Home / pies / The most delicious pancake recipe ever. Dough for pancakes in milk

The most delicious pancake recipe ever. Dough for pancakes in milk

How to make pancake batter? You need to choose only the best and freshest products, make a lot of effort and choose the right toppings - this is just part of it. And what is the main thing? Recipe. If you choose the right one, then making thin, thick, lean, sweet, openwork or hole pancakes will not be difficult.

This pancake dough with milk allows you to cook incredibly tender and delicious pancakes with holes that just melt in your mouth. You can serve them with condensed milk, berries or supplement them with an appetizing meat filling.

Dough for yeast pancakes with milk

A very tasty option that will allow us to get a little thick pancakes, but incredibly appetizing and airy. Of course, you will have to tinker with them, but they are still worth it.

  • 0.5 kilograms of flour;
  • 5 glasses of milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 7 grams of dry yeast.


  1. We start making yeast pancakes in milk by making a dough: dissolve dry yeast in warm, but not hot milk, then pour 1 tablespoon of sugar. Stir and leave for 30-40 minutes in a warm place.
  2. Sift wheat flour into a separate bowl, make a small depression in the resulting slide.
  3. Break the egg, add sugar and salt, but do not mix.
  4. Pour in the finished dough and mix everything very carefully, no matter what is left, not one flour lump.
  5. Pour in vegetable oil and mix again, the dough for pancakes is almost ready.
  6. We cover with cellophane or a napkin and put in a warm place.
  7. Wait 1 hour and knead the risen dough for pancakes, send it back to warm up. Repeat this procedure again, wait until it rises, knead and thick yeast pancakes can be baked.

Advice: such pancakes can be baked on water, then they will be less high-calorie.

Thick yeast pancakes will be an excellent breakfast or snack for every person. Their delicate taste will not be forgotten.

Dough for economical pancakes on the water

Cooking delicious pancakes with water is much more difficult than with milk, but if you use the right recipe for pancake dough and put in a little effort, you will definitely succeed.

A set of products for making pancakes on the water

  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 glass of warm water;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar;
  • 0.25 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 pinch of salt.


  1. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, add salt and sugar to them. Continue beating with a whisk or mixer.
  2. Pour a little warm boiled water and beat everything with a mixer again. The consistency should be uniform.
  3. Quench the soda with vinegar and add it to our future dough on the water.
  4. Start adding the sifted wheat flour while continuing to beat the future dough on the water.
  5. When all the flour is added, pour in the remaining water and add sunflower oil.
  6. The last time we beat the dough on the water and when all the lumps finally disperse, you can start baking pancakes.

Economical and lean pancakes on the water can help out a lot, for example, if the milk is over or it cannot be taken for some reason. But, in general, such pancakes are good both without anything and with filling.

Dough for thin pancakes

The thinnest pancakes are obtained from this dough, which means that it is ideal and suitable for all lovers of exquisite thin pancakes with holes and fillings.

Set of products for cooking

  • 0.7 liters of milk;
  • 300 grams of flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 pinch of salt.


  1. In a deep bowl, break the eggs, mix them, beat a little with a whisk.
  2. Add salt and sugar, continue whisking with a whisk and wait until all the crystals dissolve.
  3. Pour milk into egg mixture. You can beat with both a whisk and a mixer, the latter is much more convenient to do, since you have to spend less effort.
  4. Gradually add the sifted flour to the dough and at the same time do not stop stirring or whisking.
  5. Add butter and beat again with a mixer to mix the dough and finally crush all the lumps. The dough is now ready to become thin spring rolls.

If you make such a dough correctly, then we will get about 20 thin pancakes, which can be supplemented with filling or served with condensed milk or jam.

The outcome of the finished dish can depend on how to prepare the dough for pancakes, which means that attention should be paid directly to the selection of recipes. Choose only the right and best recipes and then your thick and thin pancakes will become the most delicious.

You may be interested in the recipe for custard pancakes on kefir.

