Home / Bakery / Quick walnut pie. Nut pie

Quick walnut pie. Nut pie

The recipe for this cake has been in my house since time immemorial.
It was given to me by a Georgian neighbor. But when her daughter tried my cake, she felt that I had changed the dough recipe. The original recipe had a lot more flour and sugar. Well, I always reduce sugar, I don't like too sweet. And flour... Of course, if you take more of it, the dough does not stick to your hands, it rolls out easier, but... after baking it is rougher, harder and less tasty, in my opinion.
And, of course, I now make ganache in a completely different way, then it was called fudge. According to the recipe, it was using cocoa. But I prefer chocolate with cream.
And so I get a gentle, crumbly shortbread dough and the cake keeps for quite a long time.
Back in those days, we called it export, because it could be transferred or transported not only to another city, but also to another country. The son of my Georgian neighbor is a diplomat, and so pies from his mother were sent abroad.

I baked this cake even in Santiago for the children of the German school. Once a year, every day during the week, schoolchildren bring sweet pastries. You can buy it, or you can bake it yourself. This pastry is sold here at the school, and with this money graduation the class is going on a trip. And so each graduating class bakes in turn. Just the time when the class of Marina's daughter Yulia was on duty coincided with my stay in Santiago. And for Yulia, I baked this cake. And since I was leaving the next day, and Marinin's husband was returning from a month-long business trip, at the same time I baked the same pie for him! Who is a big fan of baking!

The cake has such a rustic look on purpose, i.e. no need to level the glaze to a mirror, you can bake in a simple frying pan, as was done before.

200 g butter
350 g flour
100 ml sugar sand
2 tbsp. l. sour cream
3 yolks
baking powder

3 squirrels
150 ml sugar
300 ml ground walnuts

1.5 st. l. granulated sugar
1 st. l. bitter cocoa
50 g butter
2 tbsp. l. milk (cream)

Form with a diameter of 26 cm with high sides
baking temperature 180 °C
Baking time 25 min.

1. Knead the dough. Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
2. Divide the dough in half and divide one part in half again.
3. Beat 3 proteins with granulated sugar and add ground nuts.
4. Roll out a large piece of dough on a silicone mat or on parchment paper and, without removing it from the base on which it was rolled out, turn it over into a baking dish, straighten it and make high sides. If the dough is torn, connect the gaps directly in the form.
5. Lay out half of the filling.
6. Roll out another part of the dough, according to the diameter of the mold and put it on top of the filling. Even if your filling comes out beyond the layer or the dough layer is not whole, from pieces, this is normal.
7. Lay out the rest of the filling.
8. Roll out the remaining dough, put on the filling - this will be the top of the pie.
Pinch the edges. And in the oven.
Remove the finished cake from the oven, let cool slightly and transfer to a dish.
Let cool completely and cover with fondant.

Lots of fondant recipes. You can make ganache with cream, chocolate and butter. And can be and fudge easier. This recipe is from a time when food was a problem. But, despite the inexpensive ingredients, the fudge is very tasty.

Melt sugar, cocoa and butter over low heat in a small saucepan, dilute with milk (cream), stir until a smooth mass is obtained.
Pour the hot mass over the finished cake.

Cut as follows. Mark the center of the pie. Cut out a small circle (5 cm in diameter). And then cut into pieces along the rays.

Soft, delicate, with a pronounced nutty flavor cake. It is prepared very simply and quickly, but it may well be offered to guests. Try it, you won't regret it.

To prepare a nut pie you will need: eggs, sugar, sour cream, butter, cinnamon, walnuts, flour.

Separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. Put the yolks in a bowl.

Add sugar and mix.

I put sour cream and soda. It is not necessary to extinguish soda: sour cream contains lactic acid.

Add melted butter. We mix.

Then a teaspoon of cinnamon.

And a glass of ground walnuts.

Lastly, add flour.

Knead the dough for the pie. By consistency, it should be like thick pancakes.

Pour the dough into a baking dish with baking paper. We put in the oven, preheated to 170-175 degrees C.

Bake for 40-45 minutes until golden brown.

Back to proteins. Beat them with a whisk or mixer until firm peaks. Gradually introduce 100 grams of sugar.

