Home / Dumplings / All the life hacks you need to know about garlic. Delicious frothy coffee

All the life hacks you need to know about garlic. Delicious frothy coffee

Cooking is enjoyable and in many ways relaxing. Especially when the deadlines are not running out and you can slowly, with a proper arrangement, flutter around your cozy kitchen and conjure over pots. And yet, some of the details of the culinary magic are not particularly enjoyable. For example, peeling garlic. Its spicy aroma will remain for a long time not only in the memory and in the dish, but also on your fingers. Although avoiding this "side effect" is not at all difficult. The main thing is to know a little trick.

Can't imagine favorite dish without juicy garlic? Then you probably spent more than one minute in the bathroom trying to wash your hands of its obsessive scent. The task is not within the power of every soap. So the best solution is to keep "tactile contact" with the scent plant to a minimum. Moreover, you can peel the garlic almost without touching it. And even in a matter of seconds. Don't believe me? Check it out!

To peel garlic “without hands” you only need silicone oven mitt or hot plate.

Take an unpeeled garlic clove and place it in the center of the silicone oven mitt.

Wrap the edge (just like a pancake) ...

… Press it down and give it a good ride a couple of times.

Expand ...


Simple, right? And no unnecessary and overly fragrant hassle.

But this is not the end of life hacks for the kitchen. Want some supplements? Then find out, thanks to which you do not have to get a thread from tea bag from a cup.

Garlic is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and others nutrients... Be sure to include it in your diet if you want to be healthy at all times. Nice bonus: garlic is famous not only for its useful composition but also with wonderful gastronomic properties. He can decorate any dish and instantly add zest to it.

For lovers of garlic, we have compiled a guide about useful properties product and culinary tricks that can help you easily peel garlic or rid your hands of its smell. Take note!

Useful properties of garlic

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. It contains more than 150 biologically active substances. In addition, garlic is a valuable source of vitamins B, C, D, PP and minerals, including potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium. The rich composition of garlic does not end there: it also contains carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, phytoncides, essential oils and enzymes.

Regular use of this product strengthens the immune system, increases the body's defenses, helps fight infections and inflammations, and soothes the nervous system. Garlic is also good for the heart and blood vessels: it increases the strength of contractions of the heart muscle and normalizes the heart rate, reduces the risk of blood clots, relieves vasospasm. Garlic is also useful for the digestive system: it normalizes the intestinal microflora and improves digestion.

How to choose garlic

When choosing garlic, you should pay attention to two important characteristics: hardness and dryness. Garlic fruits should be firm, without dents or suppurations. In this case, the garlic should in no case be wet: this is a sure sign that it begins to rot.

As for the size of the fruits, it is better to choose medium garlic - it has the thinnest and most exquisite taste... Try to touch the cloves: in ripe fruits, they are carefully palpated. If the garlic has begun to sprout, then it is better not to buy it, since, most likely, it has already lost all its beneficial properties.

How to peel garlic

Garlic is usually a lot of hassle in the kitchen. It is often not so easy to peel it off. True, not if you know a couple culinary tricks... Place the garlic cloves in a metal or ceramic bowl or colander, cover and shake vigorously for 15-30 seconds. The husk will separate from the garlic after such a "shake". If, after shaking, some garlic still remains in the husk, repeat the manipulation again.

How to chop garlic

Garlic is used for cooking different dishes, including gastronomic masterpieces. Usually, minced garlic is listed on the ingredient list. Basically, housewives all over the world take a special press and crush garlic through it. But this way is not welcomed by professional chefs.

Of course, it all depends on what you want to cook. The press crushes the garlic into pieces that will blend harmoniously with salad dressing or garlic oil. In a frying pan, after the press, the garlic will "bake" too quickly and acquire a rancid taste.

Chop the garlic with a regular knife. First you need to cut it into as small pieces as possible, and then press it against the cutting board several times with the back of the knife.

