Home / Cupcakes / The benefits of canned pollock roe. The harm and benefits of pollock

The benefits of canned pollock roe. The harm and benefits of pollock

Every consumer never refuses to use various types of caviar. The species such as pollock roe (or Theragra chalcogramma) is no exception, the benefits and harms of which are often discussed by nutritionists and doctors. Some of them classify it as not a particularly valuable variety, but this opinion cannot be considered correct.

Indeed, today it is almost impossible to find unsalted caviar. But even salted natural pollock caviar brings no less benefit than the meat of the fish in question. In addition, salting does not remove a number of useful vitamins, which is why such a product not only strengthens the immune system, bones and muscles, but also helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.


Along with meat, caviar has always enjoyed particular popularity among various types of fish, and it is not at all uncommon when pollock caviar appears on store and market shelves. belongs to the "noble" cod family.

By appearance this fish delicacy is the owner of very small eggs, so from the outside it looks like fish paste and has a beige color. Pollock caviar by culinary experts from all over the world belongs to the so-called pink caviar varieties, they put it on a par with red and black.

The best natural salted caviar is sold in glass jars. But today the so-called salted pollock roe is widespread in the fish market, the benefits and harms of which are also interesting to consumers. This fish product does not quite correspond to the indicated name. The fact is that it is produced from salted pollock fillets, simply interrupting for paste and packing in stainless steel cans (that is, it is virtually impossible to assess the appearance of the product). True, both caviar variations have excellent taste qualities that should not be underestimated.


In order to obtain natural high-quality pollock caviar, the purveyors of this fish have to catch it partially during the spawning period, and pollock spawns quite often (the life period is 14-15 years), starting from the sexually mature age (it comes from 3-4 years of age).

During the spawning period, fish move closer to the shore to a depth of at least 50–100 meters, and even temperatures below zero degrees are not scary for spawning. Due to the fact that pollock migrates in schools practically throughout the entire Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, the time of catching fish with eggs is also somewhat extended. Therefore, when choosing a product, you must carefully read the label and find the place where the pollock was originally mined:

  • in the Bering Sea, eggs spawn from March to September;
  • off the coast of Korea and Japan - from November to March;
  • Spring caviar is mined exclusively in Kamchatka.

The correct ratio of the place of catch and time will guarantee the purchase of high-quality pollock roe.

Ingredients: nutritional value, vitamins and minerals

Caviar is considered a product of purely animal origin, characterized by a particularly high protein content. And if pollock meat is included in the top ten low-calorie and carbohydrate-free food, then such caviar is not considered in principle, although it has not lost most of the most valuable "baggage" of vitamins and minerals.

Based on this, caviar contains:

  • protein fractions in the amount of 28 g;
  • about 2 g of fat;
  • a small amount of carbohydrates (about 1 g);
  • ash products;
  • saturated fatty acids (although small, up to 0.3 g, but they are);
  • cholesterol 250 mg;
  • water (up to 63 g);
  • vitamin A (or retinol);
  • some B vitamins (thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and pyridoxine);
  • ascorbic acid (antioxidant vitamin C, which does not disappear when salted);
  • tocopherol (or vitamin E of youth);
  • important minerals represented by molybdenum, fluorine, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium.

Table: quantity nutrients per 100 grams

Mineral content table in 100 grams of product

Vitamin content table per 100 grams of product

The total calorie content of caviar is small, 100 g of the product contains from 128 to 132 kilocalories, has the following energy ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates: 85/12/3%.

Pollock caviar: benefits

Due to its rich chemical composition, which is based on a vitamin - mineral complex of natural origin, pollock caviar is characterized by a number of useful qualities, among which are observed:

  • complete and easy digestibility of the product;
  • inclusion in low-calorie diets if you want to lose extra pounds;
  • strengthening the nervous system (due to the high sodium content);
  • activation of brain activity;
  • recovery of the body after taking an extra dose of alcohol;
  • strengthening the immune system and increasing resistance to virus attacks;
  • increasing the strength of muscle tissue;
  • strengthening the skeletal system (therefore, in not large quantities can also be given to school-age children);
  • lowering high blood pressure (and this despite the salt content);
  • a slight decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood (can become a product for the prevention of atherosclerosis);
  • Major harm

    Pollock caviar has no special contraindications, the only thing that doctors insist on is that one should not even try to eat a caviar product for people who have individual intolerance. It is worth giving up the use of caviar for people with serious gastrointestinal diseases, high blood cholesterol levels. Also, despite the pleasant taste and aroma, such caviar should not be consumed without reasonably reasonable norms, it simply cannot be carried away. No harm for pregnant women, for small children - use only with doctor's approval.