We cover the pie with whipped proteins and put it back in the oven. Bake until whites are golden brown.

Fragrant and very tasty nut cake is ready.

Do you want to make delicious and original dessert? Waiting for guests and do not know what you can quickly and easily cook? We offer you with walnuts.


This dessert is very tasty. The main ingredient of the pie is walnuts, which give the dish an original and delicate taste. You can also add other ingredients to the pie. These are apples, plums, carrots, jam and much more.

Classic walnut pie: recipe with photo

To prepare it, sift 200 g of flour into a separate deep container. Peel walnuts (200 g) and leave only the nucleoli. They need to be crushed into crumbs. You can use a blender for this. If it is not there, a rolling pin for dough is suitable, which must first be broken into large kernels, and then rolled into crumbs or simply broken into smaller pieces.

Add 10 g of baking powder to the flour, about 1-2 tsp. vanilla sugar and a small pinch of salt. Mix the dry mixture well. And leave for 15 minutes so that the flour is saturated with oxygen. In the meantime, melt 150 g of butter in a water bath, add the same amount of sugar to it. Mix well. Pour the chopped nuts into the butter and sugar and mix well.

Then gradually add the dry mixture of flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar and salt. Stir constantly. Add two egg yolks to the dough. Squirrels do not rush to throw away. You will still need them.

Now beat the whites until fluffy and thick foam. Transfer the dough to the same bowl. Mix it well. Cover the dough cling film, let it infuse. And you do not waste time and turn on the oven at 180 degrees, let it heat up for about 10 minutes.

Walnut pie is best baked in a silicone mold, which is preferably greased with margarine or butter. Then spread the dough evenly into it and put in the oven to bake for about 35 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, check for readiness with a wooden stick (match or toothpick). Pierce the pie with a wooden stick. If there is dough left on it, then the dessert is not ready yet. When the stick remains completely dry, then the cake can be removed from the oven.

Adding apples

A variety of ingredients can be added to walnut pie. It turns out the perfect combination if you put apples. To cook with walnuts, you need to sift 100 g of flour into a dry container, add a small pinch of salt, a little baking powder, 125 g of milk and 2 eggs. Mix well. If desired, you can put a little ground cinnamon. It emphasizes the elegance and unusualness of the dish.

The dough should be liquid and without lumps. Cover it with a clean towel or cling film. Let rest no more than 15 minutes. In the meantime, peel and chop 4 small apples. Remove the core from them and cut randomly. Nuts also need to be peeled and mashed into crumbs through a blender or rolling pin.

apple pie baking

Turn on the oven to 180 degrees. While it heats up, take silicone mold for baking. If you don't have it, don't worry. You can take a regular frying pan without a handle. Cover it up parchment paper and pour the batter into it. Lay apples on top. Sprinkle walnuts and a little cinnamon over fruit. Now you can put the filled form in the oven.

Apple walnut pie should be baked for at least 30 minutes. It all depends on the oven model.

After 30 minutes, check the cake for readiness with a match or a toothpick. How to do this is described in the previous recipe.

Pie with carrots and walnuts

It is lightweight and very delicious dessert. To prepare it, you need to peel two large large carrots. They should be sweet and juicy. Grate carrots on a large or small grater (depending on your preference), sprinkle with sugar to form juice. Nuts need to be peeled and turned into small crumbs.

Sift 150 g of flour into a separate container. Put 1 tsp there. soda to be extinguished with a few drops of vinegar. Add 3 to the flour container small eggs or 2 big ones. Mix everything. Add 100 g of sugar. Pour the mixture vegetable oil(2 tbsp.), put 1 tbsp. l. sour cream to make the dessert softer. Add there 2 tbsp. l. honey. You can add a little vanilla for flavor if you like.

Stir the mixture well. Add carrots together with the resulting juice and nuts to the dough.

You should get a dough with the consistency of thick sour cream. Cover it with a towel or film, let it rest.

Carrot Cake Baking

In the meantime, turn on the oven to 180 degrees to heat up well. Then grease a baking sheet or any other pie dish. If there is no butter or margarine, you can add a little vegetable oil. You can also line the form with parchment paper. It doesn't need to be lubricated.

