Home / pies / Champagne is good and not very expensive. It's all about the magic bubbles - the best champagne in Russia

Champagne is good and not very expensive. It's all about the magic bubbles - the best champagne in Russia

from the New Year's Eve series is dedicated to the choice of inexpensive sparkling wine. The word "champagne" in this case is not quite correct, although I indicated it in the title of the article. The fact is that only sparkling wine made according to a strictly defined technology in the French province of Champagne can be called champagne (according to international standards). Of course, many Russians continue to call sparkling wines champagne. There is nothing wrong with this, but in this article I will use the word "champagne" only in quotation marks.

The most budget options for "champagne"

In supermarkets you can find "champagne" - "Russian" or "Soviet" - even for 150 rubles per bottle. This is, to put it mildly, a terrible drink. In most cases, such wine (usually of the lowest quality) is artificially carbonated, while in real sparkling wine, carbon dioxide (and, accordingly, bubbles) is formed naturally as a result of the fermentation process. Cheap "champagne" can also be supplied with flavorings and various additives, and its taste and aroma are coarse, inexpressive. Sometimes there is even a distinct chemical aftertaste. Well, it's completely disgusting, although many Russians are quite satisfied with this option.

For about 325-400 rubles you can buy a bottle of relatively good "champagne" "Lev Golitsyn", Bosca, Tsimlyanskoye. Of course, they do not have a rich and refined taste, but they are still relatively decent and drinkable. Although, again, the same Bosca is actually not sparkling wine, but “carbonated wine drink”. That is, it is clear that this is only a semblance of a good sparkling wine (to be specific, Bosca seems to be made as a semblance of Italian Asti wines).

True, it is worth adding that for a large noisy company, "champagne" for 350 rubles is perhaps the most suitable option, since it is unlikely that anyone from this company will carefully study the taste and aroma of wine. But for a more intimate (let's say) atmosphere, it is better, of course, to buy better sparkling wines.

Russia: sparkling wines Abrau-Dyurso

In my opinion, Russian sparkling wines Abrau-Durso have a good price-quality ratio. But no more. The cost of one bottle is from 300 to 800 rubles (depending on the specific variety). Expensive sparkling wines Abrau-Durso (600-800 rubles) have a full and rich taste, a bright fruity aroma, and a long and pleasant aftertaste. Beautiful numerous bubbles. This is a very solid "champagne" But, again, this applies to expensive options - Imperial and Victor Dravigny; cheap ones have a simpler taste and aroma.

Abrau-Durso produces semi-sweet sparkling wines (for those with a sweet tooth), semi-dry and brut wines (for those who prefer dry wine). Expensive sparkling wines of Abrau-Durso (for example, Victor Dravigny) differ from cheap options (for example, Abrau) in a more versatile and rich taste, more refined aroma. In addition, it is worth noting that only expensive options are made according to the classic “champagne” technology, and cheap ones are made using the reservoir method. Accordingly, if possible, it is better to buy Victor Dravigny or Imperial.

Ukraine: Krym sparkling wines

Artyomovsk winery, located in Ukraine, produces relatively good sparkling wines Krym (Krym), however, they cannot be called brilliant. The cost of one bottle is from 420-450 rubles. Under the brand name "Crimea" rosé, white and red sparkling wines are produced; semi-sweet, semi-dry and brut (=dry). If compared with the expensive sparkling wines of Abrau-Dyurso, then "Crimea" is clearly worse, despite the use of classical technology. And the lower line of the same manufacturer (the Artyomovskoye brand) definitely leaves much to be desired.

Moldova: Cricova sparkling wines

I myself, to be honest, have not tried Cricova “champagne”, but, judging by the reviews, its price-quality ratio is normal. It seems even better than the "Crimea". And the price is low, about 500 rubles per bottle. Well-known Russian wine blogger Denis Rudenko speaks well of Cricova wines in particular.