Alaska pollock is a member of the cod family and is caught in very large quantities today. Pollock roe has no less nutritional value than meat - one of the most affordable seafood delicacies.

Due to its rather specific taste and strong fishy aroma, not everyone likes it. But those people who nevertheless included the product in their diet have the right to count on receiving not only gastronomic pleasure from it, but also noticeable benefits. In terms of the volume of valuable substances, the product is in no way inferior to the red and black analogs, and even surpasses them in certain indicators.

Pollock roe composition

Breakdown caviar of commercial fish has a relatively high calorie content for this type of product - 132 units per 100 g of product. A distinctive feature of the composition is high level protein content, a small amount of fat and an almost complete absence of carbohydrates. This allows us to regard pollock roe as a product that is necessary for cell restoration, synthesis of hormones, antibodies and enzymes.

Even in the composition of the delicacy there are such substances on which the benefits and harms of the product depend:

  • Vitamins A, groups B, C, PP and E.
  • Macronutrients sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur.

Tip: Today in stores you can find pollock roe of bright pink or yellow color. Such products seem to many more attractive and appetizing. Do not forget that real product has a delicate white-beige color. Any deviation from this indicator implies the presence of colorants, which significantly reduces the usefulness of the composition.

  • Trace elements fluorine, iron and molybdenum.

Sellers offer salted and slightly salted caviar of a representative of the cod family. The first option has a longer shelf life, the second does not have such a rich taste. Choosing the best grade of the product, you need to be based on your taste preferences and a tendency to edema. If the body retains fluid, then it is better to refuse the salty analogue.

Useful properties of pollock roe

On the table, pollock roe can be presented as an independent dish, topping for a sandwich, a component of a salad or a thick sauce. Regardless of this, the protein in its composition will be completely absorbed by the body. Vitamins and minerals, provided that there are no problems with the intestines, will also be processed in full.

These qualities of the delicacy make it possible to count on obtaining the following effects from its use:

  1. The mineral and vitamin balance is normalized, the level of hemoglobin rises, and high blood pressure decreases.
  2. The intake of fish oil in the body reduces the risk of developing diseases of the heart, blood vessels and thyroid gland.
  3. The body's mucous membranes and tissues begin to regenerate faster. Bone tissue and tooth enamel are strengthened.
  4. The visual acuity increases, the eyes cease to dry out and dry out due to prolonged intensive work.

According to experts, pollock roe should be introduced into the diet of people with the following indications:

  • Depletion of the body, unbalanced nutrition.
  • The period of pregnancy and natural feeding of the baby.
  • The time of active growth of the child's body.
  • Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular pathology.
  • Risk of decreased functionality of the thyroid gland.
  • Anemia.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

In case of pregnancy and a history of chronic diseases, the question of including pollock roe in the menu must be agreed with the attending physician. In some cases, a valuable product can do more harm than good.

Harm of pollock roe, contraindications to use

Eating pollock roe in limited quantities can only benefit the body. All of the above effects will be achieved when the product is included in the diet for 1-2 tablespoons up to 2-3 times a week. Exceeding these dosages can lead to weight gain and significant stress on the kidneys. Do not forget that not all modern reservoirs can boast of ecological cleanliness. You need to pay attention to where the delicacy comes from.

Among other things, pollock roe is not recommended to be consumed in the presence of such contraindications:

  • Allergy to fish products or specifically to this product.
  • Some diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland (consultation with a specialist is required).
  • Increased blood cholesterol levels.
  • Increased content of calcium in the body (and some other minerals).
  • Peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.
  • Hypertonic disease.

