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Chopped puff pastry. Chopped dough (recipe)


Chopped puff pastry is a very tender mass with small pieces butter, which are crushed during rolling and form layers during baking. Such unusual dough cooks in just fifteen minutes, since it is not additionally infused. Knead the chopped fresh mass very quickly. Otherwise, it will lose its lamination, and after baking it will become completely solid.
You don't need to use eggs to make this puff pastry at home. The chopped mass is perfectly held together without them. To create this blank, you will only need to use flour, water, salt and oil. From these four ingredients it is possible to make a truly suitable dough for making homemade baked goods, and it can be not only simple pies... From chopped puff pastry created from this simple and intuitive step by step photo recipe, you can easily bake delicious samsa and amazing puffs with any filling, such as meat. Also, this unique fast mass is suitable for the preparation of the classic "Napoleon".
Very often, puff pastry is prepared using kefir or sour cream. However, in our case, there is no need to use these dairy products: the fresh mass we offer comes out very tasty even without them.
So, let's start cooking right now!


Chopped puff pastry - recipe

First, take the required amount wheat flour and sift through a sieve directly onto the work table. Sprinkle it with salt, and then cut the chilled butter into large pieces.

Add the chopped oil ingredient to the flour and grind until crumbled. This can be done both with a special device and with a food processor. It is also very easy to chop the workpiece with two ordinary knives..

Collect the resulting flour and butter crumbs in one pile. Make a small depression in it, into which pour ice water. Then start kneading the dough. Try to knead the mass as quickly as possible, while not allowing it to become a homogeneous consistency. The dough will acquire this structure during the rolling process, and it will also become very tender..

You should have approximately the same "lump" as in the photo below. At this stage ready dough can be wrapped cling film and send to the refrigerator for further storage. However, you can also start using the fresh mass right now. Note! If you make baked goods with a dry filling from chopped puff pastry, then you do not need to bake the cakes first. Otherwise, the rolled mass must be baked initially, and only then brought to readiness with liquid filling.

I think that there are very few among us who do not like puff pastry. After all, it is impossible not to love her. Delicate crunchy layers of dough will fall in love with you from the first bite for many years. Every hostess seeks to find one perfect recipe so that you always get a decent result. Stores now offer a wide selection finished dough for every taste. But how can store-bought dough compare to homemade chopped dough? puff pastry? Never! The best chopped puff pastry made at home is a thrilling anticipation, a delicious smell of fresh baked goods, a touch of the hands of a beloved woman, mother. Try it and you won't regret it.


0.3 kilograms of flour top grade;
butter with maximum fat content - two hundred grams;
90 milliliters of water;
10 milliliters apple cider vinegar;
table salt - half a teaspoon.
Dough yield: 600 grams.

The best chopped puff pastry. Step by step recipe

We measure 90 milliliters of ordinary cool water into a jug.
Mix 10 milliliters of apple cider vinegar with water.
Cut the butter into small pieces and place on a suitable plate.
Now very important condition! Put a jug of water and a plate of butter in the freezer for 15 minutes. These components should cool well.
We measure three hundred grams of premium flour (wheat) using a kitchen scale. Sift the flour through a fine sieve and cool it in the refrigerator for one hour. It is best to put the flour in the refrigerator in advance for cooling.
As you can see, all the ingredients for the chopped puff pastry should be well chilled.
Never neglect the flour sifting step. Sifted flour is rich in oxygen, there are no foreign particles in it, and baked goods from such flour are simply magical.
So, mix the cooled sifted flour with salt.
Pour the flour onto a work board (we will knead the dough on it). Slightly level the pile of flour with your hand.
Put cold butter in the middle of the flour.
We take a large knife and chop butter and flour into crumbs. The crumb size should resemble a grain of rice.
Pour in the liquid (water with vinegar) little by little and stir it in with a knife.
We collect the dough into a lump with our hands and put it in a plastic bag. We give the dough the shape of a rectangle.
We send a bag of homemade chopped puff pastry to the refrigerator for two hours.
We take out the cooled dough from the refrigerator, release it from the bag and put it on a sheet of parchment.
Cover the dough with another sheet of parchment.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of no more than 5 millimeters.
Then fold the dough in three and roll it out again with a rolling pin to a thickness of no more than 5 millimeters. Do not forget that we roll the dough through a sheet of parchment.
Again, fold the layer of dough three times, divide it in half with a knife.
We put each piece of dough in a plastic bag and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.
When the dough is well cooled, you can start baking pies, pies, tartlets with various fillings from it: both with sweet (jam, berries, fruits) and savory (with meat, vegetables).
Ready-made dough for baking can be stored for no more than two days in the refrigerator, and in the freezer for up to 30 days.
For me, this is the best and easiest recipe for chopped puff pastry. Also from this dough you can bake cakes for cakes, use for making strudel. It is very good to have a small supply of this puff pastry in the freezer. Then, if necessary, you can quickly and without special trouble cook something delicious and delight your family with delicious crispy pastries. The Super Chef website team wishes you bon appetit. Cook with us - you will always have a delicious table set and a great mood.

