Home / Pies / Buckwheat with vegetables (lean dietary recipes). Buckwheat porridge with beets! Buckwheat porridge with red beet

Buckwheat with vegetables (lean dietary recipes). Buckwheat porridge with beets! Buckwheat porridge with red beet

Judging by my own statistics, having considerable EXPERIENCE in the People's "Maksparkovskaya" cookery))) - I will say with almost certainty - THE MOST eat according to the principle - "V K U S N O" and the most popular publications are "fatter, tartier and tastier."

And this is understandable.

Nevertheless, plant foods are NOT LESS TASTY and it all depends on how you put the principle of NUTRITION into your head and how to cook it ..

In the end everything TASTES and "Festive Mayonnaise Delights", with time " come out SIDE))) "and we begin to pay for them with our own health!

I'm the same person like everyone else, but still I am for DELICIOUS low-calorie, vegetable food. according to the principle "MORE"

A bit of history:

Buckwheat has been known in Russia since ancient times. She has long since turned into culinary symbol country. In the old days, the word "porridge" meant exactly buckwheat porridge. It is noteworthy that in many languages ​​this word has no analogues and is written as "kasha". Buckwheat originally grew in the south of Siberia, in Altai. It was from here, thanks to the migration of the Ural-Altai tribes, that she came to the Urals. In the European Cis-Urals, buckwheat finds its second homeland, while in the areas of Slavic settlements, it falls at the beginning of the second millennium. The very name "buckwheat" is associated with the fact that it was originally grown by Greek monks at monasteries.

For us, buckwheat porridge is a symbol of everyday life, and in many European countries buckwheat is considered an elite product, which is sold in small bags along with a voluminous brochure that tells how to cook porridge and what useful properties it has. Buckwheat porridge tasty and nutritious, and in addition, very healthy. In terms of the percentage of protein, it surpasses all grains, and therefore is quite capable of replacing meat. Buckwheat contains folic acid, it has a tonic effect on the body, cleanses it of toxins.

Since buckwheat promotes faster fat burning and rapid weight loss, buckwheat porridge is considered a dietary meal. You just need to know how to cook it so that it does not become boring and boring. There are many recipes for making buckwheat porridge! TODAY:

Buckwheat porridge with beets

Beets - 1-2 pcs. (small)
Onion - ½ head
Buckwheat - 1 tbsp.
Boiling water - 2 tbsp.
Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
Salt - 2 tsp
Butter (can be replaced with any of your favorite) - 30 g

Dice the onion and sauté in olive oil,

add beets grated on a coarse grater, salt and cook, stirring for 5 minutes.

Pour in buckwheat, lightly fry it with vegetables, pour boiling water over it.

Bring to a boil, cook without a lid for 5 minutes, then close the lid, reduce heat and cook for another 10 minutes.

Add butter, wrap well, let it brew.


It turns out surprisingly tasty, although I have never tried this before. Beets are very useful, but many of us, unfortunately, limit themselves to borscht and vinaigrette. Believe me, this root vegetable is worth using in the most different dishes... Beetroot perfectly cleanses the body, fights the autumn blues and normalizes blood pressure. And finally, it is delicious! And in combination with buckwheat - mmm!

That's all ... Bon appetit.


Try to cook buckwheat with beets, a combination of simple ingredients will allow you to enjoy an incredible taste. In this case, you will receive only benefits for the body.
Buckwheat and beets, which form the basis of the recipe, are useful for atherosclerosis, as well as for many other diseases. Buckwheat contains a large number of iron, it contains phosphorus, calcium and potassium, as well as valuable proteins.

Beets are also the champion in iron and folic acid content, and they also contain many other beneficial elements.

How to cook such a delicious and healthy dish? This is not difficult.

Ingredient List

  • Buckwheat - 1 glass.
  • Beets - 1 piece.
  • Lemon - several slices.
  • Bulb onions - 1 piece.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons.

