Home / Cakes / How much meat to fry in a pan. How to roast meat properly? Secrets of frying in a pan and wok

How much meat to fry in a pan. How to roast meat properly? Secrets of frying in a pan and wok

Fried meat is tasty and simple. An easy way to cook tasty, juicy grilled meats. Detailed instructions. Recipe. Suitable for pork and beef (10+)

We fry meat, pork, beef. Right choice and cooking. Secrets. Recipe

The most important:

How to cook juicy meat? The secret is to fry at a high temperature. So a crust forms on the surface of a piece of meat, and juice will remain inside.

How to grill, grill? It is important to select and prepare the meat well. We fry on hot, evenly heated coals. Beware of the flame. We extinguish the flame with water.

How to marinate meat? Tried different variants... Stopped for ketchup. But the ketchup should be from tomatoes, not from food coloring with artificial jelly.

Beef Cooking Secrets. Beef is tough meat. To make it soft, it must be kept at a temperature of 50 - 60 degrees for 8 - 10 hours. We can't do that, so we'll chew.

Which part to take for frying? Of course, the neck.

We're going to talk about beef and pork. Some of the above applies to other types of meat, but not in full. Pork is more tender meat. Well fried, it just melts in your mouth. The beef is tougher. In any case, you will have to chew it with effort. I like to fry in one piece, and I'll tell you about this.

Choosing meat (pork, beef) before frying

To fry meat, you must first buy it, unless, of course, you have your own farmyard. I buy either fresh meat or deep-frozen.

Buying fresh meat is easy. The neck is best for frying. The meat should be the same pinkish color. If there are gray spots, we do not take such meat. Frozen meat is much more difficult to buy. Sometimes, even a very experienced butcher cannot determine the quality of frozen meat without defrosting it. And spoiling frozen meat is very easy. Firstly, what was put in this briquette instead of beef or pork, you will only learn at home by defrosting it. Secondly, if the meat melted after deep freezing, then it is spoiled, it can no longer be frozen again. But are you sure that the meat you buy has not been frozen again (or maybe several times)? So frozen meat can only be bought if you trust the seller. It's easier to buy fresh.

In any case, know that fresh meat needs to be fried well, frozen two weeks can be risked and fried with blood. If you love with blood, then it is better to buy fresh in advance and freeze it for two weeks in the freezer of your refrigerator.

And I have a reliable seller of frozen meat. I always take from him and trust him.

Preparing meat for frying

Defrost (if the meat is frozen) and cut the meat into slices the size of the existing piece, and 3 cm thick if we fry in a pan, 2 cm if we grill.

You can't fry the meat right away. Fresh meat or fresh frozen meat will not taste good. It is necessary for the meat to lie in a cool, but not cold place, in a saucepan, covered with a lid, for 8 - 20 hours. This is necessary for the meat to ferment, to prepare for the fact that we will digest it. Watch out for flies, they love to lay their eggs on meat that has begun to ferment.

The meat can be sprinkled with spices (a ready-made mixture for meat is suitable) and put to ferment, or you can marinate and put already mixed with the marinade.

I do this sometimes, sometimes with marinade. If marinade, then ketchup. Ketchup should be made from natural tomatoes, without dyes, flavors, jelly. All of these additives are unhealthy and will ruin the taste of the meat. Learn more about choosing the right ketchup. I cut the onion. Grease each piece of meat with ketchup on all sides, sprinkle with the prepared seasoning for meat. I put it in a saucepan, sprinkle it with onions.

Before frying in a pan, the meat must be beaten off. Before chopping, remove the marinade and onion completely. We don't need them anymore. If not removed, they will sprinkle, interfere with beating and frying. We beat off on a solid board with an appropriate meat hammer. This business requires serious physical strength. You have to hit hard. As a result of beating, the meat should become less than a centimeter thick, turn into such a pancake. When beating, the piece can be turned over. Especially carefully you need to beat off the veins and areas with bacon. No need to beat before grilling.

Fry meat (pork, beef) in a pan

Heat the pan vigorously with a little fat. A non-stick frying pan will not work. Why? Read this link: Properties of Non-Stick Teflon Coating. You need to fry in a metal pan, preferably with small indentations in the bottom. These indentations collect steam and prevent the meat from sticking.

