Home / Recipes / Filo dough cups with custard. Making phyllo dough baskets

Filo dough cups with custard. Making phyllo dough baskets

Filo dough cups

Recently, phyllo dough baskets have become a must-have attribute of any festive buffet for which I prepare snacks. They look very elegant, are suitable for a variety of fillings and have a pleasant light and crispy texture.

Today I'll show you how to make universal filo dough baskets that you can fill with any filling you like - savory (salads, pates, mousses, etc.) or sweet (curd cheese, creams, berries).

Now I will share a few tips that will simplify the work and perhaps answer some of your questions.

About dough

Phyllo dough is a bit finicky and in such hot weather as it is now, it dries instantly. Therefore, work with one layer of dough, and cover the rest with a damp towel or wrap and put in the refrigerator, taking out new sheets as needed.

About molds

You can use any available molds for tartlets, muffins, pancakes, muffins. You can simply spread the dough on a baking sheet in several layers and bake flat bases.

About using eggs

When I first baked these baskets, I noticed that many recipes do not use an egg to hold the layers together. Such baskets break easily and fall apart into separate layers after baking (I checked :), so I strongly advise lubricating each layer of dough with a beaten egg to firmly fix and hold the filling. If you bake a small number of baskets (like mine, 12 pcs.) - one or two quail eggs is enough :).

About the number of layers

I always cook baskets of 3-4 layers of dough, it seems to me that this is optimal for small products.

About baking

I advise you to bake baskets at a temperature of 170-180 C (classic heating) for 9-12 minutes or until golden brown and crispy. Keep an eye on them, they cook very quickly!

About storage

Such baskets can be safely prepared on the eve of the holiday and stored overnight at room temperature in a container. I have never had them damp and retained their presentation. But I still advise you to start immediately before serving.

So let's get ready!


  • phyllo dough
  • butter
  • egg (quail, chicken)

Phyllo dough is widely used in Turkish, German, Austrian, Hungarian and American cooking. It makes such gorgeous flour products like pies, pies, strudel and, of course, filo dough baskets that will exceed all your expectations and delight with their incredibly pleasant taste


Phyllo dough (exhaust) 3 sheets 20 by 40 centimeters

Olive oil 2 - 3 tablespoons


Polyethylene food film


Cutting board - 2 pieces

small bowl

Baking brush

Muffin mold


Knife round

Kitchen towel


Mmetal grating


Preparing phyllo dough cups:

Step 1: Defrost the dough

Hungarian phyllo dough is the usual unleavened dough, which the craftsmen of the cook roll out almost to transparency, or as thick as a sheet of paper. Of course, you can cook it at home, but for this you need to be an expert in cooking, so the easiest option is to buy this semi-finished flour product in the supermarket, but even with such a dough you need to be able to handle it correctly! The package always comes with 10 sheets of phyllo dough, and you should first defrost it. But since all the sheets for making baskets are not needed, we take out 3 sheets, carefully wrap them in plastic cling film and put in the refrigerator for 12 - 24 hours until completely defrosted. Then we transfer the almost melted dough to a cutting board and keep it at room temperature for at least 1 hour, otherwise it may break or tear during cutting. 25 - 30 minutes before the dough is used, turn on and preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius.

Step 2: prepare the dough for cutting

Now pour a little olive oil into a small bowl, it does not have such a pungent smell as vegetable oil and ideal for baking baskets. Take 1 sheet of phyllo dough and lay it out lengthwise on a large cutting board. Dip a pastry brush in olive oil and grease the pastry sheet.

Then, on top of the greased surface, lay another 1 sheet of phyllo dough and, just like the first, treat it with olive oil. This ingredient during baking will give the finished flour products an incredibly beautiful blush. In the same way, prepare 3 sheets of filo dough.

Step 3: Shape the Phyllo Dough Baskets

After greasing each cell of the muffin mold with olive oil using the same baking brush. Then we take a sharp round kitchen knife and cut three sheets of dough folded together into 8 squares of equal size. If desired, we form a flower out of them, slightly shifting the dough squares in different directions, and put them in a form prepared for baking.

