Home / Cookie / Salad with red bell pepper and cheese. Delicious salads with ham, bell pepper and cheese

Salad with red bell pepper and cheese. Delicious salads with ham, bell pepper and cheese

Salad as an accompanying or main dish can be obtained everywhere: at home and at work, on a business trip and on a luxurious vacation, in an expensive restaurant and a modest cafe. Salads are different: cold and hot, sweet and not. And their composition may be the most unexpected. Meet as a more or less familiar salad with bell pepper and cheese, as well as some exotic, such as cooked in coconut or made from avocado and shrimp.

Classics of the genre

This salad will take half a kilo chicken fillet(boiled, smoked or fried), 100 grams less radish (optional), three one Bell pepper, garlic - three cloves, salt, pepper, low-fat mayonnaise or sour cream. Cut the fillet lengthwise into strips, cut the leaves into large pieces, radish - in circles, straws - pepper. Mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper. We make a sauce of sour cream, herbs, garlic and season the salad with it. We use radishes for decoration.

and cheese

Here you will need 300 grams of chicken fillet and 300 grams of sweet pepper, 150 g each - fresh cucumbers and cheese (hard), dill, salt, mayonnaise.

In lightly salted water, cook the chicken fillet until cooked and cut it small cubes. Wash pepper, remove seeds. And together with cucumbers and cheese, cut into the same cubes as the chicken. Mix everything, add chopped dill, salt and season with mayonnaise.

Another salad with bell peppers and cheese

This time there are more components. We will need chicken, bell pepper, cheese, pineapple in the salad.

We cut the boiled fillet into small cubes, as well as pre-boiled eggs. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix with chicken and eggs. Washed and de-seeded bell peppers are partially cut into cubes (for salad), partially into slices (for decoration). A few rings of pineapple are also cut into cubes. Add to salad, salt, pour mayonnaise, mix. This dish is garnished with dill and preserved pepper cloves. The composition of the ingredients is as follows: 250 grams of chicken fillet, 300 grams of cheese, seven eggs, sweet peppers, three rings of pineapple (canned food), 100 grams of mayonnaise, salt, dill sprigs.

Salad "Revnivets"

Very tasty and unusual salad: Bulgarian pepper, cheese, chicken are successfully combined with a whole set of additional ingredients. Step by step cooking.

  1. Croutons: cut 2 slices of loaf into cubes with a side of 1.5 cm; 30 ml vegetable oil mix with 1 clove of garlic, herbs de Provence and salt to taste. Place the pieces of bread in a baking dish, pour over the sauce, mix - and in the oven, preheated to 160 degrees. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  2. Cheese balls: add chopped dill, crushed garlic (1 clove), half a teaspoon of basil to 40 g. Mash well with a fork. Then form balls with your hands.
  3. Dressing: mix a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, one - soy sauce, crushed garlic clove and juice from 3 tangerine cloves.
  4. The main parts of the salad: cut a pound of chicken fillet lengthwise into strips, salt, pepper, sprinkle with sesame seeds and fry on strong fire turning frequently. Finely cut 70 grams Chinese cabbage, and chop one pepper into strips.
  5. Bottom line: mix cabbage, a couple of tablespoons of corn, finely chopped onion (20 g), bell pepper, chicken, put on a plate, top with cheese balls and croutons. Pour dressing over everything. A delicious salad with bell peppers and cheese, vegetables, spices and other tricks is ready!

2 red peppers, 5-6 tbsp. canned corn, 100 g hard cheese, ground pepper, lettuce leaves, mayonnaise

Vegetable dishes are especially important in the human diet, because it is not only tasty and very quick to prepare, but also quite healthy. Bulgarian red pepper is undoubtedly one of the most useful ingredients for different dishes, although traditionally in the cuisines of different nationalities you can find a salad with red pepper for every taste and cooking method.

Special honor is given to red pepper in the Balkan and Mediterranean cuisine, because everyone knows delicious and extremely healthy Greek salad from peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese, with the addition of olives and a wide variety of herbs.

