholesterol-free requirements. Least high-calorie.
  • Vegetable butter consists of animal fats flavored with vegetable oils. Its taste is sour. Enriched with polyunsaturated acids.

It is quite simple to distinguish them from the cow on the counter. Natural butter will never cost you little.

A small price is a reason to study the label and inquire about the composition. Often, a significant content of vegetable fats is found in the product. Since 2004, manufacturers are required to name such products in a special way. For example, "creamy product" or "spread".

However, you should not rush to call vegetable butter harmful or useful. Samples containing unhealthy fats must have a warning on their label. For example, the words "trans fats", "partially hydrogenated" or "hydrogenated".

Fortunately, butter, or a spread, without these hazardous ingredients is not uncommon these days. Many manufacturers are trying to promote these types of products, focusing on the absence of trans fats in their composition. As a rule, they try to post messages about this in the most conspicuous place of the package.

First, the word "spread" is usually used to refer to a mixture of predominantly vegetable fats. This is how butter differs from a spread. Second, in a broad sense, the word "spread" refers not only to oils and fats, but also to all viscous food mixtures that can be spread on bread. Translated from English, it means stretch, smear. In relation to milk-vegetable fats, it would be correct to use a double word - "butter-spread".


It is now clear that butter, which includes a mixture of vegetable fats, is a complete product. And it has the right to exist. The food industry is not yet able to completely abandon the use of trans fats that are extremely dangerous for humans.

There are already healthy vegetable oils and spreads on the market. At the moment, such a product is quite affordable. There is a basic rule that will allow you to avoid eating foods containing hydrogenated fatty components. It is necessary to carefully study the list of components presented on the package.

To learn how to distinguish butter from a spread, see the video below.