Home / Cakes / Zur balish pie step by step recipe. Balish with meat and potatoes: a step by step recipe with a photo

Zur balish pie step by step recipe. Balish with meat and potatoes: a step by step recipe with a photo

"A house without a stove, that a head without brains"
Tatar folk proverb

It's about the famous big Tatar pie Zur Beleshe (Tatar Big Pie - Zur-Belesh)... Baking pies is great, even more interesting than eating ...

The Kurgan Tatars have preserved the custom of gathering a large chest with gifts in the groom's house on the day of the engagement (nikah tuye). They put in the chest: a couple of boiled geese, large chunks boiled meat butter, jars with all kinds of jams, sweets and two belesh , which are the decoration of the chest. (Reflection of family and ritual relations in the proverbs and sayings of the Kurgan Tatars and Bashkirs. Bakirova G. R. / Philology. Art history. No. 22 (100) 2007, Vestnik ChGU., - Page 16)

Customs are supported by the Tatars in our time. After the nikah wedding ceremony, the feast begins. On the wedding table, there must be: gubadia - ritual tatar pie, butter with honey, purse (bird tongues), dumplings (kiyau dumplings? not), goose cooked according to a special holiday recipe, dried sausage, fruit and honey drinks. Always present among baked goods big goose belesh ... Zur Belesh with goose meat is considered the most delicious dish.

The pie is usually filled with beef, lamb, goose and giblets, duck meat, or combinations thereof. The meat is mixed with chopped raw potatoes, millet, rice, onions and black pepper.

The belesh is shaped round and cooked with a huge amount of filling. Zur Belesh with meat and potatoes (Tatar Big Pie - Zur-Belesh) is being prepared from unleavened wheat dough... Which dough should we choose? To be strong enough to hold a large number broth, elastic to maintain its shape, but not "rubbery", crunchy and soft after long cooking in the oven. All these qualities are inherent in the test with large quantity fat. I knead in butter and fat sour cream without adding eggs, with a couple of tablespoons of pure water yes vegetable oil... The result pleases me - a kind of exfoliating "sand" dough. After baking, such a dough remains crispy on top, from the inside of the pie it is soaked in juice without getting soaked.

The bottom of the pie - " b? lesh tobe "- bends upward, gradually tapering to a hole up to three centimeters in diameter. Belesh looks like the top of a Tatar wagon, and the hole at the top of a large pie is Tenlek- to the smoke outlet in the yurt. During prolonged baking in the oven, tenlek is covered with a ball of dough, and at a certain moment it is opened by pouring boiling meat broth into the pie.

Zur Belesh delicious and hearty dish... It can hardly be called a pie because of the large amount of broth; rather, it is a full-fledged lunch or dinner for a large family. They say that round stopper from the pie is always given to the eldest son in the family.

First, let's open tenlek - let the family hear the smoking aroma, and your firstborn will become the owner of the coveted ball of dough. Then we cut the top crust in a circle and divide by the number of people sitting at the table. A large spoon at the ready: mix the contents of the belesh.

Now it's too late to stop ... lay out the meat with potatoes and rich broth on the plates. Take control of the bottom. Suddenly someone will not get b? Lesh tobe!


Zur balish pie (balish)- one of the most delicious dishes national Tatar cuisine... It is a closed pastry in the form of a cauldron stuffed with meat and potatoes. Thanks to the presence of broth, which is pre-cooked and introduced inside through a special hole, the filling turns out to be surprisingly juicy. Perhaps no other meat pie does not compare in this respect with the Tatar Zur balish.

Our today's step by step recipe with a photo will tell you how to cook Zur balish at home. For the filling, you can take any meat (preferably with fat), poultry (goose meat is especially tasty in this pie) and even offal. And the vegetable component, in addition to traditional potatoes, may also consist of cabbage, pumpkin, radish, etc. Vegetables can generally be replaced with cereals, for example, rice.

Zur balish is not a daily, but a festive, very elegant dish that Tatars, as a rule, prepare for receiving dear guests or on weekends for relatives. Now you can also pamper your guests and households with this wonderful Tatar pie.

Let's start cooking!


  • (700 g)

  • (200 g)

  • (150 g)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (200 g)

  • (1 tbsp. L.)

  • (1 tsp.)

  • (1/2 tsp.)

