Home / Bakery / Hot apple pie. The most delicious apple pie

Hot apple pie. The most delicious apple pie

This is the most delicious apple pie in our family so far! It is suitable both for a holiday instead of a cake, and for every day - since it is not difficult to prepare!

I got the idea for this cake thanks to recipes and. It comes with a crispy sweet crust and a delicate filling. Very tasty!

The most delicious apple pie


form - Ø 26-28 cm
glass - 250 ml

  • 500-600 g apples (4-5 pcs)


  • 200 g (1 and 1/3 cups) flour
  • 70 g (1/3 cup) sugar
  • 100 g butter


  • 160 ml (2/3 cup) sour cream 15-20%
  • 70 g (1/3 cup) sugar
  • 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of flour
  • 10 g vanilla sugar (optional)


  • 50 g (1/3 cup) flour
  • 40-50 g (about 1/4 cup) sugar
  • 25 g butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Video recipe for a delicious apple pie:

How to make the most delicious apple pie:

  1. Leave the butter for a short while in a warm place to soften. My apples.

    We prepare products

  2. Let's make the dough for this cake dry, in the form of a crumb. To do this, add sugar and soft butter to the flour. Rub it into crumbs with our hands; you do not need to collect it into a ball.


  3. Preparing sour cream filling for apples (just like for). To do this, simply mix sour cream, sugar and flour with a whisk or spoon.

    Pouring sour cream

  4. Now let's make a delicious cinnamon sprinkle on top of the cake. Also, as for the dough, grind the softened butter with flour and sugar with our hands. And add ground cinnamon.

    Topping for the top of the pie

  5. Last of all, we cut the apples into thin small slices (I don’t peel the apples from the skins, but if they are tough, then you can peel them).

    Apples for pie filling

  6. Grease the baking dish with butter. We pour out all the “dough”, distribute it evenly over the bottom of the mold and make bumpers from the same crumb with our fingers.

    Advice: If you have a pan with a diameter less than 26 cm, it is better to make less dough, otherwise the bottom layer will be too thick and will not be saturated with liquid during baking.

    Dry dough base

  7. We spread the sliced ​​apples.

    Layer of apples

  8. Pour the sour cream over the top evenly, spreading it over the apples with a spoon.

    Pouring with sour cream filling

  9. Now sprinkle with cinnamon crumbs, covering the entire apple filling.

    Sprinkle with sprinkles

    Advice: The first time it is better to make a pie with apples as I described above, and then the process can be simplified a little. I do this: I mix the dough - I put it in a mold, I cut the apples - I put it on the dough, I fill it in a bowl of dough - I pour apples into it, again in the same bowl (you just need to scrape off sour cream well from it) I make a sprinkle - I sprinkle ...

  10. We put the pie in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 35 minutes.

    The apple pie is ready

Let our most delicious apple pie cool and cut into pieces.

The most delicious apple pie

We brew our favorite tea and serve it to the table!

Bon Appetit!

Try another delicious recipe - it also takes pride of place in our family.

P.S. If you liked the recipe, don't miss new ones!

Apple pie can be called a classic autumn dessert. His perfect recipe is a must-have for every culinary specialist. Novice culinary specialists will be especially pleased that baked goods with fresh apples are prepared as easily as possible.

The classic recipe for the discussed cake includes a minimum of the most affordable products. In addition to fruits (3-5 apples), you need to take: 3 eggs, 270 g each of sugar and sifted flour, a pinch of baking soda (extinguishing is not required).

  1. To begin with, the fruits are thoroughly washed, peeled, removed from the middle and cut into small slices. Prepared apples are laid out in a form greased with any oil. It is best to choose a creamy one for this purpose.
  2. Eggs are beaten with sugar using a mixer until smooth.
  3. Flour and soda are gradually added to the sweet egg mass. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  4. The dough will be thick, but it will pour well.
  5. The apples are completely covered with the sweet mass.
  6. The cake is baked in a well-preheated oven for 25 minutes.

Finished baked goods should be generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Apple charlotte

Delicate sweet charlotte is usually cooked with kefir. For such a treat, you will need to take 220 ml. fatty dairy product. And, in addition: 280 g flour, 220 g sugar, 2 chicken eggs, 5 apples, 5 g baking powder, 160 g butter.

