Home / Bakery / White currant blanks for the winter recipes. Currants for the winter - simple recipes for delicious preparations

White currant blanks for the winter recipes. Currants for the winter - simple recipes for delicious preparations

In this article, we will look at what can be prepared for the winter from white currants. This berry is albino. According to the biological classification, white currant is the same red, only devoid of color pigment. It tastes softer than its ruby ​​sister, not so sour. Currants in Russia began to be cultivated earlier than in Europe. And the name of the berry bushes was Slavic. In Ukrainian, the word smorid means a stench. To a greater extent, this applies to the black variety. Not only the leaves, but also the branches and the berries themselves have a sharp, slightly unpleasant odor. But the fruits of the white currant do not smell. Their delicate taste and the unusual aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. The blanks made from this berry are not only tasty and healthy, but also interesting from a purely aesthetic point of view. The translucent, light golden jam looks so unusual. This is such an albino berry - white currant. Read recipes for the winter from this garden culture below.

The benefits of white currant

The richest in vitamins and minerals are black berries. In France, until the eighteenth century, this type of currant was considered exclusively as a medicinal plant, and began to be used in cooking much later. Red (and at the same time her albino sister) is inferior to black in the amount of vitamin C. But even in white currants it is four times more than in vaunted citrus fruits. And in terms of iron content, it overtakes the black sister. Red and white currants are rich in potassium, which strengthens the heart and is also responsible for removing excess fluid from the body and prevents puffiness and bags under the eyes. These berries also sharpen eyesight due to the presence of vitamin A.

How to choose the right berry

White currant, the blanks from which we will learn how to make, is a specific product. Traditionalists, who are accustomed to the fact that the jam must necessarily be red or orange, often mix this berry with ruby ​​or black bunches, cherries or raspberries. And people who love eccentricity use the transparent color of white currant to create decorative blanks for the winter. For example, canning berries along with cuttings, keeping the integrity of the bunches. You can combine white currants with slices of unpeeled orange. It is better to pick berries for harvesting in sunny and dry weather. Next, you need to sort through them, removing random debris and leaves. If this is not specified in the recipe, tear off from the cuttings. Then they must be thoroughly rinsed and dried a little. To make white currant jelly, you need to extract juice. The bones in this species are large. They clog the juicer and, when crushed, have a negative effect on the taste of the jelly. Remains the old grandmother's way of rubbing through a sieve. So that the berries do not resist, they are scalded with boiling water.

White currant: jelly without cooking

These berries are the optimal raw material for this kind of desserts, since they contain a lot of pectin. The recipe advises adding some unripe currants to ripe currants. In such berries, there is an order of magnitude more pectin, which will help the jam gelling. Squeeze the juice out of the white currant. For one liter of liquid we take 1200 grams of sugar, better than fruit sugar. Using this sweetener, we will enhance the aroma and taste of the jelly, as well as thicken its consistency. Mix well the juice with sugar. Let's sterilize the banks. We spread jelly on them, filling the container to the top. On top we put a circle cut out of parchment along the width of the neck of the jar. We will first moisten it in vodka so that the white currant does not ferment. And then we will seal the cans with nylon lids. The first days, the workpieces are stored in a quiet and cool place, without rearranging or shaking. Then you can put the jars in the refrigerator.

Boiled jelly

For this way culinary processing use regular sugar, since fructose melts and forms crystals at high temperatures. Boiled white currant jelly is a very shelf stable product. And its consistency is wonderful, you can even decorate cakes with it. To make such a jelly, you first need to extract juice from slightly unripe berries. Pour the liquid into a shallow dish and start cooking. Gradually add four hundred grams of sugar. Cook, and at the end add another 400 g of sweet sand. We determine the readiness as follows: we will draw a wooden spatula along the bottom of the dishes with jelly: if there is a trace-track, you can turn off the fire. We take small cans for this blank, maximum half a liter. We sterilize them in the oven, fill them with jelly. The container should stand for about ten hours, after which it can be sealed with ordinary nylon caps.

Jam with the addition of oranges

There are many blanks for the winter, where the main ingredient is white currant. Recipes often suggest mixing it with other fruits for color or for added sweetness. This method of preparing white currants does not provide heat treatment... Thanks to this, all minerals and vitamins remain in the jam. We pass one kilogram of currants through a meat grinder. My two oranges, cut into pieces, select the seeds. We also pass it through a meat grinder. Combine currants with oranges. Add one and a half or two kilograms of granulated sugar. Stir until completely dissolved. To make it easier for yourself, it is permissible to slightly heat the mass. We put the jam in a sterile glass container. If you intend to store it in the refrigerator, you can cover it with ordinary plastic lids.

Classic jam

White currant recipes do not ignore this common home preparation for the winter. Classic jam is prepared like this. Pour a kilogram of berries with the same amount of sugar. Let the juice stand out. Dissolve three hundred grams of sugar in two glasses of water. Cooking syrup. We put the berries there (along with the juice that has been released). Cook, regularly remove foam, stir. We lay out transparent jam in jars, seal. Decorative jam requires a different approach. First, cook the syrup from a glass of water and a pound of sugar. Gently lay out the bunches in it. We continue to cook, stirring very gently so that the berries remain intact. When the jam becomes translucent, turn off the heat and place in the jars. Such white currants are good both as an independent dessert and for decorating all kinds of baked goods.

Candied fruit

For such homemade sweets, black, red, white currants are suitable, but the berries should be very ripe. We wash them, put them in a colander and pour them into an enamel basin. Cooking syrup. A kilogram of berries requires 300 milliliters of water and 1.2 kilograms of sugar. Boil the syrup until the crystals dissolve. Let's filter it by passing it through several layers of gauze. Put on fire again and bring to a boil. Pour the syrup into a bowl of berries. Boil for five minutes and leave for ten hours. After the specified period, we will boil down the white currants until cooked. Strain the berries, but keep the syrup from it, you can make jam or juice. Leave the berries for two hours. Then we will pour them icing sugar... And let us dry them: in the oven (at + 40 C) for three hours, at room temperature for six days. Next, roll up balls from the berries, again roll them in powdered sugar. We will continue to dry them in the oven or at room temperature.

