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How to cook vegetable stew. How to cook vegetable stew

Every year, we look forward to the arrival of spring, with young greenery, and summer - when there is a great abundance fresh vegetables and fruits. It is from young vegetables that most of the side dishes for meat dishes are prepared in summer. TO vegetable side dishes can be attributed delicious vegetable stew with spicy herbs and spices.

Perhaps not every housewife knows how to cook delicious vegetable stew... So it's time to reveal the secrets of making a delicious vegetable stew. This dish can be used as a side dish or eaten as an independent dish.

Moreover, the dish can be prepared with meat, after extinguishing any meat or poultry, use minced meat or high-quality sausages for cooking - then you get a full-fledged dish, a real hit of the summer season!

It is worth noting the fact that meat is best absorbed by the body in the company of vegetables, not potatoes, no, namely various vegetables as past heat treatment and raw. And mother nature is generous with gifts in summer and autumn - crispy cabbage, eggplants and zucchini, peppers and tomatoes, a variety of fresh and fragrant greens, a lot of juicy root crops. And all these vegetables will go well in a stew, both in its vegetable version and with meat.

Features of cooking stew from fresh vegetables

Vegetables do not need pre-frying for cooking stews, there is simply no need for this, just use meat broth... At the end of cooking for a special taste in ready meal you can add a little good butter. But there are housewives who do not accept cooking vegetables without preliminary frying, which is a pity. In this case, vegetables lose some of their vitamins and stew, most often, turns out to be too fatty.

True, there is another, alternative variation, this is when only onions are fried until transparent, and the rest of the vegetables are added in order of priority, starting with carrots. (The order of laying vegetables is described below).

But if meat is used, then onions and garlic are fried in oil, meat is added, it is brought almost to readiness, and only then comes the turn of all other vegetables. Moreover, the stew can be cooked with broth, and you get a thick soup, or vice versa - evaporate all the excess liquid and then you get an appetizing second.

Vegetable stew without meat, if the vegetables were not fried additionally, you can even give it to babies, but only taking into account the fact that there is not a lot of salt and spices in the dish, and the child has already tried all the vegetables that make up the composition.

List of ingredients for cooking vegetable stew

  • Any meat, minced meat, poultry, meat semi-finished products - at will;
  • Medium potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • Small young vegetable marrow;
  • Fresh cabbage - half a fork;
  • Fresh green pea- 15 pods;
  • 2 sweet heads onions;
  • Young carrots - 300 gr.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Ripe tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Young garlic - half a head;
  • Eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • Half a chilli pod;
  • Refined vegetable oil - 85 ml;
  • Salt and black pepper to taste;
  • A large bunch of greenery.

On a note! A dish called stew is good because the composition of the ingredients is not standardized. Products can be replaced or removed altogether. For example, from basic composition you can remove the red hot peppers and the dish is immediately ready for use. baby food... Or, for example, replace potatoes with beans, and white cabbage with cauliflower. The taste of the dish will immediately change and thereby expand the home menu.

How to make a delicious vegetable stew?

If meat is used in the dish, then, as mentioned above, it is necessary to fry chopped onions and garlic in oil, and add meat to them. Semi-finished products and minced meat are easy enough to fry, but poultry and meat need to be fried, stew with the addition of water or broth, almost until tender.

You can boil the meat separately for the diet version of the stew, and use the ready-made broth, but vegetables must be placed in the stew in the order in which they are cooked.

Vegetables, whether from your garden or from the market (from the store), must be thoroughly washed before cooking using cool water. Those that need to be peeled are cleaned, the rest is removed from the stalk, and they are cut. It is worth cutting them into small cubes, but carrots and potatoes should be cut a little smaller, so they will come to readiness faster.

Tomatoes are best not chopped, but chopped, turning into a sauce. You can do this using a food processor, but cutting the tomatoes in half and rubbing them on a grater so that the skin remains in your hands is quite good.

Chopped very finely, washed fresh herbs, and hot chili peppers are best cut into thin half rings.

On a note! When manipulating with hot pepper use rubber gloves. Do not rub your eyes or touch your face with your hands. If you happen to get pepper juice in your eyes or on your skin, rinse immediately under cool running water.

