Home / Buns / Do they eat a bread plate? Eat bread and bakery products according to etiquette

Do they eat a bread plate? Eat bread and bakery products according to etiquette

It should be recalled that bread is a very delicate product, one can even say that there is bread etiquette. He will tell you more about his rules.

The rule of good manners is take bread with your hands, not a fork. Bread is taken from a common plate and placed on a pie plate, which is located to the left of the front plate and is specially designed for bread. Small pieces of bread are broken off from a slice (or bun) with the fingers of the left hand and put into the mouth. In this case, the fork is placed with the teeth up on the edge of the plate, and the knife remains in the right hand.

You should not put a snack from a common plate on a piece of bread, it is better to eat ham or sausage with a knife and fork. If desired, small pieces of bread can be spread with butter, and we take a little butter from the butter dish and put it on the edge of our own plate.

At the table are acceptable and sandwiches. If they are prepared for a snack, then they are eaten with a knife and fork. To prepare them, place the bread and butter on a plate, then gently spread the bread with your fingertips as you spread the sandwich. Putting bread in the palm of your hand is not customary. After the sandwich is buttered, pick up sausage, cheese, or other ingredients with a fork. Then cut the finished sandwich into pieces and eat. An exception - canape, sandwiches "for one bite".

In the same way one should eat bread (and other bakery products) with jam or jam. Before you spread a piece of bread with jam (or honey), you must first cut it into oblong pieces, and then spread them as you eat.

At breakfast somewhat simplified rules of etiquette apply. Bread can be buttered or made into a sandwich by adding ham and cheese to the bread. It is allowed to eat a sandwich without cutlery. If the sandwich is inconvenient to eat, it is cut in its own plate, using a knife and fork.

According to the rules of etiquette, some actions with bread are completely prohibited.:

  • bite off pieces of bread from a whole piece;
  • crumbling bread into a plate in order to pick up the sauce there;
  • butter bread, holding it in the palm of your hand;
  • leave bitten pieces on a plate;
  • make crumb balls

Feel free to take bread, cookies, cake with your handsth:

  • Lavash, pasties, mantakash, santiah, manauri and other national types of bread cut with a knife is not accepted. They are simply broken by hand.
  • Buns and pies with cream, jam and other fillings bite off, holding them in hand. If the pies are very fatty, they can also be eaten with.

Do you hold a fork in your left hand and a knife in your right hand, skillfully cut a pineapple and gracefully eat apricots and peaches served at a buffet table? Do you know how eat bread right without which not a single feast can do, whether it be home gatherings or a business dinner?

Concerning of bread, it should be recalled that this is a very delicate product, one might even say that there is a “bread etiquette” of its own. For example, it is not customary to bite off a whole piece of bread. It is eaten in small pieces, which are broken off over their plate. It is also not customary to butter a whole piece of bread. This is best done by gradually breaking off pieces and buttering each of them.

If there is a pie plate next to you, which is specially designed for bread, then put it in it, shifting the bread from the common plate. In a pie plate with a clean knife put and butter, which is then spread on slices of bread.

They do the same with caviar, only for caviar there is a device - a special spatula. Pate can be taken either with a knife or a fork. Sandwiches are also taken by hand. If they are prepared for a snack, then they are eaten with a knife and fork.

More on the topic:

