Home / Cupcakes / Pork shashlik with lemon juice. Chicken in lemon marinade

Pork shashlik with lemon juice. Chicken in lemon marinade

Shashlik is everyone's favorite picnic dish.

But you can cook it at home: in a barbecue maker, in the oven, even in a slow cooker.

Of course, this is not quite right, but still you should not deprive yourself and your household of the pleasure of tasting pork kebab with lemon and onion just because for some reason it is impossible to go out into the countryside.

General principles of cooking pork kebab with lemon and onion

So that the dish does not disappoint you, choose the right meat. For juicy and soft kebab from pork with lemon and onions, it is better to choose meat from the neck. It is not too greasy and quite soft. But you can buy something else, just remember: good kebab will turn out from good meat... If you got a tough and unappetizing piece, you will hardly be able to transform it into aromatic kebab from pork with lemon and onion: it is better to use it for boiling broth, make minced meat and add to cutlets or use for cooking meat gravy.

To make the meat even juicier and softer, it should be marinated before frying. Moreover, the pieces should be kept in the marinade for at least 9 hours.

There are many different recipes marinades, some of them can be found on our website. However, many believe that the best way Is a pork barbecue with lemon and onion. These additives ensure the softness and juiciness of the dish, without burdening it at the same time with unnecessary flavors that are not to everyone's liking. However, it is worth trying other options: suddenly it is he who will like you and your loved ones the most! Actually, you can combine different additives, making up a pork kebab marinade with lemon and onion. For example, mayonnaise, kefir, etc. are suitable for this purpose. These ingredients provide some flavor nuances. It should be remembered that, after all, lemon and onion are the most natural and unassuming. They do not hamper the taste of the meat, but only make it softer.

Fry pork kebabs with lemon and onions on coals, avoiding open fires. A sheet of paper will help to determine the desired height: slowly lower it to the coals. If it starts to burn, the height is ideal for meat as well. However, for the first 3-5 minutes it is necessary to lower the skewer lower and hold it there, often turning it over: this is necessary so that the pieces "grab" and juice does not flow out of them. To check the readiness of the meat, you need to slightly cut a piece: light juice indicates that the meat is ready, pink - that it still needs to be held over the coals, lack of juice - that the kebab is already overcooked.

Recipe 1. Pork kebab with lemon and onion in a classic marinade


Pork neck - half a kilo

Lemons - 2-3 pieces

Onion - a small onion

Rosemary - 1 sprig

Dry herbs for meat - spoon or one and a half, to taste

Salt - a pinch

Garlic - a couple of cloves

Cooking method

Squeeze juice from lemons. Chop the onion with a food processor and squeeze the juice out of it, mix with lemon. Pound garlic with herbs and salt in a mortar, dilute with lemon and onion juices.

Cut the pork into pieces of equal size, if possible. Immerse them in the marinade, cover with a lid of a smaller diameter than a bowl of meat, put a jar of water on top. This is to ensure that the meat is completely submerged in the marinade.

Soak the pork in this way for several hours, then squeeze lightly and cook as usual.

Recipe 2. Pork kebab with lemon and onion with mayonnaise


Pork - 1 kg

Lemon - 1 large

Mayonnaise - 150 ml

Onion - large onion

Kefir - half a glass

Mint - 5-6 branches

Dried thyme - pinch

Cooking method

Cut the pork into pieces of approximately equal size, the onion into rings, the lemon into 6-7 mm semicircles. Tear the mint finely with your hands or cut with scissors.

Mix mayonnaise with kefir, mint and thyme.

Place meat, lemon and onion in a bowl and mix everything. Pour marinade over, cover and leave in a cool place for 8 - 12 hours, you can even for a day.

Remove pieces of meat, onion and lemon from the marinade and skewer. Prepare pork kebab with lemon and onion as usual.

Recipe 3. Pork shashlik with lemon and onion "Spicy"


Pork - about a kilogram

Onion - large onion

Lemon - one

Dry wine - 100 ml

Soy sauce - 50 ml

Sour cream - 50 ml

Sugar is a good pinch

Curry, coriander, nutmeg, ginger (dried) - all together 2 teaspoons

Honey - a tablespoon

Cooking method

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix it with wine (your choice: white or red), honey and soy sauce. Mix dry herbs and curry with sugar and stir in marinade.

Chop the onion with a knife or grater.

