Home / Dumplings / How to brew coffee beans in a cup. How to brew coffee the right way

How to brew coffee beans in a cup. How to brew coffee the right way


Most people drink coffee at least occasionally. A fragrant freshly brewed drink is much tastier than an inexpressive instant drink.

Good quality coffee can be ordered in a cafe or bar. But making it yourself is also very easy. For this, only grains, water and a ladle - a Turk are needed. Espresso and cappuccino lovers can use the automatic coffee machine.

Coffee is loved all over the world. They drink it at home for breakfast, at work at lunchtime and in the evening at a friendly party.

A special, incomparable aroma invigorates and improves mood. Black scalding liquid banishes sleep and stimulates the brain, increases stress resistance.

This diet drink contains virtually no calories. At the same time, it can be endlessly diversified by adding milk, sugar and spices.

How to brew coffee at home

Exists a large number of varieties and methods of preparation. You will have to experiment well to find the very unique taste. But there is also general rules, which will help to make any drink of high quality.

Choose a variety

The taste of coffee depends not so much on trademark how much depends on which country it was grown in and how the grains were processed. The best lots come from Central and South America.

There are two main varieties produced in the world. Arabica has a rich taste and pronounced aroma, as well as a relatively low caffeine content. For lovers of strong bitter coffee, robusta is added to it, the taste of which is not so interesting. Robusta is much cheaper than Arabica. This is due to the peculiarities of growing coffee trees.

Grain or ground?

The drink itself is made from ground grains, which can be purchased ready-made. But at long-term storage ground coffee loses its unusual aroma, its taste becomes flat and inexpressive.

It is best to carry out the whole process yourself by roasting green beans and finely grinding them. If you do all this just before preparing the drink, you can count on a stunning result.

Roasting beans

During roasting, not only the color of the beans changes, but also their taste. Under-roasted coffee tastes sour and not intense enough. From overcooked grains we get a bitter drink of dark color.

For proper frying at home, a heavy frying pan is heated and lubricated butter at the rate of a tablespoon per pound of raw materials. While stirring, the coffee beans are roasted until they turn dark brown.

Only empirically it is possible to establish the moment of the end of the process. The same variety, roasted differently, will have a different taste.

Do you need special utensils?

A time-tested Turk or a larger coffee pot is designed specifically for brewing coffee. They have a special shape and are made of suitable material.

In principle, you can brew a couple of cups of the drink in any clean dish, preferably a small one..

The absence of the Turks is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure. You can prepare coffee in a saucepan, a cup or even a thermos.

Is it possible to take water from the tap?

  • have no smell;
  • be transparent and colorless;
  • do not contain chlorine.

It is not recommended to pour tap water into a coffee pot, it is better to buy bottled water. Water purified at home with a filter is also suitable.

How to brew coffee in a Turk (cezve)

Turk has behind him ancient history. But, despite the intrusion of household appliances into our lives, this original vessel does not give up its positions. Only in a real copper cezve coffee turns out to be rich, with a thick foam on the surface.

The traditional way on the stove

Turk is different kitchen utensils. She has a long handle, it expands downwards, has a narrow waist in the middle, and a comfortable spout on top. The best Turks are made of copper.

Although the cooking process itself takes about five minutes, you need to arm yourself with some patience. You can’t turn away for a minute, the foam rises very quickly and the drink will instantly run out over the edge.

How much coffee do you need

The generally accepted rule is to put one to two teaspoons of coffee powder per cup. Strongly increase the concentration should not be. This will be unhealthy and will spoil the delicate taste and aroma, making the drink unnecessarily bitter.

However, in practice the dimensions coffee cups very different, and everyone has different tastes. Therefore, understanding how much powder to pour usually comes with experience.

Action algorithm

True gourmets follow thousands of different rules and traditions in the cooking process, but for starters, it’s enough to follow the general instructions:

  • Finely ground coffee is poured into an already warm cezve and heated again so that it reveals its aroma.
  • Pour water, the colder the better.
  • Heat up the Turk small fire, carefully monitoring the formation of a creamy foam on the surface.
  • When the foam begins to rise and reaches the top edge, the Turk must be quickly removed.
  • Then bring it to a boil again, remove it, and do the procedure a third time.

In order for the thick to settle to the bottom faster, the cezve is lightly tapped on the table or a spoon is added to it cold water.

Cooking time

It is not so much the cooking time that is important, but the correct sequence of actions. The traditional oriental method involves slow cooking over low heat, with a triple rise in foam. The addition of sugar slows down the heating even more, while improving the quality of the crema.

