Home / Cupcakes / Jelly with milk. Delicious, healthy and beautiful milk jelly at home

Jelly with milk. Delicious, healthy and beautiful milk jelly at home

The dessert prepared according to the recipes below will not turn out too sweet, but quite rich, especially if you make it with various additives. Milk jelly with his delicate taste can be very varied, it is enough just to season it in one way or another. From our article, you will learn how to cook it quickly, beautifully and interestingly, in order to delight not only yourself, but also your guests.

In preparation milk dessert there are several nuances:

  • We use only natural milk or cream with a high percentage of fat, at least 3.5%, so that the dessert does not turn out to be watery, skimmed milk will not work.
  • Jelly made from baked milk can be very tasty - do not neglect this product.
  • It is good to use vanillin as a flavoring agent or vanilla sugar- everything else: cocoa, cinnamon, coffee will already change the taste.
  • We take only sterilized or pasteurized milk, as boiled milk can give a strange taste.
  • If you want the jelly to freeze faster and have a denser texture, dissolve the gelatin immediately in milk, without adding water.

So now that we know the basic principles, we can start cooking!


  • Gelatin - 10 - 15 g
  • Milk 4% - 3 glasses
  • Sugar - to taste (from 3 to 5 tablespoons)
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Step by step preparation of jelly with milk

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add gelatin to it and let it stand for 30 - 40 minutes. (If the instructions say that this is not necessary, we immediately put on fire).
  2. After the time has elapsed, heat the milk with gelatin until it is completely dissolved and filter it through a fine sieve.
  3. Add the required amount of sugar, vanillin, mix everything and pour it into molds. We put it in the refrigerator and leave to set for 3 - 4 hours.
  4. When serving the jelly, garnish with fresh whipped cream and grated chocolate or fresh fruit. It tastes very similar to vanilla ice cream.

Of course, this recipe can be varied as you like. For example, making it from baked milk - this is how you get a real crème brulee.

Homemade creme brulee (milk jelly)

  • Pour half of the jelly (prepared according to the above recipe) into the mold, let it "grab", and then put a thin layer of boiled condensed milk.
  • You can add chopped walnuts or some whipped cream to it to make it less cloying, but just a little so as not to thin it too much.
  • Let it set and add the rest of the jelly-milk mixture.

It's good to make a dessert with the same ingredients, but in a different way. Add 2 times less sugar to the milk, so as not to make the dessert too cloying, and pour into the mold with a layer of 1 cm.Cool and coat with condensed milk.

So we alternate until the jelly mixture ends. You will get a striped, very tasty and beautiful dish.

Express recipe for milk jelly

If there is no time for alternations, but really want to make milk jelly, let's use berries!

  • Let's dilute milk or even cream (it will be tastier with them) with gelatin in the specified proportion and, while the powder swells, we will deal with berries.
  • If you have fresh strawberries or raspberries, this is ideal. In the first case, wash the berry and put it on a napkin so that the glass has excess moisture, in the second, we lay it out immediately on the bottom of the form.
  • If the strawberries are very large, it will be good to place each berry in its own silicone mold. If the berry is only frozen, we will choose the strongest one and we will not completely defrost it so that it does not creep.
  • Pour everything with jelly milk and let it freeze in the cold for 2 hours.

Milk dessert with berries from a large form, serve, cut into portions - it will have a very beautiful cut. From small ones - put it whole on a saucer, pouring with berry sauce.

Berry sauce

For him, grind 150 g of berries with 2 tablespoons of sugar, heat everything on fire for at least 20 minutes, and then filter to get rid of the cake.

If there are no berries at hand, we will prepare a dessert with fruits. There is one subtlety: so that it does not curl up, choose either bananas (we need 1 piece for 3 cups of milk), or other, not too acidic fruits.

  • If you really want to cook a version with an orange, and, in fairness, the taste turns out to be really unusual and very piquant thanks to the combination of a creamy shade of milk and the spicy sourness of citrus, let's resort to a little trick!
  • Let's cut a fresh orange into slices that we need in a shape, put them on oiled paper or a silicone holder and ... put them in the freezer.
  • After 20 - 30 minutes, when the slices are completely frozen, we collect them from the paper and put them on the bottom of our molds.
  • It will be good to add cinnamon or a drop to sweet milk. essential oil orange, for more flavor, because our ice wedges do not smell.
  • Then fill in the jelly and hide it in the refrigerator!