Italy: Lambrusco sparkling wines

In Italy, good sparkling wine is produced from Lambrusco grapes (more precisely, from several variations of this variety). It is noticeably different from Abrau-Dyurso and Krim: it has a lighter, refreshing and subtle taste; it drinks well. The cost of a bottle of Lambrusco is from 400 to 1000 rubles. Of course, the more expensive, the richer the taste and aroma. There are many manufacturers of Lambrusco, Lambrusco Dell’Emilia differs from Chiarli in a good price-quality ratio. Prices - about 450-550 rubles per bottle.

You can buy Lambrusco sparkling wines sweet, semi-sweet, semi-dry and brut; red, pink and white.

Italy: Asti sparkling wines

Many of the fair sex are very fond of the Italian sweet sparkling wine Asti, made from Muscat White grapes (Muscat Bianco). It costs not so little, but it has a very pleasant taste, sweet, slightly honey, very harmonious and refreshing. A lot of beautiful bubbles, rich fruity-floral aroma. Drinks easily and intoxicates imperceptibly.

Perhaps the most famous is Martini Asti, but it costs a lot - from 1100 rubles per bottle. Another option is the Cinzano Asti, which is basically identical to the Martini Asti, but some like it even better. It costs about 900 rubles per bottle (the cheapest is in Auchan). Other budget options: Santero Asti, Tosti Asti, Toso Asti - from about 700 rubles per bottle. During promotions and sales, their prices can drop to 650 rubles.

Italy: Prosecco Sparkling Wines

It is also necessary to mention the very popular Italian sparkling wines Prosecco. The cost of one bottle of Prosecco (many manufacturers) - from 700 rubles. Prosecco - dry white wines (sometimes semi-dry ones are found). The taste is quite "light", harmonious and refreshing, with fruity (sometimes floral) notes. A great option for those who like dry and semi-dry sparkling, but not sweet and semi-sweet. Prosecco is very popular in its homeland - in Italy (it seemed to me that it was more popular than the aforementioned Lambrusco and Asti). Of the well-known manufacturers of relatively budget Prosecco, Gancia, Cinzano, Zonin, Martini can be noted.

Be careful: recently, the production of Prosecco has been mastered by ZAO Sparkling Wines from St. Petersburg. Apparently, this company is engaged in bottling very cheap sparkling wine imported from Italy in large quantities.

France: Cremant sparkling wines

It so happened that French wines are more expensive than not only Russian and Ukrainian, but also Spanish and Italian wines. Yes, you can buy French "champagne" for 400-500 rubles per bottle, but it will be a very mediocre drink; in my opinion, it is better to buy Abrau-Durso for this money.

Good French sparkling wines cost from about 1200 rubles per bottle and are labeled with the word Cremant. There are variants of Cremant de Bourgogne (Burgundy), Cremant d'Alsace (Alsace), Cremant de Bordeaux (Bordeaux) and others. The production of all Cremant wines is controlled and complies with strict rules set for each region. The result is consistent quality.

French sparkling wines Cremant de Bourgogne(from Burgundy) are distinguished by a pleasant rich fruity taste and a light harmonious fruity aroma. Color - pink or white.

Many people know that genuine wine, called champagne, is produced in the French province of the same name from certain grape varieties using special technologies. However, sparkling wine, produced for several decades, first in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia, is in no way inferior to the original samples. This is confirmed by numerous international awards. Let's try to figure out how to choose the best Russian champagne for a festive banquet, the taste and quality of which is as close as possible to the original.

Original French technology

If we discard those very specific grape varieties - Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier - and consider only the technological process of production, we see that the production of original champagne is a very laborious process, for which secondary fermentation in bottles is applicable. The whole process of bottled champagne should take at least three years. It is this exclusive technology of French winemakers that guarantees excellent quality and incomparable taste of champagne.