But if there is absolutely no time before work in the morning, ground grains can be poured with boiling water. Let the taste be different from the ideal, yet it is much better than instant. One rule must always be observed - coffee should never be boiled.

What are the Turks

Traditionally, Turks are made from copper or cheaper ones from aluminum. Coated or uncoated ceramic products are less common. Electrical versions are also available. Each variety has its own characteristics.


The main feature of such Turks is thick ceramic walls, which:

  • do not absorb odors and do not stain;
  • provide uniform heating;
  • retain heat well.

It is necessary to remove the ceramic cezve from the fire already when the first bubbles appear on the surface. She will give off heat for a long time, and the coffee will rise to the top by itself. If you habitually let the foam rise to the edge, it will definitely run away.


In fact, an electric Turk is a small electric kettle designed for several cups of a finished drink. It is compact and easy to use. You just need to pour water and add ground coffee, and the invigorating drink will be ready even faster than on the stove.

Gourmets lack the opportunity to bring individuality to the automatic cooking process. And yet this handy device may well come in handy on a trip or at the workplace.

Popular Turkish Recipes

If the algorithm of actions when brewing coffee differs slightly, then there are a great many recipes for coffee drinks.

With foam

Thick dense foam is an indicator of quality. It is formed when released from the coffee mass essential oils mixed with air bubbles. It is fresh, properly processed grains that contain a large amount of oils. The foam preserves the aroma, forming a kind of partition in the narrow neck of the Turks. It is laid out with a spoon in cups, and then coffee is carefully poured.

With milk

The easiest recipe is to add some milk to a drink brewed according to your favorite recipe. You can also cook it entirely with milk instead of water. There are also more sophisticated options. Viennese coffee is topped with a cap of whipped cream, and ice cream is placed in a cold glaze.


Dominican coffee is distinguished by its high quality. It is added to the blend to improve the taste. It is customary to prepare Dominican coffee very strong and bitter, like espresso. As a rule, geyser coffee makers are used for this. They drink it from small cups, adding a large amount of sugar.


Of all the spices, cinnamon best garnishes coffee. It not only makes the aroma unique, but also gives vivacity and good mood.

Various ways to brew coffee

In order to brew coffee, both ordinary kitchen utensils and modern technical devices are used. The taste of the drink is, of course, different.

in a saucepan

If there is nothing better at hand, you can also brew coffee in a saucepan. You just need to pour water into it and boil it. Then remove the pan from the heat, pour the product itself into it and heat it again. When the thick floats to the top, the drink is ready. Now you need to wait a bit until the thick sinks to the bottom, and you can drink coffee.

In a geyser coffee maker

Coffee in a geyser coffee maker is thick and rich. Cold water is poured into its lower part, and the strainer is filled with coffee powder. The coffee maker is placed on the stove, and steam from boiling water is forced through the ground coffee. At the same time, liquid seething on the surface resembles a geyser. The finished drink is collected at the top, from where it can be poured into cups.

In a conventional drip coffee maker

Drip coffee makers are the most affordable, thanks to the simple principle of operation, everyone understands how to use them. Water is poured into the tank, and the ground grains are poured into a permanent or disposable filter.

It remains to press the power button, and water, passing through the coffee, will drip into a glass jug. How more quantity coffee powder, the stronger the drink.

In the coffee machine

The creators of coffee machines managed to fully automate the process. Water and grains - that's all the unit requires. The machine itself grinds the grains and prepares espresso in accordance with the specified parameters.

There are also coffee machines designed for ground coffee. The powder is tightly packed into a special horn through which hot water passes. The latest technology is capsule machines, where prepared coffee is sealed in standard capsules.

in the microwave

An indispensable assistant in the kitchen, a microwave oven can also brew coffee. The mug needs to be taken in a larger size so that the drink does not run away. They put coffee, sugar to taste in it, fill it with water for 2/3 of the volume and put it in the microwave for two minutes at maximum power.

In quartz sand

Southerners prepare coffee in hot sand. To reproduce this process at home, you need to take a thick frying pan with high walls and fill it with quartz sand.

When the sand warms up well, they put a Turk on top of it and dig it deeper. Then heated until the foam rises. Coffee turns out more saturated and reveals aroma better than on the stove.

In a coffee pot

Due to its volume, the coffee pot is well suited for a large company. Coffee is not brewed in it, but brewed. Half the portion is poured with boiling water and the vessel is closed with a lid. You can plug your nose with something. After 2-3 minutes, add the remaining coffee and water.

The drink will be ready in 5-7 minutes. To improve the result, the coffee pot can be placed in hot water or on a warm surface at this time.