There is a microwave oven in almost every home today. What are you using it for? As a rule, this is a quick heating of soup, potatoes and any other food and drinks. Sometimes you can make delicious hot sandwiches in it, even less often you can cook food. However, almost no one is aware that a microwave oven can be used in a dozen other useful household life hacks. Today we will tell you about how to use the microwave oven for other purposes. We bet you didn't know a lot? 🙂

1. Express cleaning of garlic

Surely every housewife is faced with the fact that garlic is sometimes extremely difficult to peel. He pushes the hangnails under his nails, does not want to give in in any way - in general, continuous difficulties. And this is where the microwave oven will help us. Put the cloves of garlic inside, turn on the maximum frying temperature and hold the garlic like this for ten seconds. The skin will go away on its own during this time and it won't cost you anything to clean it!

2. Delicious coffee with froth

Everyone knows the situation when I got up to work early in the morning, not getting enough sleep, and there was a hard day ahead, and I had absolutely no strength ... Brrr. Horror. How can you cheer up ?! Of course, coffee comes to the rescue! And coffee is always tastier with a fragrant and tasty fluffy froth, which is almost impossible to achieve at home - unless, of course, you have a microwave on hand. To get the foam, pour a little milk or cream into a regular glass jar, and then put it inside the oven for twenty-five to thirty seconds. Just add the finished froth to the coffee. Delicious!

3. Fast cleaning of vegetables

As with garlic, the microwave is great for helping to peel almost any vegetable, be it a cucumber, a tomato, whatever. Make a small cross-cut on top of the food and leave in the microwave for one and a half minutes. After that, the skin will come off with ease, you just have to carefully remove it.

4. Delicious and light chips

V microwave oven you can easily make delicious and not very harmful homemade chips. To do this, cut the potatoes into slices, soak a little in oil and salt and pepper on both sides, and then send them to the microwave for five minutes. Crispy, aromatic homemade chips are ready!

5. Molds for snacks

If you urgently need to prepare something for the table, then the ideal option would be snacks in tins. They can be anything - for example, caviar with herbs or stuffed egg... However, the question arises of molds. And this is where the microwave comes in handy! From ordinary pita bread, you need to cut out circles of the required size and send them to the microwave to dry. You will get forms, which, in turn, can already be filled with anything.

6. A delicious steamed vegetable recipe

To steam, you don't have to struggle with a frying pan or saucepan or run to the store for a multicooker (if you already have one, great, but try another recipe!). Put the washed and peeled vegetables in a container, season them with spices to taste and wrap it well with cling film. Then place the dish in the microwave and bake for twenty minutes. It will turn out delicious and healthy vegetables for a couple.

7. Heat cans

Every housewife who preserves for the winter knows that all cans need to be ignited in order to get rid of germs. Usually this is a rather long and dreary business, so let's try to do everything quickly with the help of a microwave oven. So, wash the cans under water and, without wiping quietly, leave to "dry" in the microwave for one and a half to two minutes. During this time, all the water will evaporate, and the cans will heat up to the required temperature, at which all microbes die.

8. Fried sausages for beer

And also sausages, bacon, whatever. Put chopped treats on a plate: it can be sausage, bacon, sausages, smoked meat, in general, of your choice. And then send it in the microwave for a couple of minutes, and after a while you will get a delicious, aromatic and hot appetizer for beer. Your friends will love it!

9. Disinfection of household items

Who said that they only cook in the microwave? By analogy with cans, here you can disinfect, for example, cutting boards, sponges, knives, and so on. Just leave these items in the microwave for a few minutes and no germs are guaranteed to remain there.

10. "Resuscitation" of buns or bread

If your bakery products somewhat stale and lost their primary attractiveness, do not rush to get upset. Just fifteen minutes inside the microwave, and you can't tell the difference between these foods and the fresh ones you just bought. Don't believe me? Try it!

As you can see, a microwave can help a lot in everyday life. Tell your friends, let them know too!