Home / Cakes / Low-calorie pita rolls. Dietary fillings for pita bread

Low-calorie pita rolls. Dietary fillings for pita bread

For various reasons, many of us prefer to eat lighter foods - they have less fat and carbohydrates and, of course, no yeast. Our article is about how to cook diet pita bread in the oven on its own or with various fillings, as well as how to make strudel out of it. In addition, in our selection of simple recipes, there is also one that will make lean bread, which will work for vegetarians and all fasting people.

To begin with, let's prepare a dietary pita bread with a minimum of components.

Lean lavash made from whole grain flour


  • — 200 ml + -
  • 2 pinches or to taste + -
  • Whole grain flour- 200 g + -

Cooking homemade dietary lavash

In this recipe, the main thing is not to break the technology so that after baking the pita bread does not turn out to be too hard.

  1. Pour the flour into a deep bowl, then add a pinch of salt and gradually pour in hot water. It is needed precisely to give the dough elasticity, so the finished pita bread will not break.
  2. Stir the hot mixture with a spoon, then begin to knead with your hands.
  3. Roll and knead the dough for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Now we wrap it with a film or put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes. The dough also needs to “rest” to maintain elasticity.
  5. We take it out after a while, divide it into several parts and roll each one on a table sprinkled with flour on both sides.
  6. When the first cake is ready, put it in a very hot pan and fry on each side until dark spots appear. Immediately remove and wrap in a damp towel.

We prepare the remaining pita bread in this way and wrap each with a towel. Let stand for a while and stack.

As you can see, according to this recipe, pita bread is made practically “out of nothing” and can definitely be considered dietary and lean.

Now let's try to cook the cake in a slightly different way.

  • Beat 1 raw egg with a pinch of salt, add black pepper if desired, mix everything again.
  • Slowly pour in 50 ml of water, and pour 2 tbsp. bran and the same amount of rye flour. Mix well until smooth and roll out on the table.

It is best to bake such a dietary pita bread on a silicone substrate, this will eliminate the need to lubricate the surface with oil and from possible burning.

We put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C and hold for 7-8 minutes. Let the finished pita bread cool and serve.

Well, for those who do not mind pampering themselves even with dietary pita bread, we recommend trying to cook it according to the following recipe.

Dietary lavash with cheese


  • Oat bran - 2 tablespoons;
  • Wheat bran - 1 tablespoon;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream 10% - 2 tablespoons;
  • Grated cheese - 2 tablespoons;
  • Fresh chopped greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

Preparation of dietary lavash

  1. We mix both types of bran with an egg, then add the rest of the ingredients: grated cheese, sour cream, chopped herbs. We mix everything properly.
  2. We spread the resulting thick mass in a frying pan, greased with oil, put on a small fire, cover with a lid and fry like this on one side.
  3. When it is ready, turn it over and fry without a lid. Each side takes about a couple of minutes.

We transfer the finished pita bread to a dish and let it cool.

Cook's Tips
If you want to make the cake thicker, add ½ tsp to this amount. baking powder. So the bread will turn out very similar to lush yeast pita bread.

This flatbread can be used both as a base for pizza and as healthy bread.

In addition, you can wrap any kind of fillings in pita bread, and if you approach their preparation with skill, a diet lunch or dinner will turn out to be unusually tasty.

Dietary fillings for pita bread

Depending on the consistency of the filling and the desired effect, they can be served in different ways: roll up and then cut into portions, wrap like a pancake with cottage cheese or meat, just put inside on one half of the pita bread and cover the second.

We offer several simple and tasty dietary toppings for pita bread.

Cottage cheese

  • A pack of fat-free cottage cheese (180 - 200g) is mixed with a fork or chopped in a blender with 1 clove of garlic and ½ bunch of fresh herbs.
  • To make the consistency a little more liquid, dilute with ordinary filtered water. This will not affect the taste in any way, but it will not add calories, unlike cream or sour cream.
  • It is also delicious to include ½ fresh cucumber in the composition - you can grate it and 1 tomato. It is not necessary to remove the skin, just cut the fruit into cubes and mix into the curd.

If you want to replace the garlic with a radish, grate it or send it along with the greens to a blender.


  • Peel 1 ripe avocado, remove the pit and mash the flesh with a fork.
  • Add to it ½ can of tuna or pink salmon canned in its own juice.
  • Grind everything again, salt and pepper to taste.

Optionally, we include a few olives and a couple of circles of tomato in the composition.

Brynza and Korean carrots

  • Three 150 g of cheese on a coarse grater, add the same amount of Korean carrots, mix.

If you want to soften the consistency a little, mix in 1-2 tbsp. light yogurt without additives.

Chicken and cucumber

  • Boil 150 g of chicken fillet, and while it cools, cut into slices 2 small cucumbers.
  • We divide the chicken into pieces along the fibers with our hands or cut with a knife.

We put in pita bread along with cucumber slices and lettuce leaves. Add fresh tomatoes if you like.

Baked mushrooms and tomatoes

Such a filling turns out to be unusually fragrant and spicy.

  • Cut into 3 parts along the small washed champignons (200 g) and spread on baking paper greased with olive oil.
  • Mushrooms salt, pepper, sprinkle with Provence herbs and sprinkle with oil.
  • We send to bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10-15 minutes, take it out and let it cool.
  • Tomatoes (1-2 pcs.) Can be used fresh, or cut into quarters and baked in the oven along with salt and spices.
  • Add fresh herbs and lettuce leaves to tomatoes and mushrooms.

Prepare a dietary filling for pita bread according to any of these recipes or combine something of your own, it's up to you, and for now we'll move on to desserts!

We offer all the sweet tooth to cook healthy yummy without harm to the figure.

Lavash can be prepared independently using any of the above recipes, or you can use purchased thin Armenian lavash - this, of course, will save time.

So, to prepare a dietary strudel, let's first deal with apples. We will make stuffing out of them.

  • Wash 3 apples well, cut out the middle and cut the pulp into small cubes.
  • Heat the olive oil in a frying pan (just a little bit) and spread the apples. Let them simmer for a few minutes, stirring constantly.

If the apples are sour, you can add a spoonful of honey or a little stevia-based sweetener.