Children's age, like the period of pregnancy with lactation, is not a contraindication to the introduction of pollock roe into the diet. But it is better to first consult a doctor about this, especially when it comes to children who are not yet 2 years old. The delicacy is not a strong allergen and is rarely perceived poorly by the child's body.

Of course, the maximum benefit can be obtained from home-harvested pollock roe. If this is not possible, you should pay attention to the product by weight. You can taste it before buying it, evaluate the degree of freshness and salinity. But you don't need to give up the familiar to many tin or glass jars. The product is packaged in small volumes, which is very convenient. You just need to familiarize yourself with its composition and make sure that nutritional supplements and preservatives are not present in it.

Pollock belongs to the bottom pelagic cold-loving fish of the genus Pollock. It is the most widespread cod fish in (northern part). Pollock is one of the main commercial fish in Russia.

Pollock roe

Unfortunately, the caviar of this fish does not cause much respect in us, because its price is cheaper than that of red caviar, and it looks less presentable. But is it worth thinking that red caviar is much better than pollock caviar?

By its properties, it is in no way inferior to black or red caviar. The pollock roe contains a very large amount of vitamins E and C, which are so necessary for the human body for hematopoiesis, to improve the functioning of the nervous system, and to heal wounds.

Also, pollock roe contains a lot of sodium, which is very important in order to maintain normal, it promotes the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction, thereby maintaining the human nervous system in good condition.

Pollock roe is inferior in phosphorus content to red caviar, and phosphorus is an important component of bone tissue. But, the fat in pollock roe is seven times less, thanks to which it can be consumed by people adhering to low-calorie diets. For example, pollock roe is less high in calories from chum roe. It is known that 250 calories are contained in and in pollock roe - only 131.

With the help of pollock roe, the body recovers from abuse alcoholic beverages(vitamin B deficiency occurs). Such a failure leads to disruption of metabolic processes and the performance of the central nervous system.

Also, when eating pollock roe, memory improves, because it contains a lot of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid), which expands small vessels, improves microcirculation, memory.

When buying pollock roe, remember to use it only when it is fresh. Freshness is determined by the appearance of the eggs - they should be elastic and loose, by the smell - it should be caviar, pleasant, to taste - it should be inherent in the caviar of this type of fish.

There is a huge variety of dishes with such a component as caviar below, which will diversify your table, delight you and your guests with its taste.

But remember, since the caviar of this fish is very salty, it is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, hypertensive patients, and of course people who have allergic reactions to seafood.


To prepare this dish, you will need pollock roe - two tablespoons, half a kilogram of white bread crumb or breadcrumbs, olive oil - 100 grams, one clove of garlic, one lemon.

Soak breadcrumb in water and squeeze thoroughly. Place caviar and garlic in a blender, scroll (medium speed). Add fresh lemon juice and oil. Whisk until homogeneous mass... Place in a ball or make sandwiches, garnish with fresh parsley and serve.

How to salt pollock roe

For about half a kilogram of pollock roe, add two teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of sugar (gives special taste). Further, if you have caviar in roe, fill it with a warm solution, stirring with a fork, if there is a film, it should float up, remove it, fold it onto a sieve, let it drain well, put it in a container. If the caviar is ready-made frozen, start salting immediately. Add salt and sugar to the container. To keep the taste well, drip a couple of drops of lemon juice, add a teaspoon of olive oil. You can also add spices: herbs, pepper. Then stir the caviar thoroughly. Everything is ready, now let it stand for several hours in the refrigerator, you can leave it overnight.

September 14, 2018

The taste of pollock fish is familiar to many. Such a product has an amazing taste and low cost, which allows everyone, without exception, to introduce it into the diet. An equally popular product among amateurs fish dishes salted pollock caviar. The benefits and harms of caviar delicacy are the topic of our article.

Chemical composition

Perhaps, in any store on the shelves can be found pollock roe in canned food. The benefits and harms of this seafood will be similar fish fillet... And in order to appreciate this, you need to study first chemical composition pollock.

This fish is found mainly in the Pacific and Atlantic waters. It is one of the cod species and lives at the bottom. Alaska pollock chooses small mollusks and plankton as the main food.