Today we will focus on the dough that is used for pies. About the classic American Pie Dough. Let's discuss the main points, and then we will go directly to the technology. Today - "introductory part" ...

First, the composition. Nothing is easier - flour, fat, liquid, salt, all ... I represent in descending order (as expected). Only four ingredients. The essence of the method follows from the name of the test itself. Dry ingredients (that is, flour and salt) are exactly what chopped together with fat to a crumb state... Add cold liquid and - yes, actually, that's all. Absolutely nothing complicated ...

Now, here are some tricks.

To begin with, there are two main types of chopped dough - as we used to call them -

.NS thick chopped dough and
... Chopped puff pastry.

What is the difference between them? The first is more crumbly, the second is more flaky, respectively.

If we want a simple chopped dough, the butter is ground with flour into fine crumbs - roughly like corn grits. Thus, the butter covers the flour well and does not allow it to mix strongly with water (read, to form polygluten) - and the dough turns out to be quite crumbly.

The secret of the same puff chopped dough consists in the fact that the butter remains in rather large pieces (the size of a pea) and the flour does not mix much with it (in this connection, it, of course, will absorb more water ...) But these large chunks As a result, oils, when rolled and heated, form these very layers.

In addition to your own preferences, there is a certain pattern in the use of one and the other type of test. So, for pies with liquid filling - fruit or cream, simple chopped dough is traditionally used. It is believed that it "gets wet" less. Puff chopped dough is often covered with a pie and then a high "head" of dough is formed above the mold ...

Yes, I almost forgot. Sometimes chopped dough is enriched with yolks and sugar, and used in sweet pies - if for someone the base is as important as the filling ... Let's call it

... Butter chopped dough

And now, in order.

About flour... Use flour with the lowest gluten content (in our case, it will be extra - tn all purpose, rather than bakery).

About fat. Take oil from the refrigerator. In no case leave it at room temperature, otherwise instead of butter-flour crumbs we will get butter-flour paste, and this is a completely different dough ... I noticed that
lately, some manufacturers' oil has remained soft even in the refrigerator. So, this is not our option. We need cold hard butter. The oil will definitely taste better. But margarine gives certain advantages (in the form of a higher melting point, and accordingly, it is easier to work with, and the layers with it are not much better). Your choice is taste or texture.

About liquid ... As a liquid, add either plain water, or eggs, dairy products (kefir, yogurt, sour cream, even cottage cheese) serve this purpose. And despite the fact that the traditional dough for pies is made with water, recently many recipes insist on adding eggs, or, say, sour cream.

About acid... There is an opinion that the presence of a certain amount of acid in chopped dough makes it ten times more tender, promotes the formation of layers, and also helps to roll out and transfer the dough. Therefore, very often chopped dough on kefir (with the addition of cottage cheese - as an option) is called "successful", or it is advised to add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.

About salt. Just add salt. Stir well with flour before adding butter. Salt, as well as a pinch of sugar, has the ability to "gather" tastes together.

About temperature ... All ingredients should be cold - not just cold, but refrigerator temperatures. If, during the kneading process, you notice that the fat becomes soft (oil is especially bad for this), put the dough in the refrigerator until it turns cold again. After kneading, also put the dough in the refrigerator for the same reason - for 15-30-60 minutes (or overnight).

About proportions ... Among professional pastry chefs, as well as among amateurs like you and me, the "3-2-1" chopped dough formula is very popular. That is, for 3 parts of flour, 2 parts of oil and 1 part of liquid are taken. I have nothing against this formula - I have never had any problems with it, and if you are not eager to climb according to recipes every time, this option is very convenient for memorizing. In other cases, trust your recipes - perhaps someone will like a less buttery dough better.

About kneading method ... Here we use "The method of rubbing butter into flour." Those. the fat is rubbed into dry ingredients (in this case, flour and salt) to the size we need. Moreover, you can grind fat with flour both with your hands, and in a processor, or in a mixer. If you are using a processor, just a few pulsations are enough - you need to be very careful here so as not to overdo it. Use a spatula when mixing with a mixer. Then cold liquid is added to the mixture of butter and flour, the dough is collected into a lump and sent to the refrigerator for a short rest ... How to do this will be described in detail in the next post!