Step 4: Bake the Phyllo Dough Baskets

After all the baskets are formed, we check whether the oven has warmed up to the desired temperature, place the form with the dough on the middle rack in it and bake the flour products for 10-12 minutes or until golden blush. After the required time has elapsed, we delete the form with baskets from oven, holding it with a kitchen towel, and put it on a cutting board. Let the baskets cool down a bit. Then carefully remove them from the cells of the form with a fork, transfer the flour products to a metal grill, cool to room temperature, stuff with a sweet or spicy filling and serve.

Step 5: Serve the Phyllo Dough Baskets

After baking, filo dough baskets are cooled to room temperature, stuffed with your favorite filling, placed on a large flat dish, a tray and served as a dessert or as an appetizer.

You can start this yummy with everything that your soul desires, for example, fruits, fresh berries, stewed vegetables, salad fresh vegetables, spicy meat salads, jelly, hot chocolate, whipped cream and more. Phyllo dough is very practical and will help you in a difficult moment, for example, when you urgently need a snack for holiday table or any dessert for tea. Cook and enjoy!

Bon Appetit!

Wet toppings should be placed in baskets 1-2 minutes before serving.

Filo dough baskets can be baked in advance, for example 1 month before use. But the main thing to remember is that these flour products are afraid of moisture, so they must be stored in a hermetically sealed plastic container at room temperature.

In order to prevent the dough from drying out while working with it, it is advisable to cover the sheets that are waiting for their turn with a damp, but not wet kitchen towel or linen napkin.

Melted butter can be used instead of olive oil for greasing.

If you are preparing baskets for a sweet table. You can sprinkle layers of dough with sugar, cinnamon or vanilla sugar. If you are preparing them for a spicy filling, then the dough layers can be sprinkled herbs, such as Italian or allspice ground pepper.

Instead of a muffin tin, you can use muffin tins or disposable aluminum foil tins designed for baking.

If you thawed all the phyllo dough, but you only need a few sheets to prepare a dish, immediately after you set aside the amount of dough you need, pack the rest and send it to the refrigerator, otherwise the dough will dry out and break.

The temperature outside the window is getting lower, and in the oven it is getting higher. Farewell, diet, the holidays are far away, and spring may not come at all - it’s summer right away. But who said that baking is necessarily a bunch of calories? You can bake not only tasty and healthy, but also smart.

So, the highlight of the program is filo dough, thin as tissue paper. This is a Greek miracle, thanks to which Greek women could pose for the statue of Venus, Aphrodite and Hera all year round.
There is no such recipe in which it would be impossible to replace puff pastry filo dough. Phyllo strudel and salmon wrapped in this dough acquire an aristocratic and unique taste.

Do not try to make phyllo yourself - it will not work. You need to be able to work with filo dough, but once you learn it, it will take you no more than 10 minutes.
So, we take the dough out of the package, lay it out on a board and cover with a damp towel for 5 minutes.
Take the first layer of dough, spray on it olive oil. Cover with a second layer, spray oil again and so on - a maximum of 4 layers.
When the dough is prepared, the shape of the product and the filling are up to your taste.
About tasty and healthy fillings - next time, and now let's prepare my favorite and quick recipe.
We take the missed three or four layers of filo dough and cut into squares with a side of 10-12 cm.
We turn over the usual form for muffins, grease the bulges with oil and press our squares to them. Everything!
Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
We get six beautiful baskets.
And then, as I wrote, - to your taste. In the photo in baskets - sweet potato puree, yogurt and a little cinnamon. Enjoy!
Yes, there are 411 calories in 100 grams of filo dough. Not a lot. But about 5 grams of dough goes to one basket, and no one forces you to eat 20 pieces in one sitting. Is that the beauty and aroma ...

©Uriel Stern Culinary School. Filo dough baskets - recipe (text)
From the cycle "300 Calories"

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One second, but we know that hours of work are well spent!

I got this recipe from a magazine. 7 days, where at the very end there is a page Julia Vysotskaya(actress, host of the television program " Eating at home ”, wife of A. Konchalovsky). Julia's recipes are quite peculiar and for me they are from the category " when Jerusalem artichoke was lying around at home ... » They abound not only with the names of exotic products, which (judging by the presentation of the author of the program « Eating at home ”) should be in almost everyone’s kitchen, but also the names of all kinds of ingenious kitchen appliances. Well, if everything is in order with the appliances in my kitchen, then the set of products is always pretty standard. And what am I reading in this recipe, which I nevertheless brought to life?