  • Add a pinch of cinnamon, keep on low heat for another minute, turn off and leave to cool.
  • Now we spread pita bread on the table, if it is too large, remove the excess.
  • We spread the apples on it in an even layer and twist it into a roll. If desired, you can grease it with olive oil, or you can leave it like that.
  • We shift the roll onto a baking sheet and send it to bake at 180 ° C for 25-30 minutes.

Wrap the finished strudel in a damp towel and let it cool in it. This is done so that the pita bread in the open air does not become too hard.

Once the strudel has cooled, take it out and serve, cut into portions. Enjoy your meal!

As you can see, dietary pita bread, desserts made from it or specially prepared snack fillings are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for culinary fantasies. Start cooking delicious tortillas in the oven, in a skillet, or even try baking them in the microwave.

Treat yourself and loved ones to an unusual dinner or afternoon snack!

With the advent of such a science as dietology in our lives, we are increasingly asking ourselves questions - do we eat right, and how to make the diet as useful as possible? At the same time, it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of a diet, because not everyone really needs it.

In this case, delicious dietary pita rolls will come to the rescue. They are not only healthy and nutritious, but also prepared according to all the rules of nutrition.

The principles of proper nutrition

If you have come to the conclusion that it is time to start eating healthy and reduce the amount of carcinogens consumed, you first need to understand the essence of dietary nutrition and learn how to follow it for maximum benefit for your own health.

To date, nutritionists divide specialized nutrition into two types - this is therapeutic and preventive. Therapeutic diet is prescribed only in cases where the patient is concerned about any disease (most often associated with the gastrointestinal tract). The second type - preventive - is suitable for everyone who wants to be not only slim, but also healthy.

Important! We can safely say that dietary preventive nutrition has become an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

And there are a number of logical explanations for this:

Separately, it is worth mentioning preventive nutrition, which is prescribed by nutritionists as a diet for weight loss.

Important! Unlike a daily balanced diet, the weight loss menu may differ slightly in ingredients, despite the fact that a simple healthy diet and a dietary special diet follow the same rules.

Various toppings for the dish

Lavash, which is native to Central Asia, is the very ingredient that is ideal for creating not only delicious meat dishes, but also dietary rolls.

One has only to replace fatty meat products with dietary vegetables and herbs - and here on your table is a healthy and incredibly tasty dish, the components of which completely depend only on your imagination.

So what to add to pita bread so as not to violate the rules of nutrition, but, at the same time, prepare a really tasty dish?

Chicken fillet

It can be boiled with spices or steamed, but in no case should it be fried in a pan, in the oven or on the grill. The meat should turn out to be as lean as possible, since it will be the basis for most dietary pita bread.

In addition, chicken is also great as an ingredient in a weight loss diet. Its low calorie content and saturation of the body with protein is what those who are on a protein diet need.

boiled eggs

This roll ingredient is more suitable for dieters as it is highly nutritious and low in calories. The high protein content satisfies hunger for a long time.


The most useful and suitable are tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers. The presence of a large amount of vitamins in them will help make the dish healthy, and the juice will soften and improve the taste of the roll.


In the case of greens, the list can be kept forever, because any herbs are equally useful and will organically fit into the composition of dietary rolls. Often the dish is dressed with chopped dill, parsley, arugula, green onions and young garlic arrows, as well as fresh basil and lettuce leaves.

Milk products

Housewives who want to impress their family with an original recipe for dietary pita bread can add hard cheese, low-fat cottage cheese or Suluguni to it (the latter will add a “smoke” effect to the dish). As a sauce, thick natural yogurt is perfect, which can be mixed with low-fat sour cream.

Fish and seafood

There are also more extravagant recipes for making dietary lavash rolls, the main ingredients of which are fish and seafood. For an amateur, you can cook pita bread with shrimp, squid, herring and even canned tuna.

Recipes with photos

There are a large number of different recipes for making rolls. Such a treat is suitable for a holiday, a buffet table or a traditional meal.

With ham, cheese and arugula

The dish is ideal for breakfast, as it is very satisfying, tasty and light. The roll is also good as a cold appetizer. Cooking will not take even 15 minutes from the hostess, but the result will exceed all expectations!


  • 60 g ham (you should choose a product with less fat);
  • 40 g fresh tomatoes;
  • 10 g of arugula;
  • 15 g melted cheese.

Cooking process:

  1. Spread pita bread and brush with cheese over the entire surface.
  2. Carefully spread thinly sliced ​​ham.
  3. Put thinly sliced ​​tomato washers on top of the ham (it is preferable to drain the juice so that the pita bread does not get wet).
  4. Lay out the arugula sprigs last. After that, carefully wrap the pita bread in a roll and let it “rest” for 10 minutes so that the dough is soaked with cream cheese.

With cheese and mushrooms

This light and dietary roll is perfect not only as a daily meal, but also as a dish for getting rid of excess weight. The low calorie and high nutritional content of the dish will help you lose weight without restricting your diet.


  • 1 head of onion;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 300 g fresh champignons;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • greens (it is preferable to choose dill and basil);
  • low-fat sour cream or yogurt;
  • spices (salt, black pepper, etc.).

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings, lightly fry in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  2. When the onion is ready, cut the mushrooms into small pieces and also put them in the pan. Fry until fully cooked, after adding spices and salt.
  3. In a separate container, grate the cheese and cut the boiled eggs. Mix the ingredients together.
  4. Roll out pita bread to its full length, grease with sour cream or yogurt. Put strips (not layers!) Mushrooms, eggs + cheese. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top.
  5. Roll up pita bread, cover with cling film and wait 10 minutes.

"In Korean"

This ingenious and unusual recipe is not only easy to prepare, but can also help out the hostess in any situation. Unexpectedly, guests suddenly appeared or you just want something light and dietary - a delicious roll of pita bread and low-calorie filling will be the perfect addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner.


  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 150 g of Korean carrots (depending on preferences, you can choose medium or strong spiciness);
  • 200 g cream cheese (preferably without additives);
  • 1 bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • spices containing pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the chicken breast in slightly brackish water, then let cool and cut into medium-sized bars.
  2. Roll out pita bread along its entire length, grease it with cream cheese.
  3. Put the washed lettuce leaves (they should be dried first).
  4. Grease lettuce leaves again with cheese and put Korean carrots on them in an even layer.
  5. Season with salt and spices, gently roll up and wait 10-15 minutes until tender.