After cutting the meat into pieces of the required size, grease well with sour cream, and then mix with onions, put in a bowl or saucepan and pour over the marinade.

Leave to marinate for at least 8 hours, then remove from the marinade and skewer.

Recipe 4. Pork shashlik with lemon and onion "Pineapple"


Pork neck (in this case, other meat is undesirable) - kilogram

Pineapple - half, good and not very ripe; it is possible, although worse, to use canned

Lemon - 1 small or half

Olive oil (sesame or even sunflower can be used) - 2 tablespoons

Onion - a pair of onions

Sour cream - 100 ml

Cooking method

Chop pineapple and lemon and chop with a blender or food processor in puree. Add butter and sour cream, mix everything thoroughly.

Cut the onion into rings and the pork neck into slices. Place in a saucepan and mix with pineapple marinade. Leave on for 10 hours.

Take the marinated meat out of the pan, shake it slightly from the marinade and string it on a skewer, you can together with onions.

Recipe 5. Pork shashlik with lemon and onion "Cognac"


Lemon - half

Onion - 2 onions

Cognac - 60 ml

Meat (pork) - 1 kg

Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon

Black pepper, coriander, basil, oregano, nutmeg, sweet paprika powder

Vegetable oil - with a quarter cup

Cooking method

Cut the meat into pieces of the desired size, the onion into wide half rings. Mix pepper, coriander, herbs and sprinkle them on the meat and onions, then mix and leave.

Mix brandy, juice of half a lemon, soy sauce and vegetable oil. Pour the marinade over the meat and onions and leave in a cool place for several hours.

Recipe 6. Pork barbecue with lemon and onion and mineral water

Many believe that it is the highly carbonated mineral water in the marinade that will allow the meat to become juicy and tender.


Mineral water highly carbonated - liter

Pork - one and a half kilograms

Lemon - 1 fairly large

Bow - 3 medium heads

Dried basil, marjoram, thyme and other herbs - heaped tablespoon

Black pepper

Cooking method

Mix spicy herbs and pepper, add a pinch of salt.

Cut the lemon and the onion peeled in advance: the lemon into slices, as for tea, and the onion - part thin, and part - rather wide rings. Stir in the lemon and onion, crushing them lightly to make the juice stand out.

The pork should be cut into cubes of approximately the same, not too large size, mixed with lemon and onion and squeezed a little more so that the meat is covered with lemon and onion juice. Then stir in the mixture spicy herbs and pepper and salt.

Pour the kebab with mineral water, which is designed, thanks to the bubbles, to help the marinade penetrate deep into the meat fibers.

When stringing pork on a skewer, do not forget the largest pieces of onion - it should also turn out delicious.

Recipe 7. Pork barbecue with lemon and onion with kefir


Meat pork neck- 1 ½ kg

Lemon - Medium

Onion - 2 large onions

Kefir - half a liter

Various spicy dried herbs (you can just take a mixture for meat or for barbecue)

Black pepper, salt

Cooking method

Chop the meat.

Peel the onion; cut some of it into neat pieces for stringing alternately with meat on a skewer, and grind some with a blender, meat grinder or food processor.

Grind the lemon using one of the above-mentioned devices.

If there is no blender, no food processor, or even a meat grinder, you can rub everything on a coarse grater, but the onion is hard to rub: the eyes are watering.

Mix the resulting lemon and onion gruel with spices and spread on the meat. Place it in a bowl and shake it several times so that all pieces are covered with the onion-lemon mixture. Put large pieces of onion there. After that, pour kefir over the kebab and put it in a cool place for 8 - 10 hours.

When the time comes to fill the skewers, each should, besides pork, also be strung with pieces of onion.

Recipe 8. Pomegranate barbecue sauce

The question arises: with what to serve pork kebab with lemon and onion? In addition to traditional ketchup or store-bought kebab sauce, it's worth cooking something special.


Pomegranate juice (it is better, of course, homemade, because the purchased one has a lot of sugar and other additives - maybe natural, but not "pomegranate" ...) - 1 glass

Red wine, semi-sweet is better, but semi-dry is possible - 1 glass

Starch - 1 ½ teaspoons

Basil greens, parsley, celery, cilantro in any combination - half a glass, chopped

Red hot pepper- a small pinch

Salt - half a teaspoon

Cooking method

Mix wine and pomegranate juice and place on the stove. While stirring, cook for a very small fire... When the mixture boils, put salt and pepper in it, cover and cook for another quarter of an hour, waiting for the sauce to thicken. Put the herbs and leave to cook for a couple of minutes, during which the starch should be shaken in a quarter of a glass of water. Pour the starch into the sauce, stirring at the same time to avoid lumps. Once the sauce is thick enough, remove from heat and cool.

