Home / Cookies / Beat the sour cream cake. How to make sour cream so that it is not only tasty, but also airy or thick? Custard Sour Cream Sundae

Beat the sour cream cake. How to make sour cream so that it is not only tasty, but also airy or thick? Custard Sour Cream Sundae

Sour cream cake can be recognized by delicate texture and subtle sourness - this is the classic of the genre, for the preparation of which only sour cream and sugar are needed.
The cream is mainly used for interlayers of cakes (including pancakes), but also biscuits, pastries and a wide variety of pies.

The main thing here, of course, is sour cream. It should be fresh and oily (from 25%). But in any store sour cream, no matter how fat it is, whey is contained in one or another amount. We need to get rid of this serum, otherwise thick cream do not receive. To do this, we use a small colander, a clean dense cloth and a bowl to separate (weigh) the sour cream. This is what main secret making sour cream cake.


  • sour cream - 400 grams
  • icing sugar - 250 grams


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To make the sour cream very tasty

1. Whisk cold sour cream. If you beat with a hand mixer, place the bowl in ice water or on ice - the result will be faster and more fluffy.

2. Do not take for cooking homemade sour cream- there is a high probability of getting oil and serum instead of cream.

3. If the sour cream is low fat, add 1 to 1 heavy cream or add a sachet of thickener designed specifically for sour cream. The cream should be even fatter than sour cream = not less than 35%.

4. It is not necessary to use sugar - you risk that the grains will not mix properly and will “crunch on your teeth”.

Sour cream can be used to sandwich a variety of sweet dough products. Here is just a small list of cakes that fit sour cream:

  • biscuit cake ("Smetannik");
  • honey;
  • pancake;
  • carrot;
  • cake "Ladies fingers";
  • cake with prunes;
  • chocolate cake;
  • banana;
  • milk girl cake;
  • "Ryzhik";
  • "Turtle";
  • "Monastic hut".

But it can - and as an independent dish. In this case, to basic recipe add vanillin and pre-soaked gelatin, pouring it in a thin stream while whipping. Fruit purees, cocoa or coffee, chocolate and nuts in large pieces are also very good with sour cream. In a word, sour cream can only be the basis for obtaining a variety of flavors. It is more correct to speak in the plural - about sour cream for cakes and other baked goods.

Sour cream is ideal for baking, it can be impregnated with any cakes, it will soften even those that, through an oversight, were overexposed in the oven.

It is also used by many as a dessert, it is so tasty and, moreover, easy to prepare. For those with a sweet tooth, you can add more sugar to your liking.

The sour cream for the cream should be greasy, thick and fresh, otherwise it will not churn. There are a couple more "tricks" that not everyone knows. If the sour cream is not very thick, use a special cream thickener. And for better whipping, granulated sugar needs to be ground into powder.

If you want the cream to hold tight, use gelatin. How to cook stuffed chicken thighs- look.

Simple sour cream


  • Sour cream - 500 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g.

How to make sour cream

  • A couple of hours before making the sour cream, put the sour cream in the refrigerator to cool.
  • Transfer the chilled sour cream to a deep bowl or blender.
  • Add icing sugar and vanilla sugar and beat until the cream is smooth.

Custard Sour Cream

If the food is fresh and done correctly, the cream is perfect.


  • Sour cream - 250 g.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Granulated sugar - 130 g.
  • Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons.
  • Butter - 150 g.

How to cook

  • Put the sour cream in a small saucepan and beat the egg into it.
  • Add sugar and sifted flour. Mix thoroughly.
  • Place the saucepan on water bath and warm up, stirring constantly. The mass should become homogeneous, without lumps and thick enough.
  • Remove the pan from heat and set to cool.
  • Beat the softened butter with a mixer or blender.
  • Add oil in small portions to a slightly cooled sour cream, at the same time, continue to beat with a mixer.
  • The cream should be smooth and fluffy.

Lemon Sour Cream

This cream turns out to be incredibly refreshing and aromatic. It is ideal for anyone who likes not very sweet pastries.