In order for the food you eat to bring maximum benefit, it is not enough just to give preference to fresh vegetables and not to eat fatty meat.

  1. Diet food should not be heavily salted, spicy, smoked or pickled. The ingredients in such dishes will not do any good.

  2. When purchasing dairy products, you should carefully look at the percentage of fat content. For preventive dietary nutrition, 1.5% fat content is suitable. As for products for medical nutrition, your attending physician should determine the norm here.
  3. Properly selected spices will help maintain health. Ginger, cinnamon, coriander, and dry cloves are ideal for these purposes. With their help, you can not only improve the body, but also reduce weight.
  4. When choosing vegetables, try to give preference to foods without starch.


Properly selected and prepared, diet food may not differ at all from your usual dishes. But the benefits of it are much greater, because it helps to maintain a slim figure and good health for many years. Lavash snacks that have become familiar can be dietary if you approach the cooking process correctly.


Surely you have made or at least tried stuffed pita rolls. The trouble is that the purchased pita bread is made from wheat flour, and you can only afford a couple of pieces of such a delicacy. Do not rush to get upset, it is not at all difficult to prepare dietary pita bread at home from oatmeal.

You can put chicken filling, cottage cheese, vegetable stuffing in a pita roll. You can bake pita bread by brushing it with an egg or just send it to the refrigerator. If you are interested in a dietary pita roll, then you probably will not use mayonnaise. It can be replaced with curd-yogurt sauce with herbs, for example, or any other to taste.

It is convenient to take dietary pita bread with you on a trip or to work. Filling recipes can be completely different. The main thing is that such food can be eaten on the go or in transport, which will especially please those who follow the diet.

Diet pita recipe


  • 100-150 g oatmeal
  • salt on the tip of a knife
  • 50 ml water


1. Mix flour with salt.

2. Pour flour into boiling water in a thin stream, while constantly stirring with a spoon.

3. Knead the dough well, wrap with cling film and let stand for 30-40 minutes.

4. Divide the oatmeal dough into balls, roll out very thinly (according to the size of the pan). Fry in a dry skillet. Dietary pita bread can be sprinkled with water if it turned out to be very dry or immediately spread the filling.

Lavash roll fillings

1. Cucumber, salted trout, yogurt.

2. Chicken (pieces), tomato, lettuce, mustard sauce.

3. Sweet cottage cheese, dried fruits to taste.

4. Ready minced chicken with onions.

5. Cheese, vegetables.

6. Rice, eggs, greens.

It is very tasty to bake in the oven then pita bread with chicken or with cottage cheese. Line a baking sheet with baking paper first. 30-40 minutes at 150 degrees and your roll will be ruddy and crispy.


Bread such as lean pita bread is used today both in everyday food and during all kinds of diets. Basically, this is a food for weight loss with a restriction of proteins and fats. Coming from the culture of Transcaucasia, lean lavash has successfully taken root in the modern world. The recipe for this dish is extremely simple.

Lavash for weight loss can be cooked at home without wasting time shopping. To prepare lean pita bread, you need to take half a glass of water. Taking chlorinated tap water can be bad for your health. Therefore, it is best to take artesian water. If you still take tap water, then you need to boil it and pass it through the filter. But still, tap water can affect pita bread. So, if there is no artesian water, you need to take water from a spring. It is necessary to heat such water to a temperature of about seventy degrees Celsius. For example, this can be done in the microwave or on the stovetop. The heated water must be poured into some wide plate or saucepan.

Then take a quarter tablespoon of salt. You can use iodized salt. It is good for the thyroid gland, but it will slightly change the taste of lavash.

Upnaya rock table salt does not give an aftertaste, since it does not contain iodine, but it has the disadvantage that it dissolves in water for a long time and it is easy to salt the dish with it. Iodized salt can be taken only if it corresponds to preferences and tastes. But if you cook pita bread without preferences, you need to take coarse table salt. Salt must be poured into a vessel into which hot water has been poured. If salt is table salt, stir for about ten minutes. And if the salt is iodized, you need to stir less (about five minutes), since it is smaller.

In order to bake a real dietary pita bread, the recipe does not need to be changed at your discretion. You need to take one and a half glasses of flour. Flour should be wheat, not rye, since not wickets are baked, but pita bread. Of course, you can take rye flour, but pita bread will also change the taste.

Flour is required to take the highest grade for a more tasty and high-quality pita bread. You can take a lower grade flour, but again, for dietary lean pita bread, you must strictly follow these instructions. In the resulting solution of water and salt, it is necessary to pour one and a half glasses of flour through a sieve.

So, after a solution of salt, flour and water, so to speak, is made, it is necessary to make a dough. You need to cover the resulting dough with a wet towel and hold it in this state for a couple of minutes. Now you can knead the dough. To do this, sprinkle some flour on the table. If you don't want to dirty the table, you can put something, such as a cutting board. It is necessary to knead the dough for 5-10 minutes. Next, the dough needs to be molded into lumps and rolled out on the table with a rolling pin so that a smooth thin cake is obtained. The dough is ready! Now it remains only to clean the table. You can make some figures from the resulting cakes.

After the dough for lean pita bread is cooked and rolled out, you need to bake it. To do this, you need to take a cast-iron pan or baking sheet and put a molded cake. Now, if the pita bread is placed on a baking sheet, then it is necessary to put it in a hot oven (no more than 190 degrees Celsius) for 5-10 minutes. If a cast-iron frying pan is used to cook pita bread, then it is necessary to turn the pita bread over until both sides are covered with a golden crust. Everything, lavash is ready!

Lavash is a dietary product in which there is no excess. You can wrap meat, fish and make delicious rolls in it. In order to create a roll, you need to take two sheets of pita bread, two carrots, 250 grams of cheese, an onion, 700 grams of champignons. Clean and finely chop the mushrooms and onion. Grate carrots. Fry onions, mushrooms and carrots. Add grated cheese. Now you need to wrap this splendor in pita bread and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Lean pita bread has a very wide range of uses. You can make many wrapped dishes from it: envelopes for salads, rolls and even rustic sushi. Lovers of lean lavash do not make a single dish without it and thanks to this they save their waist.