The vitamin and mineral composition of pollock fillet is pleasantly surprising, so it is difficult to doubt the enormous benefits of such fish.

Ingredients of pollock:

  • vitamin PP;
  • retinol;
  • calcium;
  • molybdenum;
  • ferrum;
  • vitamin C;
  • pyridoxine;
  • chlorine;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • folic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin B1.

In addition to the above macro- and microelements, pollock vitamins are enriched with a number of acids, saturated, poly- and monounsaturated.

On a note! Codfish contains a high concentration of selenium and iodine. This fish is a great source of protein.

Concerning nutritional value pollock, then it is low and is about 72 kilocalories. Of course, for heat treatment and the addition of additional ingredients may increase the calorie content. Maximum energy value fried pollock roe. It is approximately 112 kilocalories per 100 g of product.

If you want to diversify your home menu and make it healthy, be sure to pay attention to pollock. You can use for cooking various dishes not only fish fillets, but also caviar. These ingredients produce extraordinary delicious snacks, salads and main courses.

The composition of pollock can be called amazing. It is with this that the benefits of such seafood are connected.

Beneficial features caviar:

  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • prevention of the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • lowering harmful cholesterol levels;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • stabilization of blood pressure levels;
  • improving general well-being;
  • increased physical activity;
  • improved mood;
  • increasing mental abilities;
  • prevention of viral and acute respiratory diseases;
  • normalization of hematopoiesis;
  • improving visual function;
  • adjustment of the thyroid gland;
  • improving digestive processes;
  • replenishment of iodine deficiency;
  • elimination of salt deposits, slags and toxins from the body;
  • normalization of blood sugar concentration;
  • strengthening of bone tissue.

And again it is necessary to turn to the component composition of pollock roe. Thanks to the content of ascorbic acid in it, the immune system is strengthened. In addition, micro and macro elements help to strengthen cartilage and tendons. Such a product is very useful for metabolism. The process of carbohydrate metabolism is activated, fats and proteins are absorbed better.

Some experts say that eating pollock roe has a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level, slowing down the processes premature aging, damaged skin regenerates faster.

On a note! Eating pollock roe in food serves as a prophylaxis against the development of malignant processes.

Specialized doctors advise including such a product in the menu for people who have undergone surgery. You also need to eat pollock roe during pregnancy, since the product is enriched with folic acid.

V modern world more and more people are faced with the same problem - iodine deficiency in the body. This mainly concerns residents of regions remote from the sea coast. Pollock fillet and its caviar will help to fill the lack of iodine.

Until now, experts argue about the benefits and dangers of pollock roe. Many doctors are convinced that the caviar product is incredibly beneficial for the nervous system. It needs to be eaten almost every day with psycho-emotional shocks, stressful situations.

The composition of caviar is enriched with B vitamins. General health improves, the nervous system is strengthened, all metabolic processes are normalized.

Pollock roe can be safely called dietary product as it does not contain carbohydrates. But there is plenty of protein in such a treat, which makes it indispensable in the diet of athletes and people exposed to intense physical and mental stress.

When is caviar harmful?

If we compare the benefits and possible harm pollock roe, the latter is clearly inferior. The use of caviar in food will bring exceptional benefits if it is eaten in moderation, as well as taking into account the existing contraindications.

People with individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to individual components will have to give up eating pollock roe. If you have previously experienced allergic reactions to seafood, then it is better not to experiment with caviar.

Do not forget that caviar contains salt, which will delay the excretion of fluid from the body. Therefore, very carefully, pollock roe should be eaten by people prone to swelling.

Hypertensive patients will have to refuse this product. Again, this is due to the salt content of the treat. The use of caviar will only increase the level of blood pressure, which is fraught with the development of complicated consequences.

With extreme caution, experts advise eating a fish product in the presence of ailments of the digestive tract. Especially when peptic ulcer stomach, duodenum or gastritis. In this case, it is better to refuse salted pollock roe and give preference to fish fillets, cooked by boiling or steamed.

It was considered an expensive, tasty and healthy delicacy, a product beneficial for health, irreplaceable mouth-watering snack on any festive table or a friendly snack.

As a dish, this product is classified into several types, one of which housewives most often prefer to buy or cook on their own - breakout caviar. What it is?

