Home / Biscuits / Mushroom borsch with ears. Cooking beet kvass for borsch

Mushroom borsch with ears. Cooking beet kvass for borsch

Have you tried clear borscht? You heard right! Borscht, in which a spoon is not "worth". Broth of "borscht" color and taste of real borscht, but not borscht ... borscht! Polish Borscht with Dumplings.

Despite the seeming lightness in the plate, the dish is quite time consuming and requires skill. First, you need to prepare the vegetable broth. We choose fresh vegetables from the garden: onions, beets, cabbage, celery, carrots, parsley root.

Then take care of the beet kvass. Beet kvass is an obligatory ingredient of Polish borscht and a number of Ukrainian borscht.

Beet kvass. Recipe

Choosing a bright sweet beet. Five hundred grams should be enough for the preparation of several first courses. Wash, clean. Chop: thinly chop or grate. V glass jar send prepared beets, an incomplete teaspoon of granulated sugar, a little sourdough bread kvass or a crust of dark bread, a few peas of black pepper. Fans can add a clove of garlic. We leave the jar in a warm place for a few days to ferment. As soon as the kvass dies down (foam and bubble-bubbles stop forming - the fermentation process slows down), strain and send it to the refrigerator. For a couple of months, you are provided with an impeccable ingredient for dishes of Ukrainian, Polish and Russian cuisine.

If the borsch is not sour enough, pour in some freshly squeezed lemon juice. Don't use vinegar!

Polish Borscht with Dumplings

Bright lean borscht ik with mushroom ears in Poland is prepared for Christmas. TO Easter table serve borscht on meat broth... Dumplings - "ears" - are cooked separately and added to the finished broth, 6-7 pieces per serving.

Old Polish borscht with ears bright dish, is not it?

Old Polish borscht with ears is the pride of Polish cuisine. It is usually cooked once a year, you can, of course, and more often, but according to tradition, this rich lean borscht is prepared in every Polish family for a lean dinner on Christmas Eve, including 12 lean dishes... There are many recipes, like Ukrainian borscht. I want to introduce you to one of them. Borscht consists of three parts: beet kvass, vegetable broth and mushroom broth... But to prepare borscht, you need to prepare in advance, at least 5 days in advance, or better - 8-10 days in advance.

To prepare old Polish borscht, we need the products listed in the list.

So let's get down to cooking.

First you need to make beet kvass. Cut the beets into thin slices, put them in a jar, fill them with water at room temperature. Add rye bread, sugar (to speed up fermentation). We put in a warm place, cover with gauze. We put the can in a plate, in case the kvass spills over the side.

After about 5-6 days, the kvass is ready. If kvass is poured into a bottle and refrigerated, it can be stored there for several months, but you can simply use it in borscht.

Let's start preparing the vegetable broth: peel the potatoes, 1 onion, carrots, celery, parsley, garlic and vegetable oil, send them to the pan. Fill with water and set to cook.

We clean the beets, chop coarsely and send them to cook with vegetables. Cook under a closed lid until vegetables are cooked.

Pass the second bow.

Soak dry mushrooms for 3 hours and send to cook until tender.

Then remove the mushrooms, cool and chop very finely.

We send the mushrooms to the pan, fry. Add sautéed onions to the mushrooms.

Let's start preparing the ears. Knead the dough from flour, water, vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. We leave it in a bowl, covered with foil for 30 minutes, so that it rests.

The dough is ready.

Roll out the dough into a layer and cut into squares approximately 3.5 cm by 3.5 cm. In the middle of each square we spread mushroom filling and we sculpt the ears obliquely. We connect two opposite ends together.

So we sculpt all the ears. We send them to cook.

Remove vegetables from the vegetable broth and combine it with the mushroom broth. Add beet kvass to taste, salt, pepper, add the remaining mushrooms.

Serving old Polish borscht with ears!

Bon Appetit!

