Home / Cakes / Who shouldn't drink tea? On the dangers and contraindications of tea. Contraindications and possible harm Benefits of black tea

Who shouldn't drink tea? On the dangers and contraindications of tea. Contraindications and possible harm Benefits of black tea

"Tea can be drunk both in summer and in winter, maintaining excellent health until old age."

"It makes the body active and strong."

"Tea relieves headaches, dizziness, and heaviness in the head."

"He gets rid of the problems associated with the blues."

"Tea makes breathing easier, cures suffocation."

"It eliminates vision problems."

"Tea relieves fatigue, improves mood, copes with pain in the liver."

"It helps well against coarseness, strengthens the stomach, improves appetite and digestion, especially in obese people and gluttons."

"Tea relieves nightmares, removes salt from bones, strengthens memory."

"It prevents and treats malaria, overeating, relieves fever."

"Tea strengthens the internal organs and prevents consumption."

"It helps with colds, dropsy, scurvy; by purifying the body by sweat, it expels infection."

"The Virtues of Tea" - England 1660

Strengthening the body

In addition to all the advantages, tea also has a bactericidal effect. It heals wounds, relieves inflammation, helps with burns.

When you have a cold, do not forget about tea: it will warm the nasopharynx and fight germs.

If you have diarrhea (sorry, diarrhea), depression, tea will demonstrate its tannic and antiseptic properties.

Antioxidants in tea

Although tea contains virtually no calories, it does contain vitamins A, C, and E, as well as highly beneficial substances called flavonoids, or polyphenols.
Flavonoids act as antioxidants, reducing the effects of reactive oxygen molecules that are produced during metabolism and contribute to aging and chronic disease.

Anti-cancer effect of tea

Can tea prevent cancer?
Hundreds of scientists around the world have been working on this issue since the 1980s. As you know, the catechins contained in tea are antioxidants, and therefore, prevent the growth of tumors (at least in laboratory conditions). A number of promising facts have been obtained that speak in favor of the fact that tea (especially green tea) can protect against certain types of cancer.

  • A Japanese study published in 1980 found that people who drink 10 or more cups of green tea a day have a lower risk of developing stomach cancer.
  • At least two studies published in the 1990s clearly demonstrated the relationship between increased green tea consumption and reduced incidence of pancreatic cancer.
  • A study published in Notes on Cancer in 1998 showed that ECGg, a catechin found in green tea, was the active ingredient in preventing the growth of prostate cancer cells in the laboratory.
  • A series of Japanese studies published in 1997-99 showed that ECGg and other polyphenols inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells, including proctologic adenocarcinoma, ductal breast cancer, skin cancer, and lung cancer.
  • A study of 35,000 post-menopausal women found that drinking at least 2 cups of green tea a day reduced the risk of esophageal and genitourinary cancer.
  • A 1997 Nature article titled "Why Drinking Tea Can Prevent Cancer" showed that green tea's anti-cancer properties are due to its ability to inhibit urokinase (uPA), an enzyme that accompanies the formation of metastasis in humans. . The authors of the article examined 190,000 substances that suppress uPA, including ECGg.
    Their conclusion was that one cup of green tea contains seven times more ECGg than the highest possible dose of the best-known urokinase inhibitor, amiloride.

This promising study showed that not only can tea prevent cancer, but it can also prevent cancer cells from multiplying. For example, a study published in the 1999 issue of Nature showed that during in vitro experiments, ECGg blocked blood flow to tumors, thereby slowing their growth. Other studies conducted in the late 1990s showed that green tea polyphenols protect against the incidence of prostate cancer and liver cancer.

A comparison was made of the effect of black and green tea decoctions on the activity of cancer cells. The results, published in 1998 in the brochure Molecular Biology of the Cell, showed that while the black tea solution had an effect at 10% concentration, the green tea solution had the same effect at 1%.


It turns out that green tea kills alcohol cravings. That's why there are far fewer heavy drinkers in China and Japan - countries that have a special preference for green tea - than in Western countries. To prepare an anti-alcoholic drink, use the following recipe: 1 tsp. green tea for 1 tbsp of water. Drink without sugar. The remaining leaves are not thrown away - they are eaten. The effect is not immediate. Months will pass and the effect will come.

Antibacterial properties

Tea (especially green tea, but also black, oolong and pu-erh) has been found to inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutants, a bacteria that breaks down sugar in the mouth, causing tooth decay.

Antivirus protection

In laboratory conditions, catechin from tea leaves has been found to suppress viral infections such as influenza, herpes, and polio.


Weak green tea (no more than 2 cups a day) is useful for pregnant women to drink.
The drink contains many useful vitamins and minerals.
Japanese scientists have found that women who regularly drink green tea before pregnancy give birth to stronger children.


Adding tea to your hair rinse after shampooing can soften your hair and add shine.


When cooled, wet tea bags are applied to closed eyes, they can reduce puffiness.


It should be noted that a cup of green tea after dinner not only delights the mind and stomach, it also fights tooth decay.

Tea is saturated with fluorine compounds; As you know, fluorine is the only mineral element found in tea in large quantities. It prevents dental diseases, which is why fluoride is added to city water, toothpaste and mouthwashes. Water with fluorine contains, as a rule, from 0.00007 to 0.00012%, while green tea contains from 0.000132 to 0.000418%. And there is no danger of fluoride poisoning when you drink tea.
(Just please don't add sugar to it, you'll destroy all the goodness.)

The effect of tea on dental health was clearly shown in a Japanese study published in a journal of dentistry in 1994. Scientists asked 35 volunteers aged 18 to 29 not to brush their teeth or rinse their mouths for four days. Instead, they rinsed their mouths with a solution of tea polyphenols after meals and before bed. In 34 subjects, the content of pathogenic bacteria decreased significantly.

Tea also has another effect on oral health. In laboratory conditions, catechins in all types of tea (black, green, oolong and Pu-erh) have been found to suppress and even destroy bacteria that cause dental disease.
Even one single cup of tea can produce a protective effect.


At least two studies in the 1990s showed that ECGg, a catechin found only in tea leaves, boosts the immune system by promoting the regeneration of infection-fighting T lymphocytes and B cells.


Black tea has an astringent effect and disinfects the skin, making it an ideal topical remedy for inflammation.

With a vascular network on the face, a mask is made from chilled tea leaves (tea grounds are applied to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes).
The same mask is useful for fading dry skin. Only after removing the tea leaves, you need to lubricate the skin with a greasy cream.

Oily, aging facial skin is useful to wipe with ice cubes made from green tea. To enhance the effect, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice can be added to the tea infusion (one tablespoon per one glass of tea)


Osteoporosis, or brittle bones, is a common condition among older people, especially women. Some studies have linked caffeine use to osteoporosis, and so have tea drinkers.

But a 2000 study of more than 1,200 English women, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that drinking tea, on the contrary, strengthened the hip bones, which are the most dangerous for fractures. The women who took part in the study were between 65 and 76 years old, and 1,100 of them regularly drank tea. Those who added milk to tea were the most protected due to the action of calcium contained in milk.

It is not entirely clear how tea promotes strong bones. Fluorine contained in tea may play some role; in addition, the author of the study suggests that tea may contain substances whose effect is similar to that of the female hormone estrogen. Estrogen also helps strengthen bones.

Nervous system

Tea acts as a mild antidepressant, raising the general mood: microdoses of caffeine work with some tea vitamins.
It increases endurance to stress, and if the stress is still too strong, it helps to restore strength.


For foot injury or pain, add used tea bags to a warm foot bath.


For rhinitis, rinse your nose with green tea infusion. To do this, pour one teaspoon of chopped green tea with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Use a disposable syringe without a needle for flushing. Do this procedure 6-8 times a day.

Burns and rash

By adding a quart (¼ liter) of strong black tea to a warm bath, you can relieve the itching of a sunburn.
Also, chilled wet tea bags have a soothing effect on burns and rashes.


Mothers have long known that a diet of bananas, rice, applesauce, and tea is an effective home remedy for diarrhea. Both black and green tea have this effect mainly due to the flavonoids they contain.


Kidneys and bladder

Due to its diuretic effect, tea helps with swelling and the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder.
Five cups of green tea daily reduces the risk of stone formation by 60 percent.

Heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular disease is rapidly outpacing cancer in prevalence.
Tea is an excellent remedy for their prevention.

  • First, it lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Secondly, it promotes the patency of blood vessels, as it destroys fatty deposits on their walls and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Thirdly, it strengthens these walls.
  • Fourthly, it somewhat speeds up blood circulation, expanding the vessels of the brain and heart.

If you have arterial hypotension (hypotension) - drink black tea, and stronger.
And if hypertension is not in its most severe form and there are no contraindications, then weak green tea along with foods that contain a lot of vitamin C (lemon, rose hips, currants).

There is some evidence that tea protects against heart disease, but it's not as clear-cut as it is for cancer. A number of laboratory experiments have shown that polyphenols help lower cholesterol levels and prevent blood coagulation, blocking these two factors in the occurrence of heart disease.

Several human studies have also shown encouraging results.
For example, a study by Israeli scientists found that people in the black tea group had lower cholesterol levels than coffee drinkers.

A study of 20,000 Norwegian men and women published in 1992 found that those who drank five or more cups of black tea a day had lower cholesterol levels than those who drank no tea at all.

One of the largest studies involved 12,763 adults from seven countries.
Published in 1995 in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the Seven Countries Study found a strong association between dietary intake of flavonoids and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Flavonoids, on the other hand, are known to be abundant in tea.

Tea can affect heart health by maintaining a normal body weight. A study by Chinese scientists published in 1998 found significant weight loss in experimental rats after 63 weeks of eating a mixture of their regular food with crushed green tea leaves; at week 15, the green tea-fed rats weighed 12% less overall than the control group.