The principle of preparation of each option is the same: prepare the filling, spread it evenly on pita bread, roll the sheet into a roll and cut into equal parts.

Option 1. Boiled breast, garlic clove, boiled egg, grated cheese (low fat!), herbs and natural yogurt.

You can replace yogurt with low-fat sour cream.

Option 2. A pack of fat-free cottage cheese, a pinch of salt, herbs, one clove of garlic, a few tablespoons of yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Option 3. Champignons fried with onions, a package (about 200 gr.) of processed cheese of the Friendship type, greens.

Finely chopped pickled cucumbers are also ideal for this filling.

Option 4. Red fish (smoked salmon or trout), cut into pieces, fresh cucumber and greens.

Option 5. Shredded Adyghe cheese, Korean carrots, low-fat sour cream and greens.

Option 6. Boiled rice and egg, natural yogurt, a pinch of salt, herbs.

Option 7. Grated carrots and beets, one clove of garlic, a handful of chopped walnut kernels, sour cream.

Option 8. Onion and bell pepper, chopped and fried in a small amount of vegetable oil, finely chopped pickled cucumbers, pieces of fried chicken fillet, fresh tomato cut into pieces, garlic clove, salt and sour cream.

Option 9. Grind onions, garlic, sweet peppers, eggplant and a few tomatoes (you can take canned ones) fried in olive oil to a smooth paste using a blender.

Option 10. Boil and chop the squid carcass and two eggs, mix with boiled rice, salt a little.

Squid can be replaced with crab sticks or crab meat.

Option 11. Boiled chicken fillet, grated cheese (low-fat!), canned pineapple pieces, garlic clove for spice, herbs, a pinch of salt and natural yogurt.

Option 12. Fried ground beef or chicken, grated low-fat cheese, browned onions and bell peppers.


Save yourself!?

1. Lavash with chicken and vegetables: a super-protein PP snack!
? per 100 grams - 112.29 kcal? B / F / U - 8.46 / 0.75 / 17.57?

Lavash - 1 piece
Chicken fillet - 150 g
Lettuce leaves - 20 g
Tomato - 1 pc.
Cucumber - 1/2 piece
Onions - to taste
Greens - to taste
Natural yogurt - 2 tbsp. l
Garlic - to taste

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces and fry in a pan. In a thin pita bread, put a lettuce leaf, sliced ​​​​tomatoes and cucumbers, chicken fillet, onions, greens on top. Add sauce (yogurt, garlic, pepper) and wrap in a roll.

2. Lavash pie with mushrooms and cheese
? per 100 grams - 164.11 kcal? B / F / U - 10.34 / 4.81 / 19.32?

Lavash - 2 pcs
Eggs - 2 pcs
Champignons - 100 g
Parsley - 10 g
Natural yogurt - 250 ml
Cheese - 150 g (we have Adyghe)
Spices - to taste
Thanks for the recipe to the Diet Recipes group

In a bowl, combine eggs with yogurt and spices to taste. Cut pita bread into sheets the size of your baking dish. Chop the greens, cut the mushrooms into small cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Grease the mold well with oil. Dip a sheet of pita bread into the egg mixture, put in a mold. Sprinkle with mushrooms, parsley and cheese. So we alternate the layers, sprinkle the last pita bread with cheese, pour the remaining egg mixture evenly onto the surface of the casserole. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.

3. Mimosa salad in pita bread
? per 100 grams - 158.39 kcal? B / F / U - 12.12 / 4.51 / 16.67?

Lavash Armenian - 2 pieces
Tuna in its own juice - 180 g
Eggs - 4 pcs (boiled)
Dill - 10 g
Green onions - 10 g
Parsley - 10 g
Cheese - 100 g
Natural yogurt - 250 g
Salt - to taste
Thanks for the recipe to the Diet Recipes group

Boil the eggs, cool and rub. We rub the cheese too. Mash the canned food with a fork, after draining all the liquid from them. We finely chop the greens. We lay out sheets of pita bread on the table, cut one in half. Lubricate each sheet with yogurt. Sprinkle the first sheet of pita bread with grated cheese and herbs. We roll into a roll. Sprinkle the second sheet with grated eggs and herbs, put the first folded sheet at the beginning, and fold this one with it. Sprinkle the third sheet with fish and again with greens, again put a rolled roll already from two pita leaves at the beginning, and wrap it to the end. Now we need to properly "swaddled" it with cling film - so that it takes shape and is better soaked. We send the wrapped roll to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

4. Lazy Lasagna
? per 100 grams - 106.3 kcal? B / F / U - 13.54 / 2.58 / 6.62?

Thin lavash - 100 g
Chicken fillet - 380 g
Champignons - 100 g
Tomatoes - 2 pcs
Onion - 1/2 pc.
Cheese - 100 g
Natural yogurt - 4 tbsp. l
Dry Italian herbs - to taste
Salt, pepper - to taste
Thanks for the recipe to the Diet Recipes group

Grind chicken fillet for minced meat. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the minced meat with diced onions. Salt and pepper the minced meat while frying. Transfer the fried minced meat with onions to a plate. Add oil to the same pan and heat it up. Put the champignons, peeled and cut into thin slices, into a pan and fry for a minute, add the tomato pulp, chopped not large, add salt and a pinch of dry Italian herbs. Sauté the mushrooms and tomatoes until enough liquid has evaporated. Transfer the fried mushrooms and tomatoes to another plate. Cut thin pita bread into squares. Depending on the size of the pita breads themselves and the shape in which you will bake the lasagna, you may need one or two pita breads, it took us exactly one and a half pita breads. Put a few pieces of pita bread on the bottom of a square or rectangular shape. Put a part of the mushroom filling on the pita bread, sprinkle it with grated cheese on a fine grater. Close the mushroom filling with a second layer of pita pieces. Now lay out part of the chicken filling and also sprinkle with grated cheese. Thus, lay out layers of pita bread, mushroom and chicken fillings, sprinkling them with grated cheese. The topmost layer should be from pita bread. Lubricate it with yogurt, sprinkle with dry Italian herbs and grated cheese. By this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake lazy lasagna for 20 minutes.