Different types of coffee

A wide variety of species makes it possible to choose taste qualities and how you want to cook.


Natural coffee has an undeniable advantage over instant coffee. It has a full taste and rich aroma.


Bean coffee preserves everything better beneficial features than ground. Of great importance is the degree of roasting, which greatly affects the taste.


The beans are ground with a coffee grinder. Some recipes call for a coarse grind, others for a finer grind.


Brewing coffee is very easy. Rinse the mug with hot water, put two teaspoons of coffee, pour boiling water over it and cover with a saucer. After five minutes, the drink is ready.


In the East, strong coffee is prepared from very finely ground beans, with dense foam. Sugar and spices are added to it, sometimes in such quantity that the drink seems thick.


It was from Turkey that a special vessel for cooking came to us - a Turk and a popular cooking recipe. Turkish coffee is brewed very slowly in hot sand, adding cloves or cinnamon to it.

How to properly brew Turkish coffee is shown in the video.


The grains of this variety, before being used for their intended purpose, pass through the intestines of an animal called musang. There they are processed with ferments and enzymes, which gives the final product a completely unique taste.

The taste of even perfectly brewed coffee can be improved by various means. It must be remembered that freshly brewed coffee quickly loses its wonderful properties.

What spices can be added

Gives a warm rich aroma. It has a healing effect: cleanses the blood, improves tone and creates a good mood.

  • Carnation.

Spicy and bright, enriches the drink, neutralizing the negative effects of caffeine. Normalizes blood pressure and helps fight colds.

  • Ginger.

Adds a specific fresh aroma, improves metabolism, raises good spirits.

  • Black pepper.

A sharp invigorating smell stimulates the mind. Pepper is antiseptic, cleanses and warms.

  • Vanilla.

Gives a soft and sweet fragrance, soothing and exciting at the same time.

How long can coffee be stored

You need to drink natural coffee immediately after preparation, while it is still hot and fragrant. After half an hour, the smell will disappear, and the taste will not change for the better. The exception is cold coffee drinks, as well as a hiking option in a thermos.

Why is coffee bitter

For some varieties coffee light bitterness is a mandatory component. Its availability depends on the following factors:

  • roast degree;
  • the content in the mixture of robusta;
  • welding strength;
  • recipe.

If the coffee is too bitter, you can save it by adding a pinch of salt.

The right choice of coffee, the processing of beans and the preparation of dishes are the main criteria for obtaining high-quality coffee. delicious drink. The variety of recipes makes it possible to create options for every taste. The beautiful and creative brewing process is easy to master. It remains to beautifully set the table, rinse the cups with boiling water, and you can pour the fragrant black liquid. Happy coffee drinking!

Many of us are used to brewing coffee in the morning. And sometimes without this delicious and fragrant drink It's hard to imagine a busy day at work. It is coffee that helps to get a real charge of vivacity, especially if you have to get up early. This drink is also a real helper for those who have to work at night. Since this is the most effective method to help a person escape from the realm of Morpheus, even if he is very tired. However, not everyone knows how to brew coffee in order to preserve all its magical properties. Let's consider this in more detail.

How to brew coffee the right way

If you are going to brew ground coffee in a coffee pot, you can use the following guidelines:

  • Pre-rinse the coffee pot with boiling water and pour 1/2 of the prepared portion of coffee into it. Pour boiling water over coffee powder. After you should tightly close the coffee pot with a lid;
  • After a few minutes, add the rest of the coffee and add water. To make the drink better, place the coffee pot in a container of hot water for five minutes. You can also lightly heat it over low heat, but in no case bring it to a boil;
  • Coffee should be drunk as hot as possible. The optimum temperature at which it must be served to the table is 50-80 degrees;
  • Do not reheat an already cooled drink, it is better to brew each time new coffee;
  • Before pouring into a cup of coffee, pour boiling water over it, which will improve the taste of your favorite drink;
  • Before brewing coffee, you need to take care of the perfect cleanliness of the coffee pot. To clean it, you can use water with lemon juice or boil a coffee pot with water, to which 1 tbsp was previously added. regular baking soda.

How to brew coffee in Turkish

If you like to brew ground coffee in a Turk, for this you should follow the following simple rules:

  • In the Turk, the bottom should be warmed up, after putting it on the fire;
  • Place freshly ground coffee beans in it (in the proportion of 2 teaspoons per 100-150 ml of water);
  • Add the amount of sugar acceptable to you;
  • Pour cold water into the Turk: its level should coincide with the narrowest point of the neck of the Turk. In this case, the drink will be in minimal contact with air, which allows it to be maximally saturated with the taste and aroma of coffee beans;
  • Now the Turk must be put on the stove and cooked over low heat. This contributes to the formation of a specific crust on the surface of the water;
  • If you decide to make this drink in a Turk, the most important thing is not to let it escape. When a crust appears on the surface of the drink, bubbles will begin to appear around the edges (the coffee will boil). In the process, the crust may collapse, so the Turk must be removed from the fire in time to prevent direct contact of coffee with air, which will spoil the taste of the drink;
  • When you remove the cezve from the heat, wait for the crust to settle and repeat the process once or twice.