We fry the meat on high fire... Continuously move the pieces of meat slightly over the pan, preventing them from sticking. We are not distracted. Meat can burn very quickly. Fry until tender (golden patches should appear) one side, then turn over and fry the other side until tender. The meat is ready.

If you want meat with blood, then you need to fry for absolutely hot skillet, if you prefer a medium degree of roast, then the fire should be slightly lower.

In any case, we fry so that the surface of the piece is fried, and moisture and juice remain inside. This will actually produce juicy meat. If you fry at a low temperature, then the meat will be fried slowly, everything will be heated evenly. The juice from the inside will all evaporate and you will get the sole of the boot. The same is true for the grill.

Grilling meat

We clean the meat from the marinade and onions so that they do not burn, put them on the wire rack. We fry on hot, bright red coals. We make sure that there is no flame. If a flame suddenly appears, immediately remove the grill with meat and fill in the flame. Be very careful. Prepare everything (water, place for the grate, where you will put it when you remove it from the grill) before you start frying. If you are distracted, and at this time a flame appears, the meat will instantly burn. Fry one side until tender, turn over, fry the other.

Good luck with your meat preparation!

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It is customary to call this way hot heat treatment food, in which all foods are cooked in hot oil. Fried meat has such a unique and persistent taste that it cannot be compared with any other dish. For those who are faced with the task of frying meat for the first time, our detailed instructions and simple recipes.

How to fry meat in a pan?

  1. Which pan to choose? The size of the pan plays an important role. If you are deep-frying meat, use a deep skillet as there should be plenty of room for the oil. In a large skillet, the temperature of the oil will not change much when you put a piece of meat in it. If the cook wants to fry several pieces of meat, he must choose the pan so that the meat on it does not come into contact with each other, otherwise it will simply start stewing from the formation of juice, and not fry.
  2. With or without oil? Almost always meat is fried in hot fat or vegetable oil... The amount of oil depends on the desired cooking result and on the dish. To make the meat more useful and well absorbed, it is cooked without oil at all in a pan with non-stick coating... Also pay attention to the specific dish you are going to cook. Breaded veal chops are usually dipped whole in boiling oil and fried until golden crisp. A thick steak is fried in a pan lightly greased with butter or lard.
  3. Which part of the carcass to choose for frying? It does not matter if you are roasting pork, beef or lamb, the cuts of meat for roasting should be extremely soft. Tough pieces of meat usually take a long time to cook: braising, for example.
  4. When buying meat, choose young meat. Old meat is not suitable for frying, as it takes much longer to cook to make it tender.
  5. Remember, meat is not cut into pieces along, but across the fibers! This is the basic rule for frying meat, this is how it will least of all release liquid from itself. Some people use another trick to preserve the juiciness of the product: they salt the meat not before frying, but a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.
  6. To make the meat soft and cook quickly, it must first be beaten off with a special kitchen hammer.
  7. How to fry meat properly so as not to dry it out? First, the meat is fried on both sides on high fire until golden brown. And only then the fire is reduced, and the meat is allowed to reach for 10-15 minutes. Thus, the inside of the meat remains juicy, incredibly tasty and does not dry out. Steaks, escalops and meat cutlets fried in this way.
  8. Determine the readiness of the meat. It is quite easy to find out if the meat is well done. Cut it or pierce it with a fork. If this produces blood, pink or cloudy juice, the dish is not ready! In the event that a clear juice appears, the meat is well done.

How to fry meat: recipes

Pork steak

We need:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • onions - 3 pcs;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • French mustard - 3 tsp spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp. a spoon;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking. Cut the meat into steaks that are about 1 cm thick. Beat them off. Chop the garlic and onion. Now it's time to prepare the marinade. To do this, squeeze a lemon into a container, add French mustard, vegetable oil, sugar, onion, garlic and salt there. Leave the pork in the marinade for at least 3 hours. Then heat a frying pan, pour oil into it and fry the steaks for 10 minutes on both sides over medium heat.

Beef in breadcrumbs (Rum steak)

We need:

  • beef - 800 g;
  • egg - 2-3 eggs;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking. Cut the beef into portions and then beat them well. Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper. Beat the egg in a separate container. Now each piece of beef needs to be moistened in an egg, and then rolled in breadcrumbs on both sides. Heat the pan well, pour in vegetable oil and put pieces of meat in it. The frying time will be approximately 12 minutes. Thanks to breading with breadcrumbs, the juice from the beef will not flow out, that is, the fried meat will retain all its juiciness and will not fry too much.

