Home / Pancakes, fritters / Small young potatoes fried whole. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Small young potatoes fried whole. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Cucumbers are the favorite crop of most gardeners, so they grow in our vegetable beds everywhere. But quite often, inexperienced summer residents have many questions about their cultivation, and, first of all, in the open field. The fact is that cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, and the agricultural technology of this crop in temperate zones has its own characteristics. Everything you need to know about growing cucumbers in the open field, we will tell in this article.

May days delight with warmth and the opportunity to spend more time on the plots. But the long-awaited month of the arrival of stable heat cannot boast of a balanced lunar calendar. In May, the periods favorable for working only in the ornamental garden or only in the garden are quite long, and there are quite a few days suitable for any plants. The lunar calendar for May 2019 requires planning and skillful timing of planting and sowing.

Despite the popularity of the popular nickname “bottle palm”, it is very difficult to confuse the authentic bottle palm giophorba with its relatives. A real indoor giant and a rather rare plant, giophorba - it is one of the most elite palms. She became famous not only for her special, bottle-like barrel, but also for her very difficult character. Caring for giophorba is no more difficult than caring for ordinary indoor palm trees. But the conditions will have to be chosen.

Warm salad with funchose, beef and mushrooms - delicious dish for the lazy. Funchoza - rice or glass noodles - is one of the easiest to prepare among its pasta relatives. It is enough to pour glass noodles with boiling water and leave for a few minutes, then drain the water. Funchoza does not stick together, it does not need to be watered with oil. I advise you to cut long noodles into smaller fragments with scissors, so as not to inadvertently catch the entire portion of noodles in one sitting.

Surely, many of you have met this plant, at least as a component of some cosmetic or food products. It is “disguised” under different names: “jujube”, “unabi”, “jujuba”, “Chinese date”, but all this is one and the same plant. This is the name of a culture that has long been grown in China, moreover, it was grown as a medicinal one. From China, it was brought to the countries of the Mediterranean, and from there, jujube began to slowly spread throughout the world.

May chores in the ornamental garden are always associated with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, seedlings of flowers are planted and begin seasonal decoration. But neither shrubs, nor lianas, nor trees should be forgotten. Due to the imbalance of the lunar calendar this month, it is better to work with ornamental plants in early and mid-May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

Why do people move out of town and buy cottages? For a variety of reasons, of course, including practical and material ones. But the main idea is still - to be closer to nature. The long-awaited summer season has already begun, we are waiting for a lot of work in the garden and garden. With this material we want to remind you and ourselves - in order for work to be a joy, you must not forget to rest. And what could be better than outdoor recreation? Only rest in the equipped corner of your own garden.

May brings not only long-awaited warmth, but also long-awaited opportunities to plant even heat-loving plants in the beds. This month, seedlings begin to be transferred to the soil, and crops reach their peak. For planting and new crops, it is important not to forget about other important chores. Indeed, not only beds, but also plants in greenhouses and seedlings, which this month are beginning to be actively hardened, need enhanced care. It is important to form plants in time.

Pie for Easter - home recipe simple sponge cake stuffed with nuts, candied fruits, figs, raisins and other goodies. white icing, with which the cake is decorated, is made from white chocolate and butter, it will not crack, but it tastes like chocolate cream! If you don’t have the time or skills to mess around with yeast dough, then you can cook this simple holiday baking on the Easter table. Such simple recipe, I think, any novice home confectioner will master.

Thyme or thyme? Or maybe thyme or Bogorodskaya grass? How right? And it’s right in every way, because under these names the same plant “passes”, more precisely, one genus of plants from the Lamiaceae family. There are many other popular names associated with the amazing property of this shrub to highlight a large number of aromatic substances. Growing thyme and its use in garden design and cooking will be discussed in this article.

Favorite Saintpaulias have not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. Growing this plant bears little resemblance to the classic care of indoor crops. And even relatives of the Uzambara violets from among the Gesnerievs require a slightly different approach. Watering is often called the "weirdest" care item for violets, which prefer non-standard watering to the classic method. But you will have to change the approach in fertilizing with fertilizers.