  1. The butter is softened in the microwave and mixed with granulated sugar. After that, eggs are driven into the mixture, and the components are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Warm kefir is poured into the mixture, and then sifted flour with baking powder is poured. The finished dough should be even slightly thicker than is usually used for kefir pancakes.
  3. Apples are peeled, washed and laid out in a mold greased with any oil.
  4. The dough is poured over the fruit.
  5. Dessert is baked at 185 degrees to a delicious crust.

The finished cake is garnished with a mixture of cinnamon and cocoa.

Open apple pie

Open pies with apples look very nice and appetizing. Such a treat will look great even on a festive table. To prepare it, you need to use: 360 g flour, a handful of peeled walnuts, 3 eggs, 170 g butter with a high percentage of fat, 7 g baking powder, 160 g sugar, 3 sour apples, a pinch of vanillin and a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice.

  1. Using a whisk, the softened butter is mixed with sugar and vanilla until the mass is snow-white and homogeneous.
  2. Eggs are added to the resulting mixture, 1 at a time. Each one interferes with the future dough very intensively for a couple of minutes. As a result, the granulated sugar will completely dissolve, and the mass will turn out to be more liquid.
  3. Sifted flour with baking powder is added to the previously mixed ingredients.
  4. Last but not least, a peeled and coarsely grated apple is sent to the rest of the components.
  5. If the fruit turns out to be very juicy, then you can add a little more flour, and mix the mass again. You can use a food processor for this.
  6. With wet hands, the dough is spread over a greased mold. Large slices of the remaining apples are laid out on top.
  7. It remains to sprinkle the future pie with sugar, chopped nuts and send it to bake for 45 minutes. into a preheated oven.

The resulting treat goes well with creamy ice cream.

Bulgarian recipe

The main feature of such baked goods is that the flour is mixed with semolina in it. This makes the dough more tender and crumbly. Not in it and eggs. In addition to flour and semolina (180 g each), you also need to use for the cake: 5 sweet and sour apples, 7 g baking powder, 220 ml. fat milk, 1 lemon, 180 g of sugar, a pinch of ground cinnamon.

  1. Flour with baking powder is sifted into a bowl, and semolina and sugar are added.
  2. Apples are washed, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater. The fruit should be immediately sprinkled with lemon juice so that it does not darken.
  3. Part of the dry mixture is poured onto the bottom of a split form, covered with baking paper, so that it completely hides the coating. Above - a layer of apple shavings. The layers are repeated several more times until the ingredients run out.
  4. The milk is brought to a boil and poured over the future cake. It must be evenly distributed throughout the mass.
  5. It remains to sprinkle the surface with cinnamon and make several punctures with a knife throughout the cake.
  6. The treat will be prepared for about 55 minutes until golden brown appears.

The resulting baked goods can be served with condensed milk.

Tsvetaevsky apple pie

It is believed that the Tsvetaeva sisters treated their guests to this particular version of the apple pie many years ago. It also turns out to be open. For such a dessert you will need: 280 g of flour, 1 egg, 190 g of sugar, 320 g of fat sour cream, a pack of butter, 5 g of baking powder, 3 apples with sourness.

  1. In one container, flour sifted with baking powder (240 g) and butter cut into small pieces are combined.
  2. The mass is ground into crumbs and sour cream (120 g) is immediately sent to it.
  3. A homogeneous, elastic and non-sticky dough is kneaded. While the filling is being prepared, it will be in the refrigerator.
  4. The fruits are peeled, washed and cut into thin plastics.
  5. The egg combines with sugar, remaining flour and sour cream. The mass must be homogeneous.
  6. A detachable baking dish is greased with oil, the dough is laid out in it so that high sides are formed.
  7. Then apple slices are laid out in two layers.
  8. It remains to pour the filling with sour cream-sugar mass.
  9. The treat is baked for about 55 minutes.

Before cutting and serving, Tsvetaevsky apple pie is best placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

A Simple American Pie Recipe

This American pie has a special shortcrust pastry and caramelized delicate filling.

Moreover, his recipe is simple, and ready-made pastries can be stored for 4-5 days in the refrigerator. To prepare such a cake, you need to take: 1.3 kg. sour apples, 380 g flour, 240 g sugar, a standard pack of butter, 1 egg yolk, 120 ml. ice water, lemon zest, a pinch of nutmeg and ground cinnamon.

