Home / Pancakes, pancakes / Homemade yogurt in a slow cooker with sourdough. How to make yogurt in a multicooker without jars

Homemade yogurt in a slow cooker with sourdough. How to make yogurt in a multicooker without jars

Cooking yogurt in a slow cooker is an incredibly simple process. If you ever try to do this, you will see for yourself how easy and accessible everything is. And the taste of homemade yogurt from a multicooker should not even be compared with store counterparts. He will surprise you with his soft and delicate texture... In addition, the product turns out to be quite nutritious and satisfying - one glass of such yogurt may well replace the usual portion of dinner, and the feeling of hunger after it will not bother you.

For some reason, many housewives believe that homemade "sour milk" can only be made in multicooker with the function of yoghurt, and are terribly upset that such a program is not provided for in their own "miracle pans". But there is absolutely no reason for grief, believe me!

The "Lovely Half" reveals a "terrible secret" to you: you can cook yoghurt in any multicooker. The main thing is that it has the "Heating" function. And it is in all models, without exception, since each multicooker at the end of cooking is simply obliged to keep the food warm until it is turned off from the network.

What products are needed to make yogurt in a slow cooker?

All you need is milk and leaven. The latter can be purchased in supermarkets or pharmacies in your city. Also, sales of starter cultures for yoghurt via the Internet in specialized online stores are now actively developing. Such a starter culture is a dry powder in a package, which just needs to be diluted with milk. You can also use ready-made yogurt bought in a store as a starter culture. It is only important that it is a natural living product, and not “something” from the category of cheap surrogates.

Tips for choosing products:

  • Milk. It can be either pasteurized (from a package) or homemade. Yogurt made from milk with a high fat content has a denser texture and richer taste, but is not suitable for a dietary menu. It is recommended to boil fresh milk before making homemade yogurt in a multicooker and cool to room temperature.
  • Leaven. Now in the offers from manufacturers you can see the most different types- for example, with lacto- and bifidobacteria or symbiotic. For yogurt, which will be cooked in a slow cooker, any of them will do. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the packaging - the proportions and sequence of actions are clearly described there.
  • Store-bought yogurt. The main condition: it should not contain any additives of fruit, berry, chocolate, vanilla, etc. Look for a product with a name like "Classic" or "Natural" - there are such yoghurts in the series "Activia", "Danissimo" and others from the manufacturer "Danone".
  • Cooking yogurt in a slow cooker: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

    And now we present you a master class with step by step photos, from which you will learn how to make yoghurt in the Vitesse VS-525 multicooker. There is no special program for yoghurt, but it has a universal heating function.


    Cooking. In this case, store-bought yogurt "Activia" will act as a sourdough. Put it in a wide bowl, pour milk there (it can be directly from the refrigerator) and stir the mass with a broom until the yogurt is completely dissolved in the milk.

    Now you just need to pour the milk into clean glass jars or glasses. Choose a cookware large enough to fit into the multicooker bowl. In any case, the capacity of the jars should not exceed 0.5 liters.

    Pour some room temperature water into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Cover each jar on top with cling film (it is better to take a film for microwave ovens). Place them in a multicooker and cover the pan with a lid. If you have a lid with a valve (it is on multicooker that can cook under pressure), then you do not need to install it in a sealed position, and you can even completely remove it.

    Connect the multicooker to the mains and put it in the "Heating" mode. Now you just need to wait until the yogurt is ready. This will happen in about 4-6 hours. You can periodically remove the lid during the cooking process and see if it has reached the desired condition. Remove the jar of yogurt from the multicooker and tilt it slightly to one side: the finished yogurt will not flow out of it, as it will acquire a jelly-like consistency. If the contents of the jar remain liquid, then put it back in the multicooker - let it keep heating up. At the end of cooking, the yoghurt is removed from the multicooker, allowed to cool and placed in the refrigerator. In principle, you can eat it right away, but it tastes better when cold. When serving, add fresh, frozen or canned berries, pieces of fruit, top with jam syrup or chocolate sauce.

    In the same way, you can prepare yoghurt in other models of the Vitesse multicooker, as well as in the Redmond, Polaris, Orion, Supra, Mulinex and all the others.