Useful properties of red pepper

Red bell pepper is a rich source of vitamin C, the amount of which is several times higher than the amount in blackcurrant and even lemon. In addition, it contains a lot of B vitamins, as well as an impressive list of trace elements - potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur and others.

It should be noted that the largest number vitamins are contained in the pulp near the stalk, and it is even better to use the stalk itself.

Red pepper is ideal for those who want to keep their figure in shape, because its calorie content is only 27 kcal per 100 g, so you can use this vegetable in unlimited quantities and in any form.

salad recipes

Peppers in salads can be combined with absolutely different ingredients - other vegetables, hard cheese or cottage cheese, seafood, meat, fish, and you can season not only the traditional vegetable oil, but also balsamic, sour cream or mayonnaise, specially prepared dressings for vegetable salads.

  • red pepper salad with honey

3 red peppers
1 small purple onion (perfect for salads) fresh vegetables)
25 ml liquid honey

Cooking method:
1. Pepper and onion cut in random order and mix in a salad bowl.
2. Honey is used as a dressing.
A very unusual combination with honey will give the dish special tenderness and dilute any snack table. Most often, such a salad is prepared for dinner in a close circle.

2 bell red peppers
5-6 tbsp canned corn
100 g hard cheese
salt and pepper to taste, but if salted hard cheese is used, then salt is not needed
lettuce leaves
mayonnaise for dressing

Cooking method:
1. Peeled Bulgarian red pepper cut into slices or small cubes.
2. hard cheese grate.
3. Mix pepper, cheese and corn, season with mayonnaise and pepper.
4. Put lettuce on lettuce leaves and garnish with herbs.
This salad is perfect for dinner or as an appetizer. It can also be used as a filling for tartlets.

  • It turns out very tasty salad with the addition of pickled champignons.

1 jar pickled mushrooms
1 bell pepper
1 onion
For the sauce: 0.25 cups of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. wine vinegar, pepper and salt to taste, but not much.

Cooking method:
1. Pepper and onion cut into small cubes.
2. Drain the mushrooms and add to the peppers and onions. Finely chop the greens here.
3. The sauce is prepared simply by mixing all the ingredients and dressing the salad with this sauce.
It's very tasty and original salad, which is often prepared for festive tables or in case the guests suddenly appeared, because the dish is prepared quickly and very simply.

  • A full dinner can serve as a salad with red peppers, green peas and rice.

2 red bell peppers
1 cup already boiled rice
1 glass canned peas(sometimes substituted with corn)
30 ml vinegar
30 ml vegetable oil
salt and sugar to taste

Cooking method:
1. Peeled and diced red pepper stew or fry in a pan (preferably in a baking sheet in the oven).
2. Mix rice, pepper, peas or corn.
3. Season the salad with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil with spices.
This salad is also prepared very quickly, and it can also be safely served on the table as a kind of side dish for the main course if random guests have come.

Red pepper salads, like any other vegetable salads, are very good to add with different herbs- cilantro, rosemary, parsley and dill, various kinds of leafy salads, coriander, fennel, and even garlic simply squeezed through the garlic will not interfere with any of the above dishes seasoned with vegetable oil or vinegar.

Pepper salads with sour cream are very tasty.

Urgently! Please write some salad recipe with red sweet pepper. Cucumbers + tomatoes + pepper is no longer relevant

Ksushok Pushok Pro (604) 4 years ago

200 g sweet capsicum
120 g rice
200 g green peas
20 ml vinegar
30 g vegetable oil
Ground black pepper, salt

Sweet red peppers are roasted, peeled and chopped. Add boiled rice, green pea, salt, black pepper to taste, vinegar and vegetable oil.

All mix and spread in a salad bowl.

Svetlana Master (1271) 4 years ago

Cut red pepper and red fish into cubes. Sauce - sour cream-mayonnaise with chopped herbs.
First put the sauce in the bowls, and on top put the mixture of pepper and fish.

Cat Jones Artificial Intelligence (101875) 4 years ago

Red pepper, fresh cucumber and cut the squid into thin strips, add a little Korean carrots, season with a mixture of olive oil and soy sauce

Barinova Artificial Intelligence (129800) 4 years ago

ham strips, cheese strips and sweet peppers, you can multi-colored and with mayonnaise

unknown Sage (14526) 4 years ago

1)) cheese
Red pepper
salt, rast. oil

Wash lettuce leaves and place on a plate.
Cut the tomatoes into slices, red pepper into strips, feta cheese into cubes. Mix everything, salt, season with rast. butter and put on lettuce leaves.