Production in large tanks

It would be absurd to imagine that for a country as large as ours, directly bottled champagne would not be supplanted by improved technology. The bright minds of the Soviet Union in the middle of the last century discovered and patented first the technology of champagne in large tanks, and then the production of sparkling wine in a continuous tank method. The Soviet (Russian) champagne produced in this way was noted as the best sample, not inferior to the classic counterpart. Moreover, many foreign manufacturers adopted the experience of Soviet know-how.

Abundance of modern manufacturers

In Soviet times, there were no problems with the choice of sparkling wine, because the assortment was very scarce. The plant-monopolist, supplying store shelves for the holidays, was a non-alternative option. And now, given that distilleries are growing like mushrooms after the rain, it is not surprising to get confused, even if there are already some most preferred brands. How to choose Russian champagne from the abundance of brands on the shelves and what you need to know before going to the supermarket?

Let's go to the store

From the abundance of bottles presented on the shelves, we immediately reject the options poured into light containers. Why? The dark glass of the bottle does not let light in and prevents the sparkling wine from aging, turning yellow and becoming bitter in taste. For example, we need Russian semi-sweet champagne. We will carefully study the labeling. We know that there must be some sugar in wine. However, the presence of citric acid, alcohol, dyes and flavors will make the drink run out of steam quickly. Well, of course, there can be no talk of any foaminess in this case. In addition, if we do not want a headache in the morning, we reject this option.

Russian Champagne: Authentic Samples

Real domestic samples of sparkling wine necessarily go through a cycle of natural fermentation. Cheaper drinks only go through the process of carbonation with the help of special devices. Reading the markings on the label will also help determine this. We reject the option if we see the inscription "Carbonated" or "Sparkling" wine.

Next, pay attention to the cork of the bottle. Many manufacturers seal the container with a plastic stopper. For example, the taste that a Russian drink with such a cork has will be significantly inferior to the taste of a similar drink contained under a cork. In this case, air is almost completely absent inside the bottle, and a characteristic sour taste will never appear. What can not be said about the blockage of sparkling wine with a plastic stopper.

Additional selection criteria

A rosé sparkling wine, by definition, cannot be considered champagne. Exceptionally, all the aforementioned grape varieties used for the production of the original drink are white. As a result, such a drink as Russian white, semi-sweet champagne received the greatest popularity among the Russian consumer.

What else should we note? We avoid the capacious inscription "With the addition of flavors." Naturally, every self-respecting producer places his legal address on the label, and also indicates sparkling wine.

Differences in price categories should not confuse the buyer. If he orders a banquet and is not ready to shell out an impressive amount for champagne alone, he only needs to pay close attention to the release date of the drink. For budget options, the shelf life should not exceed 1 year from the date of manufacture. Expensive drinks only get tastier over time, and it’s better not to risk it with mid-priced options.

And the last. Too low price should scare away the buyer. Here you need to estimate the cost price in your mind and immediately draw the appropriate conclusions. We will also say our strong “no” to bottles containing sediment and suspicious substances at the bottom.

Russian champagne: manufacturer reviews

In fact, the preferences of champagne consumers completely coincide with the recognition of professional experts. So, the St. Petersburg manufacturer - the company "Sparkling Wines" - produces the brand "Heritage of Master Lev Golitsyn", which was repeatedly noted at various international competitions and took away gold coins to their homeland. It is worth noting that the company was founded back in 1945.

Also, the Moscow enterprise Kornet, founded during the Great Patriotic War, has an impressive history. The products are also awarded with gold and silver medals, and are highly respected and in demand in the consumer market. If we consider all categories of sparkling wines, according to consumer reviews, Russian brut champagne, white sparkling wine, traditionally containing the least amount of sugar, is considered the most popular. Many experts and connoisseurs of the drink believe that sugar can muffle the true taste of champagne. The Moscow company offers all lovers of the original taste of "Cornet" brut.

Champagne category "economy"

"How? - you ask. - Are there good manufacturers of inexpensive champagne?" It turns out there are. The Beslan company Istok has shown itself well, including among international experts. The southern traditions of wine production came in handy. Inexpensive and high-quality raw materials make the products one of the most popular in their segment. The ratio of relatively low prices and excellent southern quality is very fond of buyers. Istok products also received high awards.