The order in which vegetables are added to the stew... Carrots and potatoes are added to meat products stewed with onions and garlic, then peppers and zucchini, then eggplants and tomatoes, cabbage and peas. Each tab of vegetables comes with an interval of 10 minutes. Salt and pepper, fresh herbs are the very last to be added to the stew. (If you cook vegetable stew without adding meat products, then garlic is added at the end of cooking, along with spices and herbs.)

So that all vegetables undergo a complete heat treatment and do not remain soggy, it is important to control the liquid level during the cooking process. Little by little adding broth or water, the density of the summer vegetable stew is also controlled.

In the process of cooking, the dish does not even need to be stirred, laying the vegetables in layers as the upper ones are cooked. Well, of course, you shouldn't immediately serve it to the table, the stew must be infused so that all the vegetables exchange flavors and "make friends" in the dish.

With meat, the cooking process will take approximately 1.5 hours, the vegetable version will take no more than 45 minutes to cook.

Good appetite!

Fine( 5 ) Badly( 0 )

Stew... Stew - meat dish cooked in a thick sauce. From French "rago" (ragoût) is translated as "stimulating appetite". Refers to French cuisine, although almost every nation has similar dishes.

The ancestors of the stew, the French, cooked it like this - stewed meat, poultry or fish over low heat. Sometimes vegetables, mushrooms, beans were added to the mixture. Stale bread was used to thicken the sauce, or, on the contrary, the stew was diluted with wine (beer).

In Russian cuisine, stews appeared under the influence of the French in the 19th and early 20th centuries. So, in the "Book of tasty and healthy food" (1955), you can find as many as five stew recipes. In the last quarter of the 20th century, the stew was "discredited" after Soviet audiences watched the film adaptation of Jerome K. Jerome's story "Three Men in a Boat, Excluding a Dog." One of the ger suggests making an Irish stew from cold meat, vegetables and other leftovers. The ironic tone of the film convinced Soviet audiences that any food would be suitable for a stew - those in the refrigerator. It should be admitted that Russians still have a similar attitude to stew.

Currently, there are two main ways to prepare stews in Russia. The first method is to separately fry meat from vegetables and beans. Then the ingredients are combined and stewed until tender. The second way - the components of the dish are laid at the same time and stewed over low heat or in the oven until cooked. The first method is classic, typical for French cuisine, the second - for all kinds of dishes similar to stews and related to different cuisines of the world. In fact, of course, stew can only be called a dish that is prepared in the first way. After all, this dish, like almost any other, has a clear cooking technology.

Stew can be prepared from any meat, but beef, lamb, pork, and poultry are considered the most suitable. There should be as many vegetables in the stew as meat, or a little more. Beans are an essential ingredient in classic stews - usually beans or chickpeas. In addition to vegetables, mushrooms go well with meat.

In the preparation of stews, the simplest spices are used - black pepper, Bay leaf, herbs. Ingredients such as tomatoes, onions, paprika, wine, dark beer can be added.

Chopping meat and vegetables should be based on two factors. First, it is important how much time you are going to spend making the stew. Cutting meat into small pieces will take no more than an hour and a half from you. If you can spend more time, you can cut the meat and larger. The same can be said for vegetables. Secondly, the dishes matter. For pans and casseroles, it is best to cut the meat into small pieces. If you are going to cook in an earthenware dish or pot, you can cut the ingredients into larger pieces.

After combining the components, it is better to stew them in the juice left over from stews and vegetables. Stew the stew for at least half an hour.

The stew goes well with pasta and mashed potatoes.

A properly prepared vegetable stew is a versatile treat. It can be eaten both as a main course and as a side dish. The main thing is not to spare spices and use more delicious ripe vegetables.

A traditional recipe will include a large list of vegetables. Ingredients: half a kilo of tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, 350 g of onions and carrots, salt, a mixture of peppers, a pinch of cinnamon.

  1. Eggplants without the skin are cut in the first cubes. They are soaked for 20-25 minutes in salted cold water, after which they are dried with a paper towel.
  2. Skinless tomatoes are cut into small pieces. To make their skin easily peeled off, it is enough to immerse the fruits in boiling water and peel.
  3. Cut the carrots into slices and the onions into cubes.
  4. Zucchini without seeds and peel - the same slices as eggplant.
  5. Vegetables are laid out in the cauldron in the following order: eggplants - carrots - zucchini - onions - tomatoes. The ingredients are sprinkled with salt and spices.

