Home / Dumplings / Quick canning cucumbers. Preservation of cucumbers for the winter - classic recipes

Quick canning cucumbers. Preservation of cucumbers for the winter - classic recipes

For some reason, I love canning cucumbers in liter jars. You open an appetizing jar - and served it with boiled potatoes, and used Olivier salad, beloved by everyone. But I close pickled cucumbers in three-liter jars.

How to pickle cucumbers so that they are crispy

  • The first secret good water for brine (from filter, well or bottled)
  • The second secret is young green fruits with dark pimples. Remember, if you bought greenhouse or greenhouse cucumbers, then according to any recipe, they will not turn out hard and crispy.
  • The third secret is soaking cucumbers in ice water
  • The fourth secret - just taste them. If they are bitter on their own, then you will spoil the whole dish.

Thanks to these simple secrets you end up with delicious crispy pickled cucumbers.

Marinade for cucumbers recipe for 1 liter of water

Most often, each hostess looks for and chooses a classic marinade recipe. Canned crispy cucumbers the most delicious recipe - marinade

  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Vinegar 30% - dessert spoon, if 9% - three tablespoons

Crispy cucumbers for the winter without sterilization

  • Cucumbers - about 1.5 kg
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • A few peas of black and allspice
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves (no need to get carried away)
  • Vinegar - two tablespoons 9%
  • hot pepper - a piece
  • Greens (dill umbrellas, currant leaves, horseradish)
  • Pieces of onion or bell pepper - optional (recipe for 1 liter jar)

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars

  1. We carefully select fruits of approximately the same size. Choose specimens plump, dark green with pimples.
  2. Fill them with ice water for 2-3 hours. Water should be changed to colder every 30 minutes.
  3. Banks must first be sterilized. Each housewife does it in her own way - in the hole of the kettle, on a stand, in the microwave or oven. It is most convenient for me to do this in the oven - you can sterilize several liter jars at a time. Lids also need to be boiled.
  4. At the bottom of the jars we put greens, garlic and pepper.
  5. We lay the cucumbers beautifully - usually I put the first row while standing, and then I report to the top as it turns out.
  6. Top with a cherry or horseradish leaf.
  7. Boil water and pour it into jars with cucumbers. Cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes.
  8. Pour into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
  9. Pour the marinade into the jar slightly to the top. Add 2 tbsp to each jar. 9% vinegar and immediately roll up the lids.
  10. Then the usual procedure is to turn the jars over on a blanket, wrap them up for even more thorough sterilization. After cooling, we transfer for storage to the pantry or to the basement.

Crispy cucumbers for the winter with vodka

  • Most quick recipe pickles with vodka for the winter, in my opinion, one of the most successful. Preparatory stage same. Sort, wash and soak in cold water.
  • Wash a three-liter jar with soda and pour boiling water over them.
  • Put the cucumbers in a jar, alternating them with herbs.
  • In a jar (this recipe for three liter jar.) pour over a pile of coarse salt and vodka. The recipe is written in my notebook "Cucumber Stack".
  • Pour water from the filter and tie the throat of the jar with gauze. We put it in a saucepan or bowl, because the brine may spill out during fermentation. After three days, the bank is taken out to the basement for storage. This option is for the owners of the basement, they cannot be stored in the pantry.

Choose one of these recipes and enjoy their unique taste all winter long. What’s more, they are easy to prepare.

What is the crunchy recipe? canned cucumbers do you have the most delicious and favorite? Share proven recipes!

Canning is a separate kind of culinary skill, thanks to which we can enjoy the gifts of summer for a long time. How to preserve cucumbers so that they are stored all winter, and the taste meets your expectations, you will learn by reading this article.

Basic rules for salting

Despite the differences in conservation technology, there are uniform rules that must be followed in order to get a decent result:

  1. Cucumbers are best chosen from varieties intended for canning.
  2. They should be small, firm and undamaged.
  3. Before conservation, they must be kept for several hours in icy water.
  4. The dishes in which you are going to roll up and the lids must be perfectly washed and sterilized.
  5. Be sure to take the components clean and dry.

Easy Canning Recipe

This is a time-tested recipe for canned cucumbers. The number of products is calculated for one three-liter bottle.

List of components for 2 - 2.5 kg:

  • water - 1.5 l;
  • kitchen salt not iodized - 60 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • bite - 60 ml;
  • currant, cherry and horseradish leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • dill cap - 2 pcs.;
  • lavrushka - 2 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 7 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves.

Description of cooking step by step:

  1. In the prepared bottle lay out part of the leaves. Then we diligently anoint the cucumbers with the remaining leaves, parsley, garlic, dill.
  2. Let's prepare the marinade. Boil water with salt, sugar and vinegar. Carefully pour boiling water into a bottle with vegetables and leave until it reaches room temperature. Drain, bring back to a boil, pour over and roll well.
  3. Canned cucumbers in jars should stand upside down, covered with a blanket for one night. It is better to store them in a cool place, out of direct sunlight.

Canning in 2 steps

This is a rather time-consuming process of harvesting for the winter, which consists of two stages: first we salt it, and then we preserve it.