  1. The flour is sieved, mixed with sugar (40 g) and finely chopped cold butter (3/4 of a pack). The ingredients are quickly ground into crumbs. This can be done exclusively with your fingertips.
  2. The mass is laid out with a slide and a small depression is made in its center. Egg yolk whipped with ice water is poured into it.
  3. The dough cannot be kneaded, so you need to gently stir it and form a ball. In the process, you may need some more cold water.
  4. The dough should be kept in the refrigerator (wrapped in foil) for at least 1 hour.
  5. The apples are washed, peeled and cut into thin slices.
  6. The remaining butter and sugar are put into the pan. Together they warm up, after which apples are added to the ingredients.
  7. Stir the mass in the pan constantly so that the granulated sugar does not burn and darken.
  8. In a sweet mass, apples caramelize for about 15 minutes. As a result, only a minimal amount of liquid should remain in the dishes.
  9. While the filling is cooling, the dough is removed from the refrigerator and divided into two unequal parts.
  10. From the greater half, the bottom cake is rolled out on flour. It fits into an oiled mold. It is also necessary to form high sides.
  11. Lay out the apple mass and sprinkle with seasonings and fine lemon zest.
  12. The second cake is rolled out on top, and the edges of the pastry are pinched.
  13. In the middle of the future treat, a hole is made for steam to escape.
  14. Dessert is prepared for 25 minutes. It is enough to preheat the oven to 170 degrees.

Serve hot American apple pie.

Grated apple pie

Such a cake is indispensable for suddenly arriving guests. It is easy to prepare and from the available products: 260 g flour, 1 egg, 170 g granulated sugar, 2-3 apples, 140 g butter, a bag of ground cinnamon, 5 g soda.

  1. The butter is softened in the microwave or in a water bath, mixed with granulated sugar and chicken eggs.
  2. Flour and soda quenched in any convenient way are added to the future dough.
  3. As a result, the hostess should have a soft, strong dough that does not stick to her hands. It is divided into two unequal parts, and the smaller one is sent to the freezer for 35 minutes.
  4. More than half is laid out in shape. On top of it peeled apples rub on a coarse grater. Sprinkle the filling with cinnamon and a little sugar.
  5. It remains to cover the fruit with the remaining dough by grating it.
  6. The treat is baked for 35 minutes in a well-heated oven.

The pie is served chilled.

Taten - French step by step recipe

This is the most difficult cooking option. But every housewife will be able to repeat it quite well, if you follow the instructions published below. For such baking you will need to take: 220 g of "extra" flour and the same amount of butter, 3-4 apples, 120 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon, 50 ml. water.

  1. Butter (100 g) with flour and half of the sugar are ground into crumbs. Water is sent to the mass, and standard shortbread dough is kneaded. If it is not soft and pliable, but too steep, then you can increase the amount of liquid used. The dough in the film is removed in the freezer for an hour.
  2. The remaining butter with 50 g of sugar and cinnamon is simmered for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Apples are washed, peeled and sent to the hot mass. In this case, you need to sprinkle them with the remaining sugar.
  4. After 15 minutes, remove the caramelized fruit from the heat and cool.
  5. The apple filling is laid out in a greased form, and covered with a layer of slightly thawed and rolled dough on top.
  6. Several punctures are made on the surface of the future cake with a fork.
  7. At a temperature of 190 degrees, the treat will be completely ready in 35 minutes.

After the baking has cooled, it is turned over onto a large plate with the filling up and cut into portions.

Bulk Apple Pie

It is a bulk pie with fresh apples that can be called baking for a quick hand.

He will especially appeal to those housewives who do not like to mess with the dough. For such a pie you need to take: 320 g each of sugar, flour and semolina, 5 sour apples, a pack of butter, 2 tsp each. vanilla sugar and baking powder.

  1. All bulk products are combined and mixed until smooth.
  2. Apples are washed, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. Fruit and dough are divided into three parts.
  4. Next, a pie is formed: bulk products - apples - frozen butter grated on a coarse grater. The layers are repeated 2 more times. At the end, they need to be changed so that the oil is on top.
  5. The pie is baked for 35 minutes.

The finished treat is moist, tender and very soft.

Jellied pie

This option is usually prepared with kefir (230 ml.). In addition to him, you need to take: 3 apples, 0.5 tsp each. cinnamon and soda, 140 g sugar, 2 eggs, 230 g flour, 70 g butter.

