Home / Cakes / How to brew ground coffee beans. How to brew coffee: a step by step recipe

How to brew ground coffee beans. How to brew coffee: a step by step recipe

Quality coffee

Arabica and Robusta are the most popular varieties of coffee. It is varieties, since these coffee trees are further divided into subspecies, so two different packages with an attractive inscription "100% Arabica" will have a different taste.

Arabica has a more noble taste with a slight sourness, Robusta is coarser, astringent and strong. In its pure form, Robusta is never used, only as an admixture to Arabica. She gives an excellent dense foam in espresso, for which she is loved by baristas.

The taste of coffee depends on many factors: the place of growth, the degree of roasting, the combination of varieties (if it is a mixture), storage conditions.

Proper coffee comes in opaque packaging with a degassing valve that lets carbon dioxide out and keeps oxygen out. After roasting, coffee releases several liters of carbon dioxide during the day. If you see a package without such a valve in a store, it means that the coffee was not packaged immediately after roasting, it lay on degassing for some time and significantly lost its taste. Essential oils partially evaporate during degassing.

Look at the roast date. The closer it is to today's date, the better. Ideally, no later than two weeks, but this is difficult to achieve even for stores that specialize in selling only coffee and tea.

Take coffee beans. There are several reasons for this.

  1. Independently by ground coffee eliminates the presence of foreign impurities in the cup. It is easier for unscrupulous producers to mix cheaper varieties of robusta and even chicory, malt, barley, and rye into ground coffee. It is better to grind on your own, even in the simplest coffee grinder.
  2. The basis of the taste of coffee - essential oils. As we now know, oxygen is the main enemy of the right taste. Grinding before direct brewing will reveal the aroma of grains to the maximum.
  3. You have more room to experiment. Coffee for espresso machines requires a medium grind, for a French press - coarse, and for a Turkish coffee, the coffee should resemble flour.
  4. You will be able to evaluate the shape of the grain itself, make sure that the grains are the same size, matte and whole. The uniformity of grains excludes the admixture of cheaper robusta. Shine indicates that the grain is stale and has already begun to release essential oils. Splinters will give bitterness, as they are more roasted than whole grains. Of course, you can understand all this only when you open the pack and draw conclusions about the manufacturer for the future.


Ideally - spring, but you can get by with filtered. The main thing - do not take water directly from the tap and do not use already boiled water.


Some coffee lovers add a little salt during preparation, which helps to bring out the taste and aroma of coffee better and reduce bitterness. If you decide on salt, then take the most common coarse-grinding culinary. The extra variety has a risk of oversalting, and iodized salt will give an unpleasant aftertaste.

We pass from theory to practice - brewing coffee.

Turkish coffee making

Choosing a Turk

The Turk has been known since the time of the Ottoman Empire, and, in fact, the name of this dish speaks of its origin. In its historical homeland, it is called a cezve, and both names have taken root in Russian.

Today the Turks make the most different materials: copper, aluminum, stainless steel, brass and even ceramics. There are both small Turks for a cup of 100 ml, and large ones for a solid mug.

Among coffee lovers, copper small Turks are preferred.

Copper is evenly heated, and a small volume allows you to maximize the taste of the grain.

Aluminum cookware heats up quickly, but in principle it is undesirable to use it for cooking any food, since this material reacts with food when heated. The stainless steel heats up unevenly, which is why a center of the highest temperature appears in the center of the dish, the coffee begins to boil, although the temperature at the edges has not yet reached the desired level.

Ceramics and clay also warm up, but these materials continue to give off heat even when you have already removed the dishes from the stove: the foam will continue to rise, and there is a risk that you will flood the table or stove. Due to the porous structure, clay cezves absorb odors well, so over time the taste of coffee will only get better, but you can only use it to make one variety.

If you have an induction cooker, then it does not make sense to take a ceramic Turk: it simply does not heat up. In the case of buying a copper one, pay attention to the fact that there should be special inserts in its bottom, on which induction will be induced.