  • Sour cream - 500 g.
  • Condensed milk - half a can.
  • Half a lemon.


  • Chill sour cream in the refrigerator and beat with a mixer.
  • Pour boiling water over half of the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it.
  • In sour cream, continuing to beat, pour lemon juice in a thin stream.
  • Also, add condensed milk in small portions.
  • Whisk again until a fluffy, homogeneous cream is obtained.
  • Lemon sour cream is ready.

Sour cream with gelatin

A very strong cream that keeps its shape well.


  • Sour cream - 500 g.
  • Granulated sugar - 200 g.
  • Gelatin - 10 g.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g.

Making cream from sour cream with gelatin

  • Pour gelatin with cold water and set aside for 20-25 minutes to swell.
  • Place the container with gelatin in a water bath and, stirring continuously, heat to completely dissolve the gelatin grains. Never bring it to a boil.
  • Remove gelatin from heat and set to cool.
  • Whisk sour cream chilled in the refrigerator, adding vanilla and regular sugar in small portions. Beat until smooth and sugar dissolves.
  • Pour gelatin into the sour cream in a thin stream and beat again.
  • The cream is ready, you can use it as directed.

Bon Appetit.

It is difficult to find a person who would not have tried a cake with a sweet sugar and sour cream filling. He seems to return to childhood, when there was no such huge variety products, and the hostesses came up with whole culinary masterpieces“Out of nothing”.

It is not difficult to prepare a cream for a cake with sour cream and sugar, however, in order for the mass to fully meet your expectations at the exit, you need to be patient. It is also important to choose the right ingredients that are as fresh as possible.

Cooking cream from sour cream and sugar

The fermented milk base should be fatty (over 30%) and thick.

We need:

  • 500 grams of sour cream. The product should be as fresh as possible - if sour cream has been in the refrigerator for several days, it is not suitable for cooking;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking a classic cream of sour cream with sugar:

  1. We get fermented milk product from the refrigerator. Beat with a mixer or blender for 4-5 minutes.
  2. We introduce granulated sugar, beat for another five minutes.
  3. Ready.

How can you tell if the mass is perfect and won't spoil your culinary creations? Ready cream with sour cream and sugar should be fluffy, strong and uniform. Try to spread a little on your finger - the sweet mass should not flow down.

How to diversify the taste of a cream

We offer several options for interesting additions to the base, which will make its taste even more interesting:

  • Nuts. It can be almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, or walnuts, For example. Nuts need to be dried in the oven and chopped as much as possible. To ready cake was not too cloying, the amount of granulated sugar should be reduced by about one and a half times compared to the base one (how to make the main cream with sour cream and sugar, see above).
  • Lemon juice. 2 tablespoons of juice and grated zest of one citrus are enough to add a delicate and unique lemon aroma to the cake layer.

A little trick from experienced housewives: if you can't find the right store sour cream, mix it with an equal amount of heavy cream or homemade sour cream. You will get the ideal consistency and fat content mass for preparing the base. Proportions for

I never thought that you can brew sour cream, but it turns out you can also like that) The first recipe that I will share today is custard sour cream. How delicate in structure and taste it turns out cannot be conveyed in words. Perfect with sweet and other delicacies.

So, for the preparation of the cream we need:

  • Sour cream 20% fat - 300 g
  • Large egg - 1 pc
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Granulated sugar - 120 g
  • Vanilla extract - 0.5 tsp
  • Butter - 160 g

How to make sour cream custard:

All ingredients, except oil, are mixed in one bowl with a refractory bottom, put in a water bath and, stirring, bring to a thick state.

Try not to allow the formation of lumps, for this, stir vigorously until smooth, passing along the sides of the bowl.

Beat the butter separately.

Add the custard base cooled to room temperature in small portions into the butter and beat until smooth. Cool the cream and use it as intended.

It turns out an excellent cream that keeps its shape well and can be used not only in the layer of cakes and cake filling, but also to decorate the tops of the cakes.