  1. Flour is sifted with soda.
  2. Kefir is mixed with sugar, eggs and softened butter.
  3. Liquid ingredients are mixed with dry ingredients so that the mass is thick and homogeneous.
  4. The dough is laid out in a greased form, and apples, peeled and cut into large pieces, are spread over it.
  5. The treat is baked for about 40 minutes until the toothpick is dry.

Cinnamon is added to baked goods as desired. Apples are sprinkled on top of it.

Inverted apple pie

The flip-flop pie is prepared with caramel. For him you need the following ingredients: 240 g each of flour, butter and sugar, 4 eggs and apples, 2 tsp each. baking powder and cinnamon, a pinch of vanillin.

  1. To prepare caramel, 90 g of butter, 120 g of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon are mixed. The ingredients are cooked over medium heat until smooth.
  2. Apples are cut into small slices with the peel and laid out in a greased dish. Top of the fruit is poured with caramel.
  3. Beat eggs, remaining sugar and vanillin until fluffy. After that, the rest of the oil and flour sifted with baking powder are sent to them.
  4. The tough dough is kneaded, which is laid out on the apples.
  5. The pie is cooked at 160 degrees for about 35 minutes.

After cooling, the pastry is turned over onto the dish with the filling up.

Cooking in a multicooker

The easiest way to bake apple pie in a multicooker. To do this, you need to take: 180 g each sugar and flour, 3 eggs, 2 sour apples, a pinch of salt, butter.

  1. Eggs with salt and granulated sugar are beaten with a mixer until fluffy.
  2. Flour is added to the sweet egg mass and the ingredients mix well.
  3. In a greased multicooker bowl, half the dough is laid out, then slices of peeled apples and again the dough.
  4. In the "Baking" mode, the dessert is cooked for 55 minutes.

During cooking, the lid of the device must be closed.

Hooray!!! Finally, I came across a recipe for apple pie, well, very similar to the one I've been looking for for many years :)

Remember, in the recipe for yeast pie with apples, I talked about the mysterious recipe for a delicious apple pie? Every year one of my mother’s employees treated her colleagues to them for his birthday, but didn’t tell anyone how he baked it. And the pie was delicious - a layer of fluffy dough, in the middle - a delicate apple layer, and on top - an amazing shiny, brown crust, thin and soft! A mysterious recipe haunted me for a long time. I baked a wide variety of apple cakes: yeast and loose pies, charlottes and manna, but the cake from my childhood remained elusive. It was not sponge cake or yeast, but what was it? And then a recipe was found, in appearance and taste very similar to that very pie!


  • 6-8 large apples, the more - the more apple pie! It is better to take apples of hard, sour varieties;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • 225 g butter;
  • 280 g sugar (1 cup and a little more than 1/3 cup);
  • 4 large eggs (because if you take small testicles from young hens, the dough will turn out to be too thick. Although you can take 6 of them :)
  • Wheat flour - according to the recipe 350 g, that is, 2 and 2/3 cups. But, in my opinion, this is a lot - the dough is not poured into the mold, but laid out. Next time, I would take a little less, for example 2 ¼ - 2 ½ cups of flour.
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • Optionally - a bag of vanilla sugar.

How to bake a delicious apple pie:

First, prepare the apples: wash them, cut them into quarters, peel them and cut them into thin slices. And so as not to oxidize, sprinkle with lemon juice.

The dough for the pie is prepared in about the same way as for the "Cherry Wave", the cake is similar to both a biscuit and a cake: very fluffy, but denser than a biscuit. You might even think that this is a rich yeast dough, although there is no yeast there.

Beat the softened butter with a mixer with sugar until fluffy (1 minute at low speed). And it is better to take powdered sugar instead of sugar, then the dough will turn out even more tender.

Add the eggs to the beaten butter one at a time, whisking each time until smooth.

Sift flour with baking powder into the dough, not all at once, but in 3-4 doses, and mix each time.

Look at the consistency of the dough: it should not be too steep, but not runny either, thicker than the pancakes.

A round or rectangular shape is suitable for baking a cake. I have a round one with a diameter of 25 cm, but the layer of dough in it turned out to be high, so the cake was baked for a long time, more than an hour. So I advise you to take a more spacious form, in the original - 20x27 cm.

We cover the form with oiled parchment, grease the sides with vegetable oil.

We distribute half of the dough on the bottom of the mold.