Also in a Dutch study published in 1999, 3,454 people were observed drinking an average of one to two cups of tea daily. It turned out that the risk of getting severe aortic atherosclerosis is 46% less. Atherosclerosis, in turn, is the cause of cardiovascular disease.
People who drank more than 4 cups of tea a day had a 69% lower risk.

The main fact that the scientists found was that tea drinkers generally lead healthier lives than other people. Indeed, life on the principle of "sip by sip" - calm, measured, concentrated; gives less stress than life in the style of "bread after bread."
Accordingly, a quiet life is more beneficial for your heart.

Weight loss

Green tea polyphenols have been shown to block the activity of amylase, an enzyme found in saliva that breaks down carbohydrates. Based on this, it was concluded that green tea is more conducive to burning fat than its accumulation.

A small study of obese middle-aged women published in 1985 analyzed the effects of green tea capsules as part of the diet. After two weeks of drinking, the green tea group lost twice as much weight as the drug group; after four weeks, the green tea group lost three times as much weight as the control group.

vitamins in tea

Tea contains provitamin A - carotene, which ensures the normal condition of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, lungs, bronchi, genitourinary organs and is especially important for maintaining good vision.

Green tea is rich in vitamins K, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folic acid), B12, PP (nicotinic acid).

Tea also contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
Green and yellow teas contain 10 times more vitamin C than black teas. Vitamin P in green tea is 4 times more than in oranges or lemons. In combination with vitamin C, it significantly enhances the effectiveness of ascorbic acid, promotes its accumulation and retention in the body.

Minerals in tea

Mineral and other inorganic substances in tea contain from 4 to 7%.
Tea contains magnesium, manganese, sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine, iodine, copper, gold.

Caffeine in teas and drinks

Caffeine is a natural component of tea leaves, although its proportion in tea is much less than in coffee, chocolate or Coca-Cola.
Due to caffeine, tea has earned a reputation as a drink that relieves fatigue and improves mood. It acts as a stimulant for the central nervous system and the heart, and can also stimulate gastric acid secretion and increase urinary frequency.

The more tea is oxidized (or "fermented"), the more caffeine it contains: black tea has the most caffeine, green tea the least.
On average, a 170-gram cup of tea contains about 40 milligrams of caffeine - less than half the amount found in a similar cup of coffee.

The highest content of caffeine, as in the case of catechins, is observed in tea made from a kidney and two apical leaves of a tea bush.
Many factors affect the caffeine content of tea: the altitude at which it was grown (the higher above sea level the tea grows, the more caffeine it contains), the presence of fertilizers and zinc in the soil. The results of scientific studies on the effects of caffeine on the body are contradictory, but there is no reliable evidence that caffeine causes any disease or exacerbates chronic ailments.

Caffeine (mg)

Coffee(140 gr.).

From the thick
Strained 80
Soluble 65
Espresso (55 gr.)
Green tea(140 gr.), brewed for 3 minutes.
Black tea(140 gr.)
Brewed 3 minutes 40
Chilled tea (340 gr.)
Cocoa(140 gr.)
Milk chocolate
Soft drinks(340 gr.)

Coca Cola 46
diet cola 46
pepsi cola
diet pepsi 40
RS Cola
Mountain Dew

Proven exceptional benefits of tea It has been helping many generations and nations for centuries to maintain the strength and vigor of the body and spirit. The whole secret of the amazing effect of this drink lies in the high content of essential oils, tannins and minerals. In addition, the caffeine content in tea is quite sufficient to maintain a long-term effect of cheerfulness and increase attention and performance. The content of this alkaloid in coffee is 2 times higher, therefore, the stimulating effect exerted by it is achieved faster, but, unfortunately, it does not last long, but tea is able to keep you in good shape for a long period of time due to the slower absorption of caffeine (for comparison : A cup of tea contains 30 to 60 mg of caffeine, and a cup of coffee contains 8 to 120 mg). This effect is complemented by the simultaneous soothing action of tannins (tannin).

Many useful properties of tea are provided by the content of vitamins (A, B, C, K), micro and macro elements (fluorine, potassium, manganese). In China (in its homeland), tea (mainly green) is on the list of "seven things consumed daily", along with rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, firewood. In its homeland, this drink is considered ritual, it is drunk during a special celebration, and for each case there is a special kind of it, special dishes and a certain ceremony of preparation and use; special beneficial properties of tea used for medicinal purposes and in various rituals in Buddhism.

Depending on the duration and method of raw material oxidation, tea is divided into black, green, red, yellow, oolong, white, blue, and pu-erh. Connoisseurs of tea culture do not approve of our old Russian tradition of drinking tea with sweets. Nevertheless, the habit of serving jam, pastries, sweets to the table has been preserved in our time.

There is also tea for weight loss. The pretty labels promise that it will actually help you lose weight. Tea by itself is not capable of breaking down fats. Most of them contain laxatives and diuretics, which can slightly reduce weight (temporarily). But regular consumption of tea for weight loss can cause the body to get used to it and stop performing this function. In this case the harm of tea used for this purpose is quite obvious. Thus, potassium is washed out of the body, dehydration occurs, and the electrolyte balance is disturbed.

Due to the ability to cleanse the vessels of accumulated cholesterol, the benefits of tea are very remarkable for the prevention of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, and most importantly, stroke and heart disease. This drink helps to increase the blood circulation of the brain and supply it with oxygen. Flavonoids, which it is rich in, help prevent blood clotting, which can cause vascular thrombosis. The powerful antioxidants contained in tea (especially in green tea, in large quantities) protect the cells of our body from aging, remove toxic and radioactive substances, so the benefits of green tea for the body are praised by many nations. From the point of view of herbal medicine, a combination of tea with various herbs, for example, rose hips, mint, chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort, is considered very successful. Such decoctions and infusions can be successfully used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system. The benefits of tea and herbs will successfully complement each other.

How to choose the right tea

It is worth reminding our readers that often store shelves (especially in the warm season) are full of labels of various cold drinks, which for an incredible reason are called tea. Is it really? Is it true that they contain "all the power and benefits of tea" as advertising assures us? Everything is far from what we would like it to be. Laboratory studies have shown that such a drink does not contain tea at all, it is only tinted and flavored water, which simply does not have the right to be called tea.

At home, tea can serve as a remedy for intoxication of the body in case of poisoning. It is necessary to make a strong brewed drink without sugar and drink it in small sips. This will calm the gastrointestinal tract and allow you to transfer the poisoning less painfully. The benefits of tea are obvious. But in any case, if you feel worse, you should consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

It is worth knowing that tea (mainly black) causes the secretion of gastric juice, so it is not recommended to drink a strong brewed drink on an empty stomach, especially for people with related diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The harm of tea when consumed in moderation is practically excluded. But it is also important to remember that too concentrated tea leaves will be aggressive for our stomach and nervous system.

Are we always sure of the authenticity of the goods that we see in supermarkets, especially large ones? Unfortunately, this drink is often counterfeited by scammers.

Falsified and, as a result, low-quality raw materials, non-compliance with sanitary measures in the case of handicraft production, to a large extent, harm tea, which easily gets on store shelves. You should be very careful when buying. If tea dust is pouring out of the package, you should not take such a product, most likely it is a fake.

Tea bags brew faster than loose tea. This ensures the convenience of preparing a drink and saves time. But what do we sacrifice in this case? First, the quality of the resulting drink. Secondly, our health, because such a crushed product loses most of its natural taste and aroma, which the manufacturer needs to make up for with something. Some of them save on natural additives, such as, for example, real essential oils or pieces of fruit, which means they save on our health with you by adding artificial colors and flavors. The leaf is brewed longer, but how much more taste, aroma and beneficial properties of tea it gives us! A packaged drink should not be treated as a medicine. The same cannot be said for fresh, high-quality loose leaf tea.

Tea bags are easy to fake, unlike loose tea. It is in a more advantageous position, but the manufacturers have found a solution here. The shelf life of loose leaf tea is three years from the date of its collection, but who knows how much it has spent on the road, in the warehouse and somewhere else. But on the packaging of loose tea, the date of packaging is indicated, and not the date of collection of the leaves from the plantation! In this case, the question of whether the dangers of tea remains unanswered. The drink should not be consumed if it has expired, as molds produce aflatoxins (poisonous substances) over time.

tea calories per 100 grams of product is 3 kcal.

Black tea: benefits and harms

Today it is almost impossible to imagine your life without a cup of strong tea in the morning or a beautiful teapot with a fragrant drink somewhere in a cafe. According to statistics, a person consumes about 650 liters of tea per year - thanks to a very comfortable mild taste, many equate it to water, it is so easy to drink. However, black tea familiar to millions is far from being as neutral as it might seem to many: it can have a truly healing effect on the body, but in some cases it can significantly worsen well-being, and even harm health.

Black tea (in some countries it is called red because of the rich ruby ​​​​color of the drink) is a product of processing the tea leaf.

  1. For cooking, the tops of the shoots of the plant are usually collected.
  2. Next, the raw material is dried for several hours to soften it and get rid of excess moisture.
  3. After that, twisting is carried out - manually or using special rollers, and then fermented (oxidized) to reveal the taste of tea and increase the shelf life.
  4. The final stage of leaf processing is drying at a temperature of about 95 ° and cutting (whole leaf teas are not subjected to it).
  5. Next, sorting and additional processing takes place - the resulting product is sorted by the size of the tea leaves (the more homogeneous the variety, the better it is), and if necessary, it is flavored and additional ingredients are added.

As a result, high-quality tea acquires a rich or light color, a peculiar aroma and shows its healing properties. However, you should not use it uncontrollably: it is recommended to soberly assess the ratio of harm and benefit.