Home wine

What else can white currants be useful for? Recipes for the winter often use juice from this berry. It is very acidic, so you can use it in place of vinegar, acidifying dishes with it or pouring it into marinades. The juice will make excellent Home wine... In four liters of wort, you need to dissolve 1.6 kilograms of sugar. We take the sule to a cool place and wait until fermentation begins. After about ten days, we stop the process by alcoholization. An average liter of vodka is required per 10 liters of fermented wort, but you can adjust the strength of the drink at your discretion. Mix and leave for five days. We filter and add 800 grams of sugar. Stir until dissolved and bottle the wine. After three months of storage in a cool place, the drink can be served.

White currant: compote

For a beautiful color, you can add a few clusters of ruby. For one sterilized 3-liter jar of compote, you will need three glasses of currants. Wash the berries and put them on the bottom. Pour 2.5 liters of filtered water into a saucepan and put on fire. Gradually add two cups of granulated sugar. Let's wait for the syrup to boil. Fill them with currants (do not forget to put a metal spoon in the jar so that the glass does not burst). Let's put on the lid and wait five minutes. After the berries give the syrup their taste and aroma, pour it back into a saucepan and bring it to a boil again. At this stage, you can add various spices to the compote: cloves, cinnamon, or orange peel... Fill the berries with boiling syrup and roll up the jars iron lids... Turn the container upside down and wrap it with a blanket until it gradually cools.

Currants for a home first aid kit

You don't need to add syrup to the berries. Then in winter you will have almost fresh white currants. We do the blanks like this. We select ripe large berries and put them dry in a jar. Cover the glass container and place it in a container for sterilization. Pour in water so that it reaches the shoulders of the jar. Warm up over low heat until the berry releases the juice and settles (you need to add the currants so that it fills the dishes to the top). Pasteurize for about half an hour at 85 C, and then roll up. Such currants are good for colds and flu prevention.

Traditional jelly for the winter from white currants

The list of products for cooking a healthy treat is small - we only need 1 kilogram of white currant and the same amount of sugar.

Wash the berries. It is not at all necessary to remove them from the branches, because we will grind the berry mass, which will allow separating the juice with pulp from the skin, twigs and seeds. Just place the currants in a saucepan (not an aluminum one, but rather an enamel one).

Pour 50 ml of water there, turn on the burner. Cover the pot with a lid so that steam forms inside. Under its influence, the berries will soften, the skin will burst. In this form, the currants are easy to grind. We need a sieve, fine if you have it fine. Place some of the mass in it, rub with a spoon. The cake will remain in the sieve. It can be folded back onto cheesecloth and squeezed out. Process the entire berry mass in this way. We will turn the resulting pure pulp into jelly.

Set a bowl of berries on fire, send sugar there. As the mass heats up, its surface will begin to be covered with air foam. It needs to be removed. If you do not do this, the transparency of the jelly will be lost. After boiling, the heat should be slightly reduced. The delicacy should be cooked for at least 40 minutes. From time to time it is worth stirring the boiling mass so that the liquid evaporates faster. Remember to sterilize containers and lids. Pour the finished jelly into the jars immediately after turning off the heat. Tighten the lids, turn the cans of winter harvesting and wrap them up.

Recipe for currants without cooking

Ingredients: white currant - 1 kg; sugar - 1.3 kg.

Since this berry contains a sufficient amount of pectin, it is possible to make jelly from it without boiling. However, it should be understood that juice that has not undergone any heat treatment at all will simply deteriorate during storage after a while, it will not stand until winter. Therefore, it is advisable to at least bring the product to a boil. This is how we will prepare the treat this time.

So, wash the berries, dry them. Then the raw material must be crushed. This can be done with a mortar or in another way. Our task is to extract the juice. Then we rub the pulp through a sieve and cheesecloth. This way we will be able to get rid of the seeds and skins. Drain the fruit mixture into a suitable saucepan and add the sugar. There is a lot of it, so you won't be able to dissolve it quickly. Turn on the heat and stir the syrup constantly, otherwise the sugar will burn to the bottom. Usually, by the time the mass boils, the sugar grains are completely dissolved. In order for the jelly to be able to be stored all winter, it takes one minute to boil it. Then immediately pour into jars (only sterilized). Roll up the container with lids, turn it over and cover with a blanket. Store jelly made without boiling in the refrigerator.

Plum, apple and white currant jelly

Housewives will like this recipe for its simplicity, and the finished product will be appreciated for its excellent taste, pleasant color, aroma and texture. Apples and currants - these ingredients contain a lot of pectin, and plums will give a pink hue to our dessert.

Ingredients- white currant - 0.5 kg; plums - 0.5 kg; apples - 5 pcs.

Take apples that are green, dense and juicy. Fruits with a loose structure will not work. You can take any plums. Wash all the fruits and berries, let the water drain from them. Kill the currants with a blender, discard on a sieve and strain. Divide the plums in half, remove the seeds. Do not touch the apples yet, otherwise they will darken. Pour the plums with boiling water for 5 minutes, then transfer to cold water... Now it is easy to peel off the fruit. And the pulp should be grated or chopped with a blender.

Combine currant juice and plum mass and put on fire. Now let's get to the apples. Cut off the skin from them, remove the seed pods, and cut the flesh into cubes. Put the apple slices immediately into the hot fruit mass.

Bring to a boil, grind the apples with an immersion blender so that they turn into a homogeneous puree. Now put sugar in the pan. It will dissolve quickly in the hot fruit mass, but you still need to mix. After boiling, cook the jelly for 5 minutes, turn off the burner. The next day, bring the jelly to a boil and pour into jars, twist. Leave them upside down and covered with a warm blanket until they cool down. In the future, the product can be stored in the cellar.