How to brew coffee in a french press

To brew ground coffee in a French press, be sure to take coarse coffee beans. To obtain a delicious coffee drink in this case, proceed as follows:

  • Raise the French press piston up;
  • The glass of the device must be preheated. To do this, it can, for example, be rinsed with boiling water;
  • Pour ground coffee into a glass of French press according to the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. for one glass of water;
  • Pour boiling water over coffee and leave it to brew for a few minutes;
  • Slowly lower the piston of the device to the bottom to press down the sediment well;
  • After that, you can pour coffee into cups.

There are many recipes for brewing this drink, so you should try to make it. different ways to choose the most suitable for you.

For many, the morning begins with a cup of fragrant black coffee. The drink is able to charge a good mood for the whole coming day. The preparation of an invigorating drink becomes a kind of ritual or tradition in the family of its admirers.

Everyone can brew coffee, but it requires certain rules and a little attention and respect for this drink. To master the rather simple science of brewing coffee beans, you must first learn how to choose the right grain.

The most delicious ground coffee is obtained from Arabica beans. A drink from such fruits is tender and soft. The fruits are large and oily with a pronounced aroma. From the Robusta variety, a very strong drink is obtained, one might say, rough with a very pronounced bitter-sharp taste.

The best option is obtained by mixing these two varieties in certain proportions.

Rules for storing coffee beans

To keep your coffee fresh and fragrant and continued to delight with its taste, it is necessary to adhere to several simple rules storage of coffee beans:

Drinking all over the world every day up to three billion cups of delicious coffee drink.

Advantages of a vacuum briquette

As the grain goes through the roasting stage, gas is formed in its center. The aromatic substances of these berries are concentrated in the gas. In the process of grinding fruits, the structure is destroyed, and the most valuable smell of grains quickly disappears.

For this reason, you should not buy already ground and packed in paper bags coffee fruits. It is better to ask to grind them when buying.

If you buy factory ground coffee in briquettes, then be sure to pay attention to the packing density, it should not be damaged. Soft packaging indicates a violation of the tightness of the briquette, which means that the quality of the content itself has suffered.

Unlike vacuum briquettes, soft packaging loses a little. In such a package, the contents lose their taste qualities a little. But there are also advantages. Some packages are equipped with a special membrane that does not allow air to get inside. But at the same time, air can easily leave this bag.

This is very important point from the technological side, since gases can accumulate in soft packages, and unauthorized package explosions can occur. Their advantage is that it is convenient for the buyer. Picking up the packaging and pressing it a little, you can feel the aroma of a coffee drink.

When opening any soft bag, the first thing to do is to inhale the smell of coffee. The smell, like a litmus test, will determine the quality of the purchase.

Interesting fact: The vacuum briquette was invented in the first year of the twentieth century.

Preparing a drink in Turkish

Despite the variety of special machines for brewing a coffee drink, the Turk (or cezve) still remains the most popular and in demand among coffee gourmets. Historically, the Turks brew grain in the best oriental traditions.

A coffee drink prepared in Turkish is distinguished by a denser texture, rich and aromatic taste. The secret of preparation lies in the fact that when brewing, the drink is not filtered and all useful qualities remain in it.

Turk is a specific vessel with a rather wide bottom and a narrow neck, attached to an elongated handle. The size of the Turk can be absolutely any, but the shape remains unchanged. The material from which a vessel can be made is metal. The best and most correct will be the one that is made of copper with a silver coating inside.

How to make good coffee

There are many methods for creating fragrant coffee drink. And every coffee lover has his own special recipe, which he is in no hurry to part with. Any recipe is based on personal preferences and gourmet habits.

But no matter what kind of coffee you prefer, there are principles that should be followed in order to always be satisfied with a cup of your favorite drink. Any equipment for preparing a delicious drink must be in perfect condition. No residue from past use should remain. Otherwise, the freshly brewed coffee product will have off-flavours that negate the great aroma and taste of the drink.

Rules for preparing a quality drink:

How to keep the taste after cooking

A freshly prepared coffee drink begins to lose its taste very quickly, and in order to slow down this process, it is necessary to warm up the cup from which this drink is drunk. The optimal temperature that should be maintained if the coffee is not immediately consumed is within 83 degrees and then within a few minutes.

