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Chopped pork schnitzels. Homemade chopped schnitzel

Step by step recipes cooking chopped pork, chicken, rabbit or squid schnitzel

2018-06-22 Ekaterina Lyfar





In 100 grams ready meal

14 gr.

23 gr.


5 gr.

295 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Chopped Schnitzel Recipe

Typically, schnitzels are made from whole layers of pork. But not every piece of meat is suitable for cooking this. appetizing dish. In this case, you can use the recipe for chopped cutlets, or even cook it from minced meat. Even with the minimum amount ingredients, the dish is very tasty.


  • Pork - 600 g;
  • Flour - 30 g;
  • Rye bread - 50 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • Oil for frying - 50 ml.

Chopped schnitzel recipe step by step

Bread must be placed in the freezer in advance. Thanks to this, we can get rid of excess liquid and get excellent crackers. Of course, breading can be bought in the store, but it is better to cook it yourself. Moreover, it is very simple.

Grind frozen bread with a blender or meat grinder. Place the resulting crackers on a paper towel, it will absorb excess moisture.

Wash and dry the meat. Get rid of bones, veins and other unnecessary parts. Cut the pulp into thin slices.

Cut each piece of pork into lengthwise strips about 0.5 cm thick. Then run a knife across to get small cubes.

Cover the minced meat with cling film or collect it in a plastic bag. Lightly beat the pork with a mallet.

Sprinkle the meat cubes with salt and spices of your choice. Add flour, mix with your hands. Bulk ingredients should be evenly distributed. It is most convenient to mix meat with spices in a bag. Tie it in a knot, shake it several times.

Pour the pork into a deep bowl. Crack an egg in there and mix. From the resulting mass, sculpt oval cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs.

Heat the oil in a frying pan. Put meat preparations in it, fry for 7 minutes on each side. Finished products are best laid out on paper towels. This will help get rid of excess fat.

Schnitzels are usually served with vegetable side dish. Sometimes they are sprinkled with herbs or grated cheese. If your family does not want to eat delicious meatballs the day after cooking, you can make sandwiches or burgers. Just put the schnitzel between two slices of bread or bun, add some sauce and fresh vegetables. Warm the workpiece for a couple of minutes in the oven or microwave - and you get a completely new dish.

Option 2: Quick Chopped Schnitzel Recipe

To speed up the cooking process, use chicken breast instead of pork. It is instantly fried, goes well with egg and spices. So that the schnitzels do not turn out to be dryish, we will add onions to them.


  • Chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • Egg;
  • Starch - 20 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 20 g;
  • Bulb;
  • Oil - 30 ml;
  • Dried garlic, a mixture of herbs.

How to quickly cook chopped schnitzel

Rinse the fillets. Get rid of the remnants of blood, skin and bones, if any. Slice the bird small cubes.

Remove skins from onions. So that he doesn't spoil delicate texture schnitzels, you need to grate the vegetable, and not cut it. Use a blender to save time and effort.

Connect chicken fillet with onion. Salt the mass, add garlic and herbs.

Pour starch into minced meat, add mayonnaise. Mix well the meat mass, beat the egg into it.

Sculpt small flat cutlets from minced meat, fry in hot oil on all sides. As soon as the schnitzels become golden, you can remove them from the heat.

If you have a little extra time, leave the minced meat in the refrigerator for half an hour before frying. During this time, the chicken will be marinated, the schnitzels will turn out fragrant and tender.

Option 3: Chopped Schnitzel with Mushroom Sauce

Mushrooms go great with pork. On the holiday table Schnitzels with champignon sauce will look great. The dish turns out to be very refined in taste, despite the simple list of products.


  • Pork ham - 400 g;
  • Milk - 50 ml;
  • Fat - 60 g;
  • Breadcrumbs - 50 g;
  • Cheese - 50 g;
  • Large bulb;
  • Oil - 150 ml;
  • Fat cream - 500 ml;
  • Egg;
  • Mushrooms - 300 g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

Step by step recipe

Finely chop the pork pulp, twist the lard through a meat grinder. Combine ingredients, salt and pepper.

Add milk to the minced meat, knead it and beat it off. Form oval schnitzels.

Whisk the eggs with 50 ml of cream. Dip each cutlet into the ice cream, then bread it in breadcrumbs. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Chop mushrooms and onion with garlic. Fry the ingredients in the remaining vegetable oil.

Pour the cream into the pan once the mushrooms have darkened. Continue heating the sauce over low heat until it thickens. At the end, add grated cheese.

Pour the sauce over the schnitzels and serve while they are still hot. An ideal side dish for such a dish would be an ordinary vegetable salad or pasta.

To give the products a beautiful golden color, add turmeric to the minced meat. But do not get carried away, as it "clogs" the taste of the rest of the ingredients. A small pinch will suffice.

Option 4: Chopped squid schnitzel

Usually schnitzels are quite fatty. If you prefer light and low-calorie dishes, try making squid cutlets. They are also suitable for those who suffer from diabetes.