Pour the prepared dough into the baking dish and set to bake. As you remember, carrots are raw. Therefore, it should be baked in the dough for at least 50 minutes.

After this time, check with walnuts for readiness. This can be done with a toothpick, a match and another wooden stick. Poke them into the dough. If the stick remains dry, then the dessert is ready.

The walnut pie recipe is very easy. However, there are a few cooking secrets that every housewife should know. If you like nuts, then you can not make crumbs out of them, but put them in broken kernels. Then you will feel this unforgettable, original and refined taste even more.

If you are making a cake with walnuts only, add steamed and softened raisins to the dough. It emphasizes the taste and aroma of the dessert. Raisins need to add a little less nuts.

Apples can be added as slices or mashed. It all depends on your preferences. It is better to peel off the peel from the fruit. Then the apples will be more tender and tasty.

If you don’t want to bake a carrot cake for a long time, then boil the vegetables in advance. This procedure will reduce the baking time to 30 minutes. There is an opinion that carrots can be mashed, then the dough will become softer.

Vanilla is ideal for a more refined smell and aroma. However, if apples are added to the pie, then cinnamon can be used. With it, fruits are in perfect harmony and it turns out extraordinary taste and aroma.

The dough will be more tender if it is mixed with a wooden spatula. However, it is best to use a food processor and knead the dough at minimum speed. Then the cake will become airy and will melt in your mouth.


How about without decorating a dish? After all, you want not only a delicious dessert, but also a beautiful one. The classic decoration is powdered sugar. It is best to shower it through a strainer, evenly distributing it around the entire circumference.

In the summer, the presentation can not be a problem. After all, there are a lot of berries and fruits that you can decorate dessert with. It can be pears, raspberries, strawberries, red and white currant. Make a variety of flowers to make an original and beautiful cake.

In winter, you can also add a unique author's zest. For example, frozen cherries or strawberries. Very beautiful dish obtained by using blueberries, blueberries or cranberries.

As a rule, in winter dessert is ideally complemented with tangerines or oranges. If the slices are large, they can be cut in half. If the dish is beautifully decorated, the appetite appears faster.

Do not want to make a presentation using berries and fruits? There is always a way out. Can be lubricated with protein cream. For those with a sweet tooth, you can melt the chocolate in a water bath or make it yourself, they need to pour over the dessert. Chocolate is a win-win option in the design of any dessert.

Nut pie (3) 1. Using a blender, grind 300 g of nuts into powder, chop the remaining coarsely with a knife. 2. From the blunt and sharp end of the eggs, make one small hole each, release the yolks and whites into different cups. Mix egg yolks with half the norm of sugar and vanilla with ...You will need: hazelnuts - 400 g, eggs - 8 pcs., Butter - 125 g, vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, sugar - 360 g, wheat flour - 250 g, baking powder for dough - 1/2 tbsp. spoons, zest and juice of 1 lemon, cognac - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt

Sweet pie with nuts Combine the flour with softened butter, add the eggs mashed with sugar, knead the dough and roll it into 2 cakes. Lay the cakes on top of each other, layering them with jam or marmalade, sprinkle the cake with chopped nuts and bake ...You will need: wheat flour - 2 1/2 cups, butter - 200 g, sugar - 1 cup, eggs - 2 pcs., thick jam or jam - 200 g, nuts - 50 g

Raspberry cake with nuts Dissolve yeast in milk, add sugar, egg, salt, stir, add flour, 1 tablespoon of butter, knead the dough. Cover with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Then roll out the dough, transfer to a baking sheet, greased with the remaining oil, ...Required: wheat flour - 300 g, warm milk - 100 ml, sugar for dough - 1 tbsp. spoon and for the filling - 150 g, egg for dough - 1 pc. and for the filling - 3 pcs., high-speed yeast - 1/2 pack, butter - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt, canned apricots - 1 jar...