The first and, perhaps, the most important question for a novice cook: how much to fry meat in a pan? First of all, we will answer it.

The size of the chunks of meat for frying is not very important, but rather depends on your personal preference. The pieces can be large or small. The more important question is how much to fry the meat. The main thing in this business is to masterfully twist and make sure that the meat does not lose juice during the frying process and does not become dry. This requires a strong fire and a sufficient amount of oil. It is imperative to fry the meat with onions, which are carefully removed from the pan as soon as a golden crust appears on the meat.

Fry frozen meat

If the meat has been stored in the freezer, the frying time will increase significantly. In order to reduce it, it is better to beat off and marinate the meat. As a marinade, you can use squeezed lemon juice with the addition of your favorite spices. Or replace the juice with a prepared solution citric acid... Do not put pieces of meat in the pan too tightly, otherwise it will not fry, but steam. And do not forget about the fact that you need to turn on a strong fire. Fry the meat until a clear juice appears when piercing a piece with a knife. On average, this will take you 10-20 minutes.

We fry fresh meat

Non-frozen meat cooks much faster. You can fry it without oil in a hot frying pan, and salt and pepper it only when blood appears on the surface. Turn over, sprinkle with salt and spices again, and after a couple of minutes you can already remove from the stove. In this case, the meat will be dryish, there will be no excess liquid, but it will have an appetizing crust, like a chicken.

Meat should be fried in an open container and thrown into well-heated fat. This is necessary for the formation of that very golden brown, which prevents the loss of meat juice and does not allow the meat to absorb excess and unnecessary fat. You should not drive it back and forth in a frying pan, just fry it well on one side, turn it over, fry it on the other side and the meat is ready.

How to deliciously fry meat in a pan

Do you want to know how to deliciously fry meat in a pan, spending a minimum of time and effort? Pick up a pencil and write down our recipe.

Let's say you've planned a dinner for two and are wondering what to cook. The answer is simple: meat, delicious grilled meat! Its preparation will not take you much time.

To implement this wonderful idea, you will need a pound of meat (preferably young veal or lean pork), olive oil and a little butter, herbs (parsley, dill), spices (salt, pepper, cloves).

The procedure for how to deliciously fry meat in a pan is simple:

  1. Wash the meat well and blot it with a napkin. Place on a cutting board. Cut into neat strips along the fibers, as is done with beef stroganoff. If you want, then cut the meat like steaks. Beat the pieces with a hammer, rub the cloves and add them to the olive oil, stir, and set aside.
  2. Heat the pan, add enough oil and heat it well, that is, put the meat in the pan only when the oil starts to bubble (which means it has boiled).
  3. Cook the meat for 10-15 minutes depending on the size of the pieces. After the appearance of a golden crust, check for readiness by piercing with a splinter or a toothpick.
  4. Chop the greens. Put the cooked meat on a dish, put a piece of butter next to it, and sprinkle herbs around the edges. Pour the clove mixture over herbs, meat and butter, in a word, the entire contents of the dish. Cloves with olive oil make the dish spicy and original.

Who among us does not like to feast on an appetizing piece of fried meat that melts in your mouth? Is that adherents of plant foods. Don't know how to cook or don't know how to fry meat in a pan? This article will teach, and at the same time familiarize with some of the nuances of its performance.

The basics of frying meat

There are a lot of varieties and types of these products. To cook them fried, you need to know the basics. Then success is definitely guaranteed.

  1. For cooking meat in a pan, a piece without veins, bone and cartilaginous inclusions is best suited.
  2. The selected part must be thoroughly washed and dried with napkins.
  3. It is necessary to cut into portions only across the longitudinal fibers.
  4. To shorten the frying time, it will be useful to process the meat as follows: - grease it with a mixture of vegetable oil, grated garlic and ground pepper; - marinate from 15 minutes to 24 hours.
  5. Frying pan fried meat ideally should be cast iron and have a thick bottom.
  6. If you don't have such dishes at hand, then another one will do, but always with a non-stick coating.
  7. the pans must be dry.
  8. It is not necessary to overdo it with spices, but it is necessary to salt the meat after its surface has begun to brown.
  9. Serves of fillets or tenderloins should be placed at a sufficient distance in the pan to avoid the braising effect.
  10. To figure out how much to fry the meat in a pan and when it's ready, you need to pierce the largest piece with a skewer and make sure that no blood comes out of it.
  11. So that already ready meal is not dry, it is advisable to sprinkle it with onion rings on top.