Enjoy your meal!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


There is no exact answer to the question of how to knead the dough for pancakes so that it turns out perfect, because there are a lot of options. Find out universal recipes for preparing the base.

How to Make Pancake Dough: 3 Quick Recipes

Pancakes were the main treat for Shrovetide in the old Russian cuisine. Golden, thick products were considered a symbol of the end of the cold-hungry winter and the beginning of warm working days that would bring people a new harvest. In Russia, the classic dough was made on the basis of buckwheat flour, full-fat homemade milk or sour cream - pancakes turned out to be thick, dense, in general, ideal to become not even a dessert, but a main course.

Fashion and tastes change over the years, therefore, today most housewives try to bake light pancakes with a lacy perforated structure. Such products can be made using different methods, how to make dough for pancakes. You can learn more about each of them by reading the material of the presented article.

Moreover, many people prefer to eat pancakes, adding condensed milk, sour cream, sugary-sweet jam or honey to them for taste. The above products, combined with a very fatty dough, are incredibly heavy food for the stomach, which, in addition, turns out to be quite high-calorie. If you do not want extra wrinkles to appear on your figure after eating a portion, try to prepare the base from low-calorie ingredients. With such a base, pancakes will also turn out to be very tasty.

Milk pancake dough

To reproduce the recipe below, you can use both store-bought milk and homemade milk, which will be more fat. Check out one of the most popular recipes among housewives, and step-by-step recommendations will help you understand how to make pancake dough the first time.

Take the following foods:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Put eggs and milk on the table in advance so that the components have time to warm up to room temperature.
  2. Place the eggs in a bowl, add the indicated amount of salt, sugar to them. It is worth noting that sugar should be added only if you expect to make pancakes with stewed cabbage, liver or any other unsweetened filling - this way the dough will be tastier.
  3. Pour milk into the ingredients, mix everything gently.
  4. Place a sieve on the bowl to sift the flour with it. The implementation of this procedure will allow you to get rid of lumps and get a dough with a delicate airy structure. Add flour to the dough for thin pancakes gradually, dividing the total amount into several portions. Constantly stir the workpiece. It will be easier to bake pancakes in milk if you bring the composition to the consistency of thick sour cream: the dough will spread well on the frying surface and will not collapse during turning.
  5. Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into the finished pancake base, mix and start the baking process.

Dough for pancakes on kefir

Thrifty housewives have long known how to make pancake dough at minimal cost. Using kefir, you can not load your head with thoughts about whether to do, and then store (and for how long) sour milk. In addition, you can bake pancakes on kefir and use them as the basis for both dishes with a sweet filling (with berries, cottage cheese) and unsweetened (with vegetables, fish or meat).

You need to take:

  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • kefir with a fat content of 3% - 0.5 l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, soda, sugar - 0.5 tsp each.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep heat-resistant bowl, pour kefir into the same place, mix everything well.
  2. Warm the workpiece, bringing it over low heat to 60 degrees - this is necessary so that the salt and sugar dissolve faster.
  3. Remove the container from the stove, add bulk components (except soda), mix.
  4. Add the sifted flour to the pancake base.
  5. Dissolve the right amount of soda in one tablespoon of boiling water, immediately add the mixture to kefir.
  6. Pour vegetable oil into the kefir base, leave the workpiece warm for 1 hour, then proceed to cooking.

Dough for pancakes on the water

The pancake test recipe is not very popular among housewives, compared to other options, however, nutritionists recommend preparing products on this basis. The mixture turns out to be less high-calorie, while it goes well with fruits and berries, so it can be used to make pancakes for breakfast, lunch or an afternoon snack. Preparing such a pancake base is easy and fast.

Take the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 320 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • water - 0.5 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, sugar the mixture, salt, mix thoroughly.
  2. Add water to the components, constantly stirring the workpiece.
  3. While stirring the future base with a whisk (or use a mixer for this purpose), add a little sifted flour. Bring the products to homogeneity and you can bake pancakes.