Something in my opinion, I began to hack a lot ... I managed to stretch the most ordinary chopped dough into three full-fledged posts ... But on the other hand, summer is a little relaxing, don't you think? And lately, only cold soups have appeared in the tape - there is not enough strength for anything else. So don't expect revelations today. Will recipe for the most basic chopped dough ..... But - the best, and proven - as usual.

To be honest, I deliberately divided all the information into different posts. In the future, I am sure, this will help to refer directly to the required section - whether it be the "rubbing in butter" method, or a recipe for dough for pies ...

Why do I call this recipe the best? Everything is very simple. VI already mentioned the role acid- it makes the dough softer, and oddly enough - more "layered". It is from here that all kinds of "sour cream", "kefir" and "curd" versions of chopped dough "grow". There is only one answer - acid. But you can add it in several ways - it can be apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice... or - as I already mentioned - something fermented. Just keep in mind that the total amount of fluid will have to be reduced accordingly. In the case of kefir - completely replace water with it.


For a mold with a diameter of 20 cm:

300 g flour (100%)
200 g cold butter (70%)
70-90 ml ice water (30%)
10 ml (2 tsp) apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
a pinch of salt and sugar

Chopped dough knead

1. Stir vinegar or lemon juice in water and put this mixture in the freezer for 15 minutes.

2. Cut the butter into large cubes and place in the freezer for 15 minutes.

3. Sift flour and mix with salt and sugar.

4. Using knives, or a food processor, or a mixer with a spatula attachment, "chop" the butter and flour to the size you need. If you need Puff Chopped Pastry, the butter should be about the size of a large pea. If you want a softer, Simple chopped dough, grind until finely crumbled (or corn grits). If the oil starts to heat up, put the mixture back in the freezer for 15 minutes.

5. Add ice water to the cooled oil mixture. Don't add all at once - watch the consistency. The dough should begin to clump, and if squeezed in the palm of your hand, it should not crumble.

6. Gather the dough into a ball with your hands, wrap it with foil, press down with your hand, forming a disk and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes - so that the dough is well cooled.

Chopped dough will stay quietly in the refrigerator from three days to a week. It keeps well in the freezer for longer.

This is the recipe.

And now a few more tricks - to clear my conscience - you never know who did not know before ...

How to roll chopped dough?

Thoroughly sprinkle the table with flour, put a disc with dough, roll it with flour on all sides and roll it out with a rolling pin in one direction, constantly lifting and making sure that the dough does not stick. While rolling, turn the dough 90 degrees and roll it out further.

How to transfer the already rolled dough into the mold?

There are several options. Or "screw" a layer of dough onto a rolling pin and thus transfer it to the mold. Another option is to fold the rolled dough in half, and again in half. In this form, transfer it to the form, and expand it there. Well, the third option is to pass your palms with the back side up, with your fingers spread out under the layer of dough and thus transfer it into the mold.

How much test do I need?

You can make different goodies from puff pastry: khachapuri, puff pastry with any fillings, full-fledged pies, cakes. Puff pastry is also used for cooking second courses in the oven, for example, wrapped with it chicken legs... Many people buy such dough in the store, and not everyone is satisfied with the quality. Today we offer you to get acquainted with recipes for puff pastry on kefir! It is prepared very simply and quickly.

Is there a difference between a quick test and a regular test?

It will take a lot of time and effort to make ordinary puff pastry. Not every housewife, especially after household chores and work, will gladly take up such a preparation. Quick puff pastry on kefir, the recipes of which we will propose to consider within the framework of this article, in taste and consistency does not differ from the usual - complex.

If you cook this product according to the classic recipe, then it will take at least 2 hours, and all this time you will need to cool the dough, roll it out, add oil, fold it again, roll it out and cool it! Not ready for such feats? Then get acquainted with the puff pastry on kefir, which is prepared by a different method.

In production quick test Layer texture has a few tricks that can help you create something indistinguishable from the original. Use our recommendations and you will succeed!

  1. It is better to grind flour with butter or margarine with a fork, and not with your hands. From the warmth of the skin, the oil begins to melt, it absorbs more flour, and the consistency of the dough will eventually be tight, and the layering will be broken, the layers will spread.
  2. You will need to add vinegar to the puff pastry on kefir, it will increase the stickiness of the flour. Lack of vinegar will lead to a bad result - blurred layers. But an excess of this ingredient will not be for the better reflected on taste.
  3. If you take milk instead of water, then the taste of the dough will be more interesting, but its elasticity will become worse. It is better to take kefir when cooking.