What is harmful black tea

Many people are so accustomed to drinking several cups of black tea a day without worsening their well-being that it is very difficult for them to believe in the possible harm of black tea. However, it is desirable to change the strength of the drink, reduce its use, or even completely abandon it in the following cases:

  • Increased excitability. Black tea is high in caffeine, which is known for its active effect on the nervous system. That is why drinking a drink before bedtime or during an exacerbation of neurosis is not recommended - it threatens with insomnia, mood swings, heart palpitations and headaches. The maximum that you can afford is 1-2 cups of weakly brewed black tea with honey or milk.
  • Eye diseases. It has been proven that strong black tea increases eye pressure, so if you have glaucoma, you should refrain from it.
  • The tannin contained in black tea at an increased concentration has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, therefore, with gastritis and exacerbation of gastric ulcer, you should not drink it - your health may noticeably worsen.
  • Black tea contains fluoride, which is extremely beneficial in small amounts, but when consumed in excess, destroys calcium compounds, which can adversely affect the condition of teeth and bones. To avoid such a harmful effect, you should not brew the drink too hard and do not drink it too often.
  • Caffeine and tannins interfere with the absorption of iron, so you should not drink black tea with iron-containing products, as well as during the treatment of anemia.

In principle, the product does not pose a serious danger - and with proper and moderate use, its potential harm is minimized.

Is tea with milk harmful?

If you are an avid tea lover, then most likely you are familiar with the famous English tradition of drinking tea with milk. However, there are many rumors and myths around this action. Someone considers tea with milk useful, someone finds the belief about the dangers of tea with milk quite reasonable.

There is no particular harm from milk tea, rather there are a number of properties that can be equated with the negative, but not harmful properties of this drink:

  1. Tea with milk has a diuretic effect, so you should not drink it at night, so as not to create a load on the kidneys during sleep.
  2. By adding milk to tea, you neutralize the effect of ordinary tea on blood vessels by blocking their ability to expand, thereby reducing the beneficial effect of this drink.
  3. Tea brew contains a special useful substance catechin. When milk is added to tea, catechin mixes with casein under the influence of high temperature, breaking down into components, thereby significantly reducing the amount of useful elements that can be obtained from each of the products if you consumed them in their pure form.
  4. If you mix milk with green tea, then the theafamine molecules combine with milk proteins to form a hard-to-digest substance, causing an extra load on the intestines.
  5. Some people may suffer from individual intolerance to tea in combination with milk.

It is also worth mentioning that there are a lot of myths about the dangers and benefits of tea with milk, but the lion's share of these rumors has not been confirmed by studies, or none have been conducted at all.

Composition of black tea

Black tea is notable for the content of the following beneficial substances:

  • Tannins (have a hemostatic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, neutralize the effect of heavy metals on the body);
  • Caffeine (stimulates the nervous system, cardiac activity);
  • Amino acids (slow down aging, support normal metabolism);
  • Carotene (vitamin A) (improves the condition of the skin, hair, supports the endocrine system);
  • Vitamin C (contained in small quantities, since most of it is destroyed during processing);
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) (necessary for general body tone)
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) (helps to synthesize hemoglobin, ensures the health of the skin and mucous membranes);
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) (breaks down fats, maintains the energy balance of the body);
  • Pantothenic acid (promotes the formation of healthy cholesterol);
  • Fluorine (required for the normal condition of the teeth and oral cavity);
  • Potassium (contributes to normal muscle function, relieves spasms);
  • Vitamin P (improves blood composition, vascular elasticity, has a beneficial effect on vision);
  • Vitamin K (maintains healthy bones, normalizes blood clotting, has a calming effect).

The benefits of black tea

All these substances are contained in black tea in quantities useful for the body, so the drink has the following beneficial properties:

  • Invigorates, tones, improves physical and brain activity, gives energy.
  • Soothes, improves concentration.
  • Prevents inflammation, protects against bacteria, maintains oral health.
  • Stimulates the work of the kidneys and urinary system, helps fight swelling.
  • Helps to cope with migraines, spasms, muscle pain.
  • Normalizes digestion in case of indigestion;
  • Accelerates healing of the skin, treatment of rashes and ulcers;
  • Allows you to improve well-being, it is easier to endure feverish conditions.

All these arguments in favor of black tea are valid only if all the rules of preparation and use are observed. Many people think that coffee invigorates better, but it should be noted that the effect of tea is more gradual and long-lasting, so it is not necessary to abuse it in the hope of getting a stronger and more lasting effect - this can lead to the exact opposite result.

Benefits of milk tea

Many experts believe that tea with milk is useful because:

  • It improves brain function, saturates the body with microelements and vitamins.
  • Also, this tea is useful for those who cannot consume milk in its pure form, as it is easily digested and does not have the effect of heaviness on the stomach.
  • Due to milk, part of the caffeine contained in tea is neutralized, which determines the benefits of tea with milk for nervous disorders, neurosis and depression.
  • If your immunity has decreased, then drink tea with milk. The antioxidants and vitamins included in its composition will support a weakened body and have a beneficial effect on the kidneys.
  • Drinking tea with milk is especially beneficial, as it has a tonic effect on the body, neutralizing the aggressive effects of caffeine and other alkaloids.

Milk neutralizes the action of alkaloids and caffeine Important!

The benefits of monastery tea

Monastic tea This is a drink that includes many plants collected in ecologically clean areas. The recipe for this tea is kept in the strictest confidence, and it is made in the church of Onufry.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of monastery tea, because it is able to:

  • Cure from gastrointestinal disorders, baldness, prostatitis, psoriasis, hypertension and many other ailments.
  • Monastic tea contains a lot of biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on vision, the nervous system, mental activity and reaction speed.
  • Monastic tea is not only a useful psychostimulant, but also an excellent antidepressant.
  • Moreover, monastery tea improves immunity, normalizes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the pancreas.

Types of black tea

It may seem to some that tea brewing is always the same, but in fact there are several varieties of tea, which experts classify according to their parameters. So, according to the size of tea leaves, the product is divided into the following categories:

  1. Large-leaf teas - it is believed that they retain the maximum of useful substances and taste properties of the product, while their taste and aroma are distinguished by depth and softness. The most expensive varieties of long leaf tea are large-leaf.
  2. Broken teas ("broken") - are chopped tea leaves. They are rich in color and have a deep aroma.
  3. Seeds (“fannings”) are very small fragments of tea leaves that quickly brew and gain color and taste.
  4. Tea dust - very small particles of tea leaves, from which the strongest tea leaves are obtained. As a rule, it is packaged in disposable paper bags.

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According to the type of mechanical processing, the following types of tea are distinguished:

  • Baykhovye (loose) - the most popular variety in the world, which is loose tea leaves.
  • Pressed - are dense layers treated with facing tea material. Allocate tiled, tablet and brick. Their taste is usually very rich, but the aroma is weak.
  • Extracted - available in the form of a powder or liquid extract, often flavored, but the main taste qualities are not pronounced.
  • Granular - a type of tea leaves twisted by a special method, for it not only the top two leaves of the tea shoot are used, but also coarser raw materials - up to 5 sheets. Their aroma is rather weak, but the taste and color are very saturated.

In addition, natural and artificial flavoring additives are used for many types of tea, but they affect the aroma rather than the properties of the drink.

How to choose black tea

A healthy drink can only be obtained from a quality product, so the choice of tea should be taken seriously. It is recommended to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Color. A quality product can only have black tea leaves. Gray color indicates improper storage, brown indicates low quality tea.
  • Homogeneity of tea leaves: all tea leaves should be the same size.
  • Absence of foreign matter. Fragments of stems, branches, other debris in black tea brewing are absolutely unacceptable.
  • Leaf curl. The better the tea leaves are twisted, the longer the product is stored and the more pronounced taste it has. Loose-rolled large-leaf teas are softer and do not keep for a long time.
  • Adequate humidity. Tea should not be caked, too brittle and have a burning or moldy smell. Relative elasticity and a pleasant tea smell are an indicator of the quality of the product.
  • Freshness. You should pay attention to the date of packaging: tea that is pleasant in all respects should not be older than 5 months - then it gradually loses its beneficial properties.

In addition, each tea must have its own marking, corresponding to the international classification. You can learn more about it from the seller or in the specialized literature.


How to brew black tea

In order for black tea to bring maximum benefit and pleasure, you need to brew it as follows:

  1. Thoroughly wash and dry the teapot (porcelain, glass or ceramic - tea cannot be brewed in metal).
  2. Bring the water to a boil and rinse the kettle with it 2-3 times.
  3. Put tea leaves at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass in a heated container and leave for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Fill tea leaves with boiling water halfway and cover the teapot tightly.
  5. After 3 minutes, add a little boiling water and cover the container again.

After 3-4 minutes, tea can be poured. It should be noted that it is undesirable to re-brew the same brew of black tea or drink yesterday's drink: it loses all its useful qualities.

It is well known that tea is used not only to cure colds. The undoubted benefit of tea is the content of antioxidants. The drink is saturated with these substances, which fight the harmful effects of free radicals in the human body and prevent premature aging, as well as effectively cope with infectious diseases and prevent the development of cancer.

Antioxidants are found in every type of tea - green, black, white, red and others. However, it should be borne in mind that, for example, adding lemon to tea leads to a decrease in the antioxidant effect of the drink. However, lemon serves as a source of an additional dose of vitamin C, which, by the way, is already present in tea in sufficient quantities. Due to the presence of vitamin C, tea serves to increase immunity and is a means of protecting the body from bacteria and viruses.

Caffeine, which is contained in tea, invigorates and tones. All types of tea - green, black, red, white and others - contain caffeine in approximately the same amount. Therefore, not only black tea can quickly “bring to life”, as the majority mistakenly believes.