Baking delicious pancakes

You have already learned how to make pancake dough by reading the material presented above. When the base is ready, it's time to move on to the next step - directly to baking products. You need to do it like this:

  1. Put the pan on the fire and wait for it to heat up.
  2. Grease the frying surface with vegetable oil. You will literally need a drop - use a brush to spread it all over the pan.
  3. Turn the heat down a little, bringing it to medium, because pancakes are usually baked, not fried.
  4. Gather 2/3 of the ladle of the workpiece, quickly pour the mass into the pan, while holding it at a slight inclination so that the dough spreads in a circle. It sets very quickly, but it is better to bake the bottom side for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Turn the product over to the other side, prying it with a wooden spatula. Bake for a couple more minutes until fully cooked.
  6. Put the finished pancake on a plate. Brush one side with butter, if desired. If you want to get a less high-calorie dish, leave the surface dry. Covered pancakes will become soft. You can crunch on delicious “laces”, but for this you need to leave the dish open.

The process of preparing the dough and directly baking pancakes takes several hours, it’s a pity, but they are eaten instantly! To diversify the usual taste of products, make them each time with a new filling. If you have children, serve pancakes with their favorite jam or jam to your little sweet tooth, they will definitely appreciate it!

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How to knead the dough for pancakes correctly

On the eve of Shrove Tuesday, every housewife plans to bake pancakes for her family and friends and have fun before the start of Lent. Therefore, recipes for pancake dough are as relevant as possible so that you end up with delicious and ruddy pancakes.

In addition, lean pancake dough recipes remain popular, such as pancakes without eggs, pancakes with water, pancakes with yeast. Indeed, even during Lent, you can treat yourself to delicious pancakes, for example, with mushrooms, or with potatoes.

Read also:

Recipes for savory fillings for pancakes. Stuffing for pancakes from mushrooms, liver, cheese, eggs, cabbage, chicken, ham, sausage. The most delicious spring rolls from the Home Restaurant!

However, we will talk about fillings for pancakes in another article, and today I bring to your attention proven recipes for pancake dough, which are used by more than one housewife, and the result is always the same - delicious!

Little secrets of making delicious pancakes:

1. The liquid in the pancake dough should be added hot to increase the stickiness of the flour.

2. To make pancakes tasty and beautiful, let the sifted flour stand a little, do not use it immediately.

3. Salt and sugar should be put exactly according to the recipe. Salted dough does not ferment well, and the pancake turns out pale. Too much sugar makes the dough hard.

Read also:

4. If flour for pancakes is diluted in salt water, there will be no lumps in the dough.

5. Sprinkle the pan for frying pancakes with salt, then wipe it with a napkin, only after that pour in the oil and dough.

6. It is convenient to fry pancakes in 2 pans when the third one is on low heat. Place pancakes in it and brush with warmed butter. It is advisable to turn the stack from time to time, then by the time the last pancake is ready, the first one will not have time to cool down.

7. If the pancake breaks when turned over, add flour and an egg to the dough.

8. To heat pancakes, cover the stack with foil and put in a preheated oven to 140g. to the upper level for 10-15 minutes.

9. Very often it is not possible to eat all the baked pancakes at once. And the next day they are not so tasty and fresh.

In order to give freshness to yesterday's pancakes, you need to sprinkle each pancake on one side (inner) with a little sugar, roll into four, put on a baking sheet (form) lightly greased or covered with baking paper and put for 4-5 minutes. into the oven preheated to maximum.

Be careful not to burn. As a result, delicious, crispy, caramel pancakes are on your table! Even tastier than freshly baked.

Egg pancake dough (my favorite recipe)


  • milk 1 l.
  • eggs 7-8 pcs.
  • flour 2.5 -3 cups
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp


In order to prepare the dough for pancakes, you need to beat the eggs with flour.

Continuing to beat, pour in milk and vegetable oil.

Let the dough stand for 30 minutes so that the bubbles settle and all the ingredients “make friends with each other” properly.

Bake pancakes in a not very hot frying pan, preferably Teflon.


  • milk 250 ml.
  • flour 150 g
  • chicken egg 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 1 teaspoon
  • sugar 1 teaspoon
  • pinch of salt


It is convenient to cook the dough for pancakes in milk in a blender - then there will be no problems with lumps.