5. Apple-honey pita bread dessert without baking: maximum benefit and taste!
? per 100 grams - 96.12 kcal? B / F / U - 1.5 / 0.46 / 20.85?

1 thin lavash without yeast
6 medium-sized seasonal apples
100g honey without bitterness
Cinnamon to taste
Thanks for the recipe to the Diet Recipes group

Lavash (preferably folded, not twisted) cut into identical plates of any size. The smaller they are, the more layers you can make.
Mix honey with a small amount of warm water (not hot so that the honey does not lose its beneficial properties, but warm enough so that it dissolves). With a confectionery brush, apply honey to each leaf of pita bread, fold the sheets on top of each other so that they are soaked. Peel apples and remove pits. Cut into thin slices (preferably with a slicer), pour the remaining mixture of water and honey and mix gently.
Spread apples on each slice of lavash so that they completely cover it, and stack slices of lavash on top of each other. It is not necessary to make a layer of apples thick, when the pita bread is soaked with honey and apple juice, it will become very thin and soft.
Depending on your preference, you can sprinkle cinnamon on each layer of apples or every other layer.
The dessert should stand in the refrigerator for several hours so that the pita bread becomes soft and is not felt while eating. You can reheat the dessert in the oven - served both hot and cold.

Enjoy your meal!

Admit that sometimes you like to indulge in fast food! But if you don’t like hot dogs and you are cold to hamburgers, then most likely you prefer shawarma and we agree with your choice, because this pita roll is less detrimental to the figure than a bun with a sausage or cutlet of unknown origin. The only drawback of this fast food is fatty meat and mayonnaise-based sauce. But what to do when you want shawarma, but you don’t want to get fat? Of course, make your own shawarma!

Boiled breast, a couple of garlic cloves, boiled egg, grated cheese, herbs, yogurt

Cottage cheese, greens, a couple of cloves of garlic, a few tablespoons of yogurt

Cottage cheese, greens, a couple of cloves of garlic, grated cheese, pickled cucumber

Fried champignons, greens, melted cheese, pickled cucumbers

Red fish, fresh cucumber, greens

Adyghe cheese, Korean carrots, sour cream, greens

Canned fish, grated cheese, greens

Brown rice, egg, natural yoghurt with herbs

Chicken ham, hard low-fat cheese, fresh cucumber, garlic clove, yogurt

Grated boiled eggs, Korean carrots, yogurt

Grated cucumber and carrots, pieces of smoked meat, herbs, yogurt

Sauteed onion and sweet pepper, pickles, chicken, tomato, garlic clove and sour cream

Dry-fried minced meat, grated low-fat cheese, passivated onions and sweet peppers

Grated carrots and beets, a clove of garlic, a handful of chopped walnuts, low-fat sour cream

Mushrooms fried with onions, grated cheese, boiled eggs, greens

Hard cheese, finely chopped onion and garlic, black and red ground pepper

Fried chicken liver, a few tablespoons of low-fat cream - grind in a blender and season with salt and pepper

Turn fried onions, garlic, bell peppers, eggplant and tomatoes into a smooth paste in a blender

Olive oil, boiled peeled shrimp, garlic clove

Chicken fillet, hard cheese, herbs, natural yogurt

Quite often, at the mention of a diet, in our imagination there are, of course, very healthy, but not the most attractive and tasty dishes - a variety of cereals on water without sugar and butter, white meat without dressings and unsweetened weak tea. The prospect of such a diet, thanks to our imagination, looms not the most joyful, and the diet begins to be perceived as a real feat, as something very unpleasant, but certainly necessary. In fact, this approach to diet is inherently wrong. Before embarking on a particular diet (currently the choice is great - it is very easy to find what you like), you must definitely ask yourself - why do I need it? What do I want to get out of it? And if the answer is health, a beautiful figure and an attractive appearance, then you can move on.

The assertion that dietary dishes cannot be very tasty and beautiful is fundamentally wrong. After all, a diet is not a hard restriction of oneself in a certain set of products. This is a properly selected balanced diet, which contains enough for your body the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other substances. Therefore, a nutritionist will help you choose the ideal diet for you. And when the direction of the diet is chosen and the possible products, and the options for their preparation are discussed, you can give free rein to your imagination!

There are many ways to prepare unusually tasty, very attractive and at the same time low-calorie and extremely healthy diet meals. This dish may well be original dietary rolls. They will ideally decorate both everyday and festive tables, they will be a light snack, a main course or a sweet dessert. Their main secret lies in the method of preparation and ingredients.
What are diet rolls made of? Healthy, low-calorie foods are suitable for them - white meat, any vegetables, low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese, soft cheese. For sweet pastries, dried fruits and fresh fruits and berries are indispensable. Cooking such a dish is quite simple, even the most inexperienced hostess can handle it.

Diet rolls: recipes, cooking methods

Recipes for diet chicken rolls

White chicken meat (usually breast) is one of the most beloved diet foods. It is healthy, contains little fat and cholesterol. Usually white meat is a little dry, so it is important to choose the right filling for it.

1. Rolls with mushroom filling

Chicken fillet cut into thin slices, lightly salt. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add mushrooms and any greens there. Fry the filling for two minutes, then add a little mineral water and simmer until tender. Then lay out the fillet strip filling, form rolls, put in a mold and bake in the oven.

2. Rolls with tomatoes and cheese

Cut the chicken breast into plastics, beat off, salt. Put finely chopped parsley on top, then a layer of as finely chopped tomatoes as possible, and the last layer is grated hard cheese. Roll up the rolls, securing the edges. Then the rolls can be baked in the oven, or steamed. For dietary dishes, the second option will be more preferable.

3. Rolls with sour cream and mushroom filling

Cut the chicken fillet into strips, salt. Separately stew the mushrooms in low-fat sour cream. Put the sour cream-mushroom filling on the prepared chicken meat, roll up and bake in the oven until tender.

Lavash diet roll recipes

Lavash rolls can be an excellent snack, they can be served both cold and hot. In addition, this delicious dish looks very elegant and can decorate any table during the holiday. And in order for the dish to be dietary, it is enough to choose the right products that make up its composition.