The most correct form of the Turks is the traditional conical with a funnel-shaped bell. The cone will not allow thicker to get up, and the bell will not allow the foam to rise too quickly, which is especially important for those who have not had experience using this dish before. The handle can be any length, but the longer it is, the more convenient it will be for you to remove the Turk from the fire.

Cooking in Turkish

Rinse the cezve, add 1 teaspoon of finely ground coffee and add 75 ml cold water. Sugar or a few grains of salt are added before we put the Turk on a slow fire. These components somewhat slow down the boiling process and make the foam more dense.

We put on fire, heat, but do not bring to a boil. Your main task now is not to be distracted and wait for the moment when the foam rises. Remember the funnel bell? It will increase your chances of catching that moment and keeping the coffee from overflowing the stove.

We remove the Turk from the fire, let the foam settle and put it on the fire again. Three times the foam should rise and three times you should lower it. The process is clearly shown in this video.

Using the Turks is not an easy task, it requires attention and certain skills. But it is this method of brewing coffee that has many followers, since a minimum of equipment is required: only the right dishes and a stove.

Preparing coffee in a geyser coffee maker

Choosing a coffee maker

The first geyser coffee makers appeared in the 1930s. By the way, the company that designed them still exists today - the Italian Bialetti. Today, coffee makers of this type are produced by different companies.

When buying, you should focus on the material from which the coffee maker is made. Just do not take aluminum specimens. But stainless steel or ceramics is a matter of taste.

Pay attention to the number of cups that the coffee maker prepares at a time.

In the case of a geyser coffee maker, it will not be possible to pour less water and put a spoonful of coffee in order to prepare one for yourself instead of six cups. You always need to cook the full volume. Moreover, different manufacturers may interpret the volume of one cup in different ways. For some, this is 40 ml, for someone - 100. Find out this point before buying.

Cooking in a geyser coffee maker

We choose coffee of medium grinding, we fall asleep in the filter. If later on it turns out that coffee particles are floating in your cup, then the grind was not coarse enough. Pour water into the bottom of the coffee maker.

As soon as the water boils, remove from heat. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of boiling, since the coffee itself will not heat up to 100 ° C. Water under the pressure of the steam formed during boiling will pass through the coffee filter and settle at the top of the coffee maker. With an electric device, everything is even simpler: as soon as the coffee is ready, it will turn itself off.

The entire process is shown in detail in the video below.

If during use, water leaks from the sides, then you loosely screwed the parts or exceeded the maximum mark for water.

Making coffee in an Aeropress

Choosing an Aeropress

The Aeropress is one of the newest ways to brew coffee. The device was invented in 2005 by Aerobie and has become so popular that since 2008, Aerobie coffee brewing championships have been held every year.

There are no difficulties with choosing an Aeropress: the device is quite simple, the product package may change slightly from year to year, the manufacturer adds additional spoons for stirring, replaceable filters, funnels. The reason why coffee brewing competitions have become possible is because of the intricacies of using this simple device.

Cooking in the Aeropress

Grind 1.5 tablespoons of coffee, pour into a flask. Grinding should be slightly larger than for the Turks. Need to prepare 200 ml hot water- not boiling water, the temperature should be around 90 °C. If you have, then you can choose the exact temperature. If not, then wait three minutes after the kettle boils.

Pour water over coffee. And this is where the magic begins. The taste and strength of the drink depends on how long you keep the coffee in the flask and when you start stirring. It is no coincidence that a special application was released for iOS, suggesting how long coffee should be kept in an aeropress.

Owners of Android smartphones are a little less fortunate: they will only be able to use a universal application that covers different ways making coffee. Including there are tips for owners of aeropresses.

After the coffee has been aged from one to three minutes, we put the filter on the flask, turn the Aeropress over and slowly push the coffee through the filter into the cup. If the piston is hard to move, use slightly coarser coffee next time. The cooking process is shown in detail in this video.

Aeropress is very convenient to use, compact, easy to clean, coffee is brewed very quickly, and fine tuning opens up a truly limitless field for experimenting with the taste of your favorite drink. The only drawback is that there will be no coffee foam with this brewing method, since the water is heated separately from the grains.