For 2.5 kg you will need:

  • water - somewhere around 1.5 l;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • greens - 1 connected bunch;
  • celery - 30-35 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 2 pinches;
  • horseradish - 20-25 g;
  • cherry and currant leaves - 20-25 g;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.

  1. We put a layer of spices in a well-washed dish, then cucumbers (best in a row), then again spices, etc.
  2. We prepare a mixture of water and salt and cover the prepared ingredients with it. We cover with a cloth, a wooden board, and place oppression on top.
  3. They should stay like this for about 3 days. If plaque forms on the board, it must be washed off.
  4. This preparation can be eaten immediately. And in order for it to be stored for a long time, it is preserved. The procedure is as follows: first, we drain the liquid from them in which they stood, filter it through cheesecloth and boil.
  5. We wash the salted vegetables with boiled water and put them in a bottle. Fill with boiling brine, let cool slightly and repeat the whole procedure again. Carefully roll up and remove.

Salting with cold water

Canned pickled cucumbers cold water, and close with a nylon lid, but then they should be stored in a cold place.

The number of ingredients for 2 - 2.5 kg:

  • 10 - 12 cherry leaves;
  • a few pieces of horseradish;
  • 2-3 chopped garlic cloves;
  • 2-3 dill hats with seeds;

Preparing necessary ingredients: wash and dry.

  1. We put all the spices and vegetables in dense rows in prepared jars. We fill them without reaching the edge of 5-6 centimeters, because part of the liquid will be absorbed and the top will remain without brine.
  2. Then we make the mixture in the ratio of 1 liter of cold, unboiled liquid - 40 g of salt and fill the container to the top with it. Close with plastic cap and refrigerate. Delicious cucumbers can be eaten in a few days.

Pickled preparation for the winter

We offer you a marinade preparation option, thanks to which canned ones turn out to be very crispy, not too sour.

The number of components is calculated for 10 kilograms of finished preservation:

  • 10 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 1 bitter pepper;
  • 10 currant leaves.
  • To make 10 liters of marinade, take:
  • 1.5 liters of 6% vinegar;
  • incomplete glass of salt;
  • incomplete glass of sugar;
  • 20 g of dill inflorescences;
  • a few horseradish roots if desired.

Preparation description:

  1. In a cleaned glass container, lay out a lavrushka, a piece of hot pepper, a couple of currant leaves. Carefully stack the cucumbers.
  2. We mix water with all the components and pour it into the bottle. Filled (15-20 minutes after the water boils). Sazu is closed and removed to be stored as usual.

Salad of cucumber slices

This preservation is best closed in liter jars. So green canned cucumbers very much like a salad.

The list of components for 3 - 3.5 kg:

  • 180 ml of odorless oil;
  • 2 onion heads.
  • For 3 liters of marinade:
  • 70 g of salt;
  • 70 g of sugar;
  • 30 black peppercorns;
  • 15-20 bay leaves;
  • half a glass of vinegar.

Cooking instruction:

  1. Mix the ingredients of the marinade and boil.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of oil into the bottom of a liter jar. Cucumbers cut into 4 parts and put in a bowl. Place two slices of onion on top.
  3. Pour the finished solution to the top and put it on sterilization (after boiling for a quarter of an hour). We keep the finished cork in a cool place, without exposure to sunlight.

Cucumber preservation in Volgograd style

This is enough interesting option preparation of the workpiece: first they are treated with boiling water, and only then marinated.

Products per 5 kg:

  • 4-6 garlic cloves;
  • ½ bell pepper;
  • 4 sheets of lavrushka;
  • 10 black peas and ½ teaspoon ground peppers.
  • For 10 liters of marinating liquid, take:
  • 500 g of sugar and salt;
  • 1 large bunch of greens;
  • 400 ml of vinegar.

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, cut off the tails, put them in a clean tank or saucepan, pour boiling water over them, cover and wrap them with a blanket. We will start canning when it becomes warm.
  2. We mix water with bulk ingredients, put greens and boil. We take out the grass from the boiled brine and pour in the vinegar. At the same time, it is cooked at a minimum temperature.
  3. We put the remaining components in a sterilized dish, take out the cucumbers and put them in jars. Fill with boiling brine to the limit and roll up.
  4. We store boiled canned cucumbers as well as ordinary pickled ones.

Cucumbers in mustard

Canned food turns out to be spicy in taste and are great for the role of a snack.

For 1 kg of small cucumbers we need:

  • 150 g of onion;
  • a bunch of dill branches;
  • 30 ml of vinegar;
  • 350 mustard powder;
  • 1/3 cup sugar;
  • lavrushka leaf;
  • 10 peppercorns.

Cooking description:

  1. We chop the onion and dill and put it with mustard and sugar in vinegar and heat it up. We crumble there Bay leaf, add pepper and, stirring, bring to a boil.
  2. We put the washed and wiped dry cucumbers in the resulting mixture, carefully turning them over, let it boil. Remove from heat and hot, roll into jars together with mustard mass.

Cucumbers are the most popular vegetable that is harvested for the winter, and there are a lot of seaming methods. Which one to choose depends on what exactly you want to get.