This borscht is considered a dish from Polish cuisine, but Lithuanian cuisine is also famous for this soup, many consider the cooking option to be Odessa. There are a lot of recipes for such borscht as Ukrainian. It appeared at the beginning of the 18th century. In Polish families it is prepared before Christmas on Christmas Eve, they have a lean one, without meat ingredients... I was interested and found recipes for soup cooked in broths. In general, the recipe for red borscht with ears is not simple, it takes time to cook, so you won't cook it every day, but you can please yourself in fasting, before the holiday. Ears are small dumplings stuffed with buckwheat porridge, mushrooms, meat, grated bread, etc.


For mushroom and vegetable broths.


  • 0.7 l. water,
  • dry mushrooms 200 gr.,
  • granulated sugar 8 gr.,
  • salt pepper.


  • 1000 ml. water,
  • carrot 1 pc.,
  • onion 1 pc.,
  • garlic 2 tbs.,
  • beets 2 pcs.,
  • celery root, parsley,
  • leeks 1 stalk,
  • oil 40 ml. refined.

Beet kvass:

  • 1000 ml. water,
  • beets 2 pcs.,
  • 2 pieces rye bread,
  • granulated sugar 10 gr.


  • flour 85 gr.,
  • water 60 ml.,
  • 15 ml refined oil,
  • a pinch of salt,


  • buckwheat 100 gr.,
  • 1 tbsp. water,
  • salt.

Cooking beet kvass for borsch

For cooking, we need beet kvass, it is better to make it in advance so that it will stand for 6-7 days. To do this, cut the beets into thin slices, put in a glass container, add sugar, bread - will improve the fermentation process, fill with warm water. Do not cover tightly, just cover with gauze or a towel, place dishes under the jar.

Preparation of broths

For vegetable:
  • we clean, wash all the vegetables,
  • put them in a saucepan,
  • fill with water and send to the stove,
  • cook until full readiness vegetables.
It is better to pre-pour the mushrooms overnight, then wash, cook for a couple of hours, take out the mushrooms, filter the broth.

How to make ears


Knead the dough for ears from the above ingredients, cover cling film, leave to rest for 30-40 minutes.


  • finely chop a small part of the mushrooms from the broth, sauté in refined oil with diced onions,
  • boil buckwheat, mix with mushrooms, salt, pepper, cool.

We sculpt and serve ears in borscht

  • Roll out the dough, cut into 3 by 3 cm squares, lay out the filling, glue it obliquely to make triangles.
  • Boil like dumplings in salted water.
  • Strain the vegetable broth, combine with the remaining mushroom broth, add kvass to taste, add salt, pepper, put the remaining mushrooms. Pour into small plates and serve with ears.
Bon Appetit!
  • Better, when all broths are cooked and mixed in advance, let it brew for 1.5-2 hours.
  • You can add cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables to this soup, just like to Ukrainian borscht.
  • Cook simple borsch without beet kvass, add ears, it will be very tasty and unusual.
by The Wild Mistress's Notes

Products for borscht: 1.5 kg of beets, 1 piece of rye bread, 50 - 80 g of white dried mushrooms, 1 celery, 1 carrot, 1 parsley, 1 onion, leek, 4 beets, a clove of garlic, 10 black peppercorns, 2 allspice peas, bay leaf, salt to taste, sugar to taste. Red is rightfully considered the pride of Old Polish cuisine , and for Christmas such borscht is prepared necessarily lean. In Poland, borscht appears on the menu of the most refined receptions. Try to cook this borscht for a holiday.

Prepared with beet kvass, first of all, you need to ferment the beets. To do this, peel the thoroughly washed beets, cut them into thin slices, put them in a glass jar and fill them with lukewarm water. Place a piece of rye bread on top for better fermentation. Tie the jar with gauze and place in the warmest corner of the kitchen. After 3 - 5 days, carefully remove the foam formed on the surface and pour the transparent ruby-red beet kvass into clean bottles. In tightly closed bottles and in a cold place, it will not deteriorate for several months, so you can make kvass well before Christmas.