Making coffee in a french press

Choosing a French press

Traditionally, a French press is made of glass. The material, albeit fragile, is neutral, which does not react with the contents in any way. More expensive models have more reliable springs and a strainer that is resistant to frequent use. But in general, it does not really matter which model you choose. The main thing is to decide on the volume of coffee that you plan to brew in it.

Cooking in a french press

About the intricacies of using a French press for brewing coffee Lifehacker. Let's add a video tutorial.

For those who like to experiment with the taste of the drink, we also recommend that you look at articles about making coffee and which are worth a try.

Healing properties natural coffee proven repeatedly. Among them are the ability to cleanse the liver, restore the functioning of the heart, and prevent serious oncological diseases. But besides this, the drink perfectly invigorates, so today we will tell you how to properly brew coffee in a Turk. As always, all manipulations are carried out at home, the technology is described step by step. Let's start!

Brewing Turkish coffee correctly: "classic"

Brewing Turkish coffee correctly is not difficult if you consider the recipe in stages.

1. Rinse the Turk, pour ground coffee beans. The calculation is as follows: for 150 ml. filtered water relies 1 teaspoon of raw materials. Over time, you will experiment and find the perfect ratio for yourself.

2. If you need to get sweet drink, add granulated sugar to your taste. Pour in water, send the Turk to the stove. Set the fire to minimum.

3. Do not mix the ingredients until bubbles start to appear around the edges of the contents. The water is warm, particles of grains can float up, melt them with a spoon.

5. When the foam rises almost to the brim, catch this moment and remove the cezve from the fire. In no case do not allow intense seething.

6. The drink is ready! Cover the neck of the Turks with a saucer, let stand for 5 minutes. Before pouring coffee, pour some cool water into the cezve. The particles will settle, you can fully enjoy the drink.


If you are interested in how to properly brew coffee in a Turk to get the most fluffy foam, at home they do it a little differently. When the foam rises almost to the brim, remove the appliance from the stove, let it sink. Bring to a froth again, remove from heat. Repeat steps 4 times. Do not damage the cap during pouring.

Turkish coffee recipes

There are quite a few variations on how to brew Turkish coffee correctly. You can choose cappuccino, Arabic or Turkish coffee, milk drink, etc.


1. Brew a coffee drink according to the classic scheme described above. Cover with a plate or lid for the Turks, let it brew. During this time, take care of milk.

2. Pour it into a saucepan, heat, beat into a frothy hat with a mixer or blender.

3. Pour coffee into mugs for 1/3 of the total volume. Add the same amount of milk that remained at the bottom of the bowl when whisking. Before serving, spoon the foam into the cup. Decorate with cocoa or cinnamon, try it!

Coffee with milk

1. The ratio is such that for 50 ml. milk relies 1 teaspoon of ground coffee beans.

2. Pour milk into the Turk and bring to 50-55 degrees. Add coffee and send back to the stove.

3. Wait until the foam rises. Remove the composition, let the hat fall, return the Turk to the fire again. Do these manipulations twice. Ready!

Arabic coffee

Before proceeding with the procedure, you must know how to properly brew coffee. A drink prepared in a Turk at home acquires interesting flavor notes.

1. Pour 20 gr. granulated sugar. Warm over low heat until light caramel forms. Pour in boiling water and mix thoroughly. Add 25 gr. coffee and a pinch of nutmeg, salt, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves.

2. Thoroughly mix the composition and cook until the foam rises. Remove the drink from the fire and leave it in the Turk for a while to infuse. Pour into cups.

Hazelnut coffee

Since it is not difficult to brew coffee correctly, the procedure is recommended to be carried out in a Turk. At home there should be high-quality raw materials.

1. Grind 100 gr. coffee beans and 30 hazelnuts. Next, the drink is brewed according to the standard scheme.

2. After preparation, 5 ml should be added to the coffee. orange juice. This drink will not leave you indifferent.

viennese coffee

1. Pour 3 gr. vanilla and 20 gr. regular sugar, add 5 gr. orange zest. Send the container to the fire and wait for caramelization.