How to cook buckwheat with beets

We take buckwheat, sort it out. Then dry in a pan for about 5 minutes. After that, pour it into a saucepan, add water and put it on fire. When buckwheat boils, you need to salt it. Cook until tender, to determine that the porridge has been cooked is very simple - the cereal will become crumbly.

You need to boil the beets in advance. We peel it and three on a fine grater. Sprinkle with lemon juice on top, 2-3 slices will be enough. Mix everything thoroughly.

Now fry the onion and garlic. Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan until golden brown. We send garlic to it, squeeze it through the garlic beforehand. By combining onions and garlic, we will hear a very mouth-watering aroma of these vegetables. They are fried together for literally 2 minutes and you can set aside the pan.

Put the buckwheat porridge in a bowl, put the grated beets on top and spread the onion and garlic.

The last step is to put the "red" buckwheat on a plate and serve.

It would seem that we use simple ingredients, but at the same time it turns out a very tasty and light meal. It can be prepared in fasting and as a dietary meal.

Nice to write about delicious food! There are many recipes for pilaf and other rice dishes (with this traditional food in the East)!

But for some reason, there are so few recipes with buckwheat!

After all buckwheat by her own - dietary product.

It is especially valuable for diabetics, as it contains few carbohydrates and a lot, in comparison with other cereals, proteins and minerals. Buckwheat contains a significant amount of iron and copper, potassium and calcium, iodine and fluoride, and other trace elements. But to make it fit diet not only for diabetics, but also for other patients, it is important to prepare it correctly.

In this article I will give 5 lean recipes cooking buckwheat with vegetables.

Buckwheat prepare crumbly or viscous.

In order to porridgewas crumblybuckwheatbefore cooking, first lightly fry in a dry skillet. You can also dry it in the oven or microwave (no more than 30 seconds).

A viscous porridge traditionally cooked in a Russian oven, for this already ready-made porridge left closed in a warm oven for a while.

Now such porridge can be cooked in a multicooker-pressure cooker. After cooking porridge the multicooker automatically switches to heating mode, then buckwheat porridge becomes viscous.

Viscous porridge better served with milk (this is how my grandmother usually fed me as a child).

And, if you turn off the multicooker at the ready signal, then buckwheat it turns out not viscous, but also not very crumbly. Here is such porridge I like to fry lightly in a skillet with sunflower oil.

It becomes especially tasty if you add a little to it vegetables.

1 recipe(the most famous).Buckwheat porridge with onions.

Boiled in salted water buckwheat(for 0.5 liters of water - 1 glass of cereal). Meanwhile, onion is fried over low heat until yellow. Then cooked buckwheat(no water remains) put in a pan with fried onions, add vegetable oil and all together fry a little more. Fried onions have a sweetish taste, they make buckwheat tastier.

But, in order to prevent liver problems, it is better to do without frying food..

You can bake whole onions in a microwave oven in husks. This will take 4-5 minutes. It is very convenient, you do not have to stand and watch, so that it does not burn! It will turn out, indeed, dietary food! After all, baked onions are not only tasty, but also very useful for digestion, especially for the liver and biliary tract. This is how it looks already baked and peeled.

Onion baked in a microwave oven

And ready buckwheat you can not fry in oil, but only lightly dry in a frying pan or microwave oven, and then add cold vegetable oil and chopped baked onions to the plate.

2 recipe. Buckwheat with carrots and onions.

It becomes even tastier (sweeter) buckwheat, if ready buckwheat add not only fried onions, but also carrots.

For this they prepare buckwheat and onions according to the first recipe. Then, coarsely grated carrots are added to the lightly fried onions and fried together (if you put them together in a pan, then because of the carrot juice, the onions will not fry properly). In general, it is a whole art to fry the onion correctly (until it is orange, no more). Therefore, I prefer to fry the onions separately and then add them to the finished dish.

AND buckwheat it is better to "grab" a little separately in a frying pan, and then add to it separately fried carrots and onions. It is important not to overcook food, but only to slightly “let it in”, because overcooked foods are harmful to the health of the stomach.