Pan cooking fresh meat

Svezhina is a special delicacy. It can be cooked on a completely dry surface. Crisp develops faster and takes less time to cook.

Here are a few nuances that will help you understand how to fry meat in a pan:

  • For cooking, it is better to choose only fresh, odorless meat. To do this, you should gently click on a piece, if the elasticity of the meat is preserved, then it is considered fresh.
  • Place the saucepan over high heat and heat.
  • You can add some vegetable oil if desired. It must reach such a temperature that sizzling bubbles appear.
  • First, cook the meat on one side until it begins to fry on the sides. Put on the other side, sprinkle with salt and spices to taste.
  • Use a thin wooden stick to make holes in the dish to make sure it is done. If a colorless liquid without any admixture of blood flows out of the hole, the meat is ready.

Rules for frying meat after defrosting

If the meat intended for frying was purchased in advance and stored in the freezer of the refrigerator, then it takes longer to cook. Before or embodying another recipe, you need to properly prepare the product.

It is important to follow these rules:

  • The meat should be thawed at room temperature. You shouldn't pour it cold water, and even more so hot. From such actions, the taste of meat is lost.
  • Divide it into small portions and place in the marinade mixture or liquid. It can be soy sauce, whey or lemon juice with seasonings.

  • We put the prepared product in a hot frying pan. Cook over a fairly high heat. It is not recommended to cover with a lid, otherwise you will get stew instead of fried meat.

Cooking time for grilled meat

During cooking, housewives think about how much to fry meat in a pan? In fact, the cooking duration depends on some nuances:

  • Whose meat is planned to be cooked.
  • Meat young or old.
  • It is sliced ​​in large, medium or small portions.

Naturally, it takes much longer to fry pork, beef, lamb in a pan than chicken, turkey or veal. Cooking time for meat:

  • Steamed veal is cooked at a high temperature. Each side is fried for 3-4 minutes. In order for it to be surely ready, you can fry for an additional 3 minutes under the lid. Small rectangular pieces from the same variety are fried for about 10 minutes on each side.
  • Chunks of aged beef can be done well in 20 minutes.
  • Pork is fried for 30 minutes. But it is not recommended to cook the chops for more than 10 minutes, so that they do not become tough and unusable.
  • Poultry meat is fried for 25-30 minutes. It all depends on which part of the bird is chosen for cooking.
  • There is a separate approach to lamb. Even if it is cut into small pieces, it will take about 1 hour to cook.

Fried pork or beef with onions

There are many recipes for cooking grilled meat. Consider how


  • a pound of beef or pork tenderloin;
  • large onion head;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • lean oil or ghee 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash and chop the meat large chunks.
  2. Sprinkle them with sugar and pepper. Stir and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Bring the onion chopped into medium squares until golden brown in a frying pan, heated, greased with vegetable oil or lard.
  4. Put the meat on the onion. Fry the meat in a pan on medium heat until browning appears.
  5. Turn the pieces so that they do not burn and are evenly fried.
  6. Never cover the cookware with a lid in order not to achieve a stewing effect.
  7. Season with salt 3-4 minutes before the end of cooking.
  8. It is recommended to add butter to each serving. The dish will acquire a unique creamy flavor.
  9. Serve for garnish boiled rice, pasta or mashed potatoes... It will be nice to harmonize with such meat and boiled buckwheat.

Cooking a steak in a pan

To understand how to fry a steak in a pan, you need to know a few rules for preparing a dish:

  • It is better to choose a pork neck, it turns out juicy and very tender.
  • The steak should be cooked from meat that has warmed up to room temperature. If you take a cold piece, then it may not have time to fry.
  • Fillets should be cut across the grain. This technology contributes to an even frying.
  • Dry each piece of meat with a paper towel before cooking.
  • The meat is placed only in a hot frying pan and fried without a lid.

To prepare a steak you need:

  • 500 grams of pulp;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • The rest of the spices and salt are added to taste.


