Home / Khachapuri / How to cook homemade sausage in a pan. Homemade grilled sausage

How to cook homemade sausage in a pan. Homemade grilled sausage

At the words “ grilled sausage"Many people are drooling. How to do everything right? Let's take a look at the details.

How to fry boiled sausage properly?

It so happens that you are not entirely sure about the quality of the purchased product, or you simply forgot about the purchased piece of boiled sausage. In order not to throw it away, you can fry it. To do this, cut thinly boiled sausage... Take a frying pan. Pour a large amount of refined vegetable oil into it. When you see that the fat is about to boil, send the product into it. Don't put a lot at once. The sausage rings should float freely in the oil. Reduce heat slightly. Fry the cooked sausage for 1-1.5 minutes on each side until a crust appears. That's all you are done. Serve with any hot sauces... Actually, in this way, you can fry any, not only boiled, sausage.

How is homemade sausage correct?

If you have a ready-made homemade sausage, then everything is obscenely simple. Heat a skillet with a little fat. Cut the sausage into slices (optional). Send it to the frying surface. Reduce fire to medium. Cook for a few minutes on each side. When pleasant golden brown- you can take out homemade sausage.

If you decide to cook the dish yourself, then be patient. To get started, get meat, lard, and intestines. It is better to soak the last ingredient in water with vinegar for a day. After that, wash your intestines thoroughly. Now with regard to meat, it can be anything based on your preferences. It is not necessary to add lard. Finely chop the food or twist it through a meat grinder. Add salt, spices, garlic. Mix everything well and let stand for about an hour. Then fill the intestines with the mixture, but not too tightly. Tie the sausage on both sides, for example, with threads. Pierce the semi-finished product with a needle in several places. And there are several options for how to proceed:

  • boil the sausage in water with bay leaf and peppercorns for 30-40 minutes. Then remove from the liquid and dry. Next, preheat the skillet. Pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Fry homemade sausage in a skillet over high fire 2-3 minutes on each side until a crust is obtained.
  • heat the pan, add a little vegetable oil. Now lay out the prepared sausage. After a minute, turn the fire to a minimum. Fry homemade sausage for 7-10 minutes on one side and the other. Then turn over 4-6 more times. The total cooking time will be about 40 minutes.
  • Line a baking sheet with foil or baking paper. Lay out the semi-finished products. Send to an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees for 45-50 minutes.
  • and of course the grill. Place the workpieces on a greased wire rack. Send her to the grill. Fry on extreme heat 5 minutes on each side. Then reduce the charcoal layer. Fry until tender, turning the wire rack occasionally to prevent the homemade sausage from burning.

You can check the readiness of your homemade sausage by piercing it. If the juice is clear, then you can serve it to the table.

Homemade sausage is not only delicious, but also highly nutritious, with which no other can be compared. Due to the fact that only meat, lard and spices are present from the ingredients in homemade sausage, such a dish and taste is excellent, and you can get enough of it for a long time. In stores and on the market, semi-finished products of such sausages are most often sold, which either need to be fried or boiled. And then on your table there will be delicious and healthy homemade sausage.

We do not cook homemade sausage at home, as it is both long and troublesome. It is much easier to buy a ready-made semi-finished product and cook it at the right time. We tried both frying and boiling sausage, but we liked boiled sausage more, as it turns out to be more juicy and soft. Despite the fact that homemade sausage fried on both sides in a pan looks much more appetizing and prettier, recently we have been boiling sausage more and more often. Below there will be a description of both methods of cooking sausage, and you can choose the one that you like best.

How to fry homemade sausage

Depending on the manufacturer of homemade sausage, it can have a different shape - rings or individual sausages. In order to fry the sausage well, you need a frying pan that does not burn on the bottom, a little vegetable oil, and time. The pan needs to be heated, pour a little oil and after it has warmed up, put the homemade sausage on it. On average, sausage is fried on low heat for about twenty minutes on one side, and then turned over to the other side.

During heat treatment and lard give off a lot of liquid vapor, and they can tear the sausage gut. In order for the sausage to remain intact, it is recommended to pierce it in several places with a needle or sharp toothpick before frying. But due to this, all the "juice" comes out of the sausage and it becomes drier. It turns out that when frying sausages become more beautiful, but less juicy. Even adding water to the pan and steaming it under the lid does not help. That is why we began to boil the sausage - it is not so beautiful, but much juicier, since no liquid flows out of it during cooking.

How to boil homemade sausage

You can boil homemade sausage as simply in water, but then part of the sausage juice will flow into the water, and you will get less delicious sausage... It turns out to be more delicious if you put a sausage ring in a plastic bag and tie it. With this method of cooking, the juice that comes out of the sausage does not dissolve in water, but remains in the bag. And the sausage is essentially boiled in its sausage juice. This sausage is much tastier than boiled in water and juicier than fried in a pan.