And if you need a more strict diet(without fried), you can bake the onions in the microwave (as in the previous recipe), and steam the carrots.

3 recipe. Buckwheat with blue eggplants and onions.

For this dish must be fried or cooked in the oven. blue eggplants. How to bake in the oven eggplant I described in the article « «.

And I just peeled them, cut them into circles and fried them over medium heat.

Then she sprinkled a little cooked in a frying pan buckwheat, to it I added fried onions and blue eggplants, mixed everything well.

The taste is like with mushrooms buckwheat!

This time I wanted to write something new. How do I do it? - Just in the mood with a searching inquisitive glance, I examine the contents of the refrigerator, and so a new recipe is born.

4 recipe. Buckwheat with blue eggplants and bell pepper.

I love bell pepper, especially Red. I decided to add it to the previous recipe.

For this I cleaned pepper from the grains inside, cut into pieces and fry in a pan with onions.

Then you need to stew everything together with boiled buckwheat.

These dishes do not require any sauces, as thanks to vegetables and vegetable oil cannot be called dry. But someone might like it buckwheat With blue eggplant and soy sauce, a buckwheat with bluenykimiand bell pepper may like with ketchup sauce.

I decided to add not ketchup to my new dish, but fried tomatoes (they also need to be simmered in a frying pan separately from other products so that the excess liquid evaporates).

And so along with buckwheat turned out to be fried:

  • blue eggplants;
  • onion;
  • red bell pepper;
  • tomatoes.

You can add some more ketchup. I liked the taste, hope you like it too!

Lovers diet recipes will probably be surprised, because fried cannot be called dietary dish!- So!

But can't we cook buckwheat with vegetables baked in the oven ?!

AND bulgarian pepper, and tomatoes, and onions, and blue eggplant- everything can be baked in the oven and it will be very tasty with buckwheat! (cm. « Diet meals from baked vegetables(Bulgarian cuisine) ").

You can also cook steamed vegetables, and then simmer them a little in the microwave so that the excess liquid goes away, and then mix them with buckwheat porridge, watering her vegetable oil.

And if you use olive oil cold pressing, then again we will bring our dish even closer to dietary.

You can cook buckwheat porridge, so to speak, on "Vegetable pillow" ... I first heard about this method in the late 80s on TV. The program was broadcast by an enthusiast of Russian cuisine and healthy eating, candidate of sciences ... (I don't remember the last name).

5 recipe. Buckwheat, boiled on a "vegetable pillow" with beets and carrots (lean dietary recipe).

At the bottom of the pan, first put chopped vegetables: carrots and beets, salt, and fall asleep on top buckwheat. Pour water to cover everything by about 1 cm and boil everything together.

I have not tried to cook like that, but it's worth a try, because, indeed, it will turn out to be healthy diet porridge with an original taste (I think that beets will be interesting to combine with buckwheat).

P.S . This coming weekend, when there was more time, I decided to try the last one. recipe.

I did not remember in detail what else it was proposed to put to buckwheat together with "Vegetable pillow".

In most of these recipes use onions. Only boiled onions are not very tasty, fried or baked onions are another matter!

Often in dishes with beets garlic is used.

Cilantro caught my eye in the refrigerator; it gives salads a pleasant piquancy.

So I decided to add to carrots and beets toasted onion with garlic and a sprig of cilantro.

Finely chopped vegetables: beets and carrots (you could add more zucchini or bell peppers), then put them on the bottom of the pan.

Vegetables in the bottom of the pan protect porridge from burning!

Above vegetables fell asleep washed buckwheat and salted.

Then I lightly sautéed the onion and garlic and added them to the saucepan.

On top of everything, I laid 2 small sprigs of cilantro (if you don't like it, you can easily throw them away).

Poured boiling water over it to cover the food by 1 cm.

I cooked in an electric multicooker-pressure cooker, turned on the “rice” mode so that everything was boiled well, then kept it for another 15 minutes in the heating mode.

This is how mine looked like buckwheat with vegetables, when I opened the pressure cooker:

Taste at buckwheat with vegetables much softer than withoutvegetables!