Vegetable stew with zucchini is stewed under the lid. It is stirred periodically. You need to cook the dish until the products are soft.

With the addition of potatoes

Potatoes make any meal more satisfying. For its stew, it takes about a kilogram. The rest of the ingredients: half a kilo of young zucchini, fresh tomatoes, 150 g each onions, sweet peppers and carrots, garlic to taste, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. First, slices of onions and carrots are fried in an oiled cauldron until golden brown. Then bars of zucchini and potatoes are thrown into the container.
  2. Sweet pepper, chopped in any way, is added last.
  3. The mass is stewed over low heat, covered with a lid, for 15-17 minutes. Next, slices of tomatoes, chopped garlic and spices are sent to it. The meal is being prepared for another 10-12 minutes.

Before serving, the stew should be well infused.

With mushrooms

Champignons are taken both fresh and frozen. They need 300 grams. The rest of the ingredients: 2 zucchini, carrot, onion, sweet bell pepper, 2-3 tomatoes, a pinch of Mediterranean herbs, salt, a pinch of sugar.

  1. First fry on a large number butter is prepared from onions and carrots. Then mushroom slices and pepper cubes are sent to these components.
  2. When the vegetables have softened, you can pour slices of zucchini and tomatoes over them.
  3. The mass is salted, sprinkled with seasonings and sugar.

After gentle stirring, the dish is simmering in a thick-walled container with a lid for 15-17 minutes.

Vegetable stew with pork

The addition of pork pulp will turn vegetable stews into a very satisfying, nutritious dish. In addition to meat (400 g), the following ingredients will also be used: eggplant, large tomato, carrot, onion, sweet paprika, a mixture of hot ground peppers, salt.

  1. All components for stews are always fried in vegetable oil - you can take olive oil, sunflower oil, and any other. First, medium pieces of pork are cooked in hot liquid until crusty.
  2. Next, the meat is poured with water with salt, spices and stewed for about an hour.
  3. It remains to add all the coarsely chopped vegetables to the pork. Together, the ingredients are stewed until soft.

Served with spicy ketchup.

How to cook with beef?

Instead of pork, you can take a slice of beef. Meat will need 400 grams. The rest of the ingredients: sweet bell pepper, half a large zucchini, eggplant, 5 potatoes, onion, carrot, garlic to taste, 300 g white cabbage, a tablespoon of ketchup without additives, a glass tomato juice, salt, seasonings. The easiest way would be to cook such a vegetable stew in a slow cooker.

  1. The pieces of meat will be marinated in tomato juice for a couple of hours.
  2. In the baking program, chopped carrots and onions and marinated beef are fried.
  3. Potato bars are added to the products. The mass languishes for another 12-15 minutes.
  4. It remains to put the remaining vegetables, cut into small pieces, into the oven container. The cabbage is finely chopped, the garlic is passed through a press.
  5. The mixture is seasoned with ketchup, salted, sprinkled with spices.

All in the same mode, under the lid, the dish will reach readiness.

With minced meat

Minced meat is suitable from any meat. Better to take a composite (300 g). The rest of the ingredients: 3-4 potatoes, zucchini, carrots, ¼ a head of white cabbage, 2-3 tomatoes, onion, Bulgarian sweet pepper, a glass of boiled water, salt.

  1. Together with minced meat, half rings of onions and carrot slices are fried for 6-7 minutes. With a spatula, you need to break all the lumps in the mass.
  2. After adding thinly shredded cabbage and pepper cubes to a cauldron or deep frying pan, the mass is cooked for another 5-6 minutes.
  3. At the end, pieces of tomatoes, zucchini and potatoes are added to the mixture.
  4. When the potatoes have softened a little, the ingredients are poured with salt water.
  5. After mixing, they will be stewed under a tightly closed lid for 12-15 minutes.

The ready meal is served hot with any additional sauces.