Lean borscht is prepared with strong vegetable broth. Cook vegetables along with peeled and thinly sliced ​​beets, adding black and allspice and a small piece bay leaves... In another saucepan in two glasses of water, boil the white dried mushrooms... Both broths for borscht, vegetable and mushroom, strain through a sieve and mix. Then add the appropriate amount of beet kvass (about 1.5 liters of broth - 0.5 liters of kvass).

Bring the borsch to a boil, but do not boil it. If the color of the borscht is not bright enough, it can be tinted with juice squeezed from raw, carefully chopped beets. Dressing borscht is a delicate matter, but it, of course, depends on individual taste. In addition to salt, you can add some sugar for flavor. If the borsch is not sour enough, it is enough to pour in a glass of dry red wine or lemon juice but never vinegar! Crushed garlic, put in borscht a few minutes before serving, will give it a pleasant, distinctive taste and aroma. Traditionally, borscht is served with "ears", 6 - 8 per serving. Put the cooked "ears" in a tureen and pour hot borscht over them. If the borscht is served in broth cups, then in this case small pies from shortcrust pastry with mushrooms.

To prepare "ears" for borscht, you will need Products: 0.5 kg of flour, 1 yolk, boiling water, 100 grams of dried mushrooms, 2 onions, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste.

Rinse dried mushrooms soaked overnight and boil until tender, then mince and fry in vegetable oil together with finely chopped onions.

Knead flour, yolk and a few tablespoons of boiling water. Roll out the well-kneaded dough into a thin layer and cut into rectangular pieces, 2-2.5 cm in size. Put the filling on each, fold in a triangle and pinch the edges. Connect the lower edges of the triangles, forming an "eyelet", press. Fry the finished "ears" or boil in salted water brought to a boil. "Ears" can be prepared in advance and frozen. "Ears" are served with red lean borscht.

Bon Appetit!

On Christmas Eve, Poles cook a lean red borsch with ears or dumplings, which is the same thing. We would call these ears dumplings. Poles consider red borscht with ears to be one of best first dishes for fasting. The dish consists of a decoction of vegetables and ears stuffed with mushrooms. The ears are boiled separately, and then put into the broth and served in this form on the table. Some of our cooks who tried to feed the Poles Ukrainian borsch, met with disapproval. There were statements, such as how you can eat this. But a decoction of vegetables, without the vegetables themselves, with dumplings, they think culinary arts and eat it with pleasure, calling it red borscht. It is difficult to argue about taste, you know the proverb, but the fact that they call this broth borscht is a grain of truth. After all, all the first courses with beets refer to filling soups and are called borsch.

Without going into the details of which cuisine is the red borscht, you can take note of its recipe by including it in the menu lean cuisine... Considering that red borscht is made from a large number beets, a vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals, it will be very useful for both fasting and dietary nutrition.

I suggest trying this Polish-Odessa borscht.

First, we need to boil the beets in the skins or bake in the oven in foil. The beets take a long time to cook, about 2 hours, and so we can start cooking the ears while the beets are boiling.

We boil dried mushrooms, we boiled champignons to make it faster and more budgetary.

Boiled champignons, remove with a slotted spoon, cool, and fry with onions in a pan, with a little vegetable oil.

Save the mushroom broth, as this will be the basis of our red borscht.

Chilled fried mushrooms with onions, grind in a blandar or pass through a meat grinder - for filling the ears.

We make ears (dumplings) with mushrooms.

Bring the mushroom broth to a boil and put the carrots, cut into large cubes and onions there.

When our beets are ready, we peel them and grate them, also grate a little sauerkraut

and we send all this to the pan in which our carrots are cooked. Add a little smoked or dried prunes. Cook until all components are ready. At the end of cooking, add a little beet kvass, sugar, salt and pepper. It is not recommended to add other spices.

Strain the finished borscht through a sieve, and with the remaining boiled vegetables we act at our discretion.

To enhance the acid, add lemon juice, Poles add vinegar.

Separately, in salted water, boil the ears, which we put in a plate with vegetable broth, you can add sour cream. Tried it, I liked it. For those on a diet, an excellent first course.

How to cook beet kvass and sauerkraut, you can see