To do this, add all the ingredients for pancakes in milk to a blender and beat the dough until smooth. After that, pour the dough for pancakes into a bowl and fry the pancakes on both sides.

If there is no blender, then the sequence of actions for making dough for pancakes in milk is as follows: Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar, salt and mix.

First you need to gradually add flour and mix. And after that, gradually add milk to the dough for pancakes and mix well.

After adding flour and milk to the dough, add vegetable oil, preferably refined.


  • Wheat flour - 400 gr
  • Water - 500 ml
  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • Salt - ¼ tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Butter - 50 gr
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml


To prepare this simple recipe, we need a deep bowl where we need to pour water, break a couple of eggs, add salt and sugar, and then mix everything well.

Before adding flour, it is better to sift it through a sieve, and then add it to the dough in small portions, stirring it constantly so that lumps do not form. If you use a mixer to knead the dough, then you can pour the flour all at once.

Add vegetable oil to the already prepared dough so that the pancakes do not stick and turn over easily. The dough should turn out to be quite liquid in consistency, resembling non-fat sour cream, if the dough is too thick, add a little more water.

Bake pancakes on a well-heated pancake maker or pan for about 20 seconds on each side.

Ready-made pancakes can be greased with butter, so they will remain soft for a longer time and acquire a more golden color.

Chocolate pancakes with orange sauce

How to make Chocolate Pancakes with Orange Sauce


  • Wheat flour - 400 gr
  • Kefir - 1 l
  • Egg - 4 pcs
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 50 gr
  • Soda - ½ tsp
  • Butter - 50 gr
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml


To knead the dough for pancakes on kefir, take a deep bowl, pour all the kefir into it, break the eggs, add salt and sugar, then mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

The flour previously sifted through a sieve, add in small portions to the dough, stirring it constantly so that lumps do not form in it. When the dough is kneaded, add an incomplete teaspoon of soda to it and mix again.

The dough should turn out to be quite liquid, so that the pancakes are thin, if the dough is thick, then add a little more kefir to it.

Before baking, you can add a little vegetable oil to the dough, then the pan can not be lubricated, pancakes will not stick to it anyway.

You need to bake pancakes in a well-heated pan or pancake maker, 20-25 seconds on each side. Ready-made pancakes are best lubricated with butter so that they do not dry out and remain juicy and tasty for a long time.

Dough for yeast pancakes (Yeast pancakes)


  • Granulated sugar 60 g
  • Sea salt 1 tsp
  • Chicken egg 3 pcs.
  • Yeast dry fast-acting 7 g
  • Sunflower oil refined 100 ml
  • Wheat flour 300 g
  • Milk 300 ml


Combine eggs with sugar and salt, beat thoroughly.

The amount of sugar is chosen optimally for a neutral taste, because. yeast loves it very much and as a result they will not be sweet.

Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well so that there are no lumps and the mass becomes homogeneous.

You need 200 ml of water (in addition to milk).

We put the dough in a warm, windproof place for about 50-60 minutes.

When the dough has doubled in volume, it must be stirred to release the air, and set to rise again.

Now there is no need to interfere with it! You need to save all the bubbles that are in the test, so now you need to handle it as carefully as possible.

Preheat the pan and lightly grease with oil. Fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown.


  • 400-500 gr oatmeal
  • 1 egg
  • about a glass of skimmed milk
  • floor. teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • sugar to taste
  • rast. oil 1 tbsp


Very interesting and light in taste.

And of course, oatmeal is much more indulgent for the waist than wheat.

It is very tasty if you make cottage cheese with raisins as a filling for these pancakes.

We grind oatmeal into flour, and it can be slightly larger to get something like bran.

Add the egg to the milk and gently stir with a fork. There is also sugar, salt and vanillin.

Gradually pour the milk into the flour, mixing the dough thoroughly. Add growth. oil.

If the dough seems a bit thick, you can add more milk to make a runny dough.