Savoy cabbage gratin vegetarian recipe tasty and healthy dish without meat, which can be cooked in fasting, as no animal products are used in its preparation. Savoy cabbage is a close relative of white cabbage, but it surpasses its “relative” in taste, so dishes with this vegetable always turn out to be successful. If for some reason you don't like soy milk then replace it with plain water.

At present, thanks to breeders, more than 2,000 varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been created. The very one that we habitually call "strawberries". garden strawberry arose as a result of the hybridization of Chilean and virgin strawberries. Every year, breeders never tire of surprising us with new varieties of this berry. Breeding is aimed at obtaining not only fruitful varieties resistant to diseases and pests, but also with high palatability and transportability.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow marigolds are irreplaceable. These letniki have long moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, adorning beds and potted gardens. Marigolds with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas today are able to pleasantly surprise with their variety. Firstly, among the marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

The system of protection of fruit and berry plantations is based on the use of pesticides. However, if in the protection of pome orchards pesticides can be used during almost the entire growing season, taking into account the waiting period for each preparation, then in the protection of berry crops they can be used only before the flowering phase and after harvesting. In this regard, the question arises which drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

It is difficult to count how many recipes for dishes from this root vegetable exist in the world, but fried potatoes have been and remain close to our hearts. Let's find out all the subtleties of how quickly and tasty, and most importantly, how to properly fry potatoes in a pan so that it turns out tender and appetizing. golden brown.

Surprisingly, there are also a lot of options for cooking fragrant tubers on a cast iron, but we tried to collect the most interesting and original recipes for you.

How to fry potatoes in a pan

The rules for frying potatoes are the same for any type of cutting: straws, slices, cubes, slices, and even fried whole young potatoes are prepared using the same technology. We propose to consider step by step every nuance of "potato cooking".

How long to fry potatoes in a pan

Only time can vary, because the smaller the pieces, the faster the dish will be ready. For example, it takes no more than 5 minutes to fry potato circles, 10-15 minutes for straws, and 20 minutes for whole small tubers of a young crop under a closed lid.

On what heat to fry potatoes in a pan

For crispy crusts, finely chopped and boiled potatoes it is best to put it in well-heated oil and fry the potatoes in it for strong fire. So the potatoes will not have time to soak in fat and we will get beautiful golden brown crusts.

As for large cuts or cooking whole raw tubers, then here temperature regime will change.

To begin with, fry the potatoes over high heat, literally 5 minutes, then, under the lid, you should slightly sweat the potatoes over medium heat, stirring it occasionally. When the tubers are almost ready, add fire on the stove and bring the "koloboks" to a crunch.

It is worth remembering that potatoes can be salted only after they are cooked, otherwise the vegetable will give juice, and as a result we will get not a fried, but a stew.

What pan is best for frying potatoes?

No matter how far modern technology has gone, no Teflon and ceramic pans will ever be able to give us the result of frying potatoes like a cast iron.

In a cast-iron skillet, heat is distributed evenly, which allows you to cook potatoes quickly and with such desirable-appetizing crunches.

Young potatoes in a pan: a recipe with garlic


  • - 1 kg + -
  • - ½ -1/3 cup + -
  • - 2-3 cloves + -
  • - 1 bunch + -
  • Seasoning "Pepper mix"- ½ tsp + -
  • - taste + -

How to fry whole new potatoes in a pan

When at the end of summer we get the first potato harvest with small tender tubers, we just want to quickly fry these tender “koloboks” in a frying pan.

The recipe that we offer you is simply amazing. All your friends will be delighted with the cooked potatoes.