2. After that, enter 25 gr. coffee and water. Continue cooking in the usual way. After raising the foam, remove the Turk from the fire and wait for the infusion. You need to decorate such a drink with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

Now you know how to properly brew Viennese coffee in a Turk. At home, you can often delight loved ones with such a drink.

Coffee with cinnamon

1. Pour 15 gr. ground coffee, 2 gr. cinnamon and 6 gr. Sahara. Turn on the burner. After warming up the components, pour in 130 ml. water.

2. Bring the drink to a boil, while making sure that the foam does not run away. Part of the coffee needs to be poured into a cup. Repeat procedure.

3. As a result, you will receive flavored drink with rich foam. It is easy to understand how to properly brew ground coffee with cinnamon in a Turk.

After reading the article, you will not have any questions about how to properly brew coffee in a Turk. The recipes are pretty simple. Therefore, nothing prevents you from experimenting at home.

Julia Vern 40 199 3

Flavored coffee with a rich taste can be prepared quickly and without special tools. First you need to choose the right ground coffee for brewing in a cup. Then decide on the recipe for making a drink or use in the usual way pouring hot water, attractive simplicity and excellent result in the form of a delicious invigorating drink in just a few minutes.

To prepare ground coffee in a cup, it is better to take care of purchasing a good quality product in advance. It is even better to grind the grains in a coffee grinder yourself and immediately prepare a fragrant drink. Aromatic compounds gradually disappear, and the quality of the brewed coffee depends on the time that has passed since grinding.

Choosing a good coffee grinder is important. Not only the degree of grinding is important, but also its uniformity. The smaller the coffee particles, the more substances will pass into the water, and the richer and stronger the drink will turn out. A coarser grind is also suitable for brewing in a cup, you just have to put more coffee in and the drink will taste a little different.

Coffee can be purchased at the coffee shop, on your own or on the advice of the seller, choosing the appropriate option. At the time of purchase, it is advisable to pay attention to the following features of the product:

  • the best choice for brewing in a cup is Arabica;
  • the best drink can be made from premium coffee;
  • grains should not be overcooked, approximately the same size, without chips;
  • it is preferable if no more than a month has passed since the roasting.

In a coffee shop, they can immediately grind the beans. The seller needs to explain how the coffee will be prepared so that he selects the appropriate grinding degree.

How to brew ground coffee

For cooking delicious drink from ground coffee, it is not necessary to use a coffee machine or a traditional Turk. It is not difficult to remember how to brew ground coffee in a cup, as the process consists of just a few simple steps:

  1. Before cooking, the cup must be doused with boiling water. The coffee will brew better as the heat stays longer in the heated cups.
  2. After boiling water, you need to wait a few minutes. If ground coffee is simply poured with boiling water, the taste and aroma of the drink will deteriorate. The optimum water temperature for brewing is 93–96 degrees.
  3. How much ground coffee is needed per cup depends on the coffee grind and the desired strength of the drink. Usually put 6-7 grams per 100 ml of water.
  4. After adding water, it is better to cover the cup with a saucer. This is not necessary, but in this case the drink will be stronger, since its temperature will decrease more slowly.
  5. After 3-4 minutes, the drink is stirred and sugar is added.

The quality of coffee largely depends on the water used for preparation. There are world standards for the quality of water for making coffee. Approximately they correspond to bottled water with a total mineralization of 75 to 250 mg / l or water purified in reverse osmosis systems.

Secrets of making coffee from around the world

Different nations have their own traditions of making one of the most popular drinks in the world. Therefore, the question of how to brew coffee in a cup in Austria, Poland, Brazil, Vietnam will give different answers. And although the preparation of the drink may be based on similar principles, the peculiarities of the recipe of each coffee variant make its taste unique and unforgettable.

It is enough to introduce a new component or change the nuances of preparation, and the usual coffee is magically transformed. Cream, caramel, marshmallows, spices, various syrups - all this and much more is proposed to be added to the drink in order to bring new notes to the rich palette of coffee aromas and tastes.