The following cream is perfect for a layer of cake. It will go especially well with biscuit cakes and fruits. You can add the fruit pieces directly to the cream before adding the gelatin.

Cream soufflé with sour cream


  • Sour cream 20% fat - 400 g
  • Granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 8 g (one small bag)
  • Instant gelatin (I use Dr. Oetker) - 10 g
  • Milk (or cold water for soaking gelatin) - 80 g

How to make sour cream cake soufflé:

So, put the sour cream in a wide bowl and begin beating with granulated sugar for 5-7 minutes with a mixer. The mass should increase in volume by 2-2.5 times, become airy. It may seem surprising that sour cream can grow so much. When I first tried to make this cream, I was also surprised.

You may have to experiment with sour cream from several manufacturers before you get an airy cream soufflé. For example, some hostesses achieve this result only with high-fat farm sour cream, for others the ideal fat content is 15%. In any case, you will succeed in a cream soufflé (gelatin will help thicken the mass even if the sour cream does not whip and remains liquid). The quality of sour cream determines only how porous and airy such a cream turns out.

I usually use sour cream like the one in the photo.

Ideally, 400 g of sour cream should make a cream with a volume of 1800 ml.

Dissolve gelatin (10 g) in cold milk or water (80 g).

When it swells (usually 10-15 minutes is enough), heat the mixture in a water bath to a liquid state.

Attention! It is impossible to overheat the gelatin, otherwise it will lose its properties! It is enough to heat it up to a temperature of 60 C.

Then cool the diluted gelatin a little, add a small portion of the cream to it, stir. After that, add this part of the cream to the main cream and mix everything again until smooth.

The sour cream is ready, you can layer the cakes. If you want to add berries to the cream, place them on top of the cream layer. They will sink a little until the cream thickens and end up in the middle.

The top three of my favorite creams based on sour cream are cream cheese.

Now this cream and all the cakes in which it is used (for example, cake) are mega-popular. This cream is prepared on the basis of curd cheese with the addition of butter and cream. I tried to use fat sour cream instead of cream and got a cream that is no worse than in the recipe with cream: delicate, silky, very, very tasty! The cream has a slight sourness from sour cream, and a pleasant cheese flavor.

Sour cream cheese

  • Fatty sour cream (fat content 20% and above) - 500 g
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (a 250 ml faceted glass is used)
  • Curd cheese - 220 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp (can be substituted with vanilla sugar)

How to make cream cheese with sour cream

To make the cream thick and dense, we first weigh the sour cream. To do this, put it in a cotton towel and hang it over a bowl overnight in the refrigerator. If you can't hang it, you can put it in a colander and put it on a saucepan. The excess liquid will drain and the sour cream will become denser.

Put sour cream, sugar in a large bowl, add vanilla extract, beat all ingredients until soft at high speed. Then we decrease the speed and add cottage cheese, continue stirring at low speed. That's it, the cream is ready!

I hope these recipes help you cook delicious cakes for your family and friends. Cook with pleasure, and if you have any questions - feel free to ask.

Bon Appetit!

The best feature of this impregnation is its simplicity. Indeed, in order to cook it, it is not at all necessary to have a chef's education behind him. After completing a couple of simple operations, a person achieves an excellent result: a thick white mixture will decorate any baked goods. To prepare the classic version of this dish, only sour cream and sugar are needed. However, having studied other recipes for sour cream, people understand what a rich field for experiments they have chosen.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Those who like to search and create something new replace powdered sugar with condensed milk, honey or jam, add berries, pieces of fruit, chocolate and even nuts, use gelatin, cinnamon and cottage cheese. The choice of products can be limited only by the imagination of the culinary specialist. Any of the components can significantly change the taste of the product, imparting additional shades and new "sound". Pouring over baked goods or smearing puff cake with such a wonderful cream, the chef gets the opportunity to pleasantly please loved ones or guests. The airy and mouth-watering filling will be appreciated.