Video: Canned cucumbers in tomato

How to preserve cucumbers for the winter, the vast majority of hostesses know. Every family has a recipe from the great-grandmother, which is inherited. And each next generation brings something new from itself. But sometimes it happens that the recipe is here, on a piece of paper or in a notebook, but there are no secrets of mastery or step-by-step actions. And great-grandmothers too. How do you know what to do right? Everything is simple. You just need to carefully read and follow the recommendations.

What cucumbers can be canned

You can stuff absolutely any fruit in a jar. But the result can be disastrous. Sour, smelly cucumbers or torn lids are not at all what was intended.

Many people like greens with small pimples. They are so neat, fluffy and look beautiful. In winter, you open a jar, bite off one of these and ... at least make a face. This is a salad variety. Fruits suitable for conservation are large-pimpled, with black thorns.

Another sign: the presence of a color transition from dark green to white or light green. If the cucumber is completely uniform in color, feel free to burst it fresh or make salad twists. The exception is huge cucumbers, the so-called Chinese ones, but more on that later.

Naturally, the ripeness of the vegetable is also important. Never preserve overripe cucumbers, yellow or Brown with hard seeds. They have a hard skin and loose flesh. But they are not thrown away. After removing the skin and rubbing on a coarse grater, you can use the resulting mass for the base of the brine. cucumbers in own juice are original and fragrant.

Too small fruits are also not suitable. They have not yet gained the juiciness and aroma inherent in this variety. The exceptions are pickles and gherkins. They need to be preserved literally microscopic.

The standard size of greenery is 7-9 cm in length. It is convenient to eat, put into bottles and looks beautiful on the table.

Preliminary preparation

Someone will say - why cook them? Namyla and in the bank! No doubt, you can. If you are going to cook anyhow, then there is nothing to break your head. And if you preserve cucumbers for taste and for your loved ones, then be kind enough to work a little. Don't worry, seven sweats won't come off. It will only take time.

First, the cucumbers are carefully washed. The brush is not used. A soft cloth or sponge is ideal. Then they are put in a large bowl and poured with cold water. Purchased for 7-8 hours, it is possible for the night. From your personal plot for 2-3 hours. Why do they do it? Then, so that the greens absorb as much moisture as possible and during the preservation process there are no voids in the pulp. Then they will remain dense and crispy in the jar for a long time.

Why such a difference in time? And when you buy cucumbers, do you know how long ago they were picked? No. Or on your site - the bushes stand in the water, like on rice plantations? Also no. And the water from them evaporates very quickly. Therefore, we do not spoil the blanks, we soak them.

If the room is very hot, then at least once we change the water to cold.

Advice. In the water with which you will fill the cucumbers, rub a few sprigs of green dill with your fingers. You don't need much. For 10 liters of liquid, 5 pieces are enough. Let them soak in the magical aroma.

Proper utensils

Traditionally, cucumbers are preserved in three-liter jars or oak barrels. This is what our grandmothers did. But then there were many children in the families. He took out such a container from the cellar, she was all gone at dinner. Now there is no such need. A family of three will eat such a tub for a long time. And an open and standing jar is far from the same.

Containers with a volume of 1 and 1.5 liters are the most convenient containers. And about oak barrels… You can’t find them now with fire during the day. Why oak? The tannin from the wood allows the cucumbers to stay crunchy for a long time. Well, what prevents you from throwing a pinch of oak bark into the brine? Moreover, it is sold in every pharmacy, already crushed.

Advice. Before laying, pour boiling water over the bark, just in case.

Sterilization for canned cucumbers

There is no need to sterilize the vegetables along with the brine. There is no benefit from 2 minutes of boiling, but from 10 minutes the greens will be boiled. Why are we like this? It will be enough to process the container itself and the lids. Any familiar method will do: oven, microwave, boiling kettle. Do as you are used to or look for information on the net, since now it is full of it.

Advice. If you are confident in the good quality of your water, then stop torturing yourself with home steam and temperature, like in a bath. Hot water and the most common baking soda. Rub the jars well with a stiff brush, rinse thoroughly and use.

Spices. What are needed?

The classic recipe involves the following set of necessary spices (calculation for a 3l jar):

  • green blackcurrant leaves, 5 pcs.
  • dry dill umbrellas with seeds, 3 pcs.
  • black peppercorns, 5 pcs.
  • allspice peas, 4 pcs.
  • peeled garlic cloves, 3 pcs.
  • rock salt, 2 tbsp. l.
  • granulated sugar, 3 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar essence 70%, 1 tbsp. l.

This is a standard set, it must be by all means. And then let your imagination never get tired and be limited only by personal taste preferences. Horseradish roots or burdock, cherry and raspberry leaves, basil, tarragon, hot red pepper, mustard seeds, nettle sprigs ... The list of everything that hostesses add when canning cucumbers is very long. Try, experiment. Perhaps your personal set of spices will be included in cookbooks as a reference!

Advice. Don't chop the garlic cloves. Its juice gives the filling an unpleasant cloudy look. Put them in the container whole.