Easter pie with nuts Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Beat the whites until a stable foam forms. Finely crush walnuts or chop with a blender. Mash the yolks with nuts and 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. Add matzah flour, beaten egg whites and mix. Dough pe...Required: 200 g matzo flour, 10 eggs, 200 g powdered sugar, 100 g peeled walnuts

banana pie with nuts and chocolate Beat softened butter with sugar. Add eggs, beat. Add mashed bananas, flour with baking powder, milk, salt, vanilla sugar. Mix well. At the end, add coarsely chopped nuts and pieces of chocolate. Preheat the oven to 180°. Grease the mold with oil. ...You will need: Butter 100g, Sugar 200g, Flour 300g, Eggs 2pcs, Bananas 3pcs, Milk 120g, Baking powder 1tsp, Salt 1tsp, Vanilla sugar 1 sachet, Chocolate 60g, Walnuts 1 cup, You can also add half a cup of cherries ( I didn't have it this time)

Carrot cake with nuts Preheat the oven to 180°C. Chop half of the walnuts with a knife. Combine eggs, brown sugar, olive oil and beat in a food processor. Peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater and combine with the egg-olive mass. Add flour, baking powder,...Required: 3-4 large carrots, 250 g cream cheese mascarpone type, 200-250 g flour, 150-200 g walnuts, 180 g brown sugar, 4 eggs, 300 ml olive oil, 100 ml cream 35% fat, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of softened s...

cherry pie with nuts Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Beat eggs with sugar, add softened butter. Add salt, nutmeg, cinnamon, cocoa, mix everything thoroughly. Sift flour with baking powder, gradually add to the dough and knead. The dough is thick...Required: 500 g pitted cherries (can be frozen), 200 g flour, 180 g butter (softened), 3 eggs, 140 g powdered sugar, 1 tsp. baking powder, 2-3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, a pinch of salt, nutmeg on the tip of a knife, half a glass of nuts (chopped for...

Pumpkin pie with nuts Grind the pumpkin on a grater. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar, add pumpkin to them, salt, mix, let stand for a while. Mix flour with baking powder, vanilla sugar, chopped walnuts. Carefully fold in the mixture...You will need: Pumpkin pulp - 500 g, Egg - 2 pcs., Flour - 250 g, Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons, Baking powder - 1 sachet, Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet, Walnuts - 100 g, Cream - 200 g, Salt - 0.5 tsp.


Pecan pie Melt butter and cool to room temperature. Coarsely chop the walnuts or grind a little in a blender. Grind fine sugar with butter, add an egg, 100 g of sour cream (15-20% fat) and mix well. Then add...You will need: flour 2 cups, water 1/3 cup, baking powder 1 tsp, ground cardamom on the tip of a knife, sour cream 100 ml, eggs 1 pc, butter 100 g, fine sugar - 100 g, walnuts ½ cup, powdered sugar for sprinkling - 2-3 tablespoons

Much has been said about the benefits of walnuts and we will not repeat them.

It must be introduced into the diet and you can do it very tasty, for example, cook pies.

Fragrant and healthy pastries will be appreciated in any home, it remains only to choose suitable recipe.

Walnut Pie - General Cooking Principles

Walnuts are always sorted before use. Often they come across litter and internal partitions, which are very dangerous for teeth. Usually the kernels are not washed. But if there are doubts about purity or safety, then it is better to do so. Then the nuts are dried, crushed, fried. They are simply poured into the dough or used for filling.

What do nuts go with?

Apples, pears, citruses and other fruits;

Honey, sugar;

Poppy, sesame, various seeds;

Cottage cheese, soft cheeses;

Dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apples).

The method of laying and additional ingredients depend on the recipe and type of dough. Pies with nuts are made shortbread, yeast, biscuit. You can use store-bought puff pastry.

Recipe 1: Airy Walnut Pie

The recipe for a walnut pie that can be eaten directly or used as a base for a cake. The crumb is soft, airy and very tender.


0.2 kg flour;

0.14 kg of drain oil;

0.2 kg of walnut kernels;

0.15 kg of sugar sand;

1 spoon cocoa powder;

Ripper 10 grams;

Two eggs;

Salt and vanilla;

Powder for decoration.


1. The butter needs to be softened. To do this, simply cut into cubes and keep warm for an hour, you do not need to melt.