The temperature in it will even out, the orange slices will thaw, becoming soft, and the dessert itself will harden. An unusual Christmas dessert awaits us in a few hours! Serve sprinkled with cinnamon walnuts or chocolate chips. Decorate with curls of zest.

Milk orange jelly can be supplemented with a layer of flavored chocolate that is very suitable for it.

  • Milk 4% - 1 glass + 2 tbsp
  • Gelatin - 10 g
  • Milk or bitter chocolate - 50 g

How to make milk jelly at home

  1. Pour gelatin into milk and leave to swell.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, with the addition of 2 tablespoons of milk.
  3. Warm up the dissolved gelatin, filter and mix with melted chocolate. In no case do not beat, but only gently mix, otherwise the gelatin will not work.
  4. A completely homogeneous mixture, either pour into separate molds or pour over the orange milk jelly from the previous recipe.

Serve garnished with chopped chocolate, cinnamon and fresh orange.

Dessert based on milk and yolks

If you are not a fan of heavy cream, you can add yolks to milk jelly for a richer taste.

  • To do this, wash 2 eggs with dishwashing detergent - the shell must be completely clean, separate the yolks from the whites and grind the first with 2 - 3 tablespoons of sugar into a fluffy foam.
  • Dissolve 10 g of gelatin soaked in a glass of milk on small fire, filter and combine with the yolks.
  • Mix well and pour into molds.
  • This jelly freezes as usual - from 2 to 4 hours.

We serve with soft waffles, biscuits and fresh berries.

Coffee lovers will surely appreciate the recipe for a coffee dessert.

For him, we only need to cook a large cup of weak natural coffee or, as a last resort, use instant, but this way the taste will be less intense.

Instead of plain milk add 10 g of gelatin to the ready-made, sweet cooled coffee and let stand until it swells. Then, we do everything as usual - we warm it up, filter it, pour it into molds.

The alternation of coffee and chocolate layers will be very tasty. To the latter, you can add fruits, for example, the same oranges or cherries from jam.

Milk jelly flavors, its appearance can be completely different, but always great. Now that you know how to prepare its basic types, you have a huge scope for experimentation! Go ahead, cook and bon appetit!

Sexy jelly for February 14, dessert for Valentine's Day

Making jelly at home is very simple, and serving this dessert beautifully is already aerobatics. Our chef offers a simple agar jelly recipe and an original presentation.

Jelly has been prepared for a long time. It is an excellent versatile dessert that can be prepared in absolutely any shape, color and shape. Sweet jelly is combined with various fruits, berries, juices and fruit drinks. Such a dish served for dessert not only on ordinary days, but also on holidays... Milk jelly is very useful and tasty, which is also combined with different products... This is mainly cocoa or chocolate. Children love him, and this is good, because milk brings great benefits to the body, and gelatin saturates it with no less useful vitamins. Let's look at several options for making delicious jelly today.

Milk jelly with coffee

Kitchen appliances and utensils: blender, bowls.


Step by step recipe

Video recipe

Dear readers, I bring to your attention a short video in which you will learn how to make milk jelly at home. You will see the entire process of its creation and what the final product will be like in the end.

Here's another option for a dairy yummy. In the summer, in the season of a variety of fruits and berries, I quite often make such a dish for my family. We love him not only children, but also adults. Also it is a must-have for a son's summer birthday... He always helps me shape it and enjoys this process. After all, he is so pleased at the holiday to the admiring guests to say that this jelly cake he cooked. Now let's take a closer look at a very simple recipe for a delicious and healthy meal.

Milk jelly with fruit

Cooking time: 30 minutes.
Servings: for 4 people.
Calorie content: 50.3 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: blender, deep bowl.


  • The above ingredients in this composition can only be found in summer... In any other season, use any fruits and berries of your choice for eating. So it can be done with canned pineapple and peaches, bananas, raisins, dried apricots.
  • Cottage cheese, sour cream and milk must be of high fat content. so that the finished product tastes better.