Marinade or brine

How to preserve cucumbers for the winter? What are the vegetables for? If you put it on the table among the assortment, stuff pies or add it to a salad, then choose hot pickling. If cucumbers are intended for pickle, hodgepodge or vinaigrette, then give preference to cold pickling.

How are these options different? The set of spices is the same, the size of the jars too. The difference is in the preservative and harvesting technology.

Preservation of fruits is ensured acetic acid and boiling water. The procedure is described below. The calculation is taken for a standard set of spices for a three-liter cylinder. With an increase or decrease in volume, we recalculate. The technology is the same for cans of all sizes:

  1. Prepare greens, dishes and spices.
  2. Seasonings are placed at the bottom of the jar. Salt, vinegar and sugar are not taken yet.
  3. Set the vegetables strictly tails down. Without fanaticism, do not shove with all the dope!
  4. Boil 2 liters of clean water, pour cucumbers in a jar, cover with a lid.
  5. Leave for 35-40 minutes. During this time, the remaining water is added 2 times.
  6. The liquid is poured into a saucepan, the right amount of “white poisons” is added, and boiled.
  7. Essence is splashed into cucumbers and poured with brine.
  8. Roll up, turn upside down, leave to cool.

After seaming, many hostesses still sterilize the containers, then wrap the finished jars with sweatshirts and blankets. Why such difficulties? Too little extra work? Then in winter they wonder why greens are shriveled and soft. So they themselves "cooked" them!

If something is done incorrectly, then the bank will open in any case, even if you wrap it like a princess, or not. So why these dances?

Advice. If there are no dill umbrellas at hand, then you can simply pour dry seeds into a jar. Taste and aroma will remain the same.

Preservation occurs due to natural fermentation and the presence of lactic acid. The set of spices is identical to the first recipe, except for the essence and sugar. They are not needed here. Procedure:

  1. Zelentsy and spices are placed in a container.
  2. Salt is dissolved in cold water in proportion to 1 liter of liquid 3 tbsp. l. without a slide.
  3. Pour over vegetables and cover with plastic lids.
  4. Leave at room temperature for 3 days.
  5. A deep pan or bowl must be placed under the container. The fermenting brine “runs away” quite briskly.
  6. After 3 days, add brine to the top.
  7. Then the jars are gently wiped with a dry cloth and put away for storage in the cellar.

Some, after fermentation, add crushed aspirin tablets to the containers. That is unnecessary. The workpiece has developed a sufficient amount of lactic acid for good preservation.

Advice. Such cucumbers are not clogged with tin lids, only nylon. The fermentation process continues for some time, so why do we need a flight of lids and a fountain of brine in the cellar?

Chinese giants

Today, cucumbers over 50 cm long will not surprise anyone. So called Chinese vegetables have already firmly occupied their niche in our personal plots. It is generally accepted that they are all salad type, and external signs clearly indicate this.

However, they do great in a marinade! Of course, it is problematic to stuff them entirely into a jar, but even cut into barrels, they are simply gorgeous! The marinade is always transparent, it tastes indistinguishable from lightly salted ones, even if the bottle has stood until spring. Firm, crispy, amazing!

No one knows how the breeders achieved such qualities, but many thanks to them for such a gift. Try to preserve one jar of these giants. There is a suspicion that you will be disappointed ... that you made so few blanks.

Delicious canned cucumbers. Subtleties

  1. To prevent the appearance of a mold film on the surface of the fill, it is recommended to pour shavings from the horseradish root under the cover. The occupation is very cruel and causing a stream of tears. You can do it much easier. Either the roots are frozen and only then cut, or leaves are placed instead of the roots. Everything is easy and without sobs.
  2. If you took out the workpiece, ate a few cucumbers, and the jar did not run out, then sprinkle the brine with a thin layer of mustard powder. The taste will practically not change, but a nasty white film will not appear.
  3. Extra grade salt, sea salt or iodized salt is strictly not recommended for conservation. Lids will always rip off. The good old cookbook - tested by many generations.
  4. Bay leaf is a very strong natural antiseptic, and even fragrant. Therefore, it is also added to spices. Just a little, otherwise the cucumbers will be bitter.
  5. By the way, there is an erroneous opinion that fruits with a bitter aftertaste are not suitable for harvesting. Nonsense! During the preservation process, all bitterness disappears and is absolutely not felt in the pulp or brine.
  6. No normal recipe will give accurate information about the weight of cucumbers. Always consider the volume of the marinade in relation to the volume of the jar. And how many Zelentsy will fit in there depends on their size. You can pour three handfuls of pickles or stuff 2 Chinese giants with barrels. How to determine by weight? No way. Put in as much as you can and that's it.

How to preserve cucumbers for the winter? Boldly, not afraid of new experiments and old habitual tastes. Your family will surely appreciate your ability to make blanks, and your girlfriends will ask for the exact recipe. Good salting to you!

Video: recipe for crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter

In the old days, canning cucumbers was a real tradition. Families grew fresh herbs or bought them from the market to make delicious winter preserves for the holidays or for daily consumption. This custom still exists today. Canned cucumbers are both a separate dish and an ingredient in salads and snacks. They can be sweet, sour, spicy, just salty, or with a strong, spicy flavor depending on the recipe they're made from. This article presents the most best options preparation of canned cucumbers.