If you need to take coffee with you in a thermos, the flask should be poured over with boiling water so that it is initially warm. In a thermos, all the flavors of a coffee drink are preserved for only 45 minutes.

Classic Turkish coffee recipe

This recipe is considered the oldest. To prepare a Turkish drink, grains of very fine grinding will be required. Water with good taste, preferably without minerals and salts. And, of course, the correct cezve is a Turk.

The volume of the cezve should correspond to the number of cups that need to be prepared. We take ground grains at the rate of two full teaspoons per 150 ml of cold water. V classic recipe sugar is not included.

Pour coffee bean powder into the Turk and put on fire to warm it up a little. Literally within one minute. Then carefully pour very cold water into the Turk. Brew the drink on a very slow fire.

At the moment when the foam begins to form and rise, the Turk should be removed from the fire, and as soon as the foam settles, return the Turk to the fire again. This is done three times, but more is possible. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Before pouring coffee, it is better to collect the foam and carefully spread it into already filled cups.

Ready coffee is poured into heated cups and served with a glass of cold water. You should drink in small sips alternately - coffee and water.

Rating of the best cooking recipes

To satisfy the tastes of even the most fastidious coffee lover, there are many recipes for making a drink. Below is a ranking of the most popular and common cooking methods.

Spanish passion, Cortado coffee

This is for lovers of a strong coffee drink with the addition of milk. Usually served with fresh, still warm bread and dry-cured pork.

You will need:

  • Transparent glass with a capacity of 200 ml.
  • Freshly brewed Arabica coffee.
  • 50 g skimmed milk.
  • One teaspoon brown sugar.

In a heated transparent glass, put sugar and pour milk, beat a little with a whisk until thick and very carefully add the already prepared drink.

Burning Moroccan coffee

The most delicious coffee made with fragrant absinthe and spices. It is great to cook on days of complete relaxation.

You will need:

  • Two teaspoons finely ground Mocha coffee.
  • One teaspoon of sugar.
  • 50 g cinnamon.
  • A few pieces of cloves.

Place sugar in a very hot Turku and heat over a fire until golden. Add cinnamon and cloves, stir. When the sugar melts, put the ground powder into the mixture and pour everything with hot boiled water. Bring to a boil over low heat until the first bubbles appear. Remove from fire. Mix everything and put it on fire again. And as soon as bubbles begin to appear, turn off. Very quickly burn absinthe in a spoon and pour it into coffee. Such a drink is drunk only hot.

With chocolate syrup

You will need:

cook in Turkish ground grains robusta in the usual way. You will get a very rich taste and aroma. Whip cream with powdered sugar. Place ice cream and whipped cream in a transparent glass, pour nice chocolate syrup on top. In a small stream and very slowly pour coffee along the wall of the glass. Coffee will be at the bottom, and the integrity of the layers will not be violated.

There are a lot of coffee recipes. It all depends on the courage to experiment with the ingredients. Coffee beans can be combined with both spices and spirits. The main thing is the proportions. Good luck!

Coffee, like any other drink, must be prepared properly. This can be done using different devices (a Turk, a coffee machine, a coffee maker or even a regular saucepan). In order for the desired drink to really turn out to be truly tasty and aromatic, you need to clearly know how to brew coffee correctly. Indeed, in any of the listed options there are rules and subtleties that must be observed.

Since ancient times, the utensils that are traditionally used for brewing coffee have been Turks. This is a metal vessel with a handle, made in the shape of a truncated cone.

Thanks to the wide bottom, the contents heat up quickly, and the narrow neck ensures minimal evaporation of moisture.

In addition, the thick in this vessel settles very quickly. You can brew coffee in a Turk over an open fire or on hot sand. In conditions home cooking it is most convenient to do it on the stove. To work, in addition to the Turks and the cup, you will need the following main components:

  • half a glass of water;
  • 2 teaspoons (heaped) ground coffee;
  • 15 grams of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to brew coffee in Turkish:

  1. First of all, the dishes before work should be slightly warmed up. Therefore, the Turk needs to be held, a little on the stove or poured over with boiling water.
  2. Pour coffee into it.
  3. Add sugar. Experts say that such a drink should be either very sweet or completely bitter. Partial reduction in the amount of sugar will only lead to a loss of its taste.
  4. Pour water into the Turk. It should be almost ice cold.
  5. Conduct the cooking process on low heat. However, it should not boil. As soon as the foam formed on top begins to rise, the Turk must be immediately removed from the fire.
  6. Wait 6-7 seconds and repeat this procedure a couple of times. Here it is necessary to ensure that the “cap” of foam does not burst. Otherwise, the drink will lose its unique flavor.
  7. Gently hit the Turk on the table. This is necessary for the thick to sink down.
  8. Warm the cups by filling them with boiling water.
  9. Drain the water, and immediately pour coffee into a warm dish.
  10. Wait a couple of minutes until the suspended particles settle to the bottom.