We bake the dish in the oven

You can cook stews not only on the stove or in a multicooker, but also in the oven. Ingredients: 3 potatoes, carrots, ¼ head of cabbage, onion, zucchini, 4 tomatoes, 2 celery stalks, 1 glass of boiled water, salt, Italian herbs, 40 g butter.

  1. First on butter onion, cut into cubes, fried until soft.
  2. All the remaining chopped vegetables are sent to the container in turn. Carrots are cut into slices, cabbage - in large pieces... The rest of the components are arbitrary.
  3. The products are put into a mold together with oil, sprinkled with herbs, salt, and filled with water.

The dish will simmer in a preheated oven for about half an hour. You need to set the temperature to 200-220 degrees.

Vegetable stew with meat and cabbage

This is a very tasty and simple stew. It includes many vegetables and meat. Ingredients: 730 g pork, 310 g cabbage, 2 carrots, celery root, garlic to taste, any spices, salt.

  1. The meat is cut in medium pieces.
  2. The cabbage is finely chopped, the garlic is finely chopped, the carrots and celery are cut into strips.
  3. First, the meat is fried in a well-heated and oiled frying pan until golden brown.
  4. Then gradually added to the container different types vegetables. Pre-roasting will allow them to retain their shape and will not turn into porridge during further processing.
  5. When all the ingredients are slightly softened, they are salted, sprinkled with spices and gently kneaded.
  6. Next, the products are poured with a small amount of water and covered with a lid.

The vegetable stew with meat will languish on the fire for about 40-45 minutes.

With Chiken

With chicken, a lighter version is obtained. In addition to a pound of meat, will be used following products: carrot, small squash, onion, garlic to taste, Bulgarian sweet pepper, handful of cherry tomatoes, half a chili pepper, bouillon cube, chicken seasoning, salt.

  1. All vegetables are chopped according to the principle: the longer each of them is cooked, the finer it is cut.
  2. First, a carrot with two types of pepper is fried in hot oil. Then zucchini, garlic, onions, tomatoes are sent to the container. The mass is salted. All its constituents should soften.
  3. Separately on high fire fried chicken pieces sprinkled with salt and seasoning.
  4. Chicken is laid out with vegetables. The components are poured with broth diluted in a glass of water.

It remains to simmer the dish under the lid for another 25-30 minutes.

Pot recipe

The pots allow you to make the food even more juicy, tender, fragrant. Ingredients: 2 eggplants, zucchini, carrots, 2 bell peppers, the same amount of tomatoes, 3 potatoes, onion, 120 ml of vegetable broth, 2 teaspoons of lemongrass, a pinch of sugar, salt, spices.

  1. All vegetables are cut in medium pieces. If desired, you can simply grate carrots on a coarse grater. Tomatoes are first peeled off before slicing.
  2. First, pieces of onion, eggplant and zucchini are fried over high heat. These vegetables are sent to portioned pots.
  3. Peppers, tomatoes and potatoes are fried in the remaining oil.
  4. The remaining components are also transferred to the pots. From above, they are poured with broth, to which sugar, salt and seasonings are added.
  5. Lemon juice is poured last.

The closed pots are sent to the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

Tava - traditional Armenian stew

This recipe has interesting feature- boiled meat is used in it. Take 400 grams of beef. The rest of the ingredients: 3 tomatoes, salad peppers and potatoes, 2 onions, a bunch of fresh basil and parsley, a pinch of cumin, black pepper, suneli hops, salt.

  1. The meat is cut into pieces and boiled in salted water. The broth is left.
  2. All vegetables are cut coarsely and thickly.
  3. The first layer of meat is laid in the cauldron. Next: onions - tomatoes - peppers - potatoes. Each of them is sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.
  4. All products are poured with the remaining broth and sprinkled with spices. Salted if necessary.
  5. The mass is stewed over low heat for 40-45 minutes.
    1. Zucchini get rid of the skins and seeds, cut into cubes.
    2. Chop onions and carrots at random.
    3. The tomatoes are peeled and cut into large pieces.
    4. In turn, all prepared vegetables are fried in hot oil.
    5. First - carrots with onions. Then the remaining vegetables are sent to the pan.
    6. Zucchini will give a lot of liquid, so you need to cook the components before evaporating it.
    7. Next, dry rice is poured over the vegetables and water is poured in which salt and spices are mixed.