Some people prefer Polish coffee. For this version of the drink, finely ground coffee is taken, and it is customary to drink it directly from the thick. There is another version of coffee in Warsaw - with the addition of hot milk with sugar. This drink has a delicate foam and a mild taste.

The Cuban version is prepared exclusively from coffee beans, grown in Cuba, having special taste and containing a large number of caffeine. Despite the presence of different variations of the drink, they are all united by three qualities: Cuban coffee is prepared very sweet, hot and strong.

A popular variant of Cuban coffee is a drink made with rum and cane sugar.

Traditional Viennese coffee is made with milk. But numerous modern recipes be sure to include whipped cream. And if you add grated zest to them, nutmeg, cinnamon, grated chocolate, it is more like a gourmet dessert than a traditional invigorating drink.

Coffee can be prepared differently each time, using recipes from all over the world. And such a special, unique drink will reveal more and more shades of coffee taste.

is a ritual that promotes the magical transformation of water into a divine drink.

How to brew coffee at home? For this, several conditions must be met.

Before making coffee

First of all, you need to purchase a vessel for brewing coffee - a Turk. It is best if it is copper. In Turkey, where they understand a lot about good coffee, it is cooked in copper cezves.

Turks made of ceramics also give a good result, but in them the drink continues to boil even after it is removed from the stove, which can spoil the taste of coffee.

Due to the porosity of the material in a ceramic cezve, only one type of coffee can be brewed, otherwise the flavors will mix.

Preference should be given to a Turk with a narrow neck: it will better preserve the aroma and taste of the drink. The capacity of the cezve should be designed for 1-2 coffee cups, because good drink can only be freshly prepared.

It is necessary to stock up on high-quality water: it must be clean and fresh. You can buy it in a store or bring it from a spring.

Remember that the taste of coffee largely depends on the quality of the water.

Fresh roasted is better to buy in a good store. They need to be ground before cooking. If you do not have a special mill, you can use the free service of the store when buying: coffee will be ground with high quality, on professional equipment.

Buy a little coffee and store it in jars with tightly sealed lids.

Turkish coffee making

How to brew coffee in Turkish?

Remember that the drink will lose both taste and aroma. Therefore it you need to not "brew", but "brew".

    • Pour ground coffee into the cezve (for one coffee cup with a capacity of 50 ml, one heaping teaspoon is enough).
    • To prepare a sweet drink, sugar is placed in.
    • Pour in cold water.
    • Put the cezve on a very slow fire.
    • Wait for the components of the drink to warm up well.
    • Stir the contents of the cezve vigorously (once only). The result of mixing will be the appearance of a light foam.
    • As the drink matures, the foam will begin to darken. Noticing the appearance of the first bubbles and the rise of the foam along the edges of the cezve, remove it from the fire.

      Boiling the drink is unacceptable!

  • Pour coffee into cups so as not to damage the foam: this is the “face” of the drink. It contains a lot of aromatic and flavor accents.

coffee ingredients

You can first pour sugar into the cezve and, filling it with water, bring to a boil. With this preparation sugar is used to soften water so that the coffee will reveal its taste and aroma better.

After removing the cezve from the heat, add the ground coffee and stir vigorously until a fluffy foam is obtained. As soon as it begins to settle, put the cezve back on low heat and bring the drink to a boil.

If you like a rich taste, the process of heating the drink can be repeated several times.

In order to to get coffee with a touch of caramel, you can pour sugar into the cezve and hold it on fire for a while: until it starts to melt (but not burn).

Adding to jezve ground ginger, salt, cinnamon, you can give the drink new flavors.

Preparing coffee in a coffee maker

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker?

Depending on the need to determine the degree of grinding coffee beans.

Powder that is too fine can clog the filter.

So, the order of execution of the operation is as follows.

    1. Insert the filter into the coffee maker.
    1. Take the right amount of coffee (based on the calculation: 1 teaspoon per serving) and pour it into the filter.

      Brew as many servings as you intend to drink.

    1. Using a special dispenser, measure the amount of water you need and pour it into the hole designed for this.
    1. Insert the flask into the device and press the start button.
    1. When the coffee maker stops producing a drink, you can start tasting it.
  1. Many models of coffee makers allow you to drink coffee in separate portions, without waiting for the entire volume put into it to be ready. In this case, the machine will beep.