Before answering this question, let's find out the main types of caviar and methods of obtaining it. We will also figure out what the breakdown caviar means, how it can be prepared and how it is useful.

Product classification

The first thing that people pay attention to when choosing caviar is what kind of fish it is obtained from. According to this criterion, the following types of product are distinguished:

  1. Black. Sturgeon caviar from beluga, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon and so on.
  2. Red. from pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon and others.
  3. Pink. Caviar of fish such as pollock, whitefish, cod and others.
  4. Yellow (or white). Extracted from such river fish like pike, pike perch, ram, mullet, roach and so on.
  5. Tobiko caviar ( flying fish).
  6. that is, artificially obtained, surrogate or protein.

According to the technology of extraction and processing, the following types of product are distinguished:

  1. Grainy.
  2. Pajusnaya.
  3. Trinity.
  4. Yastychnaya.
  5. Breakdown.

The last type of caviar will be discussed in this article.

How is it obtained

Breakthrough caviar - what does it mean? Before answering this question, you should figure out where this product was before it was put on the table.

In its raw form, the eggs are placed in the ovaries or ovaries of the female, which are sacs of a thin, but very strong film. The presence of ovary during salting of caviar plays a decisive role in determining the taste and nutritional qualities of the product.

Paying attention to all of the above, the following question remains open: breakout caviar - what is it?

In short, the preparation of this type of product is possible by wiping raw caviar through a screen (this is the name of a special sieve). Then the resulting mass is salted according to a specific recipe.

Breakthrough caviar (what is this concept - described just above) can be cooked even at home. How? Let's find out.

The classic way of cooking

What is needed in order to prepare breakout caviar using this method? First of all, you should take eighty grams of fine table salt, not iodized. If you have coarse salt on your farm, you can grind it on a coffee grinder or grind it on purpose. For such an amount of edible sodium chloride, it will be necessary to take one kilogram of fresh ovaries of any type of fish.

So, to get eggs from the ovaries of fish, the roar is placed over an enamel pan, the yasties are laid on the net and they begin to push them carefully so that the eggs come out of the film and fall into the container. They can be pushed down with a wooden spatula.

It is recommended to immediately fill the caviar separated from the sacs with the above amount of salt and mix gently with a wooden spoon. Then the mixture should be placed in an enamel bowl, after placing a thick canvas cloth on its bottom. It is also recommended to cover the cooking product with canvas.

Then the caviar is removed to the refrigerator or any other cool place, the optimum temperature of which should not exceed five degrees with a plus mark and should not fall below zero.

After four days of salting, breakdown caviar can be eaten, serving it on the table along with fresh herbs and lemon or with thickened cream and fat sour cream. The taste of such a product is very delicate and lightly salted.

But there is also a second way to prepare breakthrough caviar. We will talk about him a little below.

Granular caviar

What is it and how to cook it?

The production of such a product is carried out in the manner described above. The difference applies only to the method of salting.

To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fifteen milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • one hundred grams of simple table salt;
  • one kilogram of ovaries of any kind of fish.

Caviar rubbed through a roar or sieve should be poured with vegetable oil and mixed thoroughly. Then add a little salt to the mixture, cover with a thin plastic wrap and refrigerate for three days.

In both cases, the amount of salt can be increased to one hundred and fifty grams, which will significantly affect the taste of the caviar, increasing its salinity. Optionally, you can also add a couple of peas, which will improve the nutritional quality of the delicacy and add a spicy piquancy to it.

Choosing a product on the counter

What if you do not have the opportunity to cook breakout caviar at home? This product can be purchased at almost any store following the recommendations and tips described below.

  • You need to shake the jar with the delicacy to determine if the caviar mass is dangling inside the container. According to GOST, caviar must completely fill the used container.
  • The lid of the jar must not be damaged or swollen, otherwise this would indicate the presence of germs and bacteria in the product.
  • Take a close look at the composition. Among the components used, only caviar should be indicated, vegetable oil, salt and some and E211), the purpose of which is to prevent drying and deterioration of the product. If other ingredients are listed, then you should seriously consider whether you need this particular product. Of course, manufacturers do not always write the truth on the labels or they may be silent about something, so it is important to purchase or order products from trusted manufacturers.
  • After opening the container, take a closer look at the caviar mass. In a real, properly prepared product, it should not resemble mashed potatoes. Eggs should have a clear, rounded shape and easily separate from each other.