Recipe 9. Sauce for BBQ "Feta"


Feta-type cheese - 200 g

Lemon - half a small

Garlic - 1 clove

Thick sour cream - 100 g

Spicy fresh herbs(basil, dill, celery, mint, parsley, etc., to taste) - half a bunch

Cooking method

Squeeze juice from half a lemon, chop the herbs a little, peel the garlic, break the feta. Put cheese, garlic, herbs and sour cream in a blender bowl and puree. Dilute lemon juice... Add a spoon if necessary olive oil.

Pork skewers with lemon and onions: tricks and tips

    It is necessary to salt the meat just before cooking, otherwise it will be poorly saturated with marinade.

    Pork should be marinated in an enamel, earthenware, glassware; steel pans are less suitable for this purpose, and aluminum pans are not at all suitable.

    If desired, pork kebabs with lemon and onions can be cooked not on metal skewers, but on wooden skewers. This is especially convenient if you are preparing a dish not on the grill, but at home, say, in the oven. Before cooking, immerse wooden skewers in water overnight.

    Do not forget that charcoal from the wood of fruit trees is best suited for cooking pork kebab with lemon and onion (as, indeed, for any other), worse - from deciduous trees, and you should not use coniferous firewood or poisonous wood at all.

    Some experts advise against stringing onions and other vegetables interspersed with meat: they are cooked faster than meat... However, you can not eat the baked vegetables, but pickle the onions separately. To do this, cut the purple onion into thin rings and pour marinade for half an hour: lemon juice, zest of half a lemon, half a spoonful of salt and sugar, two large spoons vegetable oil and a quarter glass of warm (to dissolve salt and sugar) water.

Few out-of-town vacationers can imagine a full-fledged vacation without the main component of such events - meat fried on coals! Kebab with lemon and onion is the most popular marinating method for lovers of natural marinade without the use of complex and rare ingredients. And, indeed: at least one of these ingredients, most likely, you have in stock, and the second can be easily purchased at any store.

The use of any other dressings for meat, fish or chicken, one way or another, affects the taste characteristics ready meal... Kefir or yogurt add a creamy flavor, vinegar or wine - some harshness, and complex mixtures of herbs and spices will not please all the participants of the picnic. Lemon and onion juices, meanwhile, gently "loosen up" the meat pieces, adding only a subtle sourness to them, which is only good for them.

Anyone who breaks their heads on how to marinate a kebab with lemon correctly will need advice that has been tested by time and dozens of country trips.

* Cook Tips
- The maximum possible dosage is two large citrus fruits per kilogram of meat. If you exceed this limit, then the meat preparations will turn out to be frankly sour.
- If you plan to use beef for barbecue with lemon and onion, then you must take into account that this meat needs to be marinated much longer than a similar product of another animal or poultry.
- The less fat the bite selected for cooking contains, the more careful you need to be with the salt. Ideally, it is best to add just a little salt just before frying, as this substance prevents moisture and marinade from penetrating into the meat cuts.
- turned out to be a cheerful yellow fruit at hand? It can be replaced with a glass pomegranate juice or half a kilogram ripe tomatoes with a few bay leaves.

Shashlik with lemon "For experiment lovers"


  • - 1 kg + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 fruit + -
  • - 5 teeth + -
  • Fresh or dried mint- 1 handful + -
  • - taste + -
  • by preference + -


An unusual bright and colorful combination - this is clearly about our recipe for kebabs with lemon and onions, supplemented with mint and garlic. These seemingly incompatible components form an interesting and fresh taste, which will surely be highly appreciated by fans of a country holiday. Before marinating the kebab with lemon, the meat must be properly prepared. To do this, rinse the tenderloin (it is better to take the neck part) under water, blot excess moisture with paper towels and cut into portioned cubes - such that it is convenient to prick them on a fork or skewer.

2. Remove the husk and the top dense layer from the bulbs and garlic cloves. Chop the onion into rings, and pass the garlic through the garlic.

3. Wash the lemon well, scald with boiling water and cut into two equal parts. We chop one of them into thin slices (they will be used for decorating the dish), and squeeze the juice from the second and pour it into a glass.