We first heat the pan to the maximum, and then put it on medium heat and fry the pancakes.


  • Milk - 400 g (2 cups)
  • Flour - 250 g
  • Salt, sugar
  • Vegetable oil
  • Butter


Pour 1.5 cups of milk into a deep container, add a pinch of salt, three tbsp. spoons of sugar and stir.

Then, while continuing to mix, gradually add all the flour. It turns out a thick dough. Knead the dough well so that there are no lumps.

After that, add the remaining milk, mix. Thus, we get the dough for pancakes of the desired consistency and, most importantly, without lumps.

When the dough is ready, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. The dough will not burn and will become more elastic.

It remains now to fry the pancakes. To do this, heat the pan, grease it lightly with vegetable oil. A pancake pan is best suited for making pancakes, it has a thin bottom and a small size, pancakes cook very quickly.

If you don't have a pancake pan, use any pan you have around the house.

Pour the dough into the preheated pan with a ladle and spread it evenly over the pan, turning the pan in a circle.

When the pancake is browned around the edges, flip it over with a spatula to the other side. It is very convenient to flip the pancakes with two spatulas at the same time. Approximately pancake fry on each side for 3 minutes.

Put the finished pancakes on a plate, grease each pancake with butter. Butter makes pancakes softer. And, given that we are preparing pancakes without eggs, it will allow the pancakes to remain soft and not stale.

Pancakes can be served with various goodies, such as honey, jam or sour cream.

Pancakes made from cornmeal

How to make cornmeal pancakes


  • 0.5l. water
  • 1-2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar (less possible)
  • salt on the tip of a knife
  • 1.5-2 cups flour (the consistency of the dough should be like liquid-liquid sour cream)
  • Vegetable oil (refined)


Pour water into a bowl.

Add salt, sugar, lightly beaten eggs and flour.

We beat the dough with a mixer (we save time and play it safe from troubles in the face of undissolved lumps of flour).

If you are used to doing everything with your hands, then the order is somewhat different: slowly add water to the flour, eggs, salt and sugar and mix thoroughly, breaking even the smallest lumps.

Add a little vegetable oil to the finished dough (1-2 tablespoons).

We fry the pancakes in a well-heated pan over a fire slightly above medium.

Before each “new” pancake, grease the pan with vegetable oil (you can use a piece of lard “put on” on a fork).

Pancake Dough Recipes

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Hi all! Recently, I often hear from friends and girlfriends that “Baking is not mine”, “They take so long to cook, I don’t want to stand at the stove all day”, “Dough for pancakes is very difficult to make”. But is the devil as terrible as he is painted? What if I told you that there are tons of budget and easy recipes that will quickly bake a whole stack of these delicious treats?

For most recipes, flour, eggs, milk and vegetable oil remain the main and unchanged ingredients. However, I advise you not to rush to conclusions - I have in store for you recipes without eggs and even without milk. My friend is a chef and she knows at least three different ways of preparing this dish! You and I will learn how to find a use for even seemingly unusable products (for example, sour milk). But read on for more on this.

Pancakes, like any dish, have their little secrets:

  • so as not to stick to the pan - grease it with sunflower oil. You can add a couple of tablespoons of oil to the dough itself;
  • if they are too thick and do not bake, I advise you to dilute the dough with water or milk at room temperature. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise they will become dry and too thin;
  • if the dough is too thin, add more flour and milk / kefir, if they follow the recipe.

Don't be afraid to experiment or deviate from the recipe. I'm sure you will succeed. Your assistants in this are a frying pan, desire, patience and a good mood!

Dough for pancakes in milk - a classic recipe

This is my favorite dough recipe. Master the classics, it will be easier to cook alternative dishes. Pancakes are thin, airy and very beautiful.

Required products:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt.

Step by step cooking recipe:

1. Break eggs into a deep bowl and add salt and sugar. Beat until smooth with a whisk or mixer.

2. Pour milk into the resulting mass. Then, without stopping beating, add flour little by little so that there are no lumps.