Moreover, sausage juice can not be poured out, but added when cooking first courses or cooking porridge, pasta etc. The composition of the juice flowing from homemade sausage during cooking resembles, and every housewife will find rational use for it. Boiled sausage, like fried sausage, is good both hot and from the refrigerator. But you need to remember that hot sausage cut into neat thin pieces is difficult. Cold sausage is cut much easier, and then it can either be heated in microwave oven, or fry in a pan.

If you have a small piece of sausage left in the refrigerator, then you can make a full-fledged, satisfying and tasty dish... Don't believe me? Then we bring to your attention interesting and simple recipes cooking grilled sausage.

Fried cabbage with sausage


  • semi-smoked sausage - 500 g;
  • cabbage - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • tomato paste - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil- for frying.


Peel the onions and chop finely. Wash carrots, peel and rub on a grater. Cut the sausage into small cubes or strips. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and chop finely, and pass the garlic through the garlic. Saute prepared vegetables over medium heat in a large number vegetable oil. After that add the pieces of sausage, fry for about 3 minutes and spread the cabbage. Mix everything and cook the dish over moderate heat, stirring constantly until tender. At the end of everything, season with spices, salt to taste, put tomato paste and garlic. Sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Grilled sausage salad


  • sausage - 300 g;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - for dressing;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mustard - to taste;
  • salt to taste;
  • greens - for decoration.


Cut the sausage into small cubes and fry it in olive oil. Then remove from heat, transfer to a plate and add mustard. Boil the beets with carrots in salted water until tender. After that, cool the vegetables, peel, chop and mix with the sausage. Add salt to taste, season

A well-fried sausage delights our tongue and mouth. It is delicious and melts in your mouth by itself. But how to do it so that the sausages are delicious. In this article, I discuss a number of simple ones, but useful tips, I think they will be useful to you.

  1. Heat a skillet overgas. Light the burner on the stove and set it to a medium to medium high temperature. Set a sturdy saucepan or skillet over the fire. Let it stand for a minute or two to get hot.

When the pan starts to smoke a little or a drop of water dripped on it immediately starts to sizzle, you are ready to fry the sausage.

2. Add some oil. The sausage is quite greasy, so you don't need to add a lot of excess fat to the pan. However, this fat will be trapped inside its body firstly, which means that there is a window in a few minutes, and after that the sausage can stick to the pan and burn. Spread a tablespoon of vegetable oil (rapeseed, etc.) over the surface of the dish, you can keep this stain until the fats inside the sausage make their way into the pan.

Be careful with olive oil... It has a lower smoke point than many cooking oils, which means it will start smoking at more low temperatures... It's not dangerous, but butter can give its smoke alarm and may have little effect on the taste of fried sausage.

3. Putsausagehotyusurfaceb. Gently place the sausage into the skillet, one piece at a time. Leave enough space so that none of the sausages touch. This helps them roast evenly on all sides. If you cook a lot of sausage, this may mean you need to batch cook it.

If its shells are connected, separate them from each other before placing them in the pan.

4. Frybefore Brown color at both sides.Let the sausages cook without disturbing them in the first place. After about two minutes, turn them over. Continue turning the sausages every few minutes until they are brown on all sides. Depending on the size of the sausages, this takes about 10 to 15 minutes.

When the sausages are well browned, cut them slightly at their midpoint. The meat must be well done and cook all the way through. There should not be any pink or any other juices left behind, they should run clear. If not, keep cooking.

Long tongs can help protect your hands from spraying hot oil.

  1. Tips forSocrascheniacooking timeNSlook. Waiting for the sausage to cook from start to finish can be a tedious time. Fortunately, there are several ways to shorten your time in front of the gas stove:

One way is to do butterflyfrom sausages. Take a sharp knife and cut the sausages one side from end to end. Unfold it at the top (like a "butterfly") and let it lie naked, whole face down in the pan. Do this before it is well browned.

You can also press down on the sausages to spread them thinner over the surface so that they cook faster. To do this, press down on them, no matter how heavy, and press down on a saucepan or skillet before starting to cook them.

6. If necessary, complete by processingOhferry. Some sausages (especially large ones) may burn before being cooked to the end. If you want to preserve the grilled sausages but are concerned that they will burn, try this technique. You will need a lid that matches the size of your large skillet.

Cook the sausages as usual until they are well browned but still soggy on the inside.

Pour half a glass of water into a hot skillet. Cover it with a lid. Steam from the water will penetrate into the trap under the casing and start heating the sausage from all sides.