Spread apples evenly on the dough and crush with cinnamon.

Put the rest of the dough on the apples, level with a spoon.

We put the apple pie in the oven and bake at 180-200C until a dry wooden stick, and how many minutes depends on your shape and oven. About 50-60. And so that the crust on the cake becomes even more ruddy, shortly before cooking, grease its surface with whipped yolk.

Let the cake cool slightly in the pan, then carefully remove it and transfer it to a platter.

Here is such a fluffy cutaway pie!

I think next time you need to take a smaller form, and put more apples. Then it will look even more like that delicious apple pie!

Simple recipe, right? I suggest you try it now, just the apple season is in the yard!

Your family will love it!

This pie has a lot of apples and almost no dough. It looks more like butter cream.


  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 70-80 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 15 g baking powder;


Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Peel and core the apples and cut into very thin slices or wedges.

Transfer the apples to a large bowl. Pour lemon juice over the fruit to prevent browning as you cook the dough.

Beat the butter and sugar with a mixer. Add eggs, lemon zest and salt and beat until smooth. Pour in milk and whisk again.

Combine the flour with baking powder and whisk in the flour mixture gradually. Pour the dough over the apples and mix gently.

Line a 22 cm dish with parchment and carefully lay the apples there: not in a bunch, but in layers. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 50–55 minutes. Check the readiness with a toothpick: it should come out of the cake dry.

Transfer the pie to a serving platter, cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Such beauty can even be served on a festive table.


  • 150 g butter;
  • 125 g sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons of milk;
  • 6-7 small sweet apples;
  • some vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons apricot jam
  • 1 tablespoon of water.


Beat with a mixer 125 g of butter. Combine sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. While continuing to beat the butter, add the sugar mixture to it. Add finely grated lemon zest and stir.

Without turning off the mixer, add eggs to the dough one at a time. Combine flour and baking powder, add to dough and beat. Pour in milk and whisk again.

Peel the apples, cut in half and remove the cores. Use a knife to make cuts 2-3 mm deep on each half of the apple.

Line the bottom of a mold with a diameter of 26 cm with parchment. To make it easier to take out the cake, you can take a mold with a removable bottom. Lubricate the parchment with vegetable oil.

Place the dough in a mold and flatten. Place the apples on top, with the notches facing up. Melt the remaining 25 g of butter and brush over the apples. Bake the cake at 180 ° C for 45 minutes.

Combine apricot jam and water. While the pie is hot, brush the apples liberally and lightly over the dough itself. Cool the pie before slicing.


To prepare this dish, semolina and grated apples are used. The pie turns out to be moist and very aromatic, and the poppy seeds add zest to its appearance.


  • 400 ml of kefir;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 210 g;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 3 large apples;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of confectionery poppy.


Mix kefir, sugar and semolina and leave for half an hour to swell the cereals. Add eggs and beat until smooth.

Grate the peeled apples with a coarse grater. Add apples, baking powder and poppy seeds to the dough and mix well.

Place the dough in a 23 cm dish. Bake at 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes, until the cake is browned.

The perfect combination of crumbly dough and delicate sweet filling.


  • 200 g sour cream, 15% fat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 70 g butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 100 g + 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1½ teaspoon vanilla sugar
  • 500 g flour + a little for sprinkling;
  • 3 tablespoons of potato starch;
  • 5-6 sweet and sour apples;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 1 banana;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Whisk the sour cream, eggs, melted butter, salt, baking powder, 100 g sugar and vanilla sugar. Add flour and 2 tablespoons of starch and stir.

Sprinkle flour on the table, put the dough there and knead it. It should be very soft and slightly sticky to your hands. Wrap the mass in cling film and refrigerate for 15–20 minutes.

Peel the apples and cut into large cubes. Put them in a skillet, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and water. Simmer covered over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the liquid evaporates. Remove from heat and cool slightly.

Cut off ⅔ of the chilled dough. Roll out in a round layer and distribute it over the bottom and sides of the 26 cm diameter mold.

Sprinkle the bottom of the cake base with starch, top with the apples and sliced ​​banana. Roll out the remaining third of the dough into a thin layer, cut into strips and lay them over the filling with a wicker wicker.

Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 45-50 minutes. The cake should brown.

Cool it in a mold, transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


The filling turns out to be very tasty and goes well with apples.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 70 g potato starch;
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder;
  • 250 g;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 3-4 large apples.