How to preserve cucumbers - secrets and tricks

To make canned cucumbers tasty, you need to be able to choose and prepare them.


Any recipe should be tested in small quantities first. Make one three-liter jar or a couple of liters. This will allow you to try the dish, find out how good it is, whether the family likes it, and also, if necessary, make your own adjustments.

Check also these articles

A classic, simple recipe for canned greens is used by hostesses very often. This is a proven option, the fruits are delicious with minimal effort and time.

Ingredients (for 1 three-liter jar):

  • Cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • Horseradish - 2 leaves;
  • Dill - a small bunch;
  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Salt - 60 g;
  • Water - litre.


  1. The very first thing to do is prepare the cucumbers. It is important to rinse them thoroughly, it is better to cut the ponytails, and then pour everything with cold water for 4 hours.
  2. Seaming containers must be washed, sterilized and the lids boiled separately.
  3. The greens are washed out under running water, and cut (although you can use dill, currants and whole cherries, the main thing is to break horseradish castings only 2-3 times, because they are very large).
  4. Greens (except horseradish) are distributed among the jars in equal amounts, peeled garlic cloves, then cucumbers are also stacked. And only on top of them already define horseradish.
  5. Water is brought to a boil in a saucepan, salt and sugar are poured into it, when everything boils, cucumbers are poured with marinade and rolled up. After cooling, they can be rearranged in the pantry.

Crispy canned cucumbers for the winter

Crispy cucumbers - a miracle on winter table. They refresh any recipe, but they are mostly eaten on their own or as an appetizer to the main course. There are a lot of options for preparing crispy canned cucumbers. Below are two of the most popular.

Ingredients (for a three-liter jar):

  • Cucumbers - 1.5-2.5 kg;
  • Greens - a medium bunch (horseradish, dill, currant leaves, tarragon - one thing);
  • Garlic - 4-6 cloves per container;
  • Vinegar (70%) - 1 tsp (per three liter jar)
  • Salt - 90-100 g;
  • Water - about 1.5 liters.


  1. Greens are washed out, flower stalks, ponytails must be removed. It is also important to wipe the peel to remove all the thorns. Now they are soaked for 3-4 hours in cool water.
  2. Three-liter containers are washed and dried. Cucumbers are laid out on them after they have soaked, peeled garlic and herbs are added.
  3. Water is boiled in a separate container. As soon as it boils, it is poured into jars and left for 5 minutes.
  4. After a while, the water is poured back into the pan, boiled again, poured into containers and left, as before, for 5 minutes.
  5. The last time the water is drained again, it is brought to a boil, salt is added, and the vinegar is added when the brine is already turned off. Now they are poured with cucumbers, the jars are rolled up and turned over with the lid down.

In order for the preservation to be stored for a long time, it must be wrapped in a blanket for a day. So she can cool down normally, and then she is transferred to the pantry.

Dill, horseradish are usually used as a seasoning for cucumbers, but leaves of cherries, black or red currants, and gooseberries also give a strong, pleasant aroma.


  • Cucumbers - 5 kg;
  • Hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Horseradish - 1 medium root;
  • Carnation - 10 pcs.;
  • Black peppercorns - 10 g;
  • Allspice peas - 10 g;
  • Laurel - 6 leaves.
  • Dill and parsley - 1 bunch each.


  • Sugar - 25 g;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 25 g;
  • Salt - 60 g;
  • Water - 1.5 liters.


  1. Zelentsy are washed and poured into a basin with cool water. They need to be soaked for 2 hours.
  2. The jars are sterilized, and it is important to boil the lids for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Spices, herbs, garlic are stacked in jars in equal amounts. Hot pepper is cut, the seeds are removed (although this is optional) and is also determined for seasonings. Cucumbers are laid out on top of the seasonings.
  4. Water is brought to a boil in a saucepan, then it is poured into jars and covered with lids. After 10 minutes, the water is poured back into the pan and the procedure is repeated again. After the fruits have stood in boiling water again, the water is poured into a saucepan and salt and sugar are added. When the liquid boils, it is turned off.
  5. Vinegar is poured into jars - a tablespoon per one three-liter container. Brine is poured on top, and everything is corked.

After the preservation is hermetically sealed, the containers are turned upside down and left under a blanket for a day. Then you can remove the cucumbers to the rest of the preservation.

Sweet fruits are obtained if a special marinade is made for them. However, it is best to make this version of the dish in liter jars. An amateur dish and before closing a large batch in three-liter jars, it is better to experiment on a small amount.


  • Cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • Garlic - 20 teeth;
  • Greens (currant leaves, dill, horseradish) are taken to taste, but on average - a large bunch of this mixture;
  • Hot pepper - one pod;
  • Black pepper - one small package;
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 2 cups;
  • Salt - 180 g;
  • Water - 4 liters.


If you put a lot of hot peppers in preservation, then the cucumbers will be spicy-sweet. If you need to get only a drop of spiciness, then mildly spicy varieties of pepper are taken and placed in small quantities.