3. When you knead the mass until smooth, pour in the vegetable oil. Thanks to the addition of oil, the dough will not stick to the pan during the frying process.

4. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and brush lightly with oil. Do not overdo it, otherwise the pancakes will turn out greasy. I use about half of the usual soup ladle for dough.

5. Bake for approximately 30 seconds. As soon as the edges begin to move away from the side themselves and become golden, feel free to turn over.

If during the process you notice that the pancakes stick, add more butter to the dough and stir.

As a result, you will get a stack of beautiful golden, and most importantly delicious pancakes.

How to make thin pancakes on water - a simple recipe without eggs and milk

The promised budget, but no less tasty version of the lean test. Highly recommended for cooking! This dish is suitable for fasting people. The taste is indistinguishable from the classic recipe. And they themselves are thin and airy.

Required Ingredients:

  • 600 ml of water at room temperature;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp sugar (to taste);
  • 1/3 tsp salt (to taste);
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp without a slide of soda (quench with vinegar);
  • a pinch of vanilla (optional)

Cooking process with photos:

1. Pour water into a container and add sugar and salt. Stir until completely dissolved. Add flour and knead with a mixer until lumps disappear. Next, extinguish the soda with vinegar.

Very little vinegar is needed, a little less than 1 tbsp, so that the pancakes are not sour.

2. Then add slaked soda to the dough, mix well and let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

3. While you heat the pan, add the sunflower oil to the batter. Lubricate the crepe maker with it (enough to lubricate for the first time) and start frying.

Pancakes in milk with eggs - very thin with holes

I've never had leaky pancakes if the recipe included milk. I tried this recipe and have never been disappointed. Try it too!

Prepare the following foods:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 250-270 g flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 3-4 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • butter - for greasing.

How to cook:

1. Heat a liter of milk on the stove. You don't have to boil it. It is important that it is not cold.

2. While milk is heating, mix eggs with salt, sugar and baking soda.

Adding soda to the dough is the key to beautiful and delicate pancakes.

3. Add vegetable oil to the resulting mass. Knead the dough well and add 300 ml of warm milk.

4. Then add all the flour and bring the mass to a homogeneous state.

5. Pour in the remaining milk and beat until smooth. The resulting mass will be similar in consistency to heavy cream. Leave the dough to rise for 20-30 minutes.

6. Heat up the crepe maker and grease with sunflower oil. As soon as the pan is hot enough and you smell a slight smell of oil, you can start baking.

7. The first sweets (even if they are lumpy) need to be tasted. If you want more sweet/salty, you can adjust the spices before roasting the whole stack. Lubricate each finished product with butter if desired. So they will be much tastier and more aromatic.

If you are worried that 1 liter of milk will make too much dough, add half as much of all the ingredients.

The recipe itself is designed for “neutral” pancakes. This does not mean that the dish is tasteless. They can be made with sweet or meat fillings. I advise you to try adding baked vegetables and tomato sauce - just delicious.

Choux pastry on kefir with boiling water - a reliable and proven recipe

This recipe is very similar to the very first dough recipe that I learned from my mother. According to him, I comprehended pancake "zen" for the first time. Taste of childhood!

Take the following foods:

  • 500 ml of kefir 2.5% fat;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2-3 tbsp Sahara;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 150-200 ml of water (boiling water).

Cooking instructions:

1. Kefir mix with flour, sprinkling it a little bit. The fatter the kefir, the thicker the mass will be.

Adjust the consistency of the dough with flour, it should look like thick sour cream.

2. Once mixed, add sugar and salt to the bowl. Mix everything well.

3. Once you have brought the mass to homogeneity, extinguish the soda with boiling water. Pour part of the water into the dough over a spoon with soda. Mix the mass well.

4. Gradually add the remaining boiling water and bring to a boil. Let the dough rest for 5-10 minutes.

5. Grease a hot frying pan with sunflower oil and fry for about 1 minute on each side.

Such pancakes are quite dense, but with holes. They go great with condensed milk or jam. From this amount of ingredients, approximately 15 openwork pancakes are obtained. This amount can easily feed a large family.

How to cook dough in a plastic bottle with sour milk

Remember, at the beginning of the article, I talked about “using bad products”? Here we come to this method. I tried to do the same, only with sour kefir - and I was not disappointed in the slightest, it was very tasty. We make pancakes without sugar. If you want a sweeter version, add sugar to taste.

Prepare for the recipe:

  • 500 ml of sour milk;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 3 tbsp sugar without a slide;
  • ½ tsp. salt (maybe a little less)
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 cups of flour.

Step by step recipe:

1. Pour sour milk into a 1.5 liter plastic bottle. It was convenient for me to make such a dough in a two-liter bottle. Try both options and write in which bottle do you prefer to mix?

2. Add all other ingredients with a funnel. Shake the bottle well for 5 minutes to mix everything. Just don't forget to close the lid 🙂

3. Fry on a hot pancake pan, brushing it with sunflower oil.

This recipe is convenient in that it is easier to pour the dough into the pan with a bottle.

You can pierce a hole in the lid and cook openwork pancakes. Or take a 0.5 liter water bottle with a water dispenser cap.

At the exit - a hill of dense golden "beauties", which are not ashamed to treat even the smallest fussy 🙂 Sour milk will not affect the taste in any way and will not affect your health. Checked!

Yeast dough in milk - thick and sweet pancakes are obtained

My friend used a similar recipe while in America. All familiar Americans unanimously called them pancakes (pancake). They turn out, of course, not as fluffy as pancakes, but quite dense, and most importantly - delicious. This dough is perfect for stuffing with unsweetened stuffing - mushrooms, meat with onions, fish or caviar.

Required products:

  • 2 - 2.5 cups of flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 tsp dry yeast;
  • 1-2 tbsp Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt.


1. Mix all bulk products in a deep container. Then add the beaten egg, water and milk. The main thing is that all products are at room temperature. Leave the kneaded dough for 40-50 minutes under the lid to make it fit.

You can cook without eggs, but pancakes will lose their taste.

2. Add sunflower oil and mix the dough again. It should be thick in consistency, but airy due to the yeast.

3. If you want thin, add some water. If you like to bake plump, you do not need to add water.

4. We bake in a pan and enjoy the result. Experiment: reduce the amount of sugar and cook with mushroom julienne. If you make the dough thinner - 2 chicken eggs;

2. Cut the peeled onion into small cubes and fry with oil until golden brown. Add boiled meat, after passing it through a meat grinder. You can add as much salt and spices as you like. I would recommend adding curry and some pepper mixture.

3. When the meat is fried, the filling is ready. We spread 1-2 tablespoons of the filling and wrap it in an “envelope” like cabbage rolls. At the exit, you should get neat barrels. Fry them in a pan until golden brown.

4. My friend does not fry barrel pancakes, but simply heats them up. Otherwise, they turn out quite oily. And what we did not master that evening - we sent part of the night in the refrigerator, and part - in the freezer.

You can freeze ready-made spring rolls. You will get a home-made homemade semi-finished product, which will only have to be heated.

Agree that this is a very worthy alternative to purchased semi-finished products with filling.

Video recipe for thin pancakes like grandma's (with curd filling)

And for dessert, I suggest you watch a video recipe for snacks with cottage cheese. As a child, my grandmother made similar ones with home-preserved berries. It makes for a very healthy and tasty breakfast. Even the youngest members of the family will not be indifferent.

Pancakes are not only the main characters of Maslenitsa, as we are used to. But also a great option for receiving guests, for tea drinking with friends or the arrival of parents. If you have time, wrap them with barrels of sweet and savory fillings. Or you can simply offer jam, condensed milk and honey to the dish - you get the perfect snack for tea and coffee. If, in addition, sprinkle a portion of the finished dish with granola and decorate with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, you get an independent dish like in a cafe.

I really hope that my selection will not leave you indifferent, and you will find a recipe to your liking. Do not be afraid to experiment, be patient, and do not forget - the first pancake is always lumpy. Have a good mood and bon appetit!