Beat 1 egg and 50 g sugar with a mixer. Add softened butter, flour, 50 g starch and baking powder. Knead the dough, wrap with cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.

For 2 eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Combine yolks, cottage cheese, 70 g of sugar, 20 g of starch and lemon juice with a mixer. Whisk the whites separately into a fluffy foam, add to the curd mixture and stir with a spatula.

Peel the apples and seeds and cut into small wedges. Roll out the dough in a round layer and spread over the bottom and sides of the parchment-lined form. A shape with a diameter of 26 cm is perfect.

Place the apples on top of the dough and cover with the curd mixture. Place the cake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes.


The look and flavor of this cake is enough to make everyone salivate.


  • 3-4 apples;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 100 g + 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • ½ – 1 teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 300 g


Peel apples and seeds. Cut the fruit into several large wedges. Drizzle with lemon juice, sprinkle with 1 spoonful of sugar and cinnamon and stir.

Put 100 g of sugar and butter in a regular cast iron pan. Put on high heat and, stirring occasionally, wait for the sugar to melt. You should have a golden caramel.

Put the apples in a circle on the caramel and heat over moderate heat for another 15 minutes so that the slices let the juice flow.

Roll out the dough in a round, slightly larger diameter than the pan. Gently line the dough over the apples, curling the edges inward and pierce several times with a fork. Bake for 30–35 minutes at 180 ° C.

Let cool for 5-7 minutes before turning the pie. If you turn it over earlier, the hot caramel may leak out. And if you leave the finished pie in the pan for more than 10 minutes, the apples can stick to the bottom.

The highlight of this pie is a huge amount of apples, the taste of which is perfectly complemented by walnuts.


  • 380 g flour;
  • 1½ teaspoon;
  • 190 g butter;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream;
  • 2 kg of apples;
  • ½ – 1 teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • 2½ tablespoon bread crumbs
  • 50 g roasted walnuts;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Combine flour and baking powder. Add small cubes of cold butter and crush into crumbs. Add 80 g of sugar and salt and stir. Add the yolks and sour cream, collect the dough with a fork and then knead with your hands.

Cut off a third of the dough, wrap with cling film and put in the freezer. Place a large piece in the refrigerator for about an hour.

On parchment, roll out a large piece of dough to the size of the mold (ideally 31 x 24 cm). Transfer the parchment to a mold and smooth to the bottom.

Pierce the dough with a fork around the entire perimeter and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes. Then cool it down.

Peel apples and cores. Cut the fruit into very thin slices. Transfer them to a bowl, add the remaining sugar and cinnamon and stir. If the apples are not too sweet, you can add more sugar.

Cover the cake base with breadcrumbs, lay the apples in even layers and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Spread the grated frozen dough on top.

Bake the cake at 180 ° C for 65 minutes. Cool it in a mold, transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


You don't even have to knead the dough.


  • 250 g flour;
  • 200-250 g sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 120 g butter;
  • 500 g soft cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 apples.


Combine flour, sugar and baking powder. Set aside 3 tablespoons of this mixture for a sprinkle of cake.

Grease a 25 x 21 cm baking dish with a piece of butter (about 20 g). Spread half of the flour mixture over the bottom of the mold.

Mix cottage cheese and egg until smooth. Place the curd mixture over the flour mixture and flatten. Sprinkle with the other half of the flour mixture and top with 80 g of butter, cut into slices.

Cut the apples in half, remove the cores and chop them into thin wedges. Place them on the butter. Grind 3 tablespoons flour mixture and 20 g butter into crumbs. Sprinkle the crumbs over the apples and bake the cake at 180 ° C for 40–45 minutes.

9. Pie with apples and sour cream filling


You will like the pie even without sour cream, but with it it will be especially tasty and tender.


  • 100 g butter + a little for lubrication;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda;
  • ¼ a teaspoon of vinegar 9%;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 250 g sour cream, 15% fat.


Mash butter and 75 g sugar. Add eggs and beat with a mixer. Add vinegar slaked baking soda and flour and knead the dough.

Set aside a small piece of dough to decorate the cake. Grease a 27 cm dish with butter. Using your hands, spread the dough over the bottom and sides of the dish.

Peel the apples and seeds and cut into thin slices. Place them on the dough in a circle. Roll out the remaining dough thinly, cut into long strips and make a braid over the apples.