See how easy it is to make white currant jelly ?! At the same time, the recipe without boiling is especially interesting, since it does not require much time and allows you to save more vitamins that the berries contain. We are sure that you will definitely like at least one of the recipes, but in order to appreciate the taste of the jelly, you need to cook it. Now is the time for this - many of them have ripe currants in their gardens.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: 180 minutes

Jelly is one of the favorite foods for children. I bring to your attention a recipe for making white currant jelly. It is very tasty, aromatic, with a slight sourness. Such jelly can be diluted with water even in winter, and you get a wonderful compote, which children drink with pleasure. contains a large amount of vitamin C, it has a beneficial effect on the intestines. It is good to soak cake layers with such jelly. To prepare it, it is enough to prepare the berries, boil them a little, grind through a colander, add sugar, boil and pour into jars. This jelly will become a favorite delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. So, today for you - white currant jelly for the winter. Step-by-step instructions from the cooking process will help you make useful workpiece from this vitamin berry.
Cooking time: 3 hours
Product yield: 1 liter jar
To make white currant jelly, we need the following ingredients:
- white currant - 1 kilogram,
- granulated sugar - 400 grams,
- purified water - 100 milliliters.


White currants do not have to be taken whole. You can use a slightly wrinkled one, since we will grind it anyway.

White currants must be rinsed under running water, removed from the twigs and folded into an enamel pan.

We add purified water. Boil for 2-3 minutes.

Cool slightly and grind through a colander. The remaining pulp can be used for pies or simply add water, leave overnight, and in the morning you will get a wonderful compote.

Pour the resulting juice with pulp into an enamel saucepan, add sugar and simmer for 1.5 hours over low heat.

Due to the high content of pectin in white currants, the jelly hardens well.

While the jelly is boiling, you can start processing cans. They must be thoroughly rinsed and sterilized. There are now many different ways to do this. I am most comfortable using a steamer. We also rinse the lids well and boil for several minutes. Pour the jelly into sterile jars and cool to 60 degrees. It is necessary to cool the jelly so that condensation does not form on the lid, and the jam does not deteriorate over time.

When the white currant jelly has cooled, it must be tightly closed with lids.
Such jelly will be an excellent filling for baking; you can simply spread it on a piece of bread and eat it for breakfast with tea. According to the same recipe, you can make not only jelly from white currants, but also jelly from different types of currants. And from red currant berries you can make delicious

In this article, we will look at what can be prepared for the winter from white currants. This berry is an albino. According to the biological classification, white currant is the same red, only devoid of color pigment. It tastes softer than its ruby ​​sister, not so sour. Currants in Russia began to be cultivated earlier than in Europe. And the name of the berry bushes was Slavic. In Ukrainian, the word "smorid" means "stench". To a greater extent, this applies to the black variety. Not only the leaves, but also the branches and the berries themselves have a sharp, slightly unpleasant odor. But the fruits of the white currant do not smell. Their delicate taste and unusual aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. The blanks made from this berry are not only tasty and healthy, but also interesting from a purely aesthetic point of view. The translucent, light golden jam looks so unusual. This is such an albino berry - white currant. Read recipes for the winter from this garden culture below.

The benefits of white currant

The richest in vitamins and minerals are black berries. In France, until the eighteenth century, this type of currant was considered exclusively as a medicinal plant, and began to be used in cooking much later. Red (and at the same time her albino sister) is inferior to black in the amount of vitamin C. But even in white currants it is four times more than in vaunted citrus fruits. And in terms of iron content, it overtakes the black sister. Red and white currants are rich in potassium, which strengthens the heart and is also responsible for removing excess fluid from the body and prevents puffiness and bags under the eyes. These berries also sharpen eyesight due to the presence of vitamin A.

How to choose the right berry

White currant, the blanks from which we will learn how to make, is a specific product. Traditionalists, who are accustomed to the fact that the jam must necessarily be red or orange, often mix this berry with ruby ​​or black bunches, cherries or raspberries. And people who love eccentricity use the transparent color of white currant to create decorative blanks for the winter. For example, canning berries along with cuttings, keeping the integrity of the bunches. You can combine white currants with slices of unpeeled orange. It is better to pick berries for harvesting in sunny and dry weather. Next, you need to sort through them, removing random debris and leaves. If this is not specified in the recipe, tear off from the cuttings. Then they must be thoroughly rinsed and dried a little. To make white currant jelly, you need to extract juice. The bones in this species are large. They clog the juicer and, when crushed, have a negative effect on the taste of the jelly. There remains the old grandmother's way - rubbing through a sieve. So that the berries do not resist, they are scalded with boiling water.

White currant: jelly without cooking

These berries are the optimal raw material for this kind of desserts, since they contain a lot of pectin. The recipe advises adding some unripe currants to ripe currants. In such berries, there is an order of magnitude more pectin, which will help the jam gelling. Squeeze the juice out of the white currant. For one liter of liquid we take 1200 grams of sugar, better than fruit sugar. Using this sweetener, we will enhance the aroma and taste of the jelly, as well as thicken its consistency. Mix well the juice with sugar. Let's sterilize the banks. We spread jelly on them, filling the container to the top. On top we put a circle cut out of parchment along the width of the neck of the jar. We will first moisten it in vodka so that the white currant does not ferment. And then we will seal the cans with nylon lids. The first days, the workpieces are stored in a quiet and cool place, without rearranging or shaking. Then you can put the jars in the refrigerator.

Boiled jelly

For this cooking method, regular sugar is used because fructose melts and forms crystals at high temperatures. Boiled white currant jelly is a very shelf-stable product. And its consistency is wonderful, you can even decorate cakes with it. To make such a jelly, you first need to extract juice from slightly unripe berries. Pour the liquid into a shallow dish and start cooking. Gradually add four hundred grams of sugar. Cook, and at the end add another 400 g of sweet sand. We determine the readiness as follows: we will draw a wooden spatula along the bottom of the dishes with jelly: if there is a trace - "track" - you can turn off the fire. We take small cans for this blank - a maximum of half a liter. We sterilize them in the oven, fill them with jelly. The container should stand for about ten hours, after which it can be sealed with ordinary nylon caps.

Jam with the addition of oranges

There are many blanks for the winter, where the main ingredient is white currant. Recipes often suggest mixing it with other fruits for color or for added sweetness. This method of preparing white currants does not involve heat treatment. Thanks to this, all minerals and vitamins remain in the jam. We pass one kilogram of currants through a meat grinder. My two oranges, cut into pieces, select the seeds. We also pass it through a meat grinder. Combine currants with oranges. Add one and a half or two kilograms of granulated sugar. Stir until completely dissolved. To make it easier for yourself, it is permissible to slightly heat the mass. We put the jam in a sterile glass container. If you intend to store it in the refrigerator, you can cover it with ordinary plastic lids.

Classic jam

White currant recipes do not ignore this usual homemade preparation for the winter. Classic jam is prepared like this. Pour a kilogram of berries with the same amount of sugar. Let the juice stand out. Dissolve three hundred grams of sugar in two glasses of water. Cooking syrup. We put the berries there (along with the juice that has been released). Cook, regularly remove foam, stir. We lay out transparent jam in jars, seal. "Decorative" jam requires a different approach. First, cook the syrup from a glass of water and a pound of sugar. Gently lay out the bunches in it. We continue to cook, stirring very gently so that the berries remain intact. When the jam becomes translucent, turn off the heat and place in the jars. Such white currants are good both as an independent dessert and for decorating all kinds of baked goods.

Candied fruit

For such homemade sweets, black, red, white currants are suitable, but the berries should be very ripe. We wash them, put them in a colander and pour them into an enamel basin. Cooking syrup. A kilogram of berries requires 300 milliliters of water and 1.2 kilograms of sugar. Boil the syrup until the crystals dissolve. Let's filter it by passing it through several layers of gauze. Put on fire again and bring to a boil. Pour the syrup into a bowl of berries. Boil for five minutes and leave for ten hours. After the specified period, we will boil down the white currants until cooked. Strain the berries, but save the syrup - you can make jam or juice from it. Leave the berries for two hours. Then sprinkle them with powdered sugar. And let us dry them: in the oven (at + 40 C) for three hours, at room temperature - six days. Next, roll balls out of the berries, roll them again in. Let's continue to dry them - in the oven or at room temperature.

Home wine

What else can white currants be useful for? Recipes for the winter often use juice from this berry. It is very acidic, so you can use it in place of vinegar, acidifying dishes with it or pouring it into marinades. The juice makes an excellent homemade wine. In four liters of wort, you need to dissolve 1.6 kilograms of sugar. We take the sule to a cool place and wait until fermentation begins. After about ten days, we stop the process by alcoholization. An average liter of vodka is required per 10 liters of fermented wort, but you can adjust the strength of the drink at your discretion. Mix and leave for five days. We filter and add 800 grams of sugar. Stir until dissolved and bottle the wine. After three months of storage in a cool place, the drink can be served.

White currant: compote

For a beautiful color, you can add a few clusters of ruby. For one sterilized 3-liter jar of compote, you will need three glasses of currants. Wash the berries and put them on the bottom. Pour 2.5 liters of filtered water into a saucepan and put on fire. Gradually add two cups of granulated sugar. Let's wait for the syrup to boil. Fill them with currants (do not forget to put a metal spoon in the jar so that the glass does not burst). Let's put on the lid and wait five minutes. After the berries give the syrup their taste and aroma, pour it back into a saucepan and bring it to a boil again. At this stage, you can add various spices to the compote: cloves, cinnamon or orange peel. Fill the berries with boiling syrup and roll up the jars with iron lids. Turn the container upside down and wrap it with a blanket until it gradually cools.

Currants for a home first aid kit

You don't need to add syrup to the berries. Then in winter you will have almost fresh white currants. We do the blanks like this. We select ripe large berries and put them dry in a jar. Cover the glass container and place it in a container for sterilization. Pour water so that it reaches the "shoulders" of the jar. Warm up over low heat until the berry releases the juice and settles (you need to add the currants so that it fills the dishes to the top). Pasteurize for about half an hour at 85 C, and then roll up. Such currants are good for colds and flu prevention.

Translucent fragrant berry not as popular as her red and black sisters.

But you can make many tasty blanks from it for the winter, because the shrub bears fruit abundantly in the summer.

White currant contains a lot of pectin, vitamins A, B and P, potassium and iron, strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism and is very beneficial for eyesight.

How can you prepare white currants for the winter, what delicious and proven recipes exist from this berry?

She is good at making jams and jellies, with and without sugar, solo and in the company of other types of currants, with strawberries, gooseberries, citrus fruits and even watermelon.

Let's find out what lovers of homemade preparations make from white currants for the winter.

A simple recipe for white currant jam:

  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • white currant - 1 kg
  • water - 2 glasses

1. Washed and dried berries without cuttings cover with sugar (set aside 1.5 cups of granulated sugar) in a wide bowl and leave in a cool place for 10-12 hours.

2. From the remaining sugar and water. Pour the currants while still hot and cook over low heat until transparent, stirring the jam with a wooden spoon with a long handle and removing the foam.

3. Place in sterilized jars and roll up with iron lids.

Cold white currant jam with orange:

  • white currant - 1 kg
  • oranges - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1.8 kg

1. Mash the berries with a blender or in a meat grinder, mix with sugar until the grains dissolve, add the oranges, chopped together with the peel. Put the resulting mass in sterilized jars.

2. Put another spoonful of sugar under the nylon lids on the jam to prevent mold from forming. Preservation with metal lids is not required.

White currant jelly:

  • 1 liter of white currant juice and a handful of red for color and better hardening
  • sugar - 1.7 kg
  • water - 1.5 cups

1. To obtain juice, put clean berries in a saucepan and cover with water. While stirring, slowly heat until the skin bursts and the berries produce juice. Chill quickly in a bowl of ice water.

2. Pull the cheesecloth over a wide bowl and carefully squeeze the juice through it. Return it to the stove by adding sugar.

3. Continue cooking until the berry mass becomes viscous and stringy. While hot, place in glass jars, leaving them open until cooled. Cover the jelly with parchment paper and refrigerate over the winter.

White currant compote:

  • 1 liter jar of currants
  • a handful of rose hips
  • for syrup - 0.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water

Rosehip can be replaced with cherries, dogwood, black currant.

1. Boil the required amount of sugar syrup. While it cools down, put a rosehip on the bottom of 3-liter jars, and currants on it.

2. Fill the berries with the cooled syrup and pasteurize for 15-20 minutes. Roll up boiled lids and turn upside down. When the preservation has cooled down, put it in a dark place for the winter.

White currant wine (liqueur):

  • 4 liters of currant juice
  • 2.4 kg sugar
  • 4.5 l of water
  • 1 liter of vodka

1. Sort the berries, rinse, dry and squeeze the juice, mix it with boiled water, add 1.6 kg of sugar and put in a cool place for 10 days.

2. Add vodka and let the wine stand for another 5-7 days.

3. Add the remaining sugar to the wine, dissolve it, bottle it, seal it tightly and store it in a cool place. After two to three months, the wine can be served at the table.

How to dry white currants:

Arrange the berries in one layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment and leave in the oven at 40-60 degrees with the door open.

After two hours, check if the berries do not stick together in your hand, then the currants are ready. Keep dried berries need tight closed banks.

Freezing white currants:

1. Arrange whole berries on the board in one layer so that they do not stick together and place in the freezer. When the currants are frozen, transfer them to a plastic container or bag.

2. Twist the berries through a meat grinder or chop with a blender, mix with sugar to taste, arrange in tins and put in the freezer. Then put the frozen briquettes into a bag or container.

White currant recipes for the winter are tasty and healthy.

Do not miss the time of this wonderful berry and treat yourself and your loved ones with fragrant preservation.

Red currants are a real storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, in order to have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious, and at the same time healthy product in winter, we will tell you how to cook delicious jelly from red currants for the winter. Jelly is the perfect stand-alone dessert, but it can also be used to complement other sweet foods like cocktails, pies, ice cream, etc. It also perfectly complements cereals, pancakes, yoghurts, cottage cheese and sweet dumplings. In general, anything that can be made even more delicious and sweet goes well with this wonderful dessert.

Due to the fact that there are many gelling substances in red currants, gelatin does not need to be added to the jelly, and it can be stored for a long time. First, let's take a look at the conventions we'll be using in this recipe:

1 glass = 250ml. water = 250g. water, this volume usually has a regular table glass, which can be placed in a cup holder. Alternatively, you can use a measuring cup if you have one at home.

1 faceted glass = 200g. water, it is 1/5 less than a tablespoon. In the jelly recipes below, we'll be using a regular table glass.

Let's take a look at the most common cooking methods.

Without heat treatment

  • currant juice - 200 g;
  • sugar - 250 g

It is necessary to pick off the currants with twigs so that it does not glass and does not wrinkle. We wash the berries under cold water, dry them and then break off the berries from the branches. If you have a juicer, this is the best choice. An alternative is to buy a food processor with the appropriate mode. If not, then first you need to pour the berries, and then strain the resulting puree through a sieve or a well-aimed sieve. The resulting residues must be thrown away and not used in the future.

Next, add sugar to the resulting juice and stir to completely dissolve the sugar. To speed up the process, we put the resulting syrup on little fire and stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. It is also necessary to prepare in advance the jars into which you will roll the jelly, they must be washed and sterilized.

Pour the resulting syrup into jars, cover the jars on top with nylon lids or parchment paper, which must be tied with a rope or pulled together with an ordinary clerical rubber band. The very next day, the jelly will reach the desired consistency.

You can store the resulting jelly in the refrigerator or in the basement, if you have one.

How to make jelly

  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • water - 50 g.

To prevent the berry from crushing, it is best to carry out the primary processing of the berries that are still on the branches. They must be thoroughly rinsed and dried and only then removed from the branches. We put them in a saucepan and fill with water. Then we put the pan on medium fire and cook, stirring constantly.

When you see that the heated berries begin to burst, you can add additional heat to them. This is necessary so that the currants let out the juice faster, due to which the heat treatment process will be shortened, and, therefore, a lot of vitamins and nutrients... Bring the resulting puree to a boil and cook for another 5-7 minutes, not forgetting to constantly stir the puree.

To get rid of the seeds and peels of berries, the resulting puree must be filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. So that there are no impurities in the resulting jelly, and it is transparent, you do not need to use force when squeezing the puree, you only need to take the juice, which will drain on its own. To speed up the process, use a spoon, stir the puree so that the juice flows faster. Then it will take less time to make jelly from red currant.

Now it remains to pour sugar into the juice and cook until the juice begins to thicken and begins to resemble non-thickened jelly. After that, remove the jelly from the fire.

Banks must be sterilized in advance. To do this, first they must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. Pour jelly into the prepared jars and cover it with iron or nylon lids, or use parchment paper as in the previous recipe. Put the jars to cool and then put them in a cold place, it can be either a refrigerator or a basement.

The syrup will turn to jelly after cooling completely, for this one day is quite enough.

If the jelly is not frozen

If after cooking your jelly does not thicken and resembles ordinary syrup, then you can additionally put it on fire and cook for 5 minutes, it all depends on the thickness of your syrup. When you start to notice that the jelly starts to stick to the walls of the cookware in which you are cooking, it means that the jelly is ready and can be poured into jars. A wide bowl with low sides is best for boiling jelly, because the evaporation surface will be large, which helps the jelly begin to thicken faster.

If you have chosen a taller dish, then you will need to spend a lot more time for the jelly to thicken.

What to do with waste? The cake obtained after filtering the berries can be used for cooking compotes. The recipe is very simple: throw the cake into boiling water and boil for two minutes and then leave to brew the compote.

Jelly from different varieties of currants

According to the recipes that we reviewed earlier, you can make delicious jelly using three types of currants at the same time: red, black and white. If desired, raspberries can be added to the resulting mixture to increase the taste and useful properties. There is also such a blackcurrant jelly.

The jelly that you get is just a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, which, in addition, has a unique aroma. It is an excellent remedy for the winter.

The proportions of currants can be different, we offer the following (measured with tablespoons): red and white - 3 glasses + black - 1 glass + 1 glass of raspberries. Red and white currants are the basis for this assorted jelly, as they contain the most gelling substances.

White currant is the same red berry, but without color pigment. The taste of the white berry is slightly softer than that of the red one. Currants in any color are very tasty and healthy. Due to the fact that it is not stored for very long, fast processing is required. One of the options for the preparation is white currant jam. Such a delicacy will be a great addition to the winter table.

The benefits and properties of white currant

Despite the fact that white currants are less popular among gardeners and gardeners than black and red ones, their fruits include many useful substances.

It also contains, which give a jelly-like form to processed products.

The berries of the white currant are not as fragile as the berries of the black one, which allows them to be stored longer on the bushes and not crumble until the end of autumn. The yield of the white berry is also higher; much more berries can be harvested from one currant bush than from the black one. One of the advantages of a shrub is that a currant mite never appears on it. White currant bushes have a root system that is not afraid of dry summers, and is equally fruitful both in rain and drought.

White currant is widely used in cooking. There are many recipes. Wine is made from it, it is supplemented with desserts, sauces, sweet pastries... It is also used to make preserves, jams and compotes.

The chemical composition of the berry

White currants are very useful for both adults and children. It includes pectin, disaccharide,. It should be noted that the amount of iron in white berries is much higher than in black ones. Moreover, 100 grams of berries contain only 42 Kcal.

Vitamin C in white currants is a biocatalyst for enzymatic processes. It has been scientifically proven that it activates the metabolism in the human body one and a half hours after consumption. Vitamin A boosts immunity, improves vision and stimulates cellular metabolism. It also prevents aging and the formation of various tumors. Healing properties vitamin A is able to protect from the harmful effects of tobacco smoke and radiation.

helps to cleanse and strengthen blood vessels and blood. It also accelerates the secretion and release of bile, activates kidney function and strengthens the liver. The interaction of vitamins P and C prevents atherosclerosis.

The presence in white currants makes it a real elixir of life and youth. White currant is an anti-sclerotic agent that slows down the aging process and protects the body from free radicals. Vitamin E prevents the appearance of cataracts and also improves the functioning of the reproductive system in the body. Pigmented spots on the skin indicate a lack of vitamin E in the human body. Currants are able to compensate for its deficiency.

Which are contained in the fruits of the white berry, help to improve memory, strengthen the blood vessels of the brain and nervous system.

Due to the fact that white currant is rich in minerals, it is especially useful for strengthening the heart and protective functions in the body.

The pectins contained in the berries remove "unnecessary" cholesterol from the body, cleanse the blood vessels and prevent the appearance of heart and blood vessel diseases. Pectin can be called an antidote, because it is he who has a beneficial effect on the elimination of all harmful substances from the body. With various types of intoxication, pectins, being in the intestine, adsorb and remove toxins from the body.

In addition, the composition of the white berry contains acids that fight against pathogens of intestinal infections, bacteria and viruses. Accordingly, the active substances included in its composition have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, heart, immune system, and on the body as a whole.

Harm and contraindications to the use of berries

Despite the obvious benefits of white currant, there are some prohibitions that should not be neglected. It is not recommended to use the berry for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines, with gastritis, as well as for people with high acidity of the stomach. With caution, you need to use currants for people who have a stomach ulcer. White currant - delicious and useful berry containing many substances that are extremely important to the human body. It has significantly more benefits than harm. And if you follow all the rules of use and take into account contraindications, then no side effects should arise. White currants can be consumed by children, pregnant and lactating women.

Cooking recipes

V classic jam white currant contains the following ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of white currant;
  • 1 kg .

Jam is prepared very quickly and easily. It is necessary to pour sugar into the berries and give them the opportunity to start juice. After that, the dishes must be put on medium heat, after boiling, let them cook for another 5 minutes. Ready hot jam should be rolled up in previously prepared and sterilized jars.

Jam is also a popular recipe among housewives. This recipe is perfect for the winter. This dessert can be used to complement rolls, pies and other pastries.


  • 1.5 kilograms of currants;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar.

This recipe is one of the quick and easy options. The washed berry must be put in boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes until it is completely softened. Next, you need to grind the berries through a sieve to make a puree. After that, mashed potatoes should be put on medium heat, add sugar and cook until jam thick. Next, you should spread the jam in sterilized jars.

It's good when you open the refrigerator door and several jars with a variety of canned products are looking at you. Canned cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and, of course, preserves, jams and other sweets. I took care of it in advance - enjoy the result. It is especially pleasing to the eye when, among this variety, there is a jar or two of canned red and white currants, or an assortment of them. So, let's not be lazy and preserve red and white currants.

Jelly assorted

What do you need:

  • red currant - 0.5 kg;
  • white currant - 0.5 kg;
  • water (preferably bottled) - 0.5 l;
  • fruit sugar - 0.8 kg.

What to do:

  1. Peel the berries thoroughly. Remove them from the branches. Rinse. Preferably in a basin, draining the water several times.
  2. Then, in the same basin where you washed the currants, clearing it of sand and debris, fold all the berries and, filling them completely with water, place it on the stove.
  3. Boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour. After cooking, pour out the water.
  4. Puree the berries with a sieve.
  5. Pour sugar into the resulting mass, put on the stove. From the moment of the boiling process, boil for a quarter of an hour, removing the emerging foam.
  6. Ready jam packaged in previously prepared containers. Close with lids.

Finished products store only in a cool place.

Pickled red currant

The main component of the harvest is, of course, currant berries.

For the marinade:

  • water - 0.65 l;
  • fruit sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • nine percent vinegar - 0.12 liters;
  • salt "Extra" - 0.003 kg;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Carnation;
  • clove (allspice) pepper.

What to do:

  1. Put the prepared and processed berries in sterilized glass jars "under the neck". You can not remove the berries from the branches, but use them as they are - with brushes. Preservation with brushes is much more aesthetically pleasing: it looks very beautiful.
  2. Then boil the syrup: on the stove in a saucepan, completely dissolve the sugar in the water. Add all the spices to the syrup. Cool, drain, pour in vinegar.
  3. Pour the prepared marinade over all the jars of berries. Screw on with sterile caps. Carry out pasteurization: jars must be placed in hot water(no less than 85 ° Ϲ) for half an hour.

Take out the jars, dry them, cool them down and keep them cool.

White currant - jelly without cooking

Canning white currants for the winter always gives excellent results. It is both useful and optimal for making jelly and other desserts. The recipes are simple and the result is amazing.

What you need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • fruit sugar (you can use ordinary sugar) - 1.2 l.

What to do:

  1. Squeeze out the juice from the white currant. Take fruit sugar, in a proportion of 1 liter to 1.2 kg.
  2. Mix the juice and sugar thoroughly in homogeneous mass.
  3. Sterilize banks.
  4. Pack in jars of jelly. You need to clog the banks to the eyeballs.
  5. Put a circle on top of the jelly parchment paper... Cut the circle to the diameter of the neck of the can. First you need to dampen the paper with water.
  6. Seal the jars with lids.

Keep cool

Red currant compote

What do you need:

  • berries - 1 kg
  • bottled water - 3 l;
  • fructose - 0.5 kg.

What to do:

  1. Wash the currants, pick from the twigs.
  2. Puree the prepared berry with a blender. Pour in 0.05 kg of fructose, mix thoroughly.
  3. Boil water in a large saucepan. Pour in the remaining granulated sugar. As soon as the boiling process begins, pour the pureed currants into it. Cook for no more than 3 minutes.
  4. Remove from the stove and leave the compote to infuse covered with a lid for 15 minutes.

It is better to cool the finished compote before straining it with gauze. Pour the compote into prepared sterilized jars and refrigerate.

Red currant with cucumbers

Currant is a rather unusual preservation product, which is usually combined with other ingredients, and most often with a cucumber, as a very tasty tandem is obtained. Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe have a slightly sweet red currant flavor.

Required Ingredients:

  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • red currant - 100 g;
  • cherry - 5 pcs.;
  • dill - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar, allspice and salt - to taste;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.


  1. Medium-sized cucumbers should be thoroughly rinsed and soaked in cold water overnight.
  2. After the jar has been sterilized, cucumbers, additional spices and, most importantly, currants are placed in it. All ingredients are poured with boiling water.
  3. Now you need to drain the remaining water through a special perforated nozzle on the lid.
  4. The can is rolled up.

Currant berries not only have a pleasant taste, but also contain many vitamins and minerals, which are so lacking in winter.

Assorted jam

What do you need:

  • red and white currants - 0.5 kg each;
  • fructose - 1.5 kg;
  • distilled water - 0.05 kg.

What to do:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, process (remove from the branches). Leave the washed currants in a colander so that the water is glass. Allow water to drain completely.
  2. Make a syrup with fructose and water. Boil water and dissolve granulated sugar in it completely, boiling for 5 minutes.
  3. Move the currants into a saucepan and pour it sugar syrup... Insist 7 hours. After that, transfer the berry-sugar mass into a colander, under which you substitute another pan. Wait until the syrup is completely drained, put the saucepan on the stove and boil to a boiling point of 110 ° Ϲ. Remove from stove and set aside for 20 minutes
  4. Then transfer the currants to hot syrup. Cook over low heat until the jam is done.
  5. Chill the resulting jam fast way: put the pot in cold water. Once the jam has cooled, transfer it to prepared sterilized jars.

This jam can be made by replacing red or white with black currant.

Soaked white currant

What you need:

  • distilled water - 1 l;
  • salt - 0.004 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.08 kg;
  • cinnamon;
  • Carnation;
  • black peppercorns.

What to do:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse well, let the water drain completely.
  2. Transfer the currants to a clean container. It is good if the container is wooden, but you can use any one.
  3. Prepare a brine with distilled water, salt, sugar, cinnamon, cloves and pepper.
  4. Cool the prepared brine and pour into a container with currants.
  5. Cover the container with gauze. If the container is wooden, then cover with a circle. Put the currants prepared in this way in the cold.

This soaked currant is an excellent addition to any meat dishes... She perfectly reveals the taste of fried or stewed liver.

White and red currant juice

What you need:

  • white currant - 1 kg;
  • red currant - 0.2 kg.

What to do:

  1. Pick the currant berries from the twigs. Go through, rinse thoroughly, drain the water and dry a little.
  2. Take an enamel bowl and crush the currant berries in it with a wooden pestle. Separate the juice from the pulp.
  3. Filter the resulting juice with a chenois cone, which must be covered with gauze.
  4. Then pour the juice into an enamel pot. Preheat to 90 ° Ϲ. Hold at this temperature for about 10 minutes.
  5. Pour the juice into jars heated in a water bath while still hot. Do not add juice to the edges of the cans. It is necessary to leave about 2 cm, close with boiled lids.
  6. Place in a container with water. The water temperature should be 60 ° Ϲ. Carry out the pasteurization process at a temperature of 90 ° Ϲ. Pasteurize half-liter containers for 13 minutes, liter containers - 16 minutes, three-liter containers - 20 minutes.
  7. After completion of the pasteurization process, immediately seal the jars. Check for blockage. Flip the banks.

Red and white currant syrup

What you need:

  • juice from two types of currants - 1 liter;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • granulated sugar - 0.7 kg.

What to do:

  1. Wash the currant berries. Squeeze juice out of them.
  2. Stir the juice with water and granulated sugar.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.
  4. Pour the resulting syrup hot into prepared bottles. Seal tightly.
  5. Wrap each bottle with a blanket and cool.

White currant marmalade (video)

Canning of red and white currants favorably differs from other berries in simplicity and availability. No expensive ingredients, no incredible canning effort is required. The main thing is desire, and you can always enjoy your favorite berry by opening a jar quietly waiting in the refrigerator for its hour.

It is almost impossible to find a garden without at least a few currant bushes. And although the primacy among the species is firmly held by the black one, many gardeners are happy to grow white currants. The difference between white currants is not only in color, but also in taste. Therefore, the variety of recipes for preparations for the winter from the berries of this currant is in no way inferior to the red currant. Jam and jelly have an amazing taste and are distinguished by an unusual amber color.

About the benefits of berries

This berry is valuable for its high content of vitamins, sugars and organic acids... Do not forget about potassium and iron, which are so necessary for blood vessels and heart. The characteristic feature of white fruits is the high content of pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the blood and helps to remove heavy metal salts from the body.

White currants are no less useful than red or black currants

White currant compote

Cooking such a compote is very simple. First you need to rinse the berry. You can clean it from the stalks, or you can put whole brushes in jars, shaking them slightly so that the berries are denser. Prepare the syrup. For 3 kg of currants, 1 liter of water and 0.5 kg of sugar are needed (the amount of sugar can be changed to taste). Pour sugar into water, bring to complete dissolution and boil for several minutes. Cool the syrup to room temperature and pour into jars with berries. Close the jars and sterilize in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. If you want to add a little color to the compote, you can add a handful of rose hips, black currants or cherries there.

White currant compote has a beautiful amber color

White currant jam

Jam is prepared no more complicated than compote. For 1 kg of berries, you will need 1–1.2 kg of sugar. The berries must be separated from the stalk, washed and dried, spreading on paper napkins or towels. Cover the currants with sugar in the proportions of st. sugar at st. berries. Send to a cold place for 7-8 hours. In the rest of the sugar, pour two 2 tbsp. clean water and bring to a boil. Add candied berries to boiling syrup and cook over low heat until the berries become transparent. Roll up the jam in sterilized jars.

To keep the workpiece well, wash the currants thoroughly and remove the stalks

Eating vitamins is not only useful, but also delicious. In winter, children can be pleased with unusual candied fruits from white currants.

Candied fruit recipe

  1. Prepare 1 kg of berries. Rinse, separate from the stalks.
  2. Pour 300 ml of water into 1.2 kg of sugar and put on fire. Boil the syrup for five minutes, then strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers and bring to a boil again. Pour berries into boiling syrup, boil for five minutes, then remove from heat and leave for 10 hours.
  3. Over time, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook until tender.
  4. Pour boiling water into a colander and leave for several hours to completely drain the syrup and cool the berries. The resulting syrup can be rolled into jars as a jam. For cooking candied fruits, it is no longer needed.
  5. Sprinkle the dish with sugar and spread the berries on it in slides, each slide of 10-12 berries. Place in the oven and dry at 40 degrees for about three hours.
  6. Remove the berries and roll into balls, sprinkle with sugar and re-send to the oven for three hours at 40 degrees.
  7. So that candied fruits do not dry out before winter, they can be rolled up in sterile jars.

The syrup is ready when the sugar is completely dissolved in it.

White currant wine

While the kids are waiting delicious candied fruits, their parents may be interested in the recipe for white currant wine.
For 10 liters of wine you will need:

  • 4 liters of currant juice;
  • 2.4 kg of sugar;
  • 4.5 liters of water;
  • 1 liter of vodka.

Sort the berries carefully, remove the twigs and spoiled fruits. Rinse, dry and squeeze out the juice. Pour 1.6 kg of sugar into the juice and remove in a cool place for 10 days.

White currant wine is a real dessert: aromatic, with a delicate taste

When the time is up, it is necessary to alcohol the wine. To do this, add vodka in a ratio of one to ten. Let the wine brew for another 5-7 days.

Add the remaining sugar to the wine, mix thoroughly and pour into bottles, which are then tightly closed and stored in a cool place. After two to three months, the wine can be served at the table.

Fragrant currant jelly

White currant jelly will become no less popular with children and adults in winter. The secret of this recipe is that it is prepared practically without sugar. One liter of juice needs no more than 0.25 tbsp. Sahara.

Rinse and mash the fruits. Cook the resulting berry gruel over low heat for five minutes. Throw in a colander and, rubbing the gruel with a wooden spoon, strain the juice. Pour sugar into the resulting juice and boil for a quarter of an hour. The jelly is ready, it remains only to roll it up in a sterilized container and wrap it up. Well, in the remaining berry extracts, you can add a little sugar and boil for five minutes. By the morning you will have a great compote.

White currant marmalade recipe

Everyone loves marmalade, especially when it is prepared at home according to a proven recipe, without chemical additives and impurities.

Currant marmalade retains all the benefits fresh berries... Your kids will love it!

The procedure for preparing dessert for the winter:

  1. Pour 2 tablespoons of water into the bottom of a saucepan, add 1 kg of berries and cook until they are completely softened.
  2. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve, mix with sugar (2.5 tbsp.) And cook until tender. Check the readiness drop by drop: it should not spread over the plate.
  3. Pour the finished marmalade into molds and leave to harden. Dip in sugar and store in sealed jars in a cool place.

Advice. Another way to harvest white currants without sugar is pickled currants. Yes, yes, it may seem strange to someone, but currants cooked according to this recipe are perfect for meat and poultry. If you want to surprise your family and friends, be sure to prepare it for the winter.

Pickled currants and sauce for different types of meat

In sterilized liter cans put in 5 peppercorns, 10 cloves and a pinch of cinnamon. Wash and dry the currants right on the twigs. Fold in jars on "shoulders". For tighter styling, the jars can be shaken gently. Boil the marinade. For 1 liter of water you need 150 ml apple cider vinegar and 0.5 kg of sugar. Pour the boiling marinade into the jars, put the jars to sterilize for 5 minutes from the moment the liquid boils in them. Roll up the lids.

Surprise loved ones unusual sauces currant for main courses

In addition to pickled currants, sauce is ideal for meat, which is also worth stocking up for the winter. The sauce recipe is very simple:

  • for 300 g of currants, take 100 g of dill and garlic;
  • grind it all with a blender or meat grinder;
  • add 50 g of sugar and bring to a boil;
  • the sauce can be eaten immediately after cooling or rolled up in jars for the winter.

How to freeze or dry currants

Frozen and dried berries remain the undisputed leaders in terms of usefulness. After all, they, unlike other methods of harvesting for the winter, are not heat-treated.

Currants are dried in the same way as any other berries. They are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment, so that the berries cannot dry out, not only on top, but also on the sides, and left in the oven at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. The oven door does not need to be closed. After two hours, check if the berries do not stick together in your hand, then the currants are ready. Store dried berries in tightly closed jars.

Freeze berries in an even layer on a baking sheet

You can freeze currants in two ways: in the form of puree with sugar and without sugar, whole berries.
For the first method, twist the berries through a meat grinder or chop with a blender, mix with sugar to taste, arrange in tins and put in the freezer. The resulting frozen tablets can be folded into one container. You can even eat such mashed potatoes as ice cream.

Attention! Frozen berries should never be re-frozen - the quality of the product will decrease.

The second method involves freezing without sugar - with whole berries. To do this, the berries must be laid out on a board in one layer so that they do not stick together and put in the freezer. When the berries are frozen, they must be poured into a plastic container or bag.

From berries frozen in any of these ways, you can cook compotes, make cocktails, even when it's a fierce winter outside and a blizzard is sweeping outside the windows. And is winter so terrible when your shelves in the pantry and refrigerator are filled with summer jars with a sweet currant scent?

White currant jam: video

White currant blanks for the winter: photo