Home / Khachapuri / Wafer cake with boiled condensed milk. Waffle cake with condensed milk without baking

Wafer cake with boiled condensed milk. Waffle cake with condensed milk without baking

When there is absolutely no time to bake a cake, and you can’t do without it, then waffle cakes come to the rescue, which are enough to soak with boiled condensed milk and thereby provide yourself with a tasty and quick dessert.

Wafer cake with boiled condensed milk - recipe


  • - 1 package;
  • - 380 g;
  • butter - 110 g;
  • nuts - 50 g;

For glaze:

  • milk - 45 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 55 g;
  • cocoa powder - 55 g;
  • butter - 55 g.


First of all, we will prepare the cream for the waffle cake with condensed milk. It is better if the condensed milk for this purpose is boiled. You can take it ready-made or cook it yourself. It is very easy to do this. We place a can of condensed milk in a saucepan, laying it on a barrel, pour cold water so that it completely covers the container, and cook on low heat for two to three hours.

Put the soft butter in a convenient bowl and break a little with a mixer. Then add two tablespoons of boiled condensed milk, and beat each time until a homogeneous mass is obtained, until the entire portion is added.

We lay alternately wafer cakes on a dish and coat with the resulting cream. Now let's prepare the frosting. Mix milk and granulated sugar, put on fire and heat until sweet crystals dissolve. Then add cocoa powder and mix until smooth. Remove the pan from the heat, add the butter and stir until it is completely dissolved. Let the icing cool slightly, fill the surface of the cake, crush with chopped walnuts and place in the refrigerator for a while so that the icing freezes.

Wafer cake with boiled condensed milk and cottage cheese


  • wafer cakes - 1 pack;
  • condensed milk - 550 g;
  • granular cottage cheese - 160 g;
  • sour cream 25% - 160 g;
  • roasted almonds - 130 g;
  • fresh fruits or berries for decoration.


To soak the cakes, we need one and a half cans of boiled condensed milk. To do this, put two cans in a saucepan, fill to the top with water and cook over low heat for four to five hours. During this time, the condensed milk will become rich brown and thick enough.

Then mix 350 grams of boiled condensed milk with cottage cheese and sour cream and beat with a blender until smooth. We also grind roasted almonds in a blender.

We coat the first cake with the prepared cream on one side and put it on a dish. We coat the second cake on one side with clean boiled condensed milk, put it on the first cake and coat it with cream on top. We do the same with the third cake. The fourth and subsequent cakes are impregnated on both sides only with cream. In addition to the cream, each cake is flavored with nut crumbs. We crush the top of the cake with it and also decorate with pieces of fresh fruit or berries.

Such a cake can be eaten immediately if you like crispy treats, or soak in the refrigerator for several hours, then it will become softer.

To be honest, I have never tried waffles made from Teflon devices, since the good old cast-iron assistant has not been out of order for a good 30 years. So, I recommend everyone to carefully look for the famous appliance in grandmother's closets and start cooking!

Cooking time- 1 hour.


  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • butter - 150 g
  • wheat flour (highest grade) - 1.5 cups
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup
  • baking soda - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • sour cream 15% - 100 g
  • condensed milk (boiled) - 1 can.

Cooking method:

  1. Of the special measures for preparing products for making waffles, you only need to melt the butter beforehand and sift the flour into a bowl. I do this with soda, there is no need to quench with vinegar.

  2. In a separate bowl, beat the chicken eggs with granulated sugar with a mixer, add the melted butter. Mix with a mixer until dissolved.

  3. Add sour cream, mix.

  4. In parts, we introduce the sifted flour into the liquid mixture and completely dissolve it. You can use a mixer or use an ordinary fork. All lumps should disappear in the mass. As a result, we get the consistency of the dough, like thick sour cream.

  5. We preheat the electric waffle iron and grease it with a thin layer of vegetable oil. This should be done just before baking the first cake. Pour a tablespoon of dough into the center. Press on the top cover.

  6. In a preheated waffle iron, the cake is baked for about a minute. It is convenient to remove it with a metal spatula.

  7. Lubricate waffle cakes with boiled condensed milk (as an option, you can replace it with homemade caramel). We put it in a cake.

  8. The top cake should not be lubricated with condensed milk. Place a cutting board on top and press down with something not too heavy, a quart jar of water will suffice. Let the cake soak in the refrigerator for two hours.

  9. From the indicated amount of ingredients, I got two cakes of the same size, as in the photo. The finished waffle cake can be left as is, or topped with chocolate topping. Be sure to brew delicious herbal tea for homemade dessert and enjoy!

    Tip: I do not recommend collecting one large cake, because. it will be difficult to eat. Homemade waffles are not soaked with condensed milk to such an extent that you can eat them with a fork or a dessert spoon. So it is more convenient to hold the treats in your hands and bite off when they are not too high. Dividing the entire number of cakes into two small cakes is ideal. However, the second can be cut into waffle cakes.

Condensed milk waffle cake is perhaps the fastest and easiest no-bake cake you can think of. It requires only a few inexpensive and quite affordable ingredients, but despite such simplicity, the cake turns out to be gorgeous. By the way, this waffle cake recipe is so simple that even someone who doesn’t know how to cook at all can easily cope with it.