True, if a person is overworked and his condition is close to painful, then tea will not help here. Drinking tea in case of high blood pressure will not have an effect either - drinking tea will only lead to a headache.

Drinking tea, just like coffee, increases blood pressure. The reason is the same caffeine that is contained in tea. Reduced blood pressure tea normalizes. On the contrary, a person whose pressure is elevated should use tea with extreme caution. It is best to remove the drink from the diet completely.

Vitamin P contained in tea serves to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Along with this, vitamin P enhances the effect of vitamin C, helping the absorption of the vitamin "life".

Due to the presence of caffeine, drinking tea relieves headaches and relieves stress. However, only if tea is drunk in the first half of the day. After one in the afternoon, tea is not recommended, and again, due to the presence of caffeine, which negatively affects sleep patterns and can even cause insomnia.

The extraordinarily beneficial properties of tea are manifested during the tea ceremony. The person relaxes incredibly, and begins, among other things, for example, to breathe deeply. There is a kind of training of the lungs. In this case, more oxygen enters the brain, and, as a result, blood circulation improves.

By the way, both herbal tea and hot milk have a similar effect.

Pu-erh tea and green tea help to lose weight. Green tea is rich in catechins that break down fat. Those who want to get rid of excess body weight, provided that there are no contraindications to drinking tea, can try to follow a tea diet.

Useful properties of tea (video)

Tea - harm and benefit

For many people, tea has long been an integral part of the diet. It is good for health, improves mood and quenches thirst. But recently it became known that the drink has harmful properties. In this regard, the topic of the harm and benefits of tea has become very relevant for people who maintain their health.

The drink contains many trace elements that are absent in other products: fluorine, manganese, calcium, copper, iron, zinc. Periodic consumption of natural and high-quality tea definitely has a beneficial effect on the body. You can often hear the claim that tea slows down the aging process. It's all about the tea leaves. They are the ones that rejuvenate the skin. It is worth noting that their effect is 18 times greater than the effect of the famous vitamin E. Tea tannin kills many harmful bacteria, therefore preventing the appearance of stomatitis, enteritis, tonsillitis and other viral infections. It is tea that relieves fatigue and gives a good charge of vivacity.

The harm of tea

There are many rumors about the benefits and harms of hot tea. Experts say that excessively hot tea burns the internal organs, resulting in painful changes in the throat, esophagus and stomach. The other side of the coin is iced tea, about the benefits and harms of which many opinions have also been heard. The cold version contains oxalates, which can cause kidney stones. According to doctors, it is preferable to replace tea with ordinary water and drink it warm from time to time.

According to studies, fruit and tea drinks are just as harmful to health as sugary soda. They contain a minimum of benefits, but a maximum of sugar. On the one hand, sweet tea improves mood and is beneficial, and on the other hand, it is harmful if used frequently, as it contains a lot of sugar. It is also important to understand that some foods contain dyes and flavors that are also harmful to the body.

Tea is available in leaf and granular form. The latter option is more saturated and strong. But, as you know, strong tea contains a large amount of caffeine, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system. In this regard, granulated tea is harmful, but useful in moderation, as it gives a great mood.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that tea is definitely useful. But you should not abuse this product either. Fans of daily consumption of the drink are advised to gradually reduce its amount.

The benefits of milk tea: amazing facts and methods of preparation. Harm of tea with milk - is it true that it can harm a nursing mother?

A drink that easily replaces breakfast or an afternoon snack and exhibits healing properties is tea with milk.

The varieties of tea are diverse and classified depending on the type of tea bush (Chinese, Assamese, Cambodian variety), processing method (black, green, white, yellow, Oolong tea, Puer tea), country of origin (Ceylon, Chinese, Indian, African , Japanese).

Teas are also distinguished by the type of tea leaf, by the method of additional processing and by additives in the composition of tea.

Tea with milk: how to cook correctly

According to the method of preparation, the main types of tea differ - these are hot milk tea and cold.

Oolong tea is most commonly used for hot tea, but both black and green teas can be brewed. But white for such a drink will be too weak. To give some flavor, a mixture of herbs can be added to tea. Rose tea is well suited, it gives a special aroma. To do this, it is enough to add 30 ml of ready-made herbal or flower tea to the tea.

For any tea, the beginning of the brewing process is the same.- at the beginning of cooking, you need to pour boiling water over the teapot. After that, 1 teaspoon per serving for each person and an additional one more spoon are placed in it. Pour water at a temperature of 80 degrees and leave to infuse. The infusion time depends on the type of tea: black tea is infused for 3 minutes, and green tea is enough for 1 minute. If you hold it longer, the drink starts to taste bitter. Only Oolong tea, which should be kept for 3 minutes, does not give bitterness, but a longer infusion will not give bitterness. Also, herbal tea does not give bitterness, but it should be kept for 5-6 minutes.

Do not pour boiling water over tea, it will not affect the taste of tea, but it will kill most of the beneficial substances contained in it. After infusion into a cup (200 ml), gradually pour 70 ml of milk. Do not pour the milk too quickly, as this can cause the tea to become watery and smelly.

Add sugar to taste, but remember that sweetness is not very healthy. Therefore, you can replace sugar with honey or completely abandon the sweetener. Milk can also be replaced with cream or condensed milk.

The main requirement for brewing cold tea is that it must be strong. 2-3 teaspoons of tea will be enough. Tea poured with boiling water must be infused for 2 minutes. If loose leaf tea is used, it is more convenient to use a strainer for brewing. Next, add milk, you can also condensed. Then fill the glass with crushed ice or ice cubes to the middle, or a little more. Do not add a lot of ice, as the drink will turn out watery.

Other various options for brewing tea with milk are known:

A simplified version: pour a bag of your favorite tea with boiling water, let it brew and add cream or milk,

Chinese way: boil tea for half an hour, strain it and add milk or cream,

Apple milk tea: sugar, milk and ready-made black tea are mixed with apple pieces and ice,

Masala: famous drink in Pakistan and India; black tea and spices (vanilla, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon), milk and copper are mixed. This tea can be drunk both very cold and piping hot. If you add ginger to these ingredients, you get another type of masala tea - ginger tea.

Benefits of milk tea

This drink is used in many countries. This is not without reason. It activates the brain and strengthens our immune system. A mixture of useful components of tea with milk vitamins provides an excellent combination of nutrients that we need so much for a full life.

If the body does not absorb milk well, then milk tea will be the right drink for you. Indeed, in combination with tea, the severity of milk is significantly reduced, and such a drink will already have a positive effect on the microflora of the stomach and intestines. The special benefit of tea with milk will be for those who are sick ulcer and gastritis.

Tea with milk perfectly restores energy after colds or poisoning food, increases the tone just when you can not eat solid, heavy food, when all the forces of the body are aimed at fighting the disease. A mixture of animal fats, proteins and vegetable fats will help you recover faster and get back on your feet.

The complex of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants contained in tea with milk prevents immune system disorders, kidney dysfunction, depression.

Tea contains 200 useful substances that do not evaporate under the influence of milk, but are well absorbed by the body and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Tea with milk is also indicated for those who already suffer from problems with the nervous system. After all, milk added to tea significantly reduces the level of caffeine and the stimulating effect of it. And with weak tea leaves and a small amount of honey, this is a good sedative at all.

Do not forget that tea with milk is a good way to quench your thirst and get a long-term effect from it. Start the day with such a drink, and in the heat you will not want to drink for a long time and sweating will be significantly reduced. True, this applies only to green tea.

Harm of tea with milk

Although drinking such a drink has already become a good tradition, but is tea with milk only beneficial?

To understand this, you must first understand what substances are obtained by combining vegetable raw materials and animal fat under the influence of high temperature.

When the milk protein of casein, tea and catechin are combined, the first decomposes, and the benefits of all components are significantly reduced. In green tea, the theafamine molecule, in combination with milk protein, forms a substance that not every organism absorbs.

The harm of tea with milk is that absorption of fats into the body is much faster than when the milk is consumed in its pure form. In hot tea, fats dissolve and freely penetrate into the cells of the body.

It is also important that tea with milk is quite a high-calorie product. Especially if it is eaten with cookies, buns and candy.

It is also believed that this drink contributes to the body's fight against cancer. Such a statement is considered a myth. Scientists say that a mixture of tea and milk forms harmful substances that have a bad effect on the patient's condition and even push the body to bad diseases.

The downside is that this drink unable to dilate blood vessels just like regular tea does. Milk removes this function from tea.

For some, negative emotions cause changing the taste of tea under the influence of milk. No familiar taste of caffeine neutralizes energy charge.

Various myths about how to brew tea are also a minus. After all, some argue that, drinking tea with milk, we increase the effect of the drugs themselves. Others say that the metabolism is stimulated by drinking hot tea with milk on an empty stomach. Still others claim that one brewed tea can be brewed again in a few days! All this has no scientific evidence.

Also, do not forget that tea with milk is a wonderful diuretic. Therefore, they should not get carried away by those who are planning a long trip or have problems with the urinary system.

It is also worth remembering some rules for drinking this drink, h so that there is no harm from tea with milk:

Do not add a lot of sugar to the drink,

Do not leave tea leaves overnight, you need to store it in a cold place,

Do not drink tea with milk immediately after meals or before meals,

Do not consume more than three cups each day

Do not get carried away with strong milk milk before bed if you do not want to earn insomnia.

Tea with milk for pregnant and lactating mothers: benefits and harms

During pregnancy, a woman wants to create maximum safety for her child, especially with regard to food and drink.

It is permissible to drink tea with milk during pregnancy, the main thing is to approach this wisely, not to abuse it and to know some facts.

When choosing a type of tea, preference should be given to green, because it has more useful substances.

Moreover, with severe toxicosis, chewing tea leaves helps to get rid of nausea.