Take the dough FILO. In principle, this could have been stopped, but somehow it became a shame, because I really liked everything else written in the article for its commonness and simplicity. But FILO?... Googled it. I found an interesting recipe for cooking this very thin dough and realized that only a noble culinary specialist could master this at home. Conclusion - you need to look for ready-made! Googled it. There are a couple of bakeries in Krasnodar where they sell such dough, but they always have it in the store.METRO ". I called my husband: “If you want delicious home baking, then on the way home buy FILO. Needless to say, the purchase was carefully consulted over the phone, because the husband had never met such a curiosity.

And here is my recipe, which is slightly different from the original described in the magazine. For 6 baskets and 6 envelopes you need:

Phyllo dough (Fillo manufacturer Bontier TM ) - ½ pack

Egg - 6 pcs.

· Mushrooms (medium) - 7-9 pieces

· Onion - ½ pc.

· Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons

· Chicken breast - 1-2 fillets (here for an amateur)

· Green onions - 5 feathers

· Hard cheese - 50 gr.

· Butter and olive oil

· Salt, ground pepper.

Step #1. The first step is to defrost the dough. Here it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions on the package, because the dough is extremely fragile. It should not be taken out of the package for an hour to retain moisture. Then I cut the package in half and put the rest back in the fridge. In advance, you need to prepare a damp towel or gauze, with which we cover the unfolded dough, in order to prevent it from drying out.

Step #2. boil chicken breast in salted water. Cool and finely chop, adding chopped green onions to the cooled breast.

Step #3. cut onion, a clove of garlic and mushrooms cubes and fry in olive oil with butter. I always put sour cream in addition to mushrooms, then they become more tender. You can skip this step.

Step #4. We form baskets. Lay a sheet of phyllo dough on a dry surface (I think the photo shows how translucent the sheets are).

With a soft brush, grease the sheet with melted butter. Place another sheet of filo on top and brush again with oil. After cutting the strips into squares, put them in baskets with the greased side. The edges of the dough should hang slightly.

Crispy baskets with air apple filling amazing dessert. The presence of butter leaves a pleasant flavor.

Ingredients for filo pastry with apple filling and cream:

  • 9 sheets filo pastry (can be substituted with yeast-free puff pastry)
  • 150 g butter
  • 3 tablespoons honey

For cheese-chocolate filler:

  • 180 g white chocolate
  • 450 g cream cheese (in this case Almette cheese was used)
  • 125 ml 38% cream (for melting chocolate)
  • 250 ml 38% cream (whipped, go directly into the filling)
  • 50 g butter
  • 3 teaspoons vanilla sugar
  • 10 g gelatin
  • 4 tablespoons boiled water (for soaking gelatin)

For caramel apples in honey:

  • 3 sweet and sour apples (Granny Smith type)
  • 100 g brown sugar
  • 30 g butter
  • 3 tablespoons honey

How to make filo pastry baskets with apple filling and cream:

Cream preparation:

Gelatin pour 4 tablespoons of boiled water and leave for 20 minutes to swell. Whisk cream cheese to a lush mass.

In a suitable bowl, combine chopped chocolate, 125 ml of cream and butter. Place the container on water bath and, stirring, wait until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Dissolve gelatin in a water bath or microwave and combine with melted chocolate, cool to room temperature.

Connect cottage cheese, cooled chocolate, add vanilla sugar and beat up homogeneous mass. Stir in 250 ml of strong whipped cream to the resulting cream. Transfer the filler to a clean bowl and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

Preparing the apple filling:

  1. Peel apples and seeds, and then chop into cubes (5 mm x 5 mm).
  2. Melt honey and brown sugar in a wide frying pan until light brown caramel color (medium heat).
  3. Pour the apples into the caramel and, stirring occasionally, wait until the juice is released.
  4. Add butter. Increase the heat to maximum, evaporate the juice and bring the apples to readiness. Cool to room temperature.

Cooking baskets:

  1. Divide the dough sheets into squares about 12x12 cm.
  2. Grease muffin tins with butter and put 2 squares in each, shifting their edges (to make beautiful rolls).
  3. Bake baskets at 190-200 ° C until browned. Cool the baskets.
  4. Put one and a half teaspoons of apples at the bottom of each basket, cream on top. Decorate the baskets with cubes of honey apples.
  5. Store finished cakes in the refrigerator.

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