After that, aromatic coffee can be drunk with pleasure.

Rules for brewing in a coffee machine

For those who have no time to stand at the stove, coffee machines have been created by specialists. These devices in the process of preparing a drink perform several functions at once:

  • grinding grains;
  • powder dosing;
  • water heating;
  • fluid injection under pressure.

The result is a very good coffee. As you can see, the unit takes care of all the main work. Depending on the specific model and type of drink, the technology for making coffee is different. Generally speaking, you need to do the following:

  1. Pour natural coffee (beans) into the hopper. Some machines use already ground product.
  2. Pour water into a nearby special container. It is advisable to take distilled or bottled drinking water.
  3. Turn on the device. After that, the machine starts to grind the grains. Part of the crushed powder through the dispenser enters the brewing device. Heated water is also injected here under pressure (usually not higher than 90 degrees). It takes less than a minute to prepare a cup of aromatic coffee. As a result of the extraction process, the finished product is saturated with flavor and aroma components.

A person can only substitute a cup and wait until it is filled with a long-awaited drink.

In a drip coffee maker

A coffee machine is, of course, a convenient, but often quite bulky and not at all cheap unit. Therefore, it is better to have a coffee maker at home. There are seven types of coffee drinks based on how they are prepared. Drip devices are the most popular for home use. They are a flask (usually glass), which is located on a stand with electric heating. How to brew coffee in such a device?

For this you need:

  1. Place the filter in the funnel at the top of the machine.
  2. Pour ground coffee on it, and then lightly tamp it with a spoon.
  3. Pour water into the side compartment.
  4. Turn on coffee grinder. At this time, the water begins to heat up. The steam from it rises, and then condenses and enters the filter in the form of droplets. Further, passing through the layer of coffee, the already prepared drink flows into the flask.

Many modern models of such coffee makers have additional functions with which you can, for example, adjust the strength of the drink or the speed of the passage of liquid, as well as automatic heating for half an hour.

Recipe in a saucepan on the stove

What about those lovers of the popular drink who do not have neither Turks nor coffee makers in the house? In such a situation, you can use a regular pan for work. How to brew coffee in it? First you need to prepare the main components: you need 50 grams of coffee per liter of water. It is advisable to take a coarse grinding product, since after brewing large particles will settle to the very bottom faster.

Next you need:

  1. Warm up the pot. This can be done in two ways: heat water in it or pour ready-made boiling water.
  2. Pour coffee into a heated bowl.
  3. Put the pan on the stove and cook its contents over low heat.
  4. A small layer of foam forms on the surface over time. When it begins to rise, the pan must be immediately removed from the stove.
  5. Cover it with a lid and wait no more than five minutes.

After that you can pour hot coffee in cups and enjoy a fragrant freshly prepared drink.

How to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker

In Europe, coffee is still prepared in many families using geyser-type coffee makers. In our country, until a certain time, they were also quite popular.

The device is extremely simple and consists of three main elements:

  • water tank;
  • strainer (filter);
  • finished product tank.

To brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker, you need:

  1. Pour water into the bottom container.
  2. Pour the required amount of ground coffee onto the filter.
  3. Attach it to a container of water.
  4. From above, place a container for the finished drink and secure it with a screw connection.
  5. Put the coffee maker on fire immediately. The process takes place in two stages. At first, the boiled water gradually rises up through the inner tube. Then, passing through the strainer, it boils the coffee and flows into the upper container in the form of a ready-made drink. On average, this takes no more than ten minutes.

For this option, it is desirable to use finely ground coffee. It will brew better. In addition, it is undesirable to install too large a flame. Coffee can burn, and an unpleasant bitterness will be felt in the finished drink.

Step by step recipes for espresso, cappuccino, latte

Today there are several dozen various recipes making coffee. And real lovers should not only know, but also be able to cook them correctly. Espresso is without a doubt one of the most popular types of this drink.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 7-8 grams of ground coffee;
  • 30-35 milliliters of drinking water.