But with such preparation, the taste is faintly felt. beets. If someone really loves beets, then it is better to cook it separately whole, and then grate and add to the finished buckwheat.

And the taste of cilantro was quite right here, it was felt with separate leaves.

Buckwheat with beets and carrots can be served with either vegetable oil or sour cream (but with one thing).

And lovers of ketchup and lecho will be happy to add them to this dish! (After all, they are combined with the most different vegetables).

What else is important.

It was this combination that Professor G.G. Rozantsev was the first to call, answering the question: "What should be done to prolong life?"

He said that first of all, you must not eat incompatible foods. And he is a biochemist, so he knows what he is talking about!

So we will use buckwheat with vegetables, as a separate dish, not a side dish for meat!

And how to cook buckwheat for a small child can be found in the article “Buckwheat for children, benefit and harm. How to cook buckwheat porridge for a child (recipes) "- http: // site /? p = 6885 # more-6885

Beetroot is a dietary vegetable rich in vitamins, therefore it is used in low-calorie dishes and even as the main product of the diet. Beneficial features root vegetables are attributed to low carbohydrate and richness nutrients... And although beets do not have a fat burning effect, they are actively used as a means of cleansing the intestines and liver.

Is it possible to lose weight on beets

Some nutritionists advise against eating beets for people who are losing weight because of the high glycemic index of the fetus. However, it is still possible to lose weight on beets, since they contain a huge amount of dietary fiber (fiber thoroughly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract). The root vegetable should be eaten, because it is a storehouse of many vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, C. Beets contain beta-carotene, tocopherol, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, boron and many others. trace elements.

Eating a vegetable causes natural weight loss by lowering cholesterol levels. The main reason for obesity is the clogging of the body with slags, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism and harmful components begin to accumulate inside us. The beneficial properties of beets contribute to the binding of fats in the intestines, so that they do not have time to penetrate into the blood. The laxative effect of the root vegetable helps to cleanse the body, so the process of losing weight is faster.

What are the benefits of beets for weight loss?

Do you lose weight on beets? Reviews of those who are losing weight prove the effectiveness of the vegetable in the process of losing weight. The fruit contains special components - beatin and curcumin. Manufacturers of pills and capsules for weight loss are actively using the former as a basis for dietary supplements. The importance of beatin is due to its ability to stimulate the liver, which leads to the restoration of metabolic processes. In addition, the substance makes it easier for protein foods to be absorbed. Beetroot is used for weight loss, to a large extent, thanks to beatin, which helps in the oxidative process of adipose tissue, which over time activates the burning of accumulated deposits.

Losing weight with beets isn't just about beatin. An important role in this process is played by the second component - curcumin, which prevents excess weight gain. In addition, scientists have shown that curcumin inhibits the development of blood vessels in adipose tissue. This property determines the importance of the substance in the process of losing weight.

The red root vegetable contains a huge amount of fiber, the importance of which is invaluable for a losing weight person. Thanks to her, we do not feel hunger for a long time. Due to the lack of calories, the body begins to process existing fats, which contributes to the elimination of extra pounds. (See how many calories are in beets - fresh, boiled, baked).

Diet on kefir with beets

The diet is designed for a maximum of a week, its duration depends on the individual tolerance of the product. For 3-4 days, a person loses about 2.5-3 kg of excess weight on beets with kefir. The daily dietary menu includes one and a half liters of low-fat kefir, a kilogram of beets and more than 1.5 liters of still water.

How to cook kefir with beets?

The diet does not imply strict adherence to a specific recipe. You can eat baked, boiled, stewed, or raw beets and drink kefir at the same time. Another option is to make a slimming cocktail. For this boiled vegetable grind with a blender to the consistency of porridge, which is mixed with kefir in any proportions.

Drink water only between meals. The more you can drink liquids (except fermented milk product), the more effective weight loss will be, because water cleanses the intestines and blood vessels from decay products, and restores the water-salt balance.