    The yogurt recipe that we have offered you here has been tested from personal experience. So you should definitely succeed. Finally, we will give some more tips and tricks:

  • jars of milk and sourdough must be covered with cling film before installing in a multicooker - do not miss this moment. The fact is that during the heating process, condensate will accumulate under the lid of the multicooker, and it is undesirable for it to get into the containers with yogurt;
  • ferment yogurt right in the bowl from which you will eat it later. If you transfer it - for example, from a jar to a bowl - then it will simply break and outwardly look like sour kefir. This is completely normal - it just has such a delicate texture. So don’t worry and don’t think that the problem is the quality of milk or sourdough. But even with an unsightly appearance it will remain unrealistically delicious. And the problem of lumps can be solved, in the end, by whipping the "broken" yogurt with a broom or a mixer at low speed;
  • when adding fruit puree or berry mass to ready-made yogurt, keep in mind that its consistency will become more liquid.
  • PS: If this master class turned out to be useful for you, you can say "thank you" to its author by writing a comment or clicking the button of your favorite social network under the publication.

    Yogurt is a very healthy delicacy that is used to normalize the intestinal microflora and the digestive system. But not all products sold in the store have the desired effect. It is much more beneficial to prepare yogurt in a multicooker without jars or other special forms.

    Homemade treat is not only a source of protein and calcium, but also guaranteed useful product, in which there are no chemical dyes and flavors. It cannot be compared with a production analogue, the differences will be so significant.

    Cooking features

    For its manufacture, it is allowed to use different means and methods. Some people use special yogurt makers, but the quickest way to make yogurt at home is in a slow cooker.

    As in any production in the manufacture of yoghurt has its own nuances. First of all, unsterilized milk is used. But the dishes must be processed properly. As a container, you can use special containers or ordinary cups.

    The choice is up to the hostess.

    The density directly depends on the size. You can prepare yogurt in a multicooker in a bowl without cans. The smaller the volume of the bowl, the thicker the finished version is.

    Get saturated creamy taste you can add quality cream. The quality of the product directly depends on the fat content of the milk. If fruits are supposed to be used, then they are added after the preparation of the milk dessert.

    The finished product is stored for no more than three days in the refrigerator.

    Most experts recommend using your own product for subsequent preparation. If whey forms on the surface, this is a good sign. This means that the entire technology has been followed correctly. But the liquid consistency, on the contrary, indicates a low fat content of milk or a weak leaven.

    How to choose milk and sourdough?

    Yogurt at home in a multicooker is prepared using the correct milk. The manufacturer does not matter. It is better to give preference to unsterilized, followed by boiling.

    For a thick product, milk with high fat content is used, for a light one - skim milk.

    Practice has shown that milk with different shelf life is fermented equally well. But the consistency and taste of products made from a natural product is much softer and more delicate.

    Used as starter cultures different materials, for example, natural starter culture or dry enzymes, which are sold in pharmacies. You can even use a previously prepared product, however, it is used only a few times, then the quality is lost.

    Examples of recipes

    If you want to make yogurt in a multicooker without jars, you should know basic recipe... Milk and leaven are used for it. The milk warmed up to 40 degrees is combined with the sourdough and mixes well. Then it is poured into cups, which are installed in a multicooker with warm water.

    The device turns on to the appropriate mode. If not, turn on the heating for 20 minutes. After waiting for an hour, repeat the operation. It is optimal to leave the mixture in the device for 6-10 hours.

    Yogurt in a multicooker without jars can be prepared with different flavors. A very interesting product is obtained with the addition of rose petal jam or with apples and cinnamon. The option can be selected according to personal tastes.

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    If you doubt the benefits of store-bought yoghurts, but you have a slow cooker at home, consider the question healthy eating resolved. Homemade yogurt is delicious and doesn't require any special ingredients. And you can make it with different fillings: with fruits, jam, cereals ... No preservatives, thickeners and stabilizers - there will always be a natural product on your table and in any quantity!

    What do you need?
    Let's prepare the ingredients and utensils for the yogurt.
    Leaven. For the starter culture, we will use "live" (that is, with live lactobacilli) yogurt without additives. Natural yoghurts such as Imunele, Activia can be found in the nearest supermarket. One can is enough, but if you want a thicker consistency home product, use two packs.

    Of course, there are packaged or bottled starter cultures with lactobacilli, but such starter cultures are obtained from a specialty health food store, a good pharmacy, and even over the Internet. Therefore, we use simpler methods.

    Milk. You will need a liter of sterilized (pasteurized) milk, preferably high fat. This is explained by the fact that the taste of yoghurt from skim milk will not turn out bright and saturated. By the way, you can use and baked milk- it will turn out very delicate cream without sourness.

    Yogurt dishes. If you have no idea yet, we recommend pouring the yoghurt mixture into 200 ml jars with lids. You can buy them, or you can take cans from under baby food... The main thing is that they are clean and dry.

    On a note
    Before you start experimenting with yogurt, here are some tips.