1. Rolls stuffed with vegetables and curd sauce

Lavash sheet is well leveled on the surface of the table or cutting board. Mix salted fat-free cottage cheese and chopped greens in a separate cup, cover pita bread with this sauce. The next layer should be vegetables - they can be very different: carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers ... Form a roll from pita bread, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

2. Rolls with tomatoes and chicken fillet

Salt the fat-free sour cream and add greens there. Spread a sheet of pita bread with the resulting sauce. Put lettuce leaves, chopped chicken fillet, tomatoes on top. Form a roll. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for several hours.

3. Rolls with cheese, cucumber and fish

Spread soft cream cheese on a sheet of pita bread in a thin layer. Top with fresh cucumber cut into strips and a piece of lightly salted red fish (it is best to take trout).


What to wrap in pita bread

Advice from the editors: choose fresh thin pita bread from yeast-free dough for rolls. Freshness is a guarantee that it will not tear when folding. Prepare and grind the ingredients before you spread and roll the roll.

What do you like to wrap in pita bread? We'd love to see your recipes in the comments!


Just for you, we have prepared a list of excellent filling options to diversify your menu as much as possible!


1. Boiled breast, a couple of garlic cloves, boiled egg, grated cheese, herbs, natural yogurt.

2. A pack of cottage cheese, salt, herbs, a couple of cloves of garlic, a few tablespoons of yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

3. A pack of cottage cheese, salt, herbs, a couple of cloves of garlic, grated cheese, pieces of pickled cucumber.

4. Mushrooms fried with onions, greens and a package (200 gr.) of melted cheese - amber, friendship, creamy, viola will do. You can add finely chopped pickled cucumbers for spiciness.

5. Red fish in pieces, fresh cucumber, greens!

6. Adyghe
cheese crumbled by hand, Korean carrots, sour cream and greens.

7. Fish
canned food in oil, mashed with a fork, grated cheese, greens.

8. Rice, egg and natural yogurt with herbs.

9. Cubes of ham and hard cheese, grated fresh cucumber, garlic clove, natural yogurt.

10. Grated boiled eggs, Korean carrots, yogurt.

11. Grated cucumber and carrots, pieces of smoked sausage or smoked meat, herbs, yogurt.

12. Sauteed onion and sweet pepper, finely chopped pickles, pieces of fried chicken meat, pieces of fresh tomato, garlic clove and sour cream.

13. Fried minced meat, grated hard cheese, browned onions and sweet peppers

14. Grated carrots, grated beets, a clove of garlic, a handful of chopped walnut kernels, sour cream.

15. Mushrooms fried with onions, grated cheese, boiled eggs, greens.

16. Hard cheese, finely chopped onion and garlic, black and red ground pepper turn into a homogeneous paste.

17. Fried chicken liver, ground pepper, grind a few tablespoons of low-fat cream in a blender into puree, season with salt and pepper, heat in the microwave.

18. Onions, garlic, sweet peppers, eggplant, fried in olive oil, turn a couple of tomatoes into a homogeneous paste in a blender.

19. Olive oil, boiled peeled shrimp, mash a clove of garlic with a fork.

20. Chicken fillet, hard cheese, herbs, natural yogurt

Let the phrase "proper nutrition" no longer be a synonym for trays with buckwheat and chicken breasts for you) Make weight loss delicious with SOCFIT!


The principles of proper nutrition

If you have come to the conclusion that it is time to start eating healthy and reduce the amount of carcinogens consumed, you first need to understand the essence of dietary nutrition and learn how to follow it for maximum benefit for your own health.

To date, nutritionists divide specialized nutrition into two types - this is therapeutic and preventive. Therapeutic diet is prescribed only in cases where the patient is concerned about any disease (most often associated with the gastrointestinal tract). The second type - preventive - is suitable for everyone who wants to be not only slim, but also healthy.

Important! We can safely say that dietary preventive nutrition has become an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

And there are a number of logical explanations for this:

Separately, it is worth mentioning preventive nutrition, which is prescribed by nutritionists as a diet for weight loss.

Important! Unlike a daily balanced diet, the weight loss menu may differ slightly in ingredients, despite the fact that a simple healthy diet and a dietary special diet follow the same rules.

Various toppings for the dish

Lavash, which is native to Central Asia, is the very ingredient that is ideal for creating not only delicious meat dishes, but also dietary rolls.

One has only to replace fatty meat products with dietary vegetables and herbs - and here on your table is a healthy and incredibly tasty dish, the components of which completely depend only on your imagination.

So what to add to pita bread so as not to violate the rules of nutrition, but, at the same time, prepare a really tasty dish?

Chicken fillet

It can be boiled with spices or steamed, but in no case should it be fried in a pan, in the oven or on the grill. The meat should turn out to be as lean as possible, since it will be the basis for most dietary pita bread.

In addition, chicken is also great as an ingredient in a weight loss diet. Its low calorie content and saturation of the body with protein is what those who are on a protein diet need.

boiled eggs

This roll ingredient is more suitable for dieters as it is highly nutritious and low in calories. The high protein content satisfies hunger for a long time.


The most useful and suitable are tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers. The presence of a large amount of vitamins in them will help make the dish healthy, and the juice will soften and improve the taste of the roll.


In the case of greens, the list can be kept forever, because any herbs are equally useful and will organically fit into the composition of dietary rolls. Often the dish is dressed with chopped dill, parsley, arugula, green onions and young garlic arrows, as well as fresh basil and lettuce leaves.

Milk products

Housewives who want to impress their family with an original recipe for dietary pita bread can add hard cheese, low-fat cottage cheese or Suluguni to it (the latter will add a “smoke” effect to the dish). As a sauce, thick natural yogurt is perfect, which can be mixed with low-fat sour cream.

Fish and seafood

There are also more extravagant recipes for making dietary lavash rolls, the main ingredients of which are fish and seafood. For an amateur, you can cook pita bread with shrimp, squid, herring and even canned tuna.

Recipes with photos

There are a large number of different recipes for making rolls. Such a treat is suitable for a holiday, a buffet table or a traditional meal.

With ham, cheese and arugula

The dish is ideal for breakfast, as it is very satisfying, tasty and light. The roll is also good as a cold appetizer. Cooking will not take even 15 minutes from the hostess, but the result will exceed all expectations!