(1 waffle cake)

  • 1 pack of waffle plates
  • 1 jar of boiled condensed milk
  • 50 gr. butter
  • 100 gr. peanut
  • chocolate glaze:
  • 100 gr. dark chocolate
  • 50 ml. milk
  • 50 gr. butter
  • What is good about this waffle cake is that all the required ingredients can be stored in the pantry and can be used at any time without the need to urgently run to the market or to the store. Very convenient, isn't it?
  • So, for the cake, we need a pack of waffle plates (at least 7), they can be round, square or rectangular in shape. You will also need boiled condensed milk.
  • To decorate the cake and to give a special taste, we need nuts, in principle, you can use any nuts, but roasted peanuts are better.
  • If there was no boiled condensed milk in the store, then we take ordinary condensed milk and cook it for 1 hour. Cooking longer is not desirable, otherwise the boiled water will turn out to be very thick and it will be difficult to spread it on waffle cakes. Let the condensed milk cool to room temperature.
  • Butter, heated to room temperature, mixed with boiled condensed milk. Mix until smooth by hand or with a mixer.
  • Put the first waffle cake on a cake maker or a large plate. Spread with condensed milk, sprinkle with chopped nuts, which can be ground with a blender or crushed in a mortar.
  • We cover with the second waffle cake, tightly press it to the bottom cake. We smear the second cake with cream, sprinkle with small nuts.
  • We do this with all the cakes except for the last one.
  • We cover the last cake with a clean cutting board, put a small load on top. We give the cake to stand under the yoke for half an hour, and in the meantime we will prepare chocolate icing.
  • In principle, a condensed milk waffle cake can not be covered with chocolate icing, it is already quite tasty, though it looks much more elegant with chocolate.
  • To prepare the chocolate icing, bring the milk to a boil, turn off the heat. In hot milk, put butter and chocolate broken into slices.
  • Without stopping, stir with a wooden spatula until all the chocolate has grown. As a result, we should get a homogeneous chocolate cream. We give a little time for the chocolate icing to cool a little and become thicker.
  • We remove oppression from our cake. We cover the top cake, as well as all the side edges with chocolate icing. Sprinkle with chopped peanuts.
  • That's all, our very beautiful and fragrant waffle cake with condensed milk and peanuts is ready. We put the cake in the refrigerator overnight so that it is thoroughly soaked and the icing freezes.
  • In principle, such a cake can be prepared with just two ingredients - waffle plates and boiled condensed milk. Of course, it will turn out simpler, but it is also very tasty and much tastier than store-bought waffle cakes. By the way, here is another amazing recipe using boiled potatoes -

Is it possible to surprise someone with a recipe for waffle cake with condensed milk? I think no. They certainly don't surprise me. But, despite all its primitiveness and simplicity, waffle cake with condensed milk is my favorite of all cakes. Even to myself I can not explain what caused such a strong feeling. I cook it several times a year. As soon as I feel an irresistible desire to taste it again, I immediately go to the store for a few ingredients.

Usually, to make such a waffle cake with condensed milk, I buy two standard packs of waffle cakes. This is to ensure that the cake turns out tall, and therefore beautiful. Well, as a standard, a pack of good butter and a can of condensed milk are bought for it. Sometimes it is boiled condensed milk, and sometimes it is regular. And with the usual, I tell you, this waffle cake seems more tender to me. But with boiled condensed milk, it is also indescribably good.

A very significant plus to this waffle cake with condensed milk is the time of its preparation. This is, without exaggeration, minutes. 10 or 15 minutes - and the waffle cake is ready. It remains to wait for the moment when the cake stands in the refrigerator and that's it, the dessert is ready to eat. Yes, and a cake of this size is quite enough for a large family, which is also important. And such a waffle cake with condensed milk decorated with chocolate icing may well become a birthday or festive one.

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Number of servings - 8-10


  • 2 packs of waffle cakes
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk

For glaze:

  • 50 g butter
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • 5 tbsp Sahara

Wafer cake with condensed milk. Step by step recipe with photo

By the time you start cooking the waffle cake with condensed milk, the butter should be slightly melted. Then it is easier to work with him.

Beat the butter with a mixer for 3 minutes. During this time, the butter will become airy and creamy.

Open a jar of boiled condensed milk. I have good Belarusian condensed milk, thick. Exactly the way a real boiled condensed milk should be.

Add boiled condensed milk to the bowl with whipped butter.

And continue the whipping process for another 2-3 minutes. Until the cream acquires a uniform airy consistency.

We open both packs with wafer cakes. Be careful, the cakes are quite fragile and, if handled carelessly or in a hurry, can break at the edges.

We cover each waffle cake with a very thin layer of cream. It is convenient to do this with a knife or a silicone spatula. We stack the cakes on top of each other. We first put the last cake on top of the others, and then apply cream on it. This is so that we have the opportunity to compact the cake by pressing on the still dry cake from above.

If desired, prepare chocolate icing for the cake. There are many frosting recipes. Here is one of them: in a ladle on the stove, melt 50 g of butter, add 5 tablespoons to it. sugar and 2 tbsp. cocoa. On low heat, stirring, bring the icing until the sugar is completely dissolved in it, after which we apply it on the surface of the cake.

In my Ukrainian childhood, I remember that there was no better cake than a waffle cake with condensed milk. Mom often made it for the occasion, as this is the easiest cake ever and a working woman will always find time to please her kids with a minimum of ingredients.

I want to say about condensed milk ... It can be different and it is better to buy high-quality. You can make a cake with ordinary, not boiled condensed milk, but boiled is still preferable. It will be thicker and then the cream will turn out to be the right consistency.

To make a cake from wafer cakes with condensed milk, take all the products on the list.

Butter and condensed milk should be at room temperature. You can mix them with a regular spoon or use a mixer. I stirred with a spoon. If you make the cream less sweet, then you can use the entire pack of butter.

This is such a rich cream.

Grease each waffle cake with cream.

Lay the cakes tightly on top of each other and lightly pressing.

Do not lubricate the top layer yet, but put a board with a little weight on it. Leave the board on top for half an hour or an hour.

Then grease the surface with the remaining cream or pour over with chocolate icing and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Let the cake soak for at least an hour.

Waffle cake with condensed milk is ready. Can be served with tea or coffee, cut into portions.