Home / Dumplings / Carrot and onion caviar for the winter. Carrot caviar for the winter - a simple recipe

Carrot and onion caviar for the winter. Carrot caviar for the winter - a simple recipe

Today we have caviar on the menu. And although it is to some extent red, but still not fishy, ​​no. I want to tell you about carrot caviar - very tasty and beautiful appetizer... I close such carrot caviar for the winter - it's excellent: simple and affordable. Carrot caviar for the winter will really appeal to those who observe the fast - this dish is just perfect for this in composition and allows you to diversify lean table... As I already said, the recipe for making carrot caviar for the winter is quite simple, and the most ordinary products are needed for it.

I cook such caviar from carrots and onions, tomato sauce and garlic, add spices - black and red peppers, salt. And one of these simple ingredients turns out very delicious preservation... Well, I will not bother you with long conversations and my enthusiasm about this preparation. I'd better get down to business as soon as possible and tell you how to cook carrot caviar for the winter - with all the details and step by step photos... Are we going to the kitchen?


  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 500 g of onions;
  • 350 g tomato sauce;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml of 9% vinegar;
  • 6-7 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon black pepper;
  • a pinch of hot ground red pepper.

How to cook carrot caviar for the winter:

Peel the onions and carrots. Cut the onion into cubes, rub the carrots on a coarse grater.

In a frying pan with heated vegetable oil (the whole amount), sauté the onion for 10 minutes.

Add carrots, half of the salt and mix. Saute for 15 minutes, until the carrots are soft.

Pass the garlic through a press. We put it with carrots and onions tomato sauce and garlic, mix.

We pass for another 10 minutes.

Cool the mass slightly and transfer it to a small saucepan (it is inconvenient to grind in the mixer bowl - you will have to work in small portions, which will take a lot of time). Grind the carrot mass with a blender. If you grind it for a short time, about 1 minute, small grains will be felt in the carrot mass.

If this suits you, stop grinding. If you work with a blender for a couple of minutes, the carrot caviar for the winter will become completely homogeneous.

Put the mass in the pan again, pour in vinegar, salt, pepper, mix and bring to a boil (more correctly - to "puff").

We immediately put the ready-made caviar from carrots with garlic for the winter in hot, wiped dry sterilized jars. Since the caviar is dense, we shake the jars when laying the jars, compacting the mass.

We immediately seal the jars hermetically, turn them upside down and wrap them with a blanket. We withstand this for about a day, until it cools completely.


Carrot and onion caviar - very delicious snack for the winter, which, in addition, is also dietary. To translate this recipe into reality, you will need only one hour of free time and the most common products. Carrot caviar, cooked at home according to this step by step photo recipe, differs from other similar preparations for its impeccably appetizing appearance, amazing taste and unique fresh aroma. This is incredible delicious preparation from carrots and onions for the winter refers to those winter preparations, about which they usually say - "You will lick your fingers!"
First time recipe carrot caviar was developed in Tunisia and almost immediately such a blank began to gain popularity in our country. Now many of the culinary experts know how to cook and harvest this amazing carrot blank for the winter. For the same hostesses who, unfortunately, have not yet entered this number, we have prepared detailed instructions with photo examples, which you will see below. Thanks to these instructions, you will quickly master this simple recipe and, no doubt, put it into practice.
So, we are preparing the most delicious vegetable caviar from carrots for the winter!


Carrot and onion caviar - recipe

We will immediately prepare all the ingredients for cooking homemade caviar so that in the future everything you need is at hand.

Grind onion, but first we will peel it off and hold it for several minutes under cold water.

Now we will make the carrot mass. To do this, wash the carrots and peel them. Then you can use several methods. The vegetable can be chopped with a blender or a food processor, or twisted through a fine meat grinder.

If the above kitchen utensils are not available, then use a regular medium-hole grater to chop the carrots.

Let's prepare the garlic. We will first clean it, and then cut it into very small pieces, you can also do this using a press.

In a plate, mix the tomato paste with a little water, in this case, the mass should turn out to be a thick consistency.