  1. Young potatoes do not even need to be peeled, it will be enough to thoroughly rinse them with a soft brush. It is advisable to choose tubers of the same size, about the size of a quail egg.
  2. Preparing marinade for potatoes. Grind the garlic into gruel and mix with finely chopped dill, pepper, salt and vegetable oil.
  3. Rub the resulting composition on the potatoes and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the contents of the saucepan should be mixed a couple of times.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, we set the cast-iron pan to warm up, then unload all the contents of the container onto it - potatoes with butter and spices.
  5. Fry the "koloboks" on a large flame, stirring them occasionally, until crispy.
  6. Check the readiness of potatoes with a skewer or toothpick. As soon as the potatoes become soft inside, the dish can be considered ready.

Fried potatoes in circles

This one is very simple, but not very fast option roasting raw potatoes circles in a pan will come in handy on the festive table and will deservedly add to the list of the most delicious original snacks.


  • Potatoes (large) - 4 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil - 80-100 ml;
  • Garlic salt - to taste;
  • Pepper black powder - to taste.

How to fry potatoes in circles in a pan

  • We dry the peeled tubers on a kitchen towel, then chop them in even circles, which should also be dried from the juice that has come out with paper napkins.

To cut round even potatoes faster, you can use a grater-shredder.

  • We put a wide, voluminous frying pan on an intense fire, pour oil into it and wait until it is hot.
  • Put the potato mugs in a single layer in hot oil and fry them on both sides until crispy red. Literally 2 minutes on each side.
  • We spread the finished chips on a paper towel, and only when the excess fat is absorbed into the paper, sprinkle the potatoes with garlic salt and pepper.

The potatoes declared in the recipe are enough for 4 full servings, so the whole family delicious treat enough for the evening.

Boiled fried potatoes - this is perhaps the best and easiest side dish for holiday table, which can be served with absolutely any meat, fish or vegetable main course.


  • Medium-sized potatoes - 10 tubers;
  • Unrefined sunflower oil - 100 ml;
  • Extra salt - to taste;
  • Parsley greens - 1 bunch;
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch;
  • Onion - ½ pc.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.

How to fry boiled potatoes in a pan

Preparing potatoes for cooking

  • We clean the potato tubers from the skin and boil them whole in salted water until cooked, then put them on the board and leave to cool.
  • After the potatoes have cooled, each tuber should be cut in half lengthwise.

Frying potatoes in a pan

  • We put the pan on a large flame and pour oil into it.
  • As soon as the oil is hot, put all the potato halves in it with the flat side and fry them until a dense crust of red-brown color, and then turn over and fry on the other side.
  • We transfer the finished potatoes to paper napkins to remove excess fat.

Making a potato dressing

  • We chop all the greens very finely and mix with a pinch of salt and garlic passed through a press.
  • Chop the onion into thin rings.
  • Sprinkle all the potatoes with a dressing of greens and garlic and put the finished dish on a plate in a slide. Lay the onion rings on top.

Boiled potatoes fried in a pan are very tasty, appetizing and satisfying. Such a traditional Slavic treat is served with classic salad from sauerkraut or with pickled mushrooms.

When buying french fries, we always wonder why they are always so crispy in a cafe, but when we fry them at home in a pan, they are soft? Yes, all because you need to cook such a treat correctly, then our potatoes in oil will turn out no worse, and even better.

Making such a dish at home with your own hands is very simple, even no photo and video recipes are needed here, because our step-by-step instruction will explain everything more than intelligibly.


  • Medium potatoes - 6-8 pcs.;
  • Hot red pepper - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil (odorless) - 1-1.5 cups;
  • Extra salt - 2 pinches.

How delicious to fry french fries in a pan

1. My potatoes, peel and cut into relatively thick bars, as evenly as possible.

2. Pour the potato wedges with pepper, mix well so that all the slices are covered with seasoning evenly, then transfer them to a sieve.

A sieve is needed so that the juice released from the potatoes drains, because if liquid gets into the oil, the potatoes will boil, not fry. In addition, the oil will "shoot" in different directions.

3. Now, in a dry, deep, but not very wide, pan, pour vegetable oil and bring it to a boil over high heat.

4. As soon as the oil heats up to the desired state, reduce the fire to medium and send 2 armfuls of potatoes into the oil. Do not immediately send a lot of sticks to the oil.