Decorate with parsley.

2)) Salad with bell pepper is a healthy and uncomplicated dish. But remember that not all people love this vegetable.

If your household and guests are not ardent opponents of bell pepper, then there is a reason to cook from it different types salads. So let's cook together a simple but very tasty salad with bell peppers.
bell pepper salad recipe
Bulgarian pepper - 4 pcs
Onion - 1 pc.
Tomatoes - 4 pcs
Cheese - 200 g
Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
Mayonnaise or vegetable oil to taste
Salad preparation with bell pepper

Hard boil the eggs and chop them as small as possible. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

Finely chop the onion. Cut the pepper into rings, and cut the rings into four parts.

Cheese durum varieties preferably grated. If you use soft varieties of cheese such as Adyghe and mozzarella, then cut them into cubes.

Mix all ingredients with mayonnaise. It is much more useful to use vegetable oil for salad and lemon juice.

Salad with bell pepper is ready. It remains only to decorate the top with parsley sprigs and olives.

You can also use pre-roasted bell peppers for this salad.

yaroslav koshevoy Student (153) 4 years ago

Beijing - 1 pc.
Sweet red pepper - 1 pc.
tomatoes - 2 pcs.
mayonnaise - to taste
crackers - a big pack
Cut everything into equal cubes (Peking, peppers, tomatoes). add crackers, mayonnaise and mix. Bon appetite)

Irina Krylova Sage (13837) 4 years ago

fresh white cabbage
Raw carrots
Red bell pepper
Red pepper
Vegetable oil

ilana moses Oracle (90350) 4 years ago

5 peppers baked and skinned. cut into ribbons, add salt, 2 teaspoons of sugar, half a glass of dill, half a teaspoon of dried chili, 4 crushed garlic. mix with apple cider vinegar.

Irina Vedeneeva (Burlutskaya) Artificial Intelligence (313590) 4 years ago

Vegetable salad "Kaleidoscope"
Bulgarian yellow and red pepper
lettuce leaves
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Sesame seeds
Cut the pepper into strips.
Cut out the core from the tomatoes so that the salad is not too wet. Cut the tomato into thin strips.
Radish cut into circles.
We tear lettuce leaves with our hands. Add to the rest of the ingredients.
Dressing the salad olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Add salt and pepper.
Important! Salads should be dressed right before serving to keep the vegetables fresh and not wilted.
Put the salad on a plate. Decorate with thin circles of radish.

Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Larisa Serafimina Guru (3513) 4 years ago

Cut red pepper and raw fresh champignons into thin slices. Dressing - mayonnaise + sour cream, a little salt. Garnish with parsley.

I tried it for the first time in some cafe, I was pleasantly surprised - an unusual combination and a very harmonious taste.

Zarina Avamileva Student (220) 4 years ago

sweet pepper salad recipe

Cut into strips 3-4 pods of sweet pepper. Peel and cut into slices 200 g fresh cucumbers and 200 g tomatoes.

Cut the onion into rings, salt and pour over cold water to remove bitterness. After 15-20 minutes, drain the water, and mix the onion with the prepared vegetables.

Add parsley and dill, salt to taste, season citric acid and vegetable oil.

Marina Master (1030) 4 years ago

5 pieces - capsicum red pepper,
1 cup - boiled rice,
200 grams - canned corn
50 grams - canned green peas
2 pieces - eggs to taste vinegar
2 tablespoons - vegetable oil
to taste - salt
to taste - sugar

First, boil the rice so that it is crumbly. Bake sweet red pepper in the oven and cut it into strips, lay out canned vegetables top and mix everything thoroughly with rice. Do not forget to salt the salad, as well as season it with vinegar, vegetable oil, and sugar.

The salad is very tasty and filling.

For the salad you will need:
Fresh lettuce leaves.
1 red sweet pepper.
A handful of pitted olives.