  • (1 1/3 tsp.)

  • (1.5 kg)

  • (1.5 kg)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (taste)

  • (300 ml)

Cooking steps

    Cooking dough for Zur balish. To do this, in one container, mix 200 g of sour cream, 150 g of kefir or yogurt without additives (preferably homemade), 1 egg, 150 g pre-melted butter, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. We extinguish 1 tsp with vinegar. soda and also add to the mixture. Then gradually add 700 g of sifted wheat flour and knead the dough. When it becomes homogeneous and elastic, we form a ball out of it, cover it with a cloth from chapping and set it aside for now.

    Next, let's prepare the filling. In small pieces (about 2 cm x 2 cm) we chop 1.5 kg of meat and potatoes. Grind 2 large onion heads. Then mix the ingredients and salt and pepper to taste. The filling for Zur balish is ready.

    It remains to prepare the broth. Actually, you can just take 1 tbsp. any meat broth... However, if there is none, you will have to prepare a special fill. To do this, on the stove, bring to a boil 300 ml of water with a piece (50 g) of butter and 1/3 tsp. salt. We boil the mixture for two minutes - and the filling is ready.

    Now we start collecting the cake. We need a thick-walled saucepan or cast iron. We wrap this container outside with a towel so as not to tear the dough, which will hang from the sides for some time..

    Knead the present dough and divide into 2 unequal parts in a ratio of about 1: 3. In the larger part, we will place the filling, the smaller one will become the lid, and the small piece torn from the smaller part will become the "navel" with which we will cover the opening for pouring the broth. Since the lid will consist of two elements, we still divide the smaller part of the dough in half.

    We thinly roll out most of the dough with a rolling pin so that, being laid out in a mold, it hangs by 5-6 centimeters from the sides. Put the filling inside.

    Roll out half of the smaller part, put it on top of the filling, connect with the sides from the larger part and pinch the edges.

    We also roll out the second half of the smaller part and make cuts in it like the sun's rays.

    We spread it on top of the previous cap and also pinch the edges. And in the center of both lids we make a hole for the broth.

    For now, we cover it with the “navel”, which we previously split off from a small part of the dough.

    Cover the top of the cake with heated butter and place it for a couple of hours (perhaps a little more) in an oven heated to 200 degrees. After about an hour and a half after that, take out the baked goods, raise the "navel" and pour 1 tbsp. broth (you may need a little more or less, because it depends on the juiciness of the filling). After that we return the "navel" to its place and bake the cake.

    If the cake is browned ahead of time, cover it on top with parchment soaked in water.

    It is customary to serve ready-made Tatar Zur balish directly in the form in which it was baked.

    The Tatars have a special ritual of cutting this cake. First, a lid is cut out along the circumference, and its pieces, along with a part of the filling, are presented to each guest. Then the pie is cut to the bottom, and the bottom crust (the most delicious, since it is most saturated with juices) is also laid out on all plates along with the rest of the filling. Thanks to this, each guest tastes the lid, the bottom, and the filling of Zur balisha.

    Bon Appetit!

Zur balish is a Tatar pie with potatoes and meat.

Zur balish - translated from the Tatar "big pie", they can be fed big company tasty and satisfying. This tall pie, its filling can be beef, poultry (oh, from goose - yummy!), offal in combination with potatoes, pumpkin, cereals, cabbage.
Usually zur balish is prepared on holidays for dear guests, or on weekends for their relatives and friends.

Cooking time: 200 minutes
Servings: 12
You will need:

Unleavened dough:
Sour cream - 200 gr.,
Kefir (yogurt) - 150 gr.,
Egg - 1 pc.,
Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon,
Butter - 150 gr.,
Salt - 0.5 tsp,
Tea soda - 1 tsp,
Flour - 700 gr.

For filling:
Meat with fat (beef + lamb + goose meat is an ideal combination, but you can just take one type of meat, for example, beef) - 1.5 kg.,
Potatoes - 1.5 kg.,
Onions - 2 pcs. (Large),
Salt - 0.5 tbsp.
Ground black pepper - to taste

* Broth for pouring into a pie (beef or chicken, if there is no broth - the recipe below describes what to do in more detail) - 1 glass

How to cook:

1. For the dough: In a cup, mix sour cream, kefir, egg, vegetable oil, melted butter at room temperature, salt. Quench the tea soda with vinegar and add to the cup. Add flour, knead the dough. Cover the dough with a kitchen napkin and leave to "rest" while we prepare the filling.