    • You can set aside the starter culture as well as the finished yogurt, store it in the refrigerator and use it the next time you decide to make yogurt.
    • Pay special attention to the recommendations for maintaining the optimal temperature during cooking if you want to keep your homework healthy. Lactic acid organisms die in an environment with very high temperatures.
    • Observe the yoghurt preparation times. For example, if you leave the mixture overnight, the next morning you may see the whey and curd that have come off instead of the creamy you want.
    • Homemade yogurt does not last more than five days, so during this time it is better to sell everything cooked. However, thanks to the excellent taste, this is unlikely to be difficult. You can also use yogurt in homemade baked goods.
    Basic recipe
    Heat the milk to a temperature of 40 degrees. Checking the temperature with a kitchen thermometer is ideal, but if not, just drop a drop of milk on your wrist. Milk should be moderately warm, not scalding.

    Take a bowl, pour 6 tablespoons of milk from a saucepan, add yogurt to the same bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. You now have an unconcentrated starter culture. Mix it with the bulk of the milk.

    Pour water into the multicooker so that the water reaches the middle of the height of the cookware you are using. Turn on the brewing mode for a couple of minutes. Make sure the water is warm but not hot (if so, cool it a little).

    Line the bottom of the multicooker with baking parchment or a clean cotton cloth, such as a napkin or tea towel. Fill the jars with yogurt, cover them with lids (do not screw) or in pieces cling film, foil. This protects the product from condensation drops. Place the cans inside the multicooker, lower the lid of the unit and set the "heating" mode for half an hour. After this time, leave the yoghurt in a closed apparatus for eight hours. After that, the yogurt will be completely ready and you can put it in the refrigerator.

    "Variation on a theme": with boiled milk
    This method is suitable for you if your multicooker has a "yogurt" mode and if your milk is not sterilized.

    • Boil the milk and cool slightly so that it is pleasantly warm, then strain through a sieve directly into the multicooker bowl. Add the starter and stir well with a silicone spatula or spoon.
    • Close the multicooker with a lid, select the "yoghurt" mode and set the time from 6.5 to 7 hours.
    • After the specified time has elapsed, remove the bowl and let the contents cool down without covering the dishes.
    • Once the yogurt has cooled naturally, refrigerate it for 6 hours.
    If you prefer, put 3 tablespoons of yogurt in a sterilized jar with a lid and refrigerate as a starter until next time.

    Cooking for those with a sweet tooth!
    Chilled yogurt is tasty and healthy on its own, but of course you can add any toppings you like. For example, before pouring yogurt into jars, place a couple of tablespoons of fruit jam or a spoonful of fresh berries on the bottom of each jar. The fillers will not affect the fermentation process or the taste of the yoghurt mass in any way.

    Prepare original low calorie dessert in a glass bowl. Put two tablespoons of yogurt in it, then finely chopped fruits or berries - and so alternate layers to the edge of the bowl. Sprinkle with crushed nuts and honey.

    Yoghurt is great dietary product... It contains light milk proteins, vitamins A and D. In addition, minerals - calcium and phosphorus - are perfectly absorbed by the body. Try making this healthy treat at home - you and your family will love it!

    It significantly improves the intestinal bacterial microflora, thereby facilitating the digestion of food, and stimulates the immune system.

    To prepare it, you need to "settle" in two microorganisms - L. bulgaricus and S. thermophylus - and create them best conditions for reproduction and fermentation of milk in a closed container: temperature + 40 ° C for four to eight hours.

    Ideal for the role of an "incubator" for the maturation of this product: many machines initially have a special mode "Yogurt" or the "Multi-cook" function, which maintains the desired temperature for a given time. In any case, all models have a "Heating" program, which will help to ensure the required temperature conditions.

    Yogurt in a slow cooker - a recipe with a photo

    Despite the simplicity of the task - just ferment milk - the process must be prepared and carried out according to certain rules:

    • To obtain a dietary, maximally useful product, you should use ready-made natural yogurt without additives and preservatives as a starter, or dry preparations for making yogurt, which are available in the pharmacy chain and health food stores.
    • Milk from private households, like pasteurized store milk, must be boiled before use. As a result, not only possible pathogenic microorganisms die, but also those lactic acid bacteria that also ferment milk, but do not produce yogurt, are eliminated. In such pre-boiled milk, the sourdough will have no competitors and yogurt will definitely work out.
    • In addition to sourdough, neither, nor, nor should be added to milk, so as not to damage the process. All kinds of useful additions will decorate the product after the final ripening.
    • All utensils used for making and storing yoghurt must be thoroughly washed and dried.
    • If, despite proper preparation, the dairy-starter mixture is still curdled, you can use it to make pancakes, or by holding it in the multicooker for an additional time, then drain the resulting curd.
    • Received homemade yogurt can be further used as its own starter for new portions of the product, however, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three days.