Product benefits

The properties of breakthrough caviar are highly valued among the people. The protein contained in this product in a large number, improves the functioning of all cells in the body, and also promotes their regeneration. Fats, which are abundant in caviar, improve vision and brain function.

Also, the use of a delicacy can prevent such serious diseases as rickets, osteoporosis and others.

As you can see, caviar is not only a tasty, but also a healthy dish.

Below we will discuss the benefits and harms of salted caviar using specific examples of this product.

Cod and its delicacy

This type of commercial Atlantic fish has very tasty and appetizing caviar, rich in useful vitamins and minerals. First of all, these are calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, which strengthen the heart and bones, as well as B vitamins and others (A, D, E).

Salted breakdown cod roe is very suitable for those who follow their figure, as it contains a small amount of fat and calories. It is noteworthy that in the process of salting, it practically does not change its Chemical properties as well as valuable nutritional and nutritional qualities.

Pollock and its delicacy

Punchy pollock roe is also an inexpensive but highly nutritious product. It looks rather unattractive - light yellow color, pungent odor, intense salty taste. Nevertheless, the minerals and trace elements contained in this product are simply amazing.

It contains omega-3 polyacids, as well as B and PP vitamins. Moreover, this delicacy has amino acids and lipids, so the benefits of breakdown salted pollock roe are obvious.

The calorie content of the product is also low (no more than one hundred and thirty-two calories per hundred grams), which contributes to the use of pollock delicacy by overweight people.

What else can you say about the benefits and harms of breakdown salted pollock roe? Nicotinic acid, which is part of small eggs, improves memory, coordination of movements, dilates the vessels of the brain. And iodine, which this food is rich in, is able to prevent various endocrine diseases and even pathologies of the fetus in the womb.

As for the harm that can be caused by the use of this or another type of caviar, it is doubtful and unlikely. Of course, if a person has a specific intolerance to this product, then its use should be abandoned. Moreover, if there is a history of serious kidney or liver disease, then the use of the delicacy should be minimized.

Whitefish and its delicacy

Salty breakout also has a number of positive qualities and properties. At the same time, this product practically has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

The vitamin and mineral composition of the delicacy improves metabolism, strengthens the heart, and serves as the prevention of such serious diseases as heart failure and endocrine ailments.

Macrorus and its delicacy

Macrorus (or grenadier) is a commercial fish related to cod that lives in the cold waters of the ocean depths. By its composition, the caviar of this fish is so tasty and nutritious that it is equated with salmon delicacies. It contains useful amino acids such as omega-3 and others, as well as proteins, manganese, phosphorus, nickel, iodine, and so on.

The use of this product will have a beneficial effect on the whole body - bones will be strengthened, cell regeneration will improve, and the acid-base balance will be balanced. However, you should not abuse this caviar either: it is quite high in calories, especially in comparison with the products mentioned above (two hundred twenty-four calories in one hundred grams of caviar).


As you can see, breakdown salted caviar is a very tasty delicacy that can be purchased in almost any supermarket or prepared with your own hands at home. In this article, we have analyzed two recipes for preparing a dish, so the choice is yours.

We also discussed what needs to be considered when choosing one or another finished products, what points to pay attention to when purchasing goods from store counters.

The benefits of any kind of caviar, including breakout caviar, cannot be expressed in words. It is very useful in salted form for pregnant and lactating women, those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the endocrine system. The product improves vision and memory, nervous and musculoskeletal system, helps to strengthen the immune system and the whole organism.

Of course, breakout caviar, like any other product, cannot be overused. You should also take into account the individual intolerance of the product and the likelihood of all kinds of fakes or poor-quality cooking.

And yet, if you decide to purchase breakout caviar of whitefish, cod or pollock, do not hesitate. This product will decorate your morning sandwiches or lunch sandwiches, saturate and delight with its taste, enrich the body with microelements and vitamins.

Bon Appetit!