How to brew ground coffee

There are many cooking methods. Here is one of them.

    • Before preparing the drink, slightly warm the cezve by putting it on low heat.
    • Pour a few tablespoons of finely ground coffee into the cezve and heat it up a little more.
    • Pour the right amount of water into the heated cezve and slightly increase the heat. Pour a pinch of salt or sugar into the drink. This will enhance its flavor.
    • To prepare an exotic drink, you can add some spices (cloves, cardamom, cinnamon or vanilla).
    • At the first sign of bubbles and foam appearing, remove the cezve from the heat and knock down the foam with circular rotations. Put the cezve back on the fire and wait for the appearance of a lush, stable foam.
    • At the first sign of boiling, remove the cezve from the heat and, rotating it, mix the drink.

      It must stand for a few minutes to settle coffee grounds managed to saturate him with her scent.

  • Pour the finished drink into cups. Milk, sugar or cream can be added if desired.

The best way to make a delicious drink suitable Turk, made of copper or silver.

Enamelware or containers made of steel or aluminum are absolutely not suitable.

    1. The taste of the drink largely depends on the quality of the water. It must be fresh and filtered.
    1. Coffee beans are best purchased in specialized stores with a good reputation.
    1. It is advisable to grind coffee beans immediately before preparing the drink. You can do it in the store, at the time of purchase.
  1. It is better to buy coffee in small quantities and store it in a container with a ground-in lid.

For many, the morning begins with a cup of fragrant black coffee. The drink is able to charge a good mood for the whole coming day. The preparation of an invigorating drink becomes a kind of ritual or tradition in the family of its admirers.

Everyone can brew coffee, but it requires certain rules and a little attention and respect for this drink. To master the rather simple science of brewing coffee beans, you must first learn how to choose the right beans.

The most delicious ground coffee is obtained from Arabica beans. A drink from such fruits is tender and soft. The fruits are large and oily with a pronounced aroma. From the Robusta variety, a very strong drink is obtained, one might say, rough with a very pronounced bitter-sharp taste.

The best option is obtained by mixing these two varieties in certain proportions.

Rules for storing coffee beans

To keep your coffee fresh and fragrant and continued to delight with its taste, it is necessary to adhere to several simple rules storage of coffee beans:

Drinking all over the world every day up to three billion cups of delicious coffee drink.

Advantages of a vacuum briquette

As the grain goes through the roasting stage, gas is formed in its center. The aromatic substances of these berries are concentrated in the gas. In the process of grinding fruits, the structure is destroyed, and the most valuable smell of grains quickly disappears.

For this reason, you should not buy already ground and packed in paper bags coffee fruits. It is better to ask to grind them when buying.

If you buy factory ground coffee in briquettes, then be sure to pay attention to the packing density, it should not be damaged. Soft packaging indicates a violation of the tightness of the briquette, which means that the quality of the content itself has suffered.

Unlike vacuum briquettes, soft packaging loses a little. In such a package, the contents lose their taste qualities. But there are also advantages. Some packages are equipped with a special membrane that does not allow air to get inside. But at the same time, air can easily leave this bag.

This is very important point from the technological side, since gases can accumulate in soft packages, and unauthorized package explosions can occur. Their advantage is that it is convenient for the buyer. Picking up the packaging and pressing it a little, you can feel the aroma of a coffee drink.

When opening any soft bag, the first thing to do is to inhale the smell of coffee. The smell, like a litmus test, will determine the quality of the purchase.

Interesting fact: The vacuum briquette was invented in the first year of the twentieth century.

Preparing a drink in Turkish

Despite the variety of special machines for brewing a coffee drink, the Turk (or cezve) still remains the most popular and in demand among coffee gourmets. Historically, the Turks brew grain in the best oriental traditions.

A coffee drink prepared in Turkish is distinguished by a denser texture, rich and aromatic taste. The secret of preparation lies in the fact that when brewing, the drink is not filtered and all useful qualities remain in it.