  1. Rinse the meat and dry it with napkins.
  2. Cut into 3 cm wide pieces.
  3. Place the meat in a well-heated skillet and fry for about 3 minutes. During this time, do not pierce the pieces with a fork or stick.
  4. Turn the meat over and grill the other side for another 3 minutes.
  5. Reduce heat to medium, turn meat once more and cook for another 3-5 minutes.
  6. After the end of the time, turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and leave the meat in this form for another 15 minutes until fully cooked.

Cooking grilled meat in a slotted pan

If you fry pork or beef meat in a pan on such a surface, then we get pieces with original fried stripes. Usually, such a dish is prepared in nature, laying out the meat on the wire rack. But you can also cook it at home. What do you need:

  • 4-5 pork ribs or 0.5 kg of pulp;
  • half a glass of dry white wine;
  • tablespoon apple cider vinegar;
  • ground black pepper and cilantro seeds;
  • coarse salt;
  • Reagan greens.

How to fry meat in a slotted pan:

  1. Prepare the marinade: stir the wine and vinegar.
  2. Wash and dry the ribs or meat. Sprinkle with pepper and chopped cilantro seeds, season with salt.
  3. Fold in a glass dish, pour the marinade mixture. It does not need to float in the liquid.
  4. After an hour and a half, shake the container with meat. Leave on for another 50 minutes. The optimal time for soaking is 2.5-3 hours.
  5. Then remove the portions from the marinade and dry with a paper napkin. Beat the pulp with a special hammer to make the pieces thinner. This is necessary in order for the meat to become more tender.
  6. Pour a thin layer over the ribbed bottom of the pan vegetable oil and warm up to medium temperature.
  7. Place the meat / ribs on the heated dish surface. The total cooking time is 20-25 minutes.
  8. Every 3-4 minutes we turn the ribs from one side to the other. The end result is a nice mesh pattern on each piece.

Mouth-watering grilled ribs / meat can be drizzled with melted butter and sprinkled with chopped basil (Reagan) herbs. Fresh or frozen vegetables fried in the same pan are ideal for this dish: black Eyed Peas, bell pepper, eggplant.

Fried meat cubes in tomato sauce

Although this recipe is not culinary masterpiece, its taste will be remembered for a long time.


  • 500 g fillet of pork or beef;
  • 2 medium carrots, grated on a coarse grater;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • 2 chopped onions;
  • 4 tbsp. l. tomato (slightly less);
  • 1 faceted glass of water;
  • pepper and salt to taste.
  1. Rinse the pulp, dry, cut into cubes.
  2. Grease the frying surface with oil and heat over medium heat.
  3. Put the meat there, season with salt and pepper.
  4. Pour the carrots and onions into the pan. Fry all for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Next, put tomato sauce and flour (through a strainer so that there are no lumps).
  6. Add water, salt to taste.
  7. Bring until tender, covered for 7 minutes over low heat.

Crispy Chicken Legs

Chicken meat is one of the easiest to prepare. It does not require special skills to fry it, and the process does not take much time.

For cooking you will need:

  • chicken legs - 6 pieces;
  • half a glass of water;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • a tablespoon of salt.

How to fry chicken meat in a pan:

  1. Pour salt and sugar into the pan. Stir and fry until the sugar begins to melt.
  2. Add water and stir until viscous.
  3. In this syrup, roll the prepared chicken legs.
  4. Fry them for 20 minutes in a preheated pan with a little vegetable oil.

Helpful Frying Pan Tutorials

Housewives willingly share the secrets thanks to which you can learn how to properly fry meat in a pan:

  • In order for the fillet to chew well after frying, it must first be beaten with a chop hammer. Before doing this, place the meat piece in a tight plastic bag.
  • Also, for the same purpose, you can coat layers of beef or pork with mustard for 2 hours.
  • If the meat is old and tough, put it in a solution of vinegar (6%), water (1: 1) and raw egg... After 30 minutes, it is ready to fry. If necessary, you can leave it in this mixture for 2 days.
  • During the frying process, do not pierce the meat with a knife or fork. So all the juice will drain out of it, and it will be dry and tasteless.
  • To obtain a golden brown surface, the pieces must first be fried over high heat, and then brought to readiness on a weaker heat.

So, the article describes how to fry meat in a pan in pieces or whole. This cooking method is not difficult, but requires some knowledge. If you adhere to the described recommendations, then the meat will turn out to be juicy and tasty.

Choose the best roast pork. The neck, shoulder blade and leg of the animal are preferred.