Now we take such a deep container, which could later be put into a preheated oven. Put chopped onion, tomato paste diluted with water and 100 ml of vegetable oil in the selected dish. We also add there Bay leaf and black peppercorns. Then we mix the contents of the container and send it to stew over low heat for half an hour. Stir the vegetable mass from time to time during stewing..

At this time, take a frying pan and add the rest of the oil and chopped carrots to it. Fry the vegetable for five minutes over low heat.

After five minutes, add 70 ml of hot water to the carrots, then tightly cover the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetables for fifteen minutes. As a result, the carrots should become soft..

Put the stewed carrots in a container with other chopped vegetables and mix everything thoroughly. After, we send the pan to the oven, preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees.

After fifteen minutes, we take out a container with caviar and add finely chopped garlic and black ground pepper to it, the amount of addition of which depends solely on your own taste preferences. After that, put the carrot appetizer in the oven for a few more minutes.

Now we are waiting for it to cool down. After that, we shift the carrot caviar into clean jars and close the lids.

Carrot caviar most often acts as a winter preparation, although if you wish, you can make it immediately before a meal. It is served as a stand-alone snack instead of vegetable salad or spread on bread. So light and hearty dish will be an excellent variety of the diet during fasting or dieting, will allow you to add vitamins to winter menu and will simply delight all household members with its spicy and unusual taste.

In addition to the carrots themselves, tomatoes or tomato paste... They are included in almost every recipe, however, you can exclude them and replace them with beets. Onions, bell peppers and garlic are also often added to carrots. For lovers hot snacks it is recommended to include in the composition of the dish hot pepper, a variety of seasonings. So that the carrots keep their taste properties and did not deteriorate during storage, they put salt, sugar in the caviar, vegetable oil and vinegar.

There are no secrets or complicated processes in how to make carrot caviar. It is enough just to grind all the ingredients with a meat grinder or blender to a puree state, and then boil them together with spices in a saucepan. A slow cooker is also perfect for this dish. In this case, it is better that it was with a large bowl. Otherwise, you will have to cook caviar in several approaches.

Often, jars after filling with carrot caviar do not require additional sterilization. They can be stored in a cool place for several months.

Delicate vegetable snack will decorate any meal and is suitable even for festive table... In winter, it will become an irreplaceable source of vitamins. With the help of a meat grinder, all the ingredients are chopped very quickly, so cooking does not take much time. Cinnamon will add a spicy flavor to the dish. It can be replaced with nutmeg if desired.


  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil;
  • ½ tsp cinnamon;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel onions, garlic, carrots and tomatoes.
  2. Pass everything through a meat grinder into one saucepan, mix.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the vegetables, add salt, cinnamon and sugar.
  4. Mix everything and put the saucepan on the fire.
  5. Boil the caviar for 2 hours after boiling over low heat.
  6. Arrange the prepared caviar in jars and roll up the lids.

Interesting from the net

The multicooker is great for cooking caviar. You can slightly increase or decrease the amount of ingredients depending on the size of your bowl. To prevent the onion from causing tears, dip it briefly in cold water, and only then start cutting. You can also use the blender attachment to cut vegetables. Chopped garlic can be added along with bay leaves and allspice if desired.


  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 4 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 3 onions;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1 tsp vinegar;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and finely chop the onion, put it in a multicooker and cover with vegetable oil.
  2. Dilute the tomato paste with water until the consistency of low-fat sour cream, pour over the onion.
  3. Mix everything and turn on the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes.
  4. Peel and grate the carrots, add to the multicooker bowl after the timer signal.
  5. Continue cooking in the "Braising" mode for 1 hour.
  6. 15 minutes after the start of the program, add salt, black pepper and sugar to the carrots.
  7. Mix everything and close the lid of the multicooker.
  8. At the end of the program, add allspice and bay leaf to the caviar.
  9. Stir the contents of the multicooker again and switch to the "Baking" mode.
  10. Cook the caviar for 60 minutes, then add the vinegar.
  11. Transfer the caviar into sterilized jars and roll them up with lids.