Bread is present in the diet of almost every person and is a unique product - we can eat it every day and it never gets boring.
It is believed that the first bread appeared more than 15 thousand years ago, and baked goods - about 7 thousand years ago. There are a huge number of different varieties of bread in the world, only in Russia there are several hundred. Plus, there are new ones all the time. Bread has always been treated with respect in our country, it was considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity.
Is it really bad to eat bread?
Recently, a lot has been said and written about the dangers of bread and bakery products. It is even recommended to completely exclude bread from the diet.
There is some truth in these words, but not everything is so simple. A grain of wheat contains almost the entire periodic table. These are vitamins (E, A, F, group B), and minerals (selenium, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, copper, sodium, chlorine, iodine, potassium, manganese). All these substances are very useful, they are necessary for the human body. However, they are contained in the germ of the grain and its shell, that is, precisely those parts that fall into waste during processing. Elite white flour premium consists mainly of starch. It turns out, White bread it is quite high-calorie, but it does not bring almost any benefit - no more than 30% of minerals and vitamins remain in it. After two weeks, even this small amount becomes inactive.
According to many doctors and nutritionists, the constant consumption of high-grade flour products contributes to the development of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, oncological and endocrine diseases.
What kind of bread should be eaten?
It is right to eat bread with the addition rye flour or bran. gray bread digested more slowly and contains much more substances needed by the body.
The most useful is bran bread, as they are able to absorb allergens and toxins. In addition, bran strengthens the immune system and saturates the body with vitamins, proteins and fiber. Bran bread has a high content of nicotinic acid, which prevents the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases and atherosclerosis.
How to eat bread: etiquette
Bread should be taken from a common plate not with a fork, but with your hand. It is correct to eat bread, breaking off small pieces with your left hand. Caviar, pate or butter should be spread only on the part of the bread that you are going to eat. At the same time, it must be put on a plate and held by hand. If you spread a piece of bread completely, it should be eaten using a knife and fork.
Etiquette dictates that you do not pick up leftover sauces or pieces of food with bread, and do not hold bread in the palm of your hand when spreading it.

From childhood, we are taught to treat bread with care and even respect, because it accompanies almost every meal. The expression “bread is the head of everything” has even become a shabby saying. But we were never taught how to handle bread according to the rules of etiquette, and yet such a simple and common item of the refectory table has certain rules for use.

Fork or hand

The product should be served on the table on a common plate - a bread box, whether it be buns or fresh sliced ​​​​bread. From a common plate, it should be taken with special tongs. If there are none, you can replace the tongs with a napkin. It is permissible to take bread with clean hands, most importantly, you should not touch other pieces - this is unhygienic.

In no case should you take bread with a fork or knife, and even more so prick it. You need to choose such pieces of bread that you can eat without a trace, and if necessary, take more.

How to eat at the table

The selected piece should not be pulled immediately into the mouth. It must be put on a plate for bread - pie, it is located on the left side of the main plate. It may happen that in an institution or at home there will not be a pie plate on the table. Then you can put the bread on a serving plate or salad bowl, and break off small pieces on your plate. It is strictly forbidden to put bread on the table, but in a bistro it is permissible to put bakery products on a napkin, next to the main course.

If a piece does fall on the table, pick it up on the tip of your knife and place it on the edge of the plate. This also applies to some types of bakery products: tortillas, pita bread and pita bread.

To spread butter, you need to take a little butter from the butter dish with your knife and put it on the edge of your plate. Only after that you can smear it, holding the bread on a plate with two fingers, but not in weight or in the palm of your hand. It is no longer possible to climb into the butter dish with this knife for hygiene reasons.

Don't spread butter on a large piece of bread - take a piece that can be eaten in one bite. It is better then to cook the next piece in the same way, if the first one was not enough.


To prepare a sandwich while eating yourself, you need to put a slice of bread on a plate. Sausage, meat, fish, cheeses and vegetables for a sandwich should be put with a fork from a common plate into your own, and already there collect everything in a single dish. Ready-made sandwiches, sandwiches and toast should be eaten with a knife and fork, dividing them into small pieces. The same rule applies to burgers: no matter how many "floors" they have, do not try to open your mouth wide. It is necessary to divide the “floors” into parts that are comfortable for use.


Etiquette educators state that, as with all rules, there are exceptions to bread-eating etiquette. It is allowed to bite pastries, if it is accepted in national characteristics. For example, if dishes of Ukrainian or Russian cuisine are served, you can safely bite the bread without breaking it into small pieces.

Everyone knows that knowing the rules of conduct at the table and following them is extremely important, since ethical behavior at the table helps us feel confident and comfortable.

The inability to use a knife and fork should not deprive us of the pleasure of spending time in a fine restaurant. Here are some basic rules of conduct in restaurants and fine society in general.

In a restaurant: menu selection, ordering, tips

Near the mirror in front of the entrance to the restaurant hall, you can straighten your hair, but you can’t comb your hair or make up - this is done in the ladies’ room. A man enters the room first.