Since milk inhibits the effects of caffeine, milk tea can be an excellent thirst quencher.

Just remember that tea should not be strong, as it provokes the excitation of the nervous system.

When breastfeeding, drinking black tea with milk is not prohibited. He will not do harm, but he will also bring little benefit, according to WHO. But brews from herbal teas will have the most beneficial effect. The following herbal teas are especially helpful:


Tea with mint,

Tea with dill, cumin or fennel.

In combination with frequent application, good sleep and positive emotions, tea with milk will significantly increase lactation.

Tea with milk: its benefits for weight loss

A fairly popular drink for weight loss is milkweed th. This diet has gained popularity due to the simplicity of its implementation and good results.

Tea with milk has the following positive qualities:

Quickly removes excess fluid from the body,

Cleanses the body of toxins

Normalizes metabolism,

Improves complexion,

This is a great option if you can't keep up all day fasting.

There are several options for drinking tea with milk when losing weight. It can be consumed every day in the amount of several cups. And you can arrange fasting days once a week.

In one unloading day, up to three kilograms are lost. It all depends on the initial body weight and the amount of fluid accumulated in the body. If there is a predisposition to edema, then the likelihood of losing more weight increases.

During the fasting day, you should drink every 1.5 - 2 hours. It must be remembered that tea with milk is an excellent diuretic that removes all excess fluid from the body, which is why weight is reduced. You should drink only at least two liters of this drink during the fasting day. But in order for the fat to go away, in addition to tea with milk, the body also needs physical activity and proper nutrition.

If you drink tea with milk for weight loss every day, then you should not forget that black tea is drunk twice a day, and green tea is drunk three times. The main thing is to drink an hour before meals or an hour and a half after.

When losing weight, skim milk should be added to tea. The body does not need extra fats, but the vitamins and calcium contained in milk will saturate the body.

The benefits of black tea. Benefits of black tea

For several centuries, black tea has been one of the most common drinks. The extraordinary benefits of black tea have been documented. Moreover, some varieties of black tea are recognized as natural medicines.

It is not in vain that people of many countries consider tea their national drink. The British, Indians, Chinese and Japanese drink black tea during all meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. The popularity of the drink is great. Suffice it to say that in terms of the frequency of consumption, tea is in second place after water. This is justified, since black tea is useful not only because it invigorates and increases efficiency.

When drinking black tea, the immune system is strengthened and the aging of cells and tissues is slowed down. The latter effect was seen in ancient China, during the reign of the Tang dynasty of Chinese emperors. The substance tannin, which is contained in the tea leaf, slows down aging, increases human activity, acting like a natural "energy" - vitamin E. Studies have documented the benefits of black tea and, in particular, the positive effect of tea substances on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of black tea reduces the development of cancer. It has been reliably established that the growth of cancerous tumors stops due to the content in tea of ​​a special substance that effectively blocks tumor cells - the antioxidant TF-2.

It should also be recalled that the drink contains active polyphenols, which, under certain conditions, perform the same functions as insulin. This is another benefit of black tea for humans - drinking the drink prevents the occurrence of diabetes in all forms. They quickly relieve nausea and stomach cramps and tannins, which contain tea leaves in large quantities. Real black tea prepared in accordance with all the rules is useful for activating mental activity. Finally, tea simply cheers you up.

Black tea contains a large amount of antioxidants, which are required to protect the human body from microbes, toxins and remove carcinogens. This additionally speaks to the benefits of black tea in today's environmentally unfavorable time. In addition, antioxidants - polyphenols - have another useful property. They eliminate the unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, which occurs due to the presence of bacterial waste products in the mouth. That is, black tea is also useful from an ethical point of view. Doctors strongly advise after each meal to rinse the mouth with a small amount of it.

Indian scientists have conducted studies, the results of which show that regular consumption of black tea can prevent the risk of cataracts. Washing the eyes with tea leaves or applying swabs soaked in tea to the eyes eliminates the redness of the eyeball. Black tea is extremely useful for curing pustular eye disease - barley.

Tea is an excellent cosmetic product used, in particular, for hair care. For example, dyeing dark hair can give it a richer shade. To do this, tea is brewed in the amount of 2-3 teaspoons per glass of water and this tea leaves are kept for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Then the mass must be cooled and applied to the hair, evenly distributing it with a comb. If hair loss is observed, then the benefits of black tea will appear when tea leaves are rubbed into the hair, and especially into their roots.

Black tea should not be consumed by patients with atherosclerosis, varicose veins and glaucoma. The use of black tea should be limited to pregnant women, as well as people prone to hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias.

Green tea: benefits and harms

Mankind is accustomed to dividing foods and drinks into harmful and useful. However, the number of items in these lists has never been and is unlikely to be final: scientists regularly discover positive properties in once recognized harmful products or disgrace what was strongly recommended yesterday. It happens that some product "comes into fashion" and is considered almost a panacea, although it also has its drawbacks. Something similar happened with green tea.

Differences between green tea and black tea

When green tea began to gain popularity, many considered it a special variety, different from black. However, today it is known that both green and black tea are produced from the same raw material - from the upper leaves of young shoots of the bush.

The difference lies in the technology: in order to obtain a product traditional for Russia and Europe - black tea, a tea leaf goes through 4 stages of processing:

  1. Drying.
  2. Twisting shoots.
  3. deep fermentation.
  4. Hot dry.

The production of green tea has significant differences. To get it sheet:

  1. Steamed.
  2. Twisted.
  3. And dried (in Japan) or fried (in China).

Its individual varieties undergo weak fermentation, but it lasts no more than two days. As a result, the tea retains a deep herbal aroma, relative elasticity and a pleasant green tint (when roasting, the color of the leaf becomes brighter, when dried, it becomes darker).

It is also believed that such processing makes it possible to remove from raw materials an excess of tannins that is not very useful for the human body and save 5-6 times more vitamins and organic compounds that have a beneficial effect on health. However, it is not worth considering it absolutely harmless: not everyone will benefit from drinking green tea.

Harm of green tea

The saying “what is medicine in a spoon is poison in a cup” is familiar to many, and it should be noted that it also applies to green tea. Drinking green tea can be both harmful and beneficial to the body.

Moderate consumption of the drink will have a rather beneficial effect on the body, but drinking it is undesirable and even dangerous in the following cases:

  • Nervous exhaustion.
  • Hypotension.

Green tea significantly lowers blood pressure, so those who have it below normal should avoid the drink. Otherwise, increased drowsiness, lethargy and even fainting are not uncommon.

  • period of menstruation.

Green tea is tonifying, which can lead to muscle spasms and increase pain.

  • Pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding).
  • Alcohol consumption.

Such a combination of drinks is strictly prohibited by doctors all over the world: it is difficult to imagine a more aggressive effect on the kidneys and urinary system.

  • Peptic ulcer, gastritis.

The product is characterized by the ability to increase the acidity of gastric juice - this can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Drinking green tea on an empty stomach is highly undesirable for the same reason.

  • Taking medications.

It is possible to drink a drink during the treatment period, but it is not recommended to drink tablets, potions and capsules with it: tea is able to break down and remove chemical compounds from the body, so the effect of drugs can be significantly reduced.

People with mental disorders, as well as heart disease, kidney disease, should refuse this drink.

With excessive consumption of green tea, caffeine poisoning is possible, the signs of which are vomiting and gastrointestinal spasms.

The product can cause discomfort even in healthy people: if more than 4-5 cups of the drink are consumed daily, a condition known as “tea intoxication” can occur, which is characterized by nausea, dizziness and headaches. A small amount of sugar will help to cope with this condition, but you should not abuse green tea.

The benefits of green tea

An obvious advantage of green tea is its ability to "give" all the nutrients into the drink when brewing with a minimum of losses.

The product has a huge number of useful properties, but the most important of them are:

  • The ability to remove free radicals from the body and protect against the effects of increased radiation.
  • Decreased growth of cancerous tumors. The ability to stop and delay the growth of various types of tumors and fight the activity of cancer cells (however, according to some studies, green tea is ineffective against breast tumors).
  • Breakdown of fats, removal of harmful cholesterol from the body, normalization of metabolism and weight control.
  • Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system up to heart attacks and strokes, lowering blood pressure.
  • Normalization and maintenance of healthy intestinal microflora.
  • Fight against diseases of the oral cavity, eliminate periodontal disease and bad breath, prevent tooth decay.
  • Maintaining vigor and daily activity, combating reduced vitality, drowsiness, headache.
  • Removal from the body of toxins, salts, including compounds of radioactive metals.
  • Removal of anxiety, depression, stress, normalization of sleep (with proper use).
  • Improvement of brain (mental) activity, reactions.
  • Fight against urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Restoration of water balance in the body.
  • Reducing the harmful effects of tobacco on the body.
  • Maintaining visual acuity, good skin and hair condition.
  • Slowing down the aging process, increasing the overall tone of the body.
  • Improving the work of the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems.

Composition of green tea

Green tea gained popularity in Europe at the end of the 20th century. Scientists recognized its undoubtedly beneficial properties and determined the high content of the following beneficial substances in the drink:

  • Catechins are polyphenols known for their powerful antioxidant properties. Green tea leaves are lightly fermented and therefore contain particularly high amounts of these antioxidants. Thanks to them, green tea has a beneficial effect on metabolism, the health of the heart, blood vessels and other organs.
  • Epigallocatechins are powerful antioxidants. They are able to kill cancer cells and suppress their growth without affecting normal tissues.
  • Caffeine is a substance from the group of tannins that helps maintain energy and vigor.
  • Tannin, which gives the drink taste and aroma, and also has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Vitamin P is an element rarely found in foods in large quantities that can reduce the risk of developing cancer and improve vascular elasticity.
  • Vitamin C, responsible for normal metabolism and immune system activity.
  • Glutamic acid, which normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Beta-carotene, necessary for skin, hair, vision.
  • B vitamins that ensure the health of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin E, especially useful for maintaining reproductive function and fighting cancer.
  • Fluoride is an element especially important for oral health.
  • Potassium, which contributes to the removal of toxins and maintaining the tone of muscles and joints.
  • Selenium, calcium and zinc are important trace elements necessary for normal metabolism and proper functioning of joints and bones.
  • Alkaloids - having vasodilating and diuretic actions.