Healthy, tasty and very beautiful, low-calorie salad.You will need:

150-200 g bean sprouts. 1 medium cucumber.

3 small sweet peppers, assorted colors Half a lettuce.

A few sprigs of cilantro. Sesame seeds.
For refueling:
4 tbsp. tablespoons of grapeseed or olive oil. 1 st. spoon rice vinegar.

1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice. 1 teaspoon of honey. 1 teaspoon of mustard.

2 cloves of garlic, finely minced. Salt and pepper - to taste.
Cut all salad vegetables into small pieces.
For dressing, whisk together oil, vinegar, lemon juice, honey, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper. Season the salad, add finely chopped cilantro and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Salad with chickpeas, cucumber and sweet pepper

Fresh, crispy lettuce with a slight spiciness.
For the salad you will need:
Fresh lettuce leaves.
Pickled hot pepper (to taste).
1 red sweet pepper.
A handful of pitted olives.
50-100 g of crumbled feta cheese, feta cheese, or some other cheese of this type.
Remove the seeds from the hot pepper and cut it into small pieces. The amount of pepper depends on how vigorous it is, and how spicy food you like.
Remove seeds from sweet pepper and cut into thin strips.

For salad dressing you will need:
6 art. tablespoons of olive oil. 2-3 tbsp. spoons of red wine vinegar. 1 st. a spoonful of marinade from bitter pepper.

1-2 cloves of garlic. 1 teaspoon dry oregano.

Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
Whisk all ingredients together until the dressing thickens slightly.

Serve immediately and bon appetit!

Interesting chicken salad.
You will need:
500 g minced chicken.
1 small sweet red pepper.
1 small fresh cucumber.
150-200 ml of mayonnaise.
Wasabi - to taste.
0.5 teaspoon of sugar.
1 teaspoon of rice vinegar.
0.5 teaspoon ground white pepper.
Sesame seeds and dried nori seaweed.
minced chicken boil in salted water until tender.
Then drain off all the water and let cool completely.

Place in a bowl, top with toasted sesame seeds and crumbled nori. Add more wasabi if you like.

What is a simple salad to cook with red bell pepper?

In general, I put red bell pepper in seasonal fresh vegetable salads (cucumber-tomato-onion-pepper or White cabbage- carrot-pepper - there are a lot of variations here), but in autumn and winter I make a salad like this- boiled eggs, ham, sweet corn, red pepper, fresh cucumber. Everything is cut, salted and peppered to taste and seasoned with mayonnaise. If there is greenery, you can add it.

There is also a salad recipe with chicken and pepper, but it is layered and not very easy to prepare, but very tasty. Alternate finely chopped layers, spreading with mayonnaise - chicken, pepper, boiled egg, tomato (without a liquid center), grated cheese, finely chopped or crushed walnuts.

You can add it to a salad with Beijing and chicken for a change.

The easiest recipe for such a salad is to cut into long strips Red pepper and onion and season with vegetable oil. You can cut thin ham with sweet red and green pepper and add greens.

From the original classics, there may be options - fresh cucumber and bell pepper. Or cheese and bell peppers.

You can make a salad of grated long carrots, fresh cucumber, Bulgarian red pepper, green and yellow, green onion and season with oil and herbs.

delicious salad it will turn out - from red sweet pepper, two boiled eggs, two ripe tomatoes, green onion, mayonnaise, one tablespoon of kefir, herbs, as well as pepper and salt.

And another version of the salad is shredded cabbage, red pepper, cucumber, green peas, and mayonnaise or oil dressing, as you like.

Pepper will be delicious boiled squid and onions.

sweet pepper salad

3 pcs. red bell pepper

200 g canned green peas

1/3 st. boiled long grain rice

3 art. l. olive oil

salt, ground black pepper

Bake peppers in the oven for about 10-15 minutes. cool, free from the skin, seeds and stalk, cut into strips. Open the rice until done. Combine rice with pepper and peas.

Season the salad with oil, salt, pepper, mix thoroughly and put in a salad bowl.