2. For the filling: Cut the meat into small cubes, approximately 2 cm wide.
Cut the potatoes into cubes 1.5-2 cm wide, I cut them in a food processor.
Finely chop the onion
In a bowl, mix meat, onions, potatoes, salt and pepper to taste.

3. * About broth: if you have ready-made beef or chicken bouillon- good, but if not, it doesn't matter either. Pour 300 ml into a small saucepan. water, add 50 gr. butter, 1/3 tsp. salt, bring everything to a boil. boil for a couple of minutes - and our broth is ready for pouring.

4. The blanks are all done, we collect our cake.
Wrap a thick-walled pan, preferably cast iron, with a towel from the outside so that the edges of the dough do not break.

5. Knead the dough again with your hands and divide in proportions 1 to 3.
Most of it will go to the bottom. From the smaller part we separate a small piece, the size of peas, this will be the "navel" (tat. "Kendek"), which will close the hole for pouring the broth. Divide the remaining piece into 2 parts - this will be the "lid" of the cake and the decoration, but you can do without the decoration and just make one lid.

Roll out most of the dough so that its edges hang from the pan by 5-6 cm. Put the prepared filling in the pan on the rolled dough.

Bring the edges of the dough to the top and pinch, as shown in the photo.
Roll out a piece of dough for the "lid", cover the pie and pinch with the side edges of the dough.

Roll out a piece of dough for decoration, the same size as the "lid", make a radial cuts as shown in the photo, place on the "lid", pinch the edges, and pinch the cuts in pairs.

In the middle of the pie, make a hole the size of a coin and cover it with a "navel", then we will pour broth into this hole.

Grease the pie with melted butter and bake in an already heated oven to 200 gr. for 2-2.5 hours.
An hour and a half after baking, we take out our pie, open the "navel" and pour 1 glass of broth into it (maybe a little less, or more, it all depends on the presence of juice in the pie), close the "navel" and send it back to the oven.

If the top of the pie is brown enough, and before it complete cooking still a lot of time, you need to take baking paper, crumple it, wet it cold water, squeeze a little so that it does not drip from it, and cover the top of the pie. This method will save the cake from burning the dough.

How do you know if the pie is ready or not? Open the lid, try meat and potatoes for readiness, if ready - serve immediately, if not - bake further.

How to serve and how to cut? We serve immediately hot, in the same form where it was baked. We cut the lid of the pie in a circle, and put a piece of dough and potatoes with meat in each plate, and then we cut the pie together with the bottom, and serve the bottom crust of the dough (soaked in juices and broth) with filling. It is so customary that every guest should try the lid, the filling, and the bottom of the pie.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified


- 1 glass of milk
- 0.5 cups of sunflower oil,
- 3-4 glasses of flour,
- 1 kg of potatoes,
- 500 g of beef,
- 3 pcs. onions
- 150 g butter,
- vegetable oil,
- salt pepper.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. The dough is very easy to knead. Add vegetable oil to a glass of warm milk and stir the liquid. Small portions add flour until a soft, elastic dough is obtained.

2. To prepare the filling, wash the potatoes well, peel and cut small cube... The finer the ingredients for the filling are cut, the tastier the balish will be.

3. Cut the beef into small pieces, finely chop onion... Mix onion and meat, leave for 10-15 minutes to form juice. Another secret of delicious balish is adding goose meat to the filling, my mother-in-law does just that.

4. Transfer the meat and onions to the potatoes and mix well. Don't forget to add enough salt and black pepper.

5. Let's start rolling out the dough. Let's divide it into two parts, one of which should be slightly larger. We take the larger part and roll out the dough into a round layer 5-7 mm thick on a lightly floured board.

6. Immediately transfer the rolled layer to the prepared pan. Important note: you do not need to grease the pan. When we distribute the layer, grease the dough itself with a small amount of vegetable oil.

7. Put all the filling on top. And then add a few slices of butter.

8. Bend the edges of the dough to the middle with a beautiful accordion.

9. Roll out a small layer from the second part of the dough and cover the middle of the balish with it.

10. Now you need to carefully and beautifully join the edges of the two pieces of dough to make the cake completely closed.