Puff pastry with kefir and margarine

To cook the most delicious tender dough, you need a little food. From such a dough, you can cook pies and pies, puffs and khachapuri, and if you add more sugar, then snail buns.

Would need:

  • 200 grams of margarine;
  • two glasses of premium flour;
  • a third of a glass of kefir;
  • a tablespoon of 9% vinegar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • half a tablespoon of sugar (if for sweet buns, then two tablespoons).


The first step is to sift the flour into a bowl. Chill margarine so that it splits, is not melted.

Place the margarine in the flour and chop it with a fork or knife in quick strokes so that the pieces are about the size of a pea.

V cold kefir pour in vinegar, add salt and sugar, dilute until smooth. Then pour the mixture into the flour and margarine, quickly knead the firm dough.

If in the end the product turns out to be thick or watery, add flour or kefir.

How to make puff pastry?

The layering of the dough is provided by pieces of margarine, which are unevenly spread throughout the consistency, but this will not be enough. To make a good puff pastry on kefir, you must first put it in the refrigerator for an hour. To make the margarine freeze again. And then create the required number of layers in the following way:

  1. Sprinkle the surface of the table or board with flour, lay out the dough, roll it into a thin layer.
  2. Sprinkle with flour, fold in half.
  3. Sprinkle again, fold again - and so 4-5 times.
  4. When the dough is high, just roll it out again.

Surely everyone will agree that such a puff pastry on kefir is much easier and faster to cook than to use classic recipe!

With egg and butter

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with another recipe for a quick puff pastry on kefir. Compared to the previous method of preparation, the dough prepared in this way will be denser, the taste is slightly, but different.

We need the following ingredients:

  • a pound of flour;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • one thing egg;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Sugar can be added if the dough is being prepared for sweet products. From such a sugar-free dough it turns out delicious pizza, pies with any fillings, pies and khachapuri.

Making homemade puff pastry

The preparation itself is also different from the previous method. It resembles the creation of puff pastry by classic recipe but the whole process is simpler and much faster.

  1. Place kefir in a bowl, add salt and chicken egg, beat well with a whisk.
  2. Sift the flour so that it is saturated with air, so the dough will be softer and more elastic, you can easily sculpt various products from it.
  3. Add flour to kefir with an egg, add vinegar, knead the dough. Then cover it with foil and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour - "rest". This procedure is required. During aging, the gluten will ripen and the quality of the dough will be higher.
  4. Cut the frozen butter into plates, divide into three equal parts.
  5. Sprinkle the work surface with flour, lay out the dough, roll it out in a thin layer.
  6. Put one part of the butter, deboned in flour, evenly on the layer, wrap the envelope, pinch the edges, dust with flour and roll out.
  7. Add the second portion of the butter, dipping each bite into the flour. Blind the envelope again, sprinkle with flour and roll out.
  8. It's time for the third part of the oil. Dip the pieces in flour again, spread over the dough, make an envelope and fold it three times, you do not need to roll it out.

That's all, you can start preparing puff pastry products. They will turn out to be much tastier than those created from a store product!

Real dough for Napoleon cake

Anyone who has ever tried this cake made according to the classic recipe knows the difference between it and something similar. In real "Napoleon" the layers are made of puff pastry, but not what is used to make khachapuri or snail buns. If you want to please your family delicious cake, then take note of this recipe! The plus of this preparation is the most simple ingredients, which, if not found in any kitchen, are definitely sold in the convenience store.

Would need:

  • 350 grams of margarine;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • a tablespoon of brandy;
  • a pound of flour;
  • egg.

Cooking instructions

Puff pastry fast food on kefir - this is not about Napoleon cake. This recipe is very different from the ones presented above, but it still prepares the dough faster than regular puff.

  1. From the total amount of margarine, you need to break off 50 grams, this is for the dough. The remaining 300 grams should be put on baking paper, covered with it, and rolled out until a layer of about a centimeter is obtained.
  2. Place the margarine directly in the paper on the refrigerator shelf. It should lie down for about an hour, and during this time you can make the dough.
  3. Beat an egg into a bowl, add brandy and salt. Melt the margarine - 50 grams, cool it, pour into the egg with cognac. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved, and then add a glass of kefir, stir with a whisk.
  4. Sift the flour, pour the kefir mixture into it, knead the dough for 10 minutes. You need to knead vigorously to make the dough more elastic. The final product should not stick either to your hands or to the table. Refrigerate the dough for half an hour.
  5. Roll out: Place the dough on a work surface, roll out into a thin layer. Put a layer of margarine on top, close the envelope, glue the edges, roll out. Fold in 4 layers and refrigerate for half an hour. You need to repeat the procedure 3 times.

All that remains is to bake the cakes and grease them with custard!