Bake the cake for 30–35 minutes at 180 ° C. Whisk in the sour cream and remaining sugar and pour over the hot cake. Let it cool before chopping it.

The combination of these ingredients makes the cake incredibly delicious.


  • 2 large apples;
  • 180 g + 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 3 tablespoons of bread crumbs;
  • 250 g ricotta;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 220 g flour;
  • 16 g dry fast-acting yeast;
  • 90-100 g of dark chocolate;
  • a little butter;
  • 1 tablespoon caster sugar.


Peel the apples and cut into cubes. Add a tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and crackers to them and stir.

Mash the ricotta and 180 g sugar, then whisk until creamy. Add eggs and beat well again. Add the grated lemon zest and oil and stir.

Combine flour and yeast. Pour the flour mixture into the dough and turn into a homogeneous mass. Add chopped chocolate and apples and stir again.

Grease a 25 cm tin. Place the dough in the tin and flatten. Bake the pie 35-40 minutes at 180 ° C. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Apple pie is the kind of pastry that every girl was taught to cook in technology lessons. It is a pie with apples that will always come in handy if a tea party is planned, and every housewife has a recipe for “her own” apple pie.

How the apple pie recipe came about is not known for certain, but quite a few versions are being put forward. Someone says that the homeland of the apple pie is Russia, someone claims that it was invented by French pastry chefs. The British are not far behind, but the fact remains - apple pies have won the hearts of gourmets all over the world!

Puff pastry apple pie in the oven

How sometimes you want to cook something simple, but stunning and quick. Happened? Then you are at the right place. Today we bake puff pastry apple pie - tasty and uncomplicated. Even a beginner who has never taken a rolling pin in his hands will make baked goods!

Ingredient List:

  • 3 kg of sour apples;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
  • ready-made puff pastry - you can use the usual unleavened puff.

Cooking progress:

First of all, we do the stuffing. Wash the apples, dry them, get rid of the peel and seeds. By the way, apples should be exactly sour, they should not have rot, holes. Then we cut them in half and cut them into thin slices.

Now we decide on the size. The amount of ingredients is calculated on a baking sheet for 40 x 60, but if you are going to cook a 40 x 30 pie, then we take half the ingredients. No, you don't need to rush for a centimeter and scrupulously measure everything this very second. Errors are acceptable 🙂

Let's put the apples aside for now and start with the dough. It must be divided in half and rolled into a thin layer 5 mm thick, after sprinkling the table with flour. Again - measurements are all by eye.

Put the puff pastry rolled out to the desired length on a baking sheet. The dough itself should be well sprinkled with flour so that nothing sticks together. How do we shift? This may seem incomprehensible to a beginner, so I will explain: carefully wrap the dough on a rolling pin and unwind it on a baking sheet.

We spread the apple slices, covering the entire center. Be sure to leave the edges free. Mix granulated sugar with cinnamon and sprinkle generously with apples.

Roll out the second part of the puff pastry. Then we fold it and make several oblique cuts along the folded side. If not entirely clear, then look at the photo.

Then we unfold this blank and close the apples with it. To secure the edges well, moisten them a little with water before pinching them.

The resulting cuts will be used to decorate the cake. Raise the first strip and put it on the cake, taking it back. The photo shows what kind of braid you should get in the end. Lubricate it with a beaten egg.

The apple pie is almost ready, it remains to put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. After cooking, wait for it to cool and serve. Bon Appetit!

Apple pie with kefir - a quick recipe

Kefir apple pie can be made very quickly. In general, this is a quick recipe and is especially suitable if unexpected guests come to you. The baked goods will be tasty and cook quickly.

Ingredient List:

  • two eggs (you can take three);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • some cinnamon;
  • 1, 5 cups flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of baking soda;
  • vegetable oil - 1, 5 tablespoons;
  • about a kilogram of apples;
  • a little semolina - for sprinkling the form;
  • powdered sugar - for decoration.

Cooking progress:

  1. First, break two eggs into a separate bowl, add sugar and a pinch of salt. Then beat this mixture well so that a foam forms, add there and mix the kefir again.
  2. Then add a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon to the mixture. Next, add flour soda and stir everything well. To make the dough elastic, pour vegetable oil into it and mix again.
  3. Peel the apples and cut them into thin slices.
  4. Lubricate the form with butter. Then the crust will turn out tastier, and the cake itself will be easier to take out. Sprinkle it with semolina additionally.
  5. We collect the pie - put the apples on the bottom of the form and fill them with dough. We put the form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Sprinkle the apple pie with icing sugar before serving. It will turn out beautifully and add a little more sweetness to the baked goods.