Studies have shown that green tea helps in the treatment of cancers of the breast, colon and rectum, lung and prostate, and skin.

The concentration of caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, in green tea leaves is much higher than in coffee, and due to the combination of caffeine and tannin, a milder tonic effect occurs when drinking tea.

The composition of green tea has not been fully studied: according to some scientific studies, the substances contained in the product can form new compounds when brewed. However, the already discovered beneficial properties of the drink have already been proven, so it is actively used to improve the body and reduce weight.

Green tea contributes to the normalization of weight by accelerating the metabolism in the human body Important!

Types of green tea

There are several types of green tea - according to the degree of leaf curl during processing, they distinguish:

  1. Weakly twisted - flattened and flat tea leaves, varieties of such tea are distinguished by fragrant, soft and pleasant taste.
  2. Strongly twisted longitudinally spiral tea leaves - have a higher extractivity, therefore, the drink from them is stronger and more aromatic.
  3. Strongly twisted transversely (pearl teas) - the strongest and tonic, you should start drinking such tea carefully, gradually increasing portions.

The number of varieties of green tea in Japan and China is huge, and not all gourmets can appreciate the merits of each of them. Only 6 varieties of the product, which are now available worldwide, are recognized as classic.

How to choose green tea

Only a fresh and high-quality product has healing properties: spoiled or improperly stored tea is of no benefit and can even cause severe poisoning. Therefore, when choosing a product, the following nuances should be considered:

  • Experts advise buying tea by weight, not in bags. Truly high-quality green tea can only be purchased in bulk: the product in tea bags is nothing more than waste from leaf processing and fine tea dust.
  • It is advisable to purchase the product in specialized shops and stores.
  • When buying green tea, you should know that the highest quality is large-leaf tea, and low-grade - small-leaf. Tea with artificial flavors will not bring any benefit.
  • The color of tea can vary from bright green to pistachio, depending on the variety. However, there should not be gray or dark brown tea leaves in it: they are an indicator of improper storage of the product.
  • Tea may contain debris, untwisted fragments of leaves and cuttings. All this is permissible in very small quantities, but if excess impurities of this kind are striking, it is better to refuse the purchase.
  • To check whether the tea is properly dried, you should rub a few tea leaves between your fingers: the overdried product will crumble into fine dust.
  • Quality green tea contains 3-6% moisture. It is not difficult to check this: it is enough to crush the tea leaves in the container with your finger and quickly release. A moderately dried product will quickly straighten out, an excessively wet product will be compressed.
  • Before buying, the product must be smelled: it should have a pleasant herbal aroma. Neither the smell of mold nor the harsh chemical fragrance should be felt.
  • When looking for tea of ​​a certain strength, you should pay attention to tea leaves: in weakly twisted varieties, they resemble grass, in strongly twisted (pearl) varieties that differ in strength, they resemble balls.

When buying green tea, you should not be shy about contacting the seller for clarification: a good consultant will definitely tell you about the benefits of a particular type of tea, advise which one is better to choose and provide all the necessary certificates.

How to store green tea

High-quality, properly stored green tea, with proper brewing and the absence of contraindications, will only bring benefits. The most important thing is to observe the measure and listen to your well-being.


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How to brew and consume

It is possible to release all the beneficial substances contained in green tea only with proper brewing. It is recommended to prepare it in the following sequence:

  1. Boil soft, clean, non-carbonated water (it is advisable to use bottled or filtered liquid for this - tap water can be unnecessarily hard).
  2. Pour a small amount of boiling water into the brewing kettle and shake slightly so that the walls of the container warm up well (brewing is only allowed in a ceramic or glass vessel).
  3. Pour the required amount of green tea into the vessel with a dry spoon (based on the calculation of 1 teaspoon of the product per 150 ml of water).
  4. Pour the product with water (never boiling, the optimum temperature for brewing is -80°C).
  5. Close the kettle with a lid and wait for the required time (usually it depends on the type of tea, and is indicated on the package, if there are no special instructions, 3-5 minutes is enough).
  6. When the drink acquires a yellow-green color and a pleasant strong aroma, it is ready to drink. Pour it into cups evenly, in small portions.

Unlike black tea, the same green tea can be brewed up to 4 times - this is how long it retains its taste and beneficial properties.

To improve health and well-being, you should drink green tea correctly: slowly, in small sips. During the day, you can drink from 2 to 4 cups of the drink, but it is strongly not recommended to use it 4-5 hours before bedtime. If the product is part of a weight loss diet, do not use it for more than 30 days.

The benefits of gelatin

A traditional tea drink is prepared from dried leaves of a tea plant, which have a completely unique natural composition and a combination of substances that have a general tonic, positive effect on all human organs and systems.

The beneficial properties of tea have not yet been fully studied, but already the discoveries that have been made by scientists, exploring the features of the influence of tea on human health, allow us to conclude that a tea drink in moderation is extremely useful.

Useful substances that make up the tea:

  • proteins;
  • minerals;
  • essential acids.

The qualitative and quantitative composition of these substances depends on the method of brewing tea and its variety (). Strong tea can improve digestion, eliminate signs of diarrhea. Green teas have been used in the treatment of intestinal infections since ancient times. Tannin, which is part of tea leaves, has a beneficial effect on the secretory function of the stomach and the tone of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, in case of food poisoning, the tea drink acts as an adsorbent and removes various harmful compounds.

Properties of caffeine and tannin

Moderate exposure to tannin and caffeine in tea normalizes the functioning of the heart, dilates blood vessels, relieves spasms and normalizes blood pressure.

The beneficial effect of tea on the cardiovascular system is explained by the presence of vitamin P, which strengthens the vascular walls and increases their elasticity. This vitamin has a positive effect on the human liver, thereby purifying the blood and saturating it with vitamins. In addition, products with its content are used to treat burns.

The ancient sages rubbed tea leaves and applied gruel from them to damaged skin.

Scientists' conclusions about the benefits of tea

Chinese scientists came to the conclusion that high-quality oolongs eliminate blood clots, lower blood cholesterol levels. During respiratory viral infections, tea acts as a diaphoretic.

Tea leaves contain theobromine, which has a diuretic effect and stimulates the kidneys. In China, the quality of tea is given increased attention and its use is widespread everywhere.

  1. It has been noticed that the occurrence of disorders of the urinary system is reduced there, and stones in the internal organs are formed much less frequently in other countries of the world.
  2. Tea has adsorbing properties, promotes the accumulation of vitamin C, increases the body's defenses. Green tea varieties remove radioactive substances and compounds from the body.
  3. Tea drink has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, increasing stress resistance and performance, acts gently and safely.
  4. It relieves headaches, increases creativity.
  5. Tea xanthines facilitate thinking, while tannin, theophylline and theobromine soothe and relieve arousal.
  6. Tea enhances the blood supply to the brain and the enrichment of tissues with oxygen, increases brain activity, and improves mood.

In the morning, this common drink allows you to wake up faster, easier to endure difficulties at work, and have a more active life position. Of course, the intensity of its impact on the human body directly depends on the quality of tea.

Black tea is obtained by complete fermentation of tea leaves. In the preparation process, the raw materials are first dried. Then the leaves must be twisted - at this moment the oils are released, due to which the tea has a pronounced, rich aroma and color.

After that, the raw materials are laid out in dark rooms with high humidity - fermentation (oxidation) occurs. The color of the leaves becomes dark. Further drying takes place in ovens with a stream of hot air.

The question of what benefits and harm black tea has for the body is directly related to the set of chemical elements that make up its composition. Black tea contains a rich list of nutrients. These include:

  • Tannins. They improve blood clotting, promote the absorption of ascorbic acid, strengthen blood vessels. Tannins accelerate the processes of wound healing, stimulate the process of cleansing the body of heavy metals.
  • Caffeine. It has a simulating effect on the nervous system, gives vigor.
  • Amino acids. They participate in the production of hormones and metabolism, slow down the aging process, strengthen protective functions.
  • Carotene. Important for vision. Helps maintain a healthy retina, prevents the development of glaucoma and cataracts.
  • Vitamin C. Makes the walls of blood vessels stronger. Vitamin C is very useful for teeth - it inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, helps to strengthen tooth enamel. An important element for strengthening the immune system.
  • Vitamins B1 and B2. Stabilize the nervous system, improve the absorption of iron. They take part in the maturation of erythrocytes, the regulation of adrenal function. Necessary to protect the retina from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Vitamin RR. It lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the body, takes part in the production of insulin and thyroxine, activates the enzymes necessary to convert carbohydrates into energy.
  • pantothenic acid. Accelerates healing processes, accelerates hair growth, stimulates bowel function. It is of great importance for the condition of the skin.
  • Fluorine. Makes stronger bone tissue, important for the prevention of caries.
  • Potassium. One of the most important trace elements - is necessary for the full functioning of the muscular, urinary systems, myocardium and blood vessels. Prevents the development of atherosclerotic formations, increases endurance, leads to normal blood pressure.
  • Vitamin R. Important for cells, because. restores their structure in case of damage, improves the functioning of small vessels. Necessary for normal blood circulation, prevents varicose veins and the appearance of swelling.
  • Vitamin K. Takes part in the metabolism in bone and connective tissues, activates the function of the kidneys, is necessary for the absorption of calcium.