4. Finely chop the mint (if the shoots are fresh) or tear by hand. If we are talking about dried leaves, then we just grind them smaller.

5. Further, to prepare a kebab with lemon and onion, we need to grate the meat slices with a mixture of lemon juice, garlic, pepper and mint. At the same time, we try to do this so that the composition hits every piece without exception, otherwise the “bare” workpieces will be bland.

At the end of this process, place the future treats in a saucepan and put onion slices on top (this will soak it, but not soft). To heighten the effect, you can wrap the container in cling film and put under pressure, but this is not necessary. In this form, the future masterpiece should remain for at least four hours, after which the meat can be strung on skewers interspersed with onion rings, salt and put on the grill.

Serving the resulting delicious food directly on skewers is not entirely aesthetically pleasing and hygienic. So we just put the meat in a big dish and decorate it. lemon wedges and the onion remaining after frying - it's much better, isn't it?

* Cook Tips
- When serving kebab with lemon and onion, you can sprinkle it with finely chopped herbs - this will make the aroma of the treat more pronounced and appetizing.
- Do you cook meat at home with a certain seasoning or a mixture of herbs? Feel free to use the same set of seasonings when marinating pork, which you are going to treat to your guests at a picnic!

The perfect addition to a great meal!

By the way, and with what are you going to serve kebabs in the heat of the heat? Surely, this is something from the "gentleman's" set: ketchup, mayonnaise and others like them.

Meanwhile, you can surprise the audience with a simple and original sauce, for the preparation of which you will need nothing at all - collect all the ingredients and press the blender button. In the bowl of this appliance, mix 200 g of feta cheese, a few tablespoons of lemon juice and a few sprigs of any greens. Ready!

Such a dressing will perfectly emphasize the taste of the main treat and will be many times more useful than store counterparts.

We hope that after the first experience of processing meat according to the above recipe, the question of how to marinate a kebab with lemon will not be relevant for you!

With the onset of spring and warm weather, cooking recipes become very relevant delicious kebabs Outdoors. This is probably the most popular meat dish, which is loved by all without exception. Today I propose to make soft and juicy kebab from pork with lemon - I assure you that it is prepared very simply and quickly enough. It is marinated for one hour and fried over an open fire, literally, for several minutes. I want to note that it is the lemon marinade that makes this kebab one of the best and gives the meat an incredible taste and aroma. The most important thing is not to dry it out during frying, so as not to lose the tenderness and juiciness of the pork.


  • 1.5 kg lean pork
  • 500 - 600 gr onions
  • 2 medium lemons
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste

Cooking method

Cut the pork into small portions and place in a large bowl. Squeeze juice from one lemon and dilute it with a glass cold water- this will be our barbecue marinade, which we immediately pour into the meat. Add to it the onions cut into circles and the remaining lemon, salt, pepper, mix everything gently and leave at room temperature for one hour (if marinating is longer, then transfer everything to the refrigerator).

Next, we form a kebab on skewers, alternating between meat, onion and lemon slices, or we use the grill grate, which is popular nowadays. We fry it on all sides on the grill, making sure that there is a good heat without tongues of fire, periodically pouring with the remaining marinade. It is imperative to serve kebabs hot with a large portion of greens and fresh vegetables... Bon Appetit.


  • Lemon - 1 pc. (medium or small size)
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons
  • Ginger root - 1.5 cm
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Seasoning for fish - 0.5 tsp
  • Coriander - 1/4 tsp

Making lemon fish marinade

1. Remove the husk from the garlic and chop finely with a knife. Of course, it can be passed through a press, but the taste of the marinade will be slightly different. I recommend trying both options to determine which one suits you best.

2. Peel the ginger and chop finely with a knife or finely grate. Add it to the garlic bowl.

3. Add the fish seasoning to the spices. Wash the lemon well and pat dry with a towel.

4. Grate its zest on a fine grater.

5. Then cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out. To make it easier to do this, make deep punctures in the lemon halves with a knife. Then you will be able to squeeze out more juice. It can also be obtained using a citrus juicer.

6. Pour in the soy sauce and stir the food.

7. Marinade is ready and you can use it as directed. It is suitable for any kind of fish. Therefore, be sure to take note of it.

In addition, if the resulting mass is grinded with a blender until smooth, then such a sauce can be put on the table with a fish steak. Therefore, this marinade can be called universal, in which you can simultaneously marinate and eat fish.

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