Step by step recipe

Video recipe

Now let's watch a video together with you, which describes in great detail the whole process of creating a yummy.

Feeding options

  • Such a dessert turns out to be very bright thanks to the variety of ingredients in it. It is usually cut into portions and served on a flat, pretty platter.
  • You can decorate with grated chocolate, fruit and a sprig of mint.

Now let's learn how to cook chocolate dessert... The recipe for milk chocolate jelly is very simple, but it tastes amazing... Even those who are indifferent to dairy products will enjoy this dessert with pleasure and ask for supplements. I love it too and cook it for light snacks any day. At the holiday, such a dessert will look great and will go off with a bang.

Milk chocolate jelly

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Servings: for 6 people.
Calorie content: 124.1 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: blender, bowls.


Choosing the right ingredients

  • All products that you have prepared for dessert must be of high quality and fresh.
  • Select good quality cocoa... Cheap cocoa can ruin the taste of a dish.

  • Add sugar to taste... Someone likes it sweeter, someone just a little is enough.
  • Chocolate used for decoration in this recipe.

Step by step recipe

Video recipe

Dear culinary experts, I invite you to watch a short video, which shows in detail the entire process of creating our dessert. You will see how it turns out as a result of complete readiness.

Dear culinary experts, I am very pleased to share with you simple and delicious desserts that are prepared at home by any hostess. Stick to the recommended recipe, add your imagination, and delicious, beautiful meals for your family are guaranteed. If you have any suggestions or additions, leave them in the comments, I will be happy to read them. And now I wish you bon appetit and success in your culinary business!

Milk jelly is an easy dessert, it takes a minimum of time, effort and products to prepare it. Everything you need to take for basic recipe, Is pasteurized milk with a high percentage of fat, sugar and gelatin. You can diversify it with berries, syrups, fruits or chocolate.


  • milk 3.2% fat 500 ml,
  • gelatin 30 g,
  • sugar 4 tbsp. l.,
  • cinnamon stick
  • water 100 ml,
  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) 300 g,
  • boiled water 50 ml.


    Pour gelatin from a bag into a glass, add 100 ml of boiled warm water and leave it alone so that the gelatin swells.

    Pour 2 tbsp into the ladle. l. granulated sugar and put a cinnamon stick. Cinnamon can be substituted with a vanilla stick or vanilla essence. But you can add nothing except sugar.

    Pour milk into the same place. I recommend using pasteurized milk with a high percentage of fat. It is brought to a boil, but not boiled. If the milk is boiled, the taste of gelatin will be clearly present in the finished dessert. Skim milk is also not suitable, ready-made jelly will turn out to be an unappetizing bluish tint.

    Bring pasteurized milk to a boil and remove from heat. Let the milk cool slightly, and the cinnamon stick to brew for 15 minutes.

    Remove the cinnamon stick from warm milk and dissolve the swollen gelatin. Mix very thoroughly so that no lumps of gelatin remain.
    That's all, the milk jelly is ready, pour it into portion forms and put it in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

    This is what the finished milk jelly will look like. Garnish with mint leaves, grated chocolate or orange peel before serving. You can serve jelly in tins or lower the form for a few seconds in hot water and turn upside down on a plate. The milk jelly will easily separate from the walls and go onto the plate.

    How else can you make milk jelly? For example, make it two-layer by pairing it with strawberry jelly.

    So, we prepare milk jelly, as described above, but we are not in a hurry to send it to the refrigerator. We leave a tablespoon of the swollen gelatin for the strawberries. We place the berries in a bowl, add 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, pour in 2 tbsp. l. water and boil over a fire for five minutes.

    Remove the strawberries from the heat and grind them through a fine sieve. We discard the pulp, and in the resulting sauce we dilute a tablespoon of swollen gelatin.

    Silicone molds and fill them up to half strawberry sauce... To make the jam harden faster and make strawberry jelly, put the molds in the freezer for 5 minutes.

    When the strawberry jelly has solidified, pour the milk jelly into the molds. Now molds with ready-made jelly can be placed in the refrigerator until they solidify. As a rule, it hardens from 20 to 30 minutes.