5. Fry the potatoes for literally a couple of minutes until a confident red-brown crust and take out with a slotted spoon on a paper towel.

6. After all the potatoes are fried, sprinkle them with salt and immediately start tasting, otherwise the potatoes will become soft from the salt.

What can you fry potatoes with in a pan

Properly fried potatoes are already a super-tasty and beloved dish by many. However, in our traditional cuisine there are thousands various recipes frying potatoes with different additives. What you choose for yourself is a matter of your taste.

Potatoes fried with onions

The most popular option is frying potatoes with onions. In some recipes, chopped onion rings are added to the pan at the same time as potatoes.

Other recipes still advise adding onions in the middle of the frying cycle. But the most optimal option is to fry the onion separately in another pan, followed by the addition of browning to the finished potato.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

Potatoes with mushrooms are a true autumn treat. It should be cooked in the same way as potatoes and onions. That is, it is advisable to first fry the onion with mushrooms in oil, then remove the roast, and pour potato cubes into the vacated pan.

Fry the root crop for 15 minutes and only then mix it with mushrooms, salt and smear with spices.

Delicious potatoes with fried cracklings

No less popular are potatoes fried with cracklings. On the hot pan small pieces of bacon are laid out and fried until the fat is rendered, in which the potatoes are further fried in cubes.

Hearty snack of fried potatoes with meat

Potatoes with meat are also very relevant, especially for men. To begin with, it is worth frying the meat in oil until cooked, and only then potatoes are added to it, which are fried in oil soaked in meat aroma.

According to the same system, potatoes with liver, heart and other offal are prepared.

Potatoes are the most popular type of side dish in everyday and holiday menu. And knowing how to properly and tasty fry potatoes in a pan, your family will always be able to enjoy their favorite fried potato dishes prepared in the old new manner.

How to fry crispy potatoes in a pan, video from the chef

Our chef will show you how to fry potatoes in a frying pan: delicious, crispy, just like french fries.

Wash small potatoes thoroughly, leave the smallest potatoes in their original form, and those that are larger can be cut in half so that the frying is even. Roll the still wet potatoes in breadcrumbs. It is not necessary to use crackers at all - you can do without them if such a breading is too heavy for future eaters: it will still be delicious.

Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan (or frying pan) and heat. Put small young potatoes fried in oil in an even layer in it - fry over medium heat so that the breading does not burn too much.

If the potatoes are fried without breading, the fire can be made a little stronger. After a couple of minutes, mix the tubers so that the fried side is on top, cover and continue to fry further, stirring every 2-3 minutes. Bring to readiness over low heat.

About five minutes before the end of frying, add butter to taste - it will make the dish more tender and juicy, as well as salt and pepper the browned potatoes.

While the potatoes are fried, prepare the garlic: a few cloves need to be peeled. As soon as it becomes completely soft inside (we try a larger tuber), remove the roaster from the heat and add chopped garlic to the potatoes. Stir - small young potatoes fried in oil are ready.

Previously, small young potatoes were sorted and thrown away. Today, everything has changed and the first young small potatoes began to be used in all kinds of dishes. For example, a convenient way to fry it whole in a peel in a pan.
Recipe content:

Fried new potatoes are a very simple and flavorful dish. It is simply impossible to resist such a temptation. Enjoy this root crop, no one will refuse. And if a vegetable is also from its own garden, then it is generally an environmentally friendly natural product.

You can cook young potatoes without cutting off the peel, as with ripe fruits. Since the thin skin contains many useful vitamins, and the skin itself is tender, soft and tasty. But the “eyes” and the places of damage must be cut off. Roast potatoes raw vegetable oil. But if you wish, you can take a mixture of oils: vegetable and creamy, so the tubers will be more tender. Also suitable for this process lard, but then you need to consider that the dish will be much more high-calorie.