In the wardrobe, leave a coat, an umbrella, bags, a case with documents (if you are not having a business meeting), but not a handbag.

It is acceptable to arrange a meeting on the street if you do not like to go to a restaurant alone. But according to the rules, the one who invites comes earlier and waits at the table.

The man orders the dishes, he also chooses the wine. True, he can consult with you, ask about your wishes. A man communicates with the attendants - head waiter, waiter and sommelier.

If you invited a business partner to dinner, it is better to make and pay for the order in advance. They don't talk about business until the dishes and drinks are chosen.

The one who invited pays the bill, even if it's a business dinner and the invitee is a man.

If he is having lunch big company, everyone pays for himself, while the husband always pays for his wife.

Taboo. Knocking with a spoon, calling the waiter, is unacceptable. You can not demand a bill when a partner or partner finishes their coffee - even if you are in a hurry. It is not polite.

NB! In the restaurant hall, do not move a chair yourself - wait until your companion or head waiter does it. Stand still without bending your legs or looking back.

If you are in a restaurant with a company and invited a friend to join, introduce him to everyone present.

In a restaurant, it is customary to leave a tip in the amount of 10% of the order value in excess of the amount indicated on the bill. In Ukraine (in all high-class restaurants) and in Germany, the cost of service is included in the bill, and you can limit yourself to the amount indicated in it.

There is an unspoken rule: tips are left in banknotes. The account can be checked for "errors". And if you are unhappy with the service, you can leave no tip.

Code of conduct

You need to sit at the table at a comfortable distance - not too close, but not too far - the distance should not exceed the width of the palm.

In no case should you put your elbows on the table; you can only put your wrists on the table for a short time. However, women are allowed to lean slightly on the table if absolutely necessary.

When you use cutlery, your hands should not touch the table at all. When eating, if you have one hand free, do not keep it under the table - this is bad form.

Sitting on a chair should always be straight, you can only lean slightly over the plate while eating. You need to sit at the table straight, but at the same time loose, so as not to give the impression that you are uncomfortable or uncomfortable.

A personal linen napkin should be placed on your knees. She should not wipe her lips and hands while eating. To do this, there should be paper napkins on the table.
After you have finished eating, you can lightly touch your lips with a linen napkin and wipe your fingertips.

If women have painted lips, they should only use paper napkins.

Naturally, in no case should you use any napkins at the table as a handkerchief. At the end of the meal, just put the napkin on the table.

Even if you are very hungry, you need to eat slowly, silently. Chew with your mouth closed and never slurp or blow on food to cool it down.

Don't talk over food.

Do not insist on choosing dishes for table neighbors.

Even if the dish was very tasty, you can not wipe the bottom of the plate with a piece of bread.

Everyone at the big table common meals must have their own utensils, such as special forks, spoons or tweezers. With these devices, and not personal ones, you need to take and put food from common dishes on your plate. In no case do not take individual dishes from a common dish.

If the desired dish or, say, a salt shaker are at a great distance from you, do not reach for them across the entire table. Ask a neighbor or waiter to serve them to you.

If you need to temporarily interrupt the meal, in this case, put the knife and fork on the plate as they were held: the knife with the handle to the right, the fork with the handle to the left.

If you have completely completed the meal, arrange the cutlery as follows: the knife and fork lie side by side, parallel to each other, and the handles of both items look to the right. This means that you have completed dinner (lunch, breakfast, lunch), and the plate can be taken away.

If you are full, it is not necessary to finish the meal to the end. This rule also applies to alcoholic beverages.

Table etiquette

Bread is eaten in pieces, which are broken off from a large piece taken. It is not customary to bite off directly from this piece.

By the way, bread is taken by hand. In the same way, they take cake, cookies and fruits. Sugar in cubes is also taken by hand or with special tongs if they lie nearby.

In case you want to butter the bread, gradually break off small pieces, press them against the plate with your fingers and butter them. By the way, they take butter, pate with common cutlery from common dishes and put it on their plate, and only after that they spread it on bread. Caviar can be immediately spread on bread.

Buttered bread cannot be cut with a knife.