    We take out the milk jelly with strawberries from the refrigerator, place the molds in hot water and turn them upside down on plates. This will create the bottom layer - milk jelly, and the top layer - strawberry. Decorate and serve.

Ecology of food. Milk jelly is low in calories, but delicious dessert, which also prepares quickly. For cooking

Milk jelly is a low-calorie but delicious dessert that is also quick to prepare.

To make milk jelly, you only need milk, gelatin, sugar and any additives of your choice. This can be a variety of spices, such as cinnamon or nutmeg... Alternatively, you can use coffee, chocolate, fruit juices, cocoa, or fruit.


What do you need:

  • 500 ml milk
  • 100 ml of water
  • 3 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tbsp gelatin
  • vanillin - to taste

How to make the simplest milk jelly:

1. Gelatin must be poured with boiled water at room temperature and left to swell for about half an hour.

2. Then you need to bring milk to a boil, immediately remove from heat, add sugar, bring to a boil again, remove from heat again and, stirring gently, add squeezed gelatin.

3. When the mass cools down a little, add vanillin to it, mix, strain the resulting mixture through a sieve into molds and put it in the refrigerator to solidify.

4. Before serving, the jelly must be removed from the molds.


What do you need:

  • 10 g gelatin
  • 4 yolks
  • 4 tablespoons Sahara
  • 200 ml milk
  • vanillin - to taste

How to make classic milk jelly:

1. Grind the yolks with vanilla and sugar, and then pour in the hot milk.

2. Gelatin must be poured with water and, as soon as it swells, add to the egg-milk mixture, and then warm it up until it thickens.

3. Pour the jelly into molds and put in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

This dessert can be varied with any fruit or berry, for example, raspberries, cherries, tangerines, apricots or kiwi. Cut the fruits into small pieces, put them on the bottom of the molds and pour over the jelly.


What do you need:

  • 100 ml of water
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 200 ml milk
  • 200 ml freshly brewed coffee
  • 4 tablespoons Sahara
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • vanillin - to taste

How to make coffee and milk jelly:

1. Gelatin must be divided into 2 equal parts and soak each in 50 ml of water.

2. The milk should be brought to a boil over moderate heat, removed from the stove and allowed to cool to a moderately warm state. Then add vanillin, half the sugar and the first part of the gelatin.

3. Add the remaining sugar, cinnamon and a second portion of gelatin to the coffee.

4. Then it is necessary to pour the milk mixture into the molds and send it to the refrigerator until it solidifies completely. After that, you should add coffee on top of the milk mass and remove the jelly again in the cold.

I've been addicted to milk jelly lately. Therefore, I am sharing the recipe. Milk jelly is very tasty and not at all troublesome to prepare. A set of products is always at hand.

To make milk jelly, we need:

  • 750 grams of milk
  • 5 tablespoons sugar, or to taste
  • 1-2 tablespoons vanilla sugar, or to taste
  • 15 grams of gelatin
  • 100 grams of water.

Milk jelly recipe.

I'll start with milk. Many recipes say that you definitely need fatty milk. Really need delicious milk... I made milk jelly from selected milk and milk with a fat content of 2.5%. It turns out delicious anyway.

Pour milk into a saucepan and put it on the fire to boil. When the milk has boiled, add sugar, vanilla sugar to it. Stir, bring to a boil again and remove from heat. We leave the milk, it should cool down.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Other flavors besides vanilla can be used for milk jelly. You can add cinnamon, cocoa or chocolate, coffee, chopped strawberries or raspberries. I love vanilla, so I flavor the jelly with it.

Dilute gelatin in water and leave to swell.

When the milk has cooled, heat the gelatin a little. I do it in the microwave. I put it on for 10 seconds, stir, if the gelatin has not become liquid and homogeneous during this time, then I put it on another 10. The main thing here is not to overheat. Add liquid gelatin to warm milk, stir.

Pour milk jelly into molds and put them in the refrigerator for about 3-4 hours.

Decorate the finished jelly with chocolate chips, berries, mint leaves, you can sprinkle with cinnamon. In general, there is enough imagination for that. We serve milk jelly to the table.

I love cinnamon milk jelly

If the jelly needs to be removed from the mold, then we lower it, the mold, for a few seconds in hot water.

Bon Appetit.