  • Squids - 450 g;
  • Bulb;
  • Egg;
  • Parsley, dill, green onions;
  • Breadcrumbs for breading - 25 g;
  • Olive oil - 20 ml.

How to cook

Defrost squid flesh if necessary. Slice up the sea creatures large pieces, then pass through a meat grinder.

Add crackers to squid, salt and pepper. Grind the mixture again with a meat grinder.

Peel the onion and cut into very small cubes. They should be no larger than a grain of rice. Fry the onion in a little oil.

Wash and finely chop the greens. Combine it with onions, pour the mixture into the minced meat. If the mass is too thick, add some cold water to it.

Whisk the egg in a deep bowl. Pour crackers into another bowl.

Put the pan with the rest of the oil on the fire. While it is warming up, make flat, wide cutlets from minced meat.

Dip each schnitzel in the egg, then roll in the breadcrumbs. Fry for 5 minutes on both sides.

If you prefer roasting meat in the oven rather than frying, you can do the same with schnitzels. Place the patties on a silicone mat or greased baking dish. Heat the oven to 180 °, send the blanks there for 7 minutes. As soon as they are fried, you need to turn the product over. Bake them for another 5 minutes on the back side. Do not leave the schnitzels in the oven for a long time, otherwise they will turn out dry and hard.

Option 5: Chopped Rabbit Schnitzel

Rabbit meat is most often stewed or baked. But you can make delicious pineapple schnitzels from it. This combination will appeal to gourmets, lovers of exotic dishes.


  • Rabbit - 1.5 kg;
  • Pineapples in syrup - 300 g;
  • Soy sauce - 250 ml;
  • Flour - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 25 g;
  • Balsamic vinegar - 20 ml;
  • Oil - 80 ml;
  • Rosemary, basil, pepper mix.

Step by step recipe

Pour the pineapple syrup into a separate bowl. Add vinegar to it and asian sauce, stir.

Pound all dried herbs and spices with salt in a wooden mortar. Add sugar there. You can also use fresh rosemary and basil leaves for an even richer flavor.

Pour the spice mixture into a bowl with syrup, mix the marinade until smooth.

Separate the rabbit meat from the bones. Pour marinade over it, massage with your hands. Leave for half an hour under the film in the refrigerator.

Carefully remove the rabbit pieces from the marinade. Finely chop them, combine with flour.

Blind schnitzels from minced meat, beat them off with the flat side of the hammer. Fry for hot pan 7 minutes each side. Place patties on paper towels.

Fry the pineapple rings in a dry frying pan. Sprinkle them generously with pepper and salt, mix with oil.

Warm the remaining marinade over low heat until it thickens. Pour the finished schnitzels with the resulting sauce, serve with pineapple slices.

Schnitzel can be prepared not only from meat and seafood. Often there are recipes for mushroom, fish or vegetable cutlets. The principle of preparation is always almost the same, only spices and sauces differ.

If you want to bring a new note to your traditional menu and you have a good piece of meat at your disposal, cook chopped schnitzel. I think that after the first time it is uncomplicated, but tasty dish, will be loved by your family, and you will cook it regularly.

The minced meat schnitzel recipe is quite simple. But there are some nuances. The concept of "schnitzel" is interpreted in two ways. In the first case, it is a thin chop, deep-fried in breadcrumbs. And the second version of the schnitzel is a minced meat cutlet. It is she who today is the heroine of our article.

Chopped schnitzel is not only tasty, but also convenient and quite democratic dish- it can be served on the table both on weekdays and on holidays. And we will help you with this!

Chopped Schnitzel: Delicious First Recipe

You will need:

  • - half a kilogram of beef or pork;
  • - two eggs;
  • - half a glass ground crackers;
  • - vegetable oil)
  • - pepper / salt.

It is best to take a tenderloin for this dish - then the schnitzel will turn out soft and tender. Remove the tendons from the meat, then chop it with a knife. Add one egg to the meat, pepper / salt and mix well. From the resulting mass, form oval-shaped schnitzels (cutlets), moisten each in the second egg and gently roll in breadcrumbs. Heat the frying pan and fry the schnitzels on both sides in vegetable oil for five to six minutes. That's all!

Chopped Schnitzel: A Delicious Second Recipe

You will need:

  • - half a kilogram of beef;
  • - 75 grams of fat or bacon;
  • - one egg;
  • - 50 grams of milk;
  • - 80 grams of melted butter;
  • - white crackers;
  • - pepper / salt.

Chop the beef with a knife, pepper / salt, add milk, mix. Form schnitzels from the mass, dip each in egg, roll in breadcrumbs. Heat the pan well, and fry the schnitzels in lard. Melt some butter and pour over the schnitzels just before serving.

Chopped Schnitzel: Recipe by Serge Markovich

Chopped Hamburger Schnitzel

You will need:

  • - 400 grams of beef;
  • - two eggs;
  • - 50 grams of chopped onion;
  • - 20 grams of fat;
  • - 200 grams of bread crumbs;
  • - 2 tablespoons of water or milk;
  • - pepper / salt.