If there is a small bread plate near you, then the bread must be transferred from the common plate to it. That is what it is intended for. Butter is also placed with a clean knife on the edge of the same plate. The same is done with caviar, but instead of a knife, a small spatula is used for caviar.

Sandwiches served before the feast are eaten with hands, and at the table - with a fork and knife.

Sometimes a buffet sandwich is multi-level and falls apart in the hands, does not fit in the mouth. Such a sandwich should be put on a plate and use a knife and fork (if there are no cutlery, use paper napkins).


Pork and lamb chops, fillets, steaks, liver and other similar dishes are eaten using a table knife with a fork: gradually cut off small pieces without cutting everything at once. In this case, the knife is in the right hand, and the fork is in the left. When cutting a dish, the fork must not be held perpendicular, but only at an angle to the plate.

Meatballs, cabbage rolls, omelettes, meatballs, and others soft meals, which do not involve the use of a knife, eat with a fork, which is held with the right hand, helping oneself with a knife. But it is not customary to cut dishes with a knife.

Remove the shish kebab from the skewer with a fork or the blunt side of a knife.

The sauce is poured over the meat, not the side dish.

Pierce the Kiev cutlet at the bone so that the oil flows out, and cut into pieces. Attention: do not take it by the bone and papillot!

The bird is eaten with a knife and fork. In this case, it is not necessary to cut off all the bones completely. At home, you can afford to take chicken leg in hand.

Meat with vegetables. There are conflicting recommendations on how to eat such a dish. According to the first, the meat should be cut into small pieces and put the knife aside. According to the second - not for a minute should you let go of the knife from the right hand, from the left - the fork. The first rule is guided by the Americans. In the European sense, this method is far from elegant. Following the second recommendation, it will be correct to cut off a piece of meat, holding it with a fork. Mashed potatoes are placed on a cut piece of meat, pierced on a fork.

If meat is served with peas or other vegetables that are difficult to hold on a fork, then you can do this: holding the meat with a fork, cut off a piece, then turn the fork with this piece and put vegetables in it; vegetables can be put on cut off pieces of meat, as much as can be held.

When the meat is over, holding the fork already in your right hand, eat the peas (at the same time, do not put the peas with a fork, but pick them up like on a shoulder blade).

If the potatoes are served whole, they should not be crushed on a plate.

Salad served with meat on a separate plate should be eaten from the same plate, picking up a little in order with what lies on the main plate.

A fish

Fish is eaten with a fish utensil or with a fork and knife. In the case when there are no special devices, fish can be eaten with two table forks.

If a spatula and a fork were served to the fish, then the spatula is held in the right hand and the pieces are held, and the fork is held in the left and the bones are separated.

If two forks are served with the fish, one is used for eating and the other for separating the bones.

If one fork was served to the fish, then they take it in the right hand, and in the left - a piece of bread.

If the fish is served whole (boiled or smoked), then first the upper part of the fillet is separated from the skeleton and eaten, then the spine and bones are separated. Set aside and proceed to the second part. After this dish is eaten, a fish skeleton should remain on the plate.

If a fish bone remains in the mouth, it must be quietly put with the tip of the tongue on the fork and set aside on the edge of the plate.

Fish cold dishes are eaten with snack utensils.

Boiled and hot smoked stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, beluga are eaten only with a fork.

A slice of lemon served with cold fish is applied to the lips after the fish has been eaten.

Oysters in restaurants are served already open. First, squeeze the lemon into the shell, then take the oyster in your left hand and separate the pulp with a fork. Eat it with a special device.

Crayfish are eaten with the hands. At the same time, there should be bowls of water at a moderate temperature on the table in order to wash hands after eating. Sliced ​​lemons are usually present in such water, less commonly used rose petals. Also, along with such vases, there must be clean napkins, cotton or paper, which should be removed immediately after the end of the meal.

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In a similar way, they also eat asparagus and tobacco chickens.

For lobsters / lobsters, a special set is used: tweezers, a special short fork and a spatula. The lobster shell is cut with tweezers, starting from the back. Claws are cut in the same way. Soft meat is removed with a special long fork with two prongs.

Shrimps are also eaten with the hands.