Brands that have passed an independent examination

Some brands of sparkling wines have passed an independent examination.

  • Russian champagne "Crimean".
  • Semi-dry champagne "Russian gold" of the Togliatti company "Rosinka".
  • Vladikavkaz semi-sweet "Wintrest-7".
  • Petersburg "Venice of the North".

Choose from the best

Now we have learned a lot about how real sparkling wine is made and which leading companies in the country supply products of excellent quality to the market. We will see a fake and low-quality goods with the naked eye. But how to choose your drink from obviously high-quality products?

So let's look at the sugar content. To do this, you do not need to memorize scorecards or look at familiar letters on the label. We just need to understand that Russian white brut champagne has a minimum amount of sugar, and any sweet or semi-sweet sparkling wine has a maximum amount of sugar. In addition, semi-dry and dry champagne is made exclusively according to the classical technology, but the increased sugar content indicates an accelerated production method.

The final factor in choosing the perfect drink will be a tight cork. The champagne of our dreams will not allow itself plastic on top.

Domestic champagne for connoisseurs and gourmets

In our country, aged sparkling wines are also produced with an aging period of at least 6 months after the completion of the champagne process. For true aesthetes and gourmets, collectible stamps are produced with an aging period of at least three years from the date of completion of the champagne process.

Alkali is the enemy of bubbles

Sometimes people who have bought a quality brand of champagne are surprised at the absence of characteristic bubbles in the glass. They are indignant: is a fake hidden under a well-known brand? In fact, you need to ask a question to the housewives who wash the glasses before serving the festive table. What means do they use to wash their glasses? If any alkaline solution was used when rinsing the dishes, it will not be possible to completely wash it off with plain water. The alkali residues inside the glass can give a chemical reaction, and the bubbles will simply disappear.

There are just a couple of days left before the New Year, so many of our compatriots are actively engaged in solving the issue of purchasing food for the festive table.

At the same time, not the last place is given to the choice of a sparkling drink, which will make the holiday truly memorable and fun.

And, in order to make this task as easy as possible, experts have compiled rating of Russian champagne, having familiarized yourself with which you can easily purchase a quality drink at an affordable price.

The relevance of the issue of choice lies in the fact that the modern market is simply replete with offers, significantly increasing the chances of the consumer to purchase surrogates

Champagne is called a synonym for fun, joy and victories, so it can always be seen as a decoration for a romantic meeting and other other festive events. And if this the best Russian champagne, rating which occupies high horizons among similar products, then the holiday can definitely be called a success. At the same time, it is important to understand that the best sparkling wines are produced in regions that grow special varieties of grapes. If we talk about Russian producers, then best Russian champagne rating 2017 says that these are products from the company Abrau-Dyurso CJSC (Krasnodar Territory), whose main brands are the wines Victor Dravigny, Specific Office and Imperial

Rating of Russian champagne 2017

According to experts, CJSC Abrau-Durso is the largest domestic producer of sparkling wines, which makes its specialists zealously monitor the quality of drinks supplied to the market. It is for this reason that its products lead rating of Russian champagne wines, especially since the pricing policy of the enterprise allows us to talk about the availability of low-alcohol drinks for most segments of the population. rating of Russian champagne 2017 distributed as follows:

  • CJSC Sparkling Wines (St. Petersburg) Main brands: St. Petersburg, Rossiyskoye, Bourgeois, Lev Golitsyn
  • ZSHV Novy Svet (Crimea) Main brands: Krymskoye, Pinot Noir, Novosvetskoye
  • JSC "Moscow Plant of Champagne Wines" (Moscow) Main brands: "Moskovskoe", "Rossiyskoe", "Gold Standard"
  • Kuban-Vino LLC (Krasnodar Territory) Main brands: Chateau-Taman
  • Rostov Plant of Champagne Wines LLC (Rostov-on-Don) Main brands: Rostovskoe
  • OAO Tsimlyanskiye Vina (Rostov Region) Main brands: Tsimlyanskoye
  • In this context, the correspondents of our news agency put emphasis on the fact that this rating of Russian champagne producers was compiled not on the quality and taste characteristics of drinks, but on their popularity and demand among the population Well, since people tend to buy products only from trusted manufacturers and at affordable prices, the rating compiled by experts can be considered as the main criterion for choosing champagne, including for the purpose New Year's table decorations

    Some nuances of buying drinks

    Despite the fact that experts have Russian champagne rating, which allows you to make an accented choice, it is important to understand that you need to buy it only in specialized stores or in large supermarkets flexible schedule And of course, their marketers track positions such as rating of champagne wines of Russian producers, striving to buy only popular drinks. This means that here you can always buy a bottle of high-quality sparkling wine and celebrate the New Year fully armed

    Special attention should be paid to the cost of the drinks offered. So, if we are talking about products that are rating of Russian-made champagne 2017 occupies the highest positions, then its price cannot start from an amount below 300 rubles. Of course, if we talk about world manufacturers, their drinks can reach a cost of 5000 per bottle, but not everyone can afford these products. But for the average Russians a bottle of sparkling wine at a price in the range of 300-500 rubles, is quite acceptable. By the way, for comparison, you can consider rating of Russian champagne 2016, which is practically no different from the current situation on the market of low-alcohol products For our part, we can only add that the question of how to choose the right champagne for the new year is actually not difficult. You just need to follow your priorities and take into account the information regarding manufacturer rating

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    Famous publicist and wine expert Elin McCoy spoke about champagne that is definitely worth the money.

    Most champagne houses have absolutely outstanding examples of wines, but this does not mean that it is worth buying any expensive bottle of sparkling wine.

    In October, I stood on the terrace of a chic Chelsea penthouse with a glass of champagne in my hand. On this day, the incredible 2009 Louis Roederer Cristal Champagne debuted in the US. The wine matched the view perfectly, and I gladly finished it all down to the last drop.

    For you to know, today Cristal has become a favorite drink of rappers, and once, in 1876, this tête de cuvée, that is, wine of the highest class, was created for the Russian Emperor Alexander II. Most Champagne wine houses, from the famous Moët to the lesser known Jacques Selosse, offer customers at least one wine of this level, and it usually costs sky-high - from $150 a bottle to infinity.

    The world is full of good sparkling wines, take at least Italian prosecco or many other drinks made using a variety of technologies. Is this terribly expensive champagne worth the money? Do not doubt. Let humanity go to hell - as long as there are these amazing wines in the world, it is not hopeless.

    What are you paying for? These wines use the best grapes from the best vineyards (“grand cru” and “premier cru”), then the wine ages for years in cold cellars with chalk deposits (which gives the drink a more complex taste and aroma). And besides, of course, for the uniqueness and prestige.

    The recent fashion for investing in champagne has given rise to a wave of collectible wines produced in "limited editions" and "special runs". Champagne houses do not hesitate to exploit the situation by packing bottles in velvet boxes and ordering label designs from famous avant-garde artists.

    However, you should not overpay for packaging and big words - a true connoisseur is interested in the contents of the bottle. For example, you can buy a 2002 Cristal Gold Medallion Jeroboam in a 24 carat gold mesh for $17,000-22,000. And four ordinary bottles of the same wine will cost only $ 1200 - and the taste will still be delicious.

    However, if funds allow, you can find a diamond-studded bottle of Goût de Diamants, introduced three years ago - the wine is no longer produced, but it can still be bought for $ 1.8 million.

    The top luxury champagne brands are distinguished by style rather than quality, and each champagne house has its own unique style. A wine made with only Chardonnay will be light and elegant, while a wine made primarily with Pinot Noir will be full, rich and full-bodied.