Finely chop the onion, fry in fat and let cool. Chop the beef, add eggs to it, two tablespoons of milk or water, / pepper / salt, mix. Add the cooled onion to the mass and mix again. Form schnitzels and fry in a hot skillet until crispy.

Chopped schnitzel is very good with potatoes in any form and, if you want to reduce calories, with vegetables. Whichever minced meat schnitzel recipe you choose, we know for sure that you will like it!

From minced meat obtained by grinding beef, pork, lamb or veal in a meat grinder, natural minced products are prepared without adding bread (steaks, schnitzel cutlets, etc.). For the manufacture of minced products, both with and without the addition of bread, the following pieces of pulp are used: beef - the pulp of the neck, flank and trimmings obtained by cutting the carcass, as well as the trim from the carcasses of category II: lamb, goat meat, veal - the pulp of the neck parts and trimmings; pork - trimmings. All pieces of pulp must be stripped of tendons and coarse connective tissue. Such meat is called cutlet. To improve the taste and juiciness of finished products, raw fat (5-10%) is included in the composition of lean cutlet meat. In pork cutlet meat, the content of adipose tissue is allowed no more than 30% and connective tissue - no more than 5%. In cutlet meat from beef, lamb and veal, the content of both adipose and connective tissue should not exceed 10%. To prepare natural chopped products, cutlet meat cut into pieces is combined with raw fat, ground in a meat grinder, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added, mixed, and then semi-finished products are formed. During cooking chopped semi-finished products it is necessary to take measures to reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and ready-made semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water; minced meat and cutlet mass are cooled by adding cold water or edible ice). Molded semi-finished products are immediately sent to heat treatment or placed in a refrigerator to cool down to +6°C. Chopped meat products are recommended to be fried just before the holiday. Semi-finished products are placed in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 ° C and fried for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust is formed, and then brought to readiness in an oven at a temperature of 250-280 ° C (5-7 min). Finished chopped products must be completely fried: the temperature in the center for natural chopped products must be at least 85 ° C, for products made from cutlet mass- not lower than 90°С. Organoleptic signs of the readiness of minced meat products are the release of colorless juice at the puncture site and gray color on the cut. For cooking natural chopped beef schnitzel Prepared Ground beef they are cut in the form of flat-oval products, moistened in a lezon, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried. There are options in which, during the holidays, the schnitzel is garnished and poured over with fat. Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled beans, pasta boiled, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (from boiled), fried potatoes (from raw), boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables poached with fat, fried tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant, complex side dishes.

Schnitzel chopped

Washed, cleaned of tendons, pass the meat through a meat grinder or chop with a knife, add salt, pepper and make 5-6 oval-shaped schnitzels about 1/2 cm thick out of it. . Give for garnish fried potatoes, mashed potatoes or vegetables. Drizzle the schnitzel with oil. For 500 g of meat - 1/2 cup crackers and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil.

A book about tasty and healthy food. 8th edition, revised and enlarged. - M.: Agropromizdat. L. M. Bogatova. 1987 .

See what "Schnitzel chopped" is in other dictionaries:

    SCHNITZEL- a portioned piece of meat, most often pork or veal from the dorsal part or from the pulp of the hind leg. Schnitzels are cooked natural or breaded. You can cook schnitzel from minced meat; minced meat for such a schnitzel is prepared in the same way as for ... ... The Concise Encyclopedia of the Household

Chopped schnitzel is the same cutlet only larger. Do not confuse chopped schnitzel with natural. Some hostesses chopped cutlets and schnitzel is made from, it is economically unprofitable.

Chopped schnitzel is prepared from trimmings or cutlet meat, and it turns out to be very tasty. Bread can be added to minced meat, which will make the schnitzel more tender in taste.

And so the pork trim with onions and scroll with garlic in a meat grinder. Then we scroll the bread, previously soaked in milk or water. Considering what milk is made of today (from modified soybeans), then better bread soak in purified water. Before scrolling the bread in a meat grinder, it must be slightly squeezed out. Ready stuffing knead well, and if it is thick, you can add a little water for juiciness. Minced meat must be salted and peppered, we do all this to your taste. I also add hops-suneli seasoning, I consider it a universal seasoning for many dishes, since it has a very skillfully selected composition of spices.

Then we divide the minced meat into portions, while the portion should be twice the size of a regular cutlet. After that, roll each portion of minced meat in breadcrumbs, forming in the form of sausages.

On a cutting board, using a wide knife, we form a cake with one blunt and the other pointed end.

We put the finished semi-finished schnitzel on a preheated pan, after pouring vegetable oil. Fry the schnitzel on both sides until golden brown. Turning the schnitzel on the second side, you can cover the pan with a lid so that it steams inside, or put the pan in a preheated oven for several minutes. Readiness is determined by piercing one of the schnitzels with a fork, clear juice flows out of the finished schnitzel and it does not “bleed”.

Schnitzel is served with a wide variety of side dishes, but you can also serve it as an independent dish. In addition to the side dish, schnitzel is served with ketchup, as you like.

For 1 kg of pork trimmings: 2 onions, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 100 gr breadcrumbs, ¼ part of a loaf, ½ cup of vegetable oil