Sweet Pepper Salad with Tomatoes

6 pcs. sweet pepper

1 PC. onion

2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

1 tsp table vinegar

1 st. l. finely chopped parsley

Rinse the peppers, dry, remove the core, cut into strips, combine with sliced ​​​​tomatoes, finely chopped onions, parsley, season with vegetable oil, previously mixed with vinegar.

Sweet Pepper Salad with Apple

200 g sweet pepper

0.5 pcs. onion

1 small garlic clove

2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

1 st. l. tomato paste

1 st. l. finely chopped parsley and dill

Cut off the top of the peppers, remove the core, pour boiling water for a few minutes, drain in a colander, cool and cut into half rings. Peel the apple, remove the core, grate on a coarse grater, combine with pepper.

Combine vegetable oil with tomato paste, salt, finely chopped onion and minced garlic. Dress the salad with the resulting sauce and sprinkle it with herbs.

Karlovy Vary sweet pepper salad with eggplant

400 g sweet pepper

4 garlic cloves

2 tbsp. l. chopped walnut kernels

3 art. l. vegetable oil

1 st. l. wine vinegar

2 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley

Peppers and eggplant bake in the oven and peel. Cut the pepper into cubes, eggplant into cubes, grate the tomato. Drain the juice into a separate container.

First put pepper in a salad bowl, eggplants on it. Then pour them tomato juice and a sauce of oil and vinegar, salt, sprinkle with nuts, crushed with chopped garlic, and parsley.

  • In just 15 minutes you can cook a very tasty diet salad from arugula with tomatoes and parmesan. Rucola (or also called gulyavnik) is a diuretic and aids in digestion. For some people, depending on the sensitivity of the digestive tract, […]

Hello friends, today I want to offer you a salad with bell pepper and cheese. Light, refreshing and sure to please. In winter, when we do not have enough vitamin, such a salad helps a lot. Having entered the store, and saw the Bulgarian pepper on the counter, I could not resist and bought it. Well, how can you pass up such a yummy?

By the way, beta-carotene, which is contained, has a beneficial effect on vision, which is very important for me, because I have to spend a lot of time at the computer. I'm not being clever at all, but rather reminding myself once again of this. Although how much it needs to be eaten per day, so that it is good for the eyes, it is not known, but on the other hand, whether it will be at all. Well, we won’t go that far, but we’ll just prepare ourselves a salad with bell peppers and cheese, and during the meal we think about how much benefit it will bring to us.

I advise you to take smoked cheese for salad, I had a hunting one. It is this cheese, combined with garlic dressing give the salad special taste and zest. And one more tip from me, be careful with salt! Since the dressing I used has soy sauce and it already contains salt, plus the cheese is a bit salty, so taste the salad before salting, you may not have to add salt.

There is already a similar one on my blog, but they have completely different tastes. You can look and compare, and also choose for yourself which one you like best. I think that there are never too many salads, well, yes, but how different if I’m blogging about them))) Let’s get down to cooking already.

Salad with bell pepper and cheese, includes:

  • Pepper - 1 piece, choose more
  • Hunting cheese - 100 gr
  • Radishes - 5-6 pcs
  • Greens: dill, parsley


  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Dried herbs - I used basil, salt if needed

Salad with bell pepper and cheese preparation:

We prepare vegetables and herbs, wash and remove all unnecessary. We cut arbitrarily, but it is not necessary to grind. We cut the cheese into small cubes, about 1 cm each, or maybe a little less. Still chop the greens finely, although whoever likes it. After the bell peppers with radishes, cheese and herbs are cut and put in a salad bowl, we proceed to prepare the dressing: chop the garlic clove as much as possible, I don’t always use a garlic press for this, I prefer to work with a knife. In a small bowl, grind garlic with dried herbs and a small amount of fresh herbs, add soy sauce and oil, mix everything very well and season our salad. I did not salt, but you look to your liking. Making the final touch, decorating our salad

Salad as an accompanying or main dish can be obtained everywhere: at home and at work, on a business trip and on a luxurious vacation, in an expensive restaurant and a modest cafe. Salads are different: cold and hot, sweet and not. And their composition may be the most unexpected. There are both more or less familiar salads with bell peppers and cheese, as well as some exotic ones, for example, cooked in coconut or made from avocados and shrimp.