How many calories are in black tea?

Tea is a low-calorie drink, 100 grams of leaves contain 3-5 calories. However, as a rule, tea is drunk with various additives. Depending on this, the calorie content of the finished product changes.

The following additives increase the calorie content of the drink:

  • Sugar (1 tsp) - 18-20 kcal;
  • Milk (1 tsp) - 3 kcal;
  • Skimmed milk (1 tablespoon) - 5 kcal;
  • Lemon (1 slice) - 2 kcal;
  • Honey (1 tsp) - 26 kcal;
  • Cream (1 tsp) - 10 kcal.

It should be noted that regardless of the type of tea, the number of calories in it does not change.

When choosing tea, you need to pay attention to its variety. The highest quality is large-leaf, it is also the most expensive. Judging by their appearance, in good tea the tea leaves are dark, saturated in color, twisted longitudinally. The brown color of the leaves indicates a violation of processing technology, and gray-black indicates a violation of storage conditions.

Also, according to the size of the tea leaves, the following types of tea are distinguished:

  • Broken. These are chopped tea leaves, the drink from which is characterized by a pronounced color and aroma.
  • Fanning. The raw material is small pieces of tea leaves. The drink brews faster than other varieties.
  • Tea dust. The brew from it is saturated, it is this raw material that is used for the production of tea bags.

Also, types of tea are divided depending on mechanical processing:

  • Baikhovy. It is loose tea leaves and is one of the most common types of tea.
  • Granulated. In its production, the tea leaf is twisted in a special way, while not only young leaves are used, but also coarser ones - up to the 5th leaf. The prepared drink turns out to be saturated in color and taste, but it has an insufficiently pronounced aroma.
  • Pressed. Available in the form of tablets, tiles, bricks. It has a pronounced taste, but a weak aroma.
  • Extracted. Instant tea, a concentrate that does not need to be brewed. The essence of preparation is the dissolution of raw materials (powdered, pasty or liquid) in hot water.

What is the benefit of the drink?

Black tea has many health benefits. Of these, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Destroy free radicals and reduce cell damage. This action is due to the presence of antioxidants in the chemical composition. Black tea contains polyphenols (catechins, theaflavins). As a result of the activity of theaflavins, the likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus, obesity, and the level of bad cholesterol and blood sugar are reduced. The human body needs antioxidants - they improve the general condition, prevent the development of chronic diseases.
  2. Beneficial effect on the work of the heart. A category of antioxidants called flavonoids is responsible for this. Flavonoids are of great importance for the elimination of risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. They are involved in the regulation of blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides.
  3. Reducing cholesterol levels. A high level of low density lipoproteins is dangerous for the development of atherosclerotic plaques, which means the development of a stroke, heart failure.
  4. Positive effect on the condition of the intestines. The presence of polyphenols in black tea helps to activate beneficial bacteria in the intestines and suppress the reproduction of pathogenic ones. The antibacterial property of green tea allows you to strengthen the protective function of the body, restore the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  5. Increasing concentration and brain activity. The presence of caffeine and L-theanine (an amino acid) activates the brain. Studies have confirmed that under the influence of these substances, accuracy and attentiveness increase.
  6. Suppression of the activity of cancer cells. This effect is also achieved due to the presence of polyphenols. These data are based on in vitro studies: the substances inhibited the growth of existing cells and inhibited the formation of new ones. However, more in-depth human studies are required to confirm this information.

Compiling a list of useful properties of black tea, we can name the following:

  • body toning;
  • activation of brain activity;
  • increased stress resistance;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • protection against inflammatory processes;
  • regulation of kidney function, prevention of swelling;
  • removal of slags and heavy metals;
  • strengthening the myocardium, blood vessels, protection against atherosclerotic formations;
  • stimulation of the endocrine system;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • removal of muscle spasms after physical activity;
  • improvement of blood supply to the brain, elimination of migraines;
  • stimulation of digestive processes;
  • regulation of blood clotting;
  • improvement of vision;
  • strengthening of bones and joints;
  • acceleration of the wound healing process, slows down the aging process.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of black tea for men and women, one cannot but consider its impact on reproductive function. The presence of antioxidants, which cleanse the body of free radicals, increases the fertility of germ cells in both sexes.

What harm is done to the body?

The benefits and harms of black tea are incomparable. Speaking about the dangers of the drink, it must be emphasized that the negative consequences on the body are when it is consumed in excess.

These include:

  • Violation of the gastrointestinal tract. When drinking tea in large quantities, it has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system. With unlimited use, spasms in the intestines may occur.
  • Negative effect on myocardial function. With the abuse of strongly brewed tea, a high load is placed on the heart.
  • Strong tonic effect. This applies to a strong brewed drink - you should not drink it before bedtime to avoid insomnia.
  • The development of varicose veins, constipation, fatigue.

You should not drink black tea for people with diseases such as:

  • ulcer (due to increased acidity);
  • glaucoma (due to increased eye pressure);
  • anemia (difficulty absorbing iron).

It is forbidden to drink medicines with them, as the drink will reduce the absorption of active substances.

With uncontrolled use of tea, side effects may appear:

  • increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • panic attacks;
  • insomnia;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • headache;
  • stomach disorders;
  • noise in ears;
  • nausea;
  • frequent urination;
  • tremor of the limbs.

Black tea during pregnancy and lactation

There is no ban on the use of black tea during the period of bearing a child. However, you should not drink more than 3 cups of the drink per day. It is also not recommended for pregnant women to drink strong tea - primarily due to the presence of caffeine in the composition.

If this rule is not observed, negative consequences for the development of the fetus are possible, up to low birth weight and caffeine withdrawal syndrome in newborns. A pregnant woman should be careful about her health. If there are signs of swelling, then tea should be excluded for a while and fluid intake should be limited.

Is the drink good for kids?

You should not think that black tea is the best drink for a child. Due to the unformed nervous system, caffeine is contraindicated for a child's body. If a child often drinks strong tea, this will lead to increased excitability, whims, tantrums, and difficulty falling asleep.

For children, there are special teas that can be purchased at the pharmacy: chamomile, linden, mint, dill.

How often can you drink?

In the countries of the East, where the tea ceremony was formed, this drink is the main one. You should pay attention to the size of the bowls from which they drink it - these are very small containers.

How to brew tea?

There are many options for brewing a fragrant drink due to the huge range of additives that can be used in its preparation.

You must adhere to the following rules:

  • hard water is not suitable for making tea. It is necessary to take filtered, bottled (in extreme cases, it is necessary that the water settles);
  • the teapot is preheated with steam or rinsed with boiling water;
  • tea leaves are poured into the kettle and boiled water is poured, the drink should be infused for about 5 minutes.

The most popular tea additives and their effects on the body

The benefits and harms of black tea with milk is one of the most popular topics among drink lovers. You need to know that it does not have a negative impact. Milk reduces the level of caffeine in the drink, and tea improves the absorption of milk, which improves digestive processes. The presence of calcium has a beneficial effect on strengthening nails and bones.

For the correct preparation of the drink, you need to know some of the nuances. First, tea leaves are poured into the teapot, pour boiling water over it. Then milk is poured into the mug, to which the brewed drink is added.

with thyme

To increase efficiency, drink tea with thyme. The plant is rich in polyphenols, organic acids, carotene, vitamins. The drink is effective for colds, digestive disorders.

To prepare a drink, the components are mixed in the following volume:

  • 1 partial teaspoon of herb;
  • 1 full teaspoon of tea;
  • 800 ml of water.

With bergamot

If you need to relax, bergamot tea is good. It improves digestive processes and is characterized by antiseptic properties. This drink will be useful after a hard day's work, when you need to get rid of unnecessary thoughts. You can also add chamomile flowers to it.

To prepare the drink, you will need to mix 4 teaspoons of bergamot tea and 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers.

with ginger

Another useful ingredient is ginger. This tea has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and myocardium.

Ginger is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The drink will be useful for the digestive system, liver, reproductive function. It is recommended for respiratory diseases due to its high content of vitamin C. It stimulates the metabolism in the body, so it is often preferred by those who are on a diet.

To prepare the drink, you need fresh ginger root. It must be grated to get a volume of 1.5 - 2 teaspoons. You can also add cloves (2-3 pieces), a little crushed cardamom, lemon. It is better to use honey instead of sugar. Tea will need 2-3 teaspoons.

A liter of water is poured into an enameled pan, ginger and tea are added. After boiling, seasonings are added. After straining, lemon and honey are added.

With mint

The benefits and harms of black tea for women and men in this case are different. Men avoid mint drink as it lowers male hormone levels. For women, on the contrary, it is an excellent drink. It improves well-being during menstruation, reduces pain, improves well-being during menopause.

Peppermint tea stabilizes blood pressure and stabilizes the condition of the myocardium and blood vessels.

Black tea is a drink with healing properties. Thanks to the addition of additional components, it is possible to achieve various effects on the body.

The basic rules that you need to follow in order not to harm yourself are not to drink it in large quantities and not to brew too strong tea. It is important to drink tea immediately, a drink that has stood for more than 2 hours must be poured out.

Health and longevity are not given to anyone just like that, you need to fight for them and start it as early as possible. The main tool in the fight for your health is the right way of life. This concept includes physical activity, a positive attitude and, of course, proper nutrition, which provides the body with all the necessary substances. For a modern person who gets food from a supermarket, the last condition is almost impossible, but there is one wonderful product that will help make up for the missing substances - this is tea. We will tell you exactly what the benefits of tea are.

Speaking about the benefits of tea, it should be borne in mind that only a high-quality, that is, natural and fresh product that has undergone minimal and gentle processing and properly brewed, has useful properties. Unfortunately, most of the tea on the shelves of stores does not always meet these requirements, you need to look for truly healthy tea in specialized stores.