Diet on freshly squeezed beet juice

Beetroot drink is easy to prepare, the main thing is to choose the right vegetables. Suitable fruits have a deep, dark color without whitish stripes on the inside and an elongated shape.

Beet juice is extracted using a juicer or a regular grater. Take fresh raw fruit, wash, peel and cut into 4 pieces. Load the pieces into the appliance and turn on the spin or grate, then pass the gruel through double cheesecloth. It is better to remove the foam from the juice and drink it after a short infusion (leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours) - this is necessary for the drink to "release" harmful substances. Use the fruit itself and the tops to make juice for weight loss. It contains many useful components.

Drinking beet juice should be diluted with water or other natural juice in a ratio of 1:10. The daily intake of raw beet juice is 50 grams of pure juice. Start taking it gradually - with 1 teaspoon per day, increasing the dosage to 50 grams. According to the reviews of those who have lost weight, the result of taking beet juice gives minus 15 kg per month.

Recipes for dishes and drinks from beetle with photo

Beetroot dishes are varied and tasty, in addition, they are a means for losing weight. Using a weight loss beetle, a person does not experience the inconvenience caused by a monotonous menu. Below are recipes for dietary dishes with beets, regularly consuming which, you can lose weight and improve digestion.

Fat Burning Beetroot Cocktail

The use of boiled beets lies in the presence of a unique complex of elements that are not found in other fruits, in the content of a huge number of substances that are not subject to destruction during heat treatment product. For quick weight loss, you can use the recipe below for a fat-burning cocktail with beets.


  • Small beetroot with leaves.
  • Orange.
  • A pair of green apples.
  • 1 tsp grated ginger.
  • 1 tbsp honey.
  • A cup almond milk or water.

Cooking beet juice with milk:

  1. Finely chop the tops and grate the beets.
  2. Wash the apple, remove the core, cut into slices.
  3. Remove the peel from the orange, divide into parts.
  4. Add red beets, fruit pieces, ginger, milk or water, honey to a blender. When the drink acquires homogeneity, it is ready to drink.

Beet kvass

The positive effect of red beets for weight loss has been proven by numerous reviews of people who have managed to lose weight. Beet kvass contains more quantity chlorophyll, probiotics, anthocyanins, various vitamins and minerals. These components contribute to the acceleration of metabolism and rapid weight loss.


  • 2-3 small beets.
  • Water.

Cooking beet kvass for weight loss:

  1. Peel and cut the fruit into several pieces.
  2. Place the beets in a clean three-liter bottle, pour the vegetable with cooled boiled water.
  3. Wrap the neck of the vessel with gauze, put the jar in a dark place.
  4. When the kvass begins to ferment, the drink will be ready to drink. Drink beet kvass up to three times a day, 100-200 ml.

Diet salad of beets and carrots

Salad with raw beets and carrots is popularly called a "brush" because it is believed that the dish effectively cleans the intestinal walls from impurities. Diet dish recommended for use, first of all, for those who want to lose weight.


  • One medium beet.
  • One carrot.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Greenery.

Cooking slimming salad with beets and carrots:

  • Wash and peel vegetables. Rub them on a coarse grater.
  • Chop the herbs finely and add to the salad.
  • Season the dish with a tablespoon lemon juice and a little vegetable oil.
  • Optionally, the dish can be prepared with garlic. Carrots and beets are suitable for dinner or lunch, and it is allowed to add raw and boiled fruits to the salad.

Kissel from red beets and rolled oats

Beetroot jelly helps to cope with kidney, heart and lung problems. The drink is recommended for people with obesity and diabetics, it helps to improve the digestive process, relieves constipation.


  • 2-3 tbsp oatmeal"Hercules".
  • Small beets.
  • 4-5 prunes.

Cooking jelly for weight loss:

  1. Peel the fruit, cut into small pieces.
  2. Place the ingredients in a saucepan, cover with 2 liters of water, put on low heat.
  3. Cook the dish, stirring constantly for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Strain the broth when it cools down oatmeal jelly with beets will be ready to eat.