To prepare espresso, for example, in a carob coffee maker, you need:

  1. Turn on the device.
  2. Place a cup on top so that it gradually heats up.
  3. Pour ground coffee into the holder. Seal it well with tempera.
  4. Insert the horn into the device and press the "start" button. Immediately place a warm cup on the bottom of the tray. Literally after 20 seconds, freshly brewed coffee will begin to pour into it in a thin stream.

In Italy, for example, it is very popular "cappuccino". In fact, this is the same espresso with frothed milk added.

For 1 serving (180 milliliters) you will need:

  • 200 milliliters of milk;
  • a little sugar;
  • 10 grams of ground coffee;
  • 35 milliliters of water.

How to make cappuccino coffee:

  1. Pour water into the tank.
  2. Pour milk into a cup and beat it into soft foam. To do this, the coffee maker has a special steam tube (cappuccino machine) on the side.
  3. Pour coffee into the horn and tamp it there.
  4. Insert the horn into the device.
  5. Place the foam cup on the drip tray (under the horn).
  6. Press the "liquid" button and wait until the first drops of coffee appear.

It turns out an original three-layer drink with a pleasant creamy coffee aroma.

There are many other equally interesting coffee-based drinks. Take, for example, "glasse". To make it, you need to have available:

  • 10 grams of natural coffee;
  • 20 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of ice cream.

Preparing "glase" is very simple:

  1. First you need to brew regular black coffee in any convenient way.
  2. Strain it and then add sugar and stir.
  3. Place a scoop of ice cream on top.

Sweet tooth and real gourmets will definitely like coffee with caramel.

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 2 teaspoons of ground coffee and the same amount of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of cold water.

How to properly prepare a "miracle drink":

  1. Pour sugar into a dry Turk. Heat it over low heat until completely melted.
  2. Add coffee immediately with water.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Pour hot coffee into cups, straining through a strainer.

The easiest option is, of course, coffee with milk. But even here there are subtleties. Most often, milk is added to already prepared coffee. But you can do it differently. For example, to make Warsaw-style coffee, it is brewed with milk.

How to do it:

  1. Pour milk into a Turk, add (if necessary) sugar and heat a little.
  2. Fall asleep coffee.
  3. Heat until the “cap” of foam rises to the top. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

The drink turns out tender, fragrant and unusually tasty. By the way, it will be slightly sweet even without sugar.

If there is no coffee maker, no Turks, or even a French press at hand, this is not a reason to abandon natural coffee in favor of instant coffee. Tasty coffee you can brew directly in the cup, and for this you don’t even always need boiling water.

History reference

In the 18th century, coffee was already loved in Europe, but they did not have the slightest reverence for the Turk. Gourmets from the very beginning tried to avoid boiling during the preparation of the drink. Even before the invention of coffee makers, a method was popular in which ground beans were poured into a coffee pot, poured with hot water and infused. To prevent grains of grounds from getting into the drink, ground coffee was placed in a linen bag - an analogue of the current paper bag.

But in the 19th century, so many coffee makers of various designs appeared that the old way of brewing coffee was almost forgotten. However, professional coffee tasters, despite fashion trends, have always preferred to brew the drink the old fashioned way - right in the cup: this is how all the taste advantages and disadvantages of the beans are best manifested.

The fashion for brewing ground grains in a cup returned in the 90s of the XX century, when consumers were already fed up instant coffee but due to lack of time we could not always use the coffee maker.

Preparing to brew coffee in a cup

All methods of brewing natural coffee in a cup are similar: ground beans are poured into a vessel, they are poured with water and infused. Depending on the method, water can be either hot or cold. In any case, it is undesirable to use chlorinated or boiled water: it will spoil the taste of the drink.

Water for coffee should be soft: bottled, spring or well. The preferred degree of mineralization is 150 mg / l, but this is not important: the main thing is that it be in the range from 75 to 250 mg / l.

The taste of coffee is highly dependent on the quality of the water.

If the recipe calls for hot water, it should be brought to the “white key” state, that is, heated until the first bubbles appear and the kettle starts to make noise. The optimum temperature is from +92 to +96 °C. Approximately to this temperature, the water cools down in 1–2 minutes after the kettle is turned off.

It is better to prepare coffee in a thick-walled cup: ceramic or faience. To get a portion of the drink 80–110 ml, the volume of the cup must be at least 120–150 ml, otherwise the swollen thick will displace the water.

Before you brew coffee in a cup, you need to warm it up by rinsing it with boiling water: then the drink will cool more slowly.

Choice of coffee type and bean grinding

Old-school coffee lovers claim that real coffee should be made exclusively from freshly ground beans. In some ways, they are right, but in practice it is difficult to use a coffee grinder in the office or at home in the morning. It doesn't matter: there are many brands of ground coffee on sale. It is only important to close the pack hermetically every time after preparing the drink so that the aroma does not disappear. It is advisable to use a package of ground coffee within 2 weeks.