Fruit size can vary. The main thing is to choose the maximum of the same size so that they cook at the same time. Most delicious fruits- the youngest. They are the most delicate and have a sweet aftertaste. If you are afraid that the potatoes will not be completely fried, then you can boil them a little first, and then fry them so that they are covered with a golden brown crust. Such potatoes are good in various combinations, especially with meat and mushrooms.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 192 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • New potatoes - 500 g
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Dill - bunch
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Seasoning for potatoes - 0.5 tsp

Step by step cooking whole new fried potatoes:

1. Wash potatoes well. You can scrape it with an iron sponge. By this time, heat the pan with vegetable oil well and put the potatoes. It is advisable to choose a frying pan with a thick bottom and walls, this keeps heat well. Heavy cast iron is ideal.

2. Turn on medium fire and fry the potatoes until light golden brown. Stir it occasionally so it doesn't burn.

3. Wash the dill and finely chop. Send it to the pan with potatoes. Peel the garlic and pass through a press or finely chop. Season with salt and potato seasoning.

4. Stir the potatoes, reduce the temperature to moderate, cover the pan with a lid and continue to simmer the tubers for another 10 minutes. It is necessary that it is steamed, become soft and tender. Then remove the lid and fry the potatoes for another 5-7 minutes so that they become crispy.

Serve hot to the table. The potato turns out so tasty that it is perfect, does not require an additional side dish. You can just cut a fresh vegetable salad.

Do you think there is no need to talk about? Perhaps you are right - every housewife has a couple of her own recipes that she actively uses, sometimes without even realizing it. Still, I'll take the risk. Just because I’m sure: I don’t just know how, I know how to fry a young potato so that everyone around them chokes with saliva! Everything is simple to disgrace, of course, there will be no newly invented wheels, however, there are moments that you want to pay attention to, emphasize, so that you try and appreciate it next time.

- Darling, what did I send you to the store for?
- For potatoes. Is she all bad?
- No, she's all beets.

I repeat once again - in advice, there are no super-secrets, however, it is in the details, in the little things, that the most main secret. Try to ignore how you cook this dish, and try to do everything according to these recommendations - a lot of pleasant things await you.

1. Do not clean

Surprisingly, there is no need to waste time and get your hands dirty, peeling the skin from a young potato. It will be enough if you just wash the potatoes well - I do this with a dishwashing sponge. The peel not only "holds" the potato during heat treatment, helping it stay whole and not fall apart, but also adds a wonderful flavor accent to the finished dish.

2. Cut right

Old potatoes are usually cut thicker than young ones. But the young one should be turned into rather thin (2-3 mm) semicircles or even circles, if we are talking about small-sized root crops. Potatoes will fry quickly, will not have time to fall apart, will remain crispy and appetizing.

3. Use butter and a good frying pan

Traditionally, we fry new potatoes in vegetable oil. Try to do it differently this time - take a good piece of butter, 100 grams like that, melt it in a thick-walled pan and fry the potatoes on what happens. Unusually delicious! Butter and vegetable differ in ready dish like heaven and earth. Of course, no one will argue that this option has a bunch of minuses (and it burns more easily, and there is more harm, and the price is higher), however, for the sake of a significant and tangible plus in the form of breathtaking flavor filling, you can forgive everything in the world.

And a frying pan. Wide and with a thick bottom, which will retain heat well and distribute it correctly over the entire area. A frying pan with a small diameter is only suitable for frying one potato. If you try to cram 3-5 in there, you'll end up with mashed potatoes.

4. Stir minimally

The more often you disturb the potato, the worse the result will be. To fry properly and tasty, she needs peace of mind. Try mixing for the first time no earlier than about ten minutes after laying the potatoes in the pan (provided that the fire is slightly less than average). The slices should turn over in a layer - ruddy and almost ready. Ideally, if the second time you perform such a manipulation in another 5-7 minutes, then you make one or two control "flips" and stop there. To turn the potatoes, take a wide spatula, which will increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mass captured at a time.

5. Salt at the very end

Well, the next one is obvious: fried potatoes salt only at the very end of cooking. And in order to minimize its transformation into porridge, and to improve the taste.