A very simple recipe for carrot caviar. If you don't want to cook it in that amount, reduce the ingredients proportionally. It is better to fry carrots in several stages so that there are not too many vegetables in the pan. So it will turn out evenly fried and, accordingly, more tasty.


  • 4 kg of carrots;
  • 1.5 liters of tomato paste;
  • 2 kg of onions;
  • 300 g of garlic;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the peeled carrots through a meat grinder and fry them in vegetable oil.
  2. Fry the chopped onion separately, combine the vegetables in an enamel saucepan.
  3. Add minced garlic, salt, pepper and tomato paste.
  4. Mix everything, boil and cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
  5. Transfer the hot caviar into sterile jars and roll up the lids.
  6. Cool the jars by wrapping them in a warm blanket.

For those who love hot snacks, this dish will be a real discovery. Hot peppers perfectly matches the delicate texture of carrots and their sweetish aftertaste. If desired, its amount, as well as the amount of seasonings, can be adjusted to your taste. If you want to make carrot caviar without tomatoes for a change, just exclude the tomato from the recipe.


  • 5 carrots;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • ¼ hot pepper;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ tsp ground black pepper;
  • 3 onions;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the vegetables, including the tomato, and grate the carrots.
  2. Bell peppers, hot peppers, chopped garlic and onion small cubes.
  3. Grate or finely chop the tomato.
  4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  5. Fry the onion until transparent, add the garlic and fry for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. Put spicy and bell peppers, mix.
  7. Fry everything a little more, add carrots and tomato.
  8. Salt and pepper the contents of the pan, mix well.
  9. Stir the caviar from time to time, simmer it over low heat for 30 minutes under a closed lid.
  10. Arrange the carrot caviar in jars and close the lids.

Now you know how to cook carrot caviar for the winter according to a recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

Even non-fans will love carrot caviar vegetable snacks... Thanks to the pleasant combination of flavors and the variety of seasonings that can be added to this dish, everyone can find perfect recipe just for yourself. Such a bright treat will be an excellent addition to the winter conservation collection, and for those who still have not figured out how to cook carrot caviar, the following recommendations will help:
  • For delicious caviar you need to choose sweet juicy carrots... It has a rich orange color. Also, some culinary experts recommend selecting fruits with a blunt nose;
  • Ready caviar, if desired, can be mashed with a blender so that it becomes more tender and homogeneous;
  • For 1 kg of carrots, add about 5 cloves of garlic;
  • The amount of sugar in the recipes is approximate. You may need less if the carrots are already sweet enough. Pay close attention to this nuance so that the caviar does not turn into jam.

Carrot caviar is a budget, simple, but delicious snack. How to cook carrot caviar for the winter, now you will find out.

Carrot caviar for the winter - a simple recipe


  • ripe tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • carrots - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 15 cloves;
  • vinegar - 20 ml;
  • - 180 ml;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.


  1. Wash the tomatoes and carrots well. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, and chop the carrots with a blender.
  2. We put the ingredients prepared in this way into a saucepan, pour in butter, add sugar, put salt and simmer for about 2 hours.
  3. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic, pepper and stir again.
  4. Put the finished carrot caviar in steamed jars, seal, turn over and wrap.

Recipe for making carrot caviar for the winter


  • carrots - 500 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • horseradish - 500 g;
  • vinegar - 20 ml;
  • apples are not too sweet - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • table salt - 20 g.


  1. First clean the apples, horseradish root and carrots, and then grind them with a grater.
  2. We place the prepared ingredients in a saucepan, add water, pour in oil, salt and sugar.
  3. We simmer the mass for about 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally. Add vinegar almost at the end.
  4. We distribute caviar from carrots and apples for the winter in pre-sterilized containers. Then we roll them up and send them for storage.

Caviar from carrots and onions for the winter


  • onions - 700 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • - 40 g;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 140 ml;
  • ground black pepper.


  1. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  2. Cut the peeled carrots into random small pieces and grind them with a blender or using a food processor.
  3. Grind the peeled garlic in any convenient way.
  4. Add water to the tomato and stir to make a gruel.
  5. Put the onion in a cauldron, add the tomato, pour in the oil, put the spices. Stir well and place over low heat. Stirring, simmer for about half an hour.
  6. Pour oil into the pan, add chopped carrots. Fry over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Then pour in about 70 ml hot water, cover the pan with a lid and bring the carrots to a soft state.
  7. Now we mix carrots with onions and stir thoroughly. Cover the saucepan and place in a moderately heated oven.
  8. Then we take out the container with caviar, add the garlic, stir well and put it in the oven for another 5 minutes.
  9. We put the prepared caviar in prepared jars and seal.

Carrot and pepper caviar for the winter


  • carrots - 1.8 kg;
  • ripe fleshy tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • onions - 450 g;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • cookery not iodized salt- 40 g;
  • sweet pepper - 10 pcs.;
  • garlic - 10-15 cloves;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.


  1. First, we prepare the vegetables - peel the carrots and onions, cut the tails and the seed part from the sweet pepper.
  2. Turn the prepared vegetables through a meat grinder or grind with a blender.
  3. Pour oil into a saucepan or cauldron, put chopped vegetables, salt and place over medium heat. After boiling, reduce the fire to low. Cover the container with a lid and simmer for 2 hours. In this case, of course, one must not forget to stir the caviar so that it does not stick to the bottom.
  4. Almost at the end, add chopped garlic, finely chopped hot pepper. Stir again, let the mass boil again, and remove from the stove.
  5. Hot spicy caviar from carrots for the winter, distribute in clean dry jars, seal and remove for further storage.

Successful blanks to everyone!

Recipes for carrot caviar for the winter Carrot caviar with tomatoes For cooking you will need: carrots - 1 kg tomatoes - 1.5 kg garlic - 100 g sugar - 100 g vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. salt - 1 tbsp. l. ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. l. vinegar essence (70%) - 1 tbsp. l. Preparation Turn the peeled carrots through a meat grinder. Add the tomatoes passed through a meat grinder to the resulting mass, not forgetting to remove the skin from them first. To do this, cut the tomatoes crosswise and scald with boiling water. Add salt, sugar, oil to the carrot and tomato puree. Simmer for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then add chopped garlic and ground pepper. Simmer for another 10 minutes. Next add vinegar essence and simmer for another 5 minutes. Spread hot carrot caviar in dry sterilized jars, roll up immediately. Flip and wrap. Leave to cool and then store6. Carrot caviar with sweet peppers For cooking you will need: carrots - 2 kg sweet peppers - 10 pcs. tomatoes - 3 kg onions - 0.5 kg vegetable oil - 0.5 l garlic - 1 head salt - 2 tbsp. l. chilli pepper - 1 pc. Preparation Peel the onions and carrots. Remove the seeds from the pepper, peel the tomatoes after scalding them. Pass all vegetables through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Transfer the resulting mass to a saucepan with a thick bottom, salt, pour in vegetable oil and put on little fire stew. Simmer the caviar for 1.5-2 hours, stirring occasionally. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add garlic passed through a press and chopped hot pepper. Stir. Spread hot caviar in sterilized jars, roll up with boiled lids. Turn upside down and leave to cool. Remove stored in a cool, dark place. Carrot caviar with onions For cooking you will need: carrots - 3 kg onions - 1 kg sugar - 150 g vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. garlic - 1 head table vinegar 6% - 7 tbsp. l. salt - 5 tbsp. l. Preparation Peel and grate the carrots. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Pour oil into a saucepan with a thick bottom, simmer the carrots in it for 5-10 minutes. Then add the onions and continue simmering until the vegetables are tender. Add salt and sugar, stir. Pour in the vinegar, mix and place the caviar in sterilized 0.5 liter jars. Cover the jars with boiled lids. Leave to sterilize for 7-10 minutes (count from the moment the water boils). Then roll up the lids and turn the cans over and leave to cool. Put the cooled caviar in the pantry or cellar. Note. If you want to get a more uniform consistency of caviar, then after stewing, rotate the vegetables through a meat grinder or chop with an immersion blender. Bon Appetit