    Rosé wines are always more expensive for some reason. They are indeed a little more difficult to produce (most producers add some red wine to the blend), but this does not justify the 30 percent extra charge.

    But to enjoy the refined taste of these wines, you should forget about the standard champagne glass. Krug has created a unique crystal goblet called "Joseph" - a cross between a champagne glass and a white wine glass, but in practice any tulip-shaped glass will do.

    So, the best sparkling wines in the world.

    1. Philipponnat Clos des Goisses Brut 2004

    The wine was created in 1935 - this is the first brand of champagne made from a single grape variety grown on a steep chalk slope. This is an amazing wine: powerful and rich, with lively energy and flavors of lemon peel, pear, hazelnut and mint. For this quality it is very inexpensive.

    Price: 10-13 thousand rubles

    2. Bruno Paillard Extra Brut N.P.U. (Nec Plus Ultra) 2003

    3. Clos Lanson Blanc de Blancs Brut 2006

    House Lanson released this wine recently. It is made exclusively from Chardonnay grapes harvested from a 1 hectare vineyard located right within the city of Reims, famous for its cathedral - only 7870 bottles. The taste is elegant and brightly fruity, with complex mineral notes.

    Price: 13 thousand rubles

    4 Louis Roederer Cristal 2009

    This is the last vintage to date from the house's own vineyards.

    Louis Roeder; many of them are processed according to the ideas of biodynamics - it's like organic farming, but with additional esoteric considerations. It is a blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes from the seven Grand Cru villages with a satiny texture and fine, delicate bubbles.

    Price: 13-16 thousand rubles.

    5. Taittinger Collection Champagne 2008

    Despite the Taittinger label, the bottle is actually Comtes de Champagne, a pure Chardonnay champagne. However, this is one of the most affordable collectible sparkling wines: the taste is light, elegant and clear, and the bottle was designed by Brazilian photographer Sebastiano Salgado.

    Price: 13-20 thousand rubles

    6. Dom Pérignon Rosé 2005

    In October I attended the first American tasting of this latest Dom Pérignon blend. Oenologist (that is, a scientist who studies wine) Vincent Chaperon says that extremely high quality Pinot Noir grapes are used in this wine. As a result, the taste is so complex that the wine seems to be 20 years old.

    Price: 22 thousand rubles

    7. Piper-Heidsieck Rare Rosé 2007

    This champagne house, which was bought by the French luxury goods company EPI, is usually underestimated, and in vain. This year they released their first rosé from the 2011 vintage. This is the rosé version of their sparkling Rare champagne. It is a spicy and full-bodied wine with hints of pomegranate, strawberry aromas and an exotic smoky note.

    This bright clear wine is made from grapes harvested in a small walled vineyard in the heart of the Chardonnay region. In my opinion, it is much better than the champagne of the same manufacturer, made from Pinot Noir - Clos d "Ambonnay. The taste is complex and clear, with aromas of warm spices, citrus and white flowers.

    Price: 50-70 thousand rubles

    10 Bollinger Vieilles Vignes Françaises 2002

    This is the only wine on the list that is hard to get. It is made from Pinot Noir grapes harvested from very old vines in two small vineyards. The taste is very rich and strong, with layers of refined fruit, smoke and dry flowers, with a long, long finish.

    Price: 64-96 thousand rubles

    Nothing creates a happy festive mood like sparkling cold champagne poured into thin, elegant glasses. Sparkling wine began to gain popularity in the Middle Ages, and today in many supermarkets and wine boutiques, we can perhaps even get lost among a wide range of sparkling wines from various regions of the world.

    We tell you how not to make a mistake with the choice and find exactly the champagne that will create the warmest New Year's atmosphere and will not bring a severe headache in the morning.

    Champagne, sparkling or sparkling?

    First, some simple theory.

    (vin de Champagne) is proudly called exclusively the wine that was made according to traditional technologies in the Champagne region. The most famous wineries in this region are Moët & Chandon and, of course, the legendary brand Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin.