If you decide to try a snack, put it on a plate and eat it with a fork and knife.

Cheese, poultry, ham, sausage and other dishes from natural meat do not cut into small pieces immediately. It is necessary to cut such dishes using a knife and fork, gradually.

An appetizer, for example, if it is ham, should not be placed on a piece of bread.

If the sausage is served unpeeled, then each piece is cleaned on a plate with a knife and fork. Dry sausage is eaten with the skin on.

A soft-boiled egg is placed in a special glass, then the edge of the spoon is hit on the top. If the top does not bounce, you can remove it with your fingers. Eat an egg with a spoon.

Scrambled eggs can be eaten with a spoon or fork, depending on the consistency.

Sausages and sausages in a thin skin can be eaten without removing it.

All types of cheese are served after meat dishes. Take cheese in portions.

Spaghetti or straw pasta is very difficult to eat in a way that looks pretty. There are three ways:

The first method involves the use of a fork and a spoon. The spoon should be held in the left hand. Lower the edge of the spoon into the plate, wind the pasta on the fork in the recess of the spoon. Wrap a little pasta on a fork, cut off this portion with a spoon.

The second way: hold the fork like a knife prepared for cutting. Dip the fork into the thick pasta and lift them up, separating a small portion. Then again lower the fork with pasta into the plate, wrap them around the fork and quickly put them in your mouth.

The third way: chop pasta on a fork, wrap a portion of pasta on it (while holding the fork vertically). The basic rule is to pick up no more than 2-3 threads of pasta on the fork.

Salad is eaten with a fork. The knife is used to cut big chunks or lettuce leaves.

Green salad, as far as possible, do not cut with a knife. If it is served so that the leaves are too large, then you need to cut them with a fork or carefully wrap the leaves around it, and eat, trying not to leave traces of sauce on the chin.

Pate can be taken with a knife, but as a rule, pate is eaten by separating small pieces with a fork. You can spread pate on bread only in the family circle.

Mustard and salt are taken in small spoons. Mustard is placed on the bottom of the plate on the right side.

Soups, broths

It is not customary to eat up soups without a trace; according to the rules, a small amount of soup remains on the plate. However, in the home circle, you can finish the soup by tilting the plate away from you.

Soups are eaten with a spoon, picking up from oneself and bringing a wide edge to the mouth.

A spoon is used if it is necessary to catch croutons floating in the soup, an egg, pieces of meat.

Also, a spoon is used if the soup is served in a cup with two handles.

If the soup is very hot, do not blow on it to cool it down, do not stir it with a spoon. It is better to wait a while until it cools down.

Soup in a spoon should be enough so that it does not overflow from it.

The soup spoon is not put on the table, but after eating it is left in the bowl.

The broth should be eaten with a dessert spoon, bringing it to the mouth with a sharp end, slightly obliquely.

Broths, soups, which are served in cups, should be drunk as they drink coffee or tea, without using a spoon.

When you eat the first dish, do not sip, eat silently.

If there are dumplings, noodles or potatoes in the soup, they are crushed with the edge of a spoon.

The chicken in the broth is both the first and the second, so first they eat the broth with a spoon from the plate, and then the chicken pieces - already with the help of a fork and knife.


Fruits served on the table are not tested for strength and are not selected.

Bananas are served unpeeled and eaten with the hands.

Oranges are peeled and divided into slices. They eat them with their hands. The bones are placed on a plate.
It is recommended to peel as follows: cut the peel crosswise, remove it and divide the orange into slices. Neither oranges nor tangerines should be peeled in a spiral.

Grapefruit is served cut across, the middle is separated from the peel, but remains inside. It should be eaten with a spoon, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.

It is customary to cut watermelons and melons into medium-sized slices, serve with a peel and eat with a fork and knife. Taking a piece from a common plate, it must be put on your plate with the skin down, after which a thin slice should be cut off with a fruit knife. and, freeing it from seeds, send it to your mouth on a fork.

Melon can be eaten with a spoon.

Mango should be cut in half on your own plate. It is eaten with a spoon, after removing the bone.

Pineapple must be peeled, cut across into thin slices and put on a plate. Pineapple is eaten with a fork and knife.