Meat for frying in a pan must be fresh. Since when freezing, the structure of the meat changes and the juiciness of pork is not preserved. For frying pork in a pan, it is best to use meat with fat layers, it will be more juicy and tender. The meat should be light pink and the body fat should be pure white.

If you want an appetizing aroma and real meaty taste, then you should not get too carried away with seasonings.

Before frying pork in a pan in large pieces (steaks), it must be washed and dried with a towel. Drying is necessary so that pork does not release a lot of liquid during the frying process.

For cooking pork steak the thickness of the pieces must be at least 3 centimeters. Do not salt pork! Sprinkle with salt at the end of frying - a minute before cooking.

Put the pork in a well-heated frying pan. When frying, the steak should not be flipped frequently. Turn it over only once - when one side is almost ready. It is also important to remember that pork should not be undercooked or bloody. Only some veal and lamb dishes can be cooked with blood, pork cannot be cooked like that!

Cooking pork in chunks

Cut the pieces into rather thick pieces: two to three centimeters each. Don't salt the meat! You can sprinkle with seasonings.

Heat the pan and oil strongly. We omit the pork. The pieces of meat should not fit snugly together. After dipping the pork in the pan for the first minute or two, a crust forms on the meat, which prevents the juice from flowing out. Turn the meat over once.

Reduce the temperature and fry over medium-low heat for another 15-20 minutes. Salt the meat at the end of frying.

If you want to get really roasted meat with a golden crust, then you should not cover the pan with a lid. The lidded meat will look like a stew.

On average, cooking time is: 5-7 minutes for pork steak and about 30 minutes for chunks of meat.

Some delicious grilled pork recipes

Friedporkin a pan in pomegranate juice

1 kg. pork, 2 medium onions, 1 cup pomegranate juice, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of melted lard, salt to taste, green onions, for decoration.

Method of preparation: Rinse pork under running cold water, cut off excess fat. Cut the pork for frying in a pan into pieces weighing 40 g. Cut the onion into rings. Lard melt in a frying pan and dip the pork in it. Fry the meat in a skillet under the lid, stirring. Add chopped onion to a pan with meat, pepper and salt.

After that, pour pomegranate juice into a pan with fried pork. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat until the pomegranate juice is completely evaporated. Put the finished pork meat on a dish and decorate with green onions.

Pork in a pan with onions

400 g pork, 1 carrot, 2 onions, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower oil, ground black pepper and salt to taste, dill and parsley, for decoration.

Rinse the pork under running cold water. Cut into pieces 1 cm thick and beat off on both sides. Prepare the filling for fried pork in a small dish: grate the carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into rings, add salt and ground black pepper, mix.

Place the prepared filling on one piece of chopped pork, cover with another piece on top and fasten with wooden skewers. Then we put the meat on preheated with sunflower oil frying pan. Fry on both sides, over medium heat, until tender. Put the cooked fried pork on a wide plate, remove the wooden skewers and decorate with chopped dill and parsley.

If you leave the skewers, then you can serve like a kebab.

Friedporkwith prunes and mushrooms

This dish will be very appropriate for festive table thanks to exquisite taste which gives pork prunes and mushrooms. Moreover, even family dinner this dish can turn into a little celebration.

400 grams of pork, 200 grams of mushrooms, onion, 5-6 prunes, carrots, half a teaspoon of turmeric, salt, pork spices and pepper, for frying - vegetable oil.

Washed pork should be cut into slightly long pieces, not thick. Season the meat with salt and pepper, add spices. Then start preparing vegetables: chop the onion coarsely, cut into long strips or grate the carrots on a coarse grater. In a well-heated frying pan until golden brown, you need to fry the pork meat, not forgetting to salt it. There you should also add chopped mushrooms, carrots and onions, turmeric, as well as pre-soaked and then cut in half prunes. Until cooked, all this should be fried over low heat. Serving to the table, it is better to decorate the dish with parsley sprigs.

Pork in a pan with mushrooms

1 kg. pork, 300 g. mushrooms, 200 gr. dry white wine, 5 tbsp. spoons of melted bacon, 3 medium onions, basil leaves, for garnish.