Turk is a specific vessel with a rather wide bottom and a narrow neck, attached to an elongated handle. The size of the Turk can be absolutely any, but the shape remains unchanged. The material from which a vessel can be made is metal. The best and most correct will be the one that is made of copper with a silver coating inside.

How to make good coffee

There are quite a few methods for creating a fragrant coffee drink. And every coffee lover has his own special recipe, which he is in no hurry to part with. Any recipe is based on personal preferences and gourmet habits.

But no matter what kind of coffee you prefer, there are principles that should be followed in order to always be satisfied with a cup of your favorite drink. Any equipment for preparing a delicious drink must be in perfect condition. No residue from past use should remain. Otherwise, the freshly brewed coffee product will have off-flavours that negate the great aroma and taste of the drink.

Rules for preparing a quality drink:

How to keep the taste after cooking

A freshly prepared coffee drink begins to lose its taste very quickly, and in order to slow down this process, it is necessary to warm up the cup from which this drink is drunk. The optimal temperature that should be maintained if the coffee is not immediately consumed is within 83 degrees and then within a few minutes.

If you need to take coffee with you in a thermos, the flask should be poured over with boiling water so that it is initially warm. In a thermos, all the flavors of a coffee drink are preserved for only 45 minutes.

Classic Turkish coffee recipe

This recipe is considered the oldest. To prepare a Turkish drink, grains of very fine grinding will be required. Water with good taste, preferably without minerals and salts. And, of course, the correct cezve is a Turk.

The volume of the cezve should correspond to the number of cups that need to be prepared. We take ground grains at the rate of two full teaspoons per 150 ml of cold water. IN classic recipe sugar is not included.

Pour coffee bean powder into the Turk and put on fire to warm it up a little. Literally within one minute. Then carefully pour very cold water into the Turk. Brew the drink on a very slow fire.

At the moment when the foam begins to form and rise, the Turk should be removed from the fire, and as soon as the foam settles, return the Turk to the fire again. This is done three times, but more is possible. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Before pouring coffee, it is better to collect the foam and carefully spread it into already filled cups.

Ready coffee is poured into heated cups and served with a glass of cold water. You should drink in small sips alternately - coffee and water.

Rating of the best cooking recipes

To satisfy the tastes of even the most fastidious coffee lover, there are many recipes for making a drink. Below is a ranking of the most popular and common cooking methods.

Spanish passion, Cortado coffee

This is for lovers of a strong coffee drink with the addition of milk. Usually served with fresh, still warm bread and dry-cured pork.

You will need:

  • Transparent glass with a capacity of 200 ml.
  • Freshly brewed Arabica coffee.
  • 50 g skimmed milk.
  • One teaspoon brown sugar.

In a heated transparent glass, put sugar and pour milk, beat a little with a whisk until thick and very carefully add the already prepared drink.

Burning Moroccan coffee

Most tasty coffee, cooked with fragrant absinthe and spices. It is great to cook on days of complete relaxation.

You will need:

  • Two teaspoons finely ground Mocha coffee.
  • One teaspoon of sugar.
  • 50 g cinnamon.
  • A few pieces of cloves.

Place sugar in a very hot Turku and heat over a fire until golden. Add cinnamon and cloves, stir. When the sugar melts, put the ground powder into the mixture and pour everything with hot boiled water. Bring to a boil over low heat until the first bubbles appear. Remove from fire. Mix everything and put it on fire again. And as soon as bubbles begin to appear, turn off. Very quickly burn absinthe in a spoon and pour it into coffee. Such a drink is drunk only hot.

With chocolate syrup

You will need:

In a Turk, cook ground robusta grains in the usual way. You will get a very rich taste and aroma. Whip cream with powdered sugar. Place ice cream and whipped cream in a transparent glass, pour nice chocolate syrup on top. In a small stream and very slowly pour coffee along the wall of the glass. Coffee will be at the bottom, and the integrity of the layers will not be violated.

There are a lot of coffee recipes. It all depends on the courage to experiment with the ingredients. Coffee beans can be combined with both spices and spirits. The main thing is the proportions. Good luck!