2. Separate the yolks from the proteins.

3. Divide the nuts in half. Grind some of the nuts into crumbs, and simply cut the rest of the nuts into pieces. It is advisable to pre-dry the kernels in a frying pan to make it more fragrant.

4. Mix flour and baking powder, add a pinch of soda. Then we throw nuts.

5. Beat butter with prescription sugar and yolks until fluffy.

6. Beat the whites separately. It is very important not to use the whisk after the oil mixture. Otherwise, the protein will not whip.

7. Pour the flour into the butter mixture, add vanilla to taste.

8. Gently introduce whipped proteins so that the foam does not precipitate. Stir with light movements from the bottom up.

9. We send the dough into a mold, which we must grease.

10. Bake for about 40 minutes at 180. After cooling, sprinkle the cake with powder. Or cut into several cakes and grease with cream.

Recipe 2: Lean Walnut and Raisin Pie

Option lean pie with walnuts, for which you will also need raisins. Grapes can be soaked and dried in advance so that the filling is juicier.


0.1 kg of sugar;

0.1 kg of raisins;

0.1 liters of oil grows;

Vinegar, soda;

0.2 kg of nuts;

450 grams of flour;

220 grams of orange juice;

A little cinnamon.


1. Chop the nuts into pieces, fry if desired.

2. We sort out the raisins, you can soak them, as mentioned just above.

3. Combine the butter with sugar, stir.

4. Add orange juice to them, a pinch of salt. You can take the juice of tangerines, pineapple or apples, it also turns out well.

5. Mix flour with cinnamon, nuts and raisins, send to the dough.

6. It remains to add a teaspoon of soda slaked in acid and stir everything well.

7. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil, sprinkle with flour.

8. Pour the nut dough and set to bake. This cake will take about half an hour, it all depends on the thickness of the layer. Temperature 180.

Recipe 3: Shortcrust pastry walnut pie

Option crumbly pie with walnuts, which is prepared on a simple shortcrust pastry. We knead it with margarine. Or replace with confectionery fat, oil.


Margarine 200 grams;

0.35 kg of flour;

3 yolks;

2 spoons of sour cream;

0.1 kg of sugar;

1.5 tsp ripper.

For filling:

0.15 kg of sugar;

0.2 kg of nuts;


1. Beat margarine with sugar until white mass, alternately add egg yolks to them, and then sour cream. We introduce flour with baking powder, stir quickly and transfer the dough to a bag. We put it in the freezer.

2. Beat the whites to a stiff foam together with prescription sugar, for an appetizing flavor we throw in a little vanilla.

3. Chop the nuts into pieces of any size and mix with proteins. Gently pour into egg whites and stir.

4. We take out the chilled, but not frozen dough from the freezer. We pinch off a third.

5. Roll out a cake from a large part, put it in a mold with sides, make a plate.

6. We spread the protein filling with nuts.

7. Cover with a thin cake from the remaining dough, the edges should match.

8. A pie with nuts is baked for about half an hour, we are guided by a ruddy color. We do not do temperatures over 180 degrees.

Recipe 4: Quick Pie with Walnuts and Poppy Seeds

Very light version simple pie from biscuit dough. In addition to nuts, ordinary poppy is also added to it.


0.15 kg of flour;

0.16 kg of sugar;

70 grams of nuts;

30 grams of poppy;

1 tsp ripper on request.


1. Immediately throw the nuts into the pan and fry for a couple of minutes. Cool, put on a table or on a board, roll with a rolling pin several times to reduce the size of the pieces. Let's wait for our turn.

2. Break the eggs and just beat with a mixer for a couple of minutes, then add sugar. All together you need to beat until fluffy foam.

3. Combine flour with poppy seeds, add crushed nuts. For greater splendor and insurance of the cake from falling off, you can pour baking powder.

4. We shift the dough into any mold, preferably greased.

5. We bake a pie with nuts for half an hour. We put in the oven at 190 degrees, then reduce to 170.

Recipe 5: Walnut and Apple Pie

Recipe yeast pie with walnuts and fresh apples. The dough can be prepared in this way, but not necessarily. If you have your own proven and favorite recipe, then use it.


150 ml of milk;

70 ml of water;

30 ml of oil;

3 spoons of sugar;

1.5 tsp yeast;

Salt and flour.