  1. Greens are washed out, flower stalks must be removed, like all dirt, and soaked for an hour in cool water.
  2. Greens, garlic are prepared (cut, peeled). Hot peppers must be washed. It can be put whole or cut. So that there is not much sharpness, the seeds are removed from the inside.
  3. Spin containers are washed out, greens, garlic, black pepper are placed on the bottom, hot peppers and cucumbers on top. The amount of spices depends on taste - the more, the better. piquant taste and stronger flavor.
  4. The containers are filled with boiling water and covered with lids (they must be boiled in boiling water in advance).
  5. Marinade is prepared in a separate pan. Salt, sugar are added to the water, after boiling, the fire is turned off, vinegar is poured into the marinade.
  6. Water is drained from the jars, and the marinade is poured. It remains only to seal the containers with lids.

Turning the preservation upside down, you need to cover it with a thick blanket and after a day you can put it in the pantry.

You can cook canned cucumbers not only separately, but also in combination with other vegetables. Their tastes complement each other, improving the aroma as well.


  • Cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • Carrots - 2 medium;
  • Onions - 2 medium heads;
  • Garlic - head;
  • Carnation - 6 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Vinegar (preferably apple or grape) - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - 90 g;
  • Water - 1.2 liters.


To make the taste of greens unusual, you can replace the cloves with mustard. For 2 kg of cucumbers, 0.5-1.5 teaspoons of mustard peas will be enough.


  1. The fruits are cleaned of thorns, peduncles, washed and soaked for 1-2 hours.
  2. While cucumbers are soaked, onions, garlic, carrots are peeled. Garlic can be left in the form of individual cloves, and onions and carrots are cut into circles or slices - as you like.
  3. Twist containers are sterilized. Vegetables are laid out in them, cloves are added. Separately, it is necessary to boil the lids.
  4. In a saucepan, a marinade is boiled from water, sugar and salt. When the liquid boils, vinegar is poured into it and poured into containers with greens.
  5. Liter containers must be sterilized in boiling water for about 10 minutes, if a three-liter container is taken, then it is sterilized for 20-25 minutes. After sterilization, corking is carried out with lids and preservation is turned upside down for a day.

According to this recipe, spicy greens are obtained. The recipe is very simple, but it is advisable to roll the fruits in three-liter jars so that all the components can easily fit there.

Ingredients (per liter of brine):

  • Cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg;
  • Garlic - 3 teeth;
  • Hot pepper - one pod (per three-liter container);
  • Blackcurrant leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • Horseradish - one leaf;
  • Dill - a branch;
  • Laurel - one leaf;
  • Black pepper - 3-5 peas;
  • Carnation - 2 pcs.;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 30 ml;
  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Salt - 30 g.


  1. Greens are washed in the basin, the ends are cut off on both sides. If they are not freshly picked, then it is advisable to soak them after that for 2 hours. To do this, clean, cool water is poured into the basin and cucumbers are poured.
  2. Seaming containers are washed out, doused with boiling water, canning lids are boiled.
  3. Garlic is laid out in ready-made jars, hot pepper, currant leaves, laurel, dill and chopped horseradish, cloves and black pepper. Cucumbers are placed on top of the seasonings.
  4. Water is brought to a boil in a saucepan and poured into jars of cucumbers, and then the preservation is covered with lids. After half an hour, the liquid is drained, brought to a boil again, salt and sugar are added, and 30 ml of vinegar is poured into each jar. As soon as the brine boils, it is poured into containers and rolled up.

Everything, canned cucumbers are ready, you just need to turn them upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool for a day. You can serve this dish both for the holidays and for a simple, everyday dinner or lunch. Zelentsy are crispy and spicy with a pleasant, spicy aroma.

Every housewife's dream. To achieve the desired result, many of them have to go through a difficult path of trial and error. But in fact, it’s not at all difficult to cook crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter, you just need to know a few important secrets.

For example, in order for pickled cucumbers to turn out tasty and crispy, they must be young, with thin skin and dark pimples, small in size (7-8 cm) and harvested no later than a day before pickling. It is better, of course, if these are cucumbers from their garden. But if this is not possible, take proven cucumbers on the market. Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked for 2 to 6, or even up to 8 hours (depending on the recipe) in cold water, changing it often. Moreover, the colder the water in which the cucumbers are pre-soaked, the more crispy the result will be.

Proven Pickled Cucumber Recipes

Spices also need to be treated with due attention. For example, you should not put a lot of garlic, cucumbers will turn out soft. But cloves, allspice, leaves black currant and put the bay leaf at will, they will not affect the result. You can add other spices if they are provided for by the selected recipe. That's actually all. Choose a recipe, since we have found a lot of them for you, follow all the steps indicated in the recipes, and delicious pickled crispy cucumbers will dilute your cozy “cellar” with all kinds of preparations with their presence.

Crispy pickled cucumbers (method number 1)

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
2 kg small cucumbers,
2 garlic cloves,
1 carrot
1 dill umbrella
1 sprig of parsley
1 tsp vinegar essence.
For marinade:
1 liter of water
1 tbsp salt (with a slide),
2 tbsp Sahara,
5 black peppercorns,
3 cherry leaves
3 cloves.