  • 60 g ham (you should choose a product with less fat);
  • 40 g fresh tomatoes;
  • 10 g of arugula;
  • 15 g melted cheese.

Cooking process:

  1. Spread pita bread and brush with cheese over the entire surface.
  2. Carefully spread thinly sliced ​​ham.
  3. Put thinly sliced ​​tomato washers on top of the ham (it is preferable to drain the juice so that the pita bread does not get wet).
  4. Lay out the arugula sprigs last. After that, carefully wrap the pita bread in a roll and let it “rest” for 10 minutes so that the dough is soaked with cream cheese.

With cheese and mushrooms

This light and dietary roll is perfect not only as a daily meal, but also as a dish for getting rid of excess weight. The low calorie and high nutritional content of the dish will help you lose weight without restricting your diet.


  • 1 head of onion;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 300 g fresh champignons;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • greens (it is preferable to choose dill and basil);
  • low-fat sour cream or yogurt;
  • spices (salt, black pepper, etc.).

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings, lightly fry in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  2. When the onion is ready, cut the mushrooms into small pieces and also put them in the pan. Fry until fully cooked, after adding spices and salt.
  3. In a separate container, grate the cheese and cut the boiled eggs. Mix the ingredients together.
  4. Roll out pita bread to its full length, grease with sour cream or yogurt. Put strips (not layers!) Mushrooms, eggs + cheese. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top.
  5. Roll up pita bread, cover with cling film and wait 10 minutes.

"In Korean"

This ingenious and unusual recipe is not only easy to prepare, but can also help out the hostess in any situation. Unexpectedly, guests suddenly appeared or you just want something light and dietary - a delicious roll of pita bread and low-calorie filling will be the perfect addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner.


  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 150 g of Korean carrots (depending on preferences, you can choose medium or strong spiciness);
  • 200 g cream cheese (preferably without additives);
  • 1 bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • spices containing pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the chicken breast in slightly brackish water, then let cool and cut into medium-sized bars.
  2. Roll out pita bread along its entire length, grease it with cream cheese.
  3. Put the washed lettuce leaves (they should be dried first).
  4. Grease lettuce leaves again with cheese and put Korean carrots on them in an even layer.
  5. Season with salt and spices, gently roll up and wait 10-15 minutes until tender.

In order for the food you eat to bring maximum benefit, it is not enough just to give preference to fresh vegetables and not to eat fatty meat.

  1. Diet food should not be heavily salted, spicy, smoked or pickled. The ingredients in such dishes will not do any good.
  2. When purchasing dairy products, you should carefully look at the percentage of fat content. For preventive dietary nutrition, 1.5% fat content is suitable. As for products for medical nutrition, your attending physician should determine the norm here.
  3. Properly selected spices will help maintain health. Ginger, cinnamon, coriander, and dry cloves are ideal for these purposes. With their help, you can not only improve the body, but also reduce weight.
  4. When choosing vegetables, try to give preference to foods without starch.


Properly selected and prepared, diet food may not differ at all from your usual dishes. But the benefits of it are much greater, because it helps to maintain a slim figure and good health for many years. Lavash snacks that have become familiar can be dietary if you approach the cooking process correctly.


1. Lavash stuffed with cheese mix

Such an appetizer as a pita roll with cheese will surprise few people, but still I suggest you try to cook a recipe for pita bread with cheese, which even the most sophisticated cheese gourmets will like. The recipe uses different types of cheese, which you can change to your liking so that you get new pita cheese rolls every time.

It turns out a kind of cheese mix - very tasty and interesting, unusual and appetizing! So I recommend that you definitely try the pita bread roll with three types of cheese - with such an appetizer you can surprise the most fastidious guests. How to make pita bread with cheese, I wrote HERE.

2. Lavash with “Festive Fantasy” filling

Delicious lavash snacks amaze with a variety of options, and lavash roll with red fish is rightfully considered a royal snack. But there are a lot of different interpretations on a culinary theme, what fish rolls can be, and today I bring to your attention a pita roll with salmon, green salad and cheese.

It turns out very tasty and festive rolls from Armenian lavash. Lightly salted salmon goes well with tender sausage cheese, while green onions and crispy salad add freshness to the pita appetizer. Such lavash fish roll will decorate any festive table and bring novelty to the traditional holiday menu. Recipe HERE.

3. Lavash with “Crab Paradise” filling

Lavash crab roll was my very first stuffed Armenian lavash that I made in my kitchen. This pita roll with crab sticks received a lot of feedback from my friends and acquaintances, and since then various pita rolls with crab sticks have been frequent guests on my holiday table.

Crab sticks go well with marinated champignons, and tender processed cheese in company with garlic and fragrant herbs give this appetizer a light piquancy. Preparing this Armenian lavash roll is very simple, and the most time-consuming is the preparation of the ingredients. How to cook a roll of pita bread "Crab Paradise", you can see HERE.

4. Lavash stuffed with Nostalgia

It is difficult to surprise sophisticated admirers of various cold appetizers from lavash, but still I will try. Recipes of dishes from Armenian lavash are striking in their variety of options, and if you are looking for a new and interesting filling for lavash, I bring to your attention a delicious lavash with Nostalgia filling with sprats and cheese.

This is just the case when the most ordinary and traditional products for us make an incredible appetizer for the holiday with the taste of such favorite sprats, and delicate garlic-flavored cheese filling. Lavash rolls with sprats will definitely please all your guests, and this pita bread roll can rightfully be considered a universal snack. If you have not yet changed your mind about cooking a roll with sprats, then add the recipe to your bookmarks, or print it directly from the site. Recipe HERE.

5. Lavash stuffed with gossip

It is most convenient to use proven recipes before the holidays, and delicious lavash fillings are worth their weight in gold, but if you want to surprise your guests with a new and interesting snack, then I bring to your attention a lavash roll with mushrooms and smoked chicken. Lavash roll with chicken and mushrooms is incredible! All the ingredients in this filling are perfectly combined. Fried mushrooms with onions in the company of smoked chicken breast are complemented by soft processed cheese.