Rinse the pork under running cold water, cut off excess fat. Cut the pork into pieces weighing 50 g. Put the chopped pork in an enamel saucepan, pour over the wine and stir. Refrigerate for 7 hours. Cut the mushrooms into 2 pieces. Cut the onion into rings. String pork, onion and mushrooms alternately on wooden skewers. Fry in a frying pan in melted bacon on all sides until golden brown. Put the finished pork and mushrooms on a wide plate, without removing from the skewers, and decorate with basil.

Pan-fried pork with shiitake and juniper

The use of mushrooms gives spicy taste dish. Moreover, it is best to use dried forest mushrooms for this recipe.

4 portions of pork slices, 40 grams of dry shiitake, 8 cloves of garlic, 10 juniper berries, 3 sprigs of rosemary, a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, 25 grams of butter, black pepper, salt.

Shiitake mushrooms need to be poured hot water, leaving them for 45 minutes. Unpeeled garlic must be boiled for 10 minutes, then dried. Pieces pork meat rub with salt, vinegar and pepper. The butter should be well heated in a pan and until Brown fry meat in it on both sides.

There, in the pan, you need to add dried mushrooms, crushed juniper berries, garlic, rosemary, as well as 8 tablespoons of the water in which the mushrooms were infused. After that, the fire must be reduced to almost a minimum, cover the frying pan and simmer the meat with mushrooms for 15-20 minutes.

Pork steak

This hearty dish prepares very quickly. In addition, meat fried in batter goes well with various side dishes - potatoes, cereals, salads.

600 grams of pork fillet, 1/4 cup water, egg, bread crumbs, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil for frying.

Pork meat should be washed well and dried with a paper towel. Pork should be cut into thin slices and slightly beaten for juiciness and softness. In a separate bowl, thoroughly stir the chicken egg with salt, water and black pepper. Each piece of pork should be dipped in the resulting homogeneous mass.

Then the meat must be rolled in bread crumbs, and then fry in a pan in vegetable oil, setting medium heat. Fried pork pieces should be put on a dish with a side dish, garnished with herbs and served. You need to salt the meat about five minutes before the end of stewing. And before serving, you should peel the garlic.

Fried pork in a pan with apples

1 kg. pork, 2 green apples, 1 glass of raisins, 5 tbsp. spoons of melted plums. butter, 1 lemon, lettuce, for decoration, red pepper and salt to taste.

Rinse the pork under running cold water, cut off excess fat. Cut the meat for frying in a pan into pieces weighing 200 g, 1 cm thick. We beat each piece on both sides. For the filling: remove the core from the apples and chop finely, put in a small container and mix with raisins, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of melted butter, mix.

We spread the filling into pieces of pork and wrap them in sausages. Each piece of pork must be sealed with a wooden skewer before frying in a pan. Fry the meat in a preheated pan, turning, until tender. Arrange the prepared fried sausages on a platter, remove the wooden skewers, season with pepper, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, garnish with lettuce leaves.

Chops with cheese

pork (chops) - 4 pcs.,

salt, pepper - to taste,
gouda cheese - 120g,
parsley (twig) - 4 pcs.,
bell pepper - 1pc.

Wash and dry the pork chops.
Season with salt and pepper. Fry the chops in a hot skillet on both sides for 4-6 minutes.

Divide the cheese into 4 parts, wash and dry the parsley, cut the pepper into small cubes.

Place cheese and vegetables on top of the cutlet. Close the lid for 1 minute. The dish is ready.

Stroganoff pork in a pan

1 tsp mustard powder, 25 g butter, 2 tablespoons fresh tarragon, chopped, 2-3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 leek, thinly sliced ​​and washed, 350 g pork tenderloin, cut into thin strips,
2 teaspoons whole grain mustard, 200 ml 30% cream, 100 ml white dry wine, 3-5 mushrooms

Heat in a saucepan and mix together the butter and half the cream, add the leeks and mustard powder. Cook for 2-3 minutes until the onions are soft.

Cut the pulp of the hind leg or shoulder of lean pork into slices across the fibers, beat off and cut into 3-4 cm long pieces, weighing 3-5 g. Cut the mushrooms into strips.

Salt the meat, quickly fry with mushrooms in a pan on olive oil 6-7 minutes, until browned.
Add wine to the meat and cook for another 2 minutes.

Combine cream and mustard. Add this mixture to the pork, stir, cook over high heat for 2 minutes. Then add the onion to the pork, reduce heat and cook for 3 minutes, until the cream thickens. Add tarragon and black pepper.

Serve immediately, with rice or vegetables.