Usually ground coffee for brewing coffee in a cup is labeled accordingly. If not, it is better to choose coffee with a fine or medium grind. If the grains are ground too coarsely, the grains will float up, they will have to be caught with a spoon. Coffee ground into dust is not for everyone: the smallest particles form a suspension.

If you want to pamper yourself unusual taste, you can buy ground coffee in a specialty store or in a coffee shop where the beans are ground right before selling, at the request of the buyer.

When brewing in a cup, the taste of monosorts is well manifested:

  • fruit shades (currant, prunes) are typical for Ethiopian and Yemeni Arabica;
  • Brazilian Arabica - soft, with moderate sourness;
  • citrus and chocolate notes are felt in high-mountainous South American arabica coffee;
  • Kenyan and Indian Arabica (Plantation A) has a chocolate flavor.

When buying ground coffee in packs, you need to pay attention to the content of robusta: it is better if it is not. Brewing in a cup lasts a long time, which is why even pure Arabica coffee turns out to be quite strong. Robusta not only gives the drink an extra strength, but also makes the taste more bitter. If an espresso mixture is used for brewing in a cup, the Robusta content should not exceed 10-15%.

Methods for brewing coffee in a cup

Ground coffee is measured with a spoon. One teaspoon (without a slide) contains 3 g of finely ground coffee, with a slide - 5–6 g.

There are 5 main brewing methods:

  • Brazilian;
  • Polish;
  • Cuban;
  • in the microwave;
  • cold ().

Coffee brewed in a cup can be mixed with milk, syrups, garnished with cream.

Brazilian way

This is how professional coffee tasters brew coffee. Coarsely ground coffee is needed (as for).

Ground coffee is placed in a heated cup and poured with hot water. Approximate dosage: 8-9 g of ground grains per 100 ml of water. Infusion lasts 4-5 minutes.

During this time, large particles float to the surface, forming a "crust" that prevents the liquid from cooling. Before you drink coffee, you need to use a spoon to remove the "crust" from the cup.

polish way

Ideal for brewing in the office. To prepare a drink, take coffee with a fine or medium grind. Approximate dosage: 6-7 g per 100 ml of water.

  1. Pour coffee into a warm cup.
  2. If you need sweet coffee, add sugar.
  3. You can add spices (cinnamon, cardamom) to taste.
  4. splash hot water so that it only slightly covers the ground coffee.
  5. Stir vigorously with a spoon for 10-15 seconds.
  6. Pour the rest of the water into the cup, mix.
  7. Cover the cup with the saucer.
  8. Insist 3-4 minutes.

Sugar is allowed to be added to the finished drink, but then when stirring with a spoon, you will have to shake the thick, and drinking coffee with a suspension is unpleasant. The thickening wetted with water is intensively stirred so that the “flowering” passes, foam forms, and when insisting, the grains settle to the bottom faster.

To prevent spices from floating to the surface of the finished drink, they are mixed with dry ground coffee before water is poured into the cup.

Cuban way

It differs from Polish only in a few details:

  • prepare a large portion of coffee (about 200 g), mainly in a glass cup;
  • the drink must be strong, so for 100 ml of water you need 8–9 g of ground coffee;
  • use cane sugar;
  • optionally, 1-2 teaspoons of rum are added to the finished coffee.

Brewing coffee in the microwave

The method is similar to . To obtain a drink of moderate strength, 6–7 g of fine or medium ground coffee is required per 100 ml of water. If possible, it is recommended that after making coffee, pour it into a clean cup.

  1. Pour coffee into a large heatproof cup.
  2. Add sugar and spices if desired.
  3. Pour a little cold water, stir vigorously for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Add cold water so that its level is 3-4 cm below the edges of the cup, mix.
  5. Place the bowl in the microwave.
  6. Follow carefully. As soon as the foam approaches the edges of the cup, turn off the microwave and remove the coffee.
  7. Cover the cup with a saucer, wait 3-4 minutes.
  8. Pour the coffee into a clean warm cup.

Cold way to brew coffee in a cup

In the summer you want cold coffee. It is very easy to prepare it at home:

  1. In the evening, pour into a cup of ground coffee at the rate of 10 g per 100 ml of water.
  2. To fill with water.
  3. After 12 hours, cold coffee is ready, no need to dilute it.

At work, such coffee can be prepared if there is a refrigerator or at least a cupboard. At lunch or before leaving work, coffee is poured into a jar with a lid and poured with water. The next day the drink is ready to drink.