Video: Salad with bell pepper and ham - video recipe - Matter of Taste

Classics of the genre

For this salad, you will need a pound of chicken fillet (boiled, smoked or fried), 100 grams less radish (optional), three one sweet pepper, garlic - three cloves, salt, pepper, low-fat mayonnaise or sour cream. We cut the fillet lengthwise into strips, cut the leaves into large pieces, radish - into circles, straws - pepper. Mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper. We make a sauce of sour cream, herbs, garlic and season the salad with it. We use radishes for decoration.

Video: Bell Pepper Salad Recipes

and cheese

Here you will need 300 grams of chicken fillet and 300 grams of sweet pepper, 150 grams each of fresh cucumbers and cheese (hard), dill, salt, mayonnaise.

Video: How to keep BULGARIAN PEPPER fresh for the winter without boiling and freezing. Secrets of the Don Cuisine.

In lightly salted water, cook the chicken fillet until cooked and cut it into small cubes. Wash pepper, remove seeds. And together with cucumbers and cheese, cut into the same cubes as the chicken. Mix everything, add chopped dill, salt and season with mayonnaise.

Another salad with bell peppers and cheese

This time there are more components. We will need chicken, bell pepper, cheese, pineapple in the salad.

Video: Salad "Shopsky" tomatoes, bell peppers and cheese

We cut the boiled fillet into small cubes, as well as pre-boiled eggs. Grind the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix with chicken and eggs. Washed and de-seeded bell peppers are partially cut into cubes (for salad), partially into slices (for decoration). A few rings of pineapple are also cut into cubes. Add to salad, salt, pour mayonnaise, mix. This dish is garnished with grated cheese, dill and preserved pepper cloves. The composition of the ingredients is as follows: 250 grams of chicken fillet, 300 grams of cheese, seven eggs, sweet peppers, three rings of pineapple (canned food), 100 grams of mayonnaise, salt, dill sprigs.

Salad "Revnivets"

Very tasty and unusual salad: Bulgarian pepper, cheese, chicken are successfully combined with a whole range of additional ingredients. Step by step cooking.

  1. Croutons: cut 2 slices of loaf into cubes with a side of 1.5 cm; mix 30 ml of vegetable oil with 1 clove of garlic, Provence herbs and salt to taste. Place the pieces of bread in a baking dish, pour over the sauce, mix - and in the oven, preheated to 160 degrees. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  2. Cheese balls: add chopped dill, crushed garlic (1 clove), half a teaspoon of basil to 40 g. Mash well with a fork. Then form balls with your hands.
  3. Dressing: mix a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, one - soy sauce, crushed garlic clove and juice from 3 tangerine cloves.
  4. The main parts of the salad: cut a pound of chicken fillet lengthwise into strips, salt, pepper, sprinkle with sesame seeds and fry over high heat, often turning over. Finely cut 70 grams of Chinese cabbage, and chop one pepper into strips.
  5. Bottom line: mix cabbage, a couple of tablespoons of corn, finely chopped onion (20 g), bell pepper, chicken, put on a plate, top with cheese balls and croutons. Pour dressing over everything. A delicious salad with bell peppers and cheese, vegetables, spices and other tricks is ready!
Attention, only TODAY!

Salad with chicken, cheese and bell pepper - light, healthy, from the "pure health" series. If you are a follower healthy eating or if you want to keep yourself at the same weight, you can safely cook this salad often enough. And you can safely cook it for gatherings with girlfriends, they will definitely be delighted with it.

To prepare a salad, take the products from the list. Defrost beans, boil in salted water for 3 minutes. chicken breast fry in a grill pan until cooked, cool. Wash lettuce and parsley, dry.

Tear the lettuce with your hands and place on a serving platter.

Ready beans cut, season soy sauce and olive oil.

Cut the cooled breast into thin slices, salt a little, put on the salad.

Cut the Bulgarian pepper into strips, put on the salad along with the beans.

Drizzle salad with olive oil, soy sauce, sprinkle generously with parmesan. Scatter olives or olives on top of the salad, they will come in handy here. Garnish the salad with parsley leaves.