11. In principle, the balish is completely prepared and can be sent to the oven. But I want to show you how you can beautifully decorate a festive balish. To do this, you need to leave a small part of the dough and roll out a very thin round layer from it. Then, with a knife, draw the layer into segments, as shown in the photo.

12. Carefully cover our balish with a layer.

13. Connect the adjacent segment boundaries to create an intricate pattern.

14. The edges of the upper layer are also beautifully shaped, pinching with a pigtail so that they do not stick out and do not dangle.

15. In the middle of the balish we make a small hole and place a small, round piece of dough there. When the pie is ready, broth or melted butter is poured into it through the hole for juiciness. I suggest you look at this simple one too.

16. We put the balish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, it will cook for about two hours. After an hour, the temperature can be lowered and constantly monitored so that the balish does not burn. If you are not sure about your oven, put a pan of water underneath just in case.

17. When serving a ready-made balish, traditionally remove the top layer of the dough and put the filling in portions into a plate.

18. You can cut balish and like a regular pie, it is served with fresh herbs.

Bon Appetit!

Zur belyash, or zur belyash, is a recipe for Tatar cuisine. Basically, it's a pie stuffed with meat and potatoes. It is made for big holidays, for dear guests. It is no wonder that such a dish cannot be simple and quick to prepare. But in fact, the whole difficulty lies only in the fact that zur belyash is baked in the oven for a very long time, and the process must be monitored, otherwise the cake may burn. And the reward will be simply a gorgeous grand dish that will be a decoration of the festive table.

Zur belyash is served hot, right out of the oven, so calculate the preparation time in advance for the arrival of guests. The smartest of the guests takes the lid-circle. Then the filling is laid out, and the top and bottom of the pie itself serve as an addition like bread. Thus, each guest gets all the pieces of a wonderful zur belyash - a pie and a full-fledged second course.

On a note:

  • potatoes need to be cut into small cubes, otherwise it will take a very long time to cook;
  • 30 minutes after the start of cooking zur, the belyash began to brown quickly, so I had to cover the top with foil;
  • I used a cast iron skillet for cooking.


  • egg 1 pc.
  • kefir 150 ml
  • butter 80 g
  • flour 2.5 stack.
  • baking soda 0.5 tsp.
  • sour cream 20% 100 g
  • meat (pulp) 400 g
  • potatoes 400 g
  • vegetable broth 200 ml
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • salt, a mixture of ground peppers to taste

Zur belyash recipe

  1. I prepare everything you need. I peel the vegetables.

  2. First, I'll do the dough. To do this, melt the butter, pour in kefir and sour cream. I mix and add baking soda.

  3. The mixture begins to foam almost immediately, and it should. I break the egg.

  4. I pour in the flour.

  5. I knead a soft, elastic, slightly sticky dough. First, I divide it into two unequal parts: 2/3 and 1/3. I cut the smaller half into two more pieces. I send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes, and at this time I will deal with the filling.

  6. Cut the meat and onions into small cubes. I add salt and spices. Of these, a mixture of ground peppers is preferable, the dish should have as natural a taste as possible. Grind the meat with onions with my hands.

  7. I cut the potatoes into the same pieces as the pork. I stir it.

  8. I roll out most of the dough to the size of the mold (my diameter is 23 cm), taking into account the height of the sides and with a margin of 2-3 cm.The edges should hang down.

  9. I roll out one of the small pieces into a cake with a diameter smaller than the container in which I will cook. From the rest I tear off a small piece and roll the ball, it will be a cap. I turn everything else into a flat circle, on which I make cuts in the form of rays. This part will serve as a decoration.

  10. I spread all the filling into the mold.

  11. I wrap the hanging dough up. I lay the circle without notches, I fasten the edges tightly.

  12. I put the decoration on top. In the center I cut out a round hole for the cap.

  13. I insert it. I grease the surface with melted butter.

  14. I send it to a preheated oven and bake at 200 degrees for 1 hour. Then I take off the lid, pour in the broth. You may need it a little less, it all depends on the juiciness of the filling. In any case, the liquid level should be visible through the hole.

  15. I return it to the oven for at least 1-1.5 hours. You need to be guided by the readiness of the potatoes. As soon as it becomes soft, take out the cake and immediately invite everyone to the table.