    Prepared until the cereal is soft.

    Vegetable stew with zucchini and eggplant for the winter

    The vegetable stew, if desired, can be turned into an original "winter" snack. Ingredients: 2.2 kg each of eggplants and zucchini, a kilo each of yellow and red bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes and onions, a glass of sugar, 110 ml table vinegar, 55-60 g of table salt, half a liter of vegetable oil.

    1. Eggplant cubes are soaked in cold water and then rinsed.
    2. Zucchini without skin is cut in the same way.
    3. Pepper gets rid of seeds, stalks and crushed with medium strips.
    4. Carrots and onions are cut into cubes. Tomatoes - in medium-sized slices.
    5. All prepared vegetables for a vegetable stew with eggplant and zucchini are loaded into a saucepan, salted, sprinkled with sugar, poured with oil. The ingredients are stewed for half an hour on minimal heat.
    6. Next, vinegar is poured. If the mass is too thick, then also half a liter of water. It remains to simmer the stew on the stove for 7-9 minutes.

Wash and dry vegetables.

Cut the eggplants lengthwise into 2 halves, salt and leave for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, rinse the salt, cut the eggplant halves again lengthwise and coarsely chop across.
Cut the zucchini lengthwise into 2 halves, remove the seeds and cut into large cubes (you do not need to remove small seeds from the young zucchini).
Wash carrots, peel and cut into circles.
Cut off the top of the peppers, remove the middle. Cut the pepper into large pieces.
Wash the tomatoes, cut each tomato with a cross at the base and put it in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes into slices or large cubes.
Cut the onion into half rings.
Chop the greens.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the vegetables separately over high heat for 2-3 minutes.
First, fry the eggplants, transfer them to a roaster or a cauldron and salt a little, sprinkle with pepper and herbs.
Then fry the carrot slices, put it on the eggplant, lightly salt and pepper.
Put the fried bell pepper on the carrots, season with salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs.

Top, on the pepper, put the fried zucchini, salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs.
Place the fried onions on the zucchini.
Put the tomatoes on top of the onion.

Advice. Transfer the fried vegetables to the roaster without vegetable oil, in which they were fried, otherwise the stew will turn out to be too greasy. In the stew, you can put a couple of cloves and add a little cinnamon.

Cover the roaster with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 40-50 minutes, without stirring the vegetables. There is no need to add water - vegetables will give enough juice.

Now it is difficult to imagine a table without any meat dish. It is believed that without it it is impossible to be full. It adds extra strength and is more satisfying than dairy or vegetables. Just a few decades ago, our great-grandmothers used cooking recipes extensively. Unfortunately, many recipes have already been lost. But not all. Vegetable stew with potatoes will delight all lovers lean dishes and vegetarians. The dish can be cooked in a slow cooker, in a pot, in the oven or in a skillet.

To prepare a vegetable stew you will need:

  1. 5 medium-sized potatoes. If you buy potatoes from a store, choose medium-sized fruits, better smooth, without unnecessary cracks and punctures.

  2. 2 eggplants. Use small eggplants. Attention, they must be elastic. Soft and lethargic fruits mean that the vegetable is not the first freshness.
  3. 1 vegetable marrow. Likewise when choosing zucchini. Check all sides for rottenness. Their entire family suffers from this.
  4. 1 large carrot. To save money, choose not washed vegetables in the store. Even when buying washed ones, you will still rinse them at home and remove the upper windy layer.

  5. Bulgarian pepper. When choosing, pay attention to the firmness of the fruit. Sluggish vegetables should not be taken. There is a chance that they have lost all the taste and will not give the stew their sourness.

  6. 2 tbsp tomato paste. You can buy a cheap jar of Krasnodar tomato paste or use ketchup. I love tomato sauce Dolmio. In the store, it is found with various additives. All are delicious. It should be noted that there are no chemicals in the composition, only natural products. Better not to skimp on this ingredient.

  7. Bay leaf. There are no preferences for the brand. You can buy large laurel leaves on the market for 50 rubles, cut them off and use them throughout the year.
  8. 1 PC. onion.

  9. Black pepper: peas and ground. Only ground can be used.
  10. Salt.