    Other sparkling wine do not fall under the category of "champagne", but often they are in no way inferior to the French original, either in quality or taste. Among the best representatives are wines from other French regions called Crémant, Italian Spumante and Asti, German Sekt and Catalan Cava. Among worthy Russian sparkling wines, Abrau Durso boasts the best price-quality ratio, but it is better to refuse from Soviet and Russian champagnes - most of these wines are carbonated artificially, which, of course, affects the quality of the drink.

    Read the label and be careful: some manufacturers even produce special sparkling wines(sometimes called carbonated), which are simply artificially saturated with carbon dioxide. As a rule, these are lightly carbonated alcoholic drinks, which can hardly be called a full-fledged sparkling wine.

    Read the label and back label

    Reading champagne labels is by and large no different from reading wine labels. Champagne labels must include:

    • manufacturer's name;
    • the name of the wine;
    • appellation - classification of quality and place of origin;
    • vintage year;
    • alcohol content;
    • category of wine by sugar content.

    On the back label you will find information about the individual qualities of champagne or sparkling wine - about its taste and combination with various dishes.

    If you decide to buy real champagne, do not hesitate to ask for help from a consultant in a special wine store - he will help you navigate.

    When choosing a good sparkling wine, check if its label indicates that it is made by the traditional method (méthode classique) - this will give you a guarantee of impeccable quality of the drink.

    Sparkling wines of the middle price category, as a rule, are made by a simpler, reservoir method: these are the extremely popular Italian Asti (Asti), Prosecco (Prosecco) and Lambrusco (Lambrusco).

    A bad producer can follow all the rules and make bad wine; a good producer produces decent wine in almost any circumstance.

    Dry or sweet?

    The most popular and traditional variety of champagne is, of course, brut. This is a dry, light, but at the same time full-bodied sparkling wine, suitable for most dishes.

    Wine connoisseurs advise choosing brut, because it is this category of wines that best conveys the entire flavor bouquet, and sweetened champagne, most often, is rather inexpressive.

    But not a single brut. If you prefer something more desserty, check out the following categories:

    • doux (sweet);
    • demi-sec (semi-sweet);
    • sec (semi-dry);
    • extra sec (extra semi-dry).

    All of them differ in sugar content and, as a result, calorie content. But no matter which champagne you prefer, wine experts point out the commonalities that both sweet and dry good sparkling wines should have.

    A good champagne has a nutty, bready aroma, apple freshness and very fine bubbles. Don't buy the cheapest champagne - it's usually too sour to even drink, let alone enjoy.

    White or pink?

    Champagne is white or pink: the choice of one or the other depends not only on your personal preferences, but also on the dishes that you are going to serve on the festive table.

    All dry sparkling wines, rosé or white, are quite versatile: they pair equally well with seafood, cheeses, poultry and fruit.

    The best combination for white brut is red caviar. It's as classic as pineapple. Fish, nuts, cheese plate - all these are excellent companions for white sparkling wines. But pink champagne is recommended to be served with duck and fruit or berry desserts (especially strawberries), but it will look best as an aperitif.

    Meat dishes are perhaps the only exception that should not be paired with light wines (and champagne falls into that category). But if the soul asks for both meat and champagne, try Australian sparkling red wines or the legendary Lambrusco red champagne. The juicy, rich taste of this champagne will surely surprise you and will certainly be remembered for its unique velvety richness combined with soft bubbles.
    It's not just the temperature that matters. A capricious drink also requires special glasses: tall, narrow, made of very thin glass. It is in them that champagne will better retain its bubbles and its fizz.

    When the time comes to pour champagne, do it slowly, slightly tilting the glass and directing the drink along the glass wall, as it were, so the wine does not give abundant foam.

    Share New Year's Eve dinner with the dearest people, choose the best sparkling wine for the holiday and, most importantly, smile and have fun - you are drinking champagne!