Perhaps no product has been studied so carefully as tea. Tea leaves have been used by mankind for 3000 years as a cure for many diseases, and only recently has tea become an everyday drink. In the homeland of tea, in China, this drink is still respected and drunk for the treatment and prevention of diseases, to strengthen the immune system, for cheerfulness, for inspiration, for relaxation. In solving almost any problem, the first step is tea. In traditional Chinese medicine, good tea is believed to have the following healing effects:

Reduces sleepiness
Calms the nerves, helps to focus,
Makes eyes sharp
Clears the mind, makes the mind sharp,
Strengthens memory,
Cools, relieves fever,
Rescues in heat and drought,
Neutralizes the effects of poisons
Promotes digestion, helps to digest heavy food,
Prevents the formation of stones
Heals a headache
Eliminates excess fat, promotes weight loss,
Calms the breath, makes it deep,
Maintains water balance in the body
Activates sluggish intestines,
Removes phlegm and mucus, cleanses mucous membranes,
Removes gases
Strengthens teeth and bones
Treats heart disease
treats gout,
Treats internal inflammation
Treats skin diseases
Causes an appetite
Removes boredom and languor
Strengthens qi - life force,
Extends life.

Modern research does not conflict with this ancient knowledge. Japanese, Chinese and Korean scientists have repeatedly proved that good tea is really very useful for all systems and organs of the human body. Interestingly, most studies conducted in Europe and the USA did not find a strong healing effect of tea, because scientists used ordinary tea bags, and if they bothered to find whole-leaf and fresh tea, they brewed it according to the European method, which negates the benefits of tea. (We’ll talk about how to make tea with maximum benefit later.)

Tea and heart

Zhushan University studied the effect of tea on the circulatory system and found that tea (in this case, pu-erh) causes vein relaxation, temporarily lowers blood pressure, lowers heart rate, and regulates cerebral circulation. Regular consumption of high-quality tea helps to strengthen blood vessels, stop inflammation, and prevent blood clotting. Tea is especially useful for older people suffering from high blood pressure, coronary disease and atherosclerosis.

Tea and Tumors

In Japan, long-term studies are underway on the effect of tea on the formation and development of tumors. Dozens of independent studies have shown that when tea is added to experimental animals' water, tumor growth stops. Scientists explained this effect by the fact that "the polyphenols contained in tea have a high antimutagenic effect and inhibit the development of cancer metastases, blocking pathogenic components in the circulatory system." Tea also reduces lung tumors caused by tobacco carcinogens and helps to cure the initial stage of skin cancer.

Tea and stress

British researchers have found that regular consumption of black tea helps to endure stress with the least harm to the body. Tea helps reduce the stress hormone cortisol and helps you relax more quickly and completely after worries. With depression, tea, on the contrary, invigorates and arouses interest in life. Considering that tea also reduces the level of platelets and cholesterol in the blood, we can say that this drink literally saves people from heart attacks and strokes due to nerves.

Tea and caries

The high content of polyphenols and fluorides makes tea an effective remedy for strengthening teeth. Polyphenols reduce plaque by binding bacteria before they settle on teeth, and fluoride is essential for strengthening tooth enamel. American and Chinese scientists have independently found that several cups of tea a day reduce the likelihood of tooth decay. Tea drinkers in general are much less likely to complain of dental problems.

Tea and excess weight

The ability of tea to fight excess weight was proven back in 1990. The French association ARMA observed over 3 months obese people who drank tea (pu-erh) 3 times a day and lost 4 to 10 kg. Moreover, the muscle mass of these people did not suffer, as happens with most diets, it was the amount of body fat that decreased, and muscle tone increased due to the activation of oxygen metabolism. Scientists at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Paris found that tea fights excess weight by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. The effect of tea is comparable to the effect of statins - cholesterol-lowering drugs. In addition to lowering the level of so-called "bad" cholesterol, the antioxidants contained in tea prevent free radical damage to cells and slow down the aging process. Therefore, for those who lose weight with the help of tea, the skin remains smooth and hair shining.

Thanks to tea, heavy food is easier to digest, after eating there comes not drowsiness, but cheerfulness. With regular use of tea, a taste for natural food wakes up, less and less you want to indulge yourself with fast food and sweets, a person feels a surge of strength, he no longer wants to lie on the couch, but wants to move, create, communicate. The habit of drinking good tea can completely change the way of life, habits, interests and social circle, and excess weight will go away by itself and will not return.

Tea composition

The chemical composition of the tea leaf is very complex and varied depending on the variety and place of growth. The main benefit of tea lies in polyphenols - this is the common name for flavonoids, catechins, anthocyanidins, a total of about 20 compounds. It is polyphenols that are responsible for the antioxidant, antibacterial, antitumor and other properties of tea. These substances are colorless, tart in taste, with an astringent aftertaste. Their maximum amount was found in green and white tea, as well as in sheng pu-erh.

When oxidized, polyphenols are converted into taeflavins, thearubigins and theabrovins - substances responsible for the color and taste of tea. They form vitamin P and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, liver, lungs and brain. These substances are rich in fermented teas - black, oolong and pu-erh.

The invigorating effect of tea is due to alkaloids - theine, theobromine, theophylline. Unlike caffeine, they act on the brain gently, without causing overexcitation. Theine activates oxygen metabolism, increases muscle tone without increased heart rate.

Black tea and shu pu-erh contain pectin, which normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and contributes to the normalization of weight. Tea polysaccharides lower blood sugar levels and protect against radiation exposure.

Any fresh tea is rich in vitamins: carotene, which is converted into vitamin A, vitamins C, E and P. About 30 minerals are part of the tea leaf, including potassium, zinc, manganese, fluorine, chromium.

In 2003, the Beijing Institute of Biologicals discovered statins in aged shen pu-erh, substances that lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent stroke.

Without a doubt, good tea is a real natural pharmacy in a cup. However, in order to take advantage of all the gifts of tea, it is necessary to brew and drink it correctly.

How to make the most of your tea

It is not enough to find high-quality tea, you also need to prepare it correctly, otherwise it will turn from a healthy drink into poison. The basic rule for making tea is not to overbrew or leave it for later. Too strong tea, especially if it was brewed yesterday, will only bring harm instead of good. The Chinese say so: yesterday's tea is like snake venom. For a long time in Russia there was just such a harmful way of drinking tea: they prepared a very strong brew for several days and diluted it with boiling water when they sat down to drink tea. With this method, all the aromatic, flavoring and beneficial substances of tea are destroyed, and resins and other not the best components of the tea leaf come out into the infusion. So let's make it a rule to drink only freshly prepared tea of ​​the right strength and not dilute the tea leaves with boiling water.

Properly prepared, and therefore healthy tea is easy to identify by color, aroma and taste. The infusion is transparent, of a pleasant color, with a light aroma and a sweet-tart taste. Bitterness and cloudiness indicate that the tea is overbrewed - too many tea leaves were used or the brewing time was too long.

To always prepare delicious and healthy tea, it is recommended to use a small container - a teapot or a gaiwan with a volume of 150-200 ml. For such a volume, 5-10 g of dry tea is enough. If the tea is tightly pressed, this is approximately the volume of the phalanx of the thumb. For light teas from whole leaves, this weight will be about 2 tablespoons of tea.

Before putting the tea into the brewing container, heat it with boiling water, as well as the cups and the container for draining (chahai). Boiled water is conveniently poured into a thermos to fix the temperature. We brew tea for the first time and immediately drain the water through a sieve into the chahai. If it is pu-erh or oolong, you do not need to drink the first tea leaves, this is a wash. In the case of white, green and red teas, the first brew is the most fragrant - pour it into cups and drink a little.

The second and third brews are as fast as the first - pour hot water and drain immediately. On the fourth, you can increase the tea infusion time by a few seconds. On the following brews, we gradually increase the time, and on the tenth brew, if the tea still has a taste, you can leave it in the water for a few minutes.

There is an easier way to make healthy tea - boiling, or rather languishing. In this way, you can prepare pu-erh or red teas. To brew tea, put water in a pot or a metal kettle on fire, measure the tea depending on the volume of water (5-10 g per 100 ml), rinse it with cold water, if it is pressed pu-erh, throw it into the water and wait for it to boil. As soon as the water boils, turn off the fire, leave the tea to brew for 2-3 minutes, pour into cups and drink immediately.

What to Drink Tea with for Maximum Benefits

High-quality and properly prepared tea does not need sugar, it has a pleasant sweetish taste even without it. If you want, you can supplement the tea with herbs and spices to enhance its effect. For example, tea with sage, lemon and honey helps with colds, and the addition of ginger helps to better absorb heavy fatty foods.

In China and South Asia, weak green tea is washed down with food. Everyone is familiar with the wise custom of serving Uzbek pilaf with tea - hot tea will help absorb heavy mutton fat, and fat is necessary for the absorption of vitamin E from tea. Black tea is not recommended to drink at the same time as the main meal, it is better to wait 30-40 minutes.

In no case should tea be drunk on an empty stomach, this can lead to digestive problems. Morning tea must be accompanied by porridge, sandwiches, cookies. The most healthy tea snacks in the middle of the day are nuts, chocolate, dried fruits and fresh fruits and berries. In the evening, homemade cakes are ideal for tea. For evening tea drinking, it is recommended to make tea weaker than in the morning, and drink no more than 1-2 cups. It is very important that there is enough time between drinking tea and falling asleep - 2-3 hours, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep, and the benefits of tea will be neutralized by lack of sleep.

An important note: after drinking tea, in no case should you drink cold water, no matter how much you are thirsty. It is better to drink warm water or wait 10-15 minutes.

Drink only high-quality, properly brewed tea, and you will certainly feel its benefits.