Simple apple pie recipe: "Charlotte"

Charlotte is the easiest apple pie to make. There are a minimum of components in it, and the resulting baked goods are incredibly tasty. Apple charlotte is attractive for its variability: the amount of ingredients can be changed at will. Much more

Ingredient List:

  • 3 - 5 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 4 - 6 apples.

If you like cinnamon, you can add it as well. You will need about one teaspoon of the powder.

Cooking progress:

  1. Before starting collecting the dough, preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  2. We break the eggs, and separate the yolks from the whites. Now we beat everything separately: whites - until a lush foam forms, just beat the yolks.
  3. Let's go back to the proteins: beat them again, gradually adding sugar and cinnamon in small portions. Then pour out the yolks and add the flour. Stir the mixture again with a mixer. The dough, the consistency of which should resemble thick sour cream, is ready.
  4. It's time to tackle the stuffing. We clean the fruits, get rid of seeds, remove the skin, cut into slices.
  5. The form must be greased with vegetable or butter. Pour the third part of the dough into it and lay the apple slices on its surface. We cover them with the rest of the dough and put the charlotte in the oven. This version of the apple pie is baked for about 30 minutes. The landmark is a beautiful crust.

Sprinkle with icing sugar before serving.

Sour cream apple pie recipe

An apple pie with sour cream tastes better than a classic charlotte, and it is also easy to prepare.


  • three eggs;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of fat sour cream;
  • good butter - 50 grams;
  • flour - 250 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - sachet;
  • baking powder - sachet;
  • two - three sweet apples;
  • raisins - 100 grams.

For sprinkling:

  • butter - 20 g;
  • 3 rounded tablespoons of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of sifted flour;

Cooking progress:

  1. We break the eggs into a deep bowl, and add sugar there. Beat with a submersible mixer until fluffy. At maximum speed, 5 - 6 minutes is quite enough.
  2. After, without turning off the device, add sour cream in small portions. Then add melted butter to the mixture and beat it for a few more minutes. Next, add flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Mix everything well. The dough should be thick and viscous, but without lumps.
  3. Now let's get down to raisins: pour it over and leave with boiling water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water. Wash the apples and peel them. Then he cuts it into slices.
  4. Grease the baking dish with oil so that the cake does not burn. Then sprinkle the walls and bottom with semolina.
  5. Pour out three pieces of dough and spread the apple over it. Pour out the prepared raisins and cover everything with the rest of the dough.
  6. Now you need to prepare the sprinkling. We mix all the ingredients - softened butter, granulated sugar and flour - and grind them with our hands to make a crumb.

Sprinkle the top of the apple pie with the resulting crumb and put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. It will be baked for about 40 minutes, but periodically the pie must be taken out and checked for readiness.

Delicious apple pie with sour cream filling

Apple pie with sour cream filling resembles a French tart, but unlike it, it is baked in one go. You end up with a thin crust and a juicy filling. It turns out like a cross between apple soufflé and butter cream.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • flour - 250 grams;
  • butter - 150 grams;
  • baking powder - a teaspoon without a slide;
  • fat sour cream - 110 grams;
  • cold water - three tablespoons.
  • apples - 800 grams;
  • cinnamon powder - half a teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 300 grams;
  • flour - two spoons;
  • egg;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - a teaspoon.


Pour flour and baking powder into a deep bowl. Then add pre-softened butter, cut into pieces. Now knead flour and butter to make crumbs.

After that, you can add sour cream and water. Knead the dough quickly. It must be collected in a lump, wrapped with cling film and put in the refrigerator so that it becomes cold.

Peel the apples, cut into slices. Put them in a separate bowl and sprinkle with cinnamon. We mix.

Now we need to fill it. To do this, mix all the components and beat them with a mixer so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. In consistency, it should resemble pancake dough.

We take out the cooled dough and put it in the mold. Then we knead it with our fingers over the entire surface. Be sure to form the sides. We prick the dough with a fork so that it does not rise during baking.

And put apples in it in a circle. The final touch - fill the filling with sour cream filling. We put our apple pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake it for 1 hour.

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