    The general recipe for making yogurt in a slow cooker at home is as follows:

    • A liter of milk. The thickest and most dense yogurt is obtained from fatty milk. Low-fat is most often formed into a liquid drinkable product. To make it thicker, you can maintain the dosage of the starter culture, but reduce the amount of milk by taking 600-800 ml instead of a liter.
    • 125-150 ml of ready-made natural yoghurt without additives and preservatives or a portion of dry starter culture.


    • Boil milk and cool it to 40 ° C.
    • Add starter culture to milk: a standard glass of ready-made yogurt or a portion of dry starter culture previously mixed in a small amount of milk.
    • Stir the future yogurt well and pour the mixture into the cooking container or, depending on the multicooker model, into special yogurt cups-containers.
    • Set the “Yogurt” mode or set the “Multipovar” program for a time of 8 hours and a temperature of 40º. If the multicooker does not have such modes, you can put containers with future yoghurt in the cooking bowl, on the bottom of which water is poured, and use the "Heating", but this function will need to be additionally monitored: turn on the "Heating" every hour for only 15 minutes.
    • The typical cooking time according to the instructions is up to 8 hours, but yoghurt often forms faster. You can taste the product for the first time 4 hours after loading the mixture into the multicooker.
    • The finished yogurt in portioned containers is placed in the refrigerator for two to three hours until final ripening.
    • The resulting product is complemented by tasty and healthy additives - vitamin ( fresh berries, fruit and), rich in cleansing (and), energy-supplying (natural and grated).

    How is yogurt prepared by multicooker brands of leading brands?

    Yogurt according to this recipe can be prepared in any model of multicooker from Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris, Moulinex and other brands. Each of them has specific features of the modes.

    So Asian kitchen appliances " Panasonic» (« Panasonic") Do not have the" Yogurt "and" Multipovar "modes. Therefore, fermentation of the yoghurt mixture will require fractional " Heating". Jars with the future product are placed in the cooking bowl, they are not tightly covered with lids, water is poured to at least three quarters of the height of the cans, the lid of the multicooker is closed, the "Heating" is set and it is turned off after 15 minutes, since full program designed for temperatures well above 40 degrees. An hour later, the 15-minute "Warm-up" is repeated and this mode is continued for at least 4 hours.

    Some models of domestic devices " Redmond» (« Redmond") Are equipped with the" Multicook", Which during the preparation of yoghurt should work up to 8 hours, maintaining the temperature of 40 degrees. If this function is not available, use, in the same way as in the Panasonic devices, the program Heating».

    Multicooker international company " Polaris» (« Polaris") Have the mode" Yogurt”, And many models are equipped with cups for this product, so this technique takes care of the future yoghurt.

    In devices of the international brand " Moulinex» (« Moulinex") The program" Multicook»Set at forty-degree temperature and time for 7 hours. After this period has elapsed, the device must be turned off immediately, since "Moulinex" after the end of the program will automatically switch to "Heating" up to 75 degrees.

    Multicooker international concern " Phillips» (« Philips") Are supplied with the program" Yogurt", So it is especially easy to cook this product in them.

    "Kiselo mlyako" in dietary nutrition

    Yoghurt, properly prepared from low-fat milk in a multi-cooker "incubator", is a quality-assured product that fits perfectly into yoghurt slimming diets. In such diets, this fermented milk product consumed three times a day along with fresh, fruit and very moderate portions of low-fat. The result of such a diet is not only weight loss, but also strengthening of the immune system, healthier skin, hair and nails.

    V health food yogurt replaces milk in case of intolerance (milk sugar), since it is this component that processes and breaks down the duo of bacteria of the yoghurt starter culture.

    How to make yogurt in a slow cooker - video

    The presented video material demonstrates a simple variant of yoghurt production in a multicooker "Polaris". At the same time, ready-made natural yogurt without additives was used as a starter culture, and the preliminary boiling of milk was carried out in a multicooker on the "Milk porridge" mode. Product readiness reached earlier than the standard eight hour time frame.

    The multicooker provides an optimal mode of yoghurt ripening from a mixture of milk and sourdough. The resulting product strengthens the immune system, improves the digestive tract and is an important component of effective weight loss diets.

    Do you cook yogurt in a slow cooker? Which leaven do you prefer to use - ready-made natural yoghurt or a dry preparation? What do you think is the best addition to a "multicooker" yogurt? Share your culinary experience and taste experience with us at