Reduce heat to medium-low. Cook for five to ten minutes, then carefully remove the lid to avoid steam burns. Roast the sausage for a few more minutes so that some damage to the casing is restored.

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On store shelves, there is now an extensive assortment of various sausages, wieners, sausages and kupat, which can be purchased both frozen and fresh... These meat products can be in natural or polyethylene casing, with or without spices, as well as smoked or raw. Many housewives know how to fry sausages, but in order for the appetizer to turn out to be truly tender, juicy and aromatic, you need to know some of the features of the preparation of such a product. In addition, you can do homemade dish, which will be more useful, natural and very appetizing. After analyzing different ways baking sausages, you can choose the most suitable one, which will be not only convenient, but also fast.

In a frying pan

The most suitable method for home cooking is using a frying pan, frying on such dishes is easy, and the finished product has a pleasant surface crust.

You can bake products made from various meats in this way. It turns out deliciously if you fry Bavarian sausages in a pan, which differ in their white color, natural shell and are part of the veal, lard and seasonings. Snacks from such a dish are considered tasty, satisfying, and also free from harmful components. It is recommended to first boil Bavarian kupat for about ten minutes, and then fry over moderate heat for the same period of time.

In addition to the pan, you can immediately use a frying pan, into which a small amount of liquid is poured and kupat is placed. After the water has completely evaporated, add vegetable oil to the dishes and cook until browned on all sides. This method is used in order to preserve the delicate surface film of the sausages, which breaks easily. Also experienced housewives it is advised not to use a fork, since when a snack is punctured, its natural film from the intestines also breaks easily.

How long to fry chicken sausages in a frying pan? Chicken cooks faster than other types, so it will take no more than ten minutes to prepare delicious kupat. Pour one tablespoon into a hot dish sunflower oil, add half a glass of water and place the meat product with the lid on the skillet. After five minutes of simmering over medium heat, turn the sausages over so you can fry them on the other side. A beautiful golden brown will indicate the readiness of the snack.

If there is no time for long baking, then there is an opportunity to shorten it. To do this, use a toothpick or a sharp needle to make several punctures in the outer shell of the sausages, after which they can immediately be baked in oil, without forgetting to turn them over often.

Any meat kupat should be thawed before cooking. It is better to place them in the refrigerator, placing them on the bottom shelf, and then continue the process at room temperature for about half an hour. So the product will not lose its taste and useful properties... And for quick defrosting, it is enough to briefly lower the sausages in warm water, but it should be borne in mind that this method makes the product less juicy and saturated.


The traditional way of cooking kupat is grilling, not in a skillet. Before baking, it is recommended to immerse the product in boiling water for thirty seconds, and then grease it with fat or oil and fix it on the wire rack. Fry juicy sausages on glowing coals for about half an hour, changing the contact sides of the coals and the grate, so that a crust on the shell can form evenly, and the product is completely boiled.

Homemade foods are perfect for outdoor cooking. pork kupaty, which are easy enough to prepare, having everything necessary products... And it is better to use them with fresh herbs, canned vegetables or fresh bread smeared with mustard. This option is especially suitable for those who live on a farm and are engaged in animal husbandry.

You can also appetizingly fry tender sausages in a grill pan. To begin with, meat products are cooked in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then they are taken out and dipped in paper towels. Then each "sausage" is greased with oil and placed on a hot frying pan. The product is baked for about four minutes on all sides, getting ruddy stripes.


In order to make homemade kupaty in natural casing, you will need:

  • 800 gr. pork;
  • 200 gr. beef;
  • 200 gr. lard;
  • 3 m of natural intestines;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 onions;
  • spices.

We twist the meat, bacon, onion and garlic in a meat grinder. Add spices to the minced meat and mix well. We tighten the prepared intestines with a thread on one side, fill them with the resulting meat mixture through the funnel and tie them again after twenty centimeters. We repeat the procedure until the end of the ingredients. Then we boil the sausages in boiling water for one minute and let them dry.

This product can be frozen and stored in the freezer or fried immediately.

To bake kupaty in the oven, heat it up to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet with meat products greased in advance. We cook the dish on one side for about ten minutes, then turn it over and cook for about the same amount of time. The meat in natural film should acquire a beautiful golden or red layer, depending on its composition.

Sausages are served hot with various sauces or side dishes. The product can be cut into pieces or consumed whole. Kupaty is usually prepared by using your own imagination and experimenting with the composition of spices, seasonings and even herbs. Such an appetizer is always tasty, satisfying and aromatic.

An important advantage meat sausages lies in the possibility of baking them not only at home, but also in nature. And minced meat for cooking can be used based on personal taste preferences, adding and changing its composition. Observing the rules of roasting and using the advice of experts, you can get not only a spicy dish, but also satisfaction from the culinary process itself.