For filling:

1 glass of nuts;

3 apples;

1 tsp cinnamon;

140 grams of sugar.

One yolk for greasing the top before baking.


1. Add 70 ml of hot water to the milk so that the liquid becomes warm. We breed yeast.

2. After 10 minutes, throw sugar, pour a little salt, half a teaspoon is enough. We stir.

3. We introduce about three glasses of flour, as we knead, add vegetable or melted butter. If the dough is weak, add more flour.

4. Cover with a towel, let the mass rise well.

5. Peel the apples, cut into thin slices.

6. Chop the nuts into pieces, send to the apples. You can immediately add cinnamon, but the sugar is poured just before the molding of the cake.

7. Divide the dough into two parts for the bottom and top, the second piece should be a little smaller.

8. Roll out donuts.

9. Add sand to the filling, mix and place on the pie.

10. Cover with the top, pinch the edges together. We make several holes at the top. You can mold a mesh from the second piece of dough and make the top half-closed.

11. It remains to grease the top of the walnut pie with yolk and bake until golden brown.

Recipe 6: Grated Walnut Pie

Another option shortbread pie with walnuts, which is prepared using a grater. Hence the name. It is better to prepare the dough in advance, as it requires refrigeration.


0.2 kg margarine;

Three glasses of flour;

0.5 tsp. soda and salt;

180 grams of sugar.

For stuffing:

1 glass of nuts;

150 grams of sugar;

50 ml of water.


1. Grind margarine with flour. You can first soften it a little in the heat or use a grater.

2. Add eggs with sugar, add flour and baking powder. For taste, we throw salt, but if the margarine is unsalted. Otherwise, don't add it.

3. We pinch off a third from the dough, roll the balls from both pieces. Keep in the freezer until frozen.

4. We put a saucepan with sugar and water on the stove, cook the syrup for a minute after boiling. Add crushed nuts, you can throw vanilla, cinnamon, any additives to your taste. Cool down.

5. Roll out the bottom layer of the pie from a large piece of chilled dough.

6. Smear the nut filling.

7. We take the second piece of dough from the freezer and rub it with large chips with a grater over the nuts.

8. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Recipe 7: Puff Pastry Pie with Walnuts and Honey

A variant of an amazing puff pastry with walnuts, the filling for which you can also add raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits. It will only taste better. The default is raisins.


0.5 kg puff pastry;

2 cups of nuts;

1 glass of raisins;

2/3 cup honey;

0.5 lemon.


1. hot water, but do not pour washed raisins with boiling water. Leave to cool, drain the liquid and dry the berries.

2. Add walnuts to the raisins, which need to be chopped a little. Or just put it on the table and roll it several times with a rolling pin.

3. Squeeze juice from half a citrus.

4. Spread half of the prescription honey. We stir the filling. If the honey is thick, then it is better to melt it first, otherwise the cake will be unevenly sweet.

5. Roll out the dough thinly in one layer, which should be twice the size of the baking sheet.

6. Lay out so that half hangs down.

7. Distribute a layer of nut filling with raisins.

8. Cover with the top layer, connect the edges, pinch.

9. We take a sharp knife and cut the top of the pie into diamonds or squares, like baklava. If desired, a piece of walnut can be put in each diamond.

10. Bake until cooked at 200 degrees.

11. We take out and, while the cake is hot, generously grease it with honey. Leftovers can simply be poured over the top. Cool down.

Nuts will be tastier and more aromatic if the kernels are pre-fried. But storing in this form is not recommended and you need to use fried nuts in the next few days.

Nuts are prone to spoilage if not dried enough. Before storing the kernel, you need to hold it in the sun, then put it in an airtight and dark container.

Nut pies can be lubricated not only with an egg. Liquid honey is great for this. It is applied with a brush to the product after baking.

Any dough will be softer, lighter and more tender if the flour is sifted into the total mass before filling. In the process, it will become loose, dry out and mix more easily with other components of the dough.

If you do not want the nut filling to crumble, then you can add to it to connect egg white. It is simply poured into the total mass or pre-beaten to a foam, you can immediately with prescription sugar for the filling.

Happy tea!