Soak cucumbers in water for 6 hours, then place in jars along with garlic, carrots, dill and parsley. Pour boiling water over jars of cucumbers and leave for 10 minutes. Drain the water and pour boiling water again, then add sugar, salt, spices, leaves to the drained water and let it boil. Pour the cucumbers with the finished marinade, add 1 tsp to each jar. vinegar essence, roll up and wrap until completely cool.

Cucumbers "Fragrant" (method number 2)

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:
1 onion
1 garlic clove
5 peas of allspice,
1 bay leaf.
For brine:
500 ml of water
4 tsp Sahara,
2 tsp salt,
4 tsp 9% vinegar.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the ends and soak for 3 hours in cold water. Put the spices, chopped onion, garlic in the bottom of the jar. Then pack the cucumbers tightly into the jar. Boil the brine, pour over the cucumbers and sterilize the jars for 10 minutes. Then roll up, turn over and wrap.

Pickled cucumbers (method number 3)

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):
1.8 kg cucumbers,
2 dill umbrellas,
1 sheet of horseradish
3-4 garlic cloves,
6-7 black peppercorns
2 currant leaves,
6 tsp Sahara,
3 tsp salt,
5 tbsp table vinegar.

Wash greens and cucumbers under running cold water. At the bottom of the prepared jars, lay the greens, garlic and pepper cut into small pieces. Then pack the cucumbers tightly into the jar, add salt, sugar and vinegar directly into the jar and pour cold water over it. Then put the jar of cucumbers in a pot of cold water and bring to a boil over low heat. After 2-3 minutes from the moment of boiling, roll up the jars. Cucumbers must remain green at the time of rolling. Turn the jars over, cover and leave to cool.

Crispy pickled cucumbers with grated horseradish and tarragon

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
small cucumbers,
2-3 sprigs of parsley,
2 cloves of garlic
2 cherry leaves
1 ring of sweet pepper,
horseradish leaves, dill, tarragon, hot pepper - to taste.
For the marinade (for 500 ml of water):
30 g sugar.
40 g salt.
Bay leaf,
70 ml 9% vinegar.

For this recipe, choose small cucumbers (no more than 7 cm) without defects, bitterness and voids inside. Wash them and soak for 3 hours in cold water, then rinse with running water and cut off the ends on both sides. Place cherry, horseradish, dill, parsley, peppers, garlic and tarragon leaves at the bottom of 1 liter jars. Fill the jars with cucumbers, pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then repeat this procedure. Prepare the marinade by adding everything except vinegar to the water (add it when the water boils). Pour cucumbers with boiling marinade and roll up jars.

Cucumbers "Lemon"

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):
1 kg cucumbers
2-3 garlic cloves,
1-2 bay leaves,
2 tbsp dill with seeds
1 tbsp chopped onion,
1 tsp grated horseradish,
1 liter of water
100 g salt
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tbsp citric acid,
a few peas of black pepper.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the ends and soak in cold water for 3 hours. At the bottom of a 3 liter jar, put dill, bay leaf, horseradish, onion, garlic and peppercorns. Then place the prepared cucumbers tightly in the jar. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt, citric acid, bring to a boil and pour cucumbers in a jar with this boiling marinade. Cover the top of the jar with a pre-sterilized lid and sterilize jars of cucumbers in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Roll up and leave to cool at room temperature.

Crispy Pickled Cucumbers in Apple Juice

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):
small cucumbers (how many will go into the jar),
2-3 black peppercorns
1 dill umbrella
1 sprig of mint
1 currant leaf,
2 cloves.
For marinade:
Apple juice,
salt - 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of juice.

Scald the cucumbers with boiling water and cut off the ends. At the bottom of each of the jars, lay a sheet of currant, mint, add spices and fill the jars with cucumbers, and then fill them to the top with boiling marinade made from apple juice With salt. Sterilize the jars, almost completely immersed in boiling water, for 12 minutes from the moment of boiling, but no more, otherwise your cucumbers will not turn out crispy. When the time is up, roll up the jars with lids, turn over and wrap, leave in this form until completely cooled.

Pickled cucumbers with bell pepper, basil and coriander Khrum-khrumchiki

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):
500-700 g cucumbers,
3-4 sweet peppers
3-4 garlic cloves,
1 dill umbrella
1 horseradish root
2-3 sprigs of basil
1 tsp grains of coriander.
4 peas of allspice,
3 black peppercorns.
For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):
4 tbsp salt,
2 tbsp Sahara,
3 tbsp 9% vinegar.

Wash the cucumbers and cut off the tips, remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into 4 parts. Place dill, garlic, basil and peeled horseradish root on the bottom of the prepared jar. Then put the cucumbers and peppers tightly in the jar. For the marinade, add salt and sugar to the water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, add vinegar and pour over the jars of cucumbers. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. When the time is up, drain the marinade and bring it back to a boil. Add coriander, peppercorns to the jar and fill the contents of the jars with hot marinade. Roll it up, turn it upside down, and put it in a cool place the next day.