Such a filling in thin pita bread is perfect for outdoor events, or for an office feast, because. Lavash mushroom roll with chicken can be prepared in advance, it will not leak or float from long-term storage. How to cook an appetizer of pita bread with chicken and mushrooms, I wrote HERE.

6. Lavash stuffed with Santorini

Lavash crab roll can rightfully be considered a classic of holiday snacks, but today I want to present you pita rolls with crab sticks in a completely different light. Meet: delicious lavash roll with crab sticks, cheese, dill and sour cream!

The output is a very interesting version of the filling for pita bread with traditional ingredients and Greek notes in taste. In addition, these crab stick rolls can serve as a great idea for a picnic snack. Interesting? You can see the recipe for how to cook the Santorini pita roll HERE.

7. Lavash with Deja Vu filling

Let's prepare stuffed rolls, the basis of which will be the salad with crab sticks forgotten by everyone in a slightly updated culinary interpretation. Such pita crab roll will become a welcome appetizer on your festive table, and will certainly replenish your pita appetizer recipes.

Lavash rolls with crab sticks turn out juicy thanks to lettuce and mayonnaise, and eggs and processed cheese make this pita appetizer hearty and perfect for hard liquor. It will be delicious, trust me! How to cook pita roll with deja vu crab sticks, you can see HERE.

8. Lavash with “Five Minutes” filling

My recent discovery is pita roll with ham and Korean carrots. It turns out a very tasty roll of thin pita bread, honestly! And how beautiful - bright and sunny! And this is exactly the case when a lavash appetizer roll is prepared in a matter of minutes. Despite the simplicity of the ingredients, you will get a delicious and inexpensive snack for the holiday. How to cook pita roll with Korean carrots and ham, I wrote HERE.

9. Lavash stuffed with "Fish Fantasy"

Lavash fish roll does not mean that you need to prepare an appetizer from expensive red fish. If you cook a pita roll with canned fish, it will turn out no less tasty and festive, and your wallet will definitely not suffer.

To make a really tasty pita snack with canned food, I recommend using canned tuna and hard cheese. Fresh lettuce and mayonnaise will complement our pita fish rolls, creating a visual contrast. How to cook lavash roll with canned food, you can see HERE.

10. Lavash with Aquarium filling

If you are planning a holiday menu and are looking for a versatile appetizer, then pita bread roll with red fish and shrimp is exactly what you need! Lavash fish roll with shrimp, soft melted cheese and fresh salad make the perfect appetizer.

It turns out very tasty rolls of red fish with a pronounced taste of seafood and delicate processed cheese. Even gourmets will not refuse to try your pita roll with salmon and shrimp! How to cook pita bread with red fish, cheese and shrimp, I wrote HERE.

11. Lavash with Cardinal filling

Looking for what you can cook from thin pita bread to make it interesting and not beaten? I have collected the best fillings for pita bread for you in one place, and I suggest you try to cook a roll of pita bread, herring fillet and avocado. At first glance, it may seem: what does the overseas avocado have to do with our Russian herring?

But the combination of spicy herring with a mild, nutty avocado flavor is just perfect! Herring lavash is complemented with cucumber, egg, mustard grains and mayonnaise - a great option to replenish Armenian lavash recipes in your culinary notebook. The recipe can be viewed HERE.

12. Lavash with Dietary filling

If you are looking for a recipe for a pita roll that will not add extra centimeters to your waist, then pita bread with herbs and brynza cheese will come in handy. Delicious rolls stuffed with feta cheese, cucumber, sour cream and herbs are suitable not only as a picnic snack for barbecues, but also as a snack for the holidays.

The most important advantage of this pita bread roll with cheese is its juiciness. Although this quality can still compete with the simplicity and availability of ingredients. They also claim the palm for ease of preparation and a minimum of calories. You can see the recipe for lavash with feta cheese, cucumber and sour cream HERE.

13. Lavash stuffed "Sausage"

Lavash roll with sausage and Korean carrot is sure to please both adults and children. This thin lavash roll can hardly be called a festive snack, but it is perfect as a picnic snack! Juicy tomatoes, tender melted cheese and delicious sausage go well with spicy Korean carrots, while crispy lettuce leaves give this appetizer a mouth-watering look. You can see how to cook Armenian lavash roll with sausage HERE.

14. Lavash with squirrel filling

Salads in lavash are replacing the traditional serving of salads in plates, and lavash roll with Belochka cheese is a vivid confirmation of this. Delicate cheese appetizer with a spicy taste of garlic. Try it, you will definitely like a delicious pita roll with cheese filling! Easy to prepare and your guests will love it! You can see the recipe for pita bread with cheese HERE.

Traditional fillings for pita bread involve the use of high-calorie ingredients. It will be useful for people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle to learn recipes for pita fillings that comply with the principles of proper nutrition.

When choosing pita bread, it is better to give preference to options from yeast-free dough.

For filling:

  • 2 boiled finely chopped chicken breasts;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • parsley and onion;
  • 200 g of Mozzarella cheese.

For sauce:

  • 1 avocado;
  • 3 art. l. natural yogurt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • pepper, salt to taste.


For the sauce, you need avocado pulp, a clove of garlic, and grind 3 tablespoons of yogurt in a blender. Finely chop the boiled breast, bell pepper, red onion and herbs. Pass the cheese through a grater and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Add salt, pepper. Put the filling on the pita bread and roll into a roll. Ready!

For filling:

  • cucumber;
  • tomato;
  • arugula;
  • hard cheese;
  • cottage cheese.


Cut the cucumber into strips, thin slices of the tomato, pass the cheese through a grater. Lubricate pita bread with curd cheese, then lay out the filling. Roll up and cut into circles of the desired size. Enjoy your meal!

Roll with red fish

For filling:

  • slightly salted trout or salmon;
  • cucumber;
  • cottage cheese;
  • greens.


Cut the fish into small cubes, cucumber into strips. Lubricate the pita bread with curd cheese, then lay out the fish, cucumber, sprinkle with herbs on top to taste. Rolls are ready!

For filling:

  • 2% cottage cheese;
  • cocoa;
  • vanillin;
  • sugar substitute.

Mix all the ingredients, then put on pita bread and twist into a roll. Grease the outside of the roll with yolk and bake for 20 minutes at medium temperature. Great option for a quick and hearty breakfast!