Crispy cucumbers marinated with mint leaves, onions and carrots

2 kg cucumbers
1 small head of garlic,
1 small onion
1 medium carrot
4 leaves of horseradish, cherries, currants,
1 sprig of dill along with an umbrella,
3 sprigs with leaves of young fresh mint,
1.2 liters of water,
3 tbsp salt (no top)
2 tbsp Sahara,
3 tbsp fruit vinegar.

Select cucumbers of the same size, wash them, cut off the ends and soak in cold water for 5-6 hours. At the bottom of dry sterilized jars, place cherry, currant, horseradish and mint leaves, garlic cloves and sliced ​​​​carrots. There, in a jar, put the cucumbers, tightly, to the very top. Spread the onion, cut into rings, over the cucumbers, and dill on the onion. Dissolve sugar and salt in water, let the water boil and pour cucumbers with this brine twice, and for the third time pour vinegar into the drained brine, let it boil and add a little water. Pour the cucumbers with this brine, roll up the lids, turn over and leave for 5-6 hours. And only then put it away for storage.

Sweet and sour cucumbers "Bulgarian style"

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
1 dill umbrella
1 sheet of horseradish
1 sprig of carrot tops,
5 peas of allspice,
1 garlic clove
1 tsp salt,
2 tsp Sahara,
50 ml 9% vinegar.

Soak cucumbers for 1-2 hours in cold water. In each jar, put dill, horseradish leaves, carrot tops, black peppercorns and a clove of garlic. Add vinegar. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and put them in jars. Fill jars with cucumbers with cold water (preferably filtered). Add salt and sugar to each jar. Place the jars in a container and fill it with cold water up to the shoulders of the jars. Put on fire, bring the water to a boil and sterilize the jars for 5-7 minutes from the moment of boiling. Loosely cover jars during sterilization with lids. After that, roll up the jars, turn over and, without wrapping, cool to room temperature. After cooling, put the jars of cucumbers in the refrigerator for several hours (you can overnight), and then put them in storage.

Marinated crunchyand cucumbers "Coniferous aroma"

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):
1 kg cucumbers
4 young sprigs of pine (5-7 cm).
For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):
2 tbsp salt,
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ stack 9% vinegar.

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the tips, pour over boiling water and then ice water. At the bottom of the prepared jar, put half of the pine branches, then lay the cucumbers tightly, and put the rest of the pine branches between them. Pour sugar and salt into water, bring it to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Fill jars of cucumbers with boiling water to the brim, cover with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes. After that, drain the marinade back into the pan, bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar, stir and pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers. Roll up the jars, turn upside down, wrap and leave for 2 days. Then store in a cool place.

Crispy cucumbers with oak leaves

Ingredients (for 10 1 l cans):
5 kg fresh small cucumbers,
10 garlic cloves,
10 dill umbrellas,
10 leaves of blackcurrant,
10 oak leaves
5 small horseradish leaves
30 black peppercorns
30 peas of allspice,
10 tsp grain mustard,
2.4 liters of water,
3 tbsp salt,
5 tbsp Sahara,
150 ml 9% vinegar.

Wash cucumbers well and soak in cold water for 4-6 hours. In clean and sterilized jars, put spicy greens, black and allspice, garlic cloves and mustard. Lay the cucumbers tightly and neatly on top. For the marinade, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt, let it boil, turn off the heat and add vinegar. Pour the cucumbers in jars with the prepared marinade, cover them with lids and sterilize for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. Then roll up, turn over and let cool slowly.

Pickled crispy cucumbers with oak bark

Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):
small cucumbers,
2 cloves of garlic
½ sheet of horseradish
1 dill umbrella
2 cherry leaves
1 black currant leaf
3-4 black peppercorns
3-4 allspice peas,
½ hot pepper,
⅓ tsp oak bark,
1.5 tsp salt,
1.5 tsp Sahara,
30 ml table vinegar.

Soak cucumbers in cold water for 5-6 hours. Arrange spices, oak bark and cucumbers in jars. Pour the contents of the jars with boiling water, let stand until the next water boils. Drain the first water and fill the cucumbers with the second water, and again let them stand for a while. After the second time, after draining the water, add salt, sugar and vinegar directly into the jars, fill the jars with fresh boiling water and roll up.

Pickled gherkins with cinnamon

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):
cucumbers - how much will go into the jar,
15 cloves,
6 bay leaves,
3-4 garlic cloves,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
black and allspice peas,
1 small pod of hot pepper,
1.2-1.4 liters of water,
2 tbsp salt (no top)
2 tbsp sugar (no top)
1 tbsp 70% vinegar.

Soak the cucumbers for 6-8 hours, cut off the tips, scald with boiling water and put in sterilized jars, pour boiling water for 20 minutes. Then drain the water and bring to a boil again. Pour salt, sugar, cinnamon, spices, garlic, hot pepper into a jar of cucumbers, pour boiling water, add vinegar to the jar, roll up and wrap.

Prepare crispy pickled cucumbers according to our recipe and crunch with pleasure in winter not only with snow on the street, but also delicious cucumbers at the table.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina